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Dec 9, 2024 • 2h 15min

S5E32 | Lou - Masonic & Satanic Ritual Abuse, Theta & Blue Diamond Programming, & Spirituality

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Masonic and satanic ritual abuse, MK ULTRA and child trafficking survivor, overcomer and whistleblower, qualified Survival Instructor, Instructor for Hostile Environment Awareness Training, alpine climber, Tibetan medicine practitioner, adventure sport instructor, outdoor lover, my new friend, and all around badass and inspiration, LouLou was born into a multi-generational incest-based, bloodline family and is a survivor of the highest levels of Masonic and satanic ritual abuse and mind control and was the daughter of a channeler and healer mother and a father who was former Merchant Navy, worked at Shirley Oaks Children’s home as a maintenance worker and builder, and who was a former model with celebrity friends like David Prowse who played Darth Vader in Star Wars. In early childhood, Lou was accepted into special school called Pilgrims as a child after testing off the charts for her IQ. Pilgrims was a school for children like her that had eczema, asthma and other conditions who were often used in medical research and experimentation among other types of child abuse. She realized at age 9 she had forgotten her past when on a live talk show she was asked a question about a childhood event and couldn’t remember anything at all. Her mother’s decades long friendship with a Grand Master Knight of Malta named Andrew Bertie led to further Lou's abuse and programming. She also was used for covert missions in her late teens and twenties - going to places like Lake Erie and the ecovillage of Canada where she was taught by people who had come up from a CIA training base. She also attended events as a child at Westminster Abbey with the Duchess of Kent and Pinewood Studios. After Lou's father died when she was 30, she discovered photos and exploitation material he had taken of her as a child, and it was then she discovered she had dissociation. Lou has done extensive healing and learning over the past few years to better understand what happened to her as a child and is still on her healing journey. Today is the first time Lou is publicly speaking out about what happened to her as a child and it’s a great honor we get to learn about and hear her testimony for the first time. Lou believes its important people know the truth about the Grandmaster and Masonic orders practicing old Babylonian magic and every tradition - especially the left-hand path. There is such a veil over the eyes of society that such heinous abuse, crime and corruption could be at the highest levels of these secret societies and it’s testimonies like Lou's that will help lift that veil from everyone’s eyes. Lou is so brave and courageous for coming forth to share her testimony and I ask you all to please put away whatever you are doing give her your full attention as we shine a light on some dark topics and expose what’s been hidden for far too long. It’s time to make the world a better place for the children of the present and future and it’s heroes like Lou who are going to make this dream a reality.CONNECT WITH LOU: Twitter: WITH THE IMAGINATION:EMAIL: OR standbysurvivors@protonmail.comMy Substack: ME A COFFEE: Links: the show
Dec 6, 2024 • 1h 57min

S5E31 | Jaymee Jay - How Satanic Ritual Abuse Violates Natural Law, & Safe Advocacy for Survivors

