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Jan 10, 2025 • 2h 40min

S5E39 | Dave Sharp - From Hell's Pits to Heaven's Gates 2: Exposing Religious & Satanic Ritual Abuse

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have on the show for a second time: Child and foster care, religious abuse, child sexual abuse, trafficking, SRA and RA survivor and whistleblower, campaigner of historical child abuse, Founder of S.A.F.E. - Seek and Find Everyone abused in childhood, independent researcher and reporter, and someone I’m honored to call my friend: Dave SharpA little bit about Dave and what we discussed the first time he was aon as a refresher or if you are new here: Just after Dave was born, his mother died, and he was put into the care of the Catholic church where he spent his first sixteen years of life. Dave’s life in care was nothing short of horrific. He was trafficked all over Scotland where he would be taken to houses in and around the Glasgow area with priests in them. He remembers horrific abuses and rituals like being taken to a garden and placed in a coffin with the lid put on and stones would be thrown onto the lid to simulate a burial. He also remembers being taken to Ireland on several occasions where he and other boys would be taken to Satanic sex parties that included drugging and raping by multiple men. Throughout his childhood and young adult years, he would be taken to many different places - and to this day is still experiencing flashbacks and memory recall. Dave often gets contacted by other survivors who have found his story and will disclose their own testimonies which corroborate what he remembers. Dave’s testimony unveils a systemic rot that has embedded itself into the very fabric of society that targets young children and reveals how pedophiles and child predators hide behind positions of power that appear on the outside to be in favor of protecting children when, in fact, they are using those positions as a veil to hide their vile child abuse and pedophilia. Dave’s testimony also outlines how pedophiles target children they believe to be vulnerable - such as a child like Dave who didn’t have a family to go home to and who had no one to advocate for him. The only people who were in a position to advocate for Dave were the same people who were abusing him. This actualization - although hard to accept - paints a bigger picture of what is and has been happening to countless victims and survivors who are placed in the care of adults who are believed to be trustworthy and safe due to their titles and positions in society but who were preyed upon instead. This strategic trickery used by child predators and sexual deviants is how this type of systemic and organized abuse is often overlooked and made invisible to those on the outside looking in - including to parents who unknowingly put their children in harm's way by trusting these child predators based solely on the superficial titles and positions of power they may hold. There is no better place for a pedophile to hide than in a position that allows them unlimited access to children and minors. Support the show
Jan 6, 2025 • 3h 10min

S5E38 | Dave Sharp - From Hell's Pits to Heaven's Gates: Surviving Religious & Satanic Ritual Abuse

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Child and foster care, religious abuse, child sexual abuse, trafficking, SRA and RA survivor and whistleblower, campaigner of historical child abuse, Founder of S.A.F.E. - Seek And Find Everyone abused in childhood, independent researcher and reporter, and someone I’m honored to call my friend: Dave SharpJust after Dave was born, his mother died and he was put into the care of the Catholic church where he spent the first sixteen years of life. Dave’s life in care was nothing short of horrific. He was trafficked all over Scotland where he would be taken to houses in and around the Glasgow area with priests in them. He remembers being taken to a garden and placed in acoffin with the lid put on and stones would be thrown onto the lid to simulate a burial. He also remembers being taken to Ireland on several occasions where he and other boys would be taken to Satanic sex parties that included drugging and raping by multiple men. Throughout his childhood and young adult years, he would be taken to many different places - and to this day is still experiencing flashbacks and memory recall. Dave often gets contacted by other survivors who have found his story and details and will disclose their own testimonies which corroborate what he remembers. And this is just the tip of the iceberg… Dave is joining us over the course of a few podcast episodes to discuss how these horrific topics - which have allowed evil parasites to further exploit survivors - have been kept in the dark for so long in Scotland, how so many other survivors besides Dave came forward to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry with stories of being trafficked all over the UK and Ireland but were turned away from giving their evidence, and how so many survivors - including Dave - went through hell with the police in Scotland and the inquiry to have their stories heard, but were silenced. These podcast episodes serve as a chance for Dave to talk about how certain people tried everything to silence survivors, and why over the last fifty years between 65 - 75% of all people in Scottish prisons were sexually abused as children - mainly in the care system by clergy - and how coming forward to have their voices heard ruined their lives. The most important thing Dave will be discussing is how it is possible that men and woman whose lives have been ruined by child sex abuse can turn to child abuse charities and organisations - such as the child abuse inquiry - and find that in Scotland, once these people come into your life they own you and can destroy your life - and how this has impacted the drug deaths and suicides that have scarred Scotland for decades, and everyone is terrified to talk about it. One such survivor we will be reflecting on and referencing throughout the course of Dave’s testimony and episodes is former podcast guest Kevin Sutherland - who recently took his own life due to the torment from his childhood abuse and the neglect from authorities he suffered after his abuse and disclosure that eerily mimicks what you will be hearing in Dave’s testimony. “I am so grateful that God has chosen me to go out and show the evil that exists in Scotland and to tell the world to put His children first.”CONNECT WITH DAVE: X: @davesharp59 - WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comMy Substack: ME A COFFEE: Support the show
Jan 3, 2025 • 1h 40min

