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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Jul 14, 2022 • 27min

#479: Money In The Bank: 6 Fun Strategies For A Quick Cash Injection

Use these tried and true strategies if you want to make money quicklyHow many times have you wanted to invest in yourself or in your business but you didn’t have the extra cash on hand to make it happen? Maybe you really wanted to learn how to create, launch and sell your digital course by taking Digital Course Academy, or finally hire that virtual assistant that you so desperately need. There’s nothing worse than having a resource at your fingertips (that you know will help take you to the next level) but not being able to spend money on it -- because let’s be real, life is pretty darn expensive. I get it, I’ve been there… many times.And that’s why I’m so excited to share five different strategies you can use for a quick cash injection into your business. Sweet friend, I only wish I would have had these in my back pocket when I first got started and was super strapped for cash, because they’re just that good. And best of all, they’re really easy to implement.So if you’re ready to learn how you can easily make a quick buck (or thousands) and provide value to your audience, then grab a notepad and tune into this episode that will certainly be a game changer for you and your business. Enjoy this step-by-step episode!Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:47] 1. Offer limited online or in-person one-on-one sessions. You have knowledge and know-how in a specific area, and other people would love to learn from you.  [11:33] 2. Offer limited group coaching spots. Follow the same steps as above but tweak some of your pricing. [13:06] 3. Audit your spending habits. Find hidden dollars and cut back a little on the pleasure spending. See how much you can save by temporarily eliminating some of your purchases.  [17:32] 4. Host a lower ticket challenge. Teach similar strategies or practices that you would teach in your group or one-on-one sessions.  [20:46] 5. Create a PDF guide or worksheet of something you already teach and you know your audience loves. Then sell this guide or worksheet for a low-cost.  [22:57] 6. Offer your insight through market research. Use legit online survey companies like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and User Interviews. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jul 12, 2022 • 24min

#478: 5 Weeks Unplugged: Lessons From My Sabbatical

The unexpected gift I received from taking 5 weeks off.I just got back from a five-week-long sabbatical, and holy smokes, sweet friend — it was so much different than I thought it would be.Now, if you have been with me for a while (or listened to Sabbatical 101: How I’m Prepping for 30 Days Away From My Business), you know that taking an extended time away from my business is something that I have been wanting to do for years. It took a lot of preparation, hard work, and countless lattes — but I made it happen! Going into it I had some expectations about how things would go. I knew that I would have the time of my life at Chloe’s wedding in Mexico and that I’d create some really great memories with my family at our new lake house. I also knew that being away from my business might cause some anxiety, but heck, that’s what skinny margs are for, right? But something happened over the course of my sabbatical that I didn’t expect. As I got further and further away from my business, I realized A LOT about myself that I wasn’t necessarily ready to confront. There was an emotional and eye-opening component to my time away that I was not prepared for — and if you know me, you know I like to be prepared.Now, don’t get me wrong, I am SO glad that I took this sabbatical, and in the end, I walked away with a life-changing gift…… But would I do it again? You’ll just have to tune in to find out.Here’s a glance at this episode… [03:01] I just finished my five-week sabbatical! [04:47] The good: I loved spending so much time with Hobie. I went at a slower pace and took the time to really take care of myself. [07:03] The bad: It was really difficult to disconnect. After Mexico, my head started to spiral around work. I had anxiety, which was alarming to me.  [09:26] The ugly: Was that I realized that my identity was in my work. I felt restless when not checking things off of a list. I started to get FOMO.  [11:23] The flip side of identifying with my work so strongly is that I really love my work and feel great about it. I love my team, my students, and all of you listeners! [12:33] The gift: I need to explore who I am beyond my work. I need to feel loved, supported, and accomplished even if I don’t have a thriving business.  [13:17] Would I take five weeks off again. No! Five weeks is too much. I’m thinking two weeks each quarter might be more fitting for me personally. [20:09] You might wonder how I was even able to take so much time off of my business. I’ve created a program called Systems That Scale which is all about how I run my business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts“I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.”
Jul 7, 2022 • 25min

#477: Have A Digital Course In The Works? 5 Ways To Keep Your Audience Engaged Until Your Launch

