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The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest episodes

Jul 24, 2019 • 32min

Episode 21: Integrative Treatment For Mood Disorders In Kids and Teens

My guest this week is Dr. James Greenblatt, chief medical officer and vice president of medical services at Walden Behavioral Care where he provides medical management, leadership, and oversight of eating disorder and psychiatric programs in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Georgia. Dr. Greenblatt also provides eating disorder training for psychiatric residents and child fellows throughout all major universities in New England including Tufts, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Connecticut and the University of Massachusetts. Dr. Greenblatt has educated professionals throughout the United States and Canada on the scientific evidence for integrative medicine in mental health and is the author of six books including two books on eating disorders, “Answers to Anorexia’ and “Answers to Binge Eating Disorder”. In this episode, Dr. Greenblatt and I discuss how important an integrative treatment approach is for kids and teens struggling with mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, rage, irritability, and bipolar. Dr. Greenblatt shares with us vital information on the types of common vitamin deficiencies that many of these patients have, as well as, what types of tests can be run to ensure they are properly evaluated. Kids and teens lacking Vitamin D, B12, magnesium, zinc, and nutritional Lithium often have a variety of mood disorder symptoms present. Learn more about Dr. Greenblatt here.   Episode Highlights Traditional vs. Integrative Psychiatry In traditional medicine, for example, the diagnosis of depression is based on a list of symptoms In integrative medicine, questioning as to why these symptoms are occurring works to uncover the root cause of the issue versus immediately prescribing an anti-depressant   Common Causes for Mood Issues Elevation levels in heavy metals like lead and copper Deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and gut issues   Testing and Evaluating Lab Reports Testings to consider: A blood test to evaluate vitamin levels, essential fats, amino acids Gut bacteria assessment through urine and stool tests Evaluating levels of heavy metals through hair analysis Evaluating lab reports The ranges present that many clinicians may deem as “normal” may need further interpretation as many clinical symptoms can also be found within these ranges from an integrative approach   Helpful Nutrients for Mood Issues Magnesium, zinc, Vitamins D and B12 Lithium, a natural element, is often shown as a deficiency in kids with mood disorders, particularly those with anger and irritability symptoms   Prescription Lithium vs. Nutritional Lithium Prescription Lithium, or lithium carbonate Lithium has been used as a medication since the 1970s  It is commonly used and very effective for bipolar patients Nutritional Lithium, known as lithium citrate or lithium orotate The actual nutrient lithium, which can be purchased in vitamin form, has been shown to affect mood when given through micro-doses   Nutritional Link to Mood and Behavior Limiting refined sugar  Vegan/vegetarian diets should be closely monitored to ensure they are not causing any nutrient deficiencies   Where to learn more about Dr. James Greenblatt... Dr. Greenblatt's Books Psychiatry Redefined   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Jul 10, 2019 • 39min

