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Sep 16, 2024 • 55min

Morale; Retention; Recruitment; Leadership | We speak with Author Corie Weathers

Corie Weathers is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, consultant, and author focusing her career for the last 20 years as a clinician specializing in marriage, military and first responders, the service culture, and its impact on families. We sat down with her to speak about the challenges of communication within military families and relationships, returning home after conflict, retention, recruitment, and more. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Ms. Corrie Weathers has been featured on a variety of media platforms. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website: Socrates quote mentioned: (469–399 B.C. ) "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households."The quote, "was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907." You can read more about it here: service members are the children of veterans:  Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Sep 2, 2024 • 1h

What Does it Take to Win a War? | The History of the Civil Affairs Regiment

Did you know Civil Affairs Soldiers were on the beaches of Normandy and tasked with addressing the cattle killed from the combat operations so that disease outbreaks could be mitigated? Or that Civil Affairs prevented cholera outbreaks during the Korean War?Combat is only one aspect of conflict and war.We dive deep in this episode where we cover the history of Civil Affairs.The Civil Affairs Branch predates the Psychological Operations and Special Forces branches, and even predates the Army Aviation and Military Intelligence branches. The history of Civil Affairs is important for Special Operations practitioners and leaders throughout the military to learn.Join us as we host Dr. Troy J. Sacquety, the Army Special Operations Forces' Command Historian, and recently named Honorary Member of the Civil Affairs Regiment. About the guest:Dr. Sacquety earned an MA from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and a PhD in Military History from Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the USASOC History Office staff in August 2006, he worked several years for the Central Intelligence Agency. His research interests include Army and Office of Strategic Services special operations during World War II, and U.S. Army Civil Affairs. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer who served within the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. He is now transitioning to attend grad school at Arizona State University with a follow-on assignment at West Point's Army Cyber Institute where he will research mis/disinformation.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Brief biography of Col. Irwin L. Hunt, author of the Hunt Report: mentioned the famous General, Gen. Lucius D. Clay: on the European Civil Affairs Division and Civil Affairs history: Charles R. Munske, who began his career as Coast Artillery: Brigadier General Crawford F. Sams: Ring Road of Afghanistan: Recommended reading from the episode:The Hunt Report: Military Government of Occupied Germany: Sacquety is also the author of the book The OSS in Burma: Jungle War against the Japanese: Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Aug 19, 2024 • 42min

How to Frame and Answer SOF Problems through Professional Writing | Special Warfare Magazine's Future

Preserving and capturing the lessons learned from the Global War on Terror; what is keeping the newest generation of Army Special Operations Forces (SOF) up at night; how can we continue to develop professional military writing in Army SOF; how to we modernize such efforts? We tackle all of that and more in this episode with two great Special Operations practitioners and recent graduates of the National Defense University.Spread the word! We have two (the very first!) Harding Project Fellows who will now be leading the Special Warfare Magazine. P.S. -- We have a new season! Fear not, Ash is in a better place and will still be featured in several episodes, as we recorded a ton of content prior to his departure. We will have a future transition episode to discuss the end of "Season 2". About the guests:Sgt. 1st Class Ben. Ben is originally from Apex, North Carolina and enlisted in 2012. He completed the Special Force Qualification Course in 2013 as a Special Forces Medical Sergeant. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a Master of Arts in International Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University.Maj. Emily Lopez. Emily enlisted in the Army Reserves in 2008 and was commissioned from Oklahoma State University as an Ordnance officer in 2013. In 2019, Lopez graduated from the Civil Affairs Qualification Course. Lopez holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Education and Promotion from Oklahoma State University and a Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University. About the hosts:Lt. Col. Bobby Tuttle is a Green Beret and co-founder of the Pineland Underground. A proven leader who is currently serving as the Special Warfare Center & School's Strategic Communicator. He is a graduate of both Texas A&M and the Naval Postgraduate School.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:What is the Harding Project: Harding Project Fellowship Program: to submit an article to the Special Warfare Magazine: to write a book review from Military Review: Recommended reading from the episode:The Special Warfare Magazine Archive: information about SWCS's involvement in the Harding Project: keep an eye out for Line of Depature! Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Aug 5, 2024 • 1h 7min

