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Plan Simple with Mia Moran

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May 10, 2023 • 42min

Behind the scenes of my birthday month

“It takes a long time to become young.” — Pablo PicassoDo you ever feel depleted and tired, like you never make time for yourself? If so, you don’t need to wait for your birthday month to take some time for yourself. However, as a giver, sometimes having a specific reason to ask for help can make it easier. On this episode of the PlanSimple Podcast, I take you behind the scenes of my birthday month, and give lots of ideas for how you can uplevel your mindset and self-care any time of the year.Here are the top 3 things I consider as I head into my birthday month. (You can hear EXACTLY how I’m answering these questions by listening to the episode.)Reflect on what has beenThe first step to celebrating my birthday month is to find some quiet time to be with a journal, a piece of paper, and a pen. I get centered and grounded and reflect on what has happened over the past year. I look at both the celebrations and amazing things that have happened and are happening, and I also consider what I’m ready to let go of. Consider who I am becomingThe next step is to consider who I am becoming. I get grounded by taking a walk around the block or doing a 10-minute meditation, and then I ask myself, “who am I five years from now?” I love thiis question because it frees me up from feeling like things have to happen tomorrow. Note: If five years doesn’t do it for you, try breaking it down into smaller chunks of time. Consider what you want to achieve in the next 90 days, six months, or one year. What kind of person do you want to be in those shorter periods? Or what would be your deepest desires without your current constraints of money, health, relationships?Plan my monthNow that I’ve reflected on what has been and considered who I’m becoming, I plan my birthday month. I consider the activities and experiences that will make me happy and fulfilled in the exact season that I am in. I make a list of those things and then schedule them throughout the month.Don’t forget to include self-care activities in your plan. This could include things like a massage, meditation, or simply taking a long bath. Whatever makes you feel relaxed and recharged should be included in your plan.In conclusion…Your birthday month is a great time to reflect on what has been, consider who you are becoming, and plan to become her. But remember, you don’t need to wait for your birthday month to take some time for yourself. Any time of the year is a good time to prioritize self-care and uplevel your mindset.
May 3, 2023 • 56min

Embody It Until You Believe It with Nicole Crone

“Meditation, journaling, time and nature — if anybody was to pick one of those three with the intention being an observer of your thoughts, your life will shift and it will shift fast.”–Nicole CroneOur thoughts are power! I’m excited to talk with Nicole Crone cultivating and manifesting your best life through the power of your thoughts and feelings. We define words that get thrown around like mindfulness and manifesting and look at how they work.Nicole defines mindfulness not as shutting off the mind, but mastering the awareness of the repetitive thoughts that are happening in the mind. That’s the idea that guides her and our conversation. Manifesting is a thought and a feeling together … and we’re doing it even if we aren’t trying or believing.Nicole’s top tools for mindfulness are meditation, journaling, time and nature. Nicole says that if you pick one of those things with the intention of being an observer of your thoughts, your life will shift and it will shift fast!We talk about: Making the time — it doesn’t have to be morning — and that may shift as life shifts, but make the timeHow we’ve both personalized Morning PagesManifesting as thought and feeling together and you manifest both the things you want and some hard things you learn fromIf you don’t know what you want, try asking what you don’t want or consider whether you want to be doing, creating or talkingThe Reticular Activating System—and finding proof of what we want in our livesThinking about what you want in all the different parts of your lifeABOUT NICOLENicole Crone is a professional Co-Active Leadership trained coach and NLP practitioner. Alongside Kaila Pilecki, Nicole co-founded My Aligned Purpose in June 2020, to support women entrepreneurs. Nicole is an international best selling author and podcast host.The spiritual teachings Nicole provides come from her Registered Yoga/Mindfulness training in Hatha, Yin and Vinyas as well as sitting in ceremony with Peruvian Shaman medicine women. As a former high school teacher, connector and visionary, Nicole has coached over 200 people to become best selling authors on Amazon, and has coached 1000’s of women inside of our My Aligned Purpose programs. Her mission is to support women in elevating their mindset and proving to themselves that anything is possible.Nicole loves time outdoors with her husband and two dogs, living in the pacific northwest on Vancouver Island. She is a human design generator, an Aries through and through, a big lover of coffee, dogs, travel and considers herself a learner for life.LINKSwww.myalignedpurpose.com Changes from this episode:MEDITATE. You can use an app to help you. You can simply sit and notice your breath and where your mind flows. Remember it is a practice. It might feel different on different days and different times of your life. Try going in with an open mind instead of thinking “I can’t meditate.”JOURNAL. Try writing three pages each morning. It could be first thing when you get up or when you get to your desk. Don’t edit your thoughts. Just put them down on paper. You can choose to start with some structure: what happened yesterday, what I’m looking forward to today. You could choose to do a brain dump and then see what thoughts stand out or where you could shift your mindset.GET INTO NATURE. Get off the road. Turn off your phone. Don’t turn on music. Just walk and pay attention. See what you notice. Tune into your thoughts and what is showing up around you.
Apr 28, 2023 • 49min