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce to you: survivor and child abuse advocate, podcaster, woman of God, independent researcher, investigative and educator, and hero: Jaymee Jay!A little bit about Jaymee in case you missed her first episode Jaymee is someone I’m really excited for you all to meet. Although Jaymee’s upbringing wasn’t without it’s dysfunction, Jaymee has always been an incredibly intelligent and empathetic person who has excelled in many endeavors she has taken on in life. She could literally be doing anything else with her time, energy and voice, and instead - she chooses to volunteer her time researching and educating on topics such as SRA and DID as well as being a survivor advocate. I can’t tell you how much I admire Jaymee for stepping into a fight she could have simply studied from the sidelines and never spoken publicly about. I consider her to be a hero for braving speaking out as a survivor ally knowing it puts a target on her back and despite it being something she hasn’t made a single penny for. She is one of my heroes for her bravery and courage and I know all of you listening on the other side of the screen who are OR aren’t survivors will find - and have found - her just as awe-inspiring, courageous, and incredible as I do!The first time Jaymee was on, we did a deep dive into the Satanic Panic and an important book in history called ‘Michelle Remembers’ that really kicked off this massive coverup period of the MSM denying the existence of satanic ritual abuse and beginning the ‘conspiracy theory’ lies around it. Jaymee drew out the timeline of the satanic panic and shared the impact this time in history had on survivors and the survivor movement and what we can do to make sure it never happens again.Today, Jaymee is back to talk more about the implications that have happened as a result of the satanic panic time period including discussions about survivor advocacy, the law in regard to SRA, secondary victimization of survivors who come forward, infiltration of the survivor movement and so much more. With more and more survivors coming forward to speak out, the traps along the way can often be just as occulted and confusing as the abuses they are exposing. Speaking out is not without it’s personal implications - and we have heard it all on this podcast with the playbook of punishment, retaliation and intimidation tactics used on survivors turned whistleblowers. And in order to progress this movement forward in a healthy and safe way, I believe survivors need to be aware of the new playbook that exists online and on social media. Now, perpetrators don’t have to show up at your doorstep to intimidate, gaslight or gangstalk you. They can do all this and more right from their phone or by inviting you on a popular podcast where they can intimidate or gaslight you. It’s important to note that this episode isn’t to cause fear - but rather to give you tools to help navigate this new terrain while providing safe advocacy and spaces for survivors to speak out as they come forward. Disclosure can cause vulnerabilities, and abusers can spot them a mile away. And just because someone has millions of followers doesn’t mean they are safe or that they have the best intentions in mind for survivors. If we can do our due diligence to exercise our discernment, then we can work as a community to ensure we are rallying around survivors and providing safety for them - even amongst unsafe territory or people. Transparency and being well-informed of the risks, dangers, and traps of disclosure can help to make sure we don’t ever allow for another false ‘satanic panic’ narrative to arise and take holSupport the show
Dec 2, 2024 • 1h 44min

S5E30 | JR Sweet - Deep State Secrets: MK ULTRA Mind Slavery & the Theft of Free Will, Life & Memory

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored and thrilled to have back on the show for the third time: Operational CIA MONARCH mind slave survivor, overcomer and whistleblower, devoted husband and loving father, blogger, newly and officially published book writer and author, and a light in the darkness, J.R SweetA little bit about JR if you missed the first couple episodes we did together discussing his harrowing and inspiring testimony: J.R grew up in a multi-generational incest-based satanic and Mormon family bloodline who’s lineages trace back to King Henry the 8th and he didn’t begin to recall his and his family’s involvement with the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program until he was 38. J.R. was trained to be a political sleeper assassin for the CIA since childhood and would be used on kill missions on behalf of high-level members of the agency and network to help carry out their dark agendas. Since awakening to his abuse and the truth about his family, he began an incredible blog titled ‘The Mormon Monarch’ where he shares the harrowing and inspiring details about his life - present and past. I highly recommend you guys check out his blog at to learn more - I’ll have his past episodes and blog linked in the shownotes and encourage you all to go support JR’s work and to watch his previous episodes to learn more.The first couple times JR was on, we did deep dives into MK ULTRA and his testimony of being born into MONARCH, testing protocols for children entering in these government-sponsored child slavery programs, exposing Disney as a programming and child exploitation center, exposing abuse cover-ups associated with and within the LDS church and religious institutions, dissociation and DID, healing, and so much more. JR does an absolutely fantastic job breaking down and articulating things that are so unfathomable to those of us who didn’t have the kind of upbringing that survivors like JR did. On today’s episode, our deep dive continues and JR will be discussing topics today relating to MK ULTRA and MONARCH, the types of warfare and reactions that survivors often receive when speaking out or going rogue from these programs, blackmail, trauma-based mind control programming and what it entails, why it’s important we talk about and stop these crimes against humanity from happening once and for all, as well as a very special announcement on a book release he has been working very hard on for the past few years that I know you will all be just as excited about as I am - you will hear all about it today and can find the link to purchase his new memoir titled, “Mormon Monarch: Born into a Deep State” on his blog or at!CONNECT WITH JR: Website: Mormon Monarch – I am a Survivor of the CIA's Trauma Based Mind Control Program, Mk-Ultra, and a CIA Sleeper Assassin who is now Awake. I am Blowing the Whistle.Purchase NEW Memoir from Website: …Purchase Book… – Mormon MonarchPurchase NEW Memoir from Mormon MonarchSupport the show
Nov 29, 2024 • 1h 20min

S5E29 | Doug McIntyre - Creating Safety in an Unsafe World: Navigating Disclosure & Healing Trauma