Episode 20: How Toxins In The Home Can Impact Your Child’s Mood and Behavior

My guest this week is Beth Greer, a sustainable and toxin-free living expert and award-winning journalist who eliminated a sizable tumor in her chest without drugs or surgery by detoxing her body and home. Known as the Super Natural Mom®, Beth is also the author of the bestseller “Super Natural Home” and named a Top 50 Health & Environmental Journalist to follow. Beth offers personalized in-home detox audits to identify and eliminate toxins. Her work has been endorsed by Deepak Chopra & Dr. Joseph Mercola, who recognize that toxin elimination equals better health. She offers Detox Your Home webinar courses, and 5 Day Group Detox Cleanses.    In this episode, Beth and I discuss different toxic household items and food products that can negatively impact children's behavior and overall well-being. All families can benefit from learning more about the vast amount of toxic ingredients found in their daily household, personal care, cosmetic and food products. Beth shares simple practices to help eliminate these toxins and provides resources on how to take the first steps to create your toxin-free home. Learn more about Beth here.   Episode Highlights   Household, Personal Care, Cosmetic Items “Scented” products can have highly allergic effects Be aware of  ingredients in hairspray, fragrance, shampoos, cosmetics, and deodorants See Beaty Counters “Never List” on what to avoid  Surface sprays, wipes, plug-in scented air fresheners - all of these are examples of products we easily overlook that could be causing allergic reactions in our families   Food Toxicity in Dyes, Additives & Preservatives Food Dyes can be found in children's medications, vitamins, and food Can lead to temper tantrums and have especially adverse effects for children with ADD, ADHD These types of ingredients have warning labels in other countries but do not have regulations in the United States Glyphosate, a weed-killer chemical found in Round-Up Can be found in non-organic food and in wheat Can cause brain issues and has been linked to cancer  Preservatives Best to avoid at all costs Ingredients like calcium propionate, sodium propionate, sodium benzoate High levels commonly found in loaves of bread, fast food products such as buns, pizzas, and pastries These ingredients have been linked to behavioral disorders and chronic illness   Fish and Meat Product Warnings Farm-raised fish are given food that is generally full of genetically modified soy and corn, as well as, hormones, antibiotics, and food dyes These fish also lack the natural healthier ingredients you would find in wild fresh fish Meat products as well are affected by the same types of ingredients as farmers feed their livestock feed full of GMO’s, growth hormones, antibiotics  Organic is always best when possible   Label-Reading “Organic” labels Typically when “organic” is on the label you will avoid these mass-used GMO’s, preservatives and additives When shopping at your local farmers market talk to your farmers and see what ways they are growing their produce and raising their livestock Using the word “fragrance” or “scent” on a label can mask hundreds of different unlisted chemicals in the product Avoid: propylene glycol (PG), triclosan, DEA and MEA, petroleum by-products If you can’t pronounce it easily you probably don’t want it in your home or on/in your body   Mold Exposure Address any leaks in your home to avoid mold growth in your home Any black mold growth should be handled immediately    Electromagnetic Field Exposure  Remove devices from bedrooms and turn off and unplug the wifi Create boundaries on digital devices and the amount of time children spend on them Be mindful where large continuous electric power sources are placed such as refrigerators   Where to learn more about Beth Greer... The Super Natural Home Book Instagram Facebook   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook
Jun 26, 2019 • 38min

Episode 19: Natural Treatment for ADHD In Children

My guest this week is Dr. Sanford Newmark, a clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of California and Director of Clinical Services at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Newmark also serves as the Head of the Pediatric Integrative Neurodevelopmental Program at the Osher Center, specializing in the treatment of Autism, ADHD and other developmental or chronic childhood conditions. With a long-standing interest and expertise in nutrition and its impact on childhood development and health, Dr. Newmark combines conventional medicine with nutrition, behavior management, and various complementary modalities.  He has lectured widely on both autism and ADHD and has authored 3 chapters in Integrative Medicine textbooks, as well as, writing his own book “ADHD Without Drugs, a Guide to the Natural Care of Children with ADHD”. In addition, his UCTV talk on ADHD has had over 4.6 million views.  In this episode, Dr. Newmark and I discuss the importance of a proper ADHD diagnosis, the rising cause of misdiagnosis and non-pharmaceutical alternatives for ADHD medication. Environmental toxins, prenatal exposure, and diet can affect children's brain development. Learn more about Dr. Newmark here.   Episode Highlights Pre-Natal Exposure, Toxins, and Diet Links to ADHD  In a study of infant cord blood, an average of 200 chemicals known to cause brain issues were present  High pesticide levels are associated with higher levels of ADHD A study of 8-year-olds shows that those with higher than average pesticide levels had twice the amount of ADHD than those under the median   Hesitations in Prescribing ADHD Medication ADHD Medication does not work well for every child Medication provides short-term effects for about 70% of children  For nearly 30% or more of children who take them, it does not work at all Side effects are very common  Children do not feel themselves, experience trouble sleeping, personality changes, eating difficulties We do not really understand the long-term effects of this medicine How it may or may not alter the brain over time is unknown   Misdiagnosis of ADHD ADHD is very commonly misdiagnosed for a variety of reasons In children who are struggling with specific learning disabilities, in children who experienced trauma, struggle with sleep apnea, or anxiety, etc…  The general questionnaire used to diagnose ADHD is very minimal and can easily result in pediatricians giving a misdiagnosis   Non-Pharmaceutical Alternatives Addressing nutrition first No food additives such as artificial coloring Avoiding too much sugar and artificial sweeteners Keeping a low intake of processed carbohydrates Gluten and dairy sensitivities are commonly found in children with ADHD Nutritional Supplements A well-sourced omega 3 fish oil supplement Have your child's levels check for iron, zinc and vitamin D to make sure they are getting an adequate amount in order to know what supplements to begin using   The Issue With Electronics The common use of electronics and smartphones at a young age have increased damaging effects on children  Causing a lack of quality sleep, resulting in a decline in performance at school Children with ADHD can have heightened and severe negative effects to electronics All children and teenagers need monitoring and limits put on these devices for their well-being.   Where to learn more about Dr. Newmark... Dr. Newmark's Book Osher Center For Integrative Medicine   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Jun 12, 2019 • 41min

