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Pineland Underground

Latest episodes

May 27, 2024 • 53min

All the Places You'll Go | The U.S. Embassy Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO)

Did you know Army Special Operations often deploy to U.S. Embassies across the globe? Did you know that some Special Operations personnel even move to those Embassies for years at a time to assist partner nations and coordinate Special Operations elements? Join us in a conversation with a U.S. Embassy-based Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) as he discusses the SOLO program, and unique ways that Special Operations works with our partners. We discuss the importance of language training and immersion, cultural experiences, and networking so that individuals can make career decisions that empower both the organization and the individual. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves within the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:An article from SOCOM on the Special Operations Liaison Officer (SOLO) program: paper on the utility and recommended way forward for the SOLO program by then Col. Paul J. Schmitt while attending the U.S. Army War College: The U.S. National Guard State Partnership Program:  U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization (SATMO): Special Operations Support Team (SOST): Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
May 13, 2024 • 1h 6min

Till all are One | The Space / SOF / Cyber Triad

Join us in today's episode covering the SOF / Cyber / Space Triad where we discuss how Space and Cyber integrate with Special Operations, but also how it is taught in the pipelines and courses here at the JFK Special Warfare Center & School. We cover some of the history and significance of Space and Cyber integrating in conflict, competition, and with Special Operations Forces. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the re-established PSYWAR School at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School. From the episode:Persuasive Design of Influential Technology is a term used by several academics and organizations. You can check out this Wikipedia article: on Overhead Persuasive Infrared: of the French SPOT in Desert Storm: is Scintillation: article theorizing that Scintillation may have been involved in a communications anomaly in a battle in Afghanistan: Definitions of Army Space and Army Cyber from the FMs:From FM 3-14 ARMY SPACE OPERATIONSNearly every Army operation relies on the advantages provided by space capabilities and effects to enhance the effectiveness of combat forces. Space capabilities permit enhanced situational understanding; provides global communications; enables precise and accurate fires; supports the conduct of joint expeditionary entry, movement, and maneuver operations; and provides a conduit for cyber electromagnetic operations supporting Unified Land Operations. These capabilities directly support large slarge-scalecale combat operations by enhancing command and control, providing secure communications over extended distances and across areas without modern infrastructure.Potential adversaries have identified U.S. reliance on space-based capabilities as a critical vulnerability and will attempt to exploit it in order to deter and degrade our ability to act. Army space operations seek ways to maintain assured access to space capabilities, and when necessary, to achieve its objectives in spite of the adversary’s counterspace efforts.Army space operations are conducted around the globe, but engaged regionally. Army space operations often are an integral part of a joint team used to plan, fight, and adapt operations across the range of military operations. Army space operations continue to evolve to meet the requirements of a complex and rapidly changing OE.Army space doctrine refines and expands upon joint space doctrine by defining those space tactics and procedures relevant to unified land operations and applicable to large-scale combat operations. Army space operations applies to the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war, but the results are often challenging to quantify which level or levels benefit as modern conflict may not be easily divided into discrete levels. In an internet-connected world which often exploits social media, theater-level tactical actions may have far-reaching operational and strategic-level impacts. The space capabilities form the framework for how space operations supports the Army warfighting functions. From FM 3-12 CYBERSPACE OPERATIONS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE:Cyberspace operations are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace (JP 3-0). Electromagnetic warfare is a military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-85).Cyberspace is one of the five domains of warfare and uses a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) for operations, for example, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and satellite transport. Therefore, cyberspace operations and EW require frequency assignment, management, and coordination performed by spectrum management operations. Spectrum management operations consist of four key functions—spectrum management, frequency assignment, host-nation coordination, and policy adherence. Spectrum management operations include preventing and mitigating frequency conflicts and electromagnetic interference (EMI) between friendly forces and host nations during Army operations (refer to ATP 6-02.70). Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF Site: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Apr 29, 2024 • 1h 4min

Soldiers Become Governors | Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection

