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The Micah Hanks Program

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Aug 29, 2023 • 58min

Aerial Threats Over the United States: NASA's Latest UFO Sightings | MHP 08.29.23.

American pilots' recent UFO sightings include strange objects they couldn't identify, highlighting aerial threats over the United States. The sightings, logged by NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System, include oblong white fast-moving objects and mysterious craft flying without transponders. The podcast discusses the need for politicians to take UAP sightings seriously, analyzes NASA's UAP files, and explores the role of pilot encounters in shaping the UAP dialogue. It also explores aviation safety, prevention, and recent UFO sightings reported to NASA.
Aug 22, 2023 • 1h 1min

Watchers: Surveillance, UAP Secrecy, & the MH370 Enigma | MHP 08.22.23.

As a bipartisan group within Congress is pushing for the establishment of a new select committee on UAP, information presented within classified hearings on the enduring enigma continues to be withheld from the American public. So who are the operators behind UAP, and do they represent foreign adversaries like China and Russia, or do some of the less easily explainable reports point to a far more complex phenomenon?  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we examine issues related to UAP secrecy and U.S. surveillance technologies, along with an analysis of what U.S. officials have recently had to say about the mysterious objects, as well as questions regarding alleged crash retrieval programs, and much more.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Legendary Writer and Show Host Lee Speigel Passes  Russian Spacecraft Crash Ends Country’s “Last Hope” to Revive Its Lunar Program, Raises Questions  Ötzi the Iceman’s true appearance revealed by new DNA analysis Reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a national security imperative UAP: Bipartisan House group pushes for select committee, classified hearings into UFOs Fact Check: Do Videos Show MH370 Boeing 'Teleported' Away by UFOs?  The MH370 video is CGI - Analysis on Reddit WashPo: Sixty Years of Missing Planes  Airline Close Calls Happen Far More Often Than Previously Known BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Aug 15, 2023 • 1h 4min

Antigravity: Zero Point and the Classified World of UAP Technology | MHP 08.15.23.

For decades, rumors involving secret research efforts to find a means of opposing gravity have hinted at efforts by the United States and other world governments to achieve antigravity technology. Is antigravity possible, and could it be that the U.S. or some other world power may already have this technology in its possession? More importantly, could successful experiments with antigravity technology even potentially explain some UAP sightings from over the decades?  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we go in search of the truth about the classified world of antigravity, the DoD's efforts to make this science-fiction technology a reality, and a possible resolution to the mysterious disappearance of one of the world's most promising antigravity research scientists.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Death toll rises in Hawaii, making it the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history LIST: Help Maui Fire Victims: Here's Where You Can Donate   Revealing 33 years of UFOs over Catalonia  The Struggles of a Whistleblower: Separating Fact From Fiction in the Latest UAP Revelations Chinese Military Says It’s Figured Out How to Build Laser Weapons That Can Fire Indefinitely  Breakdown of Standard Gravity Reported in New Study Defies Newton’s Law of Gravitation & Relativity  ANTIGRAVITY: The Truth Is The Military Has Been Researching "Anti-Gravity" For Nearly 70 Years Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research Obituary | Ning Li of Madison, Alabama | Berryhill Funeral Home & Crematory Solving The Mystery Of Huntsville’s Brilliant Anti-gravity Scientist BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Aug 9, 2023 • 1h 13min

Non-Human Intelligence: UAP, Humanoids, & Flying Saucer Folklore | MHP 08.08.23.

What would a form of exotic non-human intelligence potentially look like, and how might it behave? Would it be anything like us, or would it be impossible to speculate what a potential encounter with non-human intelligence might be like? Lastly, if UAP are truly of exotic origin, do alleged reports involving sightings of their operators offer any potential insights?  Following a recent series of whistleblower revelations involving the alleged recovery of craft of non-human origin, as well as recent legislative language that includes provisions aiming to disclose information related to such claims, this week on The Micah Hanks Program we delve into UFO folklore in search of whether credible reports exist of humanoid operators, and other alleged examples of non-human intelligence.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Powerful sun storm knocks out radio transmissions across North America Australian Space Agency Confirms Fireball Seen Over Melbourne Was Russian Rocket Reentry Nasa asteroid strike unleashes boulder storm ‘as deadly as Hiroshima’  A snake fell from the sky onto a woman in Silsbee, Texas, while she mowed her lawn Chinese Fossil Represents Unknown Hominin Species Ancient Remains Could Challenge Everything We Know About Human Evolution NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE Encountering Aliens: The Speculative Science of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Physiology and Tech The Villa Santina Case (two humanoids encountered by Italian artist)  The Humanoids (Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review) BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jul 31, 2023 • 1h 9min

The 2023 Congressional Hearing on UAP | MHP 07.31.23.

