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The Imagination

Latest episodes

Dec 29, 2023 • 2h 15min

S2E26 | “Jack Pendergrass - Whistleblower on How Maximus Inc, MK ULTRA & Family Court Intersect”

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show: Whistleblower and authority of all things Maximus Inc, loving father fighting the CPS / Family Court system, independent researcher and journalist, podcaster, man of God, and one of my best friends: Jack Pendergrass!If you aren’t familiar with Jack’s research or story, it began when his rights and custody as a father were stripped away from him through the corrupt Family Court system. That was the biggest mistake the child-for-profit mafia that runs Family Court made because it set Jack on a journey to understand how his innocence could have been so grossly ignored and how to fight for his daughter who hasn’t seen him in over a decade. And what the breadcrumbs of Jack’s research led to was a massive and nefarious company that largely puppeteers almost all government divisions and agencies in the US and that has been mining our data and running the world’s largest ‘legal’ child trafficking ring in the US and abroad. This company is called Maximus Inc. Jack’s research is extensive - spanning over a decade - and has brilliantly been able to piece together the history of child trafficking from biblical times leading up to the modern-day child trafficking systems we see today in satanic cults and secret societies, secret government-sponsored child slave programs such as MK ULTRA, and through ‘legal’ entities such as the Family Court and CPS. His research goes above and beyond the realms of where he began, and he is one of the few researchers I put my stamp of approval on. In a world of weakened men who stay conveniently silent, Jack has risen to become a protector of women and children across the world and has been one the biggest supporters and advocates of my own work and this podcast. He even chose this podcast to be the first podcast he ever did - which will be something I always honor and cherish. And ever since - he’s went on to do numerous other podcasts and his research just keeps expanding! Jack’s tireless efforts and research have made him one of the top experts in the world on Maximus Inc and one of my favorite things about him is his desire to serve. He’s not a survivor in the same way many are in this community, yet he is the first to stand up for any and all survivors, whistleblowers and parents like him that are fighting corruption in order to get justice. It is work like Jack’s that educate us on who is pulling the strings - getting us one step closer to full exposure of all that is hidden in the dark. If you missed any of Jack’s other episodes where he shares his personal testimony, the 101 of Maximus Inc, or his incredible break-down of corruption in the state of Tennessee - I’ll have his playlist in the show notes for you all to go check-out. Definitely highly recommend listening to every podcast Jack does! On today’s episode, we will be diving deeper into the rabbit hole of Maximus Inc including recent discoveries Jack has made tying child support to MK ULTRA and much more. Grab a pen and paper because we are all going to be learning a ton together today! RECOMMENDED RESOURCE FROM JACK: Beyond Dutroux ties to 1950s-era CIA covert operation: Plus: the mysterious "Dr. Green" identified ( WITH JACK: Twitter: (9) Maximus Disclosure (@NoogaJack) / X ( Telegram: Contact @MaximusDisclosure & Telegram: Contact @OfficialRikiLeakSupport the show
Dec 25, 2023 • 1h 37min

S4E25 | “Cheryl Beck - From ‘Expendable Child’ to Breaking the Chains of MK ULTRA Mind Control”

