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Elixir Wizards

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May 5, 2022 • 44min

Sanne Kalkman on Coding, Crafting, and Collaboration

This week we are joined by Sanne Kalkman, former teacher turned software engineer. Currently, Sanne works at CodeSandbox, where she's one of two Elixir developers responsible for the backend. When she's not coding, you'll probably find her either 25 browser tabs deep into a new CS topic, learning yet another new hobby, or behind her sewing machine, all of which we dive into in today’s episode! Tuning in, you’ll discover which languages Sanne is proficient in and why she doesn’t consider herself a polyglot; gain some insight into CodeSandbox Projects, a more collaborative rewrite of CodeSandbox from the ground up; and get a sneak peek into Sanne’s upcoming keynote address at Code BEAM Europe in May 2022, which tackles how to help juniors succeed in your organization. We also touch on garbage collection in Elixir, cute avatars, the intersection of code and sewing, and much, much more, so make sure not to miss this fun and insightful conversation with coder and crafter, Sanne Kalkman! Key Points From This Episode: What it’s like living in the Netherlands, Sanne’s favorite TV show, and more. An introduction to Sanne, how she found herself in tech, and her role at CodeSandbox. The first language she entered the professional coding space with: Elixir, of course! How she thinks about JavaScript now that she is proficient in another language like Elixir. Learn more about CodeSandbox Projects and how it fosters live collaboration. How the CodeSandbox app is broken down into Elixir, TypeScript, and Rust. Why Sanne views CodeSandbox as a polyglot environment, but she isn’t a polyglot herself. Find out why she prefers to stick with Elixir in her personal capacity. Code BEAM Europe 2022 and some highlights from Sanne’s upcoming keynote address. Top tips for helping juniors succeed at your organization; model asking questions. The TLDR summary of garbage collection in Elixir from Sanne’s 2020 Code BEAM Talk. Cute avatars over headshots, Sanne’s crafty hobbies, side projects, and more! Some of the cool work taking place at the intersection of code and sewing. Opportunities at CodeSandbox to dive into different codebases and learn different things. Final plugs, mentions, and where to connect with Sanne! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Sanne Kalkman on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/sannekalkman/ Sanne Kalkman on GitHub — https://github.com/sannek/sketch Sanne Kalkman on Twitter — https://twitter.com/sannekalkman CodeSandbox — https://codesandbox.io/ Our Flag Means Death — https://www.hbomax.com/series/urn:hbo:series:GYf3LzwJV98JifQEAAAAO Walibi Amusement Park — https://www.walibi.com/ Code BEAM Europe 2022 — https://codesync.global/conferences/code-beam-sto-2022/ Sanne Kalkman: ’Who Takes Out Your Trash’ (Code BEAM V 2020) — https://youtu.be/OSdaXNQ0xhQ Covatar — https://covatar.com/ FreeSewing — https://freesewing.org/ SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ SmartLogic Jobs — https://smartlogic.io/jobsSpecial Guest: Sanne Kalkman.
Apr 28, 2022 • 1h 1min

