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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

Latest episodes

Nov 19, 2021 • 1h 28min

Episode 483: Reintroductions—They’re not just for AIP 

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah break down the science of reintroductions commonly associated with the AIP to determine how they work and how they might benefits us. Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here on Monday!This week's Listener Question:What foods have you been able to reintroduce, Dr. Sarah? What are common foods that people succeed with? I've been working with the AIP for a little over a year now, and the autoimmune community is so supportive and helpful with eliminations. Now that my doctor and I have made so much progress with correcting my dysbiosis, its almost time for starting the reintroduction process, but nobody talks very much about this part!  For me, I've been reacting to almost everything that's removed on the AIP and the crucifer and umbellifer families besides. I want to know what others have successfully reintroduced but there's not much talk about that online. I know that every body is different, but how much can someone expect to expand their diet? What are the areas that most people have trouble in? Reintroduction feels lonely right now! - MeghanDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 12, 2021 • 1h 11min

Episode 482: Natural Pain Management Strategies

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah break down Sarah's top 3 natural strategies for pain management and how each can be used in addition to or even in place of a prescribed pain plan.Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!This week's listener question:Hi Dr. Sarah and Stacy. My question is - how to begin the AIP without NSAIDs? I understand why removing them is critical - to recognize what foods and lifestyle components may drive inflammation. However, osteoarthritis is in both knees with the right one being bone on bone and in the cervical area, again with the right side being worse. Generally, I use aleve for pain and if I don’t have to travel or go in the office, I either don’t use it or use one instead. But with job sites reopening, I have had to use them more frequently and I have a bit of travel for my job. Oh, I’ll also mention that at one point, my CRP level was 41 and at last test a couple of years ago, it was down to 19. So I’m open to any suggestions on how to better manage the health challenges so I can begin AIP properly. Thanks so much!I take supplements including vitamins c and d, both of which are to reduce C-reactive protein. I strive for 8 hours of sleep though it’s mostly interrupted and have year round allergies for which I currently receive allergy shots. I also manage PCOS and osteoarthritis. - NicoleDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions!We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!ThirdLove | 20% offStoryworth | $10 off your first orderRaycon | 20% offPublic Goods | $15 off your first order Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 5, 2021 • 1h 47min

Episode 481: Attention Deficit Disorders & ADHD in Relationships

This week, Matt joins Stacy and Dr. Sarah to talk about his struggles with ADHD and cover questions about managing partners with ADHD in relationships.Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!This week's Listener Questions:Vaness asks: How do you overcome the forgetfulness? I'm dying to let go of some things that I took on (household chores, kid stuff, etc) but he cannot seem to juggle much else besides work & hubby/dad life. I need him to help, which means remembering to do the dishes without me having to ask him-it's one more mental thing on my plate, like having another kid 🥴😕 Our non-binary child also has it and we see the same struggles. It's so tough. Thank you for doing this! 💕Andrada asks: Suggestions for diagnosis as an adult. Favorite resources to help spouse & self. Your comment about white lies due to anxiety really hit home to me in addition to other issues that have gotten worse as I age.Stephanie asks: I feel like we're not communicating well.Meghan asks: I'm the adhd partner and I definitely feel like I'm struggling with my partner even believing that it's "real." 🙃 recently dx & medicated, so progression > perfection, but damn man. How to get them to understand?Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!Quip | Get your first refill freeKiwiCo | 50% off your first month with promo code WHOLEVIEWButcherBox | Get a FREE turkey in your first box Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 28, 2021 • 1h 19min

Episode 480: Why Do We Love being Scared?