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show for the second time - satanic ritual abuse, human trafficking and MK ULTRA whistleblower and survivor, child abuse and survivor advocate, proud mother and grandmother, someone who has helped to pioneer and pave the way for survivor voices to be heard en masse today, and someone I’m blessed to call a dear friend: Cheryl ‘Hersha’ BeckWhile many of us listening are new to speaking out, have been speaking out for a few years, or who are still observing, Cheryl has pioneered the way for voices all over the world to be heard through DECADES of whistleblowing and finding ways against all odds to have her voice heard. She’s a true hero and inspiration to me and so many survivors have found their own voices through her persistence and bravery to continue to speak out despite the repercussions and consequences.If you missed Cheryl’s first episode we did together where she shared her harrowing testimony - here is a little recap: Cheryl was born into a multi-generational occult and incest-based family who traded her and her sister into government and CIA programs as children in exchange for her parents to have judicial immunity for any crimes that may be committed against them. Cheryl, a bright and precious child who began speaking in full sentences at just 9 months old, was deemed a ‘THROWAWAY CHILD’ by her family due to health reasons as well as because of a simple mistake of the lettering of her middle name on her birth certificate which altered the original Gematria of the name her father gave to her. This, in turn, subjected her to unspeakable horrors at the hands of her own family, her Pediatrician and Dentist - people who should have been protecting her but were also part of the family and network -  as well as experiencing horrific abuses at the hands of prolific abusers, Freemasons, and satanists such as Michael Aquino, Joseph Mengele, the Bush family, and close family friends such as the Rothschilds. Always a rebellious child with the spirit of God in her heart, the system tried to break her and underestimated her unbreakable human spirit. Even through all the horrific abuses she endured, she has defended and stood up for children since she was a small child - a mission that continues to this day.Cheryl shared her testimony the first time she was on - and I highly suggest watching that episode as she shared a ton about programming, Disney, experiencing childhood as an expendable child, and her journey into where she is today as an advocate. I will have that episode in the show notes and hope you take some time to listen and learn. This time around, Cheryl is back to talk about one of the most requested topics I get asked to feature on ‘The Imagination’: Healing. Cheryl will be walking us through her healing journey as a programmed multiple and survivor of the unthinkable. DONATE TO CHERYL ON PAYPAL:write.cabeck@yahoo.comCONNECT WITH CHERYL: Twitter: C.A.Beck1961 (@CABeck1961) / X ( write.cabeck@yahoo.comCONNECT WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Emma Katherine on Direct.meBUY ME A COFFEE: Emma Katherine is Artist ( the show
Dec 22, 2023 • 2h 59min

S4E24 | “Jon Uhler LPC - The First Step of Mending Wounded Warriors From a Therapist’s Perspective”

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comI am thrilled to have back on the show for a second time: Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Licensed Professional Counselor, Founder of Survivor Support, Podcast host of own podcast and channel  @JonKUhlerLPC on YouTube, father of 3, husband to his high school sweetheart, survivor advocate, and someone you all heavily requested to bring back: Jon Uhler.In case you missed the first episode with Jon, here is a short recap of his testimony: Jon’s work began over 30 years ago, and the evolution of his career path is nothing short of astonishing. His education includes attending Epic Bible College, Biola University, Talbot School of Theology, and California State University, and Fullerton. He’s worked in both clinical and administrative capacities, outpatient and hospital settings, intensive day treatment settings, residential treatment programs, and in secure (locked) facilities - including over 11 years on Psychology Staff within the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections where he's logged more clinical contact hours within Solitary Confinement than any Psych Staff in the entire US. Prior to his work with incarcerated men, he spent years working with sexual abuse Survivors, and treating Severely Emotionally Disturbed adolescents in group homes and within the largest intensive psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility for troubled youth west of the Mississippi. The first time Jon was on, we had a ground-breaking discussion about the underlying dynamics of programming and triggers in survivors and it was met with a ton of support from all of you. It’s so rare to see someone in the therapeutic community working successfully with survivors of human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse, but it’s even more rare to see them publicly speaking about it knowing they’ll wear a target on their back and possibly be outcasted or worse.  This time around, Jon is going to discuss with us more about the treatment process for survivors by breaking down the really big and difficult-to-understand concepts underlying trauma into bite size pieces of information that are palatable and easy to digest. Jon has a gift for helping us make sense of things that are impossible to comprehend, and I’m thrilled we all get to spend this time learning more from him about this topic on today’s episode! So please grab a pen and paper and give Jon your undivided attention as you will be learning a ton today!CONNECT WITH JON:YouTube:  Jon Uhler - YouTube &  UnMaskingTheTransMovement - YouTubeWebsites:-Home | survivorsupport-WELCOME TO - Unmasking The Trans MovementUnmasking The Trans Movement | Revealing the Truth. Protecting The Most Vulnerable Among Us.-Home | Church ProtectTwitter: (2) Jon K. Uhler, LPC, CCTP, CSOTP (@uhler_jon) / X ( WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Emma Katherine on Direct.meBUY ME A COFFEE: Support the show
Dec 18, 2023 • 3h 27min

S4E23 | “The Underworld of MK ULTRA Infrastructure” Feat. Carrie Olaje, ‘Grey’, & Nathan Reynolds