Episode 18: How The Gut Affects Behavior In Children

My guest this week is Kiran Krishnan, a Research Microbiologist who has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition field for the past 18 years. He comes from a strict research background and established a clinical research organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition. Kiran is a Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiome Labs. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board and a Science Advisor for 7 other companies in the industry. In his career, he has developed over 50 private label nutritional products. He is a frequent lecturer on the human microbiome at several health summits, medical and nutrition conferences, radio shows and has appeared in several international documentaries. In this episode, Kiran and I talk about the important role bacteria plays in our gut microbiome, its connection to the brain and how it can directly affect children’s behavior. Children suffering from anxiety and stress, or who are on the Autism spectrum can benefit in different ways by looking into and addressing their gut health. Experiencing a disruption or imbalance in the gut microbiome does not always manifest in gastrointestinal symptoms, it is also common for children to experience behavioral alterations without any GI symptoms present. Learn more about Kiran and ways to treat and manage gut health here.   Episode Highlights   What is the gut microbiome? Think of the microbiome as an ecosystem made up of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in your gut   The Role of Bacteria in Our Bodies We have over 100 trillion bacteria cells in our system that are vital to our everyday function About 90% of our day-to-day metabolic biochemical functions that differentiate us as humans come from those bacteria   Connecting The Microbiome and Behavior The bacteria in our gut microbiome have a direct connection to our brain through the vagus nerve The vagus nerve allows bacteria to send signals to the brain that affect how we behave There are organisms in the microbiome that can heighten anxiety and increase stress levels, as well as, organisms that can give you a sense of calm   How Our Microbiome Gets Disrupted For humans to optimally function, the healthy balance of the bacteria in the gut microbiome is essential A single course of antibiotics can throw this balance off entirely and result in: Heightened anxiety due to the growth of particular bacterial strains that cause an anxious response, and decrease the growth of strains that cause calming responses Examples of recovery time for your gut microbiome due to specific antibiotics A 10-day course of Clindamycin can take your body up to 2 years to recover Use of a Z-Pak can take almost a year to recover A single 600mg dose of Augmentin knocks your gut bacteria down by 99%   Rebalancing the Gut Microbiome Every single person has a unique microbiome, therefore, what works for one person might not work for another Diversity in the microbiome is very important Adding diverse probiotic strains to your routine like Just Thrive probiotics can aid in strengthening immune health within the digestive system   Where to learn more about Kiran Krishnan... Register at for access to order! Instagram: @microbiomelabs   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook
May 29, 2019 • 34min

