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Dec 9, 2024 • 1h 11min

Atom Bergstrom – Solar Nutrition: Why Eating Food At The Right Time Of Day Is Healing To The Body

[include file=get-in-itunes.html] Atom Bergstrom dropped by today to discuss chronobiotic nutrition with us. Sometimes it’s called solar nutrition. It was developed by Adano Ley or otherwise known as Swami Nityananda Saraswati or Swami Nitty Gritty as he liked to be called. Atom Bergstrom spent roughly 13 years with Adano Ley in Texas, California and beyond. Atom Bergstrom is also the author of Yes, No, Maybe: Chronobiotic Nutrition. Atom is also the author of many other books which are available on his website. We’re going to be featuring the work of Atom Bergstrom on our website on a monthly basis as we believe he’s got some extremely valuable things to share with our audience. In this show we wanted to talk in a very general manner about what solar nutrition is all about and why eating foods in their proper time is important. The idea is that the angle that the sun hits the food is important. If my memory is correct the water molecule has atoms (or is it electrons) that sit on the side of it at 111 degrees and look like Micky Mouse ears. If those angles aren’t correct the water molecule wouldn’t be water. Because everything is angles (geometry), frequency and energy the timing, and natural rhythms of life work in cycles and not in a linear way. We’re taught in Western society that everything is linear when in fact all of nature tells us otherwise. Every organ and gland in the body works on a specific predictable timing pattern as well. Living in this pattern is where the magic happens. As Atom described, if you go to a health food store at midnight or a nightclub at 10am it’s not going to work. Our organs and circadian rhythms work much the same way. It’s the cycle of life! I hope you enjoy this episode. Here are some of the things we talked about in this fascinating podcast with Mr. Atom Bergstrom! After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: How to increase fertility naturally How to detoxify and cleanse the body of chemotherapy & other toxins Tips for building muscle and gaining weight Healing digestive issues The power of the Cobalamin Tonic How colors affect our physiology How 1 to 3pm is liver gall bladder time 3 to 5pm is best to build muscle 5 to 7pm is best to build strength Sri yukteswar And so much more! We are much more WHEN we eat than we are WHAT we eat. Atom Bergstrom explains why… – Click to tweet this! – Get Notified: [ois skin=”Show Page2″] – Commercials: – Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! – Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest – Show Date: Thursday 3/28/2013 – Show Guest: Atom Bergstrom – Guest Info: A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California. Read More… Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition, Atom has been counseling people with various diseases and ailments since the 70’s. His expertise is on nutrition, chronobiology, reflexology, slit-lamp iridology, meditation, Sufi, and I Ching and other holistic modalities. He graduated from Adano Ley’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences in 1979. Atom’s main teacher was Adano C. Ley or Swami Nityananda Saraswati (aka Swami “Nitty Gritty”) and from whom Atom learned the science of Solar Nutrition, Reflexology and Body/Organ Language and other wholistic modalities of healing. Adano Ley’s guru was Parmahansa Yogananda, author of The Autobiography of a Yogi, who talked about yogis living on sun energy. He has authored 20 or so e-books and continues to further the spiritual work of Adano Ley, Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng), and Adnan Sarhan, as well as promoting the health research of Emanuel Revici, John Beard, Helen Flanders Dunbar, Josef Deck, Matthew Luckiesh, and A.J. Pacini. Atom is the resident bloggist and a regular guest (first Monday of every month) on Patrick Timpone’s One Radio Network, the “CNN of Metaphysics.” – Topic: Chronobiotic Nutrition or Solar Nutrition – Guest Website(s): http://www.solarman111.com http://www.wellness-wagon.com http://www.marcellavonnharting.com/yes-no-maybe-chronobiotic-nutrition.html (Guest Social Links Below. Please Follow Them!) Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atoms-School-of-Time-Conscious-Living-at-Solarman111com/182971901757492 https://www.facebook.com/atom.bergstrom Twitter N/A Youtube/Vimeo N/A – Guest Product(s): Click Below To Checkout The Products While Listening! 🙂 – Items Mentioned: School Of The Holy Science – Connect: Discuss This Episode With Others – Duration/Size: 01:11:00 / 66.61 MB – Rate: Rate This Guest! – Rate This Show: [ratings] – Download: Right Click To Download – Donate: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) – Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Interview with Atom Bergstrom – Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time – Follow Us!: Please consider ReTweeting the following update to share this episode… Solar Nutrition explained by Atom Bergstrom. Listen here…extremehealthradio.com/78 — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) March 31, 2013 – Watch a very helpful video [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=kNTs_YgKivw width=640 height=480 anchor=tutorial] for this page. – Subscribe to iTunes or Leave a Review Subscribe to iTunes podcast Click Here to Subscribe via RSS (non-iTunes feed) Leave a review Thank you so much for your support, and if you have yet to leave a rating or review, please leave me an honest one on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! – Podcast Transcript: Coming soon. Thanks for your patience! Extras: Here’s a few more weight optimization tips for your file … (1) Whales or giant sea turtles kept in captivity don’t grow as large as they do in the ocean. Deep diving into high pressure is what activates weight gain. A similar effect occurs when a baby is expelled from a highly pressurized womb into the less pressurized environment to enter the world with the typical puffy-cheeked, balloon-like “popcorn” baby face. Leslie Sabbagh (“Keeping the Beat,” Popular Mechanics, April 2005) wrote … “Take away gravity and the human machine hardly knows how to behave. The gut rebels, sending food back up the esophagus; blood and other fluids shift upward too, giving astronauts puffy faces; and the volume of blood swells in the eyes’ tiny vessels, shortening focal length and decreasing near vision acuity.” “Sending food back up the esophagus” – think GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). “Decreasing near vision acuity” – think myopia (near-sightedness) and presbyopia (“old eyes”). (2) Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said … “There’s no such thing as weight loss or weight gain. It’s all constriction and dilation.” Scientists know a single fat cell can expand 1,000 times, but what really is responsible for the expansion? (3) My proudest moment at the gym was when someone asked, “Are you on steroids?” Adano renamed me “Schwarzenberger.” I combined semi-conventional ways of bodybuilding with Adano’s advice about the role of gaseous pressurization and fluid dynamics. The “pump” is more than simple hydraulics. Later I yawned, burped, and farted all my “muscle” and “fat” away, and I’m so skinny again you’ll see more “meat” in a five-cent taco. (4) Adano (during a Solar Nutrition workshop at Scandia Health Food Store in California) pointed to a photo of a bodybuilder on a can of protein powder and boasted … “See that guy with all his muscles? Give him to me for thirty minutes and I’ll make him yawn and fart all that muscle away.” (5) A student of Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) told me the following story … He was amazed to watch Chen put away plate after plate after plate of food. Chen read his mind and told him … “I don’t shit. I turn it all into Qi.” (6) “A sound heart is the life of the flesh,” according to Proverbs 14:30. Burning calories is the job of the Third Chakra, while gaseous constriction and dilation is the job of the Fourth Chakra, commonly called the Heart Chakra. An endomorph (chubby-morph) resonates with the Fifth Chakra – the Thyroid Chakra. A mesomorph (muscle-morph) resonates with the Fourth Chakra – the Heart Chakra. An ectomorph (skinny-morph) resonates with the Third Chakra – the Uterine Chakra. Men have a homologue of the uterus (and vagina) called the prostatic utrical (“pouch of the prostate”). Today’s mainstream medicine claims it serves no function, but urologist Dr. Robert William Taylor wrote in 1899 … “In coitus it so contracts that it draws upon the openings of the ejaculatory ducts, and thus renders them so patulous [open] that the semen readily passes through.” (7) The Third Chakra can also affect the Fourth Chakra – heat rises from the Fire Chakra to the Air Chakra. One purpose of Kriya Yoga is to reverse this process and direct heat downward into the anus. Adano said … “The purpose of doing Kriyas is to have a cool head and a hot ass. Most people have a hot head and a cold ass.” Drinking cold water causes weight gain while drinking warm water causes weight loss. Yes, like today’s media says, drinking cold water burns more calories, but it still causes more weight gain, especially carbonated liquids. Carbon dioxide is a refrigerant. (8) Sri Yukteswar gained fifty pounds in a few hours, thanks to a little boost from his guru, Lahiri Mahasaya. Qi is gaseous pressurization, not magnetic field or “auric” phenomena, as many so-called “experts” claim. Magnets and magnetic beds can actually decrease life force without a thorough understanding of magnetic domains. The “aura” is magnetic and calorific and confined to the Third Chakra. COUGHING and BLOWING (and shoulder rotation and rib expansion) are precursors to the mastery of Qi, as seen in the coughing, water blowing, and inflation behavior of pufferfish and triggerfish. (9) Solar Nutrition is based on constriction and dilation, based on the heart’s systole and diastole. You constrict during the Spring of the Body (beginning at Lung Time). “The best time to lose weight is during the Spring of the Body,” according to Adano. You dilate during the Summer of the Body (beginning at Spleen-Pancreas Time). You dilate more during the Autumn of the Body (beginning at Urinary Bladder Time). “The best time to gain weight is during the Autumn of the Body,” according to Adano. You constrict during the Winter of the Body (beginning at Triple Heater Time). (10) A Master of Constriction and Dilation (weight loss and gain) is a master of four gases – oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Jan Baptist van Helmont (1579-1644) was the “founder of pneumatic chemistry.” Helena Curtis (Biology, Second Edition, 1968, 1975) wrote … “Van Helmont grew a small willow tree in an earthenware pot for four years, adding only water to the pot. At the end of five years, the willow had increased in weight by 164 pounds, while the earth decreased in weight by only 2 ounces.” Van Helmont discovered the “gas” (oxygen) is in the arteries and the “ferment” (coal) is in the veins. Optimum weight is a result of the gas and the ferment cancelling each other out with EFFICIENT RESPIRATION. The post Atom Bergstrom – Solar Nutrition: Why Eating Food At The Right Time Of Day Is Healing To The Body appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 9, 2024 • 1h 35min

Phil Wilson – Answering Questions About Sauna Therapy, Dispelling Myths & Why I Love The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna So Much!

