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Hope + Help Podcast

Latest episodes

Mar 23, 2020 • 37min

Hope + Help for After an Affair with Michael Gembola

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Michael Gembola about his book, "After an Affair: Pursuing Restoration." During the conversation, Michael explains the short-term and long-term challenges married couples face when attempting to reconcile after adultery, warning about the dangers of playing the "blame game" and other common defense mechanisms that interfere with the healing process. He also highlights two dangers adulterers need to avoid so they don't succumb to crippling discouragement, and shares words of wisdom for betrayed spouses who have been deeply wounded by an affair. View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://wp.me/p6NcCC-10Z The Hope + Help Podcast offers biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and to access helpful resources, visit https://ibcd.org/hopeandhelp. Connect with host Christine Chappell and subscribe to her weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources at http://christinemchappell.com. IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast is available on most podcast streaming platforms, so please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share the Hope + Help Podcast with them.
Mar 9, 2020 • 39min

Hope + Help for the Age of Self with Jen Oshman

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Jen Oshman about her book, "Enough About Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self," exploring how the gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to look away from ourselves in order to find the abundant life God offers us. During the conversation, Jen explains how the western worldview of "self" has developed over the centuries, and why the progressive shift of placing "self" above all else has reaped devastating consequences in our relationships and communities. She unpacks statements such as, "Do what makes you happy" and "God will never give you more than you can handle," and explains how a biblically-informed view of self contradicts popular approaches to personal purpose and fulfillment. Jen also touches on the panic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak reveals and what it reveals about our false sense of security. View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://ibcd.org/enough-about-me-jen-oshman/ The Hope + Help Podcast offers biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and to access helpful resources, visit https://ibcd.org/hopeandhelp. Connect with host Christine Chappell and subscribe to her weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources at http://christinemchappell.com. IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast is available on most podcast streaming platforms, so please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share the Hope + Help Podcast with them.
Mar 2, 2020 • 42min

Hope + Help for Loss and Grief with Paul Tautges

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Paul Tautges about his book, "A Small Book for the Hurting Heart: Meditations on Loss, Grief, and Healing," exploring how the gospel of Jesus Christ offers comfort and strength for those walking through seasons of mourning. Paul unravels the various forms of grief and loss, helping listeners to better understand how to engage God as a refuge in the midst of overwhelming emotions. He also addresses why we're prone to doubt God's presence and care when we feel stuck in the hurt of our grief, explaining how the sympathy of Jesus offers us sustaining grace for the journey toward healing. Listeners are also guided through three stabilizing biblical truths to cling when living in the wake of a painful loss. View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://ibcd.org/loss-grief-paul-tautges/ The Hope + Help Podcast offers biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and to access helpful resources, visit https://ibcd.org/hopeandhelp. Connect with host Christine Chappell and subscribe to her weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources at http://christinemchappell.com. IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast is available on most podcast streaming platforms, so please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share the Hope + Help Podcast with them.
Feb 24, 2020 • 40min

Hope + Help for Loving Messy People with Scott Mehl

In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Scott Mehl about his new book, "Loving Messy People: The Messy Art of Helping One Another Become More Like Jesus." During the conversation, Scott shares why interpersonal ministry in the local church isn't restricted to paid professionals and trained experts. He helps listeners to better understand God's good design for one-another care and offers some reasons why Christians often balk at the call to enter into the messy lives of other people. Scott outlines a basic structure of gospel care, explaining why it's necessary for helpers, strugglers, and sufferers to have God-oriented goals when thinking about how to navigate their problems. He also addresses practical ways pastors and church leaders can take first steps in preparing their church to become a community which cares for one-another well through the practice of intentional discipleship relationships. View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://ibcd.org/loving-messy-people-scott-mehl/ The Hope + Help Podcast offers biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and to access helpful resources, visit https://ibcd.org/hopeandhelp. Connect with host Christine Chappell and subscribe to her weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources at http://christinemchappell.com. IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast is available on most podcast streaming platforms, so please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share the Hope + Help Podcast with them.
Feb 24, 2020 • 36min

An Interview with IBCD Podcast Host Christine Chappell

As the podcast completes its transition from the Hope + Help Project to IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast, this episode features a discussion between IBCD Director of Communications Ann Maree Goudzwaard and podcast founder Christine Chappell, exploring the various ways biblical counseling has personally impacted Christine's life and ministry. She candidly shares her history with IBCD, having once been a counselee at its Escondido offices, and explains how adopting a biblical view of her struggles with depression helped her persevere through seasons of deep sorrow. Ann Maree and Christine also discuss what God-oriented goals look like when walking through counseling issues, and the dangers of adopting a "fix it" mentality when scrambling for answers to challenging problems. They also reflect on some of the redemptive benefits of Christine's journey, sharing how the Lord redeemed her past experiences in order to comfort her child in the midst of sudden illness. Listen to this interview to learn more about the vision of IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast! View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://ibcd.org/interview-christine-chappell/ The Hope + Help Podcast offers biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling, and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and to access helpful resources, visit https://ibcd.org/hopeandhelp. Connect with host Christine Chappell and subscribe to her weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources at http://christinemchappell.com. IBCD's Hope + Help Podcast is available on most podcast streaming platforms, so please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share the Hope + Help Podcast with them.
Feb 6, 2020 • 4min

Special Announcement: Hope + Help is Transitioning to IBCD!

