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Sep 4, 2023 • 40min

[EN] Hello Fortran!

Despite the fact that Fortran has been around since the 1950s, it remains a very relevant programming language today and has an active community of keen engineers. In this episode I'll take a sweep from the origins of Fortran, how to deal with legacy (Fortran 77), how the language evolved to modern day use cases of Fortran. In the course of the episode you'll hear from Thomas Clune (NASA, US), Wim Vanderbauwhede (Uni. Glasgow, UK), Milan Curcic (Uni. of Miami, US) and Ondrej Certik (GSI Technologies, US). Fortran-lang website: https://fortran-lang.orgFortran-lang GitHub: website: https://lfortran.orgLFortran GitHub:'s book: Fortran Standard Committee:'s website:'s website: Clune's site at NASA: Wim Vanderbauwhede's site at Uni Glasgow testing framework gFTL template library: Wim's paper (Journal of Supercomputing 2021): Making legacy Fortran code type safe through automated program transformation Get in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Aug 21, 2023 • 11min

[EN] Teaser: First US RSE conference in Oct 2023 - with Sandra Gesing

Let me interrupt your well-earned summer break for a brief episode and teaser: the first ever US RSE conference will be upon us between 16-18 October in Chicago, USA.I met with Sandra Gesing from the organising committee to talk about how the preparations are going and what you can expect from the conference. - here the official US RSE Conference web-site Sandra's web-site US RSE Twitter (yes, I won't call it X) US_RSE in MastodoniaTalking of conferences. There is a lot happening this autumn, including the UK RSE Conference in Swansea 5-8 Sep the Hidden Ref Festival in Bristol 21 Sep the German RSE Un-conference in Jena 26-28 Sep https://un-derse23.sciencesconf.orgGet in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jul 26, 2023 • 15min

[DE] Extra: Software Preisauschreibung bei Helmholtz - mit Dr Uwe Konrad

Dr Uwe Konrad von der Helmholtz Forschungsgemeinschaft stellt den neuen Preis für Softwareentwicklung vor. Obwohl der Preis im Moment nur für Helmholtzprojekte (oder solche mit hauptsächlicher Beteiligung von Helmholtz) zur Verfügung steht, hofft Dr Konrad dass der Preis Schule macht. Denn schliesslich wird es endlich Zeit, dass Software (und deren EntwicklerInnen) ernst genommen wird und als gleichwertiger Beitrag von Forschungsprojekten anerkannt wird.Die Frist für Bewerbungen ist der 30. September.  Die einzelnen Helmholtzinstitute haben interne Fristen auf die im Gespräch nochmal hingewiesen wird.Der Link für den Preis ist hier in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jul 24, 2023 • 35min

[DE] Künstliche Intelligenz bei Helmholtz - Peter Steinbach

Peter Steinbach leitet eine Gruppe von Consultants am Helmholtz Institut in Dresden-Rossendorf. Die Gruppe ist Teil der Helmholtz AI Initiative und beratet WissenschafterInnen bzgl KI, Machine Learning usw. Neben Fragen über KI in der Wissenschaft hat mich auch interessiert wie Datenwissenschaft mit Software Entwicklung zusammenhängt. Schliesslich sind mehr und mehr Research Software Engineers mit KI und ML Themen beschäftigt. Links: Helmholtz AI Home die Kontaktadresse für Helmholtz AI Helmholtz AI auf Twitter (oder X wie es sich jetzt nennt) Mastodon Konto von Helmholtz Peter Steinbach´s Twitter Konto Peter´s Mastodon KontoKonferenzen im Herbst 2023 UK RSE Conference in Swansea, UK, 5-8 September with satellite events Hidden Ref Festival in Bristol, UK, 21 September German Unconference in Jena, Germany,  26-28 September First ever US RSE Conference in Chicago, USA, 16-18 OctoberGet in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jul 17, 2023 • 34min

[EN] Open Data, Open Software - with Teresa Gomez-Diaz

The guest for this episode is Teresa Gomez-Diaz from Université Paris Gustave-Eiffel, east of Paris, France. For a long time Teresa has been promoting Open Science and last year she talked on this show about the need for licences in research software.Teresa and her collaborator, Tomas Recio from the University Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid published two papers about Research Data and how to ensure they adhere to Open Science and in particular FAIR principles. We start with a discussion of the so-called Borgman conundrum, or why it is hard to share research data before going into what we can do about it. A couple of clarifying notes: Teresa speaks of F mille, which refers to F1000Research. Also, when "users" of research data are being mentioned, it refers to authors and contributors.Links: Research Software vs. Research Data I: Towards a Research Data definition in the Open Science context Research Software vs. Research Data II: Protocols for Research Data dissemination and evaluation in the Open Science context - introduces CDUR protocol Zenodo preprint of the papersBorgman's Conundrum Coalition for Advancing Research AssessmentUpcoming conferences: UK RSE Conference in Swansea, UK, 5-8 September with satellite events Hidden Ref Festival in Bristol, UK, 21 September German Unconference in Jena, Germany,  26-28 September First ever US RSE Conference in Chicago, USA, 16-18 OctoberGet in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jul 10, 2023 • 32min

