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The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Latest episodes

Oct 9, 2019 • 50min

Episode 31: EMF Exposure Health Effects and Simple Solutions For Your Family

My guest this week is Peter Sullivan, the founder, and CEO of Clear Light Ventures, Inc. and environmental health funder who focuses on toxins and wireless safety. Peter has spent the last 15 years successfully recovering his two sons from autism and sensory issues and recovered from his own environmental health issues. Peter’s work on detoxification and EMF (electromagnetic fields) has been featured in the book Toxin Toxout, the book The Out of Sync Child Grows Up, Mother Jones magazine, Paleo Magazine, and CNN’s Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man.  Peter serves as a board advisor to Pure Earth (, and the International Institute for Building-Biology Ecology. He is an executive producer of the documentary “Generation Zapped”, about the health effects of wireless, and co-executive producer of the film “The Devil We Know” about Teflon pollution. He also served as an Executive Officer and pilot in the United States Navy. In this episode, Peter and I discuss the effects that electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure can play in your family’s health and behavior. Peter shares with the audience practical and effective tips that parents can start using immediately to reduce exposure in the household. Insomnia, ear-ringing, anxiety, headaches, attention and memory problems, depression, and sperm damage have been shown as common side effects to excessive EMF exposure. To learn more about these effects and Peter Sullivan click here.   Where to learn more about Peter Sullivan... Clear Light Ventures Instagram Twitter Facebook   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Oct 2, 2019 • 43min

Episode 30: Glyphosate Exposure Affects Your Family’s Health and Behavior

My guest this week is Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a Ph.D. from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur. She has authored over 30 peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics. In this episode, Dr. Seneff and I discuss the prevalent use of glyphosate in the United States and how it can affect our family’s health and behavior. Studies show numerous links to this toxic herbicide in relation to neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders such as autism, ADHD, and ADD. Annually, exposure to glyphosate continues to rise with the incessant use of Roundup in crops across the nation. To learn more about this epidemic, how you can protect your family and more about Dr. Stephanie Seneff, click here.    Episode Timestamps Episode Intro … 00:00:30 What Is Glyphosate? … 00:07:45 Glyphosate Toxic Buildup In Our Food … 00:19:40 Gluten and Dairy Glyphosate Exposure… 00:22:00 Link To Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorders .. 00:24:13 Genetic and Environmental Susceptibility ... 00:29:40 Reducing Exposure to Glyphosate ... 00:31:30 Episode Wrap Up … 00:37:16   Episode Highlights What Is Glyphosate? A non-coding synthetic amino acid that does not exist in nature  It is a threatening toxin to the body because it causes the body to confuse it for glycine causing disruption  It is commonly used as the main chemical ingredient to kill weeds in the herbicide Roundup   Link To Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorders Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin needed to regulate our mood, anxiety, and arousal levels are directly impacted by glyphosate exposure   Reducing Exposure to Glyphosate  The more whole food and organic choices we can make the better Detoxing from glyphosate can be difficult but the following types of foods and minerals can help Cruciferous vegetables Fermented foods Bentonite clay Fulvic and humic acids Where to learn more about Dr. Stephanie Seneff... Dr. Seneff's Site Facebook   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.  
Sep 25, 2019 • 44min