Slow Down with Amy Mangueira

We need to slow down, and slowing down actually just means having some boundaries. –Amy MangueiraRecovering chaser of busy Amy Mangueira lost hearing in one ear before she slowed down enough to realize something was wrong. We talk about burnout, our need to slow down, and how to stop chasing busy (even if we want to be a great mom, make money, and follow our fitness goals.)You can still be driven and have boundaries. It means not letting clients run all over you, not letting them expect (or expecting yourself) to answer messages at all hours. You can go hard, but you also need space to slow down and rest or recover. The time doesn’t have to even out, but the energy does.Sometimes we lose our identity and our confidence. We get so focused, so invested in some part of ourselves … mothering, our business … that we lose balance. We lose sight of our core values. We can have an epiphany about what’s wrong or what’s missing, but we need the actionable step. We talk through ways to make that change.We talk about: Taking time to assess what we really want and who we are nowGetting used to a slower pace and using joy as a metricLearning not to replace busy in one part of your life with busy in another part of your lifeMaking a list when you are stressed, seeing the patterns, and choosing an actionSetting boundaries to put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your own lifeUsing delegation to be leaders to ourselvesBIORecently recognized by the NYC Journal as a Top Life Coach to watch out for in 2022, Amy Mangueira helps people all over the world live burnout-free by bringing clarity, direction, and positive habits into their lives by filling the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. A 4x entrepreneur with successful acquisitions under her belt, Amy has turned her focus to Humans First Coaching, a coaching network dedicated to guiding over 300 leaders in organizations on how to build healthy cultures, reduce burnout, take care of themselves, and put their employees first. She also has a custom jewelry company that creates fine jewelry for runners, Victory Co. Amy is also an author, her book, “The Path to Break-Free from Burnout,” is set to release in early 2023.As the host of the self-care podcast “Life on MY Terms,” bringing in thousands of listeners from across the world, Amy chats with experts to help listeners become 1% better and take charge of their lives.An avid runner, Amy is soon to be one of the first 1000 women to complete the Abbott 6 World Major Marathon series. When she isn’t running Amy volunteers as a coach and program sponsor for Girls On The Run, a national non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening girls’ social, emotional, physical, and behavioral skills to successfully navigate life experiences through running. She lives in St.Petersburg, Florida with her husband, son, and French Bulldog.LINKSWebsiteInstagram - Personal: @projectamyInstagram - Podcast: @lifeonmyterms_podcastLinkedInThe Path to Break Free from BurnoutMENTIONED LINKSStretch Joy with Laura WestDoable Changes from this episode:MAKE A STRESS LIST. When you are feeling stressed make a list of what’s going on. Do it for a few days. That helps you see patterns that emerge. It takes awareness to make change.SET A BOUNDARY. Boundaries put us back in the driver’s seat of our life. You’ll gain confidence as you set them, so you can choose an easy one to start with. You can set boundaries at home or work. For example, tell your family that you aren’t available to problem solve until you’ve been home for half an hour or tell your boss you will be taking the lunch time on your schedule and it isn’t available for meetings.PRACTICE SLOWING DOWN. When you’re used to chasing busy, slowing down can feel uncomfortable. Block off some white space (or gold space) on your calendar. Use this for non-taxing things that you enjoy. Shift your thinking from to do list to simply doing. For example, if you run, run without headphones or your watch. Take a walk without your phone.
Apr 20, 2023 • 50min

