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Origin Story with David McIntosh Jr

Latest episodes

Mar 28, 2023 • 1h 22min

#81 Roei Samuel - ADHD, Comedy and Earning £1,000,000 by 30

Roei Samuel is a visionary entrepreneur and the founder of Connectd. He is a podcast host, Forbes Council Member and Stand Up Comedian. Roei was included in the BBC's Million By 30, Roei is a leading voice for diversity and inclusion in startups, speaking from his own experience as ADHD being his entrepreneurial superpower.Roei shares how his unique name has impacted his life and career. We also discuss his educational journey and how he managed his ADHD as a child and teenager. Roei talks about his parent's social mobility journey and the impact it had on his career path. We explore the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and Roei's first entrepreneurial venture. He shares his insights on the mindset shift between investor and founder and the non-negotiables he looks for in a founder. Roei candidly shares how he navigated the failure of his dad's business and how it influenced his career choices. Roei also talks about his involvement with Real Sport and his experience as an angel investor and mentor. He provides valuable insights into the venture capitalist world and how to balance a brand with comedy. We also discuss the life cycle of Connectd, Roei's latest venture. He explains what Connectd is and the inspiration behind it. Roei talks about the challenges of monetizing a community in the current ecosystem of social media and the importance of managing relationships. Join us for this exciting conversation with Roei Samuel, where he shares his personal highs and lows, valuable insights, and advice he would give his younger self Sponsor: — This episode sponsored by Vybey. If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious products. Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - www.vybey.co.uk Extra Stuff: Follow vybey on Instagram Instagram - [https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFY1aWpaRkpJLVNZcWI4aWV5VERxdlpzelRrUXxBQ3Jtc0tuWGlZc250c04zWVl1enZ2OXladDQzRVpZOWw3R1dIeE1uZE5VU3ktaXVyeC00a3FxakhzVVJGcXZoSlVXM1RWXzVZejFKZ2JsXzBqWWRzQ25MbXFBMnpTSjktRlZUUWRjcnBxc00tZmhWQVlpTTh4TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fvybey.uk%2F&v=kZLMLVOWJcM) - Get in touch Get in touch in the comments below or head to... Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2lhbEltVEdtQWthWXcwRG5WLUlPbVVFUGhMQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcUxjUjlpSTRlcy1zbEt3VVNXQVdYWXdUclVyMHpFOEN5SHJ1bzdwSHRmeFNUSE1HYVJaanMyWF9tX0ZFY29jM0IxQVpYX0hWTVVTWF96d2dKWlktNThlZmRxNERlUmg4Ump4Ul9oT2xiVHRDd2Ridw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fchriswillx&v=8IFwpI7OT6I)developmentbydavid Twitter: [https://www.twitter.com/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDNkQ2hhMVQxRjdwV0d2Y2tXTlBqcDNTR1JDd3xBQ3Jtc0tscG40MjFIUk1jMG5Ba0ViUmg5T1ZyZUl4bEgyV2RUNlUxaXE0R3Y2dkEyb3oyTlp4NXFuLUJ6RDB2STJVM0JvLTZTZmRrdkNDbGQ1YWJhSjBKbGhSNjZvLXphMlVUSDdtRS1hbFVjUGZhOTZBVjM3OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Fchriswillx&v=8IFwpI7OT6I)dbydpodcast Email: davidjuniormcintosh@gmail.com
Mar 21, 2023 • 1h 36min

