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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

May 11, 2017 • 59min

#159: How I Found, Hired and Work With My Project Manager

When you’re just starting out, you can manage everything on your own. And you probably have to—until you’re generating revenue. As soon as that happens, things change. Priorities shift. To-do lists grow. New ideas, projects and opportunities pop up every day, all of which are left for you to juggle with. What if you had the right support to help keep you and your business not only in check, but growing? Imagine that new email campaign copy you’ve avoided writing for days has been broken down, researched and organized in such a way that it almost feels like you’re just filling in the blanks. Imagine you’re no longer prioritizing and checking off each box of your to-do list, rather it’s a document that lives with someone else, somewhere else—far, far away from you. Imagine you’re no longer the gatekeeper of every new project, launch, contractor or task. Your project manager (or PM) is handling it all for you. On this podcast episode I start the conversation about why this role is (or will be) essential for your business. By the end of the episode you’ll know: What a PM could do for your business (immediately and long term) Where to find a PM When you’re ready for a PM (and how much one costs) Why “TEA time” with your PM is crucial for success Plus, I’m lifting the curtain to show you how I found, hired, trained and integrated my crazy awesome PM, Chloe, into my business. Do me one quick favor before you start listening: Download this week’s freebie, and get your Project Manager Hiring Toolkit. Job description? Check. New hire survey? Check. Even if you are not ready to hire just yet, GET IT NOW to have when you need it!  
May 4, 2017 • 1h 9min

#158: Saving Sales & Rescuing Refunds

You know how intense launches are from start to finish, right? You’ve heard me say here repeatedly that you’ve got to think through every part of it. And in so many ways, once that cart opens, you’ve got to double your efforts to save sales. Then once those carts close, you have to get scrappy to keep those new customers happy, and rescue any potential refunds.There are going to be so many people who just can’t make a decision about you. Even after you’ve given everything by building a superior course or program, with every bell and whistle an online student could wish for.However, the doubt surfaces because most folks are just looking for a way out (revisit Episode #156 with my good friend Russell Brunson later for more).Your job is to not let them find a way out, and the best, most effective way to do that is to meaningfully connect with your customers as much as possible. This episode is loaded with strategies on how to save potential sales during your next promo and ensure you don’t get a bunch of refunds, including: How to hone your refund policy. (Ever wondered why mine is so strict? I talk about it in this episode.) Why your webinar Q&As are critical to your promotion success. How you can empower and engage new students with your onboarding emails. Because I’m covering A LOT of ground with this episode, I want you to download the freebie so you have a handy list of the 5 Strategies to Save Your Sales and 7 Ways to Rescue Potential Refunds. I’m also giving you the exact phone script I used when I offered a 1-800 number during a launch. That’s TWO great reasons to download, so make sure you secure that freebie and put it in a safe place for your next launch.Also: Stay on until the end because I’m going through the pros and cons of whether you should drip the content in your program and how that decision can impact your refund rate. 
Apr 27, 2017 • 53min

#157: The Bonus Brainstorm: How to Create a Bonus Package for Your Next Course Offer (Rebroadcast)

I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person who loves to pick up a book I’ve read a bunch of times already, read it again, and find new takeaways. I love doing that, because I know every time I’m reading that book I’m in a different place in my life, making me see the insights in a new light. In that same spirit: There was such an overwhelming response to the original episode I recorded on creating compelling bonuses, that I wanted to rebroadcast this episode, with a new take. So not only am I teaching you the bonus strategies that have worked for me and my business, but I’ve got an all-new insight that I wanted to share that’s made a BIG difference in my launch results. Here’s a little of what I’ll cover in this mini-workshop all about creating bonuses: Strategies that have worked to drive sales for me over and over again How to incentivize buyers to buy on cart open day (instead of waiting!) The best bonuses to offer for an affiliate launch Then I want you to implement what you’ve learned in this workshop and download my worksheet—I give the five steps for creating extraordinary bonuses for your product EVERY TIME. This is a must have exercise to help you create bonuses that convert. I also give you a new full-pay bonus strategy that worked for me recently. As promised in the episode, here is how I positioned the three group coaching calls: And since I do not explain the live small group coaching calls on the webinar, I made sure to include some details about the bonus on the sales page: So whether you are offering a full-pay, fast-action or 48-hour bonus, if you want to position your program or product to demand higher prices, get more customers into your program, and have a compelling way to get potential buyers off the fence, make sure to walk through this mini-training.  
Apr 20, 2017 • 52min

#156: Expert Secrets & Online Strategies with Russell Brunson

Super entrepreneur Russell Brunson shares expert secrets on building a movement with 1,000 true fans, finding market opportunities, and playing like a boss. Learn the importance of pricing, creating mass movements through storytelling, and boosting confidence in internet marketing strategies.
Apr 13, 2017 • 43min

