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Thinking Health Podcast

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Aug 23, 2022 • 1h 3min

S2E21: Dr. Dale Bredesen - How to Prevent and Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Dale Bredesen earned his MD from Duke University Medical Center and served as Chief Resident in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), before joining Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner’s laboratory at UCSF as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow. He held faculty positions at UCSF, UCLA, and the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Bredesen also directed the Program on Aging at the Burnham Institute before joining the Buck Institute in 1998 as founding President and CEO.   He’s also the author of three books, The End of Alzheimer’s, The End of Alzheimer’s Program, and The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s, and his research explores previously uncharted territory in explaining the physical mechanism behind the erosion of memory seen in Alzheimer’s disease, which has opened the door to new treatments.   In this episode, Dr. Bredesen discusses the latest updates in Alzheimer’s research, how inflammation, your genes, and your lifestyle play a role in developing Alzheimer’s, the importance of undergoing a cognoscopy, and more.   Dr. Bredesen also shares what to do if you test positive for Alzheimer’s genes, how to prevent Alzheimer’s, ketosis for Alzheimer’s treatment and prevention, and other ways you can reduce your risks.   Here’s a peek at what’s in store in this episode: 03:50 What’s going on with the latest shake up in Alzheimer’s research? 09:48 The possible root causes of Alzheimer’s 11:54 How inflammation plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases  14:41 Is Alzheimer’s affected more by your genes or your lifestyle? 16:26 How to tell if you are at risk for developing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s 17:25 The importance of going for a cognoscopy 19:17 Are more people carrying genes for Alzheimer’s now compared to 100 years ago? 23:00 What happens if you do test positive for Alzheimer’s genes? 29:26 How your exposure to microorganisms contributes to how you’ll fare 33:27 Is there an amount of exposure that is hormetic and offers a benefit or is it all degenerative? 36:07 Using ketosis for Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment 38:11 What ketones provide that make them so beneficial for Alzheimer’s treatment 41:15 Is there a specific degree of ketosis that needs to be met to reach these therapeutic benefits? 43:48 Reducing inflammation and the role glutathione plays here 45:52 Dr. Bredesen’s PreCODE and ReCODE programs 51:31 Is there a point in Alzheimer’s treatment where it’s too late to reverse the damage? 54:32 The four stages of Alzheimer’s and the financial impact of each 57:21 Improving brain fog and cognitive performance 01:00:03 Dr. Bredesen’s books and programs   Resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. Dale Bredesen’s website Dr. Bredesen’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Dr. Bredesen’s books, The End of Alzheimer’s, The End of Alzheimer’s Program, and The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s Cognoscopy Dr. Bredesen’s PreCODE and ReCODE programs
Aug 16, 2022 • 1h 6min

S2E20: Mark “Mr. Noots” Effinger - Nootropics, Improving Brain Health and Performance, and Reprogramming Your Operating System

Known as “Mr. Noots”, Mark Effinger is a serial entrepreneur who has launched startups (he’s up to 19 so far) in both the tech and health sciences fields. He’s also a master nootropic formulator, a brain and hormone optimizer, and an incredible product developer, all of which you’ll learn more about in this episode.   You’ll also discover exactly what nootropics are, how Mark’s Nootopia nootropics differ from most, why it took a few thousand prototypes to get right, and how to best use nootropics to improve your performance, mood, and more.   Mark also shares how he stacks his brain-boosting supplements, whether or not they’re safe to use, and if these have any research in supporting Alzheimer’s and Dementia symptoms.   Here’s a quick breakdown of the episode: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:28 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Mark Effinger 02:47 How Mark got the name “Mr. Noots”   10:26 What exactly is a nootropic? 17:10 Mark’s personal favorites when it comes to ingredients, why he chooses to use them, and how he stacks them 22:16 How this affects the cell wall 24:23 How nootropics are helping addicts recover better and stay sober  29:21 What’s the difference between cholines, should you stack them or prioritize certain ones, and what happens when you take too much of them? 36:23 Why is there such a bad stigma attached to nootropics and are they really safe? 46:15 Is there a combination of nootropics that supports Alzheimer’s and Dementia symptoms? 54:44 Reprogramming your operating system Mentioned in This Episode  Mark Effinger’s website Mark Effinger’s Facebook and Twitter Mark Effinger’s Medium and Quora profiles Mark’s SoundCloud work Mark’s Nootopia products Nootopia Brain on Facebook
Jul 7, 2022 • 33min