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show for a third time: MK ULTRA, SRA, and human trafficking survivor, podcaster, father, anti-child abuse advocate, architect, artist, educator, public speaker, and an incredible warrior using his voice to make the world a safer place for our children: Doug McIntyre!In case you missed Doug’s testimony episode, here is a little overview to catch you up.Doug was born into a multi-generational incest-based family and is a survivor of SRA and MK ULTRA experimentation from the early 1960’s and after. He was born in St. George Hospital in Sydney, Australia which was connected to Sydney University and their hypnosis center. Doug was targeted from birth and used in MK ULTRA as a mind slave for many reasons including the generational abuse and dissociation passed on in his family, family ties to ‘the network’, and the spiritual gifts he was identified to have and spent his childhood experiencing heinous abuse at the hands of people who should have been protecting him. Ever since recovering his memories from childhood, he has been on a path of healing, learning, researching, and educating others about these crimes against children and humans in hopes of putting a hard stop on it continuing to new generations. Unbeknownst to the general public, the abuse that happened to Doug and many other survivors and victims still happens to this day to children and humans at the hands of governments around the world, and stories like Doug’s and other survivors outside of America prove that this abuse is a systemic rot built into the very fabric of society and that it is not exclusive to just one area or country in the world or just a ‘conspiracy’. It’s a global pandemic. Today, Doug is back to catch us up on events in his life including his work with other survivors, recovering more memories, being assaulted by family and also the death of family, what he’s been learning about healing since the last time we talked, safety in an unsafe world, and so much more. Doug is a wealth of information, a lifelong learner and a powerhouse of wisdom, empathy, and love. Although he lived through hell as a child, he is now hell-bent on helping to create a heaven on earth for all children. His work is vitally important for survivors and advocates to understand the ‘Why?’ and ‘Why me?’ behind MK ULTRA experimentation. The most fascinating part of Doug’s research in my opinion is that he is giving survivors their power back by helping to answer the ‘Why me?’ question. What he’s discovered is that it’s not by chance or random why children are or were selected for these programs. In fact, children are often selected because they have a higher propensity in possessing spiritual gifts and abilities, have above average intelligence, and / or have rare genetic or biological traits or characteristics that they were selected for - such as central heterochromia. Understanding this can help survivors take back their inherent spiritual gifts, intelligence and traits that were once exploited for darkness and use them to cast a light on that darkness. Doug is a prime example of what is on the other side of healing and his messages of love and compassion show just how far he’s come in his journey and recovery - giving hope to survivors all around the world. I encourage you all to please put away whatever you’re doing, grab a pen and paper and give Doug your full attention as we continue to learn from a man who has risked it all to make the world a better and safer place for victims, survivors and children. CONNECT WITH DOUG: Website: the show
Nov 25, 2024 • 2h 32min

S5E28 | Justin Riggs - Death of a Church: Greed, Gluttony, and Grift in LDS, Inc.

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to, LDS abuse whistleblower, investigative researcher, journalist and reporter with a Masters degree in Adult Education and Training, creator of LDS Abuse, excommunicated lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, loving father, nature lover, and a man on a mission to help members of the spiritual body known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know what to expect from their church if they become victims of abuse: Justin Riggs In case you are new here or missed Justin’s first episode, here is a little bit about him and what we discussed last time to catch you up: A life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Justin was recently ex-communicated from the church earlier this year for his work - which ironically aims to help cultivate a safer environment in the church for abuse victims, children, and survivors. As many of you know from listening to this podcast or similar podcasts, religious institutions have - over time - become cesspools for abuse to happen and for abusers to hide - and the LDS church is no exception. This is not to say that all members of the church are corrupt or bad - this is to say that Justin has revealed some hidden connections that have been in plain sight all along connecting the LDS church to a long-standing relationship with the CIA as well as exposing the systemic problem of ritual abuse that has since manifested into countless testimonies from survivors who were preyed on by perpetraitors hiding behind the goodwill and secrecy embedded into the church’s very foundations. In Justin’s words: “When people get abused in the Church and seek help, they think they're going to get treated as a child of God, but instead they learn very quickly that their experience is dangerous to the brand of LDS, Inc., and they get treated like a Human Resource problem.”The first time Justin was on, we had a mind-blowing discussion around The Pace Memo - which was a leaked document that disclosed ongoing internal investigations of ritual abuse, pedophilia, and satanism in the LDS church being conducted by church leadership who documented and covered up dozens and dozens of ritual abuse victims and survivor testimonies. This documentation has received very little attention for how serious this issue was and it’s only because researchers like Justin that we even know it exists. We also discussed the LDS church and their long-standing relationship with the CIA and how the abuse these victims were alleging is eerily similar to the testimonies of the many LDS church ritual abuse and MK ULTRA survivors and whistleblowers we’ve had on this podcast. If you missed that episode - I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to go watch it and will have it linked in the show notes!On today’s episode, Justin is going to go even deeper into this rabbit hole by presenting additional shocking documentation that shows - and proves - how there was actually a plan to take over the state of Utah by overthrowing Mormonism and taking possession of the mineral rich land. That plan involved corrupting the youth of the Church by recruiting them into occult secret societies, then feeding them into positions of power, influence, and gain in government, business, religion, intelligence agencies and the military industrial complex… And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Our goal with this series is not to degrade or put down religion, church, or anyone’s specific beliefs - it is to bring awareness to corruption happening in places like the church so that we can collectively demand change in order to make these spaces safeSupport the show
Nov 22, 2024 • 60min