Episode 29: How To Manage Diet Restrictions For Behavioral Disorders

My guest this week is Suzie Carpenter, the author of On The Bright Side, a best selling memoir documenting the emotional journey of parenting a daughter with autism. After her daughter Kelly spent five years on antifungals, while also following the very restrictive Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Suzie learned a new approach to healing the gut through membrane medicine. She then began to incorporate this approach to help alleviate her own chronic health issues.  A pioneer in the grain-free and Paleo movement, Suzie has worked with hundreds of clients to strategize how to implement dietary changes with ease. While Suzie is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the dietary aspects of managing symptoms of autism, her true passion lies with lighting the spark within. Instead of being the food police, she transformed the necessity of eating healthy into empowering her daughter to be her happiest self.  In this episode, Suzie and I discuss tips and strategies for parents managing a child with dietary restrictions. Suzie offers encouraging, practical, and functional advice that assist parents as they work with and empower their children to find the best nutritional practices for their behavioral challenges. Children on the spectrum, with ADHD, ADD, anxiety and behavioral challenges experience vast improvements to their symptoms when addressing their specific nutritional needs. To learn more about Suzie Carpenter click here.   Episode Highlights Independence In Teenage Years  It is important for parents to be aware of their own triggers Ex. The need to be in control and making all the decisions Working and communicating with your child to understand the consequences of certain food choices will empower them to make the right choices when they are alone Understand that mistakes made by either the parent do not have to be roadblocks Have a “post” plan in place for any situation that has gone awry so that everyone has a course of action   Journaling For Parents and Children Journaling serves as a wonderful example of previous situations to help inform decision making in the future Use your phone to take initial notes and then take the time to write them down later in a physical journal  This can help emotionally process and engrave these notes into your memory   Suzie’s Most Helpful Tips  Keeping open communication with your child is key Being prepared and syncing schedules helps so meals don't get off track and less backtracking occurs Encouraging independent choices such as choosing their snack at school or helping to pack their lunch Getting to a place where you are no longer playing the role of the food police Teaching and working through mindset for yourself and your child   Where to learn more about Suzie Carpenter... Suzie's Book Instagram: @suziecarpenterhealth Twitter: @suziecarpenter On The Bright Side Facebook Group   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.   
Sep 18, 2019 • 39min

Episode 28: 6 Key Questions To Lead A Successful IEP Meeting

My guest this week is Dr. Vaughn Lauer, an educator with over thirty years of experience in the field of special education. Working as a teacher, a university instructor, and a building, district and state administrator in the field of public education, Dr. Lauer’s experience spans all levels of education from preschool to university. He has presented at the state, national and international levels and authored a book on collaborative IEP development called ‘When the School Says No: How To Get the Yes’.  In this episode, Dr. Lauer and I discuss how parents can better facilitate their Individualized Educational Program (IEP) meetings to target their child’s specific needs. Dr. Lauer breaks down his six key questions and provides parents with the resources to take these steps and effectively implement them on their own. Dr. Lauer’s programs were created to combat the common difficulties encountered in the special education system by institutions, teachers, and parents alike to ensure the common goal of understanding, assessing and tending to each child’s individual needs. To learn more about Dr. Lauer click here.   Episode Highlights 6 Key Questions to Utilize in IEP Meetings First, establish IEP etiquette before the meeting begins and then follow the questions in order 1. What do we know? 2. Where do we need to go? 3. How will we get there? 4. How do we know we're getting there? 5. How do we know we’ve arrived? 6. Where do we go from here? Detailed steps and tips to this process can be found in Dr. Lauer’s book    IEP Etiquette Rules set in place for a successful meeting  By setting these rules and allowing everyone to have a say on what will be effective questions for the meeting at hand, collaboration naturally ensues This subtle collaboration is based on asking questions versus telling someone what to do A key rule to keep no matter what is to stay on topic Where to learn more about Dr. Vaughn Lauer... Dr. Lauer's Book IEP Help Facebook Special Education Decoder System   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Sep 11, 2019 • 25min

Episode 27: Microbiota Transplant Therapy: What Is It and How Can It Help Autism?