Check out my health protocols here >> The Relax Sauna is on sale now for a limited time 7-29-24. Use code SUMMERFLASH24 to save $175. ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP Dissolve-It-All – breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification PUFA Protect – Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet Purely K – Reduce Calcification NAD Power – Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer – Lower Endotoxins! Oyster Extract – Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc Resilien-C – Whole Food Vitamin C Panacea – Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron Digest-it-All – Better assimilate & absorb your food Use discount code EHR15 🙂 Phil Wilson is the man behind the Momentum98 Relax FAR Infrared Sauna that we sell. I believe the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna is the #1 sauna on the market today. I’ve been using the Relax Sauna for about 4 years now on average about 5 to 6 days a week. The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna is great because it’s portable which means you do not have to knock down any walls and you can loan it to a friend. The sauna breaks down in a couple of minutes. You can also move it room to room in your home which is really great. You can’t do do that with other sauna models. It’s also very low EMF (any electrical device even a Vitamix or a Juicer will emit EMF). The EMF comes up to about knee high so it doesn’t affect your internal organs and I’m VERY comfortable with that. Heck we use blenders and juicers and don’t even think twice about that! The other thing that’s so great about the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna is that you can put your arms out and read a book, turn the heat down or use a remote control if you’re watching TV while sitting in the sauna. But one of my favorite aspects of this sauna is that your head isn’t being heated. This is very important in Ayurvedic medicine which has been used for thousands of years in India. The sauna is lined on the inside with silver threading which means it reflects the light (although you can’t see it…it feels like heat) to create a nice even distribution of heat. This sauna is easy to clean, quiet and it heats up immediately. I start sweating about 5 minutes after I turn the heaters on. It’s a clean sweat also so you don’t feel sticky or smelly. Regular sauna use helps to increase heat shock proteins which can improve the immune system by up to 40%. Combine that with Olive Leaf Extract, Beta Glucans and Colostrom and you’re really improved your immune system health. Toxins, chemicals and cancer causing agents get stored in our fat cells. The FAR Infrared rays help to vibrate the fat cells to release those carcinogenic toxins as sweat. As you can tell, I love this Relax FAR Infrared sauna! If you would like to purchase one simply click here. Or if you are listening during this holiday season, click here to get a HUGE discount on this sauna! Thank you all! Justin, Kate and Maggie On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you’re not buying anything right now! 🙂 Sponsor For This Episode: SOL CBD Oils Savvy Rest Organic Beds Member’s Only Website Featured Products For This Episode: We are now commercial free but only if you click here to support us to keep making commercial free shows! 🙂 Berkey Water Filters Bellicon Rebounders Annmarie Gianni Skin Care Chemical Free Organic Skincare! Activation Products – Ocean’s Alive & Magnesium Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Monday 11/21/2016 Show Guest: Phil Wilson Guest Info: Phil Wilson is the man behind the company Momentum98. Show Topic: Sauna therapy for cleansing and detoxification Guest Website(s): http://www.momentum98.com Guest Product(s): Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Radio Show Transcript: [spp-transcript] The post Phil Wilson – Answering Questions About Sauna Therapy, Dispelling Myths & Why I Love The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna So Much! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 8, 2024 • 1h 23min

Mark Sisson – Primal Diet Tips, The Importance of Cultivating More Play In Our Lives, The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting, Building Muscle & More!

I find it to be so much fun speaking to the very people who were my teachers along the way when I was getting going in the health field. Mark Sisson’s work at Mark’s Daily Apple was a place where I learned the foundation of the primal (or paleo) diet. Each morning would eagerly await his newest blog post (he writes every single morning and still does!) so that I could devour it up. For those that don’t know Mark Sisson is the author of such books as… The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation The Primal Blueprint The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happiness Having been a fan of Mark’s work for many years, we had a great time speaking with him in person. Do you follow any kind of paleo or primal diet? I was 100% raw vegan for about 7 years and then finally started adding some animal products into my life. Here are the main animal products I consume on a regular basis… Ghee Butter (grass fed and raw) I used to drink raw milk but no longer Deer Antler Extract Colostrum Whey protein powder Honey Fish Chicken Beef In this show Mark Sisson talks with Kate and I about the benefits of intermittent fasting as well as what he has for breakfast on many days. I think you’ll be pretty shocked at what he consumes for breakfast. We also talked about the health benefits of doing just the right amount of cardiovascular exercise and specific weight lifting strategies for building muscle for us “hardgainers”. I believe the term he used for us was ectomorphs. Whenever I don’t want to go to the gym and lift weights I’m reminded of this quote… [spp-tweet “Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. ~ Edward Smith-Stanley”] We hope you enjoyed our interview with Mark Sisson as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing? Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂 Sponsors For This Episode: Essence Sea – Developed by noted scientist and professor, Dr. Ron Cusson’s sea based products are nothing short of incredible. They have products that will increase your immune system boost health, increase energy as well as longevity. Kate and I highly stand behind what they’re doing. Visit them today! Liv On Labs Vitamin C – 1,000 milligrams of specially encapsulated vitamin c in 1 packet that DOESN’T upset your little tummy. I swear by this stuff. Watch the video at the link above to learn more. Show Notes For This Episode: Barf World Raw Dog Food The Q-Laser 1000 NG Sean Croxton Novak Djokovic Dean Karnazes – see books Jim Fixx – see books The Fiber Menace Dr. Norman Robillard – see books Thich Nhat Hanh – see books Steven Hines DVD Professor Ron Cusson Natural News Article on Organ Meats Article about the dangers of meat Commercials During This Episode: Commercial #1 – Barf World Raw Dog Food Commercial #2 – The Q-Laser 1000 NG Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Monday 8/25/2014 Show Guest: Mark Sisson Guest Info: I’m a former elite endurance athlete who has made health and fitness my life’s work. In my younger days, I was on the track toward medical school for a while (BA in Biology from Williams College), but I got detoured by a different track – literally – and a dream of making the US Olympic team for the marathon. As the decades passed, I realized that my calling was as an independent researcher, critical thinker, motivator, and communicator – to get people to take responsibility for their health and fitness (often in the face of flawed conventional wisdom that can lead even the best-intentioned astray), and to inspire people to be open-minded, passionate, and enthusiastic about leading a healthy, happy, fit, balanced, active lifestyle, with the least amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice possible. Show Topic: Paleo & Primal diets, running, weight lifting, exercise, fasting and fun! Guest Website(s): http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ Social Websites: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marks-Daily-Apple/31392528863 Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Mark_Sisson Others https://plus.google.com/u/0/106306342247851869428/posts http://pinterest.com/marksdailyapple/ http://youtube.com/marksdailyapple/ Guest Product(s): Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Interview with Mark Sisson Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time Share This Show Socially!: Today we spoke with @Mark_Sisson about the #PaleoDiet, #ExerciseTips, #Fasting & more! Listen here: http://t.co/W9lX0c6IeT — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) August 27, 2014 Radio Show Transcript: Coming soon! 🙂 [spp-transcript] The post Mark Sisson – Primal Diet Tips, The Importance of Cultivating More Play In Our Lives, The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting, Building Muscle & More! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 7, 2024 • 1h 56min

Dr. Ed Park – Can Telomere Activation Allow Us To Live To 200 Years Old & What Are The Implications?

Today we spoke with Dr. Ed Park author of the book Telomere Timebombs (I highly recommend it!) and he’s also the man behind the product TA-65 which we talked about along with his other product Recharge, which we are going to start taking soon. We’ll report back to you as to our experience with it. We were turned on to Dr. Park from a listener and when I began to research the work that he’s doing, I was highly impressed and immediately became excited to introduce him to all of you. Some interesting things to consider about living a very long life span… Are humans able to live until we’re 200, 400 or more years old? Imaging living in a healthy, vibrant, strong and youthful body all the way until we’re that age? Would you want to do it? [spp-tweet “You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing. George Bernard Shaw”] It means you’d out live multiple generations of family below you. It’s a concept that’s inconceivable and maybe that’s part of the problem. Because we’re so programmed for early death maybe it actually imbues itself deep into the very fibers and strands of our DNA? Maybe this energetic blockage of how long we can live actually affects sub atomic particles which actually cause our telomeres to get snipped off from our DNA because telomerase isn’t abundant enough. Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about but it’s just a theory. Would you want to live that long? Today we had Dr. Ed Park join us in the studio to talk about telomere activation, anti aging (some people prefer to call it pro youthing) and life extension using a super concentrated ancient Chinese herb called astragalus. Dr. Park was gracious enough to make the drive and come into our studio. After the show was over we talked extensively about what it would mean to live for hundreds of years. Would there be over population? Would there be issues with people running out of money? Would there be a drain on natural resources? These are all topics we discussed at the end of the show. We hope you enjoyed our interview with Dr. Ed Park as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing? Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂 Sponsors For This Episode: Carnivora Superfoods – Target & enhance your immune system with Carnivora supplements to prevent disease and feel amazing. Kate and I highly recommend checking them out! BioAge Superfoods – Kate and I have been taking BioAge superfoods now for quite some time and we don’t want to be without it. Their spirulina is incredible. Pick some up today. You’ll be glad you did. Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Commercials During This Episode: Commercial #1 – BioAge Superfoods Commercial #2 – Carnivora Immune System Support Commercial #3 – Qigong Moving Meditation Commercial #4 – Vitamix Blender Commercial #5 – Omron Nebulizer Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Wednesday 9/10/2014 Show Guest: Dr. Ed Park Guest Info: Dr. Ed Park, MD, MPH, is a telomere and telomerase expert and founder of Recharge Biomedical. He graduated with honors from Harvard University with BA (Bachelor of Arts) in Biological Anthropology in 1989. Dr. Park received MD (Doctor of Medicine) from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, and MPH (Master of Public Health) from Columbia University, School of Public Health, in 1993. He completed internship and residency at Beth Israel Hospital, a teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School in 1997. Show Topic: D Ed Park, telomere, anti aging, pro youthing, astragalus, young, youthful, vibrant, long life, life extension, herbs, Chinese medicine Guest Website(s): http://www.rechargebiomedical.com/ http://telomeretimebombs.com/ http://www.lokahi.guru Social Websites: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RechargeBiomedical https://www.facebook.com/lokahiguru Twitter https://twitter.com/drpark Others https://www.youtube.com/user/drpark65 Guest Product(s): Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Interview with Dr. Ed Park Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time Share This Show Socially!: @drpark joined us to talk about #telomeres, #antiaging & how we could live hundreds of yrs. What do you think? http://t.co/3vGjQAGTc8 — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) September 11, 2014 The post Dr. Ed Park – Can Telomere Activation Allow Us To Live To 200 Years Old & What Are The Implications? appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 6, 2024 • 1h 54min

Greg Caton – The Power Of Escharotic Herbs & Other Healing Modalities To Overcome Disease