Cassidy Williams and Tobi Pfeiffer on Elixir Programming at Remote

This double guest episode features Cassidy Williams, Head of Developer Experience and Education and Tobi Pfeiffer, Staff Engineer from Remote. This fast growing Elixir company provides HR support to clients who are hiring internationally. In this fascinating fast-paced conversation Cassidy and Tobi discuss how Remote works, the explosive growth it has seen and what Cassidy and Tobi have most enjoyed in their time there. Also, we learn more about Cassidy's content creation projects, why Tobi's handle is PragTob, and the strangest laws they have come across when working internationally. We also learn about Cassidy's love of mechanical keyboards and about Tobi's adorable pet rabbits. We wrap up the episode with some great book recommendations and what's upcoming at Remote. Key Points From This Episode: Welcome to Cassidy Williams (Head of Developer Experience and Education) and Tobi Pfeiffer (Staff Engineer) at Remote. Why Cassidy recommends the app Centered for achieving flow state. How different types of music affect everyone’s concentration while coding. Getting to know Tobi: Rails Girls community member, wearer of green and keyboard player. Who Cassidy is: a dweeb who likes memes and how she found the world of coding. What Remote is and how it works. How Tobi came up with the handle PragTob! The explosive growth Remote has seen, and how they stay on top of it. What's coming on the open-source front of Remote. The challenges Remote faces when employing people from different countries. The strangest laws Tobi and Cassidy have come across internationally. Why Cassidy enjoyed the well-practiced onboarding aspects of Remote, and the company values Tobi most appreciates. Tobi’s secret role in the formation of Remote! The people Tobi and Cassidy see moving into Elixir and which skills benefit them the most. Why Tobi's GitHub picture has a rabbit and his favorite game. Cassidy’s passion for mechanical keyboards! Book club recommendations: the books you should be looking out for, and why! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Cassidy Williams on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/cassidoo/ Cassidy Williams on TikTok — https://www.tiktok.com/@cassidoo Cassidy Williams’ Newsletter — https://cassidoo.co/newsletter/ Tobi Pfeiffer on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobiaspfeiffer Tobi Pfeiffer on GitHub — https://github.com/pragtob Remote — https://remote.com/ Remote GitHub — https://github.com/remoteoss Centered — https://www.centered.app/ Benchee — https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/misc/benchee SimpleCov — https://github.com/simplecov-ruby Rails Girls Berlin — http://railsgirls.com/berlin The Agile Samurai: How Agile Masters Deliver Great Software — https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Samurai-Software-Pragmatic-Programmers Netlify — https://www.netlify.com/ Devs for Ukraine — https://www.devsforukraine.io/ Jose Valim — https://www.linkedin.com/in/josevalim Marcelo Lebre — https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelolebre RubyConf — https://rubyconf.org/ Rust — https://rust.facepunch.com/ Go — https://go.dev/ Node.js — https://nodejs.org/en/ React — https://reactjs.org/ Astro — https://astro.build/ Supabase — https://supabase.com/ Thea 2: The Shattering — https://store.steampowered.com/app/606230/Thea_2_The_Shattering Mechanical Keyboard — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_M_keyboard QMK Firmware — https://docs.qmk.fm/#/ Brandon Sanderson — https://www.brandonsanderson.com/ Dark Matter — https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Matter-Novel-Blake-Crouch SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ SmartLogic Jobs — https://smartlogic.io/about/jobsSpecial Guests: Cassidy Williams and Tobi Pfeiffer.
Apr 21, 2022 • 48min

Devon Estes on The Power of Functional Programming

Today’s guest is Devon Estes, who leads the third-party integration team at Remote, a company that uses technology to make it easier for other companies to hire remote employees (not contractors, actual employees) from over 100 countries across the world. Prior to working at Remote (which he loves, as you'll hear today), Devon was a freelancer and avid public speaker, and some of his talks from many years ago are still relevant today. In this conversation, Devon explains why functional programming is easier to use than any other programming type, and how the only thing holding you back from becoming a master is your desire to learn! Key Points From This Episode: Guest host Dan Ivovich explains what prompted him to come up with the theme for this season; Elixir in a Polyglot Environment. A brief rundown of Devon’s daily life. Content that Devon covers in the talks that he gives these days. Devon explains what his role at Remote (where he has worked since November 2021) involves. A challenge that Devon has noticed other people facing when learning Elixir. An overview of what Remote does, and the specific area that Devon’s team focuses on. Functional programming versus object-oriented programming. Devon shares an example of the power of Elixir. The importance of libraries in making Elixir a viable language for data scientists. Devon’s thoughts on mutation testing. Why Devon doesn’t do a lot of open-source work anymore. How Remote has grown over the past year and a half. One of the things that Devon loves about working at Remote. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Devon Estes on Twitter — https://twitter.com/devoncestes Devon Estes — https://devonestes.com/ Refactoring Elixir — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJJMrtJEK1A Going Multi-Node with ExUnit— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elC_8PhWRTg Designing Elixir Systems with OTP — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45159167-designing-elixir-systems-with-otp ElixirConf EU — https://www.elixirconf.eu/ Remote — http://remote.com/ SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Jobs at SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/jobsSpecial Guest: Devon Estes.
Apr 14, 2022 • 49min