Shift the Mindsets that Hold You Back with Miriam Schulman

“We are all creative. Creativity is a survival strategy.” –Miriam SchulmanGoodbye starving artist stereotype. Miriam Schulman left Wall Street and became a thriving artist. We talk about how she found her purpose and learned to work the business side of art. Her book, podcast, and signature coaching program help other artists turn their art into businesses.It starts with mindset. So often we try to keep ourselves safe and tell ourselves why we can’t do something or get in our own way. The more creative we are the easier it is to come up with these stories. Have you ever done a deep dive on learning before you start something? You want to learn how to do the thing perfectly the first time, but then you get conflicting advice and don’t know what to do. So you don’t do anything. That’s your brain trying to protect you. Time for a mindset shift.Here’s a reframe on procrastination. If you think you procrastinate because you lack self-confidence, that you put off doing the thing because maybe you won’t be good enough, flip that. You lack self-confidence because you don’t do the thing. Every time you do the thing, you build your self-confidence.We talk about: Morning routines — exercise and brain puzzles — to help with mindsetWorking with a coach because it is hard to see your own limiting beliefs, including all or nothing thinking and fortune telling Doing things based on distorted thinking instead of inspired thinkingCorrecting language — “I didn’t have time to” becomes “I didn’t make time to” Decision dramaRescheduling appointments with yourselfABOUT MIRIAMToday's guest is an artist, author, and host of The Inspiration Place podcast. She’s helped thousands of creatives around the world develop their skill sets and create more time and freedom to do what they love. Her signature coaching program, The Artist Incubator, teaches artists to go from “so-so” sales to “sold-out” collections.  After witnessing 9/11, she abandoned a lucrative hedge fund to become a full-time thriving working artist. Featured in major publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, The New York Times, Where Women Create, Art of Man, and Art Journaling magazine. Her artwork has also been featured on NBC’s “Parenthood” and the Amazon series “Hunters” with Al Pacino. NOW, Her book with HarperCollins Leadership, Artpreneur, provides the actionable steps to turn your creative ideas into a thriving business.  Please welcome to the podcast, Miriam Schulman!LINKSPodcast: Freebie: ArtpreneurBOOK.comInstagram: LINKLet Go and Receive with Patty LennonDoable Changes from this episode:START WITH EXERCISE. What happens if you start your day with exercise? Try it. You don’t have to get up at 5 AM, but do exercise before work. See how it affects your day.ADAPT YOUR LANGUAGE. Notice when you say things like “I don’t have time” or  “I can’t afford.” Try saying, “I didn’t make time” or “I choose not to put my money there now” or “I don’t prioritize this right now.”MAKE A DECISION. Get out of decision drama. What’s a decision you need to make? Make it. Don’t research all the options. Don’t spend hours searching for the best price. Choose. Commit. Move forward.
Apr 13, 2023 • 50min

The Saboteur with Jackie Meek

“You need to build the muscles in order to strengthen your sage so that it's there ready with a bit of a louder voice than the saboteur voice.” –Jackie MeekWhat if your mind served you … instead of working against you? I’m really excited to talk with Jackie Meek about getting off the roller coaster of “the mom juggle.” Our brain OFTEN defaults to the negative, but we can learn to choose how to respond (or not respond) to things.We talk about the saboteurs of our brain, including the pleaser saboteur. While it can help us stay safe, we can overdo “people pleasing.” When you start to feel resentful that nobody else is helping. When you say yes when you mean no and you've overcommitted, that’s the saboteur pushing you to do things that are not in your best interest under the guise of keeping us safe.In addition to saboteurs, we have sages in our brain. Jackie shows us how to up our positive quotient or the amount of time that you are using your sage muscles as opposed to your saboteur muscles in the brain.We talk about: What happens when we put our expectations on other peopleFocusing on your five senses and a secret tool for dealing with triggers to press pause before you respondBuilding your sage muscles throughout the day, so that voice is louder than your saboteursAsking the question: What would my wiser elder self do? Essential maintenance, or how we really take care of ourselvesSharing the language of the sage and the saboteur with our familiesABOUT JACKIEJackie Meek helps frazzled mums to confidently boss the mum juggle. She set up her business, Future Path Life Coaching in 2016 and equips mums to reduce the emotional roller coaster, minimise negative chatter and worry less. She has a passion to come alongside mums, having a difficult birthing story having experienced giving birth extremely prematurely, loss of a baby, postpartum psychosis and post natal depression. Jackie offers 1:1 coaching as well as a group coaching programme, The Mum Boardroom, an oasis for busy mums to focus on challenges in a supportive and inspiring environment. She also facilitates a 6 week online Positive Mental Fitness Bootcamp equipping mums to build their mental fitness so they can face life's challenges resourcefully.EPISODE LINKSFind Jackie:LinkedIn: Links: CHANGES FROM THE EPISODENOTICE EXPECTATIONS. Where are you often triggered? We discuss the example of dinner. Maybe it’s that or bedtime or how when you do something fun with your kids and they don’t behave the way you want them to. Think through what expectations you are putting on the situation. What happens if you pay attention to those expectations and shift them?TUNE INTO ONE OF YOUR SENSES. Next time you are triggered, tune into one of your senses. One way to do this is to rub your finger and thumb together firmly. This takes your attention away from your saboteur brain and choose how you want to respond.CONSULT YOUR WISER ELDER SELF. Ask your wiser, elder self what she would do in a certain situation. This takes you out of the moment and allows you a different perspective so you can choose your response.
Apr 12, 2023 • 38min

SPECIAL: What is FLOW365?

