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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Sep 9, 2016 • 47min

#127: How to Organize & Analyze Your Facebook Ads

Are your Facebook ad questions piling up? Do you feel like the deeper you go with Facebook ads, the more questions you have? Well, I’m here to help! And, with me today is an audience favorite, Facebook ad expert, Rick Mulready. He joins me on my podcast frequently and has given my audience some amazing success with Facebook ads. So, listen in because we are answering questions that we have heard from MANY of you. This week we tackle big questions about organizing Ad Sets, specifics on targeting and also how to analyze your latest ad campaign (aka: what do all those numbers really mean?!). Here’s a look at what we are answering today: How many ad sets are best for each ad campaign? Should I combine smaller ad sets? Are there benefits to how many you have? (Rick’s answer to this one is VERY detailed and actionable!) When targeting people who like a certain Facebook page, should you also narrow the audience if you want to target specific types of people? Or, should you let the ad copy do that for you? (Such a good question!) What do all the numbers mean when reading how your ads are doing in the power editor? How do you know your ads are doing well? What am I looking for? (We get this Q a lot and I love how deep we go with it!) When selling high-priced programs or products, what should my strategy be and what type of sales funnel will get the best results? (We include TONS of examples with his response!) Also, Rick hosted a free webinar where he discussed all about how to create an automated system that will bring in sales and leads everyday for your online business using Facebook ads. Sign up for his free webinar replay to get all of Rick’s awesome tips and tricks for Facebook ad funnels!
Aug 25, 2016 • 52min

#126: Operation Clear Out Your Inbox

I’m here as a witness: It IS possible to tame your email inbox and seemingly never-ending list of tasks. In fact, thanks to today’s guests, April and Eric Perry, I’m at “Inbox Zero” right now. (Something I 100% thought was NOT possible!) They taught me something invaluable: The reason most of us fail at getting to Inbox Zero every day is because to get there, you can’t just focus on your emails. Huh?!  Here’s what I mean . . . It’s not just about getting to zero, it’s about changing your approach—so that you have the right tools and procedures in place to be able to get to ZERO every day. Which means—establishing a COMMAND CENTRAL for your business, AND your life. April and Eric have the freedom to do more with their lives, including spend a lot more time with their family, because of their own idea command central. You can create one too. This episode is to help get you out of the weeds and give you the FREEDOM to work on what you do best! Imagine what you could do if you had the head space to not worry about getting through your emails, but instead working on the projects that really matter for your business. Most people live with piles everywhere—digital or physical. (I use to be a Post-It junkie!) A command central will help you churn through your “to do” list so you’re able to focus your mind on what you do best. Set up your command central and get to Inbox Zero with me now!!
Aug 18, 2016 • 44min

#125: How to Create a WOW Experience When Selling Online Programs

You bring something incredibly unique to your online course—your special delivery, your ideas, your personal experiences.However, you still want to go that extra mile to WOW your students and make sure they feel like buying your course was more than just a worthy investment.Recently I heard some important (and crazy) statistics on customer satisfaction and wanted to share them with you. Once I saw these mind-blowing stats, I knew right away that I needed to share with you my special ways to attract and keep a customer for life.Here are those stats— 53% of customers switch to a competitor because they feel unappreciated 40% of customers begin purchasing from a competitor because of their AMAZING reputation 42% switch to a competitor because they are put-off by rude staff 29% switch because they are annoyed by a lack of staff knowledge (a very important one for those of you with online courses!) Today, we are turning the tables on these stats and making sure you are on the positive end of these experiences!I’m giving you five ways you can WOW your students starting the minute they enroll in your course.If you’ve ever worried that your course idea has already been done before, use these 5 Wow Factors to beat your competition every single time.I have all 5 outlined here.I love the experience of being WOW-ed! It not only makes me a bit giddy, but it makes me feel great about my decision to buy.It also makes me want to be an enthusiastic, REPEAT customer when I feel like I’m treated extra special.Listen now to get ALL the details of the online course WOW factor.The next step is to plan—plan, plan, plan.I’m giving you these five tips so you can easily plan them into your next course launch.The results and love you will receive from your students if they feel WOW-ed will be SO WORTH IT!
Aug 10, 2016 • 28min

