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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

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Dec 8, 2016 • 8min

#139: The 10 Most Powerful Episodes to Help Move Your Business Forward

So here we are: The Best of 2016 List.I have to admit, compiling this special list for you was the highlight of my week! Not only because I got to look back and remember all of the cool episodes we tackled together, but also because I had the chance to think about the impact the lessons hopefully had on your business too.My team and I chose this Top 10 List based on a few factors, including the download stats, the feedback and stories from our listeners and my own personal favorites. So although this list is not solely based on analytics, each episode that made the list was chosen with the intention to offer powerful insights and strategies to your marketing plan as you move into the new year.So if you missed one of these episodes, make sure to listen to it before we ring in the new year! Also make sure to download the freebie for this episode on my top business lessons for the year—I compiled these for you to make sure you can learn from my mistakes AND my wins. Get all of those a-has at last note: Of course NONE of this would be possible without you and your support. So I want to THANK YOU for a fantastic year!So (drumroll please…..) here they are: My 10 Most Powerful Podcasts for 2016#10: “Media, Meditation and a Little Motivation” with Gabby Bernstein (Episode 129)#9: “Preparing for Future Traffic Declines: What Content Creators Need to Know” with Mike Stelzner (Episode 134)#8: “How to Grow a Profitable Facebook Group” with Josh and Jill Stanton (Episode 97)#7: “How Do I Price My Online Course?” (Episode 107)#6: “Are You Repelling or Attracting Your Potential Customers?” with Jasmine Star (Episode 106)#5: “Where Do I Start?” (Episode 105)#4: “How to Create Content Rituals to Get More Done” (Episode 102)#3: “Five New Launch Lessons From My Most Successful Launch to Date” (Episode 116)#2: “How Much Money Should I Spend on Facebook Ads to Be Successful on My Webinar?” with Rick Mulready (Episode 123)#1: “When is the Right Time to Add Another Product to Your Business?” (Episode 100)I hope you’ve enjoyed the rundown of my 10 most powerful episodes for growing your business.  Are you ready to dive even deeper with me?  I’ve compiled my biggest business lessons and insights from 2016 —some of them were doozies, and others were more like subtle “a-has” that made a big impact in how I have shaped my business. These are 10 business lessons that have truly impacted me for the better—and I hope they have the same effect for you! Click here now to get them for free!EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Top 10 Business Building Lessons From 2016FREE DOWNLOAD 
Dec 1, 2016 • 46min

#138: How to Plan Your Promotional Calendar Like a Boss

If I ever did a list of Amy’s Favorite Things (in honor of the one and only Oprah), today’s topic would be number one.We are talking about PLANNING. Specifically, planning for the new year.The best part is that thanks to my guest today, you can be a pro at calendaring no matter who you are. Anne Samoilov is a launch expert and when I say she knows how to plan...I mean it!Get ready to hear her amazing, no-fail-formula for planning an entire new year of promotions, partnerships, and personal business goals.I’m giving you a solid plan for completing your 2017 promotional calendar from start to finish, and here’s what’s great: it won’t take much time at all.Even better, you don’t need to take any notes, because I have everything detailed in this incredible freebie! It is a quick guide to everything I share with you in this episode, including a list of questions you must ask yourself before you add anything to your calendar for the year ahead.Start planning your 2017 promotional calendar like a boss here!In order to plan you will need to reflect on the prior year and drill down on what worked and didn’t work for you. Then, adjust for the year ahead. Anne and I give you the questions you will want to ask yourself before you calendar anything.This mini-training session will give you a solid approach that you can use for years to come!And, another great thing about today’s episode is the way Anne approaches time off. While it isn’t exactly what you think it might be, you absolutely must include it on your calendar.There are five categories total that you will want to “calendar” first and foremost — time off being the first one.So stop whatever it is you are working on for your year ahead and listen to these steps first.Let’s map out your year.If your calendar for next year is swirling in your head or only partially laid out in a Google doc, this episode is for you. This approach makes planning your 2017 promotional calendar easy — even when you aren’t sure of all of your specifics yet.Accept this episode and freebie as my gift to you this holiday season ;-)EPISODE FREEBIEGet Your Promotional Calendar Quick GuideFREE DOWNLOAD 
Nov 17, 2016 • 35min