Check out my health protocols here >> Greg Caton was on the show today. He’s the author of a few books one of which is Lumen: Food for a New Age and the other is Meditopia®. I first wanted to start off by saying I really apologize for how late this interview is from being recorded. We had MAJOR server issues after the show and it really set us back. We’re in the process of changing hosting companies but since we produce so many shows per week and each show takes multiple hours to produce they can stack up pretty easily and at that point (when you’re behind by 7 shows like we are now and you’re a one man show) it becomes quite daunting. So with that said, we apologize and we really appreciate your patience with us as we continue to grow! That’s a good problem right! 🙂 So back to Greg Caton. I heard a really interesting interview with his wife during the time he was in prison. He was such a fun guest to have on and we talked about his story about how the FDA and other drug agencies deported him back to the United States. For those that don’t know he got deported from a foreign country and put in prison here in the US. I’m not sure what the original charge was but (in my opinion) the real reason was because he was doing some great things in regard to cancer and disease with his products. On one level I completely understand. The United States is doing what any entity does to survive. It HAS to act like a maniacal tyrant in order to keep the masses believing the lie. Any one of us, when threatened fight to survive. I get it. I understand it. Do I agree with it or do I think it’s right? No. When we’re told that “so and so” was put in prison for some “crime” like say tax evasion or something like that, we immediately think the person is a slug and think poorly of him. But just because you go to prison doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy. There are thousands of people wrongly put in prison and even put to death by our government. There are many famous people that have gone to prison for what would considered today to be a noble cause. So just because somebody goes to jail doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy. I’ve known about Greg and his work for many years and from what I can tell, he’s out there to help as many people as he can. Obviously I don’t know him personally but it definitely appears as though he’s doing great things. And well, I like him! 🙂 He’s doing a lot of work with escharotic herbs like black salves, blood root pastes and uses powerful substances from the Amazon rain forest to help with skin conditions like cancer and so forth. Post by Extreme Health Radio. Before I say anything I want to make sure I’m on the up and up here because God only knows where we will be politically in 5 or 10 years from now. If you have any skin condition or anything, go see your doctor and get a professional opinion. Whew it was hard to say that! I just had to put the words on the page “just in case” because everything within me believes the opposite. Greg and I talked about many different things during this interview like parasites, coffee enemas, radiation coming from Fukushima, Russian zappers to kill worms, the value of liver gallbladder flushes and so much more. We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed having Greg on. We hope you visit his site and STOCK UP on some of his products. You never know if one day they won’t be available. Personally I’m going to stock up on a few things to keep as back up in my herbal medicine cabinet. We hope you enjoyed our interview with Greg Caton as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing? Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂 Show Notes For This Episode: The Amazing BioMat The Bellicon Rebounder Creditors in Commerce the Living Temple Workshop Dr. Robert Wickman Candice Perth Molecules in Motion Democracy in America Alex De Tocqueville Project Green Life for MMS My experience using Greg’s products Charlotte Iserbyt – see books 4 Arguments For The Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander Anastasia Ringing Trees Laura Eisenhower Our dentist Dr. Stuart Nunnally Dr. Richard Massey Noam Chomsky – see books Bob Beck Royal Raymond Rife David Icke – see books College Conspiracy documentary Plants Used Against Cancer Benjamin Rush Declaration of Independence Walter Russell Atomic Suicide Dane Wigington Geo Engineering Harry Hoxsey Bernard Jensen – see books LG Medical Supply Tens Units Stay Notified of New Shows: [hcshort id=”16″] Commercials During This Episode: Commercial #1 Commercial #2 Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Wednesday 4/16/2014 Show Guest: Greg Caton Guest Info: Greg Caton has worked extensively in “designer foods,” as well as alternative medicine and nutrition products since 1981. He graduated from L.A. Valley College, is a U.S. Navy veteran, and the author of three books, Lumen: Food for a New Age, MLM Fraud(1991) on corruption in the multi-level marketing industry and the tools to identify the work of its perpetrators — since banned in the U.S., and the online book, Meditopia®. In 1995 he created Alpha Omega Labs, which became a provider of over 300 alternative health products with 14distributors around the world, before its closure by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in September, 2003. It successfully reopened in Ecuador in June, 2008. Show Topic: Escharotic Herbs, blood root paste, black salves, skin cancer, natural healing Guest Website(s): http://www.meditopia.org http://www.gregcaton.com http://www.altcancer.com http://www.herbhealers.com Social Websites: Facebook N/A Twitter N/A Others N/A Guest Product(s): Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! <a href=”https://www.extremehealthradio.com/ep-234-greg-caton-the-power-of-escharotic-herbs-other-healing-modalities-to-overcome-disease-4-16-2014″>Interview with Greg Caton</a> Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time Share This Show Socially!: Listen to our show with Greg Caton on healing #SkinCancer naturally using #BlackSalve, #BloodRoot Paste & more! http://t.co/RtpvEedsWI — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) April 26, 2014 Radio Show Transcript: Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂 The post Greg Caton – The Power Of Escharotic Herbs & Other Healing Modalities To Overcome Disease appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 5, 2024 • 1h 34min

Interesting Thoughts After 10 Years Of Marriage, Breaking Down The Medical Medium Plus Much More!

We started off this particular podcast talking about camping for some reason. We never know where these shows are going to take us but we hope you enjoy them. Since we cannot give medical advice we like to talk about health, spirituality, personal development, success, growth and much more. We like to take listener questions and really just banter back and forth. The FFAF shows are really designed for you (should you be interested) to peek into our lives and into our conversations. The beginning of the show, we talked about why we aren’t campers. We want to enjoy the great outdoors, we want to reconnect with nature but I think we finally got to the bottom of why we don’t like camping (at least at this point in our lives). How about you, do you like and enjoy camping? During the taping of the show, we also were in the middle of our 10 year anniversary of being married. I can’t believe it has been 10 years since we got married. Man time has flown and have we been through more than we could have ever imagined and have we learned a lot. Both Kate and I are seekers and searchers always looking to expand, grow and learn. Even though I was very much into alternative information since a very early age, Kate seemed to hop on board and run with it. She’s constantly causing me to think of things in a new way. It’s my belief that if you have life figured out, then you’re not on the same path I am. Life gets boring when we have it all figured out. We have the most engaging and deep conversations when we’re off the air. I wish we could record all of them for the show. We talked about our marriage and our dynamics. We discussed the idea of marriage and whether or not it’s a healthy thing for the majority of people. Since it was our 10 year anniversary we hope you enjoy this more personal podcast we did. Then we got down to brass tacks as they say. We discussed the Medical Medium, Anthony William and what our thoughts were about his work that he’s doing. That episode was one of the more controversial shows we’ve ever done next to the one’s with Chris Kehler. Some people didn’t buy into Anthony’s claim that he was talking with Spirit. Some people don’t like how much he charges for a consultation. Some people thought that maybe he was connecting with demonic beings that were evil. We got many emails from people who didn’t believe him and many emails from people that have benefited from his work. It’s interesting how many different reactions you can have from one guest. Somebody will hate him and somebody will love him. We are here merely to present options for healing. The medical industry has told you there’s only one game in town. There’s only one viable option for healing and that is wait for it….them! How convenient is that? They want to make people think that they have the best way of treating and healing people. Well fortunately for the masses we have the internet now and mass consciousness is waking up. The fact is that over 400,000 people per year die just from going to the hospital. People are learning and waking up from the 100 year old lie that the medical industry has put on us. We can heal ourselves and we can do it without their help, if we’re willing to put in the work and learn how the human body works. It’s a big undertaking and it’s a big task. Are we willing to do it? That remains to be seen. But whether or not you believe in prayer, psychics, mediums, energy medicine or God, what remains true is that these are options for healing the body without using drugs, medications and toxic poisons. Whether or not they work is another story. My job is to put information out there as options and let you decide what’s going to work in your life. Many people talk about the placebo effect which can account for a high percentage of healing. If you want to learn more about the placebo effect listen to our show with Dr. Joe Dispenza. So we discussed all the different angles of Anthony William as the Medical Medium. I want you to know that we are on the same journey as you are. We just happened to have a show and cameras. We are open minded and want to investigate everything we see in the alternative health community. Natural healing is the most powerful way to heal the body because you’re not damaging it in the process. Your’e not loading it up with chemicals and poisons in the attempt to heal. Within the natural health community there are many people who feel like they have all the answers. Unfortunately when we feel like the answers are “out there” with somebody else, it makes us reliant upon others. The work that I do is constantly reminding myself that the answers lie within. The answers come from deep spiritual work and deep spiritual practice. The great lie is that we must rely on other people for information that’s going to somehow “fix” us. The ability to heal is inside each and every one of us. It doesn’t matter if we’re dealing with cancer, heart disease, diabetes or just a common cold or flu. When we give our power away on a daily basis we’re subconsciously conditioning ourselves that we must rely on other people to heal us. Society and culture have made us believe that only a man in a white lab coat can help us overcome a disease. Our modern culture has done everything possible in order to keep us busy, keep us sick and keep us in debt so we don’t have time to take care of ourselves and look within. The answers lie within. If we can get quiet enough and go there. But how can we when we’re working 10 hours a day, commuting to and from work. We’re sick, we’re tired and we have no time to even get on top of the chaos that is our life. That’s exactly where the media, society and our governments want us. Sick, tired, in debt and completely dependent on them for all the benefits and privileges they can offer us so we can cope with our depressing lives. Our goal is to present information and motivation to let you know there is a better way. But it starts with waking up and realizing we’ve been lied to. That’s where the rabbit trail starts. Welcome to the show. Sponsor For This Episode: One World Whey – Raise glutathione levels for detoxification, get 21 grams of raw, organic, grass fed proteins into your smoothies. It tastes amazing! Relax FAR Infrared Saunas – Detox your body, cleanse from chemicals, increase your immune system and lose weight with this sauna! Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Featured Products For This Episode: We are now commercial free but only if you click here to support us to keep making commercial free shows! 🙂 Bellicon Rebounders The Q-1000NG Soft Laser Good Morning Good Evening Moving Meditations Activation Products – Ocean’s Alive & Magnesium Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows in this category. Show Date: Monday 11/20/2015 Show Guest: Free For All Friday Show Topic: Camping, marriage, energy medicine Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!)   Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Extreme Health Radio Show Radio Show Transcript: [spp-transcript] The post Interesting Thoughts After 10 Years Of Marriage, Breaking Down The Medical Medium Plus Much More! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 4, 2024 • 1h 17min

How To Do A Coffee Enema, Why We Love Our New BioMat, Great Books, Listener Questions and Much More!

