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The Healing Grove Podcast

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Oct 30, 2023 • 59min

Ria Swift: Emotional Stress Release - Learning To Let Go and Open Up | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like you to meet one of my dear friends, Ria Swift.Ria is an energy medicine practitioner and intuitive seer who uses expressive arts, frequency medicine, family & system constellations, biomagnetism, and more. Using an ever-evolving toolbox of modalities, she has been helping folks heal from past trauma and wounds for decades. And having benefited personally from her work over the years, I can attest to the power of her approach, and am delighted to introduce her to you!Amazingly, Ria started out as a dancer, not a healer. Her introduction to this field came from having had cancer three times in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Through her own illnesses, Ria became obsessed with wanting to understand what had caused cancer to grow in her body, hoping to find a solution that would reduce the changes of a repeat performance. So what does Ria's work look like? Well, in a nutshell, Ria heals with her mind. As a 'seer,' she 'reads' what you are holding and then moves it into a stable, healthy position so that self-healing can take over. As Ria says, "It's quantum physics, at its best!"If you would like to get in touch with Ria Swift, you can do so by calling or texting her at:  484-767-4890You can also reach her through email at: riaswift@gmail.comRia can also be found on Facebook. You can find her here:****************************************************************** The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Oct 23, 2023 • 58min

Dr. Roger McFillin: The Truth About Mental Health in the World Today | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week you get to meet Dr. Roger McFillin.Dr. McFillin is a clinical psychologist, writer, speaker and podcast host, and a friend of mine. He is also an outspoken critic of the psychiatric diagnostic system, prescription drug culture, harmful treatments, misrepresentation of science in healthcare & pop culture beliefs about mental health that undermine resilience & name a few of his passions! As a specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress, eating disorders & those struggling with anxiety, mood and chronic suicidal behaviors, he seemed a perfect person to have as a guest this week, given the sky-rocketing rates of mental health diagnoses.You can find out more about Dr. McFillin and find his podcast, Radically Genuine, here: https://www.drmcfillin.comTo subscribe to his newsletter, you can do that here:****************************************************************** The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Oct 16, 2023 • 59min

Jill Crista, ND: A Conversation About PANDAS and PANS | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like you to meet Dr. Jill Crista.Dr. Crista is a pioneering naturopathic doctor, best-selling author, devoted educator, and creative innovator. Her superpower is to make complex medical concepts simple and digestible for the average person, and having been on the other side of her talks and teaching for the past few years, I can personally attest to this superpower.Dr. Jill’s passion is to elevate the well-being of the planet by elevating the well-being of her inhabitants. Her books, memberships, and online courses support folks looking for concrete steps to conquer their own health challenges, and in that regard, I really feel we are kindred spirits.Dr. Jill focuses on conditions that cause injury to the brain and nervous system, including mold, vector borne infections such as Lyme, and the debilitating autoimmunity that can develop from these exposures, called PANDAS and PANS.She has now turned her efforts to supporting children and teens struggling with PANDAS and PANS. As a mother of children affected by PANS, she has combined the knowledge gained through her clinical and personal experience into an indispensable book titled A Light In The Dark for PANDAS and PANS.If you would like to learn more about Dr. Jill Crista, please visit: https://drcrista.comDr. Jill  has generously offered to give my community 15% off any of her courses. Access your discount with the code, healinggrove.Here is the link to Dr. Crista's Limbic Story cartoon that she shared during her talk: you are interested in the medication compatibility chart that Dr. Crista mentions during this talk, you can get that here:****************************************************************** The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Oct 9, 2023 • 1h 10min

Anne Van de Water: True Self Mastery | The Healing Grove Podcast

I am over the moon this week to introduce you to a new friend: Anne Van de Water.About a decade ago, I found my way onto Anne Van de Water's mailing list. My sister, Bethany, had been on a retreat of some kind with Anne, and she suggested I follow her newsletter for regular blasts of high-vibe positivity and goofy, heart-centered, down-to-earth advice for spiritual seekers. That all sounded pretty good to me, and let me tell you: Anne Van de Water did not disappoint! I have followed her journey ever since, and when I started a podcast, I secretly hoped that Anne would accept my request out of the blue to sit with me for an interview. And it finally happened!Anne is a life coach, a yoga teacher, a spiritual mentor, and the founder of True Self Mastery and Wellness, where she helps her clients to align with their true selves, and achieve their potential. Her mission aligns closely with mine, and can be summed up in her words: "We need you and we need your gifts."Learn more about Anne Van de Water here:****************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Oct 2, 2023 • 1h

Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC: Natural Heart Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Dr. Jack Wolfson.Dr. Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist who uses nutrition, healthy lifestyle and evidence-based supplements to prevent and treat heart disease. Dr. Jack was trained as a conventional cardiologist, but he met Dr. Heather (who he just happened to marry), a DC who changed his paradigm from a sickness to wellness model.After ten years performing angiograms, pacemakers, and other cardiac procedures in the biggest group in Arizona, Dr. Wolfson opened Natural Heart Doctor in 2012 to offer patients the ultimate in holistic cardiovascular care. People from all over the world seek out Dr. Wolfson’s consultation on heart health.Dr. Wolfson is also an author. He wrote the Amazon best-seller, The Paleo Cardiologist, The Natural Way to Heart Health. You can get that book at the link below and you just have to pay shipping and handling!        To learn more about Dr. Wolfson, please visit:                           ****************************************************************** The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢                 
Sep 25, 2023 • 34min