#155: The New 'FB Messenger Ads' with Rick Mulready

Facebook ad expert, Rick Mulready, is back to talk about a tremendous new Ad tool that he’s already leveraging to drive major results in his business. If you’re starting to hear more about Facebook Messenger Ads, it’s for good reason. You’re probably one of the billion people who use the Messenger app to chat with family and friends instantaneously every day. But what if an ad popped up from your favorite clothing store and just by clicking it you could ask about one of their new products? Better yet, what if a rep from that store gets back to you immediately. BAM. That’s the beauty of Facebook Messenger ads for your customers. (It’s the first ad type that gets your ideal customer avatar talking with you instantly.) Now for you, this means being able to answer questions or address objections to your programs and courses in real time, like during a launch when you’re trying to close more sales. Today Rick and I go inside why this new format is climbing the charts and how you can take advantage of it right now. In the episode, Rick talks about his experience using Messenger Ads for the first time. Make sure to listen to get all the details about how this ad below performed for him! I’ve also included some screenshots of what the interface looks like when you’re creating the ad inside of The Power Editor. It’s super easy. You can check it out step by step below. Step 1: Go to ads creation in Ads Manager or Power Editor. Step 2: Choose the Traffic objective and complete your Campaign name, adset name, and ad name. Step 3: Under the adset level, select website or messenger. Continue by Choosing your audience, budget and placement. Step 4: At the ad level, Choose the Page you want to connect Step 5: At the ad level, select your image/video and copy. Choose a welcome message. When people click on your ad, they will automatically be directed to Messenger and receive a copy of your ad and the welcome message. *You can select any call-to-action button, in addition to ‘Send Message’. A Messenger icon will appear next to this call-to-action button in the ad. *NOTE: Your ad to open conversations in Messenger won’t appear to people on mobile who don’t have the Messenger app. So ready to tackle a new world of Facebook Messenger ads? Get all the starter details here—and don’t forget to sign up for Rick’s brand new webinar, “How to Create an Automated Facebook Ads System That Gets Leads & Sales Every Day.” I think we all need a bit of that magic!
Apr 6, 2017 • 42min

#154: 7 Content Creation Ideas to Use When You’re Feeling Uninspired

Don’t you wish for a button you could push to get your creative brain synapses firing when it seems like they’ve gone on vacation?While we’re waiting on that magic, I’ve got something to bring you back into the light because we’re all human, right? You may be the most creative person EVER, but for whatever reason, there are times when content inspiration is elusive and it is a battle to come up with something new.This is especially true when you’ve been in the game for a while and feel like you’ve covered every angle of your industry. The good news is there are always more directions you can explore.Here’s a quick tease of the strategies I talk about on today’s show to help you create new content when you feel less than gung-ho: I’ll tell you about how I just dusted off some old content and gave it a new fresh spin (and how you can do the same thing with your own pieces!). The sure-fire way I ALWAYS am inspired to create new content (it involves me first and foremost stepping away from my laptop…). You’re not alone in creating your content. In fact, you have a HUGE resource for new content that you may not have thought of... Make sure you stay on until the end when I reveal the process I use to ensure I am always delivering top-notch content. If an idea doesn’t make it past one of these phases, I don’t do it. Period.And check out my ‘10 Days of Inspiration’ one-pager freebie because, unfortunately, you can’t always wait for inspiration to hit you. You have deadlines. Sometimes, you have to hunt that inspiration thing down yourself. This will help get the ideas flowing, I promise! 
Mar 30, 2017 • 51min

#153: 3 Ways to Get More Mileage Out of Your Course (Especially If You Have a Small List)

You know that feeling after you’ve just poured blood, sweat and so many tears into building something, like, say, an online course?There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with building a course! So of course you want to make sure you are marketing it effectively.Enter Victoria Gibson, online business coach and mentor extraordinaire. She’s all about helping entrepreneurs get BIG results with their online courses and coaching programs. One of her clients built a 7-figure business in two years following the principles she is going to talk to us about on this episode.Here’s a quick preview: Is your program loaded with videos, downloadable audio and PDF worksheets? What about actual one-on-one time with you? That’s right. Your course may need more of YOU. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean endless hours spent Facetiming. If you’re just starting out, you may be thinking, “Well, how could I possibly charge more than $97 for my course?” When the REAL question may be how could you not charge MORE? Feeling repetitive? You’re doing it right. Your customers need to hear your core message a lot. Plus, being consistent and clear is what will later allow you to expand once you’ve nailed your message and built a mighty (no matter what size) community that loves what you’re giving them. Get ready to hear all of the crucial course-selling knowledge Victoria is dropping.*Correction: Stay tuned for my next amazing interview with Rick Mulready in Episode 155
Mar 23, 2017 • 33min