S5E37 | Cash Colligan - Founding Member of 'The Cab' Unmasks Hollywood Music Industry's Dark Side P2

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have on the show for the second time: Hollywood and music industry whistleblower and survivor, entrepreneur and business owner, former member of the pop rock band, ‘The Cab’, loving father and devoted husband, digital marketing extraordinaire, advocate for autistic children, content creator, and my new friend: Cash ColliganIn case you missed Part 1 of Cash’s testimony, here is a brief recap: Cash’s life experiences as a young adult in Hollywood, the music industry and his journey being signed to a major record label began right out of high school at 18 years of age. On he outside, it looked like Cash had hit the lottery by age 18 - and in Hollywood terms, he had. His boss was Pete Wentz from the iconic band, Fall Out Boy, and at one point, he was so close to Wentz that he actually attended Pete and Ashley Simpson’s wedding. For those of you who are millennials like me, these names and Cash’s story are sure to bring up some nostalgia today! By 20 years old, Cash had already toured the world, partied like a rockstar, experienced fame, fortune, popularity, money and lived a life that so many only dream of. But under the surface of all the money, fame, and facade came years of stress, torment, exhaustion, and - ultimately - trauma. The first time Cash was on, we discussed his journey from childhood as a child passionate about music to eventually being discovered and signed onto a major record label right out of high school. He talked about the ups and down and the eventual downfall of the band he founded called ‘The Cab’ where a blatant lie ultimately led to him leaving the band and having to rediscover himself. Today, Cash’s story picks up where we left off and on this episode, we will be discussing his life after ‘The Cab’, how he healed from the trauma that eventually caught up with him after leaving the band he poured his heart and soul into, beginning a new life and finding his true identity, his current work advocating for autism acceptance, discussing autism, love and fatherhood - and so much more.Cash could have become a statistic like we often see in young starlets who have a fall-out with Hollywood and become addicts, homeless and even suicidal, and instead, he healed, found love and spends his life giving to and advocating for others. The story he presents and shares with us has never been heard in full before and it’s a great honor to get to learn from his ups and downs and how he survived situations that often lead to deadly life disasters with others who are chewed up and spit out of the Hollywood machine. We all have a lot to learn from Cash and I ask you all to please put away whatever you’re doing and give him your full attention as we get a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a man who grew from the dirt that was made to bury him, and who chooses daily to use his experiences to shine a light on the darkness. CONNECT WITH CASH: X: @voiceofcash - WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comMy Substack: ME A COFFEE: Links: the show
Dec 30, 2024 • 3h 4min

