In this episode of the Coming Out Late podcast, you’ll hear Robin & Chris facilitate a virtual discussion with nearly all who attended the Coming Out Late Retreat to Portland, OR last month. You’ll hear firsthand the life-changing effects that this retreat had on its attendees. Today, you’ll hear retreat attendees reflecting-on and discussing the following:How ‘connection’ and ‘community’ play such a vital role in experiencing and walking through this coming out late journey!How we find comfort and growth in hearing other’s stories and realizing, helping us to realize, “I’m not alone!”How, (if at all), did they feel differently between the pre-retreat zoom gathering, and the post-retreat zoom gathering?How, through mindful meditation and journaling, did we answer the question, “How would I be different if I were not impacted by social conditioning?”How simply ‘showing up’ immediately helped us all feel ‘grounded’!The Coming Out Late Retreat to Provincetown, MA has been canceled!Wanna support your “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider buying Robin a “virtual” coffee as a sign of your appreciation. Simply go to: GROUPS:MESSY MIDDLE MONDAYS: EVERY Monday, 75 mins; 8pm EST, Zoom, $5 pp each week via Buy Me A Coffee. Register each week using this link: GENDER EXPANSIVE EDITION: EVERY Tuesday, 75 mins; 8pm EST, Zoom, $5pp each week via Buy Me A Coffee. Register each week using this link: SUPPORT GROUP: EVERY Wednesday, 75 mins; 12:30pm EST, Zoom, $5pp each week via Buy Me A Coffee. Register each week using this link: OUT LATE RETREATS: Attending a Coming Out Late Retreat in-person, is a MUST DO for 2024. Spaces are limited, so act now! The dates for the last Coming Out Late retreat are: Traverse City, MI: (Sept. 25-29); and Provincetown, MA: CANCELED. Email Robin to Register NOW: Comingoutlater@gmail.comPRIVATE 1:1 COACHING w/ROBIN DOUGLASS Struggling to make sense-of and MANAGE this new aspect of your COMING OUT LATE life? Then send me an email and request my 1:1 Coaching Information Sheet. It really does make a BIG difference to have someone like myself who ‘gets you’ and who has been through it. Email me at for my Coaching Info Sheet.SUPPORT ROBIN’S PODCAST: Wanna support our “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider buying Robin a “virtual” coffee as a sign of your appreciation. Simply go to: the COMING OUT LATE FACEBOOK GROUP: If you are AFAB, a transwoman, nonbinary, lesbian, androgynous, bi-, pan-, and have recently, or ARE coming out late in life - join us in my private facebook group, “Coming Out Late”. Here’s the link: .