Last Wednesday, lawmakers convened for a widely-anticipated hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) featuring testimony from witnesses that included former Navy pilots Commander Dave Fravor and Ryan Graves, and recent UAP whistleblower David Grush. In this installment of The Micah Hanks Program, we provide an analysis of last week's hearing, and the explosive statements the former military witnesses provided under oath to members of Congress about the U.S. federal government's involvement with UAP, as well as  bombshell claims about the alleged coverup of a UAP crash wreckage retrieval program.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Record heat wave in Phoenix could end with a bang Mystery Leprosy Case in Texas World's oldest man dies at 127 Why do some people get cancer, while others don't? Scientists have one 'revolutionary' explanation How Humans Will Become Multi-Planetary Species UAP HEARING: UFO hearing key takeaways: cover-up claims and Pentagon denials Whistleblowers Testify Under Oath About "Craft of Non-Human Origin" and Military Encounters with UAP Congressman Provides Account of Military UAP Image That He Says Matches No “Human Capability” The Congressional Hearing on UAP: What We Learned From Yesterday's Testimony  Director of Pentagon's UAP Investigations Challenges Claims Made in Recent UAP Hearing  Independent Research and Development  BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jul 25, 2023 • 1h 16min

Crashes, Casualties, and Cover-Ups: Assessing the UAP Whistleblower Claims | MHP 07.25.23.

As the latest round of Congressional hearings on UAP approaches, many questions remain about the claims of whistleblower David Grusch, and the information he says he was provided by intelligence officials about crashed vehicles of non-human origin, the bodies of UAP pilots, and even human casualties associated with UAP incidents.  This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we take a balanced look at historical cases involving UAP crashes, UAP incidents that led to deaths and disappearances, and alleged observations of non-human remains belonging to UAP pilots that have circulated over the years, which may help provide context for Grusch's core claims in advance of this week's Congressional hearing where he and former U.S. Navy pilots David Fravor and Ryan Graves will appear as witnesses.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS Emergency Rooms Swamped as Record Heat Above 100F Wilts US South  Authorities call off Berlin lioness alarm, saying they've found no evidence of a predator Here’s What Asteroid Sample Recovery Will Look Like – OSIRIS-REx Mission The story behind Barbenheimer, the summer’s most online movie showdown  Pentagon Official Warns of Threat of Extraterrestrial “Technical Surprise” as UAP Hearing Approaches  Spaceship of Fools - Art Levine (Washington Spectator) Deaths Associated with UFO Sightings Thomas Mantell, January 7, 1948  Carl Hunrath and Wilber Wilkinson (November 10, 1953) The Kinross Incident, November 23, 1953 F-86 Incident, Early 1957 (Just Cause Newsletter, No.1, Page 5) Cuban Jet Incident, March 1967 Frederick Valentich, October 21, 1978 Alleged UAP Crashes  The Coyame Incident, 1974  Aurora, Texas UFO incident, 1897 Roswell New Mexico UFO Incident, 1947 Aztec UFO Crash, March 25, 1948 Kecksburg UFO incident, Dec 9, 1965 Shag Harbour UFO incident, 4 October 1967 BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jul 18, 2023 • 1h 19min

The UAP Disclosure Act: The Senate's Fight for UFO Transparency | MHP 07.17.23.

In a historic new bipartisan measure led by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer of New York, government records on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) may soon be required to be released to the public, in what has proven to be the latest and most significant push for UAP transparency by lawmakers. This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we look at what has been presented in draft language as "The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023," and the incredible measures it is calling for, which include the release of records pertaining to the collection of exotic UAP craft, biological representations of non-human intelligence, and much more. The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Northrop Grumman's B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Celebrates Three Decades of Air Dominance What were the mysterious banging noises heard during the search for the missing Titanic sub? Life on Mars? Discovery at Jezero Crater Reveals Promising Evidence for Organic Molecules Meet the little-known cable TV network that’s cashing in on renewed interest in UFOs  Multiple UAPs Reported On FAA’s Internal Hotline In Just A Week  THE UAP DISCLOSURE ACT: Bipartisan Measure Aims to Force Release of U.F.O. Records  The ‘UAP Disclosure Act of 2023’: Chuck Schumer and the Senate’s New Push for UAP Transparency  Senate Press Release on Legislation Draft Language of the Bill  HISTORY: Suit Seeks to Lift Secrecy Veil From Agency's UFO Documents Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (Archived from Wikipedia)  NSA CAUS Affadavit BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jul 11, 2023 • 57min

Soviet USO Encounters: The Quacker Mystery and Unidentified Acoustic Phenomena | MHP 07.11.23.