The must-dos to make sure your audience is ready for your digital courseImagine this scenario: You’ve got a solid email list. You’ve built up your social media following. You’ve got an engaged audience, they’re resonating with your content, and they want more. You know that the next step would be to serve up a digital course…But here’s the thing. You don’t have a course… yet! Not only do you not have a course, you don’t even have it mapped out.This is a great problem to have -- and the good news is, you are about to learn how to bridge that gap until you have your digital course up and running. And let me tell you, this period of time -- when you have an audience who is genuinely excited and interested in your topic -- is very important, because the last thing you want to do is lose their attention. In this episode, you’re going to learn what you absolutely must do to make sure that you’re creating content that will set your audience up perfectly for moving into your digital course when the time comes. You’ll also take away five tangible ways that you can stay top of mind while you work diligently behind the scenes to bring your box office digital course to life.I hope you have your listening ears on because this episode is jam packed full of my best tips and tricks -- so tune in and enjoy!Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:11] Before you launch, do a 30-60 day pre launch runway to build momentum and attract a bigger audience.  [08:38] Be mindful about what you're putting out there. Find your ideal customer avatar, and create content for them that aligns with your future course.  [11:16] Ask yourself: Where is my audience now and where do they need to be? What do they need to learn? What mindset shifts do they need to make? [12:17] Strategy 1: Tell stories about how you or other people have gotten results through your process. [12:57] Strategy 2: Take them behind the scenes. People love it when you share little tidbits about your life and business. [14:55] Strategy 3: Hint to your audience that you have a program coming their way. Have conversations that help them move forward towards your course. [18:21] Strategy 4: Create a waitlist landing page and segment the emails that come in through that page. Ask your audience to sign up to get the latest news. [20:12] During your pre-launch runway, create weekly content that's aligned with your upcoming course. Email your subscribers and share a lead magnet weekly. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jul 5, 2022 • 25min

#476: I’m Writing A Book! A Look At The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

If you’ve ever considered writing a book, here’s what you need to knowIf you have been listening for the past few months, you’ve probably heard me mention that I’m writing a book. This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and with a lot of hard work and a little help from the universe, it’s happening. I have been in full-swing book writing mode, and as a ‘first-timer,’ I’m learning a lot. It’s been quite the process, and there’s much more to it than I initially anticipated -- but let me tell you, it’s been incredibly rewarding to see this little dream of mine come to life. Perhaps what I’m most excited about is the fact that I know this book is going to help so many women find the confidence to leave behind what’s no longer serving them, and move into what lights them up. To me, that makes all the latte-fueled early mornings worth it.And because writing a book can be a game-changer for your content marketing strategy, I figured that I would give you the full report on what my experience has been like so far. In this episode, you’ll hear:  My inspiration for writing this book, and what pushed me to make it happen What was most important to me in a publisher, and how I chose one What the book writing process has been like and the challenges I’ve had My experience working with a book editor If you’ve ever considered writing a book, you’re definitely going to want to check out this episode -- so grab your pen and paper, and tune in!Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:09] The inspiration for my book comes from an avatar that I serve — a woman who is still in her 9 to 5 job, but knows there’s more out there for her. [08:53] It's my goal to give women (and men) permission to make a pivot in their life and leave whatever doesn't serve them anymore.  [09:24] I also wanted to show people how to launch and grow a successful online business once they take the leap into entrepreneurship.  [11:58] I have two agents who helped me navigate meetings with publishers. I ended up landing a deal with Hay House, who gave me a great advance.  [15:16] Rehashing stories from the past and digging up past experiences was a much bigger challenge than I thought it would be. [20:37] Get on the waitlist for Two Weeks Notice to get fabulous bonuses, the latest details, and be part of the launch. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 30, 2022 • 1h 2min

#475: Changing The Face Of Investing & Leaving A Legacy with Arlan Hamilton

From living in the SFO airport to running $20M in VC funds, Arlan shares her incredible journeyMy guest on this episode is an absolute inspiration -- and I don’t say that lightly. Her name is Arlan Hamilton, and she is the managing partner of Backstage Capital, a company that she founded while houseless.Backstage Capital is a new kind of Venture Capitalism (VC) -- one that invests in founders who are people of color, women, and/or LGBTQ+. Arlan identifies as all three. And as if running 20 million dollars in VC funds isn’t enough to fill her plate, she’s also an author, speaker, and host of her own podcast, Your First Million. Her other company, Runner, connects inclusive companies with operations talent. Arlan is doing really big things in a really big way. I admire her so much -- not only is she making the business landscape a heck of a lot better for underrepresented founders and entrepreneurs, but she is creating a legacy for generations to come. I am SO excited for you to hear this important conversation, sweet friend, because it’s pretty powerful. In our interview, you’ll hear:  Arlan’s journey to becoming an activist entrepreneur Ways you can support people of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ entrepreneurial communities How to deal with rejection while still moving forward What you can do to be a good candidate for gaining an investor I hope this episode is just as insightful and inspiring for you as it was for me. So if you’re ready to meet Arlan, pop in your Airpods, get comfy, and enjoy!Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:07] A decade ago, Arlan Hamilton didn't know what a venture capitalist was. Now, she represents people who aren't traditionally represented in the venture capital space. [04:03] She had big goals and dreams, but she didn't think that venture capital would get her somewhere.  [10:39] Arlan was on the cover of Fast Company, along with other black women on the cover were Oprah, Beyoncé, and Serena Williams. Her venture capital firm has invested in over 200 companies so far. [25:53] Before you attempt to fundraise, get dialed in on what you truly need. When making a pitch, lean in to what is great about your company. Investors like it when you can show profit or have a large waiting list. [33:44] Runner is another company Arlan has that connects talent with great companies. It helps inclusive companies find assistants.  [41:39] Arlan shares the amazing story of how she ended up sitting in the front row of a Janet Jackson concert, and how later in life, she was able to do the same for other concert goers. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 28, 2022 • 17min