Episode 17: Strategies To Help Parents Manage Emotions

  My guest this week is Dr. Joan Rosenberg, best-selling author, consultant, master clinician, and media host. Dr. Joan Rosenberg is a cutting-edge psychologist who is known as an innovative thinker, acclaimed speaker, and trainer. As a two-time TEDx speaker and member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, she has been recognized for her thought leadership and influence in personal development. Dr. Rosenberg speaks on how to build confidence, emotional strength, resilience; achieving emotional, conversational and relationship mastery; integrating neuroscience and psychotherapy and suicide prevention. An Air Force veteran, she is a professor of graduate psychology at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles, CA. Her latest book, 90 Seconds to a Life you Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience and Authenticity, has just released at the beginning of this year. In this episode, Dr. Rosenberg and I discuss the “top 8 unpleasant feelings” that parents encounter. She provides parents with practical strategies that teach enhanced emotional self-insight and lead to better parent-child relationships. Using these strategies empowers parents to manage their feelings, control their reactions and become better emotional role models for their children. Learn more about Dr. Joan Rosenberg here.   The Top 8 Unpleasant Feelings Sadness, shame, helplessness, anger, vulnerability, embarrassment, disappointment, and frustration. These 8 feelings are common and universal to everyone's experiences With these strategies, parents can be healthy role models of these feelings for their children Both pleasant and unpleasant feelings are important for children to understand and develop versus feeling restricted or withdrawn from certain feelings   What is Frustration Tolerance? The ability to experience and manage the right emotion in any situation If a child does not learn to experience and manage their feelings, a clear carry-over effect into adulthood occurs Examples: not handling relationship breakups well, poor handling of employment settings and emotions, etc… It is important for parents to be able to tolerate their child's emotional discomfort as well as their own   How to Manage Feelings As Parents Use the formula: One choice + 8 Feelings + 90 Seconds The choice is an openness and willingness to be aware of and in touch with as much of your feelings as possible Detect one of the 8 feelings and be present Give yourself 90 seconds to understand what you are feeling through bodily sensation The rush of these feelings and bodily reactions typically last 60-90 seconds Notice what you are experiencing in your body, tolerate the bodily sensation and ride the wave to the other side of the 90 seconds before reacting I.e. the heat of cheeks flushing from embarrassment By staying present to the feeling and bodily sensation you will gain insight on the decision you need to make and the action you want to take   Understanding Anxiety When we talk about anxiety we must decipher and be aware of how and when we use the word to define a specific feeling Anxiety is oftentimes used to describe other feelings such as vulnerability and fear In this way, the word “anxiety” is misused as a cover for other unpleasant feelings that are actually occurring   Switching Up Your Language As A Parent Am I? Can I? Will I? Do I? All of these foster doubt Switch those questions and reframe them to statements: I am, I can, I will, I do All of these foster an experience of confidence   Understanding Resilience Know that resilience is a learnable skill that we can all practice and improve Think of resilience as being tied to attitude: “I’m open to change” Having an openness and willingness to face change is a key aspect Understand that “failure” too is a key aspect and is always a learning opportunity This way you do not get knocked over each time you face an obstacle Reach out of help and use your resourcefulness Acknowledge your emotional needs and limitations so you know when you need to ask for help shows your emotional strength Where to learn more about Dr. Joan Rosenberg...   Twitter: @DrJoanRosenberg Instagram: @drjoanrosenberg Facebook Dr. Joan's Free Gift   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
May 15, 2019 • 31min