S5E36 | Poppy Joy - The UAP Phenomena, Masonic Dualities, Loosh Ritual, Consciousness, & True Time

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show once again for another incredible episode: Satanic and masonic ritual abuse and mind control survivor and whistleblower, YouTuber and content creator on her own YouTube channel and Substack at the handle @MayanMissions, first generational New Zealander, credentialed counselor with a specialization in Narrative Therapy, communication skill small group training course facilitator, traditional herbal medicine advocate, retreat co-facilitator, and healing warrior, our beloved podcast regular: sweetest Poppy Joy. In case you missed Poppy’s first episode where she shared her harrowing, inspiring, and miraculous testimony, here’s a brief recap: Poppy is a satanic and masonic ritual abuse survivor who was born into a multi-generational incest-based family and has recently been liberated from an immense amount of trauma that her body was struggling to contain anymore. Her memories started to surface in 2017 from a few triggers in her surroundings, including: a vicious semi-wild dog on the loose, a jellyfish sting that gave her a histamine reaction where her entire body was covered in a rash, and swollen lips and other orifices. Poppy’s earliest memories were related to her senses - she remembered that her eyesight and hearing never developed normally and discovered that her perceptions have been energetic - meaning that she can observe the movement of energy, experience telepathy, and with focus, she can see how black magic practices are done. Poppy also discovered that rituals are done to empower government legislation. She found how consciousnesses are connected to calendars and astrological systems and that rituals are performed with dates and planetary alignments. Sweetest and accomplished Poppy Joy has a degree in Counseling, has specialized in Narrative Therapy, has training as a small group facilitator teaching communication skills and courses such as “Changes that Heal”, has studied traditional herbal medicine during cancer/Morgellons treatments, and was a retreat co-facilitator prior to 2017 when her memories started to crowd in. At the time her memories started pouring in, she was not able to tend to other’s lives while her own life needed so much attention. If you’ve been following along Poppy’s journey, you see how fearless she is in her sharing. On this podcast alone, she’s discussed everything from satanic rituals, MK ULTRA programming, ancient and lost Mayan knowledge, understanding and healing from trauma, cancer and heart-attacks, her journey through therapy with the wonderful Marie Freeman, and so much more. Today, Poppy is back to discuss some additional topics we haven’t covered in depth before that are relevant right now including: the UAP / UFO / Alien and NHI phenomena and agenda that’s interestingly enough been splattered all over mainstream media and how to avoid the overwhelm of this information overload we are receiving, more about her healing journey and memories, the Pyramid of Consciousness, how survivors share the truth about the whole world agenda, and so much more… CONNECT WITH POPPY:YouTube: @MayanMissions - WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comMy Substack: ME A COFFEE: Support the show
Dec 27, 2024 • 1h 41min

S5E35 | Brooke Federline - Trafficked to the Elite, The Black Awakening & DELTA Assassin Programming