#80 Rob Lipsett - Improve Your Outcomes, Upload Your Life

Rob Lipsett is a YouTuber with nearly 500k subscribers, a fitness and lifestyle influencer and owner of Fuel Cakes. Rob and I discuss Rob's journey from a young man in financial difficulty to a homeowner in Marbella, the importance of his initial tribe of friends, and the impact of his online presence on his personal life and dating life including opportunities such as Love Island, Alphalete, Partying with Conor McGregor and many more. We also touch on the effects of having a public relationship, managing online hate, and Rob's advice for young men trying to find themselves whilst navigating the dating market. The conversation also delves into Rob's experience as a product-based business owner and his definition and tips for building charisma. Whether you're a fan of Rob's content or just looking for inspiration on how to design a fulfilling life, this episode is for you. Extra Stuff: Check out Fuel Cakes - [https://fuelcakes.com/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2F5dDJNNXZlWG1FeVNDN1ZfZ1ZTLWhyTVptZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttblRtYkV3YjcwT09OdlIwSHJvSnk1OXU2THB4ei1hd2V5UVpidE0wRG0zb1hwZE1iMDVUMkF3N25hZWpTcnBSd2djOHM3NVU0U1JWaVlpclYxMkQyU1pESHVOaEhldVc1bXZIcXdaWFZpYU96bC1qRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ffuelcakes.com%2F&v=gJP_3sXR874) Subscribe to Rob on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/RobLipsett — This episode sponsored by Vybey. If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious products. Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - www.vybey.co.uk Extra Stuff: Follow vybey on Instagram Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/
Mar 10, 2023 • 1h 5min

#79 Jake Gordon - Breath Work: Unlocking the Secret To A Better Life

Jake Gordon also known as Everyday Breath is a certified breathwork coach. Jake shares his expertise on how breathwork differs from traditional forms of meditation or relaxation techniques, how it can help with stress, anxiety, and depression, and how to incorporate it into a daily routine. Jake highlights the various breathing techniques used in breathwork and their benefit and takes us through a live breathwork session, explaining what one can expect to experience. Jake also explains how breathwork can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. He shares how breathwork can help regulate the nervous system, increase emotional awareness, and provide a sense of calm and relaxation. Jake provides examples of how breathwork has helped him overcome their mental health challenges and why moving to a buddhist centre in Austraila changed the trajectory of his life which started clouded in the streets of Glasgow. Thanks Jake. —  This episode sponsored by Vybey.  If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious  products.  Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - www.vybey.co.uk Extra Stuff:   Follow vybey on Instagram  Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/
Feb 23, 2023 • 1h 4min

#78 Dr Meg Jay - The Defining Decade: Your Twenties Matter Most

In this podcast, we sit down with Dr. Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist and author of "The Defining Decade." As an expert in the field of adult development, Dr. Jay shares her personal journey and experiences as a twenty-something, including the inertia of feeling like an imposter and the importance of social mobility and weak ties. Dr. Meg Jay also discusses why she chose to write about the struggles of 20-somethings in her book, despite the perception that this is a carefree era. She talks about the most consequential moments that happen during this decade, and the biggest symptoms that her clients come to her with. We delve into the concept of "Identity Capital," which Dr. Jay coined, and the steps needed to build and cash it in. We also explore her chapter on the strength of weak ties and why who we know may not necessarily lead to opportunities. Dr. Jay also shares her thoughts on the effect of social media on the expectations of 20-somethings and why happiness is more about who you marry than where you attend college. She provides insights on dating seriously in this decade and how to define the type of partner you have. Lastly, Dr. Jay shares her advice for getting ahead in your twenties and how to find meaning and purpose if you feel lost or directionless. She also gives us a sneak peek into her upcoming book, "Supernormal," and where you can find her online. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the defining decade of our lives. —  This episode sponsored by Vybey.  If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious  products.  Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - www.vybey.co.uk Extra Stuff:   Follow vybey on Instagram  *Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/* 
Feb 10, 2023 • 1h 22min

#77 Steven Beattie - Overcoming Europe's Most Dangerous Prison for Young Offenders and Becoming a Doctor