Episode 16: How To Help Your Child Create Mindful Eating Habits

My guest this week is Dr. Susan Albers, a New York Times best-selling author and clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic who specializes in eating issues, weight loss, body image concerns, and mindfulness. Dr. Albers conducts mindful eating workshops across the country and internationally. She is the author of seven mindful eating books and has been a guest on the Dr. Oz TV Show, TODAY show and NPR. Her tips, books, and programs have been featured in numerous national publications such as O, the Oprah Magazine, Woman’s Day Magazine, Health Magazine, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Albers is also a contributor to the Huffington Post and Psychology Today.   In this episode, Dr. Albers and I discuss the positive ways mindful eating can impact your child's health and wellbeing. Making small changes to everyday eating habits, creating access to the right foods and changing the way you speak about food in front of your children can have a positive impact. Learn more about mindful eating and Dr. Susan Albers here.   What is Mindful Eating? Mindful eating is not a diet, it is centered around the behavior of eating and how you eat versus what you eat It helps you create better eating behaviors and habits which naturally lead to a healthier lifestyle   Mindlessly Eating It is easy to use food not for hunger but to manage other feelings For children: boredom tends to lead them to wander to the kitchen and mindlessly eating or using food to unwind from stress   A Few Tips To Implement Mindful Eating Make the right foods convenient Place the foods that you want your children to be eating at their eye-level and easy to reach within the refrigerator or pantry Keep a bowl of healthy snacks and fruits by the door for quick on-the-go access Language, get rid of the word “diet” and start using the word “mindful” around eating Slow down your mealtimes by eating slowly and consciously   Where To Start With Your Family To avoid overwhelm, tackle one thing at a time Ex: If your goal is to have your family sit together at mealtime or cut back on eating in the car, focus on that first Once that is accomplished, naturally, better habits will start to take place Work on reducing the stress level as an overall family Finding ways to lower stress in your family will aid in eliminating excess mindless eating habits in the family End of day rituals like walks or bike rides together as a family can help create a stress outlet   Where to learn more about Dr. Susan Albers... Eating Mindfully Twitter: @DrSusanAlbers Instagram: @mindfuleating101 Facebook Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
May 1, 2019 • 33min

Episode 15: The Benefits of Neurodevelopmental Movement Training For Kids

My guest this week is Sonia Story, developer, and teacher of the Brain and Sensory Foundations curriculum that shares powerful movements for transforming brain, body, and sensory challenges. Sonia Story has studied with many of the world's finest experts in Neurodevelopmental Movement programs, completing training in Rhythmic Movement Training, Brain Gym, Neuro-Sensory-Motor & Reflex Integration, and more. She teaches live and online courses for parents, OTs, PTs, SLPs, VTs, educators, counselors, health practitioners, and caregivers, and continues to learn from her clients of all ages. In this episode, Sonia and I discuss what neurodevelopmental movements are and how they impact children and adults to significantly improve and mature brain and sensory systems. Children on the spectrum, with ADD, ADHD, anxiety, or sensory, behavioral, or developmental disorders can greatly benefit from incorporating movement practices and techniques into their daily routine. To learn more about Sonia and her life-changing Brain and Sensory Foundations curriculum visit What is Neurodevelopmental Movement? The innate movements that infants do in the womb and in early infancy These movements are foundational for proper brain, body and sensory maturity They are like a ‘template’ in the brain that we naturally do as healthy human beings if there is room within the womb and the environment is not stressed   Innate Movements Natural infant reflex movements like sucking the thumb, or grasping when a finger is pressed into babies palm These movements help set up our brain networks, they mature the brainstem and help us feed ourselves, learn and are our survival and protection mechanisms When there are gaps in these movements from infancy the child can be left in a state of anxiety or flight or fight   Empowerment to Recognize Neurodevelopmental Issues Our culture has set us up for many of these issues to happen without our own fault We live more sedentary lives and partake in more passive activities vs. active activities where body movement is necessary Learning about neurodevelopmental movements is essential for all families I.e. Your child could have hit all their motor skill milestones but something simple in their infancy or birthing story could have subtle effects on their behavior   Where to learn more about Sonia Story... Move Play Thrive Website Twitter: @brainandsensory Instagram: @moveplaythrive Facebook YouTube   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Apr 17, 2019 • 35min