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show: Satanic ritual abuse, MK ULTRA and child trafficking survivor turned whistleblower, writer and author of the book “Unplugged”, artist, jewelry and crafter maker, clothing designer, gardener, content creator, mother, and my dear friend, Brooke Federline In case you’re new here or if it’s been a while since you’ve heard Brooke’s testimony, here is a short recap: Brooke was born into a multi-generational bloodline family in New Zealand and was placed in MK ULTRA as a young child where she was used for various roles including a sex slave and a delta assassin. Brooke’s story spans her own country as she was trafficked all over the world including to the Unites States where she was used and trafficked by elite politicians including one infamous politician who we have heard come up multiple times on this podcast: Hillary Clinton. Brooke woke up to and broke free from her programming as an adult and ever since, has been blowing the whistle on government-sponsored child slavery. On Brooke’s past podcast episodes, we’ve discussed topics such as her testimony, the New World Order, elite occult hierarchies, spiritual realms and spiritual beings, and so much more. Brooke’s research and the puzzle pieces of her story have been instrumental in helping other survivors throughout the years not only better understand their experiences but heal from them. Brooke is the author of the book, “Unplugged” and has a YouTube channel under her name where she has provided invaluable information that was way before her time. Brooke has worked tirelessly to bring awareness to the horrors of experiencing and healing from the heinous crimes that were committed against her and millions of other children all over the world, and despite the heavy doses of retaliation and spiritual warfare she has received for speaking out, she has unwavered in her commitment to provide the public with this crucial information in hopes that it will create a safer future for the children of tomorrow and the survivors of today. Brooke is back today to dive deeper into her testimony, to share additional memories she has recalled since the last time she was on, and to discuss some additional important and relevant topics around MK ULTRA and healing. Brooke is an absolute wealth of knowledge and inspiration, and I feel blessed and honored to have called her a friend for many years now. Brooke’s teachings helped me immeasurably as an advocate, and she’s been a loyal supporter of this podcast and to the survivor community since day 1. I ask you all to please put away whatever you’re doing and give this brave warrior of a woman your full attention as we take a deep dive into some important topics today. In a world of people who look and cower away from these hard topics, it’s courageous whistleblowers like Brooke who help lift the veil from our eyes, shine a light on the darkness, and who encourage other survivors to step up and be courageous in sharing their own testimonies. She is a true light in the darkness and if you aren’t already familiar with her, prepare to be in just as much awe with her as I am!                                CONNECT WITH BROOKE:Etsy: WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comMy Substack: ME A COFFEE: Links: httpSupport the show
Dec 23, 2024 • 2h 31min

Kevin Sutherland Pt 3 - Rape Survivor Speaks Out: Dan Wootton’s Past Has Come Back to Haunt Him

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comThis week on December 18th, 2024, the world lost an amazing human and friends, and one of my favorite humans of all time, survivor and warrior, Kevin Sutherland. In lieu of Kevin's devastating passing, I am devoted to finish the mission he started by continuing to share his story, continuing to call out every last person who failed him, and continuing to shed a light on the darkness that Kevin and many other survivors face, fight, and overcome their entire lives. Kevin was such a special person - I can't convey this enough. He was a bright light, a brilliant mind and story-teller, a humble soul, and someone who was too good for this world.----------------------------------Today we welcome back on the show for the third time: child care, foster care home and rape survivor, warrior, dog-lover, social butterfly, travel connoisseur, content creator, absolute sweetheart, and whistleblower against some of the biggest names trending in the UK: Kevin SutherlandI met Kevin in my first season of podcasting on an Instagram post he made saying he was ready to publicly share his story and was looking for a podcast to do his expose on. Another former podcast guest, Molly Skye Brown, tagged me in the post, I commented on Kevin’s post that I’d be happy to host him, and Kevin and I became instant friends right after. Kevin shared his testimony for the first time ever on ‘The Imagination’ and was one of the first guests I had on the show.Just under a year ago, a massive sex abuse scandal broke in the UK where survivors and victims of Dan Wootton began speaking out making mainstream headlines and validating Kevin’s testimony. It seemed that Dan was finally being exposed for crimes against his victims and Kevin’s voice was being heard prominently again as a couple of his tweets on Twitter went viral and survivors began elevating each other’s voices. As time has gone on, however, there has been a concerted effort once again to gaslight survivors and to elevate Dan’s side of the story in order to restore his reputation in the public eye.Kevin is coming back on today to whistleblow the politically charged narrative of the Dan Wootton scandal and the after-effects this has had - including putting to rest and directly responding to the twisted narrative and false claims that have been said against Kevin as well as discussing Dan’s allegations of being ‘falsely accused’ when nothing could be further from the truth. As you will see today, there is a conspiracy involving the media, politics, and popular podcasters to cover-up abuse allegations of survivor’s like Kevin and to restore Dan’s reputation in the public.It’s important that we shine a light on the truth of this matter and hear all sides of the story. I personally find it sickening how the UK news media is asking for sympathy for Dan Wootton without giving any of his victims a chance to share their side of the story. Why have there been no survivor’s given a platform to share their allegations against Dan? Kevin is here to not only speak on behalf of himself, but to speak on behalf of every other victim who has come forward only to be silenced. We know that mainstream media exists to control narratives and it’s podcasts like this one that exist to share the counter-narrative and what the fake news will never share with the public. Kevin is a hero in every way and his voice and story speak for so many other abuse survivors who don’t have and were never given a voice. I ask that you put away whatever you are doing and give this brave warrior your attention as we break this massive story here on ‘The Imagination’. Lets blow up this episode everyone - our voices need Support the show
Dec 22, 2024 • 2h 16min

