Deep Talks | Cultural Theology with Paul Anleitner cover image

Deep Talks | Cultural Theology with Paul Anleitner

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Nov 9, 2021 • 49min

Hierarchies & Jesus: Behavioral Science & The Gospel of Matthew

Humans have an innate sense for detecting where they stand in the hierarchical structure of social groups. As social creatures, hierarchical structures are inevitable. From the family, to the military, school and even church- every where there are human communities, there are social status competitions and delineated pecking orders.  In Matthew's Gospel in particular, Jesus is presented as an authoritative figure, perhaps even one with the authority to knock out the "alpha" at the top of the hierarchy of the 1st Century Mediterranean & Near Eastern world, but as Matthew's portrait of Jesus unfolds it becomes clear that Jesus' Lordship completely subverts our expectations of normal hierarchical ordering. Does Jesus completely eliminate hierarchy or does he re-order its functioning? _______________________ TAGS: theology and science, theology and cognitive science, theology and behavioral science, evolution and theology, biblical theology, theology podcast ________________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, discussion forums and more. We even have a MONTHLY Group Hangout on Zoom so you can build relationships with others across the world and practice theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Nov 2, 2021 • 1h 25min

Dr. Jeannine K. Brown- A Better Way to Read the Bible

This episode originally aired September 16, 2019 If one treats the Bible as inspired and authoritative in their life, are there better or worse ways of reading the Bible that could produce good or bad results in one's life? Dr. Jeannine K. Brown is a New Testament Scholar, NIV Biblical translator, author and professor. She has taught at Bethel Seminary for over 20 years.   To check out some of Dr. Jeannine K. Brown's books/commentaries: Scripture as Communication Matthew (Two Horizons Commentary) Becoming Whole and Holy   Dr. Brown's Blog: _________________ TAGS: Jeannine K. Brown New Testament, Jeannine K. Brown theologian, Jeannine K. Brown Bethel seminary, hermeneutics, Bible, theology podcast, Christian theology podcast, Scripture As Communication Jeannine Brown,  New Testament scholar ___________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, discussion forums and more. We even have a MONTHLY Group Hangout on Zoom so you can build relationships with others across the world and practice theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Oct 25, 2021 • 1h 3min

Is Hell Biblical?

It's Halloween this upcoming weekend, and I remember when I was a teenager going to a "Hell House". It was pretty horrifying. But where do common Christian notions of hell come from? Are they even biblical?  ___________ TAGS: hell, eternal conscious torment, universalism, Origen, Rob Bell, Gregory of Nyssa, Edward Fudge, annihilationism, conditional immortality, judgment day, soteriology, biblical theology, John Walton, biblical anthropology, eschatology ______________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, discussion forums and more. We even have a MONTHLY Group Hangout on Zoom so you can build relationships with others across the world and practice theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Oct 12, 2021 • 1h 32min

Dr. Jeremy Perigo- The Deep Connection Between Our Guiding Stories, the Arts, Music, & The Liturgies of Church & Culture

My guest today is Dr. Jeremy Perigo from Dordt University.  He is the Director of Campus Ministries & Worship Arts and an associate professor at Dordt.  He is also a visiting lecturer at London School of Theology where he previously spent six years as head of theology, music, and worship programs.  Jeremy did his undergrad at Purdue University, then went on to do a Masters in Practical Theology at Regent University and a Doctorate at Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.   My relationship with Jeremy goes back nearly 15 years as we both worked in deeply Charismatic contexts on things like 24-7 worship and prayer. Like me, Jeremy found that the experiential and mystical dimensions of Charismatic & Pentecostal spirituality fueled a deep desire to know God and understand his world via the life of the mind in more academic theology. In today's conversation, we discuss the link between our "guiding stories," the arts, music, film, & the liturgical practice of both the Church and the broader cultures we inhabit. How does the story we believe to be true about God & reality shape our practices of worship, but also how can our practices of worship shape the story we believe to be true about God & reality? ___________________________ TAGS: Jeremy Perigo, Lesslie Newbigin, Christ and Culture, theology of worship, liturgy, Cultural Liturgies, James K.A. Smith, Charismatic Theology, Dordt University, Dutch Reformed theology,  24-7 worship and prayer, Robert E. Webber, Richard Foster, Streams of Living Water, theology podcast, Christian philosophy podcast ______________________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, discussion forums and more. We even have a MONTHLY Group Hangout on Zoom so you can build relationships with others across the world and practice theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Oct 5, 2021 • 1h 34min

Christ & Culture Pt. 3- Battle of the Gods

What if our entire lives were affected by the outcome of a battle of the gods? Invisible "spirits" have always been on top of a hierarchy of culture dictating our entire way of life. From ancient Babylon to modern-day America, we'll explore the fascinating connection between the domain of "spirit" and how this spiritual realm is made manifest in our art, movies, music, economics & politics. Plus: -The connection between national flags and ancient idols -Why early Christians didn't understand violent passages in the Old Testament the same way we usually do today -Why American Jazz & Blues might actually be a perfect model for doing cultural theology -The importance of getting exposed to other cultures & denominations in order to make sure you're aren't secretly worshipping other gods For our supporters on Patreon, make sure to go download the free graphic that will help you unpack the ideas in this episode even better! Download that here: This episode was originally aired in July of 2019 ____________________ TAGS: H.R. Niebuhr, H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture, Christ and Culture Niebuhr, theology and culture, cultural theology, theology podcast, Christian theology podcast, Dwight Hopkins theology, Jordan Peterson, James K.A. Smith, Charles Taylor _______________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Sep 28, 2021 • 1h 5min

Christ & Culture Pt. 2- Synthesis, Paradox, or Metamorphosis?