Miguel Cobá on Deploying in Elixir and Other Languages

Welcome to the new season of Elixir Wizards: Elixir in a Polyglot Environment. To get things going on this exciting and intriguing subject we are very happy to welcome Miguel Cobá! Miguel currently works at Shore, and he gives us some great insight into the part that Elixir plays at the company (alongside other languages), and how this suits his particulars skillset and vision. In this season, we want to consider important questions about reaching beyond the confines of the Elixir community, and how we can all learn from each other. Miguel is such a perfect guest to open this conversation, as he is fascinated by the way Elixir can fit into a network of knowledge and its deployment into other areas. In today's chat, we also get into the early days of Miguel's interest in programming, and how it took starting a job for him to really start learning. So, to hear all this and more, and to get a taste of a great season to come, be sure to tune in! Key Points From This Episode: Miguel's perspective on the importance of using Elixir alongside other languages. The languages that Miguel has worked in, and currently uses. A look at the path that Miguel took into programming and the first language he used! Turning an interest into a career; Miguel's biggest periods of learning. Background and motivations for Miguel's book, 100 Elixir Tips. The book that Miguel wrote that aims to help developers to write their own books! Constant learning and the passion that Miguel has for sharing this process with others through writing. Miguel shares some surprising parts of deployment in other languages. The combinations of languages that Miguel prefers. An explanation of Elixir's strength for background or asynchronous tasks. Why Miguel values the attitude above different language skills in a programmer. Unpacking how Elixir fits into the polyglot environment at Shore. How Miguel feels about community building and the usefulness of Twitter. Miguel compares his favorite parts of Elixir and the things he feels it is missing. Where to find and connect with Miguel online! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 100 Elixir Tips — https://store.miguelcoba.com/l/100elixirtips Deploying Elixir — https://blog.miguelcoba.com/deploying-elixir-ebook Miguel Cobá on Twitter https://twitter.com/MiguelCoba_ Elm — https://elm-lang.org/ Miguel Cobá Blog https://blog.miguelcoba.com/ Gumroad — https://gumroad.com/ Hashnotes — https://www.hashnotes.app/ Shore — https://www.shore.com/en/ SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Jobs at SmartLogic – https://smartlogic.io/jobsSpecial Guest: Miguel Cobá.
Feb 3, 2022 • 57min

Todd Resudek on the Impact of Elixir

Welcome to the Season 7 finale! Today, we are joined by Todd Resudek, Staff Engineer at Jackpocket, to reflect on the past season and speak about the impact of Elixir, as well as a variety of other topics almost entirely unrelated to programming! Todd is a reformed graphic designer that got his start in web development 15 years ago. He has made a career in front-end development, PHP, Rails, and Elixir. He is also a member of the Hex core team and, in his spare time, he tinkers with hardware projects. In today’s episode of Elixir Wizards, you’ll learn more about the 2022 EMPEX Elixir Mountain event that Todd is co-organizing, the formula for anticipating how many people will turn up at your event, and what trains have to do with the history of timezones. We also touch on Todd’s hopes for the future of Elixir, how Elixir has impacted him, both personally and professionally, and why he recommends learning Elixir as a backup language, plus so much more! Tune in today for a fun discussion with Todd Resudek! ** Key Points From This Episode:** The hilarious and sometimes tragic mispronunciation of our names. Learn more about the 2022 EMPEX Elixir Mountain event that Todd is co-organizing. Todd shares a bit about his background and his allegiance to Wisconsin football. We discuss the formula for how many people to expect at your meetup (or wedding). Some interesting history on timezones and how they relate to trains. Dune memes, roller skating, a qualifier for couple skates, and more. Todd shares his favorite Elixir Wizards episode from Season 7: Brooklyn Zelenka. How Todd learned Elixir when he first started working at Weedmaps. Why he suggests learning Elixir as a ‘backup language’ rather than a primary one. His biggest hope for the future of Elixir: an even more diverse, welcoming community. How a functional programming language like Elixir has impacted the way Todd works. The personal impact the Elixir community has had for Todd by enabling new connections. Find out why Alex’s dog, Bean, loved the test kitchen at their previous workplace. Eric and Alex share how the impact of Elixir has changed for them throughout this season. What all our children, human and animal, had for breakfast. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Todd Resudek on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/toddresudek/ Todd Resudek on Twitter — https://twitter.com/sprsmpl Todd Resudek on GitHub — https://github.com/supersimple Todd Resudek — https://supersimple.org/ Jackpocket — https://jackpocket.com/ EMPEX Conference — https://www.empex.co/ EMPEX MTN 2022 — https://www.empex.co/mtn Alex’s Favorite Dune Meme — https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/234/162/d96 ‘Brooklyn Zelenka and The Exciting World of Edge Computing’ — https://smartlogic.io/podcast/elixir-wizards/s7e9-zelenka/ Toucan — https://www.toucan.events Elixir Wizards |> Conference — https://smartlogic.io/about/community/elixir-wizards-conference/ SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Audience Survey -- https://smr.tl/surveySpecial Guest: Todd Resudek.
Jan 27, 2022 • 46min

Arthi Radhakrishnan on the Value of Collaborative Learning for Software Engineers