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comI am so excited for today’s episode! Recently on ‘The Imagination’, we did our first ever ‘Super Soldier / Ubermensch Round Table’ event with 3 absolute warriors who were all born into multi-generational incest-based families and from a young age were exploited, sold into, and used in MK ULTRA trauma based mind control experiments where - as children - they were trained and programmed under dissociation to be DELTA super soldier sleeper assets in the United States government’s CIA sponsored child slavery program. What these 3 have lived through, survived and overcome is nothing short of a miracle and with all 3 having become regulars on ‘The Imagination Podcast’, they have also become 3 of my most requested guests. Introducing: Host of 'Desert Dakini - A Survivor's Perspective' on YouTube: Carrie OlajeFounder of ‘The Linen Railroad’ and host @NathanReynolds on YouTube and other platforms: Nathan Reynolds AND:Founder of ‘Organize Safety’, host of 'The Grey Area' Podcast on YouTube and other platforms, and the love of my life, ‘Grey’Last time these 3 were on, we did something revolutionary. We discussed together the ins and outs of DELTA programming, mind control, healing, and so much more - and it’s the first time we’ve brought 3 young warriors together to corroborate their experiences, testimonies, similarities and differences. It was a really special moment for me as all 3 of these individuals have become very special people in my life and special in each other’s lives. Carrie, Nathan and Grey are BACK and this time we are going to dive deep into topics we have not discussed at length on ‘The Imagination’ - including the infrastructure the shadow government, training sites, DUMBS - also known as deep underground military bases, handlers and controllers, and so much more. I’m so excited for this as we are all going to learn together how this happens under our noses and quite literally - right under our feet! Grab a pen and paper and give these amazing guests your full and undivided attention as you are about to learn a ton today!CONNECT WITH CARRIE:YouTube: Desert Dakini: A Survivor’s Perspective - YouTubeCONNECT WITH GREY:YouTube:  The Grey Area - YouTubeTwitter: Grey (@GreyAreaMonarch) / X ( GreyAreaOperator ( GreyAreaOperator (u/GreyAreaOperator) - RedditSubstack: The Grey Area | SubstackCONNECT WITH NATHAN:YouTube: Nathan Reynolds (The Linen Railroad) - YouTubeDiscord: DiscordPurchase 'Snatched from the Flames': Book | ( @TheLinenRailroadPAYPAL: snatchedfromtheflames@gmail.comCashApp: $LinenRailroadEmail: snatchedfromtheflames@protonmail.comCONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION:All links: Support the show
Dec 15, 2023 • 2h 51min

S4E22 | KC Sunshine: Trafficking Survivor & Mafia Goddaughter Exposes Hollywood & Foster Care Abuse

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce to you: targeted individual, sexual abuse and Hollywood sex kitten survivor, Podcaster, Mafia goddaughter, professional singer, survivor advocate, entrepreneur, podcaster, and all-around inspiration: KC Sunshine!I met KC recently through mutual friends on Twitter and I’m really thrilled to get to share her story on this podcast. KC was born into a Kansas City mafia family and due to the gifts passed down to her through her family’s genealogy and bloodline as well as her natural talents for singing, she was targeted from a young age and was molested by 5 different people by the age of 11. She was offered up by her mother to the satanic Hollywood agency and found herself repeatedly being fondled by the rich and famous at her professional singing gigs starting at age 7 and 8. KC was trafficked through several foster homes when school was in session - changing schools 18 times by her Junior Year. She and her brother were severely abused physically and emotionally by their mother but experienced a few years of protection as a Mafia Goddaughter until she returned to foster care and was violently raped twice at age 14. After blaming herself, KC sought forgiveness and devoted her life to Jesus Christ and left home to live on her own at the age of 15. She began therapy at age 17 and found tools of recovery for her trauma. She has been providing free support for sexual trauma survivors for 29 years now and is a true hero in the survivor community!One of the things that I love about KC is that she had everything and everyone in her life trying to tear her down and not only did they fail, but they underestimated her and didn’t expect that she would grow up to be a force to be reckoned with and that the abuses that were meant to destroy her would be used to help and heal others. KC Sunshine is exactly as her name sounds - a ray of sunshine, a beacon of hope, and a light in the darkness and I know you will all fall in love with her as much as I have. So please grab a pen and paper and give KC your full and undivided attention!Before I finish introducing today’s guest - I wanted to give a quick reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or who wants to share any information privately with me, you can email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! I’d also love your support on Substack where I’m taking up journaling as an outlet for me personally to reflect on the podcast, guests, and my advocacy work and you can Subscribe to me at All of my social media links are also in the shownotes and I want you all to know how eternally grateful I am for the love, empathy and compassion you show to each brave guest on this show.CONNECT WITH KC: Twitter:  (2) KC Sunshine Pro Singer 🌞 (@KaileaChristian) / X ( sexualtraumaandrecovery.comCONNECT WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Emma Katherine on Direct.meBUY ME A COFFEE: Emma Katherine is Artist ( the show
Dec 11, 2023 • 2h 46min

