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The Mobile User Acquisition Show

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Feb 2, 2021 • 36min

📹 How to hit 90 billion views on TikTok (not a typo!) - with Evan Horowitz, CEO at Movers+Shakers 💃

Our guest today is Evan Horowitz, CEO at Movers+Shakers, a creative agency specialising in branding campaigns on TikTok. Evan and his team have spearheaded massive campaigns on the platform, resulting in many campaigns with over a billion views - and a total of 90 billion views across their campaigns (by the way, we’ll talk about the math of how that’s possible in this episode). Evan was an early adopter of TikTok as a marketing channel, and has seen its growth into an established brand channel over the last couple of years. In today’s conversation, he breaks down his team’s process for creating and architecting viral video campaigns - and speaks to the idiosyncrasies of the TikTok algorithm that results in hypervirality, resulting in billions of views. He also speaks to how virality-driven storytelling can be compressed into a 15-second time span - and so much more. KEY HIGHLIGHTS🎶 TikTok is about musical storytelling🤗 How Movers+Shakers embraced TikTok🧝‍♀️ The e.l.f. campaign was the biggest campaign in US TikTok history for quite some time🎼 How the original song for the e.l.f. campaign hit #4 on Spotify’s global viral chart🎺 The chart-topping brand anthem that played before NBA games🧑‍🎤 Original music was ground-breaking in the beginning📖 No brands have any sort of guidelines for music🆕 The fundamental difference of content creation on TikTok and other platforms🤯 User-generated content that *also* goes viral is the secret behind the billion+ views🌟 The e.l.f. campaign had 5 million user generated videos, all of which had the potential to go viral.🧮 How to count TikTok campaign views🤖 Understanding the TikTok’s algorithm🌎 Everyone has their own curated world on TikTok🌺 How organics factors into performance🎉 It is possible to architect virality🧪 Science vs. art in brand campaigns🍳 The recipe for architecting a viral challenge🎰 The levers to pull after launching a campaign💰 Allocation of TikTok budgets📺 Media products on TikTok exist🧬 Virality is not a guaranteed outcome📍 The huge potential of the ad placement on the Discover page⏳ It is early days for quantitative modelling🎨 Influencer selection is an art🎭 How to frame a narrative arc in 15-seconds🎬 5 questions to ask when getting started on TikTok⛔ All brands are not a fit for the platform 💫 Brand strategy has to intersect with the type of content on TikTok to achieve success🔑 Consistent content is key🙋 TikTok also offers direct response campaignsCheck out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Jan 25, 2021 • 27min

🔒 How web privacy changes and tracking prevention are shaping the future of web advertising - with Allison Schiff, Senior Editor at AdExchanger 🌐

Our guest today is Allison Schiff, senior editor at AdExchanger. Allison writes about mobile, Facebook, cross-device measurement, and the app economy, with an increasing focus on privacy and its regulation. We've covered the upcoming iOS 14 privacy changes that are impacting primarily the app economy in a lot of detail in other episodes. Today, we're going to talk about very similar privacy trends in the web space, which have happened in a manner that's very comparable to what's happening on the apps front; except that some of the changes on the web far precede what's happening with the iOS 14. In today's conversation. Alison dissects how privacy has evolved in the web space, what the key browsers are implementing, how that impacts businesses—and web businesses—the world over, and more importantly, what to expect in the near future. For a great contextualization of what's happening across the digital space, both in apps as well as on the web, this is a great episode to know and understand exactly what's going on.KEY HIGHLIGHTS💰 Why Chrome raked up because of changes in Safari⏳ A history of privacy on browsers✋ Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention vs. Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Prevention🎠 Companies tried to workaround ITP and failed⏰ Mozilla’s privacy changes predate Apple’s🍪 The difference between a first, second and third party cookie📍 First party cookies are also tracking cookies👾 Breaking down the Facebook pixel⛔ How blocked cookies affect advertizing⚔️ The end of cross-site tracking🤑 The effect of personalized advertising changes on publisher revenue🥠 The rise of cookie-less solutions🤦 Ad tech is being shaken up🤖 Unified ID 2.0 by Trade Desk💣 There’s going to be an effect on programmatic🧲 Advertisers will switch to Facebook and Google in the short term⚡ Contextual will get more attention🗞️ Why media companies are generating user value🦸 Big publishers may save the day💸 Smaller publishers are in for a rough ride🆔 2021: The year of identityCheck out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Jan 19, 2021 • 39min

🔑 How to win with Facebook AAA (Automated App Ads) campaigns - with Gina Kwong, Senior UA Manager at Electronic Arts (EA) 🛍️