This week we welcome Arthi Radhakrishnan back to the show to discuss how Elixir and her career more broadly have shaped her perspectives on learning. Arthi first got into programming as a child growing up in the Bay Area, constantly exposed to tech and tech culture. She remembers building websites using GeoCities in high school and learning about data structures and OOP in Java while in college before transitioning to Elixir during her current position as a backend engineer at Community. We hear about what made her learning so enjoyable, the biggest paradigm shifts she needed to make, and she talks about the value of mentorship, pair programming, and working at a company that encourages learning on the job. In today’s show, we also explore a realization that Arthi has come to at the end of her first decade as a software engineer: that effective learning requires a big dose of self-compassion. So, for all this and more, be sure to tune in today! Key Points From This Episode: Introducing Arthi and the work she does as a backend engineer for Community. What it was like growing up in the Bay Area and how Arthi got into programming. Going from building websites with GeoCities in high school to building a compiler in college. The big role that Java and OOP played in Arthi’s experience of programming fundamentals. Arthi’s experience of learning Elixir and having to shift away from an OOP paradigm. Where Arthi is in her journey of learning Elixir and why she enjoys it so much. How compelling it is to learn on the job and the value of companies that allow for this. The impact that company culture has on job experiences and career trajectories. Summer internships Arthi did in college and how they shaped her career goals. Finding time to do personal learning and why Advent of Code is so helpful. Why setting low expectations for yourself is a helpful paradigm for learning. Exercising self-compassion while learning and how Arthi’s learning approach has evolved. Why Arthi is so grateful that she has gotten to learn Elixir at Community specifically. What good mentorship looks like to Arthi and why she loves pair programming. How learning Elixir and the past 10 years have shaped Arthi’s sense of her needs. Arthi’s thoughts on how Elixir will evolve in the next 10 years. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Arthi Radhakrishnan — https://www.linkedin.com/in/arthiradhakrishnan/ Community — https://www.community.com/ Advent of Code — https://adventofcode.com/ SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Audience Survey -- https://smr.tl/surveySpecial Guest: Arthi Radhakrishnan.
Jan 20, 2022 • 51min

Meryl Dakin on Changing Lanes and Switching Gears With Elixir

Today we welcome software engineer Meryl Dakin to the show, who is currently employed by Knock. Meryl is here to help us continue our exploration of this season's theme of the impact of Elixir, and we get to hear about all how it has impacted her professional and personal life! Our guest talks about her journey through the world of development and the different positions she has held before her current role. We also get into her recent stint as the emcee of ElixirConf alongside our other friend Sophie DeBenedetto! We talk about learning through teaching, encouraging more questions, and why Elixir has had such a positive impact on Meryl's approach to code more generally. Big takeaways from today's conversation include the way that learning a new language can alter one's career in multiple and unexpected ways, why the Elixir community can feel so safe and supportive, and who might get the most benefit from being exposed to Elixir at the right time. So, to hear it all from Meryl and our usual cast of characters, be sure to listen in! Key Points From This Episode: A quick update on Meryl and what she has been busy with lately. Meryl's experiences emceeing the recent ElixirConf! Unpacking what Knock does and who the company serves. How Elixir has been used at Knock and the great experience Meryl has had building with it. Meryl's learning curve with Elixir and the biggest developments in the space from her perspective. The most common advice that Meryl would offer to junior engineers! Why teaching is often the best route to further learning; Meryl's reflections on her presentations. The importance of asking questions and speaking up when you do not understand. How Elixir shifted Meryl's way of thinking about programming: cleaner code and encapsulation. The different kinds of developers that might benefit from being introduced to Elixir. Thoughts on making Elixir more visible to the right people in the larger community. The personal impacts that Elixir has had on Meryl's life: meeting great people and finding an engaging and supportive community. When to consider using Knock and the initial offer for new clients. Where to go to find out more about Knock and whether it might be right for you! Meryl shares her biggest hopes and dreams for the future of the Elixir community. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Meryl Dakin on Twitter — https://twitter.com/meryldakin ElixirConf — https://www.elixirconf.com/ Netflix Christmas Universe — https://collider.com/netflix-christmas-universe-how-movies-connect-explained/ Flatiron School — https://flatironschool.com/ Frame.io — https://www.frame.io/ Knock — https://knock.app/ Knock on Twitter — https://twitter.com/knockdotcom Knock Changelog — https://knock.app/changelog Sophie DeBenedetto — https://www.amazon.com/Books-Sophie-DeBenedetto/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ASophie+DeBenedetto The Flutter Apprentice Book — https://www.raywenderlich.com/books/flutter-apprentice/v1.0.ea2 EMPEX — https://www.empex.co/mtn Programming Phoenix LiveView — https://pragprog.com/titles/liveview/programming-phoenix-liveview/ Twilio — https://www.twilio.com/ Audience Survey -- https://smr.tl/surveySpecial Guest: Meryl Dakin.
Jan 13, 2022 • 46min