[include file=get-in-itunes.html] Lately Kate has coached a few people about how to do a coffee enema. She’s become the coffee enema queen here lately. Since she’s still working in the salon and exposed to lots of chemicals and toxins in the air she breathes as well as the chemicals she uses to dye hair, she’s been doing lots of coffee enemas lately to assist the body in getting rid of these stored toxins. We did a little walk through about how to do a coffee enema so I hope it helps you guys. We also talked about her favorite cookbook at the moment called Against All Grain. She’s been making these really incredible no grain, no nut brownies that are incredibly tasty. In fact we’ve been eating a little bit too many of them. Because of the sugar we’re going to cut down a little bit but they are so gooey, sweet and tasty. Then we talked about our BioMat that we can’t get enough of. It’s one of the most incredible pieces of equipment ever. If you’d like you can listen to an entire show we did on the BioMat by clicking here or you can read an article I wrote by going here. For those that don’t know the BioMat produces FAR Infrared Light using crystals like Amethyst and Tourmaline which help to create negative ions and detoxify the body. It’s one of the most amazing pieces of equipment we’ve ever owned. We also talked about another product we really enjoy called Magnesium Infusion produced by Ian Clark at Activation Nutrition. We talked about how magnesium can help the body in over 3,000 different ways. It was fun taking listener questions and talking about lots of different things we’re doing for our health and well being. We hope you enjoy the show. If you did would you be able to do us a favor and click one of the social media sharing icons above to share this with your friends? Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! Other items mentioned: Women Who Run with the Wolves Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle Living Libations Essential Oils (interview) Young Living Essentials Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil Far Infrared Sauna Crossfit Article Cross Fit’s Dirty Little Secret Supplements I’m Currently Taking Article Lessons From The Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron Vitality Herbs and Clay (Tell Michael we said hello and get 2 weeks of free product!) Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Enzyme Therapy Nourished-Wellness.com Episode 151 on Cipro ThePeoplesChemist.com INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, anger, love, loss or betrayal. Change is never easy. We fight to hold and and we fight to let go.” – – Unknown – Get Notified: [ois skin=”Show Page2″] – Commercials: – Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! – Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] | All Shows In This Category – Show Date: Sunday 10/6/2013 – Topic: How to do coffee enemas, the biomat and more! – Connect: Discuss This Episode With Others – Donate: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) – Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Free For All Friday Episode #157 – Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time – Follow Us!: Please consider ReTweeting the following update to share this episode… Learn how to do a #CoffeeEnema, why we love our new #BioMat and more. Listen to our latest show here –> http://t.co/GALSNloRGG — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) October 11, 2013 – Watch a very helpful video [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=kNTs_YgKivw width=640 height=480 anchor=tutorial] for this page. – Subscribe to iTunes or Leave a Review Subscribe to iTunes podcast Click Here to Subscribe via RSS (non-iTunes feed) Leave a review Thank you so much for your support, and if you have yet to leave a rating or review, please leave me an honest one on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! – Podcast Transcript: Coming soon. Thanks for your patience! The post How To Do A Coffee Enema, Why We Love Our New BioMat, Great Books, Listener Questions and Much More! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 3, 2024 • 1h 47min

Why Iodine Is Essential For Health, Earthing, Cancer Tips, Cleaning Your Indoor Air, Listener Questions & More!

Hopefully we took enough of your listener questions during this Free For All Friday show. Having the chat room on and open makes the shows so much more fun and entertaining let me tell you! Our good friend Nar called in during today’s show to talk about all the amazing benefits he’s experiencing using the BioMat. He does aromatherapy and sacred touch with clients so having a BioMat to use on them has really been helping his practice. We’ve become good friends with Nar for quite some time now through the show. He’s a great guy and he’s quite active on the forum and we like supporting his work. We also discussed a couple articles about the dangers of sitting for long periods of time. You can find the link to that article in the show notes. Because sitting is so dangerous I’ve decided to get a standing desk. It’s actually a desk that can convert from standing to sitting which makes it very convenient when you get tired of doing one over the other. We also talked about the concept of earthing (see links below) where you connect to the earth with bare skin. The supposed health benefits are quite astounding. I have not verified them yet with equipment but I’ve experienced them from personal use. As much as I can I walk on the grass or sand with bare feet in order to get the free electrons from the earth directly into my feet. This helps to recalibrate your body (similar to re-tune a guitar or resetting a clock). Then we talked about the cancer “industry” where there’s a concerted effort (in my humble opinion) to suppress natural cures and alternative treatments for cancer. If you get to the top of that food chain, it appears to be a pretty dark and dirty place. I for one don’t want anything to do with that. We also took some great listener questions and discussed our previous weeks guests. Generally we always have a good time on our Free For All Friday shows. Let us know if you enjoy (or use) the show notes section of these pages. It takes us a significant amount of time to put them together so we’d like to know if you benefit from them. Please share our show with your friends by clicking on the LIKE and SHARE buttons on this page. Kate and I would greatly appreciate it!!! 🙂 Show Notes For This Episode: The Amazing BioMat The Healthy Baby Code Austin Air Purifier The Healthy Mouth Summit The breakfast Bo Bowl Key and Peele comedy skit Dr. Stuart Nunnally our dentist http://www.fooducate.com Pastor Nar Dr. Mark Sircus http://www.sacredtouch.us Our standing desk Why sitting is dangerous for your health The Raw Food World Matt Monarch’s speaking schedule David Wolfe – the longevity now program Daniel Vitalis – see products 30 Bananas a day Barbara Allen arthritis episode Healing cavities article iPad Articles Episode 208 (41 minute mark) Episode with Dr. Robert O. Young – see books Ioderal for iodine and proper thyroid health Clint Ober on Earthing – see books Episode 126 on Cancer The Body Electric Book G. Edward Griffin show – see books Dr. Richard Massey show World Without Cancer Burton Goldberg Cancer Conquest Movie How to grow cleaner air inside your home Stay Notified of New Shows: [hcshort id=”16″] Commercials During This Episode: Commercial #1 Commercial #2 Inspirational Quote: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” ~ Chinese Proverb Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows in this category. Show Date: Friday 4/18/2014 Show Guest: Free For All Friday Show Topic: Iodine, earthing, cleansing, detoxification, clean air, cancer tips Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Free For All Friday Show Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time Share This Show Socially!: Listen to our latest #FFAF show where we talk about your health concerns & take listener questions! Listen here! http://t.co/o50bTFhYMy — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) April 27, 2014 Radio Show Transcript: Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂 The post Why Iodine Is Essential For Health, Earthing, Cancer Tips, Cleaning Your Indoor Air, Listener Questions & More! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 2, 2024 • 1h 35min

LaShanda Greene – Being Flexible & Intentional With Your Diet, 30 Day Detox, Landmark Forum, Spirituality, Veganism & Tons More!

LaShanda Greene joined us today for an in studio show. She was on her way down to San Diego for a fruit fest and stopped by to hang out for the day and do a recording. We talked about many different subjects that we hope you enjoy. I will say (as I mentioned in the recording at the beginning that I accidentally forgot to turn on her mic at the very beginning so please bear with that. We talked about detoxification, cleansing, iridology along with being intentional with your diet while at the same time being very flexible. Many times we get attached to labels of a particular thing. We think that we are a man or a women. We think we are our gender. We think that we are a vegan or a vegetarian which cannot be true. Our true core and essence is spirit and soul. Our non corporeal being cannot be any of those things. So we talked about the evolution of her dietary habits and what particular diet has been helpful and useful to her. We also discussed spirituality and personal development. In actuality if you follow health to its fullest extent, you’ll always be led back to the emotional and spiritual connections and causes of our diseases. We talked about how all diseases are invisible in nature in terms of their cause. The actual cause of all disease is something we cannot see. We can only measure levels of minerals, vitamins, hormones and other things that can shed light on what “might” be going on inside the body. Our health, vitality and longevity (or lack thereof) are intimately connected to our emotional and spiritual well being. There’s no way around it. We had a fun time hanging out with LaShanda today. We hope you enjoy the show and please pass it on to your friends by clicking the like and share buttons to the left. Kate, Lashanda and I would really appreciate your support in that way! Help continue to keep our shows free of commercials! Also if you enjoy our shows and feel that they are worth something to you, please help not only keep them commercial free but also free in general by donating to us on Patreon. Even if you’re a poor starving college student and can only donate a couple of bucks per month (that would be .50 cents a show at 4 per month) that would help a lot. There’s power in numbers and we appreciate all of you that help keep providing shows like these! Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Commercials During This Episode: Commercial #1 Bellicon Rebounders Commercial #2 Q-Lasers Commercial #3 Qigong Moving Meditations Commercial #4 Sauna Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Saturday 6/13/2015 Show Guest: LaShanda Greene Guest Info: My name is LaShanda and I am a Holistic Health Practitioner Certified in Detoxification, Corporate Wellness Instructor, and Raw Food Chef, Passionate Health Educator, and a Longtime Yogi & Meditator. I’m currently available for detox consultations via phone and Skype. Show Topic: Iridology, cleansing, detoxification, enemas Guest Website(s): http://www.higherpurposehealing.com/ Social Websites: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HigherPurposeHealing Twitter https://twitter.com/HPHealing Others Pinterest Youtube Guest Product(s): Please Support Us If You Are Able: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Interview with LaShanda Greene Video Version: Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time Share This Show Socially!: Learn about #iridology from LaShanda Greene from @HPHealing. She offers insights on #cleansing & #detoxification. http://t.co/6idqdixW0E — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) April 27, 2014 The post LaShanda Greene – Being Flexible & Intentional With Your Diet, 30 Day Detox, Landmark Forum, Spirituality, Veganism & Tons More! appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.
Dec 2, 2024 • 60min