S2E21 | “Nathan Reynolds - Handling Handlers, Being Targeted, UAPs, The Black Awakening & Black Goo”

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored and excited to have back on the show - ex-DELTA super soldier assassin, human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse survivor, writer and author of the book ‘Snatched from the Flames’, podcast host and content creator on YouTube, devoted husband and father, international speaker, entrepreneur, farmer, military veteran, animal horn weapon of mass destruction maker, linenite, and milenite Nathan Reynolds!If you missed Nathan’s prior episodes we’ve done together, I’d highly recommend going back and listening to them as they are all filled with a gold mine of information, but in the meantime, here is a quick recap of Nathan’s testimony to catch you all up: He was born into a generational incest-based family through the Reynolds bloodline, and from birth was systematically abused, mind controlled and mentally fractured to keep his abuse compartmentalized with amnesic barriers. It wouldn’t be until later in life and into his marriage that his suspicious past would begin unweaving and unwinding itself - revealing a layered double-life checkered with deceit, betrayal, pain, torture, and horrors beyond comprehension perpetuated on him from the same family, military, government and community members that should have been protecting him but instead were partaking in what Nathan has appropriately coined, “Radical Intelligent Evil”.A regular on the show, Nathan has covered a variety of topics so far from his testimony, to healing, to some really deep dive Q&A’s into programming and what he went through as a child until leaving the network and family he was born into, and even a round table Q&A with two other badass survivors that aired recently. In searching for a topic to discuss this time around, I put out some feelers on what you guys would like Nathan to talk about, and I was sent a plethora of amazing questions that covered a variety of different topics, so instead of focusing on a single topic today, we are going to do a somewhat ‘random’ Q&A and flow through some of the incredible questions you guys wanted to pick Nathan’s brain about. I’m always impressed with what you guys come up with and Nathan was beyond excited to get the opportunity to answer some of your questions in hopes that we can all continue to learn, heal and shine a bright light on what has been hidden in the darkness for far too long so we can - as Nathan says - “Set the captives free”. If you haven’t yet purchased or read Nathan’s book “Snatched from the Flames”, I’d also highly recommend reading this incredible memoir he created for all of us. The value in this book cannot be understated and I promise you it will leave you better than it found you. What tried to destroy him, didn’t have the strength. We have so much to learn from warriors like Nathan who are still here, smelling of smoke - snatched from the flames of radical intelligent evil. I will have all Nathan’s book links in the show notes - you can find the book to purchase on his website and Amazon, and the free audio version read by Nathan on his website and YouTube, and the free PDF on his website as well. It is a must-read! CONNECT WITH NATHAN:YouTube: Nathan Reynolds (The Linen Railroad) - YouTubeDiscord: DiscordPurchase 'Snatched from the Flames': Book | ( @TheLinenRailroadPAYPAL: snatchedfromtheflames@gmail.comCashApp: $LinenRailroad**If you would like The Linen Railroad's ADDRESS to Send Garments, Grain or other treSupport the show
Dec 8, 2023 • 3h 6min

S4E20 | Jon Uhler LPC - Understanding the Underlying Dynamics of Programming & Triggers in Survivors