Episode 14: The Benefits of A Daily Green Smoothie For Kids

My guest this week is Jen Hansard, whose "healthy obsession" with green smoothies has taken her into classrooms, entrepreneur workshops, and featured on ‘The Doctors’ to spread the green smoothie love far and wide. Her wildly popular website, has changed the lives of over 1 million people and has become the #1 green smoothie online resource. Through the power of green smoothies, she’s seen the amazing health benefits firsthand – including more energy, which has been the catalyst to healthy living for Jen and her family. The Simple Green Smoothies' lifestyle encourages you to make one simple change: drink one green smoothie a day. In this episode, Jen and I discuss the incredible health benefits of adding a green smoothie into your child's diet and routine. Children and adults can see lasting results such as increased energy, improved mental clarity, better bowel movements, and a stronger immune system. Learn more about Jen Hansard here.     Making Smoothies FUN for Kids Once your child has adapted to drinking smoothies and different flavors - get them involved in the process by taking them shopping with you at the grocery store or farmers markets Children of all ages can help with the most simple prep I.e. small children can pull off strawberry stems, while older children chop up fruits and vegetables Engage their creativity in the flavors they like and help them customize their own blends With time, this type of exposure naturally adjusts the palate to crave healthier foods   Smoothies help with Sustained Energy for Kids Helps with clearer sustained energy levels during the day Helps regulate their wake and sleep cycles Energy from healthy food helps to fuel optimal growth, development, and brain function   A Starting Guide and Tips for Parents If you are beginning with a basic blender first blend your leafy greens and your liquid base first until the leafy chunks are gone, then add the fruit and blend again You can buy a refurbished high-speed blender to save lots of money and time Prep your smoothie ingredients into individual freezer bags and have them ready for the entire week To help with picky eaters taste buds, be sure to remove the stems from your leafy greens as they can add a bitter flavor Pour any unfinished smoothies into popsicle molds and freeze for an afternoon snack   Simple 7: The 7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge To help create a green smoothie habit Jen provides a free 7-Day challenge that includes easy to follow instructions, a shopping list, and tips for success Great way to introduce green smoothies into your families routine Especially those who struggle with time-restraints and getting in their greens Will help increase energy, improve clarity and focus, strengthen immune system, regulate bowel movements and promote weight loss   Where to learn more about Jen Hansard… 7-Day Challenge Instagram: @SimpleGreenSmoothies Facebook Youtube   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.  
Apr 3, 2019 • 33min

Episode 13: Kids Need To Get Dirty... Their Health Depends On It

My guest this week is Dr. Maya Shetreat, a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of ‘The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child’ (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, earth-based programs for transformational healing. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred. In this episode, Dr. Maya and I discuss the importance of children spending time in nature and how that exposes them to a diversity of essential germs needed in order to build a stronger immune system and a healthier gut and brain. All children can greatly benefit from time outdoors including those with simple to severe learning and behavioral disorders such as autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and nonverbal or degenerative issues. Learn more about Dr. Maya Shetreat here.   Why Getting Dirty Is Important Immune systems are ‘social’ and want to meet compounds, foods, and organisms and have contact with them This allows the immune system to go into alert mode when something problematic comes along A restricted immune system can be over-reactive. Variety is the spice of health Gut health is the foundation for immune health and immune health is the foundation for brain health   Designed For Exposure To Dirt We are evolutionarily designed for our immune system to be exposed to many different germs Ex: babies learn how to crawl on their hands and knees and stick their hands and whatever they can grab in their mouth. We were designed to be exposed to dirt. Children who grow up in homes where bleach is routinely used have a higher risk of chronic bronchitis and seasonal respiratory infections Being exposed to a variety  of germs helps to keep anyone organism from growing out of control and causing a problem   What is Hormesis and Why It Is Important Hormesis: where something would normally be toxic in large amounts can be beneficial in tiny amounts Ex: fasting - if you do it for a month you will have negative effects, if you fast for 12-24 hours it can greatly benefit you Small challenges like this, though slightly uncomfortable, cause our mitochondria to step up and function more optimally Getting into dirt, into soil, exposes us to billions of compounds and organisms that inspire every cell in our body to function effectively Soil is nature’s free probiotic   Benefits of Time in Nature “Shinrin-yoku” (forest-bathing) - Asian cultures encourage this time out in nature to immerse oneself in the beauty of the forest regularly Studies show that this results in better sleep, focus, organization, executive function, higher accomplishments at work and school, and feeling happier As well as, increased production in anti-cancer proteins   Get Your Kids Outside Let your children build a relationship with nature Playing outside on the grass, gardening, having a picnic If your child is suffering from a simple to severe developmental issue (ADHD, dyslexia, behavioral issues, non-verbal, degenerative issues, birth trauma)  they can benefit from being outdoors Every single child can benefit and was designed for their nervous systems to be stimulated by the outdoors   What Our Kids Illnesses & Challenges Can Teach Us Parents have a lot of pressure to FIX their child's issues Dr. Maya says, “Your child is actually your teacher” She encourages parents to stop trying to fix their children and instead listen to their symptoms as their way of showing you how to take care of them better 3 things to do for your children: Love them, advocate for them and offer them resources   Where to learn more about Dr. Maya Shetreat... Website: Instagram: @drmayashetreat Facebook Dr. Maya's Book: 'The Dirt Cure'   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Mar 20, 2019 • 33min