Kevin Sutherland - Tribute Testimony Episode Pt 2: Criminalized for Courage & The Fight for Justice

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comThis week on December 18th, 2024, the world lost an amazing human and friends, and one of my favorite humans of all time, survivor and warrior, Kevin Sutherland. In lieu of Kevin's devastating passing, I am devoted to finish the mission he started by continuing to share his story, continuing to call out every last person who failed him, and continuing to shed a light on the darkness that Kevin and many other survivors face, fight, and overcome their entire lives. Kevin was such a special person - I can't convey this enough. He was a bright light, a brilliant mind and story-teller, a humble soul, and someone who was too good for this world.The abuse and torment he suffered his entire life is nothing short of horrendous, inexcusable, and just as devastating as his loss. He had a tremendous impact on me personally - he was so loving and appreciative to me for offering a space for him to share his story. I felt and feel extremely honored that Kevin shared his testimony publicly before his departure so that we can continue his mission in his memory. It's all he wanted in his passing was for us to take the torch he was too exhausted to carry anymore and cross the finish line on his behalf.So, with that being said, here is Part 2 of Kevin's 3-part testimony. Here are the show notes I originally wrote below.Rest in paradise, angel. I pray you are now basking in the peace you always deserved that was stolen from you.I love you forever and ever, my sweet Kevin - I still can't believe you are gone... I will never, ever, stop fighting for you.----------------------------------Kevin Sutherland is BACK for Part 2 of his journey to be heard and have justice served. In this Part 2, we step into the second part and phase of his story that took place after he was out of the care home system: Discovering pedophiles he found on chat lines, recording their conversations, exposing them, and ultimately serving just under 2 years in the prison system for blackmail. Not only that, but the media wrote his story painting him as a violent and malicious criminal instead of an abuse survivor looking to get retribution after no one would help him.This episode brings up a couple very important questions and conversations:What causes a young person to commit crimes and why is the root cause not being investigated the same as the criminal acts?What flaws exist in our system that allow for a criminal investigation to occur on someone like Kevin who was exposing offending criminals, but no investigation took place looking into his child abuse allegations or into the allegations of the offending ped-ophiles that he was exposing and reporting to authorities?By not validating the voices of survivors (many of them children when they first start experiencing abuse) we are massively failing our children and young adults. We know trauma and abuse come with many side effects, yet we blame the survivor for making the best choices they know how while not offering guidance into validating their stories and investigating their abusers. We talk in depth about this during the interview and I hope it shines light on your perceptions as much as it did mine.The root cause of many misguided young adults and adults boils down to child abuse in many cases and yet it's never taken into account when they are going through the abuse system or end up being criminalized for mistakes they didn't know they didn't have to make. If we would only listen to them and validate them and guide them back to love, compassion, empathy, and justice... what difference would that make in the life of someone like Kevin?CONNECT WISupport the show
Dec 21, 2024 • 2h 20min

Kevin Sutherland Tribute Testimony Episode Pt 1: Surviving Childhood Systemic Child Care Home Abuse