S5E27 | Gloria Masters - P. Diddy, Epstein, & Insights on Supporting Survivors & Healing Communities

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show for a second time, satanic and masonic ritual abuse, mind control and human trafficking survivor, writer and author, survivor advocate, entrepreneur, founder of Handing the Shame Back Foundation, content creator and podcast host, and the woman behind the global hand signal for ‘under 16’s’: Gloria MastersA little bit about Gloria if you missed her first episode or are new here: Gloria was born into a multi-generational incest-based family in New Zealand and survived 16 years of heinous abuse at the hands of her family and the same people who should have been protecting her. Her father sold her to gangs and other groups and Gloria was forced to be a part of over 100 child sexual abuse materials - mainly videos. While her father sold her, her grandmother was getting paid a commission to train her, so she grew up with nowhere to turn for help. After her awakening to the truth about her childhood, Gloria - against all odds - not only overcame what was mean to destroy and silence her, but went on to become an author of three books, ‘On Angels Wings: My Flight From Trauma to Grace’, ‘Keeping Kids Safe - A Roadmap for Parents, Teachers, and Others’, and ‘Flightpath to Healing - A Guide for Child Sexual Abuse Survivors’, started and founded a charity dedicated to survivors of child sexual abuse called Handing the Shame Back Foundation, and started her own podcast on YouTube of the same name - presenting interviews and resources designed exclusively for survivors.Gloria’s purpose in life has become ‘to help others’ by shining a light onto the darkness through love and humility. She strives to reach as many survivors as she can to help them feel less alone and traumatized. Gloria is such a beautiful example of what can happen when you decide to turn pain into purpose and when you can use your story instead of letting your story use you. Something amazing happens when we side-step the manufactured reality built for us and create a better and new reality that focuses on making the world a better place for children, victims and survivors. And that’s exactly what Gloria chose to do with her testimony - she gave it a purpose and is now making the world a better and safer place for our children - one book, one podcast and one hand signal at a time.On today’s episode, Gloria is going to be sharing about the current Diddy scandal and what we can do to help survivors, victims, and the community when disclosure gets leaked or shared. Unfortunately, survivors take a back seat to headlines and they often get ignored or get left without the same attention and support as their abusers. Today, we will be discussing Diddy and entitlement, bystanders and their culpability, the impact disclosure has on survivors, how culture is determined by the way they treat their children, and so much more. Gloria is a wealth of knowledge providing education and solutions on how we can help victims and survivors as well as how we can - as a society - heal and help those get free who are still enslaved in these systems. It’s an honor to get to learn from Gloria who has devoted her life to this cause and I encourage you all to please put away whatever you are doing, grab a pen and paper and give this incredible warrioress your full attention as we continue to learn from her how to hand our shame back to where it belongs!Support the show
Nov 18, 2024 • 2h 31min

S5E26 | Jennifer Guskin - The Root of Child Trafficking, UAP & MK ULTRA Connections, & Egypt Rituals