My guest this week is Dr. James Adams, the director of the Autism/Asperger’s research program at Arizona State University. As the father of an adult daughter with autism, Dr. Adams’ research shifted to focus on the medical causes of autism and how to treat and prevent it. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including over 40 related to autism. Dr. Adams is the president of the Autism Society of Greater Phoenix, the president of the Autism Nutrition Research Center, the co-leader of the scientific advisory committee of the Autism Research Institute and chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Neurological Health Foundation.  In this episode, Dr. Adams and I discuss the cutting edge research of fecal transplant therapy, better known in his study as, microbiota transplant therapy. Dr. Adams shares detailed results from the study showing significant and continued improvement of gastrointestinal issues in its participants, as well as, major improvements in their autism symptoms. To learn more about James Adams and the future of this study for helping those struggling with autism click here.   Episode Highlights What Is Microbiota Transplant Therapy? Taking bacteria from a healthy gut and transferring to an unhealthy gut  This therapy is targeted at helping those with severe gastrointestinal issues and autism symptoms   Study Results for Microbiota Transplant Therapy At the start of the study, 80% of participants were considered to have severe autism, by the end of the study roughly 15% were severe Participants showed an 80% reduction of gastrointestinal symptoms that they suffered from since infancy 2-year follow up study showed that participants maintained roughly a 60% reduction of GI symptoms and an overall average of 47% decrease in autism symptoms   Importance of Donor Health  This type of procedure must be done under strict regulations for very healthy donor selections This particular study’s screening process is so rigorous that 90% of the general population is screened out The difference of this procedure is that there is one donor per recipient unlike donations such as blood, that pool from hundreds of donors to create blood products Where to learn more about Dr. James Adams... Autism Research Program Facebook Adams Autism Research    Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Sep 4, 2019 • 32min

Episode 26: The Benefits of Bone Broth and How To Incorporate It Into Your Child’s Diet

My guest this week is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, celebrity weight-loss expert, and natural anti-aging specialist. Dr. Kellyann teaches patients and viewers how to become slimmer, younger faster. As one of the Resident Nutritionist and health experts for the Dr. Oz show, she appears regularly on national media, making appearances on Good Morning America, including The Doctors, and hosting her critically acclaimed PBS Special - 21 Days to a Slimmer, Younger You. She is the author of nine books, including the New York Times bestseller, and international sensation, The Bone Broth Diet.  In this episode, Dr. Kellyann and I discuss the immense health benefits of bone broth and how to incorporate it into your child’s diet with ease. Dr. Kellyann breaks down simple techniques on how to make the most nutrient-dense bone broth and explains why quality ingredients are key. Children and adults can greatly benefit from the nutrients found in bone broth to help promote healthy brain function and regulate mood and behavior. To learn more about Dr. Kellyann Petrucci click here.   Episode Highlights What Is Bone Broth? Made from simmering bones in water, with or without meat for extended cooking times ranging from 8 to 24+ hours  The extended cooking time helps pull the nutrition out of the bones    Benefits of Bone Broth  Collagen in bone broth helps burn body fat and create lean muscle mass. It is rich in hyaluronic acid helping to beautify skin Contains the amino acids glycine and proline, aiding in the liver to remove toxins from the body Great levels of minerals that we are typically deficient in like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus   Why Should Kids Have Bone Broth? Minerals and amino acids support healthy brain function and mental health in children Magnesium deficiency is extremely common It is a calming mineral which helps emotional and behavioral regulation   Importance of Quality Ingredients  Invest in your proteins Buying pasture-raised, grass-fed, organic products ensure that you are getting quality ingredients when making bone broth Remember that you will absorb the health of the animal you consume When quality proteins are on sale, stock up and freeze them for later use   Daily Dose of Collagen  After age 20 we begin to lose collagen each year  It is low in allergens, making it appropriate for many who have special food sensitivities Daily intake of collagen can reduce inflammation, ease joint pain, and reduce symptoms of autoimmune disease    Bone Broth for Gut Health  Can help in the rebuilding and healing of gut health and digestive issues The glycine found in bone broth is anti-inflammatory, fighting chronic inflammation and protecting the gut helping it heal faster    Incorporating Bone Broth into Children's Diets  Starting with chicken bones can be an easier starting point for children who are not yet accustomed to bone broth flavor   Where to learn more about Dr. Kellyann Petrucci... Twitter Instagram Facebook Dr. Kellyann’s Books   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.
Aug 28, 2019 • 42min

