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Personal Injury Mastermind

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Jan 5, 2023 • 37min

156. Muhammad Ramadan, Attorneys of Chicago — Relationship Equity: How Zero Cost Guerilla Marketing Can Earn Millions

Muhammad "Moe" Ramadan (@moethelawyer) opened his law practice while still in L3. And he has done things his own way ever since. A natural rainmaker, Moe relies on guerrilla marketing and referrals to do the heavy marketing lifting at his firm Attorneys of Chicago. While Moe no longer walks around the courthouse to drum up business, he still leans heavily into the community.Showing up to events like grand openings with swag helps keep your firm top of mind. When you volunteer, it fosters trust in your community. They know you will be there for them in - good times and bad. And it doesn't have to cost you a dime. Moe shows us how.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Mohammad Ramadan LinkedIn Mohammad Ramadan Instagram Attorneys of Chicago What’s in This Episode: Who is Muhammad Ramadan? How did a law student create a successful practice without a network or outside help? What is the five-second rule and how did it win Mo more cases? Ho can relationship equity compound to grow a practice? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Dec 29, 2022 • 27min

155. Brian Matlin, Matlin Injury Law — $4.5 Million in Year One: Lessons on Systems, Culture, and Relationships

Brian Matlin (@brianthecarcrashguy) was thrown into the fire right out of law school. Asked to start up a satellite office with no previous experience, he brought in $4.5 million in year one. The 28-year-old reveals his steps to success at Matlin Injury Law (@matlininjurylaw). He explains how to nurture relationships with staff, clients, and referral partners. And how to get more Google reviews. When considering marketing strategy, don't dabble. He shares the marketing practices that help his firm thrive.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Brian Matlin LinkedIn Brian Matlin Instagram Brian Matlin TicTok Matlin Injury Law What’s in This Episode: Who is Brian Matlin? How did Brian grow such a successful business right out of law school? How does he navigate the growing pains and maintain culture? Why did he decide on a remote firm? How does he think about and execute the flywheel of marketing for his firm? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Dec 22, 2022 • 35min

154. Darren Wurz, Wurz Financial Services — Investing for Attorneys: Reaching Financial Independence

Becoming a millionaire may be easier than you think. Darren Wurz, MSFP, CFP®, explains how to plan for succession from the beginning and structure your investments, and leverage debt to reach financial independence. Sound financial planning can look different to every firm owner. Darren and his family at Wurz Financial Services (@wurzfinancialservice) help chart the path.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Darren Wurz LinkedIn Darren Wurz Twitter The Lawyer Millionaire The Lawyer Millionaire Book Wurz Financial Services What’s in This Episode Who is Darren Wurz? How should attorneys consider succession planning? When is debt a good thing? How should firm owners get started investing? What is the time value of money? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Dec 15, 2022 • 31min

153. Jordan Ostroff, Jordan Law - Automation and Marketing: Developing a Personalized Experience

Managing partner of Jordan Law and President of LegalEase, Jordan Ostroff (@lawyerwithalife), takes the guesswork out of profit projections by cultivating a steady stream of clients. With 90% of his revenue coming from referrals, he shares how automation helps him create personal connections with clients and increase his bottom line. He explains how to get more reviews and how to dial in your marketing by better understanding your clients.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Jordan Ostroff Instagram Jordan Law LegalEase What’s in This Episode: Who is Jordan Ostroff? How does automation make more time for personal interaction with clients? Why did Jordan create his own legal marketing company? How can a sales process be integrated with blog posts and digital ads? How does niching increase the ROI on marketing? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Dec 8, 2022 • 33min

152. Sean Domnick, Domnick Cunningham & Whalen — Global Success: How to Build a Thriving Remote Firm

Civil trial lawyer Sean C. Domnick (@dcw_law), a shareholder of Domnick Cunningham & Whalen (@dcw_law), has secured over eight figures for his clients. Recognized as Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers for the past two years, he currently serves as President-Elect of the American Association for Justice. Sean worked remotely before it became popular and spent a year traveling the world with his family - all while working.He shares how the client journey should inform branding, how to use technology to build the practice that fits into your life, and how the American Association for Justice is helping shape the future of personal injury law.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Sean Dominick Instagram Sean Dominick LinkedIn Sean Dominick Website American Association for Justice What’s in This Episode: Who is Sean Domnick? How was Sean able to travel with his family and work for a year? How does niching down tie into business development? How should the client journey inform the design of your website? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Dec 1, 2022 • 31min

151. Eric Gang, Veterans Disability Lawyer - Dominate Your Niche: How Serving Builds Trust and Referrals

Eric Gang (@veteransdisabilityinfo), founding partner at Veteran's Disability Lawyer (@veteransdisabilityinfo) is a steward for those of sacrificed for our country. His approach to client care is multifaceted from financial education to physical care. By niching down to handle veterans affairs exclusively, he has come to understand the needs of his clients. As a result, he has grown his firm to eight figures, has won multiple awards, and has become the go-to guy for veterans seeking restitution in the process. His deep understanding of the client's pain points have led him to write the best-selling book Betrayal of Valor to help shed light on veterans' issues and spark positive change. Eric explains how niching down can accelerate your business and how writing a book helps make you the authority figure in your field.LinksWant to hear more from elite personal injury lawyers and industry-leading marketers?Follow us on social media for more. Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Eric Gang Instagram Eric Gang Website Betrayal of Valor Book What’s in This Episode: Who is Eric Gang? How has niching down expanded Eric's practice? How can an attorney be the go-to person for one type of case? How can an attorney come to deeply understand the pain points of their clients? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Nov 24, 2022 • 28min