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to have back on the show for a second time: Human trafficking, mind control and satanic ritual abuse survivor and whistleblower, wife, loving mother, writer, and a young woman on a mission to blind the darkness with her light, Jennifer GuskinIn case you missed Jennifer’s ground-breaking expose the first time she was on - here is a brief synopsis of what we discussed and some of her background: As a child, Jennifer was adopted as an infant into a family who subsequently sold her to various individuals and entities throughout her childhood. Although her memory comes in pieces, what she has remembered so far is enough to leave anyone’s jaw on the floor. After going public for the first time in 2017 to whistleblow her experiences, Jennifer’s life took a harrowing turn as CPS stepped in and took her perfectly healthy daughter out of her perfectly loving home and placed her into Foster Care where she was held hostage by the state of Maryland for 5 yeas. One only has to put two and two together to realize that this was an intentional retaliation effort to silence Jennifer into staying quiet about what she had been publicly sharing - and more importantly - WHO she had been sharing about. Having been put into government-sponsored MK ULTRA-type child slavery programs as a child, a few of Jennifer's memories we discussed the last time she was on included being taken to Epstein Island and multiple Lolita Express type flights, being boated off to islands off Long Island to be experimented on, being placed in ‘gifted and talented’ programs as a child, and exposing a blackmail operation she bore witness to as a child involving a former Presidential candidate and current state Senator. Jennifer’s testimony has caught the eyes of millions after multiple posts of the blackmail operation she witnessed went viral - shocking everyone it reached and opening eyes who had never heard of such things being possible. I admire Jennifer to the depths of my soul for her courage to continue to speak out despite knowing the powerful people she is speaking out against who have continued to try to intimidate her into silence - including trafficking her own child through the foster care system. Jennifer has recently been disclosing more bits and pieces for her story on X and her Substack and I knew it would be a good time to have her back on - especially since many of you have requested her back on again! Jennifer is a warrior who isn't afraid to be both confrontational and honest - she ruffles feathers and wakes people up boldly and bravely and has been a huge inspiration to me in finding my own inner warrior. When you really sit back and take in what survivors like her went through, how long this has been happening to children, and how complacent society has been to stop it - it should really be a no-brainer that we put our fears aside and speak up for the children still held in captivity today. Today you will learn more about Jennifer and hear more about her testimony, and I encourage you all to please put away whatever you are doing and give this amazing hero your full attention as we dive down some new rabbit holes today! CONNECT WITH JENNIFER:Twitter / X: Social: Jennifer GuskinDonate: WITH THE IMAGINATION:Emma's Substack: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comAll links: ME A COFFEE: the show
Nov 15, 2024 • 1h 50min

S5E25 | Justin Riggs - The Pace Memo: Ritual Abuse Coverup in the LDS Church and CIA Connections

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to, LDS abuse whistleblower, investigative researcher, journalist and reporter with a Masters degree in Adult Education and Training, creator of LDS Abuse, excommunicated lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nature lover, and a man on a mission to help members of the spiritual body known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know what to expect from their church if they become victims of abuse: Justin Riggs When I met Justin on X where he does his whistleblowing under the handle @ldsabuse, I was blown away by his body of work and what he has had the courage to help shine a light on. A life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Justin was recently ex-communicated from the church earlier this year for his work - which ironically aims to help cultivate a safer environment in the church for abuse victims, children, and survivors. As many of you know from listening to this podcast or similar podcasts, religious institutions have - over time - become cesspools for abuse to happen and for abusers to hide - and the LDS church is no exception. This is not to say that all members of the church are corrupt or bad - this is to say that Justin has revealed some hidden connections that have been in plain sight all along connecting the LDS church to a long-standing relationship with the CIA as well as exposing the systemic problem of ritual abuse that has since manifested into countless testimonies from survivors who were preyed on by perpetraitors hiding behind the goodwill and secrecy embedded into the church’s very foundations. What’s fascinating about Justin’s body of work is that what he’s discovered and uncovered can all be backed up with evidence and documentation - which he will be presenting and sharing with us today. Justin’s work helps put crucial puzzle pieces together that I believe will help you weave together a foundational core narrative that can serve as the basis of the testimonies you’ve heard and to help answer the questions of ‘Why?’ and ‘How?’. Justin’s work also helps to educate us on the difference between the church itself and the corporation and brand that work in the shadows behind the church that will stop at nothing to protect it’s reputation - including covering up abuse and sweeping it under the rug. In Justin’s words: “When people get abused in the Church and seek help, they think they're going to get treated as a child of God, but instead they learn very quickly that their experience is dangerous to the brand of LDS, Inc., and they get treated like a Human Resource problem.”And we have seen countless testimonies bearing the painful truth of Justin’s statement on this very podcast. Justin shares this information with us not to tear down the church, but to help eradicate the systemic abuse that has perpetuated for far too long with very little public attention or concern. Churches should function as a safe space for survivors and members to rejoice in glory and worship - not a space where protecting survivors, children and victims is a second priority behind protecting the reputation of the church itself. We will be learning a lot of new information today, so buckle up, grab a pen and paper, and give Justin your full attention as what you are about to hear today is absolutely going to blow your mind. CONNECT WITH JUSTIN: X: @ldsabuse - (1) LDS Abuse (@ldsabuse) / XWebsite: Latter-day AbuseSupport the show
Nov 11, 2024 • 22min

