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Mar 22, 2023 • 42min

Queer Health Week, Tops & Bottoms, and Butt Clocks with Dr. Carlton (Interview)

How can you find the right doctor? What should you ask during your appointment? How can you pleasurably and safely explore anal play? What is unique about sexual health within the gay and queer community? And what is a butt clock?Erectile dysfunction, STIs, vaccinations, and safe anal play are important conversations for men – particularly queer men – to have with their doctor’s and partners. However sometimes the most important conversations are also the most difficult ones. In this episode, Effy and Jacqueline celebrate Pride and Men’s Health Month by speaking with the “butt stuff” doctor, Mayo Clinic trained gastroenterologist, Doctor Carlton.With 3 million likes and over 200,000 followers on TikTok, Doctor Carlton shares his expertise on men’s sexual health and pleasure, tips for tops and bottoms, and sex advice for every body and orientation.To learn more about Dr. CarltonDoctor Carlton is a Mayo Clinic trained gastroenterologist in San Diego, California who you have probably seen on Tik Tok or Instagram talking about Butt Stuff tips and LGBTQ health. He has been featured on Mashable and in Instinct Magazine and even recently headlined Austin Kink Weekend in Texas. Who better to learn butt stuff from than a doctor who knows all the science and a gay man who has had PLENTY of real life experience with it! Welcome Doctor Carlton!TikTok: @doctorcarltonInstagram: @doctorcarltonSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Mar 15, 2023 • 60min

Psychedelics, Healing Trauma and Sexuality with Dee Dee Goldpaugh (Interview)

Can psychedelics be more than a party drug? How are they used in therapy and why are they so effective? What does it take to get into a psychedelic treatment program? Effy and Jacqueline are joined by Community Support and Integration Director of the Hudson Valley Psychedelic Society, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor Dee Dee Goldpaugh to discuss her work with psychedelics and their effective use in treating and healing trauma psycho-chemically as well as spiritually. More about Dee Dee Dee Dee (they/them/theirs) is a psychotherapist, educator, clinical supervisor, author, and activist. They have taught and published widely on the topics of psychedelics, sexuality, trauma, gender, and spirituality. They have been a leading voice in the development of Psychedelic Integration Psychotherapy techniques, specifically with survivors of trauma and have published the first article to appear in an academic journal, Sex and Relationship Therapy, exploring the intersection of sexuality, spirituality, and psychedelic healing. Dee Dee is a Clinical Supervisor for the CYB003 clinical trial sponsored by  Cybin using a psilocybin analogue to treat major depression. They offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy as part of the team at the Woodstock Therapy Center and are part of the Relationship Resources team leading ketamine-assisted therapy retreats for couples. They have also completed the MAPS training in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.Instagram @deedeegoldpaughWebsite: deedeegoldpaugh.comSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Mar 8, 2023 • 38min

Kink, Shame, and Sexual Healing with Rena Martine (Interview)

Join Effy and Jacqueline as they interview Rena Martine, an expert in exploring kink and BDSM in a healthy way. They discuss how to start a conversation about sexual exploration, the therapeutic aspects of kink, and provide resources for getting started. Rena shares her expertise on overcoming shame, expanding sexual expression, and healing trauma through kink. They also delve into the concepts of power dynamics, advance consent, and the moralization of sex.
Mar 1, 2023 • 41min

Fox Tales: Two Relationships, Two Homes, One Big Change with Jacqueline Misla

How do you break out from societal norms? What does it take to design a relationship that we can thrive in? What happens when you open your mind to all the possibilities? In this week’s episode, we bring you another installment of Fox Tales: stories of people who are living, loving and connecting in unique ways. Jacqueline balances a life with her daughter, her wife, and her partner living between two homes. Jacqueline tells the story of how she went from a hetero-mono-normative marriage, to this very unique parallel poly vee relationship. More about JacquelineJacqueline Misla is a queer, Latine, mother, polyamorous partner, writer, podcaster, and change strategist. She works with companies and individuals to create pathways towards audacious and impactful change. Jacqueline holds a Master's Degree in Social Work, and is certified in Complex Change Theory and Strategic Visioning.Support the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Feb 22, 2023 • 45min