Brooklyn Zelenka and The Exciting World of Edge Computing

We are very excited to welcome Brooklyn Zelenka back to the podcast to talk about her work at Fission and the ever-expanding frontier of edge computing! Brooklyn is a co-founder and CTO at Fission and she gives us some insight into the focus of the company's applied research. We hear from our guest about the projects she has been most excited about recently and she even talks about her newfound passion for fermentation! She does a great job of explaining why edge computing is potentially so revolutionary and some of the hurdles that are yet to be overcome on the way to reaching this potential. We discuss security and trust, tech equity, broad adoption, and much more before getting into some more Elixir-focused questions. Our guest shares how Elixir and functional programming have inspired her in different ways, as well as her perspective on some of the weaknesses of Elixir. At the end of our chat, Brooklyn gives some great resource recommendations for anyone wanting to learn more about edge computing, so make sure to stay tuned for that! Key Points From This Episode: What Brooklyn has been keeping busy with recently. A little about Fission and what their research focuses on. Tech and societal trends through the pandemic and Brooklyn's new interest in fermentation. Brooklyn unpacks the main mission of edge computing and some of the biggest challenges. Decisions around what is localized and what is stored remotely in edge computing. Addressing the issue of trust and safeguarding against data breaches. The influence of functional programming in Brooklyn's work on edge applications. Some information on Brooklyn's talk at ElixirConf this year titled 'The Jump to Hyperspace.' Our guest explains the concept of antientropy and its associated techniques. Thoughts on the problem of tech equity and how this might be tackled. Gaining popular trust for new technologies and their inevitable faults. Brooklyn's feelings about Haskell, and the inspiration she takes from it into her work with Elixir. The impact that Elixir has on Brooklyn's work in a broader sense. The route that Brooklyn took into the functional programming world. Brooklyn weighs in on the questions of Elixir's downsides. Resources recommendations for anyone looking to get more acquainted with work in edge computing. Where to find and connect with Brooklyn online! Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Brooklyn Zelenka — https://twitter.com/expede?lang=en Fission — https://fission.codes/ Brooklyn Zelenka at ElixirConf 2021— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogOEEKWxevo Designing Data-Intensive Applications — https://www.bookmall.co.za/products/designing-data-intensive-applications?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2ZCOBhDiARIsAMRfv9ITE1sFKIIcSwK6EGR04aW2RrFZphwrvDQxZekyhuPbEyuqKt6Td8QaApPqEALw_wcB Brooklyn's Tepache Fermentation Recipe — https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeiawn23o6prk4kdhv4cpbfylzr5g2fr22umhvbshf4rlksfrgjzpga/p/Tepache.pdf Witchcraft Suite of Libraries in Haskell/Elixir — https://hexdocs.pm/witchcraft/readme.html Proto School — https://proto.school/ Fission Discord — https://discord.gg/zAQBDEq Fission Discourse — https://talk.fission.codes/ Fission on Luma — https://lu.ma/community/com-XuESjPQQHjh43pc FissionCodes Twitter — https://twitter.com/FISSIONcodes Witchcraft Suite — https://github.com/witchcraftersSpecial Guest: Brooklyn Zelenka.
Jan 6, 2022 • 51min