#474: Ways To Shake Things Up When You (& Your Team) Need A Reset

If your usual routine has you feeling uninspired, try doing something differentDo you ever get that feeling that you need to shake things up a bit in your business? Maybe things have started to feel a little bit stagnant, or you’re not as excited about your online business as you once were. Maybe you feel like you’re just going through the motions, and are getting bored. Or maybe you’re just in need of some good old fashioned fun and quality time spent with your team.Whatever it might be for you, I’m a true believer in shaking things up from time to time. I find that by doing something different -- just for the heck of it -- I come back feeling more creative, more energized, and more excited than ever about my business. Recently, I started to get that itch to mix it up, so I did something that I’ve never done in Team Amy Porterfield history -- and let me tell you, it was so worth it. In this episode, you’ll hear exactly what I did to connect, reset, and have some fun with my team -- plus some other ideas of things you can do when you start to feel a bit uninspired by your usual routine.And more than anything, I hope this helps you realize that it’s not always about the hustle and grind. Taking the time to laugh, have fun, and experience new things -- whether it’s with your team or on your own -- will only help you become a better entrepreneur. Happy listening!Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:36] Every quarter I meet up with my leadership team for a meeting. We do a lot of brainstorming, deep diving, and troubleshooting. [07:18] Usually we get straight to work, but it's been an intense quarter, and I wanted to shake things up. I decided to take everyone to Disneyland. [10:53] After returning from Disneyland, we had a great meeting. I attribute the meeting’s success to the fact that we had fun and connected the day before.  [12:15] You don’t need to do anything expensive to shake things up. You can do a volunteer day, go on a picnic, hike, or just be in nature. [13:00] If you're a solopreneur, you can shake things up by going on a retreat, an inspiring trip, or attending an event. It’s all about doing something different. [14:15] You can also consider a total immersion weekend. Go somewhere you haven’t been and brainstorm on ways to improve your business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 23, 2022 • 43min

#473: Let's Cut The Fluff: How Are You, Really? with Jenna Kutcher

How to ditch the golden handcuffs and create a life on your termsAs a photographer, influencer, course creator, author, and host of the wildly popular Goal Digger podcast, Jenna Kutcher is one of the most talented content creators out there. I love and respect Jenna so much not only because she is a digital marketing extraordinaire, but she’s hands down one of the most grounded women that I know. And despite all of her success, what’s most impressive about Jenna is that her driving force has never really been about the hustle. She’s embraced the simple notion that we -- women especially -- crave a life of fulfillment, and has managed to create a life on her own terms while building an incredibly lucrative business. It’s possible, friend, and Jenna is living proof.Now normally when Jenna is on the show, we talk shop about all things online marketing (in fact, she recently joined me for an episode about how to launch a podcast – check it out here if you missed it.) But in this conversation, we talk about the things that are important in becoming a successful entrepreneur but all-too-often get overlooked – like your sense of identity, whether or not your work is aligning with your values, and your purpose. On paper, these things might not sound like a big deal, but trust me on this one -- they are -- and that’s why I am so excited to share this episode with you. In it, Jenna and I discuss: How to take inventory of your life and what to do with the information that surfaces The meaning of ‘golden handcuffs’ and how you can get out of them What to do if you feel like you’ve traded your 9 to 5 job for a 24/7 business How to overcome the fear of asking for help when you need it most The inspiration for her new book How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time So whether you’re still in the throws of the 9 to 5 grind, have just started your business, or are an established online entrepreneur, this episode has something for everyone -- because in the end, I think it’s safe to say that we all desire the same thing -- to be fulfilled.Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:07] Reframing is extremely powerful, and can be helpful when you find yourself fearful of something. [07:42] If you want to find ways to do more meaningful work, look at your calendar ahead and take a life inventory. Are you passionate about it? Does it align with your values? Does it bring you joy?  [10:38] Learn how to rest in the present outside of work, so that when you are in work-mode, you’re laser-focused.  [15:06] Golden handcuffs are benefits like unlimited vacation that make people feel stuck in the workplace. Do these really add value to your life? [19:28] Entrepreneurship can get you to a life of freedom and choice, but you have to have a "why" that’s stronger than your work. [24:24] The more you ask for help, the easier it becomes to ask for and receive it. Accept help if you want to live out your vision. [28:39] You never know when the power of your story will inspire someone else to keep showing up in their life. You could literally change someone's trajectory. [33:02] How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time is Jenna's new book for women who are looking to come home to themselves. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 21, 2022 • 13min