#124: 4 Key Roles to Help You Grow Your Business

Who makes up your support team? What are their unique qualities that help you run an all-in business? Today I’m talking with Christy Wright, expert business coach and speaker, who is telling us the four specific roles you must have filled—with the right people—to ensure that your business is exceeding all of your wildest expectations. We describe in detail how to be deliberate in selecting who to let into the inner circle of your business. Then, we tell you where and how to find them. You want people who will lift you up, push you to your potential, and give you the tough love you need in order to make the right choices for your business. Tune in to hear the four specific roles that you need filled and where to find the ideal people to fill those roles. Business Boutique is an amazing two-day event in Nashville for women interested in starting, running or growing a business. Whether you’re not sure what business to start or you need help tackling challenges, you will hear from incredible speakers who will help you take your business to the next level. If you are interested in learning more click here.
Aug 3, 2016 • 25min

#123: How Much Money Should I Spend on Facebook Ads to Be Successful on My Webinar?

My friend and Facebook ad EXPERT, Rick Mulready, is back and together we are answering the number one question we both get asked all of the time— How much should I spend on Facebook ads to ensure a successful webinar? Today we have THE formula that will help you calculate your exact cost per webinar registrant that you can expect for your Facebook Ads. I also have two freebies for you. They are incredible and I’m over the moon excited to share them with you. When you sign up for our freebies, you’re going to receive a special link to a Facebook ads online calculator that you can use to determine your exact Facebook ads budget for your next webinar. You will also get a cheat sheet detailing the the exact info you need to plug into the Facebook ad spend calculator. It’s all neatly packaged up for you when you sign up for the freebies! Click here to get both now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy & Rick's Facebook Ads Spend Calculator FREE DOWNLOAD Rick and I know that Facebook ads can be confusing and often times it feels like the whole ad spend thing is a big guessing game. Well...not anymore. We can say that without a doubt Facebook ads give you the best return for your money in terms of the quality of webinar registrants. This is our best episode yet! I’m bursting at the seams for you to get this info, so jump in now!
Aug 3, 2016 • 26min

#122: Get Your Content House In Order

In this episode, I’m bringing you a little tough love. Tough love when it comes to creating original content on a weekly basis. This means every week you need to put out a podcast, blog post or video—whatever you love to do and do well—every week, no matter what. I KNOW IT’S NOT EASY. But it’s 100% worth the effort. Bottom line: Consistent content helps you build trust with your audience and earn their respect. AND - if you have content going out on a regular basis, you won’t have to work as hard when you are ready to promote. Meaning, it’s easier to make money when you are creating weekly, free content. (Listen here to find out why.) So no more excuses. Let’s hit it. Trust me, this could be the biggest game-changer for your business. And to help you decide which platform may be right for you, I’ve got a fantastic new freebie called the “Content Platform Play-by-Play” that breaks down the pros/cons and what it will take to get started with each. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Content Platform Play-by-Play FREE DOWNLOAD Remember: If it was easy, ANYONE would do it. You are with me right now because you want something more for your business. And, building a consistent content foundation is a must to grow your business. It won’t happen overnight, but if you start to make it a ritual TODAY, I promise you that great things can happen.
Jul 29, 2016 • 30min