Cycles, Connection to the Body and the Earth with Kathy Walkling (Interview)

Are periods simply a burden for women to bear? Can menstruation education cause systemic change for the better in women's welfare? What are the implications of women revitalizing menstrual practices on society and the earth? In this special episode, Effy talks to the co-founder of EcoFemme Kathy Walkling about how rethinking menstruation and menstruation education can cause radical social change in women’s welfare. Kathy explains EcoFemme’s approach to menstruation that is healthy, environmentally sustainable, culturally responsive and empowering and Effy has a profound shift in her relationship with her body and the earth as the conversation unfolds. To find out more about KathyKathy Walkling is the co-founder of Eco Femme, a women-led social enterprise working to create environmental and social change by promoting menstrual practices that are healthy, dignified, affordable and eco-positive. Kathy heads Eco Femme’s research and not-for-profit menstrual health education and pad distribution programmes, Pad for Pad and Pads for Sisters. Originally from Australia, Kathy moved to the international community of Auroville in Tamil Nadu, India in 1997. Grounded in Auroville’s commitment to human unity and sustainable living, her passion for care of the earth and the sacred feminine were well-nourished, giving rise to Eco Femme in 2010.Prior to this, Kathy worked with the Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG), a local grassroots NGO, where she established community-led teaching programmes for children and livelihood programmes for women, in the villages neighboring Auroville. More recently, Kathy has been a core founding member of the Auroville Citizens’ Assembly which successfully launched with a pilot project in early 2021. Kathy is an active member of the Menstrual Health Alliance, India, and completed Dasra‘s Social Impact Leadership Programme in 2014Throughout her journey, Kathy has been a staunch advocate for empowerment built upon non-judgemental, culturally responsive and accurate education to individuals and prompting critical thinking—in a nutshell, “informed choice”. This approach is about more than menstrual products; it is about supporting individual’s personal transformation and reconnecting with themselves, one another and the environment. Naturally, Kathy cherishes spending time in wild spaces simply“being” and turning within to reflect, question and embrace never-ending learning!Instagram: @ecofemmeYoutube: @ecofemmeindiaFacebook: ecofemmeindiaonline Eco femme shop: www.ecofemme.orgSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Feb 15, 2023 • 57min

Couple Privilege, Hierarchical Relationships and Valentine's Day

What is couple privilege? How does it differ from hierarchy in relationships? How does it affect relationships? How can we design our relationships with privilege and hierarchy in mind? In this revised episode, Effy and Jacqueline reflect on couple privilege and hierarchy in relationships on Valentine’s Day when these dynamics can really be accentuated and exasperated. They share suggestions on how to elevate our relationships beyond these limitations and nurture ethical connections across all our relationships. Support the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Feb 8, 2023 • 44min

Sexual Morality, Disgust, and Bonobos with Dr. Kelly Asao (Interview)

What is sexual morality? How do we decide what is right and wrong when it comes to sex? Is it universal or does it change across cultures? How does moralizing sexuality affect our individual sexual expression and our views on sex as a society?In this week’s episode, Effy and Jacqueline explore sexual morality with insights from Dr. Kelly Asao who is a professor of psychology at Westminster College in Salt Lake City. Dr. Asao teaches classes on human sexuality and conducts research on the intersection of meaning and morality. Dr. Asao shares the seven components to sexual morality according to a major study and reveals the biological driver behind what we deem as right or wrong. To learn more about Dr. Kelly AsaoMy goal is to inspire academic curiosity and deep learning in my students. I enjoy teaching smaller classes that allow for individualized attention, advanced subject matter, and real-world application (e.g. research projects, demonstrations, excursions). My classes utilize a flexible combination of discussions, activities, videos, and lectures to encourage deep engagement with the material and to meet students where they are. In addition to teaching excellence, I have a proven track record of mentoring and supervising undergraduate and post-graduate students in research.Broadly, I am interested in understanding human psychology from an evolutionary perspective. My core research program explores morality and mating using an interactionist approach, investigating how biological and environmental factors combine to drive behavior.Find Kelly on Research GateLinkedin: kelly-asaoSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Feb 1, 2023 • 43min