This week my guest is Steven Beattie. A medicine student at University of Dundee and a Personal Trainer. This introduction might sound typical or “out of the box” but trust me it is not. Steven’s story is the most unique, electric and traumatic I have ever heard on The Development by David Podcast Born into deprivation and addiction, Steven's life has been full of challenges, including growing up in gang culture, caring for parents with serious illnesses, serving time in Europe's most dangerous prison, surviving multiple near-death experiences including multiple stabbings and a 70mph drunk crash. Despite these obstacles and experiences, Steven has been able to turn his life around, studying physiology at The University of Glasgow and now becoming a doctor. Steven has also trained for the marines, learned fluent spanish and became the fastest sprinter in Universities across Scotland. This podcast is not just about one man's journey, but about the potential of all young people who are struggling to find their way. It's a message of hope and inspiration for anyone who has faced adversity and felt like giving up In this podcast, Steven shares his journey for the first time. Steven's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a source of inspiration for anyone looking to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. He shares the important lesson that where you come from doesn't define where you can go, and that with determination and hard work, anything is possible. I have and will never release a podcast like this. — This episode sponsored by Vybey. If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious products. Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - https://vybey.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAfFjpUDtu23df5YwMi9LAgsokoTO8a4qWhElRbh0O9uma6o-Fkc9qgaAmPJEALw_wcB Extra Stuff: Follow vybey on Instagram **Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/** ME:Reach out to me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/ LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/ The Development by David Podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM **Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010**
Feb 2, 2023 • 1h 25min

#76 Joe Seddon - Disrupting Oxford & Climbing the Forbes List with only £200

Joe Seddon is the Founder of Zero Gravity, Oxford Alumni and Forbes 35 Under 35 recipient. Join us as we delve into the life of Joe Seddon, a British technology entrepreneur and social mobility innovator. Born in Leeds and raised in West Yorkshire from a single parent family, Seddon comes from humble beginnings and has risen to become the founder of Zero Gravity, a company that supports low-income students in reaching their full potential. With his background in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Oxford and his experience as from a working class northern town, Seddon brings a unique perspective to the tech industry. Zero Gravity, the company aims to increase social mobility by providing low-income students with the support they need to attend top universities in the UK. Over the past few years, Seddon's efforts have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including the Prime Minister's Points of Light award, the Diana Award, and a spot on Forbes' 35 Under 35 list. We dive into Joe's origin story, from his upbringing to becoming the successful entrepreneur he is today. We'll explore his journey from Morley to Million Pound Investments and the motivation behind shooting for Oxford. We discuss the symbolic meaning behind the name "Zero Gravity" and Joe's definition of social mobility. We'll delve into the limiting beliefs that someone from a lower socioeconomic background may have, unwritten rules in the workplace, and why your network is your net worth. We explore the intersection of personal responsibility and social mobility We discuss entrepreneurship, risk aversion, and how Joe's background has affected his nature to be disruptive. We'll also talk about how Joe's socioeconomic status has changed, his inner circle, and how he learned to code. Finally, we touch on his Forbes 35 under 35 feature and what the future holds. Join us as we learn from Joe Seddon's journey and gain insights into the world of entrepreneurship and social mobility. —  This episode sponsored by Vybey.  If you love this podcast - check out Vybey’s Website! From £1.50p a meal you can buy their delicious  products.  Use “DMAC” for 15% off site wide! - https://vybey.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAfFjpUDtu23df5YwMi9LAgsokoTO8a4qWhElRbh0O9uma6o-Fkc9qgaAmPJEALw_wcB  Extra Stuff:   Follow vybey on Instagram  **Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vybey.uk/**  ME:Reach out to me on:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/  LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/  The Development by David Podcast on:   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM  **Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010**
Jan 21, 2023 • 1h 32min

#75 TMCycles - Shocking Truths About Bodybuilding, Steroids and Men's Mental Health