S2E19: Chris Irvin (Q&A #4) - Overnight Blood Sugar Trends, Women Lifting on Keto, Reversing Insulin Resistance, Bulking on Keto, IF for Women, and More

Chris Irvin, The Ketologist and Head of Education at Perfect Keto, is an author and nutrition science researcher with a strong focus on the ketogenic diet. He holds a Master’s degree in exercise and nutrition science and has spent his time in graduate school studying the ketogenic diet for performance and therapeutic applications.   In this episode, Chris answers commonly asked questions surrounding topics like: what do overnight blood sugar trends look like?, what happens when women lift weights on keto?, pregnancy and keto, reversing insulin resistance, and more.   Chris also dives into consuming a high protein intake, intermittent fasting for women, and how to bulk on keto.   Here’s a peek at the order and overview of the topics Chris covers in this episode: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Brief overview of this episode’s Q&A style 01:16 What should your blood sugar trend look like overnight when tracking with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)? Plus a discussion on the Somogyi and Dawn Effects 06:17 How can I incorporate keto with stage 3 kidney disease when I can’t have  a high protein intake? 07:49 Women lifting weights on keto -- do they mesh or am I chasing something impossible? 10:57 Pregnancy and keto 14:07 Must-have supplements on keto and is it advisable to consume essential amino acids during a fast? 17:55 Is it possible to eat more protein than your body is able to handle in one sitting? Is there an upper limit to protein intake per meal? 20:02 Best foods for bulking on keto plus general tips 22:52 What are the best ways to reverse insulin resistance? 28:28 Is intermittent fasting okay for women? Plus important tips to keep in mind   Resources mentioned in this episode:  Chris Irvin’s website Chris Irvin’s Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook S2E2: Dr. Stephanie Estima - Optimizing Your Diet and More Around Your Monthly Cycle S1E17: Dr. Carrie Jones - Balancing Hormones for Better Health S1E9: Lily Nichols - Updating Pregnancy Nutrition Advice for Better Blood Sugar Management S1E3: Dr. Benjamin Bikman - How Insulin Resistance Wreaks Havoc on Health & What to Do to Fix This
Jul 6, 2022 • 1h 2min

S2E18: Temple Stewart - Keto for Women, PCOS, Infertility, Thyroid Health, And Unpacking Health at Every Size and Food Freedom

Temple Stewart, also known as The Ketogenic Nutritionist on Instagram and TikTok,  is a Registered Dietician, certified personal trainer and health behavior change specialist who also played D1 soccer at the University of Tennessee Martin, where she received her degree in Dietetics.   Temple comes on the show to discuss keto for women, using keto to treat PCOS and infertility, keto and thyroid health, and using keto throughout pregnancy.   Temple also shares her thoughts as a Registered Dietician on the health at every size and food freedom movements as well as some tips to help improve behavior change.   Here’s a peek at what’s in store in this episode: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Temple Stewart 02:20 Temple’s sports background and what it taught her 04:50 Temple’s professional background and her personal health journey 08:01 Was the goal to get Veterans off of their medication at the hospital where the Virta Health study took place? 11:22 What role does behavior change play? And how Temple uses this in her practice 13:59 What you can focus on to encourage behavior change 16:55 Why some people aren’t successful at reaching their health goals and what they can do to change this 21:10 How Temple found herself in the keto space as a Registered Dietician 24:00 Getting pregnant on keto and following the diet throughout pregnancy 32:36 What Temple focuses on throughout pregnancy 34:05 Keto diet and thyroid health: does keto wreck your thyroid? 39:37 Outside of overexercising and not eating enough calories, what’s another reason why someone would see a decrease in their thyroid hormones? 44:28 What Temple thinks of the “healthy at every size movement” 51:26 How Temple views the approach of Food Freedom 59:50 Health coaching and what that entails   Resources mentioned in this episode: Temple Stewart’s website Temple’s Instagram and TikTok The Keto Answers Podcast S1E3: Dr. Benjamin Bikman - How Insulin Resistance Wreaks Havoc on Health & What to Do to Fix This
Jun 25, 2022 • 1h 3min

S2E17: Dr. Latt Mansor - Using Exogenous Ketones to Boost Cognitive and Athletic Performance