Meghan Tveit, MS3: The Healer's Journey, Episode Two | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I am excited to share the second interview I had with Meghan Tveit, our favorite healer-in-training. I caught up with her at the beginning of an overnight call on trauma her 86th hour of continuous work. In our conversation, Meghan reflects deeply on the ups and downs of this beautiful, emotional and rather exhausting journey, and despite the lack of sleep, she is characteristically inspired and inspiring. Meghan Tveit is a third year medical student at George Washington School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. A member of the 2020 graduating class of Harvard and my eldest son's girlfriend, Meghan appeared on my doorstep when the world shut down and then spent 6 weeks "bubbling" with my family during quarantine, during which time I developed a deep love for her bright, fun, compassionate, thoughtful, and curious approach to Pretty Much Everything. I know you are going to love not only Meghan, but what she has to share about her journey on the path to becoming a doctor.****************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Sep 18, 2023 • 45min

Suzy Griswold: HealingStrong - The Power of Community | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Suzy Griswold.Suzy Griswold is a 13+ year Thyroid Cancer Thriver, and the Founder and President of HealingStrong. Upon her diagnosis, she took a different route than that of her 10 family members who had passed away from cancer previously. Suzy used a combination of the Gerson Protocol and grew closer to her Heavenly Father as part of her natural approach to healing. When others began asking for advice, and she learned of other naturally healed survivors, Suzy decided to gather them altogether and the vision for the very first HealingStrong conference in 2013 became a reality. A true grassroots movement. To date, 450 small community groups around the US, Canada, and 8 International countries have been a part of HealingStrong. HealingStrong empowers, inspires, motivates and equips group participants and members to live more whole and hope filled lives.To learn more about HealingStrong, please visit: https://www.healingstrong.orgTo get some free resources from HealingStrong, check out: you are interested in finding a HealingStrong support group, you can visit:****************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Sep 11, 2023 • 47min

Marisa Cerveris: Ballet to Broadway to Bethlehem | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Marisa Cerveris.Being one of the last two dancers to be hand-picked by George Balanchine for The New York City Ballet, Marisa left home at age 14 to follow her dream of becoming a dancer. After a long career with the NYCB, she lived and danced in France and Spain and traveled the world, finally landing on Broadway before settling in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania in 2001. When she arrived in Bethlehem, she was unable to find the movement classes that she was looking for, so she decided to birth what she was needing, knowing that others might be needing it as well.SteelCore Studio was born as a mentorship to help young dancers pursue their dreams. It has since evolved into a place where everyone can find a personalized, mindful and healthy workout, using ballet, movement and pilates. Marisa  listens intently to each client, supporting them through their own journey into becoming a stronger and more well-balanced self.To learn more about Marisa Cerveris and her studio, please visit:****************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Sep 4, 2023 • 47min

Anita Johnston, PhD: What Can Our Eating Tell Us About Ourselves? | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Anita Johnston, Ph.D., CEDS. Anita is a psychologist, storyteller, certified eating disorders specialist, and author, and she has been working in the field of women’s issues, eating difficulties and body image distress for over 35 years. She is also the co-creator of the Light of the Moon Café, an online platform similar to The Healing Grove that offers an interactive women’s circle, a book club or “workbook” for Eating in the Light of the Moon, and access to a supportive community of other women. In Dr. Johnston's view, there might be a hundred different paths to an eating disorder, but one thing that all the women and girls with whom she has worked have in common is a deep intuitive knowing that they sadly learn, at some point along the way, must be silenced in order for them to fit in or succeed in our society. So they shut off their feelings, redirect them elsewhere, and pick up behaviors that distract them from what's going on inside. Thus, it is a reckoning with their own emotions rather than on food, calories, exercise, or numbers on a scale that brings them back into balance, and starts the healing process.To learn more about Dr. Anita Johnston and the work that she does, please visit:*********************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Aug 28, 2023 • 53min

Danielle Pilarinos: Biomagnetism Part 2 - Demonstration and Protocols | The Healing Grove Podcast

Our guest this week is Danielle Pilarinos. You might remember Danielle from a previous episode where she talked about Biomagnetism. It aired on April 17, 2023. So many people found that conversation helpful, so I asked Danielle to come back and share more of her Biomagnetism wisdom with us. This time she demonstrated some of her favorite protocols for dealing with trauma to the body, headaches and brain fog, lymphatic and liver support, and more.So who is Danielle Pilarinos? Danielle was a 26-year-old ultrasound tech when she came down with a mysterious and debilitating illness that baffled her doctors. After two hospitalizations with idiopathic rhabdomyolysis (that's doctor-speak for wide-spread breakdown of her muscles with no identifiable cause), she was told there was nothing else that could be done to end her suffering or halt the progression of her mysterious medical ailment. When she lost her ability to walk, she took matters into her own hands, and today she is healthier than ever, with no residual signs or symptoms of whatever the heck that was...all thanks to Biomagnetism.So, what is Biomagnetism? Good question. Using magnet pairs placed on specific points in the body, it balances the electromagnetic field, improving circulation, oxygen delivery, detoxification, and ultimately lowering inflammation...not to mention ridding the body of all those pesky chronic diseases that have chronic inflammation as a root cause.You can learn more about Danielle and Biomagnetism at:*********************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢

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