Author Ty Bollinger On Cancer, Health & Disease

Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html] Today Ty Bollinger dropped by to discuss his book Cancer Step Outside the Box (Affiliate Link. Helps to support our work), Herbs, the pharmaceutical industry, natural healing and living a healthy lifestyle in a way that prevents cancer. We discuss the following and so much more: Benefits of Rebounding (10:10 – 10:45) Far Infrared Sauna (10:46 – 11:40) Why You Should Do Natural Cures Before Chemotherapy (46:30 – 50:39) What protocols Ty does on a daily basis to prevent cancer What herbs are good for skin cancers Whether or not you should get early screenings like colonoscopies Thought cancer was a death sentence? So did I until I heard this. – Click to tweet this! – Get Notified: [ois skin=”Show Page2″] – Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! – Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest – Show Date: 8/23/2012 – Show Guest: Ty Bollinger – Guest Info: Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, highly regarded book author, medical researcher, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant. Why he wrote the book: Read More… During the last 15 years, he lost 7 close family members due to cancer. He has devoted the last decade of his life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures so YOU and YOUR family don’t have to experience the same tragedy. He has summarized this voluminous amount of research on natural cancer treatments in his book, Cancer Step Outside the Box (Affiliate Link. Helps to support our work.). – Topic: Cancer – Guest Website(s): http://www.cancertruth.net/ http://survivalherbs.com/ (Guest Social Links Below. Please Follow Them!) – Guest Book(s): Click Below To Checkout The Books While Listening! 🙂 – Items Mentioned: http://www.thewolfeclinic.com http://www.livingfuel.com http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2106/the-cancertruth-chronicles http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com http://www.herbhealers.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCmr2OGmMDQ – Connect: Discuss This Episode With Others – Duration/Size: 59:56 min / 82.41 MB – Rate: Rate This Guest! – Rate This Show: [ratings] – Download: Right Click To Download – Donate: (Opens in a new window – Every bit helps us to keep delivering even better shows that help you heal & thrive!) – Support & Share 🙂 Copy and paste the following HTML code into any web page. Or you can grab a badge! Ty Bollinger Podcast on Cancer – Video Version: Youtube Version (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time – Follow Us!: Please consider ReTweeting the following update to share this episode… Just recorded my first radio show today with Ty Bollinger on natural cancer treatments. Please check it out!extremehealthradio.com/1 — Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) August 24, 2012 – Watch a very helpful video [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=kNTs_YgKivw width=640 height=480 anchor=tutorial] for this page. – Subscribe to iTunes or Leave a Review Subscribe to iTunes podcast Click Here to Subscribe via RSS (non-iTunes feed) Leave a review Thank you so much for your support, and if you have yet to leave a rating or review, please leave me an honest one on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! – Podcast Transcript: JUSTIN: Thank you everybody for joining the very first podcast for Extreme HealthRadio.com . You can find this podcast at ExtremeHealthRadio.com/1. We have today with us Ty Bollinger. He is a medical researcher and author. He has a website called cancertruth.net and another one called survivalherbs.com. He has written a very great book called ‘Cancer-Step Outside the Box’. I am actually reading that right now and am on page 90, where you’re talking about the Ph of the body and of the blood and all that good stuff, so I highly suggest you check out his book and his website, as well as following him on Facebook. He has written a lot of good stuff on Facebook. Actually today Ty, you were mentioning some things about the benefits of liquorice for cancer. TY: Yes, thanks Justin for having me on. I am honored that you had me on your first show here and I appreciate it. JUSTIN: You’re welcome. TY: On Facebook I do a daily health tip. I try to do a daily health tip, but sometimes I miss. Today’s tip was on liquorice and there are a lot of uses for liquorice. One of them is that it is anti-cancerous, anti-viral, anti-fungal and helps with AIDS, HIV and so on. There are so many uses for liquorice. It is one of the medicinal herbs that is in my book, ‘A Guide To Understanding Herbal Medicine’ and it is one of over 100 herbs we cover in that book. It’s amazing Justin though how many medicinal uses there are for herbs out there and how ignorant people typically are of those herbs. One fact that a lot of folks don’t understand is that over 80% of pharmaceutical drugs are actually based on the active constituents in medicinal herbs. So, it’s kind of funny to me, ironic I guess is a better term, that a typical conventional doctor would say that someone who uses herbs is a quack, when 80% of the drugs that they prescribe are based on those herbs. JUSTIN: Wow, what happens when they do a prescription, or some sort of drug, if those drugs are based off of herbs, do they synthesize and make the pharmaceuticals not as natural, and thereby when they do that, they take out all the buffer components and things like that. Is that what happens? TY: Yes, it is kind of the way it happens. And what will happen, typically. Is they’ll find an herb that has a very potent active constituent. Let’s say, milk thistle has silymarin in it. They would take the milk thistle and they would extract the silymarin, just one active constituent, and then they would tweak it a little bit, change it out so that they could patent it. Then they would make that into a drug. The problem with that is twofold: #1, when you change the natural herb that God has made, then you would make it less effective, because it is in it’s most effective state in it’s natural state, and #2, when you remove it from the other active constituents of that medicinal herb, there may be 20, 30 or 100 other active constituents in that herb. They all work together in a synergy. When you remove it from it’s natural state with those other active constituents, then it no longer works together in a synergy, and so it’s not going to be as effective because of that. So, you have changed it and you have removed it from the other active constituents. So, it no longer works in the way that it was intended to. But the pharmaceutical companies can now patent it and sell it at a 6,000% mark-up and make huge profits on it. So, that’s why that happens, because the herbs are typically …….where the active constituents that would treat a certain illness are found. But you can’t patent the herbs, you have to patent an active constituent after you’ve tweaked it, so that’s why that happens. JUSTIN: So that’s probably one of the main reasons why you can’t combine certain drugs with other drugs. Right? Because of that effect, right? Because it has a really tough time on your liver and all that, right? TY: Yes, just one example. You are familiar with Ephedrine, right? It was an over-the-counter drug that was really popular maybe 20 years ago, when I was in college actually, just after I got out of college. It was kind of like over-the-counter speed. A lot of truck drivers took Ephedrine to stay awake, it’s almost like caffeine in a pill. There was some problems that people encountered from heart arrhythmia and heart attacks and so on, because they took too much of the stuff to start with, and so the FDA outlawed Ephedrine. I think you can still get it now, as it’s gone back and forth over the last two decades, as to whether it’s legal or not. The problem is Ephedra, Ma Huang, the herb, has so many other active constituents, other than just the Ephedrine that you can pull out of the herb. So, they all work together in a synergy to stop the heart palpitations, to stop the heart attacks and so on, because the other active constituents will depress that, so that it won’t cause the detrimental side effects if you take the whole herb. But what happens is that the drug companies were taking just the one active constituent and marketing that, and that’s where you run into the problems. JUSTIN: Wow, so I can see how you obviously can’t patent an herb and that why they’re just extracting the one thing. That’s pretty amazing. So, I notice in your book….your book by the way, I’ve been reading it, is 450 pages. TY: It’s actually just over 500 pages. I didn’t include the introduction, the preface and a lot of the pages before the first chapter in the page count, so it is actually just over 500 pages because I numbered it kind of funny. JUSTIN: Wow, if anyone wants to get a primer on cancer, how to heal from cancer naturally or how to prevent cancer, this is, in my opinion, the bible of natural health TY: Thank you. JUSTIN: It’s absolutely amazing. There is a few other books I want to read, but this is the gold standard in my mind. TY: Thanks Justin. I appreciate it. It was really a labor of love for me. I’m sure if you’re on page 90, you have gotten through the story of my family. What really inspired me. I’m a CPA, with a Master’s Degree in Taxation, and people would often ask ‘what inspired you to write a book on cancer’. Well, I lost my mom and dad, an uncle and a cousin and two grandads and a grandma to cancer over a period of seven years. That’s what really inspired me to start researching and kind of using the skills I had acquired when I was getting a Master’s Degree in Taxation, to do research and summarize information, to kind of use that in the health field to do research about cancer and natural health. So, that’s kind of what lead me to write the book. I had all this knowledge and was learning all this shocking information about cancer treatments that are being suppressed and that worked actually better than chemo, radiation and surgery. I felt like I needed to share it with people, so that mom and dad would be able to look down from heaven and be proud that I was using their deaths in a constructive way and that there was some kind of usefulness to other people from what they had to suffer. So that was really my inspiration to write the book. JUSTIN: You and I both have somewhat the same kind of a story. I got into health, as well, when my mom had non-Hodgkins lymphoma back in 1995 and she was given a 1-10% chance of living, or something like that. Anyway, the odds were against her. At that time, we didn’t know anything. She had chemotherapy and radiation. I donated platelets as she had a bone marrow transplant. Thank God, she is still alive today and is doing well. I am really excited and I am going to give her the book next. It looks like you must have done hours and hours of research for this thing, because there is so many references, it’s unbelievable. TY: I actually probably spent between 7,000 and 10,000 hours of research over a period of 10 years, between 1996 and 2006, when I published the book, so it was probably around 7,500 hours when I calculated it out. JUSTIN: Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. What are some of the things you do on a daily basis, that are anti-cancer. What is on your daily list of things you do every day, whether they be activities like rebounding. What kind of things do you do? TY: Great question, because that is the practical aspect. What do you do, what do you do to treat cancer and what you do to prevent it. Rebounding is something I do on a daily basis. I have a mini-trampoline for most people who are not familiar with the term rebounding. It’s basically just jumping up and down on the mini-tramp. What that does is that it stimulates the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is one of the primary detoxification systems in our body. Most folks don’t stimulate their lymph flow, so the toxicity in their bodies builds up because their lymph is not stimulated. The up and down motion on the rebounder stimulates the lymph flow better than just about any other exercise. So, I do that, probably five days a week. I have an ….infrared sauna, so I sit in the sauna every night religiously. Unless we are out of town, I don’t miss the sauna. I sit in it every night that we’re here at the house. JUSTIN: Even when it’s so hot like this, in the summer? TY: Yeah, if you think about it, unless you’re a farmer, you’re sitting in an air-conditioned office most of the day. JUSTIN: Yeah, that’s true. TY: It may be nasty outside, but most people, especially if you work in an office, the biggest amount of time you spend during the day in the heat, is walking from the office to the car and then back. JUSTIN: Right. TY: So, you’re not really getting the heat you need to your cells. The hypothermia is what kills viruses, bacteria and fungi. Cancer cells don’t really like heat either, so the …..infrared sauna facilitates that and I do that almost every night. JUSTIN: How long to you do each one of those things, the rebounder and the sauna? TY: I do the rebounder anywhere from 10-15 or 20 minutes a day, depending on how much time I’ve got, but at least 10 minutes a day. I will typically lay in the sauna for 35-40 minutes. JUSTIN: What kind of rebounders or saunas do you recommend. If you don’t mind me asking, what brands do you recommend? TY: The rebounder we have is a neebak rebounder. The reason I got is I am a big guy, who weighs about 220 lbs. You don’t want to get a rebounder that is for kids that have 150 lb max. That’s why we got the neebak. There are other brands of rebounders, so just check the weight specifications to make sure it will hold your specific weight. We got our sauna from the Wolfe