What Makes Warfare Irregular? | We speak with Mr./Lt. Col. Doug Livermore on Irregular Warfare

Doug Livermore, a former Director of Special Operations and Irregular Warfare, shares his extensive military experience. He explains the definition of irregular warfare and its evolution in modern military strategies. The discussion reveals how contemporary conflicts, like those involving Russia and Iran, employ asymmetrical tactics. Livermore emphasizes the importance of integrating these strategies into conventional military approaches and building international partnerships to address complex global threats.
Jul 15, 2024 • 1h 29min

Are You Tough Enough? | The JFK 50 Miler

Did you know the nation's oldest and largest continuously held ultramarathon was launched as a national challenge by President John F. Kennedy? On today's podcast, we are fortunate enough to have Mike Spinnler as our guest and SWCS's very own Command Sergeant Major, Cmd. Sgt. Maj. Strong.It is the only remaining 50-mile event of several held around the country as part of President John F. Kennedy’s push to bring the country back to physical fitness. After the Kennedy assassination, many of these events were never held again, but the JFK 50 lived on. About the guests:The JFK 50 was founded in 1963 by William Joseph “Buzz” Sawyer Jr. (1928-2019). In 1993, he passed the duties of directing the race to Mike Spinnler, who had well-earned his position. Spinnler had participated in the race from 1971 (when he was 12 years old) until 1990 and won in 1982 and 1983.Command Sergeant Major Lionel A. Strong is a native of Fort Myers, Florida, and enlisted in the United States Army on July 9, 1998, as a 63B Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. Upon completing Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, Command Sgt. Maj. Strong was assigned to Schofield Barracks Hawaii from December 1998 through March 2001. Command Sgt. Maj. Strong attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection in September 2000 and the Special Forces Qualification Course from June 2001 through December 2002.Sergeant First Class Anthony “Tony” Camps is our bonus guest. He has served in multiple Special Forces Groups, as well as within the Special Operations Aviation Regiment and the Special Warfare Center & School. He is a champion of the JFK 50, having competed and completed the event. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Although open to the public, the JFK 50 Mile is, in spirit, a military race. The initial inspiration behind the event came from then President John F. Kennedy challenging his military officers to meet the requirements that Teddy Roosevelt had set for his military officers at the dawn of the 20th Century. Roosevelt's requirement was for all military officers to be able to cover 50 miles on foot in 20 hours to maintain their commissions. When word got out about the “Kennedy Challenge,” non-commissioned military personnel also wanted to take the test themselves, as did certain robust members of the civilian population.Of the many awards presented at the JFK 50 Mile each year, the most prestigious is the Kennedy Cup, awarded to the top-finishing military team. Each military team can have a maximum of 10 participants, and the finishing times from the top five finishers are combined for the team time.Mike Spinnler is a national treasure and has been at the forefront of distance running for most of his life. To read more about him, visit the following websites and articles: has done many other interviews over the years. To include this interview on the official JFK 50 website: Hawks (5:18:40) for men and Sarah Biehl (6:05:42) for women hold the current course records.To register for the race, go here: Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! If you enjoyed this, join the underground by sharing it with someone else. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Jul 1, 2024 • 56min

Money is a Weapon | Brig. Gen. Dudley—the Counter Threat Finance expert in the U.S. Army

Trailblazer does not begin to define Brigadier General Sara Dudley, who is truly undefinable. Finance officer by trade, Brig. Gen. Dudley is the Counter Threat Finance expert currently serving within the United States Army. From deployments in the Middle East to serving within the Special Operations Command, Brig. Gen. Dudley is a true testament to dedication to service, a true voice within the Department of Defense, and an absolute innovator. About our guest:Brigadier General Sara Dudley was commissioned in 1998 as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Finance Corps. Prior to her current assignment in U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS), she served in the Army Budget Office as the Director, Operations and Support within the Army Secretariat. Before heading to that position in the Pentagon, she held the position of Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). Also within USASOC, she held the position as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Non-commissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Brig. Gen. Dudley's official bio: more about the Money As A Weapon System (MAAWS) Concept: more about Army Financial Management and Comptrollers: Korea may have sub-contracted with multiple animation studios: Knowledge Online Courses for Counter Threat Finance (for those with Common Access Card): has written about the application of Counter Threat Finance in her article about engaging in conflict beyond Direct Action approaches: has also been featured in other discussions on other podcasts discussing digital assets and national security: has also been interviewed throughout her career. Here is an article from when she was still a Lt. Col., making an impact wherever she was assigned: Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Jun 10, 2024 • 58min