How do Soldiers transition to become governors? Experts on the U.S. Army Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection (CAAS), join us in a conversation about how to best prepare for the mental and physical journey. Would you like to know more?Go here to see if Civil Affairs is what you've been searching for ( More videos: PT plan for Civil Affairs Assessment & Selection ( About the hosts:MAJ Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. ARSOF CORE ATTRIBUTESIntegrity. Being trustworthy and honest, acting honorably, and adhering to ethical standards.Courage. Acting on own convictions despite consequences; is willing to sacrifice for a more significant cause; not paralyzed by fear of failure.Perseverance. Working toward an end; has commitment; physical or mental resolve; motivated; gives effort to the cause; does not quit.Personal Responsibility. Being self-motivated and an autonomous self-starter, he anticipates tasks and acts accordingly, taking accountability for his actions.Professionalism. Behaving as a standard-bearer for the regiment, he has a professional image including a level of maturity and judgment mixed with confidence and humility; he forms sound opinions and makes their own decisions, stands behind his sensible choices based on his experiences.Adaptability. Possessing the ability to maintain composure while responding to or adjusting one's thinking and actions to fit a changing environment; the ability to think and solve problems in unconventional ways; the ability to recognize, understand, and navigate within multiple social networks; the ability to proactively shape the environment or circumstances in anticipation of desired outcomes.Team Player. Possesses the ability to work on a team for a greater purpose than himself; dependable and loyal; works selflessly with a sense of duty; respects others and recognizes diversity.Capability. Maintaining physical fitness, including strength and agility; has operational knowledge; can plan and communicate effectively. Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF CA Site:GO CA The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.
Apr 15, 2024 • 1h 2min

Secrets Behind the Special Warfare Museum | Roxanne Merritt and Living History

Roxanne Merritt is truly an institution within Army Special Operations. Her tenure as the Supervisory Curator at the JFK Special Warfare Museum predates the establishment of SOCOM, and even predates Special Forces becoming a branch in the Army. Join us as we interview her for her podcast debut! The JFK Special Warfare Museum was established in 1963 and has and continues to spotlight the history of Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations, and Special Forces, as well as Army Special Operations throughout the decades. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and throughout the Middle East. He serves in the newly re-established PSYWAR School within the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School.=-=-=-=Click here to visit the official website for the JFK Special Warfare Museum ( Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! Doing so helps our grassroots effort to grow.
Apr 1, 2024 • 1h 4min

Writing About Writing | The Harding Project and the Effort to Revitalize the Army's Professional Journals

The Harding Project is an effort led by Zachary Griffiths and Leyton Summerlin as they strive to revitalize the professional military journals across the Army. This episode discusses "writing about writing," but also the efforts of The Harding Project and how Zach and Leyton are striving to both modernize and catalog the Army's professional military journals. Bonus guest Ms. Elvia Kelley also joins us to discuss the Special Warfare Magazine and the role of Public Affairs Officers. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and throughout the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. If you want to submit an article to Special Warfare Magazine, go here: you are interested in pursuing professional writing make sure you contact your unit's Public Affairs Office, as well as your Intel Officer and section if you want to write about operational content.Sign up for The Harding Project's Substack: Ash mentioned the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review, which will review your articles for operational content that the DoD would not want to release and will review your articles for release. Contact them for more details: tip of using military photos for free (it's a .net and not a .com; Ash has been punished for his mistake), visit the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website: more information on the U.S. Army Special Warfare Center & School's upcoming Heritage Week, please visit the SWCS website: can also read a bit more about The Harding Project here:
Mar 18, 2024 • 1h 9min

Eat, Sleep, Perform | Human Performance in Special Operations

Join us in today's episode as we have Jim Arp and Steve Mannino from the Human Performance organization within the United States Army Special Operations Center and School to discuss human performance in Army Special Operations. From physical therapists to registered dieticians. Interpersonal performance coaches, strength coaches, and athletic trainers. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves in the Civil Affairs Proponent at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Article mentioned: Optimizing the Human Weapon System.Link: To learn more about the Preservation of the Force and Families (POTFF), check out this article.Link: Want to read more about the Human Platform Force Generation (FORGE) facility mentioned in the episode? The U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center & School has almost completed the most recent addition to our facilities.Link: POTFF official website.Link: Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: sure to check us out and follow us at:*** like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements spread.__________If you want to learn more about opportunities in Special Operations, contact a SORB recruiter today!Link to SORB recruiters:
Mar 4, 2024 • 57min