Sigu Magwa on the Elixir Community in Kenya

We are always excited to have conversations about the growth of the Elixir community, and today we go truly global, welcoming Sigu Magwa to the podcast, who hails from Kenya! Sigu is currently traveling in the US and he fills us in on some of the highs and lows of his trip and why he is so excited to get home to his friends and family. From there, we get into some interesting information about Elixir Kenya and the growth of the meetup over the last couple of years. Sigu shares some insight into IoT in his country and what the general tech space is like right now over there, before opening up about his journey into programming and how he found his way into working with Elixir. We also get to talk about his company, Podii, and their first few years working with clients. Apart from all the tech talk, Sigu is kind enough to shed some light on Kenya's matatu buses, and what makes them so unique, a subject that was particularly captivating to our panel! Listeners can also expect to hear about the recent ElixirConf Africa, Sigu's thoughts on hiring young talent, and what he hopes to see in the next decade within the community. So to catch it all, be sure to listen in with us on Elixir Wizards! Key Points From This Episode: Sigu's trip to the US and the sights he has been seeing in different cities. Some information from Sigu about the Elixir Kenya meetup and the community there. Sigu's experiences with IoT technology in Kenya and its adoption. The elevator pitch for Sigu's company, Podii, and its roots in training. Podii's current operation and company size and some of the projects they have worked on thus far. The coding language trends in Kenya; Sigu weighs in on what he has noticed. Sigu's history in the programming space and how he made his way into the world of tech. How 'matatu' buses operate in Kenya; TVs, celebrity portraits, strobe lights, and high speeds! The ElixirConf Africa that was hosted this year and Sigu's experience of being involved. Sigu's hopes for the Elixir community for the next ten years! Approaches for identifying talented young Elixir developers. How and where to connect with Sigu online and final remarks from our guest. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Sigu Magwa on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/sigu/?originalSubdomain=ke Sigu Magwa on Twitter — https://twitter.com/s_igu Podii — https://podiihq.com/ Nerves — https://www.nerves-project.org/platform.html ElixirConf Africa — https://elixirconf.africa/ QuadBlockQuiz — http://quadblockquiz.org:4000/ Matatu Bus — https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2018/apr/27/a-minibus-ride-like-no-other-nairobis-matatu-culture-in-pictures Hire Junior Engineers — https://smartlogic.io/blog/hire-junior-engineers/ Teach Yourself Computer Science — https://teachyourselfcs.com/ Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs — https://www.amazon.com/Structure-Interpretation-Computer-Programs-Engineering/dp/0262510871 Elixir Wizards Discord — https://discord.com/invite/JGcqSaYf2aSpecial Guest: Sigu Magwa.
Dec 16, 2021 • 56min

Casting Spells with Brooklin Myers

Brooklin Myers is on a quest to change the perception that Elixir is difficult to get into and we are so grateful to have him as a guest on the show today. Aside from being a passionate programmer, Brooklin spends a lot of his time trying to encourage new members in the Elixir community through his Twitter account and podcast called Elixir Newbies. In this episode, we talk to Brooklin about his relationship with Elixir and its broader community, why he loves the space so much and, and why he wants to help it grow. We cover his journey into programming and how he got involved with Elixir specifically. He talks about the features of the language that he loves most and how learning Surface has allowed him to use Elixir in the same way he used to use React. Our conversation also ventures onto the subject of Dungeons and Dragons, another passion of Brooklin’s, and he tells us how learning programming is the closest he has come to fulfilling his dream of being a wizard! Key Points From This Episode: Region-specific spelling and our peeves about words we easily misspell. Brooklin’s background in React and how Surface has helped him use Elixir in a similar way. Structure and testing: Why Brooklin loves Elixir and how it compares to JavaScript. How Brooklin got into programming and left his job selling computers. What led Brooklin to discover Elixir and how he realized its true potential. The aspect of problem-solving and continuous growth Brooklin loves about programming. Brooklin’s desire to help others learn and why he started the Elixir Newbie podcast. How to get over perfectionism: the value of remembering it is okay to fail. Sundi and Brooklin’s approach to taking notes and turning them into posts or tweets. How Brooklin handles his writing, podcasting, and other work by time-blocking. Brooklin’s love of Dungeons and Dragons and the improvisation of being the DM. Why Brooklin loves fantasy and how programming is the closest thing to real-world magic. The impacts of Elixir on Brooklin and how supportive the community has been to him. Whether Brooklin feels that learning Elixir has changed the way he codes. Aspects of Elixir that can improve regarding ease of access to the community. Final shoutouts from Brooklin and where to connect with him online. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Brooklin Myers on Twitter — https://twitter.com/brooklinjmyers Elixir Newbie — https://www.elixirnewbie.com/ Elixir Newbie Podcast — https://podtail.com/en/podcast/elixir-newbie/ Lost Mines of Phandelver – https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/dungeons-and-dragons-5e/deal/lost-mines-of-phandelver-adventure-free Kealy Doyle — https://www.linkedin.com/in/kealy-doyle/ Jono Stiansen — https://twitter.com/JonoCodes Matthew Baker — https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcbii/ Anton’s Pasta Bar — https://antonspastabar.com/ Keith Eats Everything — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9qQXSjI-WOppp4B9x5bgsBS3993KAX2e Surface — https://hexdocs.pm/surface/Surface.html SmartLogic — https://smartlogic.io/ Special Guest: Brooklin Myers.

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