Our guest today is Gina Kwong, a Senior User Acquisition Manager at EA. She focuses on global growth for EA’s mobile titles, and has great experience in creative testing especially across channels. With the advent of Facebook AAA, many marketers have been sceptical about its efficacy for UA. Gina is one of the few marketers that not only advocates for using AAA for UA, but has also achieved great success in doing so. We are excited to feature Gina’s insights today, as she takes us through her process of setting up campaigns on Facebook AAA, and how they can be used to test creatives - addressing many of the reservations many folks(including ourselves) have had until this point. Tune in to this episode for a completely different perspective on Facebook AAA, and a primer on how to make them work for you.KEY HIGHLIGHTS👬🏼 Facebook AAA is just like Google UAC🎰 Marketers are already working with reduced levers on Google UAC💨 Facebook AAA initially looked like a fast and efficient alternative to lookalike campaigns⚖️ How to evaluate creative performance using the UI🌐 Expect discrepancies between a self-attributing network and internal data🚧 The changes to the Facebook API may not be there yet💯 Why 100 creatives was reduced to 50👌 The optimum number of creatives to maximize effectiveness of the campaign🏆 How to structure a campaign to surface winning creatives🎛️ The downsides to having too many creatives in a campaign🔄 When to refresh creatives in a campaign🎭 The efficacy of testing creatives in AAA vs. lookalike campaigns📜 How AAA handles the bias between historical and new creatives🗺️ How to mitigate the risk of one geo-language optimization🧺 Putting all eggs in the AAA basket isn’t recommended🎡 The product life cycle determines the campaigns🏘️ Using country clustering to test in multiple geos🏃🏻‍♂️ The case for running different types of campaigns at the same time🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Factoring in audience overlap into a campaign strategy🎚️ The balance between audience overlap and performance💰 There are days when learning will be costly💸 How to think about a high CPA with respect to the product📅 Using higher funnel events to amplify algorithm optimization🖼️ How to think about creative testing with AAA🧪 It is important to be open to testing in multiple scenarios📈 Spend and conversion do not always correlate exactly⚓ Using AAA to correct for historic creative bias🧱 Structure campaigns for scale based on geo and regional observations🔭 The case from moving from broad to narrow during optimization⚙️ User exclusion doesn’t work perfectly; and why that’s ok🆗 How fewer levers could be a positive thing📖 Learning can be achieved on conservative campaigns🦺 Multiple ways to mitigate risk on Facebook AAA campaigns🎆 Best practices for scaling campaigns 👗 Facebook can take multiple changes in a week🔆️ Why it is important to keep campaign changes to less than 30% 📶 How to think about scale responsiblyCheck out the show notes here: **Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Jan 9, 2021 • 1min

☕ The Mobile User Acquisition Show takes a break 😊

Hey everyone! A very happy new year to you and yours! After what’s been an intense, crazy year for very many of us, I hope 2021 brings you new beginnings and new steps forward.Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up - we’re taking a very short break from the Mobile UA show - we will be back in the next week or so.We are also working on some exciting and cool stuff - including a collection ‘Best of the Mobile UA show’ featuring some of the sharpest insights from the podcast so far. We have a couple of other initiatives that we hope will serve you better - and help you become smarter, sharper marketers to ride the wave of all that’s coming in 2021.We’ll look forward to bringing you this - and much much more in 2021.A very happy new year - and here’s to a bigger and more hopeful 2021!Check out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Dec 31, 2020 • 8min

💻 [En Español] Cómo los anunciantes web pueden adaptarse a los cambios en la política de privacidad de Apple para iOS 14 🍏

Este es nuestro primer episodio experimental de Mobile User Acquisition Show en Español. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre cómo los anunciantes de páginas web pueden adaptarse a los cambios en la política de privacidad de Apple para iOS 14.En los episodios anteriores en Inglés, hemos hablado sobre el impacto de esta política para las aplicaciones - principalmente porque el IDFA será menos efectivo. Todo el sistema de atribución estará bajo los parámetros del sistema de Apple llamado SKAdNetwork.En este episodio, vamos a hablar sobre el impacto de esta politica en los sitios web - a traves del IDFA y las cookies.Check out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Dec 23, 2020 • 32min

🧑‍🏫 How skilled coaches can help underrepresented leaders break through ceilings - with Holly Chen, founder of Ceiling Breakers, formerly at Slack & Google ⚒️