#121: 3 Money Habits for Growing Your Online Business

Today we are flipping the script on money habits. I’m so excited to have with me Rachel Cruze, author of, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs.” She is sharing her three money habits that, quite honestly, are right on the money! If you adopt these three amazing rules, your rituals around money management will empower you to see what is possible personally and help you grow your online business. Now, I like to think I’m a smart girl. I run my own business. I’m a planner. I understand my finances. However— I was blown away at how much one tip in particular changed my entire outlook and the way I managed money. And, then seeing how that affected positive change in my business—the results were fantastic. That’s why I want to share this with you so badly. You may have heard me say it already— but I believe that when growing your own business, it often feels that what’s personal is business and what’s business is personal. This could not be more true than for this very sensitive topic, money. Money is one of the most important common denominators in the management of your business and your personal life. These habits, once you adopt them, can truly help your online business grow. So, do these questions sound like you? Do you compare your vacations, your home, your car, your clothes to others? Does social media make it worse for you? Rachel’s first money habit will tell you some surprising realities about what you’re seeing in your newsfeed and WHY we compare what we see to our own story. Then, she tells you what you should be thinking and how to flip the script to actually make it incredibly positive—personally and professionally. Rachel shares how to turn this bad habit into a good one. Go here to listen. The second habit: You must have a plan for your money. Yes, I’m talking a budget. Don’t cringe! Not knowing where you’re money is going can cause stress and anxiety. These pain points affect your personal life and your business evenly. What’s personal is business and what’s business is personal. So, let’s flip the script! Rachel’s second habit is based on the categories that everyone needs to include in their budget. It’s these SPECIFIC categories that make this habit so achievable. These categories are relevant for not only you personally, but for your business too. Does your budget give you permission to spend your money exactly how you want? Rachel’s does. I hear you—that sounds counterintuitive. I promise you it’s not. And, even better you won’t feel guilty. I LOVE IT! This MUST-DO habit will address both your work and your home budget and help your business grow! Rachel’s third habit might be the most important one here. This is the one that will give you the permission you need as a business owner to take risks. WHY? Because this is the one thing you can do so that you are never forced to fail. If you have this, you will feel confident to go the extra mile, to go for launching your first course, to take that risk. You work hard for your money. If you adopt this habit, are wildly patient, and make it a priority, it will pay off. As a business owner, there will come a day when you will be able to reap those rewards from your hard work. Or, you will have the ability to save your business or your home because you did this one thing—and you did it consistently. Listen in to get the three habits you need for growing your online business.
Jul 28, 2016 • 50min

#120: The Bonus Brainstorm: How to Create a Bonus Package for Your Next Course Offer

Are you looking to create amazing bonuses that will make your offer irresistible?Today, I’m showing you how to do just that with my new Bonus Blueprint mini-workshop.I LOVE getting bonuses when I sign up for courses. Just love it! Because bonuses are so vital and important for you to offer with your course, I’ve created this mini-workshop to give you the lowdown on developing bonuses that will get you results.Why are bonuses so important?  They enhance your offer by increasing the perceived value of your product. They allow you to teach outside of your content outline. They encourage audience members to navigate your course more efficiently. They drive sales. AND bonuses are one of my favorite pieces to plan out because there’s always something MORE I want to include for my students. It’s a fantastic way to give your students that EXTRA special piece of value.Now I’m going to tell you right off the bat, that you want 2-3 bonuses per course. I’ll workshop you through creating incredible bonuses for every audience and every course.I’m taking the guesswork out of it so you have more freedom to work on your course.Speaking of taking the guesswork out, have I got a freebie for you!It is an awesome download that gives you five steps for creating extraordinary bonuses for your product EVERY TIME. You will be able to walk yourself through the questions you need to ask to create bonuses that are fully aligned with your product and will increase the overall value of your offer.EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Must-Have Steps for Creating Extraordinary Bonuses FREE DOWNLOADAs you’re creating your next course, this mini-workshop is for you!I tackle: How to decide what to focus your bonus on. How to overdeliver for your students and bring them deeper into your course. How to best position your bonus for each course. I also give you the sure-fire strategies that have worked to drive sales for me over and over again.With this week’s episode, you will find that your next bonus offering opportunity will be smoother, and return the results that you have been hoping for.It will breathe new life into your campaign and help you to set up expectations for your audience, so they know what’s coming.You will also gain clarity on how to best handle a bonus associated with an affiliate launch and how to best align it with your products. This is something everyone who might work with affiliates in the future must hear.So get ready to workshop an enticing bonus so you can stand out from the competition and really serve your students!
Jul 21, 2016 • 35min