clinic, thewolfeclinic.com. They sell far infrared saunas that are just about as affordable as anywhere that I found. Dr. Darryl Wolfe is a good friend of mine and he used to own the Wolfe Clinic. He doesn’t anymore, but I know the quality of their products, so that’s where I got the far infrared sauna. There is a section in the book, Justin, that you will get to, on the far infrared sauna and hypothermia as a treatment for cancer. There is a lot of good research that shows that cancer cells don’t live in a hot environment like the far infrared sauna can create. So, that’s one of the first things I know a lot of practitioners will do. They will get their cancer patients doing rebounding and will have them get a far infrared sauna and will get them doing this on a daily basis. The normal cells are able to adapt to a hot environment and cancer cells typically will die. So it’s a good selectively toxic treatment for cancer cells, to just super heat them, because they will die and the other normal cells will respond to that heat and will adapt and won’t die. So, those are two things I do on a daily basis. As far as my nutritional and dietary daily habit is, I guess you would say, is that we eat a lot of organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. We have laying hens here on our property, so we do a lot of pastured eggs. There is a very high nutritional value in pastured eggs, no matter what the mainstream nutritional philosophy is on eggs. That eggs are too high in cholesterol. That is a bunch of hogwash. Eggs are one of the best natural nutritional proteins that you can get. One of my good friends, Casey Tracy, on livingfuel.com, we buy in bulk from him, our living fuel super grains and super berries. These are just dehydrated powdered products that we make into a smoothie each day. That’s our lunch, every day, when we’re home. A super grain, super berry shake with clay protein. We do that every day for lunch. The kids drink it, a nice big thick shake so it really fills you up. Even my 2 year old, Charity, will drink a shake every day and she actually likes the way it tastes. She will come and ask me for the shake. JUSTIN: That is so great. TY: Yeah, they’re getting a really good nutritional basis when they are young. We will do that. We will do a lot of salads, a lot of grass fed buffalo, pastured chickens. We try not to buy chicken and meat from stores, because I’m sure you’re familiar with the way they treat the animals in a really inhumane way, and they also inject them with all kinds of antibiotics and growth hormones, to get them fat faster. So, that is passed onto the meat, so we try and stay away from that, if at all possible. Lots of salads, lots of fruits and veggies. The kids know that in-between meals they can eat all the fruit and vegetables they want, but they can’t eat anything other than that. JUSTIN: You don’t do much of the breads and pastas and all that kind of stuff? TY: I don’t personally, but the kids still eat some good organic breads, like split-grain. I know there is a lot of people who say stay away from wheat altogether. That obviously is a pretty good idea, but kids are kids and they like bread. So, if they eat bread, I want them to have a decent brand of bread that is either the Ezekiel kind of bread or split-grain bread. They do eat bread, but we limit that. They just know that they are able to eat fruits and vegetables to their hearts desire. Anytime they want a super-smoothie, they can make a super-smoothie and have the living fuel super grains and super berry shake. So, that’s kind of our nutritional regimen. We will eat popcorn. I buy only organic, because the last statistic was, I think in 2011, 89% of the corn in the United States is genetically modified, so we never buy anything that has corn in it, but we do have a good supply of organic corn. I know it’s organic, so we will buy corn, pop it in coconut oil and put a little sea salt on it and it tastes great, a good snack for the kids. It is not necessarily healthy, but it’s not unhealthy either, and you know, kids are going to want to snack on something, so I’d rather them snack on something cooked in extra-virgin coconut. JUSTIN: Right. It sounds like the name of the game really is getting people to be more aware of understanding that cancer can be prevented. I just don’t think people understand, a lot of the normal people out there, that there is a relationship between cancer and diet. I think they are becoming more aware, but the name of the game is really just prevention. TY: You made a good point there Justin. Most people are not aware of the impact that our diet has on cancer and other diseases. I also host a weekly radio show and I was, just last week, interviewing Casey Tracy, my friend I told you about from Living Fuel. We talked about an example that really struck home for me. We just got back from vacation, but before we went on vacation we were at a Jiffy Lube, or some similar store like that, getting the fluids in our car changed as we were driving 2000 miles. We wanted to make sure that the fluids were good. I told Casey that what really struck me as ironic, is that we were in this Jiffy Lube and we waiting for our to be worked on, and in walks this, what I would call a morbidly obese man. He probably weighed close to 400 lbs. A big big fellow. I don’t know how he walked. He was munching on donuts and when he got there and said there was a synthetic oil he wanted them to put in his car. It wasn’t 10W30 or 10W40, it was some kind of synthetic mix. He said ‘my car won’t run right if you put the 10W30 or 10W40 in it. I want you to use this particular brand. They told him it’s more expensive and he said ‘I don’t care, that’s the brand I want in my car’. All the while, this big fat guy is eating a doughnut and I thought to myself how sad it was that here’s this big fat man, who is killing himself with what he is eating, but he is so specific on the oil that he puts in his car. The fuel that he is giving his car, the lubrication for his car, is more important to him, and he doesn’t car about the cost, than the food he puts in his mouth. We just made an analogy how it is so important for you to look at the fuel you put in your body which is important as the fuel you put in your car. As the mechanic said, it doesn’t really matter if you put kerosene or diesel fuel in your gas tank, it doesn’t really matter what the fuel is, as a matter of fact you could even throw cool-aid in there, the liquid doesn’t matter, as long as it’s wet. You’d think your mechanic was nuts, but you know that’s really what doctors will tell you, if they tell you that your diet has no effect on your health, isn’t it? JUSTIN: Yeah, it’s absolutely amazing. One doctor I was talking to, this must have been about 10 years ago, before I got into health, I asked him why there was such an increase in cancer. Maybe some of it has to do with, you know, just getting older and people closer to you are dying of cancer, or get cancer, more so than when you’re 10 or something. He said, ‘oh, I think it’s just because we have better screenings now. It’s just so interesting. When we come back from this little commercial I’m going to run, I want to ask you a little bit about where you think cancer starts and the role of estrogen and things like that. So, we’ll be back in one second. JUSTIN: Hi guys. Thanks for listening to the interview so far and I hope you are enjoying it. I just want to take a brief moment and talk about cancer. There is this really great e-book by Ty Bollinger that I strongly suggest you check out. It’s called ‘Cancer-Step Outside The Box’ and you can find it, if you go to our site. This is a product that I strongly recommend. I think in 2005, cancer became the #1 cause of death in Americans. Maybe it was heart disease, but in any event, I think about 1 out of every 2 people get cancer, and chances are you’ve had it or you have known someone who has had it. My mom actually had cancer in 1995. She had non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma with a 1-10% chance of survival. I watched her go through that. She had chemotherapy, radiation and a bone marrow/stem cell transplant and I thought ‘there had to be a better and more natural way of either treating it or preventing it altogether’. So, I’m really passionate about this and Ty Bollinger has put together an amazing book. I actually have it and am on page 89 right now. It is about a 430 page book. In the part that I’m on, he’s talking about the acid alkaline balance and the PH balance of the different tissues. What I like about it is that he’s got an appendix at the end about really great cancer clinics that treat cancer naturally. All of the natural cancer clinics that he talks about in his book are the most popular ones, as well as the most effective ones. You and mix and match and combine them up and, if you follow at lot of his information, you most likely will never get cancer to begin with. This book is just a ‘must have’ for everyone. If you don’t have anyone with cancer in your life right now, purchase it and keep it for future reference. I just want to take a quick second to check out our store. If you haven’t visited our store, we have tons of great products like this, everything from sustainability products, how to can your own foods, survival products, natural birthing, herbal programs (how to work with herbs) cleansing and detoxification programs, blenders, dehydrators, rebounders, DVDs, exercise and fitness and books and all kinds of stuff. Check out our store, as we have incredible high quality products there for you. Also, if you would like to donate, you can donate $1 even, or $5 or $10, whatever you can, which would help support our work her. If you ever purchase anything on Amazon, please feel free to visit our website and scroll to the very bottom. Click over to Amazon anytime you make any purchases, either there, Mountain Rose Herbs or the Rawfood World. If you don’t have any money or don’t really buy online, follow us on twitter and facebook and help spread the word. Thank you for all of your support, and let’s get back to this interview. JUSTIN: Alright Ty, again, thank you for coming on our show today. I really appreciate it. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions, about where you think cancer starts. As I was saying, my doctor doesn’t think there is any increase in cancer, and that there is just better screening. There’s a lot of people who talk about the lack of oxygen in the cells. I’m not sure if you’re familar with Dr. Bob Dowling. TY: Yes. JUSTIN: He talks about cancer being related to your teeth. There is a Dr. William Wong who talks about fibrosis and cancer. David Wolfe talks about calcium and Nick Gonzales talks about the lack of pancreatic enzymes or lack of minerals. In my opinion, it seems like that is kind of like, thinking about where cancer starts, and having it be connected with something out there, like your teeth or a toxin you’re exposed to. It’s kind of similar to the germ theory and to the host theory, where people demonize the germs, and then the terrain theory that he talks about. If you have a strong terrain inside your body, it doesn’t matter what kind of germs you’re exposed to, if you have a healthy immune system. TY: Yeah, right. JUSTIN: What do you think about all of that? TY: All of those doctors have good points. There are a lot of doctors who are very reputable and they have done a lot of research and they disagree on that. That’s okay. I think, based on my research, that it’s a combination of hypoxia at the cellular level (lack of oxygen) which is what Dr. Otto Warburg showed in 1931 in his Nobel Prize. A combination of that with a suppressed immune system. So, the combination of a compromised immune system with hypoxia at the cellular level, will often times result in cancer. Whether that suppressed immune system is a result of root canal teeth or secondary infections, or if that suppressed immune system is an overload of environmental toxins, which I believe is the primary cause of a suppressed immune system. We can debate all of that and that’s okay, but the bottom line is if you couple hypoxia with a suppressed immune system, it will often times result in cancer. The fact of the matter is that we all produce thousands, if not more, cancer cells on a daily basis. Cancer is something that everyone, who is listening to this show, has in their bodies, cancer cells. Cancer cells are merely cells in which the DNA has been changed. They have been damaged and their respiratory mechanism is different from normal cells. We all have them. But a normally functioning immune system is able to recognize the cancer cells and take care of them and will not be diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer. It’s only when that cancer is not recognized by the immune systems that the cancer begins to spread or metastasize and become life-threatening. I guess, in a nutshell, that is my conclusion, based on my research. Cancer can’t live in a body whose immune system is functioning properly. Let’s just put it that way. ‘ JUSTIN: I’ve heard a lot of people talk about the role of estrogen in cancer, and things like that. A lot of us get xenoestrogens from plastic and chemicals from carpets. You talk a lot about that in your book. TY: Yes. JUSTIN: Is estrogen like a driving sort of force? TY: Good question. Yes, you’re right. We are pelted with xenoestrogen, which is basically just fake estrogens from different chemicals and plastics, which our bodies see as estrogen and uptakes as estrogen. That’s one way. We also totally stay away from soy because of the phytoestrogens. The genezende and diazepine, which are two of the phytoestrogens in soy. A lot of times they are spoken of being so good for you, but the body actually doesn’t think so. Because of the phytoestrogens the