Episode 12: Essential Oils For Kids With Behavioral, Mental, and Developmental Challenges

My guest this week is Jodi Cohen, a bestselling author, award-winning journalist, and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, where she has combined her training in nutritional therapy and aromatherapy to create unique proprietary blends of organic and wildcrafted essential oils that help her clients heal from brain-related challenges, including anxiety, insomnia, and autoimmunity. In this episode, Jodi and I discuss the important role essential oils can play in our children's lives, especially those struggling with behavioral, mental health, and developmental challenges. Introducing organic essential oils into your child's routine and teaching them how and when to use them can empower them to take control of their symptoms in times of anxiety, stress, restlessness, or when experiencing digestive issues. Learn more about Jodi Cohen and Vibrant Blue Oils here. What are Essential Oils? Highly concentrated essence of plants When plants are concentrated you are able to get a higher dose of whatever deficiency it is you are trying to treat Essential oils can be used to help your body regain balance and heal When you are far out of balance, oils allow a more powerful, concentrated effect to help you return to your balanced state Oils are an easy tool to use with your children to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle Being ‘in balance’ refers to your state of health mentally and physically   Essential oils for children with behavioral, mental, and developmental challenges Oils are fat-soluble which allows them to get to the brain easier Helps children who have digestive impairment issues or toxic overload as they can easily apply oils to their skin topically or smell them Kids can use independently and feel empowered with a tool that they know how to use effectively I.e. at school when feeling anxious, have a headache, or digestive problem You can integrate oils into the bedtime routine early on with infants and toddlers   Essential Oils and Anxiety When the body is experiencing anxiety, the nervous system switches into a sympathetic state A fight, flee or freeze zone that tells the body it is in danger making it hard to focus and deal with anxiety Applying a blend of oils to the vagus nerve, the bone you feel on the back of your ear, accessing a kind of off/on switch to allow the body to enter back into a parasympathetic state The parasympathetic state allows the body to go back into a place of rest and healing telling the brain to calm down and that there is no danger Lime and Clove oils are a good blend to address this reset and help with anxiety Jodi’s blend can be found here   Essential Oils for Sleep Children with mental health and developmental disabilities tend to struggle with sleep Using an essential oil like Lavender in the right dosage and application can help If your child is a little restless you can apply lavender to their feet or give them a lavender bath Lavender bath for children: 1 cup of epsom salt, ½ cup of baking soda and a couple drops of lavender oil - Mix lavender with the epsom salt before you add water If the sleep issue is more complicated and their circadian rhythm is off balance, Lori has a special blend available here targeted specifically for advanced sleep issues   How to Properly Use and Apply Essential Oils Dilute your oils with olive oil or coconut oil before applying to skin Apply oils to reflex and organ points depending on issue Less is more! Start slow and do not overdo it! You can always add more later if needed Never apply oils to damaged skin   The Importance of Quality in Essential Oils Remember they are concentrated. Buying any “essential oil” you find may mean you are buying something that was grown with chemicals and pesticides Organic is always best Using oils that are derived from organically grown sources allows us to avoid additional toxins Where to learn more about Jodi Cohen... Website: Twitter: @vibrantblueoils Instagram: @vibrantblueoils Facebook Jodi Cohen's Book   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally? My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more. Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior. Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.

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