In this episode, we speak with TMCycles, a YouTube content creator and physique coach, about his transition from bodybuilding to functional fitness and the effects of coming off of performance-enhancing drugs. TMCycles, also known as Thomas Maw, is well-known for his transparent discussions about anabolic steroid usage on his YouTube channel. Tom opens up about how growing up on a council estate in Lewisham and later relocating to Bromley shaped his outlook on life and how being surrounded by the right people at the right time led him to pursue a career in functional fitness. He also delves into the vulnerable topic of men's mental health and relationships, specifically in the context of bodybuilding and extreme pursuits. Tom discusses the effects of living a hedonistic lifestyle and the impact it can have on various aspects of one's life. He also reveals how his steroid consumption may have affected his neurotoxicity and psyche, and shares advice on how he is proactively dealing with these effects. Additionally, we delve into the topic of steroids in the public domain, including the exposé of "liver king," and question whether online content should be more regulated. If you enjoyed my chat with Tom, you can find him here: Connect with TM Cycles: Insta - https://www.instagram.com/tmcycles/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/tmcycles If you love this podcast: Fuel it by buying me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Dbyd Extra Stuff: ME:Reach out to me on: **Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/** **LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/** **The Development by David Podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM** ***Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010****
Jan 15, 2023 • 1h 27min

#74 Alex Demirel - Biohacking: Sleep, Sunlight, Sex and Solitude

Alex Demirel is a biohacking coach, content creator and founder of Goldilox. Biohacking is this new prominent term in the wellbeing, mental health, productivity and fitness spheres. But, what is it? In this episode, Alex uses his own journey to demonstrate the immense effects that optimising your biology has for your life outcomes. We explore many facets of life that make up our daily routines including sleep, sunlight, stress, screentime, sex and solitude. I swear it’s not deliberate that they all begin with S. Find out: Why it is better to optimise your evening routine instead of having a lavish morning routine Why you should cut out your morning coffee What your circadian rhythm is and why were biological tuned to sunrise and sunset Why people dont lack focus but lack solitude Why sleep is the lowest hanging fruit to improving your quality of life Why sound, temperature and noise is the biggest determining factor of sleep quality What effects Porn has on your sex life How to optimise your digital workflow for productivity and why Alex once trained with a dog shock collar - haha! Thank you Alex for a great episode. If you want to reach out to Alex you can find him: https://www.instagram.com/alexdemirel/ Extra Stuff: ME:Reach out to me on: **Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/** **LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/** **The Development by David Podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM** ***Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010****
Dec 24, 2022 • 1h 20min

#73 Suhit Amin - Chemotherapy to Multi Million Content Creator King

Suhit Amin is a 21 year old award winning Entrepreneur and Founder of Saulderson Media who manages some of the top influencer and content creating talent. He as worked with brands such as Acer and Asus. He also has battled Cancer and shares his tenacious mindset throughout this process.  Find Suhit here: https://www.instagram.com/suhitamin/  Extra Stuff:   ME:Reach out to me on:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/ LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/  The Development by David Podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM  **Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010**
Dec 17, 2022 • 1h 40min

#72 Mark Drager - Use Your Words Wisely to Get What You Want

Mark Drager is a Brand and Positioning Expert, Founder of a Multi-Million Dollar Creative Agency and Host of "We Do Hard Things" Podcast. WHEN YOU ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, YOU UNLOCK NEW WAYS OF THINKING. Mark cold emailed me and weaponised his words so I couldn't say no to him coming on. Whether we're having a once-in-a-lifetime talk in front of thousands or digging deep in a one-on-one strategy session, asking the right question in the right moment unlocks life-changing breakthroughs. Having interviewed thousands of people over almost 2 decades, Mark has learned the secret formula for creating break-through moments, never-heard-before talks, and unignorable brands and content: Mark also comes on to speak about his hugely optimal approach to retaining and recalling from books and podcasts.  And of course, his genesis story to building a multimillion dollar organisation with his words! Thanks Mark for being an awesome guest and reaching out! Find Mark here: https://www.instagram.com/mark.drager/ Extra Stuff: ME:Reach out to me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/LinkedIn: https://www.instagram.com/developmentbydavid/ The Development by David Podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DV9tUfz5nGCmH0bfZUFrM **Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-development-by-david-podcast/id1542740010**

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