[EN] Test Driven Data Analysis - with Nick Radcliffe

Nick Radcliffe, data scientist and entrepreneur, talks to us about the importance of test your data. As software engineers we are familiar with test driven development. Test driven data analysis puts the same emphasis on validating and testing data for your AI app. We also dive into the Python library of the same name tdda. Links: LinkedIn profile Nick Radcliffe Test Driven Data Analysis Blog tdda library documentation TDDA GitHub repo Smart Data Foundry Stochastic Solutions - also contains links to papers and publications by Nick RadcliffeOther libraries mentioned: Evidently AI Great ExpectationsDon't forget the upcoming RSE conferences and the Hidden Ref event UK RSE Conference in Swansea 5-8 September 2023 The Hidden Ref Festival, Bristol 21 September deRSE Unconference in Jena, Germany,  26 - 28 September US RSE Conference in Chicago, USA, 16-18 October Get in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jul 3, 2023 • 24min

[EN] Next Stop - RSE Con 2023 in Swansea

With Sam Mangham and Ed Bennett from the Uk RSE Conference organising committee.In this episode I want to take a look behind the scenes and find out what it takes to organise and run a conference. And how we participants can contribute to the success of this UK RSE Conference and future events!The conference takes place on the campus of Swansea University, UK and runs from 5-7 September. There are satellite events on Monday 4 Sep and Friday 8 Sep.The main link for the conference is below. Note: the committee negotiated accommodation with Swansea Uni. The deadline for getting a room there is end of July 2023. Details can be found here Get in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jun 26, 2023 • 31min

[DE] Bringt uns Programmieren bei - mit Fredo Erxleben

Fredo Erxleben vom Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf erzählt uns, wie er und seine KollegInnen WissenschaftlerInnen, DoktorantInnen und Postdocs Programmieren beibringt. Der Bedarf an Training ist riesig. Der Bedarf an Ausbildern auch. In dieser Folge schauen wir ein wenig hinter die Kulissen und Fredo erzählt welche Herausforderungen es bei den Trainingsprogrammen gibt.Hier ein paar links: HIFIS Platform (Helmholtz Federated IT Services) Lehrmaterialien HIDA (Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy) HIDA Kurskatalog (beinhaltet auch die Kurse von Fredo) Software Carpentries Gathertown - die App die Fredo und das Team in den online Kursen benutzen Helmholtz Inkubator Helmholtz Consulting Fredo's Vortrag bei der deRSE 2023Get in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jun 12, 2023 • 34min

[EN] Conference Report: JupyterCon 2023, Paris

JupyterCon 2023, the conference on all things Jupyter was held in Paris between 10-12 May 2023, followed by 2 days of hands-on "sprints". Jupyter is a very popular open source platform with tools such as Jupyter notebook/lab and driven by a very active community. There were a number of excellent talks from a range of different subjects. I had the pleasure to meet and talk to a number of people, see the interview list below.Order of Interviews: Leah Silen and Arliss Collins from Numfocus  02:04Franklin Koch (MyST) from Curvenote 04:59Nicolas Thiery (Paris-Saclay) 09:13Sarah Gibson (2i2c) 13:19Ana Ruvalcaba (Jupyter Executive Council) 18:57Fernando Perez (Jupyter Executive Council) 23:48Raniere de Silva (Gesis) 29:56Links Jupyter project Release notes for the new Jupyter Notebook v7 Release notes for JupyterLab v4.0 (further incremental updates of v4 are available) YouTube channel for JupyterCon 2023 JupyterCon 2023 schedule Outreachy project Numfocus project Notebooks Now initiative MyST tool for scientific and technical communicationUpcoming RSE conferences: UK RSE conference in Swansea 5-8 Sep 2023 Hidden Ref in Bristol, UK, 21 Sep 2023 Unconference of the German RSE society deRSE in Jena 26-28 Sep 1st face to face US RSE Conference in Chicago 16-18 Oct 2023Get in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:
Jun 7, 2023 • 17min

[EN] ByteSized RSE: The README - with Julian Lenz

And in this last episode of our first ByteSized RSE season, we talk about the README file. My guest in this episode is Julian Lenz from the University in Swansea, UK who will take us through the importance of READMEs, what should go into them and at what stage should you create one (spoiler alert: a.s.a.p.). Here are a few links you might find useful.Example READMEs and templates a list of example READMEs a guide for writing better READMEs more articles on how to write READMEs templates for READMEs another README templateBackground GNU Coding standards. READMEs are mentioned in chapter 7.3 a history of READMEs the MARKDOWN formatByte-sized RSE is presented in collaboration with the UNIVERSE-HPC project. RSE link to Imperial CollegeGet in touchThank you for listening! Merci de votre écoute! Vielen Dank für´s Zuhören! Contact Details/ Coordonnées / Kontakt: Email UK RSE Slack ( @code4thought or @piddie US RSE Slack ( @Peter Schmidt Mastodon: or Bluesky: LinkedIn: (personal Profile)LinkedIn: (Code for Thought Profile) This podcast is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence:

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