You’ve probably heard me reference FLOW365 or FLOW365ers on the show. This is our community for women balancing BUSINESS, MOTHERHOOD (often kids are in the teen and young adult phases), and changing BODIES (because we are no longer in 30-year old bodies). “There's something about the women that are drawn to this group that show up here. It's a level of support that I've never experienced before.” We get these kinds of comments regularly, so I finally pressed record and made an episode that talks about FLOW365, who it's for, and how it makes a difference… In case you are tempted.
Apr 6, 2023 • 55min

Planning and the Nervous System Kelly Lubeck

“There's nothing the nervous system doesn’t affect. It affects our physical health, our mental and emotional health, our spiritual health, how we set goals, our relationships, whatever we're creating in the world.” –Kelly LubeckIs your nervous system triggered? It is … but there’s something you can do about it. I’m really excited to talk with Kelly Lubeck, a healing practitioner with lots of experience working with the nervous system. Kelly’s passionate about the nervous system, because it affects our health and well being, our relationships, and our work.Kelly talks about the different parts of our nervous system. Some—fight, flight, freeze—are about survival. There’s also a part about love and connection that sustains us and allows us to heal and thrive.Sometimes our nervous systems get stuck in go mode. We can’t step into loving connection. We can’t sleep. Our hormones get dysregulated. We might feel anxious or burned out. Other times or other people get stuck in freeze mode. They start to shut down. That might look like chronic fatigue or depression. Kelly likes to remind people that “the world needs you well.”We talk about: The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous systemModern life makes us feel like we are in being chased by a lion mode all the time, but we aren’t and our bodies aren’t meant to be that way. Being calm all the time is not the goal — we need the go energy sometimes, but we need to be able to turn it offLearning to undo the good girl mechanism that makes us try to calm what’s around usDoing generational work of healingPatterned and predictable vs. doing the new and how we get triggered by new habitsABOUT KELLYKelly Lubeck, MPH, is passionate about changing the world for the better, through individual and community-level healing programs that inspire wellness, health and soul- centered, embodied leadership.Changemaking is hard work – and can extract a toll on those who deliver it. Kelly guides changemakers and leaders to heal their individual nervous systems and release self- defeating patterns of self-sacrifice and overgiving in their work and relationships that lead to burnout, anxiety and illness. As they expand their capacity for changemaking, this healing ripples out to the world and changes it for the better.Kelly helps women leaders to stay grounded, centered, and embodied in the midst of changemaking, so they can deliver and lead impactful work, enjoy meaningful relationships and  have deep connection with their purpose, without sacrificing body, mind and spirit to their mission. And that makes an even greater impact.Kelly’s work happens at the intersection of public service, shamanic healing, yoga teaching and philosophy, science of the nervous system, skilled and soulful coaching, and a variety of holistic health approaches.She draws upon her personal experiences of journeying back from an unexplained health crisis and burnout (twice!) to guide committed changemakers with clarity, wisdom, confidence and compassion.Kelly integrates her extensive background of over 25 years of developing and leading public health and early childhood programs in Latin America, the U.S. and Africa, with over 15 years leading educational and resilience building, holistic healing programs, keynotes, workshops and retreats to individuals, groups and organizations around the world.She earned her Master’s in Public Health at Columbia University. Her holistic training includes her yoga teacher training certification (RYT), Healing the Light Body shamanic healing certification, Sacred Depths coaching certification, holistic health coaching certification, and years of study on the nervous system and trauma healing with a variety of teachers. Her finest teacher thus far, though, is her 12-year-old child, who’s taught her about most things in life and her capacity for love.LINKS Changes from this episode:ORIENT YOURSELF. Take time to orient yourself in your physical space. Look around you. Notice where you are. Notice your surroundings. This practice is grounding, and it can be calming or activating for different people or at different times. This practice becomes more beneficial as it becomes familiar. IDENTIFY FIGHT, FLIGHT OR FREEZE. Remember that the goal is not to be calm all the time, but we also don’t want to feel like we are being chased by lions all the time. Start by simply noticing if you are in fight, flight, or freeze mode. Notice if you have channels open to love and connection. Are you flowing between modes or are you stuck in one?NOTICE SIGNS YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM IS OFF. Our bodies often tell us when something is off. Are you feeling anxious? Having trouble sleeping? Having digestive issues? Do you feel like you can’t settle down? Or maybe you can’t get off the couch? Don’t beat yourself up, but start to pay attention and observe the signs that you might need to make change or get help.
Mar 29, 2023 • 60min