Special announcement! "The Hope + Help Project" is officially transitioning to become a production of IBCD (Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship http://ibcd.org.) Starting Monday, February 24th, host Christine Chappell will be conducting guest interviews for IBCD's "Hope + Help Podcast." What does this mean for you, the listener? Listen to Christine share all about it in this brief audio message. Read IBCD's announcement on the transition by visiting this page: https://ibcd.org/ibcdannouncespodcast/
Feb 3, 2020 • 47min

Hope + Help for Blind Spots with Tim Riddle

In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews Tim Riddle. They discuss Tim's book, "Blind Spots: What You Don't See Can Hurt You" to learn how the gospel of Jesus Christ helps us uncover roadblocks to change in our lives and relationships. Questions considered: • What is a "blind spot?" • What are some scriptural narratives that illustrate the realities of blind spots in our lives? • What is the difference between looking and seeing? • Why is it important to consider the motivations that can foster blind spots in our spiritual growth and relationships? • Why is humility a necessity when addressing revealed blind spots? • What does accountability through biblical community have to do with blind spot removal? • What are some practical ways we can work in tandem with the Holy Spirit to address blind spots when they are discovered? View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://wp.me/p6NcCC-Zg The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and Christine's ministry, please visit faithfulsparrow.com/project. To subscribe to Christine's weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources, visit faithfulsparrow.com/email. The Hope + Help Project podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Spotify. Please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share The Hope + Help Project with them.
Jan 27, 2020 • 49min

Hope + Help for Self-Righteousness with Kendra Fletcher

In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews Kendra Fletcher. They discuss Kendra's book, "Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace," to discover how the gospel of Jesus Christ frees us from the bondage of self-righteousness and legalism. Kendra shares how the Lord used her children’s illnesses and accidents to open her eyes to the spiritual pride she had been living in, and recounts the challenges that arose when her family began to pull away from the rigid religious behaviors and beliefs of their long-time church and homeschool community. She also addresses some of ways self-righteousness slowly bleeds into in our lives, and encourages listeners to "lose their religion" by finding acceptance, grace, and identity in Christ alone. Other questions considered: • How can love of religion manifest itself in our thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes? • How does the gospel free us from self-righteous living? • Why doesn't a "Jesus + something" belief system hold up in times of suffering? • How can we address self-righteousness when we recognize it in our lives? View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://wp.me/p6NcCC-YN The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and Christine's ministry, please visit christinemchappell.com/project. To subscribe to Christine's weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources, visit christinemchappell.com/email. The Hope + Help Project podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Spotify. Please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share The Hope + Help Project with them.
Jan 20, 2020 • 39min

Hope + Help for Death-Awareness with Matthew McCullough

In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews author and pastor Matthew McCullough. They discuss Matt's book, "Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope" to learn how cultivating "death-awareness" clarifies the relevance of Jesus's promises in the midst of our everyday problems. During the conversation, Matt offers listeners an overview of the Christian tradition of "memento mori" (latin: remember death) and explains some of the reasons why death-awareness was such a prominent part of daily life in earlier centuries. He also considers why 21st century Western Christians have increasingly shoved the realities of death from their consciousness—and examines the various negative impacts such death-avoidance has had as a result. Other questions considered: • Why hasn't American prosperity and "happiness" risen in tandem over the decades? • In what ways does death challenge the core identity of every human being? • How have medical advances altered the way death is perceived and experienced in modern American society? • How can we have death-awareness without erring on the side of denial or despair? • How does a relationship with Jesus Christ help us face the awful realties of death with assurance and hope? View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://wp.me/p6NcCC-WI The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and Christine's ministry, please visit christinemchappell.com/project. To subscribe to Christine's weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources, visit christinemchappell.com/email. The Hope + Help Project podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Spotify. Please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share The Hope + Help Project with them.
Jan 13, 2020 • 26min

Hope + Help for Family Worship with Don Whitney

In this episode of The Hope + Help Project, Christine Chappell interviews Don Whitney about his book, "Family Worship," exploring why it's important, how to deal with common stumbling blocks that arise, and practical wisdom for busy families who want to develop a regular (yet doable) routine in the home. During the conversation, Don shares scriptural support for the practice of family worship and explores reasons why today's families may struggle to make it a priority in their daily lives. He debunks the notion that large amount of prep time is involved and offers three areas of focus for leaders who desire to become intentional in cultivating a routine. Don also encourages listeners not to have unrealistic expectations about the time spent together, but to embrace the reality that chaotic families will have chaotic family worship—and that's okay! View the full show notes & links for this episode: https://wp.me/p6NcCC-Wl The Hope + Help Project podcast offers compassionate biblical conversations about life's challenging problems. The purpose of the podcast is to share Christ-centered comfort and clarity for those seeking biblical solutions for the struggles they face. The podcast accomplishes this by offering a mix of interviews with seasoned biblical counseling professionals and ministry leaders on a variety of topics. Listeners can expect to receive biblical wisdom as well as practical steps for facing suffering, struggling and sin with courage and grace. Hosted by author/writer Christine M. Chappell. To learn more about the show and Christine's ministry, please visit faithfulsparrow.com/project. To subscribe to Christine's weekly Christ-centered biblical counseling resources, visit faithfulsparrow.com/email. The Hope + Help Project podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Spotify. Please don't keep the show a secret! If you know someone walking through a challenging season of life, please share The Hope + Help Project with them.

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