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comI am thrilled to introduce to you all today: Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Licensed Professional Counselor, Founder of Survivor Support, Podcast host of own podcast and channel @JonUhlerLPC on YouTube, father of 3, husband to his high school sweetheart, survivor advocate, man of God, and passionate pursuer of truth, Jon Uhler.Jon’s work began over 30 years ago, and the evolution of his career path is nothing short of astonishing. His education includes attending Epic Bible College, Biola University, Talbot School of Theology, and California State University, and Fullerton. He’s worked in both clinical and administrative capacities, outpatient and hospital settings, intensive day treatment settings, residential treatment programs, and in secure (locked) facilities - including over 11 years on Psychology Staff within the Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections where he's logged more clinical contact hours within Solitary Confinement than any Psych Staff in the entire US. Prior to his work with incarcerated men, he spent years working with sexual abuse Survivors, and treating Severely Emotionally Disturbed adolescents in group homes and within the largest intensive psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility for troubled youth west of the Mississippi.When Jon is not providing professional therapy or podcasting, he serves in an advocacy role, toward helping increase safety for vulnerable women and minors, who are being placed in harm's way by those pushing dangerous ideologies, public policies, and legislation.  One of the most common horror stories we hear on this podcast from survivors is the lack of help they were able to get when they remembered the horrors of their childhood from health care providers of any kind - and especially those who work in the therapeutic community. Jon is a breath of fresh air providing the public with education on topics such as: the psychology of psychopathy and narcissism, sexual deviancy, current agendas against our children including gender confusion and dysmorphia and how these agendas are gateways for pedophiles and child predators to gain access to our children, the dangers of pornography, trauma and dissociation, God and biblical theology, and how all of these things tie into the heinous crimes we talk about on ‘The Imagination’ including satanic ritual abuse, mind control and human trafficking. CONNECT WITH JON: YouTube:  Jon Uhler - YouTube &  UnMaskingTheTransMovement - YouTubeWebsites: -Home | survivorsupport -WELCOME TO - Unmasking The Trans MovementUnmasking The Trans Movement | Revealing the Truth. Protecting The Most Vulnerable Among Us.-Home | Church ProtectTwitter: (2) Jon K. Uhler, LPC, CCTP, CSOTP (@uhler_jon) / X ( WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Emma Katherine on Direct.meBUY ME A COFFEE: Emma Katherine is Artist ( the show
Dec 4, 2023 • 1h 52min

S4E19 | Nechama Te’ena & Israel Sykes - I Swore the Day Would Come: Unmasking Israeli Rabbi Zvi Tau

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday we have two brave survivors who are coming on to share a very important, relevant and horrifying testimony that takes place across the world in the country of Israel. Today’s show will be different as our featured guest, survivor Nechama Te’ena, doesn’t speak English! To help translate her story, we are also joined by survivor Israel Sykes who is native to America and currently lives in Israel.-Nechama, 39, was born in Hebron, Israel to her parents Menahem and Rivkah, in an extended family of Orthodox Jews who love and settled in the land of Israel. Her mother gave birth to her at the early age of 16, very unusual in Israel. She believes that at a very young age her mother was a victim of trauma-based mind control and was cultivated for an active role in an organization whose long-term goal was the destruction of Israel from within.She is the oldest of 9 children, two of whom died mysteriously at an early age. She remembers having been abused since the age of 4. She remembers her mother behaving harmfully towards her two younger brothers at the behest of a powerfulrabbi in Israel named Zvi Tau. This happened  to one baby brother when she was four years old, and then to a second when she was ten. This second time she was very aware of what was happening, and she screamed and called for help. Since that time both her mother and the rabbi began to abuse her (her father was never part of the abuse).Nechama was a witness to the organization's rituals that took place in an empty building next door to her home. Rituals included fire, walking around an altar, calls of Heil Hitler, swastikas, terrifying chants, abuse of cats, and sucking bones. She was also abused during these rituals, including rape. One time, for example, they put her over a small bonfire and threatened to burn her.About 12 years ago Nehama gave birth to a girl (her fifth child), and it was then that she began to recover memories. About a year and a half ago she realized that she had to go public with the story that she had been raped by this powerful and highly respected rabbi. Otherwise her life would be at risk, as it was becoming increasingly clear to her abusers that she was increasingly out of their control. She figured that if her story were known to the public it would be impossible to kill her without raising suspicion. So Nehama went through a process of sharing her memories with hersiblings and father, all of whom have become staunch supporters. When a television documentary was cancelled at the last minute, she posted her story on Facebook and called people to join her in weekly demonstrations in front of the Knesset, which have continued to this day. Since that first step she has become a fearless leader and advocate for survivors and children, and a magnet for other survivors of similar abuse, many by the same rabbi.One year ago, Israel Sykes was exposed to the activism of a religious Jewish woman from Hebron named Nechama Te'ena, who on Facebook and in weekly demonstrations before the Israeli parliament accused a powerful and highly influential rabbi of murdering two of her siblings when they were in their first year, and of having raped her repeatedly. Nehama and her family attracted a growing number of supporters until, out of fear that family members were in danger of "quiet" assassinations, they held a press conference in which they accused the rabbi, who had come to Israel from Holland in the 1950's, of being a Nazi with connections to Mengele. Because of Israel's prior experiences, he had no doubt that such things were possible, so he stuck by her. From this point the family downplayed the Nazi Support the show
Dec 1, 2023 • 2h 35min