Important Updates, Censorship, & Pivots

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comCONNECT WITH ME: -Substack: (23) Emma’s Substack | Emma Katherine | Substack-Rumble: The Imagination Podcast-Bitchute: The Imagination Podcast- iTunes: The Imagination Podcast Series – Apple Podcasts-Spotify: The Imagination | Podcast on SpotifySupport the show
Nov 4, 2024 • 2h 26min

S5E24 | Eric Hecker - Exposing Stargate Project & Circumnavigating Disclosure Community Gatekeepers

Send me a DM here (it doesn't let me respond), OR email me: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.comToday I’m honored to introduce you all to: Raytheon whistleblower, former Navy firefighter and contractor for Raytheon, Stargate Project and MK ULTRA survivor, travel lover, and a man on a mission to help circumnavigate the gatekeepers of the ‘disclosure commodity’ market: Eric HeckerWhen I met Eric, I was familiar with his story of being a whistleblower for witnessing highly advanced directed energy weapons – which we often call ‘DEWs’ on this podcast – being used for crimes against humanity during his time at the South Pole Facility in Antarctica he was stationed at and has testified to congress under oath about. Having listened to a few of Eric’s interviews, it’s shocking, alarming, and very disturbing to listen to his first-hand experiences and to consider the implications on humanity that his claims hold. While we have spoken in length on this podcast about DEWS, electronic mind control, and how these advanced technologies are being used to target individuals – also known as ‘targeted individuals’ or ‘TI’s’ – but what most other interviews featuring Eric haven’t touched much on are his experiences as a child having been sold into the CIA’s Stargate and MK ULTRA projects. I was really thrilled when Eric agreed to come shine a light on this part of his testimony today, and how his childhood experiences may add context to the path he took as an adult and the things he saw and experienced in Antarctica.We know from listening to survivor testimonies on this show that there are very little coincidences in a survivor’s life and that much of their life has been engineered and manufactured to fulfill different roles and duties in society – unbeknownst to them. I believe that Eric’s full disclosure of what he went through as a child will really bring validity and insight as to how and why he ended up in Antarctica as a contractor for Raytheon to begin with.For context on Stargate Project - if you are new here - and according to Wikipedia: “The Stargate Project was a secret US Army unit established in 1977 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International – which, if you guys remember, we have had 3 Stanford Research Institute (AKA SRI) survivors on this podcast - to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Stargate Project's work primarily involved remote viewing and the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.” Eric comes to us today to disclose and share some of the most vulnerable moments of his life out of a personal and moral obligation to shine a light on the darkness that exists in the world that is all but hidden from the general public. While there appears to be a concerted effort to control the mainstream disclosure movement, it will be heroes like Eric who help us break through the controlled narrative by connecting public disclosures of all kinds to child behavior modification programs and government-sponsored child slavery – something very few have the courage to do. It’s the piece that is missing from most disclosure movements. Eric is extremely passionate about helping to bring awareness to organized child abuse and crimes being committed against innocent children through our government and governments all over the world, and he is one of the few whistleblowers that was asked to give testimony for both the Senate Intelligence Committee and AARO. His shared testimony will be getting entered into the National Archives.CONNECT WITH ERIC: Website: Home - Deciphering My ExperienceSupport the show

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