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comThis week on December 18th, 2024, the world lost an amazing human and friends, and one of my favorite humans of all time, survivor and warrior, Kevin Sutherland. In lieu of Kevin's devastating passing, I am devoted to finish the mission he started by continuing to share his story, continuing to call out every last person who failed him, and continuing to shed a light on the darkness that Kevin and many other survivors face, fight, and overcome their entire lives.Kevin was such a special person - I can't convey this enough. He was a bright light, a brilliant mind and story-teller, a humble soul, and someone who was too good for this world. The abuse and torment he suffered his entire life is nothing short of horrendous, inexcusable, and just as devastating as his loss. He had a tremendous impact on me personally - he was so loving and appreciative to me for offering a space for him to share his story. I felt and feel extremely honored that Kevin shared his testimony publicly before his departure so that we can continue his mission in his memory. It's all he wanted in his passing was for us to take the torch he was too exhausted to carry anymore and cross the finish line on his behalf.So, with that being said, here is Part 1 of Kevin's 3-part testimony. Here are the show notes I originally wrote below.Rest in paradise, angel. I pray you are now basking in the peace you always deserved that was stolen from you.I love you forever and ever, my sweet Kevin - I still can't believe you are gone...I will never, ever, stop fighting for you. -----------------------Joining us this week is Kevin Sutherland, survivor of systemic child care home abuse, who has kept silent about telling the truth regarding his harrowing story for his entire life... until now. Breaking his silence in this 2-part series, Kevin walks us through the chronology of his complex and heart-breaking story that started when he was just an infant and continues on to this day where he is now on a mission to expose all the corruption that took place when he was in foster care and get justice once and for all.Kevin's story is important. It's important because there are MILLIONS of children just like him who are still going through this abuse as we speak. There are millions of survivors who are silenced into never having their story heard as we speak. In Part 1, we dive into the first part of Kevin's life centered around the horrific abuses he survived and discuss in depth problems with the foster / child care system that are grossly neglected by the public. In Part 2, we go into a situation that happened as a result of Kevin's abuses that had him convicted of a crime and sent to prison, but never addressed the root cause of the crime itself: Child Abuse. His abusers are still free and the system that failed him is still sheltering children without ever taking a penalty, yet Kevin lost years of his life paying a price for doing something that could have been prevented had an adult stepped in to care for him. The media grossly misrepresented Kevin by eliminating his side of the story, so he is here today to tell you The Truth straight from his own mouth.This story needs shared far and wide - Kevin is a brave hero and someone we need to open our ears and eyes to who stands before you today to speak on behalf of millions of children just like him who were horrifically abused and made to pay a price for the side effects of the abuse without ever having the abuse itself addressed. Please help in elevating Kevin's voice and story by SHARING, LIKING, COMMENTING, ANSupport the show
Dec 15, 2024 • 2h 1min

S5E34 | Cash Colligan - Founding Member of 'The Cab' Unmasks Hollywood Music Industry’s Dark Side P1