In today’s episode, we take a detour from growth marketing into professional growth with Holly Chen. Holly is a digital marketer and growth advisor, consulting with companies on how to unlock scale and establish growth strategies. She was on our podcast earlier this year - on one of our more insightful episodes to date, where she spoke of how she helped Slack set up cross channel attribution to reverse a declining growth trajectory on mobile.But today we are talking about Holly’s new project, Ceiling Breakers, a group coaching program for people from underrepresented communities to accelerate their careers into leadership roles. Holly talks about what inspired Ceiling Breakers and how she has been personally impacted by working with leading edge coaches. She outlines why and how guided introspection in the presence of a skilled coach can enable underrepresented leaders to embrace their authentic identities - and step into their power as leaders. This is a fascinating episode on how powerful guided reflection can be in breaking down systemic barriers to diversity.  KEY HIGHLIGHTS🥳 Introducing Ceiling Breakers🕯️ Why inspired Holly to start her coaching initiative🔗 The link between a growth mindset and leadership 🧩 Characteristics of a growth mindset🔭 Understanding the larger context of work✊🏿 How the BLM movement galvanized uncomfortable conversations🧑‍🏫 The power of leadership coaching👔 There is more to work than work🤹🏻 Skills are only a fraction of what makes up work⛔ 3 obstacles faced by underrepresented communities in the workplace🙃 How people overcorrect to battle stereotypes👬🏾 Why having a like role model is linked to adopting a leadership style🌿 One leadership style doesn’t fit all🗣️ How to deal with the negative inner voices🧺 The wide buffet that is the coaching space📚 Reading about leadership doesn’t prepare you for a trigger moment☯️ Below the line vs above the line leadership👀 How coaches encourage a different perspective🦋 Work and life are both impacted by deep personal changes🧑‍💻 Why coaches from the same industry understand issues better➿ The two-fold advantage of group coaching🧱 The importance of building a community💪 How to embrace your diversity as a strength💬 Hearing others’ stories builds empathy📝 How it is possible to learn from observing coaching in practiceCheck out the show notes here: **Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Dec 17, 2020 • 6min

⚙️ SKAdNetwork 101: Understanding the mechanics of the updateConversionValue() method 🔟

In today’s episode we will cover the mechanics of how conversion values get incremented in SKAdNetwork. This was one of the open questions from my session at the App Promotion Summit on How to implement SKAdNetwork in a Post-IDFA World. We couldn't dive into this in detail in the main session - so I promised to cover this in a podcast episode - here it is! (Note: this is a 101 episode as it delves into some fundamental concepts that folks at the session asked for clarity on - so if you’re conversant with these fundamentals, please feel free to skip this.)KEY HIGHLIGHTS📊 Understanding conversion values with SKAdNetwork➕ How values are incremented 64 times🚶‍♀️ Correlation the user journey to the conversion value#️⃣ Binary vs decimal number systems🧮 The math behind conversionCheck out the show notes here: **Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Dec 8, 2020 • 43min

💻 Thinking out of the black box to win with Google UAC - with Natalie Drozd (redux) 📦

Our guest today is Natalie Drozd, app marketing expert. Her specialisation lies in App Store optimization, and growing apps through organic and paid marketing. In our conversation today, Natalie breaks down her strategies for unearthing the hidden levers in managing what can often appear to be a very opaque black box - Google UAC. She explains how to manage bids, creatives and audiences to drive performance even when there aren't explicit ways to do so. I took a ton of notes from this episode that we were able to implement directly - and I highly recommend this episode as a masterclass in making sense of Google UAC. As a note: As some of you may know, we had had Natalie on the show a few weeks ago. For various reasons we had to remove that episode - and re-record. This is the revised/finished product - enjoy!KEY HIGHLIGHTS🎰 3 levers you can influence on Google UAC🎚️ High bids do not guarantee high value users📍 Placements are key to performance.😎 How you can use bidding to influence placements🔃 The tradeoff between broad and targeted audiences - and how they are impacted by placements/bids🔬 Breaking down the 3 UAC placements🎛️ How you should choose your mix of placements depending on your goals of ROAS and scale⚖️ How to use bids to prioritise outcomes🏇 The competition aspect of placements📹 Using YouTube for brand-building☯️ The differences between passive and active marketing and the impact on conversions🌱 Why YouTube is the place for growth🎡 The product lifecycle informs ad goals🧲 The stability of IAP-based campaigns🎟️ Google’s minimum event volume threshold🤹 CPA campaigns on Play search and Play browse; CPM campaigns on AdMob🎞️ How to run video only and display only campaigns📽️ Running video-only ads on YouTube for less competition🏁 Different campaigns for the same event will compete with each other📡 Google’s machine learning uses signals from your app🗄️ Machine learning is not AI🔝How to bid for maximum value🎄 Seasonality impacts performance🌎 The many factors to consider when targeting worldwide users🏘️ The way to structure ad groups correctly🛍️ Choosing the right event for the region depending on market size🎚️ Event volume is critical🔬 How to test new creatives in UAC🗣️ The value of YouTube comments; even the bad ones👍 All engagement is good engagement🛒 Testing campaigns in non-core geos📅 Why you shouldn’t make changes to campaigns more than once a week🍂 Don’t forget about weekly seasonality🗺️ How to structure worldwide campaign📝 How to track changes to campaigns effectively💅 100k: the number of changes that Google is making to your ad🤑 Google is invested in marketer success➕ Turning Google’s knowledge everything into a positiveCheck out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Nov 30, 2020 • 44min