Borderline Personality Disorder with Dr. Jerold Kreisman (Interview)

What is borderline personality disorder and what causes it? How does it affect familial and romantic relationships? What does treatment look like? What can people with loved ones who have BPD do?On this week’s episode Effy and Jacqueline take on one of the most elusive mental health struggles that predominantly show up in the relational context with the help of psychiatrist and the author of I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality and Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder Dr. Jerold Kreisman. They discuss the characteristics of this disorder, how it impacts relationships and strategies for those who have loved ones with BPD. To learn more about JeraldDr. Kreisman graduated from Cornell University Medical College and concluded residency in psychiatry at The National Institute of Mental Health in Washington, D.C., and at St. Louis University.He is board certified in Psychiatry and is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at St. Louis University. He is past president of the Missouri Psychiatric Association and has been designated a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Kreisman has lectured widely in both this country and abroad, and has appeared on many media programs, including The Oprah Winfrey and Sally Jesse Raphael Shows.He has been listed in “Top Doctors,” “Best Doctors in America,” and “Patients’ Choice Doctors.”He is the author of:I Hate You, Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline PersonalitySometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality DisorderTalking to a Loved One with Borderline Personality DisorderSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Jan 25, 2023 • 51min

Pain and Pleasure with Leigh Cowart (Interview)

What is masochism and why do people engage in it? What is the difference between consenting to pain as a means to an end/ byproduct of an activity (e.g., ballerinas and competitive eaters) vs. pain on purpose? What are the benefits and the costs to pain as pleasure? What does masochism have to say about the human experience?In this week’s episode, Effy and Jacqueline take a deep dive into pain for pleasure with science reporter, noted masochist and the author of Hurts So Good, Leigh Cowart. Leigh broadens our understanding of masochism by drawing parallels between the experience of people who pursue pain for sexual pleasure and those who endure pain for sense of satisfaction, achievement or self expression, such as competitive eaters, ultramarathon runners and ballet dancers. They normalize our desire for pleasure by offering an open and honest commentary of their own experiences. More about Leigh CowartLeigh Cowart is a researcher and journalist whose work has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Magazine, Popular Science, Buzzfeed News, Wired, and other outlets. Their book, "Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose" has been featured in the New York Times, The New Yorker, NPR, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Review of Books. Before becoming a journalist, Cowart was immersed in academia, doing research on subjects like sexual dimorphism in leaf-nosed bats, and resource allocation in flowers.Instagram: voraciousbrainTwitter: voraciousbrainTheir book: Hurts So GoodSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:
Jan 18, 2023 • 56min

Gender Scripts, the Dual Control Model and Sexual Expression with Emily Nagoski (Interview)

Why is understanding our uniqueness important to having great sex? What is the dual control model in the context of sexuality and how does it affect our desire? What steps can we take to develop a healthy relationship with sex and sexuality after experiencing trauma or sex negative conditioning?In this episode, Effy and Jacqueline have a rich conversation with Dr. Emily Nagoski about how the societal scripts we are handed according to our sex-at-birth impact our sexual expression and how these scripts are endorsed through many channels throughout our lives. Emily explains how there are accelerators and brakes that calibrate our desire and talks about her upcoming book about the three characteristics of the couples who sustained strong sexual connection.Recommended books that you have to check out:Come As You AreBurnoutThe Come As You Are WorkbookThe Body Keeps the ScoreMagnificent Sex: Lessons from Extraordinary LoversTo learn more about Emily Nagoski, PH.D (she/her/they)Emily Nagoski is the award-winning author of the New York Times bestselling Come As You Are and The Come As You Are Workbook, and coauthor, with her sister, Amelia, of New York Times bestseller Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle. She earned an M.S. in counseling and a Ph.D. in health behavior, both from Indiana University, with clinical and research training at the Kinsey Institute. Now she combines sex education and stress education to teach women to live with confidence and joy inside their bodies. She lives in Massachusetts with two dogs, a cat, and a cartoonist. IG: @enagoskiTikTok: @emilynagoskiWebsite: emilynagoski.comEmily’s NewsletterCome As You Are PodcastSupport the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice memo: listening@wearecuriousfoxes.comJoin the conversation:

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