#472: Perfectionism Vs. Procrastination: What’s REALLY Happening

Being a perfectionist only holds you back from taking actionIf I were a gambling woman, I’d bet there’s been a couple of times where you’ve really struggled to make a decision, or procrastinated taking action on something because it wasn’t 100% perfect. Maybe it was a really big decision, like whether or not you should launch your business or a podcast. Or maybe it was something smaller, like deploying a new ad, or lead magnet. As entrepreneurs, we are faced with decision after decision, day after day. Quite frankly, It can be exhausting. But I’m going to clue you in on something really important: It’s crucial that you’re able to make an informed decision quickly if you want to truly grow your business. So many people procrastinate taking action because they are striving for perfection. But I’m here to tell you, sweet friend, that hemming and hawing over something only means one thing -- you’re delaying the inevitable. While you’re wasting precious time, you could be gaining momentum and getting results. And even if you totally fail, you have an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and then knock it out of the park the next time. As my old boss Tony Robbins says, it’s all about taking massive action -- and I can confidently say that my own ability to take action on things quickly has been a big contributor to my own success. And that’s why I thought I’d share some of my own thoughts and experiences on this topic so that if you struggle with making decisions, or think your perfectionism is holding you back, you will have a much easier time the next time around.Alright, friend. Grab that iced latte and get ready to make your next decision quickly and confidently, like a real boss.Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 16, 2022 • 39min

#471: 6 Tactical Strategies To Keep Your Evergreen Students Engaged From Start To Finish

When your students fall off the horse, use these strategies to get them back onIf you have an evergreen course, then this episode is for you, sweet friend because I’m diving deep into an issue that most evergreen course creators face -- and that’s losing the attention and engagement of your students. And even if you haven’t created your evergreen course yet, if you’ve ever taken one, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re cruising through the modules, taking notes, learning a ton, and then all of the sudden… life happens. Your focus shifts to something else that’s going on (your family, your job, or the final season of Ozark), and you fall off the proverbial evergreen course horse. Without you being there live to cheer your students on to the finish line, some dropoff is bound to happen. After all, we’re all human. Let’s be real -- it even happens in my evergreen course, List Builders Society, and I’ve been in the game for 13 years now!Luckily, I have some tools in my arsenal to help combat the dreaded engagement drop-off that I’m going to share with you in this episode. Over the years, I’ve found that these strategies have significantly helped keep my audience interested and engaged, which is a win-win for everyone. So if you want your students to show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, excited, and ready to learn throughout the entire duration of your course, then open up that Google doc and get ready to take notes -- because this episode is packed with my very best tips.Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
Jun 14, 2022 • 15min

#470: How I Overcame My Fear Of Getting Personal On Social Media

Opening up on social media can be hard, but it will pay off in the long runHave you ever truly thought about what life was like before social media? I may be dating myself, but I remember writing notes to friends and family and dropping them in the mail, snapping pictures with Polaroid cameras, and calling a friend (whose phone number I knew by heart) when I needed some social interaction, instead of scrolling through Instagram. It was a totally different time -- not any better, and not any worse than it is now -- but I will say that the connection you felt from sharing your life with a few close friends as opposed to hundreds or thousands on social media was something really special. Life was a bit more mysterious because everything we did wasn’t available for everybody to see, let alone have an opinion about. I won’t lie -- I have struggled with posting about my personal life on social media, and if you take a look at my Instagram feed you’ll see that while there are some personal posts sprinkled throughout, it’s mostly business content. I’m pretty reserved when it comes to opening up about my marriage, my insecurities, and being a step-mom for a couple of reasons, which you’ll hear about in this episode. That being said, over time, I realized that in order to have the business that I dreamt of having, I needed to let my audience in – and little by little, that’s just what I did. So I thought it would be great to share how I’ve managed to overcome some of the anxiety I’ve had about sharing personal content on social platforms because let’s be real, it can be intimidating to do if you’re a private person -- but it’s also a necessary part of being an online entrepreneur in 2022.In this episode, you’ll hear:  The limiting beliefs that held me back from posting personal content for years How I’ve managed to overcome anxiety about letting people into my personal life online What it's like to have a partner who doesn’t love social media, and how we’ve found a way to make it enjoyable and comfortable for both of us Happy listening!Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

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