150. Joe Nazarian, Pathway Law Firm — Winning Instinct: How High EQ Impacts Your Bottom Line

Joe Nazarian (@joe_nazarian) and his firm Pathway Law Firm (@pathwaylawfirm) have recovered over $60 million for his clients. In the process, he has expanded to five offices across the west coast and Texas. From hiring new staff to intake and even marketing, empathy is at the core of every decision Joe makes. To secure cases, your intake team needs to have a high EQ. Joe oversees nearly every hire and never misses an opportunity to improve.He shares with us the inner workings of his intake process, building brand recognition in new markets, and how to scout a new office location.Links Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Joe Nazarian Instagram Joe Nazarian Linkedin Pathway Law Firm What’s in This Episode: Who is Joe Nazarian? As the firm grows, how has his approach to business development evolved? How does culture inform intake and why is EQ so important? What to look for when opening a new office location? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Nov 17, 2022 • 26min

149. Greg Star, Carvertise — Branded Rideshare Vehicles: Retarget to Quality Leads

Over the past ten years, Greg Star (@carvertise), Founding Partner at Carvertise (@carvertise) has done what bus and billboard ads can not - get targeted impressions. His team makes data-informed decisions to increase ROI by meeting the audience where they already are - sporting events, restaurants, conferences, and more. Carvertise takes rideshare vehicles and wraps them in ads. These cars geotag nearby consumers with the right demographics and retarget ads directly to their cell phones. This service is a fantastic addition to any existing advertising eco system. And creative ad-ons - like swarms - can help your firm tap into unsaturated markets.Links Instagram Chris Dreyer Instagram Twitter Website Greg Star Twitter Carvertise Website What's In This Episode Who is Greg Star? How can wrapped cars help personal injury firms? What unique advantages do ride-share cars provide? How does Carvertise create a conversation with potential clients? Past GuestsPast guests on Personal Injury Mastermind: Brent Sibley, Sam Glover, Larry Nussbaum, Michael Mogill, Brian Chase, Jay Kelley, Alvaro Arauz, Eric Chaffin, Brian Panish, John Gomez, Sol Weiss, Matthew Dolman, Gabriel Levin, Seth Godin, David Craig, Pete Strom, John Ruhlin, Andrew Finkelstein, Harry Morton, Shay Rowbottom, Maria Monroy, Dave Thomas, Marc Anidjar, Bob Simon, Seth Price, John Gomez, Megan Hargroder, Brandon Yosha, Mike Mandell, Brett Sachs, Paul Faust, Jennifer Gore-CuthbertAdditional Episodes You Might Enjoy 80. Mike Papantonio, Levin, Papantonio, & Rafferty — Doing Well by Doing Good 84. Glen Lerner, Lerner and Rowe – A Steady Hand in a Shifting Industry 101. Pratik Shah, EsquireTek — Discovering the Power of Automation 134. Darryl Isaacs, Isaacs & Isaacs — The Hammer: Insights from a Marketing Legend 104. Taly Goody, Goody Law Group — Finding PI Clients on TikTok 63. Joe Fried, Fried Goldberg LLC — How To Become An Expert And Revolutionize Your PI Niche 96. Brian Dean, Backlinko — Becoming a Linkable Source 83. Seth Godin — Differentiation: How to Make Your Law Firm a Purple Cow 73. Neil Patel, Neil Patel — Digital A New Approach to Content and Emerging Marketing Channels
Nov 10, 2022 • 28min

148. John Phillips, Phillips and Hunt — Fight for What Matters: Reverence in Practice and Earned Media

A steward of justice, John Phillips has changed the way that companies and governments operate. He is verified on three social media channels, secured a $495 Million Dollar verdict, won countless awards, and even beaten the president in trial. But john measures success not in accolades, but in the reverence he earns from those he loves. Once "best lawyer in America" John and his firm Phillips and Hunt have represented celebrities and athletes - but spend most of their time helping the injured get justice.Today, we discuss jury selection and how to tell a winning story. Why representing high-profile clients should not come with the requisite of kevlar vests. How earned media and traditional media have bolstered his nationwide presence. And how an empath can change the world for the better.What's In This Episode Who is John Phillips? How to identify and eliminate prejudice during jury selection. His perspective on physical safety and why he shouldn't have to wear a kevlar suit. How he came to help rewrite legislation after the Amahad Abury case. What role has earned media played in securing such high-profile cases? Why is networking so important? How does he leverage traditional marketing in a way that is true to his personality?
Nov 3, 2022 • 34min

147. John DeGasperis, Basch & Keegan Personal Injury Attorneys — Everything is Content: Social Media, Rainmaking, and Triumph in the Courtroom

With over 2 million likes and 70,000 followers on TikToc, social media is a critical element of rainmaking for John DeGasperis. The Partner at Basch & Keegan Personal Injury Attorneys, John also sees it as a tool to build community. He pays for his robust marketing team out of pocket to maintain creative control and solidify his personal brand. Rather than create content, his crew follows him everywhere, documenting his day-to-day. A great trial attorney, John brings each case he takes on to life - often using over 50 exhibits per trial. He shares with us his wisdom from years in the courtroom.What's In This Episode Who is John DeGasperis? Why was hard work not enough to secure the position of partner at his firm at such a young age? Did rainmaking come naturally to John? After recovering millions of dollars for clients has the opposition gotten more challenging? What tech does he use in the courtroom to win cases? What is the most important component of winning a case? How does social media fit into John's business strategy? Why does he not bill marketing to the firm? How does he document everything for social content?

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