The Bone Marrow Mafia | How a single Soldier is changing the entire Army

Spc. Christian Sutton was at a punk rock concert when a random series of events propelled him to decide to change the entire Army. Chris is proof that a single Service Member can truly change the world. Join us and some of the members of his team (John, Brent, and Alex) as we discuss their grassroots efforts to save lives across the country.About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Indo-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. If you are currently serving, please consider signing up to get on the list for bone marrow donations: Follow Chris and his efforts on their Instagram page: If you want to read more inspiring coverage of what Chris and his teammates have achieved go here: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.  Please visit our website at: Be sure to check us out and follow us at:*** like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements spread.
Feb 19, 2024 • 58min

Selling SOF | Special Operations Recruiting Battalion (SORB)

This episode covers U.S. Army Special Operations recruiting. Join Lt. Col. Steven Crowe and Maj. Jim Maicke for an excellent conversation covering in-service recruiting for Special Forces, Civil Affairs, the Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Explosive Ordinance Disposal, and even Warrant Officers across the entire Army. About the hosts:Maj. Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is a Psychological Operations Officer with operational experience in South / Central America, the Into-Pacific, and the Middle East. He serves in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. If you want to learn more about opportunities in Special Operations, contact a SORB recruiter today!Link to SORB recruiters: If you're already in SOF and want to contact SORB, their number is: 877-874-5544 (they'll be able to redirect you from there)The SORB recruiting email is (they'll be able to redirect you): Want to learn more about the branches discussed? Go here!Link: The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers.  Please visit our website at: Be sure to check us out and follow us at:*** like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements spread.
Feb 5, 2024 • 42min

The Cutting Edge | The Robotics Unmanned Systems Integrator Course

Maj. Ashley 'Ash' Holzmann and Sgt. Maj. Derek Riley discuss the Robotics Unmanned Systems Integrator Course, covering topics like advanced skills training, evolution of unmanned systems, misconceptions about the course, integrating various skill sets, and driving innovation in robotics and unmanned systems.
Jan 10, 2024 • 44min

One of Us | A Deep Dive into PSYOP Assessment & Selection

"O.C.," an expert on the U.S. Army Psychological Operations Assessment and Selection (POAS), joins us in a conversation about how to best prepare for the mental and physical journey. O.C. answers the multitude of questions from Derek and Ash, including: What is POAS? Is it physically demanding? How is it different from Special Forces Assessment and Selection? What are we looking for in candidates? What are the best ways to prepare?About the hosts:MAJ Ashley "Ash" Holzmann is an experienced Psychological Operations Officer serving in the 1st Special Warfare Training Group at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. SGM Derek Riley is one of the most experienced Civil Affairs Noncommissioned Officers in the Army Special Operations Regiment. He has incredible deployment experience and serves the Proponency at the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School. Would you like to know more?View the Ghosts in the Machine PSYOP Recruiting Video Check out this official Go ARMY SOF video about some of the experiences of becoming PSYOP (featuring co-host, Ash). ARSOF CORE ATTRIBUTESIntegrity. Being trustworthy and honest, acting honorably, and adhering to ethical standards.Courage. Acting on own convictions despite consequences; is willing to sacrifice for a more significant cause; not paralyzed by fear of failure.Perseverance. Working toward an end; has commitment; physical or mental resolve; motivated; gives effort to the cause; does not quit.Personal Responsibility. Being self-motivated and an autonomous self-starter, he anticipates tasks and acts accordingly, taking accountability for his actions.Professionalism. Behaving as a standard-bearer for the regiment, he has a professional image including a level of maturity and judgment mixed with confidence and humility; he forms sound opinions and makes their own decisions, stands behind his sensible choices based on his experiences.Adaptability. Possessing the ability to maintain composure while responding to or adjusting one's thinking and actions to fit a changing environment; the ability to think and solve problems in unconventional ways; the ability to recognize, understand, and navigate within multiple social networks; the ability to proactively shape the environment or circumstances in anticipation of desired outcomes.Team Player. Possesses the ability to work on a team for a greater purpose than himself; dependable and loyal; works selflessly with a sense of duty; respects others and recognizes diversity.Capability. Maintaining physical fitness, including strength and agility; has operational knowledge; can plan and communicate effectively. Army Special Operations Recruiting:SOF Recruiting Page ( GoArmySOF PSYOP Site:GO PSYOP The Official Podcast of the United States Army Special Warfare Center and School!USAJFKSWCS selects and trains all Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations soldiers. Please visit our website at: https://www.swcs.milBe sure to check us out and follow us at: like, subscribe, and leave a review! And if you enjoyed this, become a member of the underground by sharing with at least one other person. Word-of-mouth is how movements like this spread.

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