Being Focused with Megan Flatt

“There's a difference between productivity and focus. There's a difference between getting more done and getting the right things done.” –Megan FlattWhat if it’s not about being productive? What if it’s about being focused? I’ve got business coach Megan Flatt back on the show to talk about focus and rethinking all of our ideas about productivity. Wanna get stuff done? Don’t worry. We’ll talk about how getting clear on how we want to feel and finding our focus lead the way.We aren’t meant to focus all the time, but most of us feel like we should. The idea that starting early, pushing hard, and getting a lot done is a virtue that’s deeply ingrained in us. We’re pushing back against capitalist and patriarchal ideas. We’re looking at new ways to own our time.What would you do if you had 90 minutes to focus? Our to-do list culture often has us doing a lot of unimportant things. They are things that keep life running, but they don’t help us step into our greatness or do our most important work. We dive into how to change that.We talk about: Being focused and productive in short spurtsLetting go of the idea that you need to work all the time or at a certain timeKnowing your own best focus time and saving it for your most important workUsing focus for deep work, planning, and clearing the deckHow your to-do list might be sabotaging your productivity (or getting clear on goals, projects, tasks)Getting out of overwhelm by getting more overwhelmed for a minuteBIOMegan Flatt is the CEO of Let’s Collective, a business growth strategy firm devoted to making entrepreneurship easier. She is also the founder of Focus Sessions, a virtual coworking and accountability membership to get your most important work done. Let’s Collective’s mission is to help small businesses scale without burning out through strategic planning, revenue focused decisions and science backed accountability.Megan is obsessed with lattes, post-it notes and helping women make money. When not doing that, she’s hanging with her husband and two kids, probably near the water, in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can catch up with Megan at or LINKFocus with Megan FlattWell Planned Holidays with Megan Flatt and Mama CEO PanelSticking to Your Weekly Workflow on the Well Planned Series with Megan FlattStarting a Business after “Momming” with Megan Flatt and Mia MoranStarting a Business on the Well Planned Series with Megan FlattSystems & Support on Well Planned Series with Megan FlattWell Planned—Dealing with Overwhelm with Megan FlattWell Planned in 90 Days Cycles with Megan FlattSpinning Plates with Megan FlattWell Planned: Overwhelm vs. LazinessDoable Changes from this episode:KNOW YOUR MOST FOCUSED TIME. When we work when we are most focused and ready, we tend to get more done with more ease. What time would you choose to work if you didn’t have guilt around not working at expected times?BREAK YOUR PROJECTS INTO TASKS. Too often we put projects on our to-do list. Then we don’t do things because they feel too big. Break your projects into the simplest steps. If you can’t do it in an hour, it probably has more steps. Schedule time for each step or task.SET A FOCUS SPRINT. Set aside 90 minutes to focus. Turn off all distractions. Write down specifically what you will do in that time. Turn on a timer and go. Give yourself a short break in the middle and then get back to it. When the 90 minutes is up, let go of focus.
Mar 23, 2023 • 1h 2min