🗂️ How to use econometric models to supplement SKAdNetwork for mobile measurement in iOS 14 - with Brian Krebs (MetricWorks), and Anthony Cross (formerly at Big Fish Games) ⚖️

Our guests today are Brian Krebs and Anthony Cross. Brian is the founder and CEO of MetricWorks, and Anthony formerly at Big Fish Games. In today’s conversation they offer very interesting perspectives on why SKAdNetwork isn’t enough - and what it needs to be supplemented by in order for mobile measurement to truly reflect the value of marketing efforts.In today’s conversation, we reflect on why measurement in a world where marketing is influenced by multiple variables has no clear and easy answers - certainly none seemingly as simple as the solutions that deterministic measurement offered. The solution then is to embrace the multiple variables involved - and use an approach that is a mix of SKAdNetwork, econometric modeling and intelligent experimentation.Key highlights: 🌓 Why last touch attribution does not give the whole picture🏋️‍♂️ Incrementality is THE criteria for marketing effectiveness🤏 The limitations of SKAdNetwork signals for measurement🧮 Top statistics-based approaches to measuring incrementality that work🍼 How statistical models rely on IDFAs to be useful🧨 No-IDFA is going to blow up the measurement landscape📚 Big Fish used multiple sources of data in a custom dashboard to solve for attribution💡 How Big Fish used data science to get marketing insights🦋 Using data science to comparing LTV curves through a gaming app launch cycle to amp up ROAS◀️ Reverse engineering LTV curves to inform ad spend decisions🗺️ Mapping in-app events to monetisation and retention opportunities💸 Spend needs to tie back to business, and LTV is the only way to do that📍 Where to apply econometric modelling in marketing🎨 How to use media mix models for marketing🏗️ How to build models that calculate impact and outcomes💯 Micro and macro level factors to consider for accurate predictions🍃 How seasonality and trends impact lift⚙️ Tweaking factors to generate insights about what-if scenarios👋 The journey from deterministic to probabilistic has already begun🧪 Testing successful campaigns with interrupted time series can give counterintuitive results💪 How the post-IDFA landscape is strengthening the case for incrementality testing🔻 The opportunity cost for interrupted time series experiments⚖️ The careful balance in ITS experiments🔎 Why models are necessary alongside experiments for real validation 🧱 How to construct an econometric model by choosing the right variables📅 Why daily data is better than weekly data for training models in spite of the increased noise📈 The value of seasonality and trends encoding in models🔮 The key to good prediction for granularity in each event 🔬 Understanding counterfactual experiments and setting baselines🥇 Why incrementality testing is the gold standard now but not post-IDFA👬🏻 The two-fold team buy-ins for testing🤝 Why transparent partners are very important to a UA team🌌 Why experiments are tied to a certain level of scale🚼 Why single apps don’t have to worry about incrementality till scale 👌 The tried and tested approach to learning how to modelCheck out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:
Nov 19, 2020 • 11min

🤔 5 Reasons why Facebook’s Automated App Ads (AAA) aren't ready for prime time yet 🥑

Facebook recently made its Automated App Ads(AAA) available for all advertisers - as a part of its broader push toward having greater automation drive advertising performance.As of this writing, we see a number of challenges with AAA due to which we don't recommend doubling down on AAA. In this episode, we explain how AAA works - and what some of the challenges with it are.KEY HIGHLIGHTS🤖 What are Facebook’s Automated App Ads🦾 The optimisation that AAA automates⚗️ The introduction of liquidity📏 Why CPA is not necessarily the right metric to use🤷 AAA doesn’t leverage your existing knowledge of your users🧭 Navigating the learning phase is tricky🔌 Why knowing when to pull the plug is uncertain🧺 AAA is like putting all your eggs in one basket🌁 How performance data is obfuscated😵 There’s no way to know what’s going wrong, when something's going wrong🎯 Target exclusion is not quite there yet🌅 It’s early days yet; AAA will get better🌏 Test in non-critical geos⚖️ How to choose the right type of campaigns for testing☔ Using split tests is the prudent path forwardCheck out the show notes here:**Get more mobile user acquisition goodies here:http://RocketShipHQ.com**Check out our podcast featuring inside stories of how technology evolves and grows:

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