The State of SWCS | A conversation with BG Beaurpere, CSM Strong, and CW5 Ostrander

It's not every day you get to interview your boss's boss's boss. We review the main mission of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, how the organization has continued to evolve and uphold standards through the past two years, and what is on the horizon. About the guests:Brigadier General Guillaume “Will” Beaurpere has served for the last two years as the Commanding General of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, the Special Operations Center of Excellence. He previously served as the Deputy Commanding General for Operations at Army Space and Missile Defense Command; and before that as Commanding General for Special Operations Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve. Command Sergeant Major Lionel A. Strong is a native of Fort Myers, Florida and enlisted in the United States Army July 9, 1998 as a 63B Light-Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. Upon completion of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, Command Sgt. Maj. Strong was assigned to Schofield Barracks Hawaii from December 1998 thru March 2001. Command Sgt. Maj. Strong attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection in September 2000 and the Special Forces Qualification Course from June 2001 through December 2002.Chief Warrant Officer 5 Gary Ostrander was the Command Chief Warrant Officer for 2nd Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne) at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School from 2021 to 2023. He most recently served as chief operations warrant at the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) from 2020 to 2021.For more about the command team, visit: About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School.Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:The CG mentioned "continuous transformation"; you can read more about the Army's efforts here: 3-0: Operations: tenants of Army modernization: re-establishment of the PSYWAR School and PSYOP Commandant: establishment of the Irregular Warfare Academy: Advantage: you want to learn more about the Robotics Unmanned Systems Integrator Course (RUSIC), check out our episode covering the course: Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC), previously known as Special Warfare Medical Group (SWMG): SWCS Language Center is the 2nd largest in the DoD: the Total Army School System's 6th Brigade to Fort Liberty and co-locating them with SWCS:'s Heritage Week is an annual event: partnered with National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs (CISA), and the Irregular Warfare Center to host the Spring Symposium Irregular Warfare (IW) Forum in May: SWCS Newcomer's Guide mentioned information about CAC-SOD: Defense University, a fully funded Master's program for officers (which is Intermediate Level Education qualifying) and NCOs: Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
May 27, 2024 • 53min

All the Places You'll Go | The U.S. Embassy Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO)

Did you know Army Special Operations often deploy to U.S. Embassies across the globe? Did you know that some Special Operations personnel even move to those Embassies for years at a time to assist partner nations and coordinate Special Operations elements? Join us in a conversation with a U.S. Embassy-based Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) as he discusses the SOLO program, and unique ways that Special Operations works with our partners. We discuss the importance of language training and immersion, cultural experiences, and networking so that individuals can make career decisions that empower both the organization and the individual. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:An article from SOCOM on the Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) program: paper on the utility and recommended way forward for the SOLO program by then Col. Paul J. Schmitt while attending the U.S. Army War College: The U.S. National Guard State Partnership Program:  U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (SATMO): Special Operations Support Team (SOST): Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
May 13, 2024 • 1h 6min