Episode 25: The Elimination Diet: An Effective Tool For Children's Neurological Disorders and Behavior

My guest this week is Tom Malterre, a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner whose fascination with nutrition started with his family doctor, Dr. John McDougall of the Forks Over Knives acclaim. Since then, he has attained two nutritional science degrees from Bastyr University, certification from the Institute for Functional Medicine, has co-authored three books, worked as a medical affairs member at Thorne Research and is now an educator for the Institute for Functional Medicine.  In this episode, Tom and I discuss how an elimination diet is an effective tool for a variety of children’s neurological and behavioral disorders. Tom provides the audience with years of professional experience, success, and insight on the best practices for the elimination diet and tips on where and how to begin. Parents looking to try the elimination diet themselves or in their family will greatly benefit from the guidance Tom and his wife Alissa have prepared in multiple free resources online and through their various publications. To learn more click here.   Episode Highlights What Is The Elimination Diet? A simple and powerful process of removing potentially problematic foods from your diet until your symptoms subside This process is most effectively done by the use of healthy whole foods Learn more about Tom and Alissa’s elimination diet approach here   But My Kid Doesn’t Have Allergies  It is important to know that there are different types of immunologic reactions for every individual Your child may not have allergies but they can still have reactions and intolerances Example: Your child has loose stools or becomes moodier after having apple juice or apple sauce. They might have a reaction that does not stimulate their immune system. They could be reacting to a fructose intolerance that is in the apples Example: Gluten sensitivities - 6% of the population has a non-celiac wheat sensitivity and there are no actual tests that can be run for this An IGG panel would not be able to show this result An elimination diet can allow these types of reactions to be discovered   Sensitivity Testing  There are nuances to each test that can vary by lab, by company or brand Example: one companies labs may pick up soy and corn better than another Even when running an IGG panel it is possible to receive incomplete results   Time Between Ingestion & Symptoms  Delayed sensitivity reactions - your body may take time to have an immune or intolerance response Once an antibody is released or an imbalance has occurred it can take days, weeks and sometimes even months for things to calm or return to normal in order to have a clean slate to reintroduce foods Cutting out any one particular food or potential aggressor must be done with dedication and time Trying to remove the item for a week most likely will not be enough time   Top Offenders to Remove  The top 6 to remove: gluten, dairy, eggs, yeast, corn, and soy Ideal to remove them for about a month Truly eliminating them is tough when eating out and shopping Do your due diligence in researching items and whole foods that fit the criteria If you are able to remove all the top aggressors you will spend your time and efforts more effectively, most especially in the reintroduction phase in discovering what your body is reacting to   Reintroduction Process After removing for about a months time, your symptoms have cleared and calmed then you can reintroduce one food at a time every 3 days and wait to see if symptoms begin to reappear You then leave that offending food for a longer period, 3-6 months before addressing and adding it back in your diet   Where to learn more about Tom Malterre... Whole Life Nutrition Website Twitter Instagram Facebook Tom and Alissa’s Books PubMed Article   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Aug 21, 2019 • 39min

Episode 24: Functional Medicine For Mental Health and Wellbeing In Children and Adults