For centuries, unusual sounds have been reported throughout the world. From the quaking "Ton der Dove-Bai" reported in Greenland to the mysterious "Bloop" recorded by NOAA in the 1990s, odd sounds of unexplained origin have captured our imagination and hinted at phenomena in our world that continue to evade us in modern times.  Arguably, one of the strangest unexplained acoustic phenomena ever reported involves the mysterious "Quackers" encountered by Soviet submarine crews during the Cold War. Did these deep sea anomalies represent Soviet USO encounters, mysterious deep-sea animals, an experimental U.S. technology, or something else entirely? This week, we go in search of answers to these questions on The Micah Hanks Program. The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Brutal heat maintains grip on the Southwest  Defining the Anthropocene: Radioactive traces in ocean materials mark start of the modern age  North Korea warns it may shoot down US spy planes violating its airspace A record share of Americans is living alone | The Hill  STRANGE SOUNDS: What is the bloop? THE QUACKERS: Ghosts from the Bottom of the Sea (Russian Language) UFO: Croaking in the Ocean (Russian Language) BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jul 5, 2023 • 1h 2min

Italy's Fascist UFO Files: Crashes, Coverups, and the RS/33 Cabinet | MHP 07.04.23.

In 1996, a strange series of documents were delivered to several Italian media outlets and UFO researchers, purporting to reveal the existence of a secretive investigative committee that looked into sightings of unconventional aerial vehicles during the 1930s and 40s. Called RS/33 Cabinet, the alleged UFO study group was purportedly led by Guglielmo Marconi under the direction of Italy's fascist regime under Benito Mussolini.  Recently, the claims involving an alleged UFO crash that occurred in 1933 near Magenta, Italy, have received renewed scrutiny after they were cited amidst claims of a UAP coverup by whistleblower David Grusch. This week, we examine the strange history of Italy's Fascist UFO files and their relationship to the modern UFO crash wreckage retrieval debate on The Micah Hanks Program.  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Twitter chaos leaves door open for Meta's rival app  Extreme Pride in Being American Remains Near Record Low  Scientists use Exotic Stars to Tune into Hum from Cosmic Symphony  Controversial Study Reveals Humankind’s Earliest Ancestors Coexisted with Dinosaurs  EXCLUSIVE: Gillibrand scheduling hearings with UAP whistleblower David Grusch  ITALIAN UFO FILES: Italian researcher shares files of secret 'first' UFO crash in Italy New Documents 'Will Revolutionize UFOlogy'! (UFO Cover-Up By Mussolini)  Roberto Pinotti’s own account (via The Black Vault)  Pinotti OpenMinds Interview, 2012 Mussolini's UFO - Cabinet RS/33 - Pepijn van Erp BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at
Jun 27, 2023 • 1h 9min

Giant UFOs on Radar: UAP, Whistleblowers, and the Stephenville Enigma | MHP 06.26.23.

In 2008, one or more massive unidentified flying objects were observed moving erratically through the evening skies over Stephenville, Texas. Among the many witnesses were several law enforcement officers who said they observed the giant UFOs, although it was the radar data later obtained from the FAA that seemingly proved there had been such objects in the area, one which flew over the ranch home of then-President George W. Bush. This week, Robert Powell, an executive board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies and the researcher who obtained the radar data on the Stephenville UAP incident, joins us to discuss this landmark case involving giant UFOs, along with recent happenings in Washington, the revelations of UAP whistleblower David Grusch, and much more on The Micah Hanks Program.  This episode is sponsored by AG1 by Athletic Greens. Learn how you can get the all-natural benefits from AG1 by heading over to  The story doesn't end here... become an X Subscriber and get access to even more weekly content and monthly specials. Want to advertise/sponsor The Micah Hanks Program? We have partnered with the fine folks at Gumball to handle our advertising/sponsorship requests. If you would like to advertise with The Micah Hanks Program, all you have to do is click the link below to get started: Gumball: Advertise with The Micah Hanks Program Show Notes Below are links to stories and other content featured in this episode: NEWS: Titan sub implosion: US Coast guard launches investigation into disaster - BBC News  With Wagner’s Future in Doubt, Ukraine Could Capitalize on Chaos CIA Director: “Be very careful around open windows.”  Senate bill: Holders of "non-earth origin or exotic UAP material" have six months to deliver it to AARO  BECOME AN X SUBSCRIBER AND GET EVEN MORE GREAT PODCASTS AND MONTHLY SPECIALS FROM MICAH HANKS. Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalog of The Micah Hanks Program, as well as “classic” episodes of The Gralien Report Podcast, weekly “additional editions” of the subscriber-only X Podcast, the monthly Enigmas specials, and much more. Like us on Facebook Follow @MicahHanks on Twitter Keep up with Micah and his work at

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