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Hollywood and music industry whistleblower and survivor, entrepreneur and business owner, former member of the pop rock band, ‘The Cab’, loving father and devoted husband, digital marketing extraordinaire, advocate for autistic children, content creator, and my new friend: Cash ColliganCash is here today to talk about his life experiences as a young adult in Hollywood, the music industry and his journey being signed to a major record label right out of high school at 18 years of age. On he outside, it looked like Cash had hit the lottery by age 18 - and in Hollywood terms, he had. His boss was Pete Wentz from the iconic band, Fall Out Boy, and at one point, he was so close to Wentz that he actually attended Pete and Ashley Simpson’s wedding. For those of you who are millennials like me, these names and Cash’s story are sure to bring up some nostalgia today! By 20 years old, Cash had already toured the world, partied like a rockstar, experienced fame, fortune, popularity, money and lived a life that so many only dream of. But under the surface of all the money, fame, and facade came years of stress, torment, exhaustion, and - ultimately - trauma. Hollywood is a topic and industry that is not only trending and relevant today, but I believe Cash’s personal testimony can help shine a light on the Hollywood machine and the abusive and traumatizing ways it churns, burns, and exploits children and young adults through at such a rapid pace - leaving these young entertainers and former stars to fend for themselves once the industry discards them, and moves on to the next best thing. Out with the old, in with the new. Many artists find their identity in their art - whether it be music, acting, writing, drawing, painting, and so forth - and when that identity taken from them at such a young age after years of full-time commitment, praise, and success - it can leave deep scarring, depression and identity crises as these children and young adults then have to adjust to life outside of Hollywood and figure out who they are without all the labels and outside validation. Cash’s story, however, has a happy ending and didn’t stop with Hollywood - through trauma and over a decade of healing, he has resurrected as a new man - an advocate for autistic children with a 15-year career in digital marketing, a father and devoted husband. And he is an example of what is and can be on the other side of the darkness we will be talking about today. For the first time, we get to hear Cash’s story in full and what actually happened behind the scenes of the glamor and star-studded picture-perfect life the public saw. The truth about the underbelly of Hollywood and what is on the other side of healing from the trenches of pain, addiction, and deep depression that can occur from being in these industries at such a young age. This intro only scratches the surface of what we’ll be talking about today - so grab a pen, paper and gear up to take some notes as we traverse down some new rabbit holes today that we hope will provide other survivors and witnesses hope, healing, and comfort while also providing education and insights to advocates and trauma-informed helpers alike. CONNECT WITH CASH: X: @voiceofcash - CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comAll Links: the show
Dec 13, 2024 • 2h 23min

S5E33 | Ann Diamond - Echos of Control: MK ULTRA's Montreal Experiments, GATE, & McGill University

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday, I’m honored to have back on the show for a second time: MK Ultra survivor and whistleblower, blogger, writer and published author, educator, selfless advocate, and one of my dear friends: Ann Diamond. A little bit about Ann in case you missed her first interview or are new hereAnn’s story begins in the 1950’s in Canada where she was sold into the MK Ultra projects as a child to prolific MK Ultra programmer Dr Donald Cameron of McGill University. She is an original whistleblower of our time and was was one of the first to publicly whistleblow MK Ultra and MK ULTRA in Canada, and has since given a voice to countless victims, and courage to countless survivors of government-sanctioned abuse of all kinds. In Ann’s words :“The story of MKULTRA in Canada has never been properly told. It was a “pan-Canadian” phenomenon, not limited to Montreal and Dr Cameron. In the early sixties, much of what had been a McGill University program was gradually transferred to Toronto, specifically to York University in an emerging counter-cultural scene that became a breeding ground for many Fabian- and Tavistock-influenced movements and programs. Saskatchewan was another centre for MKULTRA mind control, about which very little has been written.Unfortunately, Canada’s publishing industry is very much a product of that covert expansion of MKULTRA throughout Canada. Books like Anne Collins’ ‘The Sleep Room’ presented a partial account but failed to get at the roots (in British eugenics and Nazi psychiatry) or hint at the vastness of this program, which was secretly promoted at the highest levels of our establishment.” Today Ann is back to expand on her story. Today we will be diving deeper into McGill University, her family history, GATE and Ann’s experiences in gifted and talented programs, some of her memories of being in the projects, healing, family dynamics, and so much more. Ann is a light in the darkness and a beacon of hope and perseverance. Without voices like hers, the survivor movement undoubtedly wouldn’t be where it is today and we all owe Ann so much gratitude for her courage to step on the battlefield when so few others were speaking out and for continuing to be a voice for the voiceless. She is a beacon of hope, a wealth of knowledge, and a gift to this world. I ask you all to put away whatever you are doing and give Ann your full attention as we take a deeper look into her life and get the great honor of listening to and learning about her Cold War. CONNECT WITH ANN:Ann's Substack: Diamond bookstore: WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comSupport the show

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