My guest today is Dr. Jeremy Perigo from Dordt University. He is the Director of Campus Ministries & Worship Arts and an associate professor at Dordt. He is also a visiting lecturer at London School of Theology where he previously spent six years as head of theology, music, and worship programs. Jeremy did his undergrad at Purdue University, then went on to do a Masters in Practical Theology at Regent University and a Doctorate at Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.
My relationship with Jeremy goes back nearly 15 years as we both worked in deeply Charismatic contexts on things like 24-7 worship and prayer. Like me, Jeremy found that the experiential and mystical dimensions of Charismatic & Pentecostal spirituality fueled a deep desire to know God and understand his world via the life of the mind in more academic theology.
In today's conversation, we discuss the link between our "guiding stories," the arts, music, film, & the liturgical practice of both the Church and the broader cultures we inhabit. How does the story we believe to be true about God & reality shape our practices of worship, but also how can our practices of worship shape the story we believe to be true about God & reality?
TAGS: Jeremy Perigo, Lesslie Newbigin, Christ and Culture, theology of worship, liturgy, Cultural Liturgies, James K.A. Smith, Charismatic Theology, Dordt University, Dutch Reformed theology, 24-7 worship and prayer, Robert E. Webber, Richard Foster, Streams of Living Water, theology podcast, Christian philosophy podcast
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