#119: The Who, What, When, Where and How of Testimonials

Today I’m pulling the curtain back on a piece that can mean the difference between steady sales and your shopping cart catching dust.I’m giving you the who, what, when, where and how of testimonials. These are especially helpful for those just starting out.And, I’m also excited to give you a freebie that will make these strategies come alive for your business. It’s called, “The Anatomy of a High-Converting Testimonial.” I’m going to show you how to turn a bad testimonial into a good testimonial, and a good testimonial into an outstanding one. Your testimonials will shine with the help of this awesome tool.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Anatomy of a High-Converting Testimonial FREE DOWNLOADNow, why do you need a good testimonial?Your credibility is everything when wanting your audience to trust you. Social proof is invaluable when it comes to this.Testimonials are the best way for you to address objections or hesitations that you may be seeing.Testimonials allow for your community members to speak up for you and persuade others to buy your product or sign up for your course. If you can have a quote from a community member on an opt-in or sales page, it can be the selling point for on-the-fence potential buyers.Listen in and get started now!The most important objectives when building your audience are that you want them to know you, like you and trust you.Then you have the ability to capture outstanding testimonials that let potential new audience members know how amazing you are.As I mentioned, in this episode we are getting into the who, what, when, where and how of outstanding testimonials.Here are the first few spoilers I have in store for you in this week’s episode: You don’t need to only have testimonials from customers. You don’t need to use a testimonial verbatim, as it is sent to you. You don’t need to wait until your students have completed your first course to start collecting testimonials. You don’t need to just have a dedicated testimonials page. You don’t need to wait for kudos to come to you. There are many people—outside of customers—that you might not have thought of who can provide you with testimonials. I tell you who those people might be for you and explain how to successfully solicit a testimonial from them.When someone sends you a testimonial, you don’t need to use the exact verbiage they send you. Most people aren’t writers and don’t know what components go into an exceptional testimonial. In this episode I tell you how to work with your students to create an outstanding testimonial that will make you shine and convince potential students to buy your course.Also, the components of a good testimonial are so, so important. I give you the framework for a perfect testimonial to ensure that every reference is a home run for your business.Next, you can always be looking to capture testimonials. However, beyond that you don’t need to wait for your first course to complete before you start capturing kudos about your work. I have some strategies for you to get started collecting testimonials now.There are some very strategic locations that your testimonials must live. I go into depth on where those are and what types of testimonials should live on those pages.And, you may be thinking, this is all great, but how do I bring it all together to get an outstanding testimonial?Well, I’m pulling back the curtain and telling you exactly how I’ve done this and how you can too.I’m excited for you to start tackling these components now and start building your testimonial database! (Don’t worry, I share how to create a good database too.)
Jul 14, 2016 • 41min

#118: A Behind the Scenes Look at What’s Working in Social Media with Dr. Axe

Social media changes RAPIDLY and today we are exploring what’s working NOW.My guest today is Dr. Axe, a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic, and clinical nutritionist. However, he’s not here to discuss health. He’s here because his website attracts more than six million views per month and his Facebook page has more than one million followers. This doctor knows what’s working in social media today more than some of the best social media experts out there today -and that’s saying a lot!Dr. Axe has leveraged what’s trending and his incredibly strategic take on building the backend of his business to grow his company using social media. Everything about this is a home run.Being engaged with your audience is the key to success. Knowing what’s trending in social media, knowing what your audience loves, knowing the latest information in your field are all components to growing your business online.Dr. Axe, however, is actually a minimalist when it comes to his online presence. He doesn’t overwhelm his audience or sweat being everywhere online every day. I find this so refreshing and you will too!When you’re just starting out, it’s all about quality over quantity and I’m giving you the keys to how to grow an engaged audience while focusing on quality. You will learn how Dr. Axe has attracted more than one million Facebook followers, his philosophy on using social media platforms, strategies for niche-interest list-building, how to nurture your current email list, and what to teach in a webinar versus what to sell in your webinar.During our time together, Dr. Axe answers the following questions: What’s the right length for a Facebook Live piece that will really speak to your audience and draw viewers in? Do you know the best tips for how to make partnerships work for you? Can you spot trends and know where to look to find them? Also: Do you know the ratio of how much content you should give to how much you should sell? (This is FASCINATING! There’s an important reason why, too.) There’s also this little thing called the purple cow. Do you have one? I give you all of this and more in this action-packed quick conversation with the king of online business building.I promise you this will not stretch you thin. In fact, these strategies will make you more efficient online. Thereby, freeing up more time for you to focus on your content.AMEN to that!

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