Dr. Latt Mansor holds a PhD in Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics from the University of Oxford, where his research focused on the metabolism of the type 2 diabetic heart in hypoxia.   He also holds a Master’s from Columbia University and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Nottingham in Biotechnology. Dr. Mansor is also a world expert in physiology and metabolism and he consults with elite sport and military personnel as well as clinical and research organizations.   In this episode, Dr. Mansor and Chris Irvin discuss exogenous ketones in military applications, how ketones affect cognitive performance, whether or not they help sports performance, and more.   Dr. Mansor also shares the athletes that may benefit from using exogenous ketones, whether or not you need to be on a keto diet to use them, if they work for high-intensity exercises, and how they affect lactate clearance.    Here’s a breakdown of the episode so you can see what’s in store: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:30 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Dr. Latt Mansor 02:57 The exogenous ketone dose Dr. Manso and Chris take and when they use it 03:34 Dr. Mansor’s background and how he found himself studying exogenous ketones 14:52 Using exogenous ketones for military personnel in hypoxic environments (low oxygen) 18:28 The improvements that can happen when exogenous ketones are used in military applications 20:01 Should these soldiers go on a keto diet in addition to using exogenous ketones? 22:59 Glucose for anaerobic exercise explained 24:52 The importance of knowing what works for your body type 30:04 Do these positive results translate the same for endurance athletes and other athletes looking to improve performance? 36:56 Is there a muscle building component to exogenous ketones? 38:10 Ketones and inflammation 40:00 Are exogenous ketones safe to use when you eat carbs? What about for athletes?  42:40 Are exogenous ketones effective if you eat carbs with them? 45:26 Do exogenous ketones help with lactate clearance? 48:23 What do you see from a practical standpoint? Are athletes using exogenous ketones? 51:30 The type of athletes the could benefit from using exogenous ketones   Resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. Latt Mansor’s Instagram and Twitter HVMN Ketone-IQ (TM) Heart Health & Diabetes: How Diet & Hypoxia Affects Metabolic Flexibility ft. Dr. Latt Mansor
Jun 7, 2022 • 47min

S2E16: Dr. James DiNicolantonio - How Salt Intake Really Affects Blood Pressure, Using Electrolytes, The Best Salt to Use, and More

Dr. James DiNicolantonio, known as Dr. James DiNic for short, is a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri. He’s also the author of best-selling books, The Salt Fix and Superfuel and he’s contributed extensively to health policy and has even testified in front of the Canadian Senate regarding the harms of added sugars.     Dr. DiNicolantonio also serves as the Associate Editor of Nutrition and British Medical Journal’s (BMJ) Open Heart, a journal published in partnership with the British Cardiovascular Society, and he’s authored or coauthored roughly 200 publications in the medical literature.  He is also on the editorial advisory boards of several medical journals and he’s shared his expertise on The Dr. Oz Show, The Doctors, and international news media outlets.   Dr. James DiNic comes on the show to discuss whether a low-salt diet really improves blood pressure, what else you can do to combat or prevent high blood pressure, what happens when you switch to a low-salt diet, and more.   Dr. James DiNicolantonio also shares his journey and his aha moment, how to supplement with electrolytes, who they’re right for, and whether or not commercial sports drinks are really helping replenish electrolytes.   Here’s a peek at the topics Dr. DiNic and Chris Irvin, The Ketologist, get into: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Dr. James DiNicolantonio 01:27 A brief overview of the topics discussed in this episode 02:26 Dr. DiNicolantonio’s story and how he found himself in this space 03:24 Where Dr. DiNicolantonio’s aha moment came from 05:02 What made leading experts think salt was the problem? 07:01 What happens when you switch to a low salt diet to improve your blood pressure? 11:15 Does a lack of key minerals drive insulin resistance? And, if so, what can be done about it? 13:50 What you can do to get your blood pressure down 18:48 If you’re taking blood pressure meds, how can you safely switch to a higher salt intake? 22:07 Important heart health markers to look at 25:35 How sodium affects other blood markers 29:35 What’s the best way to track sodium levels? 31:35 What’s the best way to replenish your sodium levels? 33:42 How to time your salt intake around exercise 40:43 Are mainstream sports drinks a good way to rehydrate and add in electrolytes? 43:00 Using glycine instead of glucose for rehydration 45:18 What is the best type of sodium to use? Should you avoid table salt?   Resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. James DiNicolantonio’s website Dr. DiNicolantonio’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel Dr. DiNicolantonio’s books, The Salt Fix, The Immunity Fix, Superfuel, and The Longevity Solution Vivoo at-home urine test strips Diet Doctor resource Perfect Keto Electrolytes
May 31, 2022 • 1h 8min

S2E15: Robb Wolf - Is Meat Really Bad for Our Health and the Environment?

Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist, a two-time New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, and he’s helped transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world through his Healthy Rebellion community, his podcast, books, and seminars.   Robb has also been a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resiliency program. He also serves on the board of Directors/Advisors for Specialty Health Inc., The Chickasaw Nation’s “Unconquered Life” initiative, and a number of innovative startups with a focus on health and sustainability.   In this episode, Robb unpacks our food system and looks at it from an ethical, health, and environmental perspective to see if raising animals or growing plants for consumption is better for our health and our future.   Robb also shares the shocking food that’s really depleting our water supply, how we can’t raise humans without meat, how we’re destroying our top soil and what needs to be done about it, his experience going on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and so much more.   Here’s a peek at some of the topics Robb and Chris Irvin, The Ketologist, cover: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Introduction to this episode’s guest Robb Wolf  04:37 Robb’s health journey and how he went from being a research biochemist to studying animal agriculture 18:39 How the documentary Social Dilemma opened up Robb’s eyes even more to the problems social media creates and what he does about it 29:42 What are the real environmental issues that make people say meat is bad and we shouldn’t eat it? 33:25 How animal husbandry doesn’t deplete our water supply and what’s doing so at alarming rates  35:34 What about the methane emissions that come from animal husbandry? Isn’t that bad for our environment? 39:43 What our current agricultural approach gets wrong, how it impacts our environment, and what can be done about it 40:38 How we’re destroying our top soil at a remarkable rate, why this is a huge problem, and how we can fix it 46:19 What about the ethics side of the equation? How can you justify killing animals for food? 50:45 What a fascinating study in Sweden showed us about vegan diets 1:01:39 Robb’s experience on Joe Rogan’s podcast   Resources mentioned in this episode: Robb Wolf’s website Robb Wolf’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel Robb’s Substack  Robb’s book, Sacred Cow Robb’s documentary, Sacred Cow Robb’s other books, Wired to Eat, The Paleo Solution, and more Robb’s podcast The Healthy Rebellion Radio Robb’s electrolyte company LMNT Robb’s episode on The Joe Rogan Experience
May 17, 2022 • 35min

S2E14: Chris Irvin (Q&A #3) - Seeing Results in the Gym on Keto & Carnivore, What’s Considered Low-Carb, Metabolic Inflexibility, Kratom, and More

The Ketologist and Head of Education at Perfect Keto, Chris Irvin, is a nutrition science researcher and writer with a strong focus on the ketogenic diet. He holds a Master’s degree in exercise and nutrition science and has spent his time in graduate school studying the ketogenic diet for performance and therapeutic applications.   Chris sits down for a Q&A session where he answers questions on the following topics: how fast someone can see results in the gym on a keto or carnivore diet, what’s the maximum carb threshold that’s still considered low-carb, OMAD versus IF for weight loss, and more.   Chris also shares a resource for people experiencing reactive hypoglycemia, how someone can become metabolically inflexible, and his thoughts on Kratom and Kava. You’ll also learn more about what those are in this episode.   Here’s a breakdown of the topics that Chris discusses: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:30 Introduction to this episode’s Q&A theme 02:18 How long does it take to see results in the gym after switching to a keto or carnivore diet? 06:23 What’s the amount of carbs you can consume and still be considered low-carb? Is it under 100g? 09:41 OMAD versus IF and tips for weight loss 14:40 What to do if you have reactive hypoglycemia  17:03 How does someone become metabolically inflexible? 23:27 What are your thoughts on Kratom? Does it work? 26:01 Why Kratom used to be illegal in most of the US and how that’s changed 27:24 Why would someone turn to Kratom   Resources mentioned in this episode: Chris Irvin’s website Chris Irvin’s Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook Danielle Hamilton’s work on reactive hypoglycemia Hamilton Morris’ Kratom documentary, Hamilton's Pharmacopeia Grassroots Kava House in St. Petersburg, Florida
May 11, 2022 • 1h 18min