Till all are One | The Space / SOF / Cyber Triad

Join us in today's episode covering the SOF / Cyber / Space Triad where we discuss how Space and Cyber integrate with Special Operations, but also how it is taught in the pipelines and courses here at the JFK Special Warfare Center & School. We cover some of the history and significance of Space and Cyber integrating in conflict, competition, and with Special Operations Forces. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Persuasive Design of Influential Technology is a term used by several academics and organizations. You can check out this Wikipedia article: on Overhead Persuasive Infrared: of the French SPOT in Desert Storm: is Scintillation: article theorizing that Scintillation may have been involved in a communications anomaly in a battle in Afghanistan: Definitions of Army Space and Army Cyber from the FMs:From FM 3-14 ARMY SPACE OPERATIONSNearly every Army operation relies on the advantages provided by space capabilities and effects to enhance the effectiveness of combat forces. Space capabilities permit enhanced situational understanding; provides global communications; enables precise and accurate fires; supports the conduct of joint expeditionary entry, movement, and maneuver operations; and provides a conduit for cyber electromagnetic operations supporting Unified Land Operations. These capabilities directly support large slarge-scalecale combat operations by enhancing command and control, providing secure communications over extended distances and across areas without modern infrastructure.Potential adversaries have identified U.S. reliance on space-based capabilities as a critical vulnerability and will attempt to exploit it in order to deter and degrade our ability to act. Army space operations seek ways to maintain assured access to space capabilities, and when necessary, to achieve its objectives in spite of the adversary’s counterspace efforts.Army space operations are conducted around the globe, but engaged regionally. Army space operations often are an integral part of a joint team used to plan, fight, and adapt operations across the range of military operations. Army space operations continue to evolve to meet the requirements of a complex and rapidly changing OE.Army space doctrine refines and expands upon joint space doctrine by defining those space tactics and procedures relevant to unified land operations and applicable to large-scale combat operations. Army space operations applies to the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war, but the results are often challenging to quantify which level or levels benefit as modern conflict may not be easily divided into discrete levels. In an internet-connected world which often exploits social media, theater-level tactical actions may have far-reaching operational and strategic-level impacts. The space capabilities form the framework for how space operations supports the Army warfighting functions. From FM 3-12 CYBERSPACE OPERATIONS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE:Cyberspace operations are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace (JP 3-0). Electromagnetic warfare is a military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-85).Cyberspace is one of the five domains of warfare and uses a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) for operations, for example, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and satellite transport. Therefore, cyberspace operations and EW require frequency assignment, management, and coordination performed by spectrum management operations. Spectrum management operations consist of four key functions—spectrum management, frequency assignment, host-nation coordination, and policy adherence. Spectrum management operations include preventing and mitigating frequency conflicts and electromagnetic interference (EMI) between friendly forces and host nations during Army operations (refer to ATP 6-02.70). Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Apr 29, 2024 • 1h 4min

Soldiers Become Governors | Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection

How do Soldiers transition to become governors? Experts on the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection (CAAS), join us in a conversation about how to best prepare for the mental and physical journey. Would you like to know more?Go here to see if Civil Affairs is what you've been searching for ( More videos: PT plan for Civil Affairs Assessment & Selection ( About the hosts:MAJ Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. ARSOF CORE ATTRIBUTESIntegrity. Being trustworthy and honest, acting honorably, and adhering to ethical standards.Courage. Acting on own convictions despite consequences; is willing to sacrifice for a more significant cause; not paralyzed by fear of failure.Perseverance. Working toward an end; has commitment; physical or mental resolve; motivated; gives effort to the cause; does not quit.Personal Responsibility. Being self-motivated and an autonomous self-starter, he anticipates tasks and acts accordingly, taking accountability for his actions.Professionalism. Behaving as a standard-bearer for the regiment, he has a professional image including a level of maturity and judgment mixed with confidence and humility; he forms sound opinions and makes their own decisions, stands behind his sensible choices based on his experiences.Adaptability. Possessing the ability to maintain composure while responding to or adjusting one's thinking and actions to fit a changing environment; the ability to think and solve problems in unconventional ways; the ability to recognize, understand, and navigate within multiple social networks; the ability to proactively shape the environment or circumstances in anticipation of desired outcomes.Team Player. Possesses the ability to work on a team for a greater purpose than himself; dependable and loyal; works selflessly with a sense of duty; respects others and recognizes diversity.Capability. Maintaining physical fitness, including strength and agility; has operational knowledge; can plan and communicate effectively. Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF CA Site:GO CA The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.

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