body has an overload of estrogen when you’re eating soy. That’s the reason that Dr. William Wong, who you mentioned earlier, says stay away from soy. Many other doctors I know of say to completely stay away from soy. Also, over 92% in 2011 of soy in the United States was genetically modified. The tests on these genetically modified soy beans, and the corn I spoke about earlier, show that by the third generation at the latest, most of the time by the second generation, will cause sterility in hamsters. Anyway, we are pelted with xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, so what happens is that the ratio of testosterone to estrogen our body gets out of whack. A lot time, people think that estrogen is a female hormone and testosterone is a male hormone. That’s not true. I have estrogen and my wife has testosterone. The thing that’s different in males and females is the ratio. So, when the ratios get out of whack, because you’re in taking too much estrogen, phytoestrogen or xenoestrogen, or whatever you want to call it, then we have several estrogen sensitive cancers that can arise. Whether they be ovarian, cervical or breast cancer. Even prostate cancer is estrogen sensitive. There are many cancers that are estrogen sensitive, so these fake estrogens that we are exposed to can have a big role in someone being diagnosed with these different kinds of estrogen sensitive cancers. JUSTIN: That’s amazing. Would you say that estrogen is kind of on par with sugar, as far as throwing the flame on cancer. TY: Yes, that’s a good analogy. I kind of think of sugar more as the food for cancer. Cancers live on sugar. They eat sugar and they basically metabolize glucose, which is blood sugar, if they live. But, I think more of estrogen as being the fertilizer for cancer. But, yeah, I’ve used that analogy before, the estrogen is the fertilizer and sugar is the fuel. So, if you want to avoid cancer, minimize sugar and make sure that your estrogen and testosterone balance is in whack. JUSTIN: That’s funny, it’s not funny, but there was a lady who we knew, it must have been about 6 or 7 years ago (I forget what kind of cancer she had) but the doctors kind of made that correlation with sugar. In between one of her tests, you know she had a test/screening, and during the middle of the time where she was supposed to go and get another test, she ate lots of fruit, candy bars and sugar and stuff like that, I don’t think she knew at the time, but when she was talking to u s about the second test she got, all of her indicators were spiked and off the charts. Is that because of glucose, is that fruits or bread as well? TY: The lot of it will deal with the glycemic index of the food, and natural sugars and fruit sugars are better than processed sugars. So, there is a myriad of different types of sugars. A good general rule is that everyone should stay away from processed sugar, because it is basically not nutritional. If my family is going to sweeten things, which we do, we will use raw honey or stevia, most of the time. When my wife bakes, you know for a birthday party or whatever, we will use organic brown sugar, which is less harmful than processed white sugar. You also have to look at processed white flour, which actually has a higher glycemic index than table sugar. There is a pretty good chart out there, and I will see if I can find it so that I can send your listeners to it. You can compare the different glycemic indices of different products. You really need to be aware of that. The story that you recounted about the lady eating lots of fruit, sugars and cakes or whatever, is pretty common, in light of the fact that most oncologists will not advise against it. As a matter of fact, one of the common things with cancer patients is that a lot of them will not die from the cancer, but they will die from the toxicity from radiation and chemotherapy and/or the wasting syndrome, which is called cachexia. So, if a cancer patient is basically wasting away, a 6’2″ guy down to 110 lbs the doctors will say that they just need to go out and eat whatever they can to put on weight so that they don’t waste away. Those people who then go and start downing sugar products such as ice-cream and cakes are really doing themselves a disservice, as they are fueling that cancer and are not really helping themselves. They don’t know that, because most oncologists won’t tell them that. Many oncologists just don’t think about it. They are not taught that in medical school. JUSTIN: Yes, it’s not something that is even part of their current paradigm. Right? TY: The most that a doctor will get in nutrition, going through almost ten years of medical school, residency and internship, and so on, is three hours. Many doctors get none, It depends on the medical school, but many medical schools don’t even include a course in nutrition. And so, the doctors who come out of medical school, highly drug intensive, and so that’s what they know to treat, diseases, drugs and they don’t understand the relationship between diet and disease. JUSTIN: It’s pretty amazing that doctors have such little schooling on nutrition. They speak with such authority about nutritional things, when in reality, they are really not qualified to. TY: You know, it would be the equivalent of somebody coming to me and wanting to get their car worked on, and I would say ‘you know, I really don’t have any schooling for this, but let me tell you that your oil doesn’t really matter and your brand of gasoline doesn’t matter in your engine’. I haven’t gone to school for this, but let me just tell you that it’s ridiculous if you think that the oil matters or the brand of gas matters’. I am not a mechanic and I know very little about cars, but it would be absurd for me to try to give somebody advice on their engine if I don’t have any schooling in that area, wouldn’t it? JUSTIN: You know, all you have to do is put a white coat on and people would believe you, right? TY: Yes, put on a white coat, prance around like you know something and everybody believes you. So, that’s kind of what happens with many doctors in nutrition. I must say that I am friends with, and am aware of many, many doctors who are really waking up to the fact that nutrition does matter, and that their health is largely dependent on what they eat. I am good friends with a doctor down in Texas who said that over the last, I guess, 12 to 18 months, he has gained close to 50 lbs. He said when he first read my book he thought I was nuts. He said that the things he read in my book didn’t mesh with what he’d been taught in medical school and he thought I was crazy. He’s a busy doctor and is working 70-80 hours a week, and was just eating whatever he could find, because he’s working so much, and never paid attention to nutrition. He said he read the chapters on nutrition. They were chemically sound, they were scientifically sound and he started implementing some of my dietary recommendations and he dropped 50 lbs. He said he feels better than he did in college and now he doesn’t think I’m quite so crazy. JUSTIN: That’s amazing. People should really go out and get this book. Speaking of radio shows and things like this, this is my first episode, but you have recently launched, I think it’s on Voice America, is that right? TY: Yes, Voice America, Cancer Truth Chronicles. JUSTIN: Okay, it’s interesting that last week I found someone named Chris, I don’t know what his last name is, but he has got that website Chris Beat Cancer. TY: Yeah, yeah, Chris Work. I’m interviewing him tomorrow. JUSTIN: Yeah, that is so cool, because I went onto his website and looked at a bunch of his stuff. Did he do a purely natural treatment? ‘ TY: You know Justin, I’m not really sure exactly what he did. I know that he was diagnosed in his mid-20s with a terminal cancer, and I know that he was told that if he didn’t do chemo he would die. He said, no chemo, no radiation, I’m going natural. I know he started doing a lot of organic fruits and vegetables. I think he cut out all meat and I think he started juicing. Other than that, I’m not really sure of the different protocols he went through. I am going to find that out tomorrow. But I know that he went all natural on his diet. And, I’m almost certain that it was his diet change, almost exclusively, that cured him of his cancer. I think that was six years ago. JUSTIN: Wow, so those of you who don’t know, check out Ty’s radio show on Voice America. I think it’s called Cancer Truth Chronicles. His website is cancertruth.net and I think he has one called survivalherbs.com as well. Definitely make sure to check out his information. Follow him on Facebook too. I follow you Ty, and read this stuff all the time. You post such great stuff on there. TY: Thanks man. JUSTIN: Yeah, it’s really awesome. TY: A lot of the posts there are actually my wife’s. She is always out looking around for interesting graphics. People like graphics. They like pictures with information overlay, so my wife, Charlene is just great. She is out there always searching for stuff to post. That’s half the battle, that Facebook is continually getting good information so that people keep coming back. JUSTIN: So it helps to have a wife to support you in all this, as imagine how difficult it is for some people who want to make a change, and understand that they have to make a change, but they have no support at home, you know. TY: Yeah, it’s a blessing, as she is great. She supports everything that I do and, you know, the book that we wrote on cancer was really a team effort, as I couldn’t have done it without her help. When I was writing and researching, she was taking care of our 3 and now 4 kids. It’s’ always a team effort and in everything that I do, she supports and we’re on the same page on diet and nutrition. She cooks really healthy stuff and she’s all into the smoothies and all that. You’re right, it’s great to have a spouse who supports you. JUSTIN: That’s great. I just wanted to say that we’re not giving medical advice here or anything like that, but I wanted to ask you what you do in terms of, you know how doctors want to get you to get screened. The whole idea of getting tested early, in my mind, is a way to get you into their funnel, but doing colonoscopies and things like that. I had a colonoscopy, I think it was five years ago. They found a polyp, but I am not sure if I would ever have one done again. In terms of prevention, you either have to just go full-on and lead a healthy lifestyle and forget about that stuff. Or, if you’re not going to live a healthy lifestyle, should people (I know you’re not a doctor and can’t give medical advice) but do you get colonoscopies, screenings or go a dermatologist, or anything like that? TY: I can tell you what I personally do. I don’t. I don’t go to the doctor and I don’t get colonoscopies or anything like that. I personally would never get one. I’m aware of too any instances where they have perforated the colon and caused all kinds of internal problems, even death, with colonoscopies, so I would never do that. What I do is live a healthy lifestyle the best I can. I eat well and I take the supplements and natural herbs that I know fight cancer and other diseases, so that’s what I do. I live more of a preventative lifestyle. If I went out and fell off a roof, looked down at my leg and it was going in two different directions and the bone was broken in two, I would go to the hospital and get worked on by a trauma doctor. I’m not opposed to doctors at all, but for things like cancer, diseases and ordinary every day health, I know what to do on my own. I don’t need to go to a doctor who has no education in health, to tell me what to do. I know way more than he does. So, as far as day to day health maintenance, I don’t need that. But, like I said, as far as trauma, if somebody drove by and shot me, I am going to go to the Emergency Room and hopefully a trauma surgeon would be able to save my life. I’m not going to run out into the woods and try to find some plantain or aloe vera to put in the wound. Modern medicine has its place, and I am fully aware of that. I am astounded at the miraculous operations that doctors are able to perform now. Some of these guys are just geniuses. I was watching, on some health channel about this guy, I think he was in Vietnam. He had a 200 lb tumor growing in his lower portion. This amazing surgeon from Chicago, flew over to Vietnam and operated on him, took off the 200 lb tumor and kept the guy alive. This kind of stuff is just amazing, some of the things that they can do. So, I don’t want anybody to think that I’m opposed to doctors. It’s just in my daily regimen, I don’t need them to teach me how to be healthy. JUSTIN: You’re not going to be able to get rid of that tumor by putting some DMSO on it, are you? TY: No, and I’m not going to try to self-operate either. JUSTIIN: I wanted to ask you too, speaking of the medical industry and things like that, you cover, I think in the beginning of your book, you’re trying to, I guess dispel that the medical industry is something that could be trusted wholeheartedly , and so try to blow some holes in that kind of thinking. I recently watched a documentary, I’m sure you’ve seen it and I’m sure you’ll get to it in the book, and you know all about this guy, Dr. Burzynski. And, the absolute nightmare that the government and the FDA have put him through. As far as I understand, the FDA is only supposed to regulate interstate commerce, is that right? TY: You know, I’m not certain about that. I know that the FDA way oversteps their bounds. And I do touch on Dr. Burzynski. Later on in the book, I don’t really have a section on his protocol per se, because it’s very extensive and is not really what I consider to be a natural treatment. But, it’s very good, it’s a very good treatment in many instances, and