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah look at the science behind getting scared to determine what it does to our bodies and why some of is enjoy being scared. They discuss adrenaline, survival instinct, thrill-seeking, and more!Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!Public Goods | Get $15 off your first orderRothy’s | $20 off your first purchase at WHOLEVIEWPaleoValley | 15% off with code thewholeview Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 21, 2021 • 1h 45min

Episode 479: Stress, Coffee, Breakfast and Walking

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah revisit a past episode with updated science. First, they dive into the science behind stress, coffee, breakfast, and walking to determine the effects Cortisol has on our bodies. Then Stacy shares some personal updates on her health journey and what she's done to feel better and improve her health.Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!Don't forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, check out Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week's sponsors!Hydrojug | 10% with code WHOLEVIEWBeauty counter | and enter code cleanforall20 for 20% off your order. Email Stacy at for a free consult!AIP Lecture series | Register now at for 20%  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 15, 2021 • 1h 20min

Episode 478: Can You Do Everything Right and Still Get Sick?

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah break down the science behind cancer and why we can still get sick even if we do everything right. They look at various holistic and alternative medicine studies to determine how diet and lifestyle impact health and conventional medicine and help listener Dayna come to peace with her decisions for cancer treatment.Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!PaleoValley : 15% off with code thewholeviewThirdLove : 20% offBetter Help : 10% off your first monthThis Week's Listener Question:Hello ladies! My two favorite people. I feel greedy writing you a third time but here we go again. I promise you I will not be disappointed if you don’t answer. But I do highly respect any and all opinions and information you put out into the health world. I recommend your resources to everyone! Even my doctors! You helped me a lot with an initial weight loss about 4 years ago and then with keeping my healthy eating practices while I was pregnant with my second child 2 years ago (with minimal guilt I might add) so I truly thank you!Sadly after I delivered I got “sick”. Doctors said I was fine. But through persistence and testing 6 months later I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (cancer) and I’m having trouble coming to terms with it. The reason I seek you guys out is WTF I was doing everything right. The health world says if my gut and lifestyle are good, do a little fasting, reduce the sugar I should be good no? I feel a bit bitter to the health world I’ve now been a part of for years. People keep recommending naturopathic treatment and think I’m crazy not to do it. I can’t afford it and my oncologists are saying NO. I’m very far gone and I need all the conventional medical advancements to keep me alive.I just want your opinion on Cancer and maybe even my bone marrow cancer if you know anything. My prognosis isn’t good. There’s no cure and it’s spread to my bones. What do I do health wise here? Am I justified to ditch the health world now and go full conventional medical care. What stuff from the health world do I keep around? I can’t take chances and I need to go with science. You are the most science minded people I know. Please consider a response if you have time. Thanks for reading - Dayna Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 8, 2021 • 1h 13min

Episode 477: How Many Veggies Part 5 - Cruciferous Vegetables

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah dive into the science behind cruciferous vegetables and bust some myths regarding the best way to eat them or if you should avoid them all together. Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!Listener Question:Hello Stacy and Dr.Sarah, I am a brand new listener and I am so glad I found your podcast. I find myself laughing as much as I am learning, so thank you! I wanted to know your take on cruciferous vegetables. I have heard they should only be eaten rarely and never raw or juiced. Is there any truth to that and why would that be the case? Apologies if you have covered this on a past show. Thank you both for sharing your own struggles with us openly. I feel like I just gained two new friends and my Fridays just got even better!-Thanks, JanetDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!Hydrojug! Use code WHOLEVIEW for 10% off your purchaseButcherBox: New members get 2 pounds of ground beef free in every order for the life of the membership. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 4, 2021 • 1h 11min

Episode 476: Social Isolation - Can Living Like A Hermit Be Healthy?