#136: How to Use 'Content Gold' to Fuel Your Next Launch

When it comes to your next course promotion, breaking down your content is as simple as 1-2-3: What’s the best content to start a conversation with your audience? What content will help you drive customers to your core marketing message? Which pieces should you use to expand and deepen your audience’s knowledge of your subject? Today I’m breaking down the 3 stages of launching content. These 3 stages will be your Bible, regardless of your business or your future programs. You can apply these stages to your specific online program or course and use them for all of your future launches as well. (I passionately use this method for all of my launches!)This is the content that will not only keep your potential clients engaged, but will attract the right people before, during and after your launch.And, not only am I walking you through the stages, but I’m SHOWING you precisely how you can apply them in my freebie: 3-stage content marketing launch plan here.I’ve created a sample 3-stage content marketing launch plan using one of my students as an example. You will easily be able to use this freebie as a model for your own online program— over and over again. Get ready to see a specific example for every stage here. Download now!You’ll learn precisely what content to market before your cart opens (and you’ll definitely want to start this 30 days before!), what to do while your cart is open, and what to communicate to your audience once your cart is closed.EPISODE FREEBIE Get The 3 Stages for Planning Your Content Marketing Plan for Your LaunchFREE DOWNLOAD 
Nov 10, 2016 • 37min

#135: 5 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Facebook’s super stealth ad targeting can zero-in on entrepreneurs over 30, who shop online at West Elm, don’t have children, love sushi, visited your website in the last 60 days and vacationed in Napa’s wine country last year — BUT it can’t seem to help you fix your Facebook ad missteps . . . That’s where I can step in and help with an extra special episode in which I’m sharing 5 common Facebook ad mistakes, and how you can fix them. My go-to-Facebook-ads expert Rick Mulready is here with suggestions, insight and feedback to help you bounce back from — and steer clear of — Facebook ad missteps. Side step these 5 common mistakes most of us make with Facebook ads. Click here! For example, how often and when specifically should you test your Facebook ads? Or, what is the best way to edit an ad — without messing up your metrics? Rick and I are breaking that all down for you. What’s more important: selling or getting conversions? And, how important are video views? The answers might surprise you. We systematically review each of the 5 Facebook ad missteps and provide ways to self correct. You know your target audience better than anybody, you know their pain points and challenges. You are more prepared than you might think to experiment with a few of these fixes and get better results from your Facebook ads. Now is your chance to learn what to look out for and avoid these missteps in the future. Click here to get the 5 common Facebook ad mistakes!
Nov 3, 2016 • 50min

#134: Preparing for Future Traffic Declines: What Content Creators Need to Know

How are you responding to the shifts happening NOW in social media marketing? I have you covered because today I’m talking about the latest trends in social media marketing with the man who knows best: my mentor, friend, and founder of Social Media Examiner, Michael Stelzner. Click here to learn what updates to make to your social media marketing plan today. You may be noticing that organic social reach is declining. It’s scary, but don’t be afraid because while it sounds all doom and gloom, it’s not. There’s actually a lot of quality opportunities out there and the best ones are explained in this episode. Are you noticing that even the Facebook social media marketing rules are shifting? Michael tells you what you should no longer be doing on Facebook — and he also touches on you where your focus should be on Facebook. Learn what you can do to pivot your approach. The strategies that Michael gives you are ones that I am using too. You will hear MUST-DO tips for email marketing (including how to ensure your emails are delivered and opened), conversion rate optimization, how you can best use podcasts to drive traffic, as well as tracking and analytics. Listen in now. AND, Michael has an early-sign-up announcement about Social Media Marketing World 2017. I’m going to be speaking and I hope to see you there! Get registered now at the link at the bottom. Details here.
Oct 24, 2016 • 43min

#133: How to Get Unstuck in Your Course Creation Process

Are you having a love/hate relationship with your course creation?Creating your first online course can be a challenge. How do you decide which content to keep and which to leave out.I have been there. It’s awful, you have such passion for your topic, but for a plethora of reasons it’s not coming through when you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).I’ve built FIVE blockbuster courses over the last six years AND I’ve been in the very same struggle you may be feeling right now.Nearly 40,000-enrolled-students later, I’m going to walk you through how to break through the obstacles that can stall your product creation process.I am dedicating this entire special episode to demystifying the product creation process.I’m giving you the you exact steps to take when you feel stuck. (And, what the most common reasons are for getting stuck, so you know what to look for next time around.)There are three questions you should ask yourself before you create any course. These questions will help you find FOCUS. Once you have that, your creative energy will flow.I will also help you decide what content makes the most sense for your business and your audience right now. For example, do you know if you want to create an Introductory Course or a Signature Course? I’m breaking down both of these for you.Listen in to hear how you can get unstuck and create the course you’ve desperately wanted to complete. (The finish line is closer than you think.)
Oct 20, 2016 • 47min

#132: How to Cultivate an “Opportunity Knocks Every Time” Mindset with Patrick Bet-David