Dr. Burzynski has been heavily persecuted by the medical establishment because of his success. I recently interviewed, the documentary was it called Cut Poison and Burn, or was it The Burzynski Story? JUSTIN: I think it was called The Burzynski Story. I have not seen the Cut Poison and Burn. TY: That’s another excellent one. Cut Poison and Burn is a documentary that was done about Burzynski as well, but it was focusing on Jim and Donna Navaro, who I recently interviewed. They are the parents of, I can’t think of their son’s’ name, I have forgotten his name, but he was a 4 year old who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. They wanted to take him to Burzynski, but the FDA would not allow him to go to the Burzynski Clinic until he had exhausted the full regimen of chemotherapy and radiation, which, in the long-term, ended up killing him before they could get him to Burzynski. As a matter of fact, on his death certificate, it says that the death was because of toxicity from chemotherapy. Chemotherapy killed him, but anyway that Cut Poison and Burn was a documentary that was done about their story and about Burzynski. JUSTIN: Wow, I have watched that interview on u-tube I think, and you showed a copy of that didn’t you? TY: I actually got it posted and am on my website right now trying to figure out where I posted it. It was in a recent newsletter, but when I find it, I will let you know. Yes, Thomas Navaro is the boy’s name and it’s in my main newsletter, so if people want to go to cancertruth .net and go to the main newsletter, go to newsletter archives and go to May, 2012, then I’ve got Thomas’s story there. You are right Justin, I do actually have the death certificate posted on the website there, which shows that death was due to chronic toxicity of chemotherapy. JUSTIN: Wow, I wanted to ask you real quick too, if someone has just been diagnosed with cancer, there could be a lot of those people listening, a lot of people, I think the conventional mindset is to say ‘you know what, whatever the doctor tells me to do, I’m going to do. I’m going to get the chemo and radiation, let him cut it out and that kind of thing. If all that doesn’t work, then I’ll try natural stuff. Explain a little bit about why you think that that may not be the best approach for people. TY: Yeah, well you know, personally, if someone in my family was diagnosed, we would run as fast and as far away from the local oncology centers as possible. And here’s why. Because they are always going to push the Cut Poison and Burn protocol. Radiation, surgery and chemotherapy protocol. The studies have shown that that just doesn’t work. There was a 2005 study done in Australia that showed that the success rate of chemotherapy in Australia was 2.1% and 2.3% success in America, when they were looking at a five year survival. To me, that’s not acceptable. When you look at the surveys that are done with oncologists at the Miguel Cancer Center in Canada, and I believe there was also one done at Harvard, that showed that anywhere between 80-90% of oncologists would not do chemotherapy if they were facing a cancer diagnosis. They know that it’s toxic to the system. They know that chemotherapy causes cancer. As a matter of fact, many different types of chemotherapy are listed as class-1 carcinogens. In other words, they are known to cause cancer. The reason is that they suppress the immune system. They kill the immune system. They do kill cancer cells and that’s why folks like your mom are still alive. Chemotherapy did kill the cancer and she was able to survive despite the chemotherapy, because the chemotherapy, while it targeted the cancer cells, it was also destroying her immune system. She is one of the ones that made it, and I am thankful for that. Most folks don’t understand that chemotherapy is not selectively toxic to cancer cells, it also kills your immune system. That’s why I would never do it personally, and my family would never do chemotherapy, because those that survive, survive despite chemotherapy, not because of it. And they survive because their immune system is still strong enough to fight off the chemo and for the chemo not to kill them. To me, there is just too many other better ways to treat cancer, than to treat it with a set of substances like chemotherapy, that is known to cause cancer. Radiation is known to cause cancer. CAT scans are known to cause cancer. There are better ways to do it, in my book. JUSTIN: Yeah, I think there is also something to be said about, you know, if you go through those treatments first, then the likelihood of a natural treatment, because what a natural treatment is doing is cleansing out your body and boosting your immune system. When you go through the conventional treatment first, you have basically destroyed the immune system. So, the natural treatment just can’t work as well. Right? TY: Right. And that’s a good point, because a lot of times the natural cancer treatments get the blame, when the conventional cancer treatments are the real culprit. In other words, if somebody goes through eight rounds of chemo and a year of radiation, and then the doctor says, ‘you know what, we have done all we can for you, go home and die, as the chemo is not working anymore, the radiation is not working anymore, so you’ve got two months’. Then they go and try some natural treatment and they die. So, guess who gets the blame? The natural treatment. Oh, you know, those quacks, they did this natural treatment and they killed him. No, they went through a year of chemo and radiation and that killed him. So, that’s the problem. There are a lot of times when the natural treatments get the blame and really the culprit that killed their immune systems and put on their death beds was the conventional treatment. JUSTIN: Wow, let me just run this ad real quick and then I have a couple of questions that we sent in, and we’ll get to those in just one second. TY: Sure. JUSTIN: If you’ve been into the health and nutrition game for a while, you’ve probably heard of a guy named David Wolfe. I heard about David Wolfe in 2005, in August. I will never forget, I was listening to Coast To Coast Radio and David Wolfe was on that show. Ever since then, he has changed y life completely. I have read all of his books, became a member of his website and have attended a couple of his conferences. Have followed him ever since, and he is just amazing. He has something called The Longevity Now Conference, that you could purchase through us, if you want to support us, and you can find that at Extremehealthradio.com/longevity. I highly suggest that you take a look at this product. I have it. Basically, the gist of the program is centered around calcium, and how calcium ages us and causes internal fibrosis of our organs, and or is at least related to every disease. His whole program is about getting rid of the bad calcium inside of our bodies. This will effect just about every disease and every illness known to man. David Wolfe is an amazing guy. He has come a long way since the raw food days, back in the 1990s and he is now into success. He is just an amazing guy and is involved with herbs, herbalism and water. He is really pushing the envelope and the Longevity Now Conference is something I would very highly recommend to you, if you want to take your level of health and nutrition to the next level. Any disease you are dealing with, there is most likely going to be a bad calcium component to your illness, so check it out at Extremehealthradio.com/longevity. I really like David and supporting his work. If you purchase that through us, we will get a small commission, and that will help support our work too. If you are interested in products like these, check out our store. I think you will really like a lot of the products we have on there. We have programs about how to do your own solar power, backup generators, programs about yeast infection, hemorrhoids, products on cancer, how to read your own blood tests, tooth decay products and frequency generators. We have all kinds of great stuff. Osteoporosis products, how to heal yourself, how to heal the wrinkles on your face, adrenal health, fermentation, all kinds of natural birthing, herbal products, detoxification products, as well as books and DVDs. So, check out our store, and I think you will really appreciate what we have on there. If you would like to send us a donation, that would help us too. You can send $1 or $5, whatever you have would be greatly appreciated. If you ever make purchases on Amazon,r Mountain Rose Herbs or the Raw Food World, consider coming to our site and scrolling to the very bottom. Anytime you make a purchase from those sites, click over from our site and that will help us too. We will get a little commission. If you are not into any of that stuff, and you just like us and want to support us, but don’t want to buy anything, that’s cool. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter and all that good stuff. Visit our Support Page, and there is about 17 different ways you can support us too, for no money. With all that said, let’s get back to the interview. Thanks Ty once again for being here. I just have one last question for you that’s been sent in. This one is from Angela from Ohio and she said she’s wondering if you could give her some information on a couple of things. ‘I am currently taking the following herbs for osteoporosis and would like to know if you have any thoughts about them……Nettle Root, Oat sSraw, Comfrey, Linden Leaf Flower and Red Clover. I have also been diagnosed with pigmented basal cell carcinoma, and would like to know what you think might be a good option for this. TY: Okay, so she is using Nettle Root, Oat Straw, Comfrey, Linden Leaf Flower and Red Clover. I know that Nettle Root might be a good choice for that. I’m not sure about Oat Straw. Are you familiar with that? JUSTIN: I’ve heard about it. I have never taken it, but I don’t know much about it actually. TY: Yeah, I know Nettle Root might help. A lot of times, with these different herbs, you want to see if there is any contraindications with taking them all together. A lot of times people will find something that works for a certain ailment and then find something else that works, and will throw them all together. At this point, I don’t know if that’s a good combination or not, because you should look and see if any of them are contraindicating with the others. In other words, do two of them work together in a negative way. So, I’m not real sure about that. As far as the pigmented basal cell carcinoma is concerned, I’ve had a couple of basal cells. I used to be competitive body builder, and laid in the tanning beds and got way way too much sun. I got burned a lot. The sun is great for you. We lay in the sun every day, if we can, but you don’t want to get charred. I got charred several times, so had some basal cells. I used a Black Salve, called Amazon Black Salve to take care of it. I’ve had it on my leg and face, and that takes care of it. Go to HerbalHealers.com. Just do a google search or a search for Amazon Black Salve and you can purchase it. I think the company that sells it is called Alpha Omega Labs, but that’s what I always tell people if they have a basal cell. They can try that. Of course, that is not a medical recommendation, it’s just what I did personally. JUSTIN: Right, I think I’ve been onto that website. Is that Greg Caton. TY: Yes, it is. He is the one who got abducted from Ecuador. JUSTIN: I heard about that. I think they put him in prison, didn’t they? TY: They did. As a matter of fact, he had to move Alpha Omega Labs out of Louisiana to Ecuador, because of the FDA. And then, they actually were out of the country and the FDA flew down a hit force and basically kidnapped him from Ecuador and brought him back illegally to the United States, because of the products he was selling. It’s kind of a joke, it’s absurd when you have people who are selling herbal products that are treating cancer effectively. You have companies like Diamond Foods who are sent letters from the FDA to tell them that they have to stop selling their walnuts, or the cherry growers that had cease and desist letters saying they had better stop, including scientific studies about cherries on their website. And then you have drugs like Vioxx, that has been approved by the FDA, and that killed 70,000 people. Something is wrong in the scenario. JUSTIN: Yeah, and I have a feeling it’s not going to improve, or will get worse. But, part of me wants to just sort of buy up a bunch of those products, because we don’t know how long his company is going to be around, right? TY: Yes, and we have done that. We stocked up on some things that we think might not be available in the future. That’s probably a good idea. JUSTIN: Yes, I think he’s got some sort of iodine and things like that, that are also really good for topical skin issues. Right? TY: Yeah. JUSTIN: Wow, well thank you so much Ty for being the first guest on our show. It’s just awesome how you turned out to be our first guest, because cancer is something that hit me pretty heavily back in 1995, and I know you have had your bouts with it too. It’s really amazing and thank you so much. Once again, Ty’s website is cancertruth.net and survivalherbs.com. He has his radio show you will definitely want to check out. It’s called Voice American Networks. TY: And Justin, thanks for having me on. I’m really honored to be your first guest. You are doing a great job man, and keep it up. I think you’re going to have a great show here. JUSTIN: Thank you so much Ty, I really really appreciate you being on today. TY: No problem, have a good day buddy. JUSTIN: Okay thanks, you too. The post Author Ty Bollinger On Cancer, Health & Disease appeared first on Extreme Health Radio.

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