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah dive into the science behind the effects of social isolation to determine whether living a hermit lifestyle can be healthy. They review studies pertaining to longevity, stress and anxiety, and benefits of pets. Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!This Week's Listener Question:Hello Sarah and Stacy, even though it's part of my job to listen to the podcast every week it's something I really look forward to and I am a fan! I highly value both of your thoughts and I had a unique question I would love your take on. I have recently found myself in a place a lot of single people have. VERY VERY alone. The only people I socialize with in person are my parents (once a month for a few hours) and the only other interaction I have is with the wonderful women I work with virtually, although we all converse almost daily and it is not 100% work-focused.I don’t have friendships outside of that or participate socially in any way. In addition, I have been off all social media (except for work) for over a year and I don’t leave my house except for bi-weekly grocery trips. (I did get my haircut finally after I was fully vaccinated, and I did go to Target once, but I am in no hurry to do either again) I have also found myself in a place where I have no desire to make new friends, dive back into the dating pool or drawn to start a family. So basically I’m 40+ going on 80???Here’s the thing, I am now the happiest I have been since the pandemic started. (outside of all the upsetting things still going on all around us) I love waking up alone in my own home, cooking, nesting, working, watching movies, walking my dog and I am not bored or envious of others. I have essentially created a whole new lifestyle for myself, taking homebody to a new level. So my question is can you be a healthy hermit or will my little bubble of happiness lead to an unhealthy life long term? - Charissa Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors!Rothy’s : $20 off your first purchase at Thrive : Use code TheWholeView for 15%PaleoValley : Use code "thewholeview" at checkout to receive 15% off your first order! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 23, 2021 • 1h 17min

Episode 475: Can I Be Nutrivore If I Don’t Eat Organ Meat?

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah dive into the science behind a nutrient-density to decide if you can still be Nutrivore if you don't eat organ meat. Dr. Sarah shares her most recent work in Nutrivore and even announces the November launch of her new website,!Links to any products and articles discussed in this episode here.Listener Question: Hey ladies thank you for the amazing podcast, glad I found you! I have been following the AIP since January, sort-of. I found that I focused solely on what NOT to eat, rather than paying attention to what TO eat on the AIP, being that I felt my diet ahead of starting the AIP was already pretty healthy. Catching up on past episodes, realized I had completely missed the fact that following the AIP is intended to be focused on ADDING in foods. I went back to my yes/no list and discovered I was sorely lacking in one area, organ meats. I can not get my head around consuming these. So my question is can I benefit from the AIP without them? Are there other ways to get the same benefits of organ meat through uping other YES foods? Sorry if you have already covered this, I am slowing working through past shows. Thanks again for all you do! - KellyDon’t forget to subscribe to this channel, visit and, and subscribe to our newsletters!If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! Thank you to our sponsors:Green Chef where the code "wholeview100" at checkout to get $100 off (and includes free shipping!)Visit and use the code "wholeview" for 10% off your purchase.Use Stacy and Dr. Sarah's link to to get 10% off your first month!And get 30% off your starter kit with Modern Fertility at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 17, 2021 • 1h 23min

Episode 474: AIP, Lactation, and Making Confident Food Choices

This week, Stacy and Dr. Sarah dive into the science behind how you can be more confident in your food choices. They look at how pregnancy and lactation can fit into the AIP and even recommend whole food sources for nutrient sufficiency.Links to any products and articles discussed in the episode here!Listener Question:I want to know how I can safely do the autoimmune protocol if I am breastfeeding and also don't want to lose weight. It seems every time I go even a bit lower carb at all, I lose weight I don't have to lose. My nausea gets worse and I feel like I'm starving to death no matter how much meat, fruit and veg I eat. I eat a lot of nuts and avocado to try to keep up the calories, but it isn't always enough. I have a harder time falling asleep and wake up hungry in the night and can't fall asleep without eating something. It makes it feel impossible to make changes. I don't know what to eat and it's really stressful.Stacy and Dr. Sarah have talked a lot recently about weight discrimination as it relates to bigger bodies. Stacy feels it's very important to underline that this is a safe and inclusive space for all body shapes and sizes. Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and visit and! If you haven't yet unlocked our bonus content, checkout Patreon for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and how Stacy and Sarah really feel about the topics they discuss. Your subscription goes to support this show and gets you direct access to submit your questions! We also want to give a big thank you to this week’s sponsors! Third Love: get 20% off OneFarm: get 15% off PaleoValley where entering code "thewholeview" at checkout get you 15% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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