Your Voice of Desire with Jill Hope

“What we think we want is often not what we truly want … We have to give ourselves permission to have what we want.” –Jill HopeWhat does your voice of desire say? That’s one question Jill Hope asks. Jill is a money mindset coach for women, or as I like to say an abundance coach. The voice of desire is one of 5 voices that Jill teaches to help women unlock the blueprint to unleash our money-making power.Jill’s first business was fairly successful, but it didn’t flow. She had worked so hard to get where she was, but she wasn’t making the money to do the things she wanted to do. She had taken all the classes, worked with coaches, done all the things (sound familiar). She stopped listening to the outside voices and started asking, “What does Jill want?” This got her out of autopilot. It led to more body awareness, more clarity about who she was. And that translated to more dream clients.We talk about this process. She didn’t check out of her family or her business for a year. She kept asking the question as she did daily life. She kept acting on the answers. She learned to give herself permission for what she wanted.We also talk about: Noticing where you aren’t being authentic … even when you think you are. Recognizing fears around our desire for money or abundanceThe Five Whys process to get to the root of what you wantLearning to listen to the voices that lead us toward our purpose and our dreams (and intuition is just one of the voices we need to listen to (and we need to learn to listen to it in different areas of our lives)Tuning into your desires and not micromanaging the howWorking on your money relationshipABOUT JILLJill Hope is a money mindset coach for women, a writer, inspirational speaker, and founder of I Shine®.After a successful 22-year corporate career, Jill made the leap into entrepreneurship to pursue her passion of empowering women to connect with, listen to, and embody their authentic voice, own and express their unique gifts, and receive richly doing purpose-based work that they love.Jill offers free weekly videos on her YouTube channel that support mompreneurs to make more money in their business ( is Jill’s second iteration of her business, having built a successful initial business coaching moms to build confidence and inner strength in their kids, and certifying facilitators to empower kids through her proprietary I Shine® Inner Wellness Curriculum and Powerful Girl Within® Curriculum.LINKS Gift: 4 Secrets To Skyrocket Your Business And Bank Account Masterclass: LINK: Raising Great Girls (Yourself Included)DOABLE CHANGES FROM THIS EPISODEASK WHAT DO I WANT? Practice asking yourself what you want throughout the day. You can apply it to different situations from what do I want for breakfast to when do I want to brush my teeth. When you are faced with too much going on around you, ask What do I want? When somebody asks you to do something, ask, What do I want.DIG FOR THE WHY. Identify something you want. Ask “Why do I want this?” Write down the answer. Ask, “Why do I want that?” Again write down the answer. Keep doing this until you have asked “why” five times. This should help you get to real reason behind your desire.NOTICE YOUR VOICE OF JUDGMENT. Notice when you are judging yourself around money or what you want. You don’t have to act on your voice of judgment, but start to notice what it tells you. This can help you understand parts of your money relationship and let you explore more of your real why.
Mar 16, 2023 • 47min

Stretch Joy with Laura West

“How do we stretch our joy and give ourselves permission for more and more joy, not only to choose things for joy, but to accept joy?”–Laura WestWhat if you opened your wild creative heart? Helping people do that in business is business coach Laura West’s mission. If you have trouble giving yourself permission to seek joy or can’t imagine how joy and business go together, you need this conversation. This one is very much for the entrepreneurs, but it all overlaps with life, so if more joy sounds good, listen up.You might know how it goes when you aren’t joyful in your business. You’re less creative, less connected. If you are joyful, you are more likely to say yes to putting yourself out there, to pick up the phone and make a call, or be innovative.What if we get rid of words like strive and hustle and grind? What if we stopped buying into the idea that work has to be a drag? Forget your morning routine. Start your morning joy ritual and see what opens up.We talk about: Finding joy in the people you work with and what you bring to themExploring your personal habits to see if you are aligned with joyWhat to do when things that are supposed to bring us joy become tasks or shoulds The Good morning, I love you ritualOffering compassion to yourself and taking time to cultivate your joy muscles How finding joy can mean finding your voiceBIOLaura West knows when you are aligned with your joy and passion, you are more innovative, creative, and confident and success is inevitable! She has helped 1000s of conscious business owners over the last 20+ years unlock their Soul Work, personal power, creativity, and leadership presence.Laura is the CEO of the Center for Joyful Business, international business success coach and host of Joyful Business TV. She helps coaches, healers and purpose-driven entrepreneurs discover their creative leadership inside and out, so they create a wholehearted successful business.  She is passionate that you can do meaningful work that makes a positive difference while making great money!She is also the author and creator of The Joyful Business Plan, a right brain creative planning toolkit, Success Scripting™  and creator of 100s of programs, workshops and creative tools.GUEST LINKWeb: JoyfulBusiness.comFb biz: group: in: Changes from this episode:CREATE A MORNING RITUAL. If your morning routine has started to feel like a task or chore you have to do, shift to a morning ritual. Use the ritual to set your intention for the day. Do you need an “I love you” ritual? Some dreaming on the page? Some joyful music?SCRIPT IT. What is your dream? It could be what you want the year to look like or a project you are excited about or your home. Laura recommends scripting it. That could be in writing or walking and imagining. Either way, let yourself see it (not plan all the details, but see, with joy.) ACT LIKE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. Choose to be the person you want to be today. As different things come up during the day, make the choice aligned with that person. Take it one choice at a time.

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