December 'Stand by Survivors' Book Club Feat: Survivor Tommy Womeldorf & His Book "Scout's Dishonor'

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comIt's that time again! December Book Club is here and we couldn't be more excited! Join us as we ready through Tommy Womeldorf's amazing memoir, 'Scout's Dishonor' that details the horrific abuses he endured as a child by means of the Mormon Church and the Boy Scouts. Book Club will begin on December 1st and we will spend the month of December reading 'Scout's Dishonor' together. Then at the end of the month on Thursday, December 28th, we will have a LIVE Q&A with Tommy at 6pm PST, 8pm CST & 9pm EST where YOU will get to ask him your questions about his journey and memoir as well as get to meet Tommy in real time! It's going to be an amazing time!RSVP HERE: Stand by Survivors: Stand by Survivors 'December Book Club' Featuring Tommy Womeldorf and his book 'Scout's Dishonor' ( is the link to purchase Tommy's book on Amazon: Scouts Dishonor: A Personal story of... by Womeldorf, Tommy ( Tommy's interview on 'The Imagination': EP 17: " 'Scout's Dishonor' - Boy Scouts Institutional Sexual Abuse & Pedophilia" w/ Tommy Womeldorf - EP 17: " 'Scout's Dishonor' - Boy Scouts Institutional Sexual Abuse & Pedophilia" w/ Tommy Womeldorf - YouTubeLooking forward to another fun month with you all!Love, EmmaSupport the show
Dec 1, 2023 • 2h 11min

S4E17 | “Courtney Walsh - Wild Card: Failed Illuminati Target Exposes Recruitment Tactics”

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on again for the second time: Introducing - survivor and targeted individual, intuitive counselor, world renowned writer and author, inspiration, creator of ‘Dear Human’ - the viral meme that’s been shared over a billion times, and one of the brightest lights you’ll ever meet: Courtney Walsh! If you missed Courtney’s testimony episode, here’s a little recap for you: Unlike many guests on this story, Courtney’s abuse didn’t start in childhood. In fact, she grew up in what she would call a relatively ‘normal’ family that wasn’t without its dysfunctions and dynamics that affected her later in life. Growing up a creative and gifted child with a personality and imagination bigger than every environment she was put in, Courtney’s journey took her on many ups and downs as she sought fulfillment in following her hopes and dreams. From a life-altering event that almost took her life, bouts of deep depression, and pressing on despite all odds against her - Courtney’s life flipped upside down after a meme she created went viral and suddenly she found herself in the midst of abuse, gaslighting, and blackmail by some of Hollywood’s elite. The first time Courtney was on, we dove head first into her testimony and if you missed that episode, I highly recommend going back and listening to it as it was a tremendous story of overcoming overwhelming odds including overcoming suicide, to writing a viral meme, to being the victim of horrendous initiation and grooming tactics that would turn into dark and sinister targeting…This time around, Courtney is going to expand on the abuses perpetrated on her along with receipts, spiritual and psychological warfare, Loverboy programming, fireside chats with Angelina Jolie’s brother, a wild psyop the elite run on some victims like Courtney who are served on a plate the words, “You could be President”, and much more. Courtney’s story brings an important emphasis on a type of targeting that is seldom talked about - the kind that involves malicious recruitment tactics with promises of fame and recognition that glimmer and sparkle with entice and intrigue only to leave the person - and in this case Courtney - at the center of a manipulative cycle of confusion, coercion, and malice. The ‘powers that be’ that tried to take Courtney down underestimated that the love she wrote about in ‘Dear Human’ would be the same love within her that would prove to be powerful enough to cast out all the fear and darkness they tried to drown her in. CONNECT WITH COURTNEY: YouTube:  courtneyawalsh - YouTubePurchase her books: courtneyawalsh - YouTube'Dear Human': Dear Human: A Manifesto of Love, Invitation and Invocation to Humanity: Walsh, Courtney A.: 9781844096862: Books'Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin': Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin: Courtney A. Walsh: 9780615159539: BooksTelegram: Telegram: Contact @courtneyawalshcawCONNECT WITH EMMA & THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: (1) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | SubstackEMAIL:   All links: Support the show

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