S2E13: Judy Cho - Using a Carnivore Diet to Heal and Reach Optimal Health

Judy Cho is a board-certified Holistic Nutritionist and certified Nutritional Therapist who uses a carnivore diet to help people uncover the root cause of their health problems so that they can achieve optimal health.   Judy holds a psychology and communications degree from the University of California, Berkeley and she’s the author of the best-selling book, The Carnivore Cure.   Judy comes on the show to discuss how going on the carnivore diet transformed her health, her parents’ health, and the health of her patients, why that is, what makes carnivore so effective, and who it might be right for.   Judy and Chris Irvin, The Ketologist, also dive into the real problem with statins and what can be done about it, how almond milk production is terrible for the environment, why governing bodies can’t be trusted when it comes to their nutrition advice, and so much more.   Here’s a peek at the topics Chris and Judy get into: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Judy Cho 01:53 Judy shares about her recent Meat-Up event and how it went   05:20 Judy’s background and how she went from being plant-based for years to switching to a carnivore diet 07:00 How Judy’s parents ended up switching to a carnivore diet too and what their results were after doing so 10:25 How long it took Judy’s dad to get off statins after switching to carnivore and what that looked like 16:00 How her mother’s diabetes changed since she switched to a carnivore diet 18:29 How continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are a powerful health tool that can be really empowering for people 22:25 Why Judy turned to carnivore after being plant-based for so long 28:33 What Judy noticed after making the switch 39:01 Opening up the conversation about trusting governing bodies with nutrition advice and pharmaceutical recommendations 44:29 What is it about the carnivore diet that makes it work so well? 45:17 Why gluten is a problem for everyone, not just those diagnosed with Celiac 47:48 Why removing plants may be necessary for some people to heal 51:28 How long does it take to see results on the carnivore diet? 55:45 Why are people adding fruit to their carnivore diets? Is this a good idea? 01:06:00 Doesn’t a carnivore diet destroy your thyroid? 01:09:02 How almond milk production is more harmful to our environment than meat production   Resources mentioned in this episode: Judy Cho’s website Judy Cho’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channel Judy’s book, The Carnivore Cure Judy’s podcast, Nutrition With Judy Judy’s other podcast, Cutting Against the Grain Judy’s one-on-one coaching program
May 4, 2022 • 55min

S2E12: Dr. Jaban Moore - How to Spot and Treat Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, and Chemical Toxicities

Dr. Jaban Moore, a doctor of chiropractic, was diagnosed with Lyme disease and has since dedicated his practice to helping others get to the root cause of their chronic illness.   Dr. Moore specializes in Lyme disease and co-infections, PANS/PANDAS, autism, heavy metals, parasites, gut health, mitochondrial support, and other viruses and pathogens.   In this episode, Dr. Moore and Chris Irvin, The Ketologist, discuss mold toxicity, Lyme disease, and chemical toxicities.   You’ll discover how to spot the signs and symptoms of mold in your house and in your body, how to treat both your environment and internal health, and more.   You’ll also learn all about Lyme disease, including where it comes from, the symptoms you may notice, and what you can do to treat it.    Dr. Moore also shares how PANS and PANDAS are related here, how Lyme is connected to rheumatoid arthritis, and what you can do to strengthen your immune system and health starting today.   Here’s a breakdown of the episode: 00:00 Introduction to the Keto Answers podcast 00:29 Introduction to this episode’s guest, Dr. Jaban Moore, and his background 02:13 Dr. Moore’s personal health journey 06:38 Everything you need to know about Lyme disease, including the cause of it, its symptoms, what you can do about it, and the connection with rheumatoid arthritis 18:30 What is the primary component of health - the strength of your immune system, your metabolic health, or a combination of both? 22:34 Dr. Moore’s approach to healing these chronic issues 34:30 What to do if mold is present in your environment 38:38 How can intermittent fasting help here? 41:47 Are there any natural remedies that can fix these issues? 43:40 Where you’ll likely find mold 46:35 Are certain house types more susceptible to growing mold? 48:01 Are PANS and PANDAS caused by mold toxicity?   Resources mentioned in this episode: Dr. Jaban Moore’s website Dr. Moore’s Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube channel Vibrant America DNA ConneXions Lyme Test Surviving Mold Great Plains Laboratory Mycotoxin Test Jeffrey Hurst Michael Rubino Dr. Moore’s recommendations for saunas, red light therapy, and more

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