My guest this week is Dr. Josh Friedman, a Licensed Psychologist, Holistic Health Counselor, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and yoga teacher. Early in his career as a psychologist, Dr. Friedman quickly discovered something was missing from traditional mental health treatment. Curiosity and a chance meeting led him to discover nutritional psychology, which resulted in extensively furthering his studies to help patients grow and heal their psychological issues by addressing underlying biochemical and nutritional deficiencies.  For the last 15 years, he has run a private practice in Omaha, Nebraska called Integrative Psychotherapy of Omaha, combining psychotherapy with nutritional guidance, targeted supplements, yoga stress management tools and the use of specific functional medicine tests to help people identify and correct the root cause of their symptoms. In 2015, he started Alternative Mental Health Solution, a web-based functional medicine coaching business to provide these powerful solutions to a worldwide audience. In this episode, Dr. Friedman and I discuss the world of functional medicine and how practitioners who use this approach have the tools to successfully aid patients to find and address the underlying root causes affecting their health. Dr. Friedman provides incredible insight and witness to the effects of treatment to even the most extreme cases once deemed treatment-resistant. Children and adults suffering from anxiety, depression and other mood issues can greatly benefit from functional and integrative health treatments. To learn more about Dr. Friedman click here.   Episode Highlights & Timestamps Episode Intro … 00:00:30 The Journey to Functional Medicine … 00:03:57 Patient Success Story … 00:12:38 “Treatment-resistant” Cases … 00:17:30 Functional Medicine: The Medicine of Why … 00:26:00 Where to Find An Integrative Health Clinician … 00:34:00 Look for someone who is going to ask questions with you to discover and treat the underlying root cause of the issue These sites have lists of practitioners you can search through: Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Website  Alternative Mental Health Website Episode Wrap Up … 00:36:12   Where to learn more about Dr. Josh Friedman... Integrative Psychotherapy of Omaha Mood Healing Facebook: Integrative Depressive Solutions   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Aug 14, 2019 • 43min

Episode 23: Demystifying Special Diets For Autism and Neurodevelopmental Needs In Children

My guest this week is Julie Matthews a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published nutrition researcher specializing in complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorders. She is the author of the award-winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism, and co-author of a study proving the efficacy of nutrition and dietary intervention for autism published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nutrients. Julie’s approach is based on the BioIndividual Nutrition® needs of each person and stems from her 17 years of work with autism. Using autism as a model for complex chronic disease, her approach and methodology have helped practitioners specializing in varied disorders aid in the improvement of the health and healing of their clients through strategic BioIndividual Nutrition and dietary intervention. Julie has a private nutrition practice in San Francisco, California, and supports families and clinicians from around the world with her nutrition learning tools and professional training courses.  In this episode, Julie and I discuss and demystify many popular special diets for children with autism and neurodevelopmental needs. Julie shares her expertise on a variety of diets such as gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, low-oxalate, paleo, & GAPS diets. Children struggling on the Autism spectrum and those with neurodevelopmental needs can greatly benefit from specialized nutritional and dietary interventions that aim to target their specific needs for optimal results. To learn more about Julie click here.   Episode Highlights Research On Special Diets for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Needs Research shows that kids with Autism have more gastrointestinal issues  Study published in Nutrients based on a multivitamin mineral formula, digestive enzymes, carnitine, epsom salt baths, and a healthy gluten-free, casein-free and soy-free diet  After one year: an almost 7 point improvement in non-verbal IQ 4.5 times developmental age improvement Improvements in anxiety, depression, irritability, language and more! Gluten and dairy are two of the most difficult inflammatory foods for the digestive system   Soy-Free Diet & Why Any Diet Must Be “Healthy” Soy, is similar to gluten and casein in that it can be difficult to break down and cause inflammation Why a “healthy” diet is important There are countless food products that are labeled and technically free of dairy, gluten, and soy but this does not constitute them as being healthy Many foods contain artificial dyes and flavors which can cause hyperactivity in any child The more organic, the better Avoiding GMOs and pesticides (known neurotoxins) Any time the diet can be healthier, you are going to find a happier and healthier result!   Low-Oxalate, Paleo, & GAPS Diets Low- Oxalate Diets (LOD) Reduced consumption of high oxalate foods such as certain greens (ex:spinach), beans, legumes, nuts and nut flours (ex: almond flour) Can help reduce inflammatory symptoms Paleo Diet Grain-free diet which cuts beans, refined sugars, and dairy Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet  Grain-free diet which cuts refined carbs, dairy, starchy vegetables and mucilaginous fibers For more information on ‘Why Diet Matters’ click here.   What Is The Right Diet For My Kid? A step-by-step process is best Do your research Evaluate the symptoms Take your time through the process Jumping in to anyone diet without the right steps and you may find yourself or child with other symptoms and issues There is no one right answer or diagnosis for everyone    Taking The First Step Avoid junk food, artificial colors, preservatives, and sugars Start with cleaning up the diet you currently have  Evaluate what you are feeding you and your child now and see what the differences are before you start a specific diet   Where to learn more about Julie Matthews... 6 Nutrition Essentials Guide Nourishing Hope Website Instagram:@juliematthewsnourishinghope Twitter: @nourishinghope Facebook: Nourishing Hope  Publications   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here. 
Aug 7, 2019 • 38min

