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The Peter Attia Drive

Latest episodes

May 13, 2024 • 24min

#301 - AMA #59: Inflammation: its impact on aging and disease risk, and how to identify, prevent, and reduce it

Exploring chronic inflammation and its impact on aging and disease risk. Discussing the relationship between inflammation, obesity, and metabolic health. Offering practical steps to manage inflammation through diet, exercise, and stress management. Touching on the benefits and drawbacks of drugs and supplements in inflammation management.
May 6, 2024 • 1h 40min

#300 - Special episode: Peter on exercise, fasting, nutrition, stem cells, geroprotective drugs, and more — promising interventions or just noise?

Exploring geroprotective molecules like rapamycin and metformin, NAD, and resveratrol. Importance of VO2 max, muscle mass, and blood flow restriction for longevity. Discussion on fasting, sugar consumption, and red meat's role in cancer. Evolution of opinions over 300 episodes.
Apr 29, 2024 • 2h 29min

Special episode with Dax Shepard: F1 and the 30th anniversary of Ayrton Senna’s death

In this special episode, fellow car enthusiast Dax Shepard joins Peter to discuss Ayrton Senna's life, driving style, and impact on F1. They delve into the drama and dangers of F1, Senna's unique intuition, Senna's fatal crash, and the legacy he left behind. Peter shares his obsession with Senna, reflections on dying young, and the difference between F1 then and now. They also touch on Senna's driving superpower, the fastest drivers in F1 today, and current F1 obsessions.
Apr 22, 2024 • 2h 30min

#299 ‒ Optimizing muscle protein synthesis: the crucial impact of protein quality and quantity, and the key role of resistance training | Luc van Loon, Ph.D.

Luc van Loon, expert in muscle metabolism, discusses the impact of protein quality and quantity on muscle protein synthesis. Topics include insulin and triglycerides in endurance exercise, protein absorption rates, differences between animal and plant protein sources, and the role of resistance training and dietary protein in muscle health.
Apr 15, 2024 • 2h 24min

#298 ‒ The impact of emotional health on longevity, self-audit strategies, improving well-being, and more | Paul Conti, M.D.

Dr. Paul Conti discusses the impact of emotional health on longevity, the importance of self-audit strategies for well-being, and finding purpose and hope through making peace with mortality. He also explores the connection between material possessions and happiness, navigating emotional health improvements, and the role of therapy in fostering self-acceptance and growth.
Apr 8, 2024 • 18min

#297 - AMA #58: Iron: its role in health, testing methods, and strategies for preventing and managing iron deficiency

Explore the vital role of iron in the body, including its importance for oxygen transport and enzyme reactions. Learn about testing iron levels, interpreting results, and strategies for preventing deficiency. Dive into discussions on creatine, sodium, and subscriber benefits.
Apr 1, 2024 • 2h 22min

#296 ‒ Foot health: preventing and treating common injuries, enhancing strength and mobility, picking footwear, and more | Courtney Conley, D.C.

Internationally renowned foot and gait specialist, Courtney Conley, delves into foot health, common injuries, and suitable footwear. Topics include foot anatomy, muscle imbalances leading to injuries, benefits of barefoot walking for children, importance of proper footwear design, and foot strengthening exercises to prevent injuries and improve mobility.
Mar 25, 2024 • 2h 29min

#295 ‒ Roadway death and injury: why everyone should care and what you can do to reduce risk | Mark Rosekind, Ph.D.

Road safety expert discusses the risks of distracted driving, alcohol impairment, and sleep deprivation. The impact of mobile phones on roadway deaths and the importance of awareness. Insights on enhancing vehicle safety with technology and regulations to prevent accidents. Tips for pedestrian and biker safety to reduce risks on the road.
Mar 18, 2024 • 2h 34min

#294 ‒ Peak athletic performance: How to measure it and how to train for it from the coach of the most elite athletes on earth | Olav Aleksander Bu

In this podcast, they discuss peak athletic performance, focusing on VO2 max, ATP production, energy efficiency, and power. They explore low-intensity training, lactate threshold, and using portable VO2 testing devices. The conversation also touches on improving movement efficiency, mindfulness in training, and other important performance metrics. The speaker shares experiences working with high-performance athletes and data-driven interventions for enhancing performance.
Mar 11, 2024 • 18min

#293 - AMA #57: High-intensity interval training: benefits, risks, protocols, and impact on longevity

Exploring HIIT misconceptions, benefits on longevity, ideal protocols, building cardiovascular fitness, and risk of injury. Origins of HIIT, efficient exercise claims, nuances of research. Evolution of interval training, limits of exertion, max heart rate significance, premium membership perks.

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