This is PART TWO in a series entitled "Christ & Culture". If you haven't already, you may want to listen to Part 1 first. In today's episode, we'll explore three options for how Christians may relate to culture. These three mediating options are alternatives to the extreme  "Christ against Culture" & "Christ of Culture" theologies (which were covered in part 1). _____________________________ TAGS: H.R. Niebuhr, H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture, Christ and Culture Niebuhr, theology and culture, cultural theology, theology podcast, Christian theology podcast, ___________________________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Sep 21, 2021 • 1h 5min

Christ & Culture Pt. 1- From Jesus Freaks to Christian Nazis

Knowing that many of you became listeners over the past year or so, and knowing the intense difficulties many Christians in America are experiencing trying to navigate faith and culture war issues, I wanted to re-air an old series that has been absolutely foundational to just about everything else that gets covered in this podcast. So over the next several weeks, I will be re-airing the "Christ & Culture" series from the summer of 2019. Whether you've been a listener since day one or whether you're brand new to listening to Deep Talks, I strongly encourage you to listen to this series and consider participating in our discussion forums for each episode on Patreon. (See link below) _____________ Did you have to listen to D.C. Talk growing up because your church didn't let you listen to Nirvana? Why do some churches hang gay pride flags in front of their building while other churches preach that homosexuality is a sin? Did the author of John's Gospel do something wrong when he borrowed an idea from Greek philosophy and applied it to Christ? How could German Christians in the 1930s ever become Nazis? Answering these kinds of questions requires us to answer even deeper questions- how should Christians relate to their surrounding culture? Where can Christ be found in culture? Can He be found there at all? Theology of culture is a relatively new theological discipline and if you've never explored it before you might not think it's that big of a deal, but I promise you that it's actually one of the most important areas of theology that you'll ever explore. What you believe about this affects the music and entertainment choices you make, who you'll marry and how you'll raise your kids; it affects your views on science and morality, the church you choose to attend, and even your political perspective. From D.C. Talk to Christian Nazis, we'll explore it all! _____________________________ TAGS: H.R. Niebuhr, H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture, Christ and Culture Niebuhr, theology and culture, cultural theology, theology podcast, Christian theology podcast, ___________________________________ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Sep 13, 2021 • 1h 2min

From the Vault: Christ & The Culture War

In lieu of deepening tensions among Christians caught up in the Culture War, I thought it would be appropriate this week to re-air episode 73 (from October 2020). This episode is entitled "Christ & the Culture War (don't leave republican jesus for democrat jesus). ----- I'm an 80's/90's kid who grew up in the evangelical heyday of Christian subculture. "Christian" music, movies, tv, bookstores, and even our own brand of science was all part of a larger culture war movement. A lot of people my age eventually abandoned right-wing, Republican Evangelicalism but simply traded it for left-wing, progressive post-evangelicalism (if they didn't reject Christianity altogether) not realizing they were still combatants in a culture war even though they switched teams. How does the Culture War lure people into a false sense of community?   Why is cultural influence so much easier to attain if we just play the culture war game? How might serious reflections on historic Christology and philosophical theology on the nature of the Truth help us transcend the culture war? What possible dangers should we brace for if we attempt to leave the constant cycle of culture war?  If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Sep 6, 2021 • 54min

Ep 105: Jesus and John Vervaeke (Part 3- N.T. Wright ”epistemology of love, De-Centering, & Agape)

In part 3 of "Jesus and John Vervaeke", we'll be exploring the points of intersection between N.T. Wright's "epistemology of love" and Vervaeke's work on de-centering and agape love. How might love be foundational to knowing anything at all rightly?   John Vervaeke and I have had two wonderful discussions in the past. You can check them out here: and here:   A good intro to Wright's epistemology of love: _________________________ Tags: John Vervaeke, N.T. Wright, Tom Wright, N.T Wright epistemology of love, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis, theology an cognitive science, science and faith, cognitive science, John Vervaeke Jordan Peterson, N.T. Wright History Eschatology Natural Theology, Deep Talks, Paul Anleitner podcast, John Vervaeke Christianity,  _____________________________   f you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:
Aug 17, 2021 • 1h 12min

Ep 104: Jesus and John Vervaeke (Part 2- The Mystical & Metanoia)

In part two of this series exploring the intersection of theology & cognitive science via the work of John Vervaeke, we'll examine the potential points of intersection between Vervaeke's work and the work of Christian theologians & philosophers such as David Bentley Hart, Pseudo-Dionysius, Søren Kierkegaard, & Miroslav Volf. We'll consider the nature of consciousness, how even mystical experiences may stop short of true metanoia/repentance, and what to look for as marks of genuine spiritual awakening using insights from theology and cognitive science. John Vervaeke and I have had two wonderful discussions in the past. You can check them out here: and here:     AS I MENTION IN TODAY'S EPISODE, there a free visual aides you can download here :   -------------- TAGS: John Vervaeke, David Bentley Hart, David Bentley Hart consciousness, Consciousness Being Bliss, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis John Vervaeke, Soren Kierkegaard, Miroslav Volf, meaning crisis, cognitive science and theology, theology and science, post-secular, Christian mysticism, Christian mystics, Mystic theology, mysticism, meditation and contemplation ------------------ If you find this podcast to be helpful and you want to see it continue ad-free, would you consider becoming a supporter on Patreon? Members of the Deep Talks Patreon Community receive bonus Q & A Episodes, articles, charts, forum discussions and more. STARTING THIS MONTH, WE'LL HAVE AN PATREON COMMUNITY GROUP ZOOM HANG-OUT to build relationships with others across the world and to do theology and meaning-making together. Help us reach our first goal of 300 patrons in order to sustain weekly, ad-free theological and philosophical education to anyone with an internet connection! To Subscribe & Review on Apple Podcasts:   Connect with Paul Anleitner on Twitter at:

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