Episode 22: How To Successfully Use An Integrative Approach So Your Child Can Thrive

My guest this week is Tara Hunkin, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, mother and founder of My Child Will Thrive and host of the ‘Autism, ADHD and SPD Summit’. Tara is passionate about helping parents because she has been in their shoes. After doctor visits left her with more questions than answers, Tara realized that it was up to her to figure out how to get her daughter the help she needed.  She went on to pursue an education in nutrition with the Nutritional Therapy Association and trained with Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD as a Certified GAPS Practitioner. She is also a student of Julie Matthews, CN with the Bioindividual Nutrition Institute and has completed the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs training, as well as, training with Dr. Mellio through IAFNR to better understand the brain and the applications of functional neurology. In this episode, Tara and I discuss the fundamental foundations for success when parents are setting out on an integrative approach for the treatment of their child’s neurodevelopmental disorder. Children diagnosed or suspected with disorders such as autism, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and other learning disabilities can greatly benefit from a guided framework of the integrative approach. To learn more about Tara and access an entire community of support click here.   Episode Highlights The Internet & Information Overload The internet provides us with so much information it can be extremely overwhelming for parents searching for ways to help their struggling children As a parent you need to learn many different avenues but using a framework to approach them all will save you time, money, and a lot of excess stress   Framework and Tools  By beginning an integrative approach with a framework set in place, parents are able to organize and confront treatment with more ease Remember: “There is no clear one solution for every child.” - Tara Hunkin   Fundamental Foundations of Healing  It is easy to forget or disregard fundamental practices before going straight into advanced healing strategies and therapies - the two must go hand and hand to prevent as many setbacks as possible Nutrition is key Keeping the body well-nourished literally feeds every cell in our body and brain Maintain optimal hydration with good quality water sources Ensure that your child is getting enough outdoor time in the fresh air and sunlight igniting their five senses   Address your environment, such as the possible toxins in and around your home Finding and implementing appropriate neuro-rehab programs Neuro rehab examples: listening, vision, occupational, and neurofeedback therapies   Multiple Protocols & Record-Keeping You are your child's best advocate and record-keeper Having records to refer to for yourself and your practitioner will save you time, money, and grief To help Tara has created a ‘Protocol and Therapy Worksheet’ It sets out objectives to help track practice, advice from your practitioner and expectations These kinds of record-keeping are essential to approaching an integrative model of treatment The more thorough the history recorded the better you and your practitioner can prepare for and execute treatment plans   Working With The Right Practitioner Make sure the practitioner is able to explain to you the aim and goals of the treatment at hand You shouldn’t walk out of their office more confused than when you went in When you understand the possibilities and outcomes you are more equipped to push through When you have older children who are able to comprehend the goals and outcomes - they will feel more empowered to make the right decisions if they understand why of the situation   Where to learn more about Tara Hunkin... My Child Will Thrive Website Facebook Support Group Instagram:@mychildwillthrive Twitter: @mychildthrive   Connect with Dr. Nicole Beurkens on... Instagram Facebook   Need help with improving your child’s behavior naturally?  My book Life Will Get Better is available for purchase, click here to learn more.  Looking for more? Check out my Blog and the Better Behavior Naturally Parent Program - a resource guide for parents who want to be more effective with improving their child’s behavior.  Interested in becoming a patient? Contact us here.   

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