Your first webinar didn't convert. You wanted to launch your course two weeks ago, but you just can’t get your content outline together. Your Facebook ads are seeing clicks, but not getting quality leads. What do you do when setbacks show up in your business? Bury your head in the sand? Or, pick yourself up and move forward, more determined than ever? Having an online business can be challenging at times, and part of being an entrepreneur is knowing how to bounce back from the tough times. It’s about having the right perspective. That’s why I wanted to chat with Patrick Bet-David. For Patrick, a setback is an opportunity waiting to happen. And his rags to riches story is inspiring for ANY business owner. Make sure you stay tuned to the end, because in addition to Patrick’s fascinating story, I wanted to give you a little bonus: A mini-training on how you can stand out from the competition and get results. First, you’ll learn what you need to instill in every potential buyer. Second, you’ll discover the most important thing to deliver on. Lastly, you will learn what you need to develop and stick to as much as you can. It’s so, so important. The last one is incredibly powerful and can make all the difference in your new business. Also, learn the one mistake that Patrick says ALL entrepreneurs make, so you can avoid it. Get started on this mini-training now!
Oct 10, 2016 • 31min

#131: How to Get Overwhelm to Eat Your Dust

You’ve got this!Today, I have three incredibly DOABLE solutions to rid yourself of the feeling that may be overtaking your life – OVERWHELM.Ugh. I don’t even like saying the word, because I know how awful it can feel when it’s overtaking your life. And, I’m here to help.For me, overwhelm shows itself when I feel like I’ve gotten behind or everything feels disorganized, and I know things could go in a really bad direction.It’s in those moments that I use one of my personal stress strategies that I’ve been fine tuning ever since I started my own business.In this episode I share a very personal struggle that I’ve been facing in my business. Some of my overwhelm has been coming from my issue with doing VIDEO. Ugh! Click here to hear my story - you might be able to relate.I’m certain that you will find that one of the three solutions I share with you in my recent episode will come naturally for you. The other two you may have to work at more, but I promise you, if you put the work in, it will be SO WORTH IT.The first one tells you the exact process you can do to wrap your head around what is really causing overwhelm for you.The second solution tells you the steps you can take to lessen the stress in your life.And, the third and final fix helps you get clear on the fear that might be getting in your way.Like I said, you’ve totally got this! Use my Triple S to squash your overwhelm. Click here!
Sep 29, 2016 • 43min

#130: How to Sell on a Webinar (Without Being Overly Salesy)

Let’s face it, selling during your webinar can be awkward at first — but it doesn’t have to be.Today I’m giving you my BEST strategies for eliminating the awkwardness and creating a smooth transition into the sales portion of your webinar.Before I dive into it though, I want to tell you about my FREE Master Class, “How to Create Your First Wildly Profitable Webinar.”If you sell info products or programs, digital courses, or coaching and consulting services online, then I bet you’ve considered adding webinars to your marketing strategy.But as you know, there’s a lot of moving pieces with webinars, including the tech, filling seats, putting together your content, making that transition to selling . . . not to mention getting the courage to actually hit “broadcast.” (It can be scary!)Webinars can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. Join me as I walk you through what it takes to create a profitable webinar strategy.Let’s jump back into today’s topic. You’re the expert, the go-to source on YOUR webinar. And your webinars give you the opportunity to build amazing trust between you and your audience.I’m showing you how you can build trust and make the purchase of your product, course, or service the next logical step for your audience.Your transition from teaching into selling can become seamless with these strategies. You will never feel like you’re selling again.Also listen closely for the number one mistake I often see in webinars. And, learn how to avoid this misstep here.This episode is one of my favorites because I love webinars. AND, because building trust with your audience is so important. If you’re not careful you can break down the trust you’ve built quickly.Stick with me, and listen in, so that doesn’t happen to you.I’ll tell you the perfect ratio of content to selling. You’ll also get tips for deciding what to put in your webinar versus what to create and sell inside your course.I also dive into the mindset and mechanics of creating incredible webinars that will boost your sales.Learn how to sell on a webinar without being salesy here!
Sep 15, 2016 • 46min

#129: Media, Meditation and a little Motivation with Gabby Bernstein

Today, I’m on the edge of my seat wanting to give you a new strategy that will help you grow your business and make the most of your funnels, email marketing, Facebook ads and so much more. Everything you want for your business starts with an intention, right? Then, you add enthusiasm and dedication toward your idea. But, then what? Unfortunately, for many what happens next is resistance—whether it’s in the form of self-doubt, a financial obstacle, or perhaps just a seemingly unrealistic goal. By accepting these as obstacles, you are giving into the resistance and giving up on what what could be. So how do you get what you really want? Gabby Bernstein, best selling author and next-generation thought leader, is here to show you how you can burst through the resistance and actually create those new opportunities for your business. Her techniques of choice have included meditation and manifestation - two things I’ve never personally explored in my own business until now. Gabby used these techniques to achieve her number one goal—being interviewed by Oprah. (I mean, come on! Oprah?! That’s huge!) She’s sharing her techniques here. Listen in on the juicy details to learn how to make powerful achievements in your business now! As you will hear us chat about on my latest podcast episode, Gabby recently released her new book, “The Universe has Your Back.” She has a special bonus for those who buy her book. She’s giving you six-and-a-half hours of free training based on principles in her book. Buy Gabby’s book and get started on her bonus training now!

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