#152: How to Avoid FOMO in Your Biz & Make Better Decisions

When a new opportunity comes along, do you immediately jump for joy to be a part of something new and exciting, or are you cautiously weighing your options?The thing is: Are you choosing things that are really driving your business forward or do you have a case of FOMO (fear of missing out)?And trust me, I’m your girl when it comes to all the various ways FOMO can creep into how you’re operating and end up costing you in the long run.After a few expensive missteps (one to the tune of $20,000; more about that here), I’ve gotten really good at saying, “No,” to the things that don’t fit the stage of growth I’m in with my business right now. Did you read that last part?I said, “RIGHT NOW.”And that’s important because we’re not talking about how to say, “No,” on this week’s show. We are talking about how to intelligently evaluate those shiny, fun, killer sounding opportunities that come your way and make everything inside of you shout, “Hell, yeah!”But is it really “Hell, yeah!”, or is it more of a “maybe later”?To help you figure it out, we’re talking about the 3 critical questions I ask myself every time a new or unexpected opportunity comes my way.Listen to the show and then download my new One Page Evaluator freebie. It helps you figure out how to answer those questions, and includes a few extras that will really help you drill down the next time you have a big decision to make.
Mar 16, 2017 • 55min

#151: 38,000+ Members in 2 Years: Tips to Building a Highly Engaged Facebook Group with Jill & Josh Stanton

Let’s rewind for a sec. Back in episode #146, I dished on Facebook groups. This is one of the bold moves I want you to consider making in 2017, because if you take the time to do it thoughtfully, it could be a tremendous game-changer for your business. No one knows that more than Jill and Josh Stanton. In just two years the Facebook group they built for their ‘Screw the Nine to Five’ business has skyrocketed from less than 7,000 members to nearly 40,000. You’re going to hear us talking about a lot of wicked smart strategies they are using to maximize the impact of the group on their business—list-building, selling, cross-promoting, sexy funnels and more. BUT, pay attention to me here because I don’t want you getting overwhelmed. Keep your eyes on the prize as you listen to the podcast (and lose your mind over all the cool things that Jill shares). The point of a Facebook group is engagement. The more you do that, by asking questions, listening and showing up in general, the more you’re going to know about what your audience wants and needs. That’s the magic fairy dust your group will sprinkle so you really can see, hear and feel your audience, as well as show them mad love by delivering content that will make a difference in their lives. Some of the topics explored include: Cracking the code on how to find out what your group members truly WANT. (Hint: Polls are everything.) Using the group to build your email list and cross-promote your other programs. (For example, the Stantons market their membership site inside the group, which serves as an entry point for their sales funnels.) Striking a harmonious balance between free content shared in the group with paid content in a membership site or whatever you’re selling. Keeping content organized inside of the group. Managing the group, especially the bigger it gets. The kind of support needed, as well as how often you need to get involved. The role Facebook Live can play in the group. (You’ll love the unique way Jill and Josh are using it OUTSIDE of their group too!) This episode is LOADED. Listen up. Oh, and one more very exciting thing. I did my first ever ‘after show’ with Jill and Josh. There was just so much to cover. Download it here and listen to more of our chat on their Facebook group do’s and don’ts, why the group should be about YOU and the value of connecting your members. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get the After Show with Jill and Josh Stanton FREE DOWNLOAD  
Mar 9, 2017 • 1h 22min

#150: [Case Study] How to Turn a Pre-Launch Strategy Into a Wildly Profitable Online Launch with Terri Cole and David Vox

You know how I feel about having a pre-launch strategy—it’s crucial for success. Last week’s episode was all about the nuts and bolts of creating a successful pre-launch strategy. Today’s episode makes that plan truly actionable, as I deliver a case study of what that blueprint looks like in the real world. I talk to my good friends Terri Cole and David Vox who implemented a pre-launch strategy well in advance of their launch . . . and guess what followed? A wildly successful 6-figure launch they can now implement over and over again, and expect amazing results. Just a little background: Terri is a New York-based psychotherapist and founder of the Real Love Revolution, which has helped thousands of women transform their lives. David, Terri’s business partner, is a marketing and branding expert who’s produced over 150 transformational coaching programs. Get your notebook (or laptop) ready because not only are we talking about the seven specific steps they followed, we geek out on numbers—email open rates, webinar sign-ups, sales conversions, total revenue, social media and email list growth, Facebook ad spend (which will blow your freakin’ mind), and more. Take notes. AND stay on until the end because that’s when we talk about some of the things they won’t ever do again and what they’re planning to do next time around. Also: If you haven’t downloaded my 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint freebie, you might just want to grab that while you listen along to this week’s episode. These are the key steps they followed: Step 1: Launch a pilot program. Step 2: Survey your list. Step 3: Built a main platform (Terri and David chose YouTube). Step 4: Create a launch freebie. Step 5: Create a free, closed community inside of Facebook. Step 6: Create a 21-day challenge for that private Facebook community. Step 7: Cart opens—launch with a multi-webinar strategy. *NOTE: Steps 1 through 6 are all PRE-LAUNCH SPECIFICS. Let’s dive in! Once you’ve listened to this episode, go back and listen to last week’s and make sure you download my 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint freebie. These are some next-level goods. Get moving! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint FREE DOWNLOAD  

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