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Hearts Rise Up Podcast

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Aug 26, 2019 • 42min

Ep. 11 - Human DOing vs. Human BEing

In this episode, Concetta and Carol talk about what it means to be a Human Doing vs. a Human Being in today’s world. It’s a question all of us must ask ourselves as we live in an increasingly complex, fast-paced and ever-changing world that involves so much doing. Most everyone’s day appears to be externally driven involving so much doing.  Show Notes: Concetta and Carol explore a variety of things that impact and influence the amount of Human Doing vs. Being and what we can do create more of a balance between the two, such as: Balancing action and rest What is it to be a Human “BEing” (as a verb)? Stillness in being "Indulging" in the present moment Healing from burnout – the power of Nature Decision points  What is human "DOing"? Balance achievement and being busy with self-nurturing The continuum of doing and being Living life on purpose Benefits of balance Role of meditation and self-reflection How to address hindrances for balance Time and Trust Power of choice Tips and Techniques Being = Nourishment of mind and body Being in tune with the cycles of life Book Mentioned: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren "The Sensitivity Cycle" Mentioned  As referenced in Hearts Rise Up Blog post The Wisdom of a Pause For Clarity To Act Music by Jonn Serrie Intro and Outro music composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie. Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Jul 1, 2019 • 47min

Ep. 10 - Step Into Your Beauty Through Truth And Courage - An Interview With Rebecca Boskovic

In this episode, Rebecca Boskovic shares her perspective on the achievement of beauty. It’s an inside job by walking the path of truth and courage. Ever since she was 5 years old, Rebecca was very aware of her “own thinking”. Being very self-aware she learned how to process her feelings at a young age. But then as she grew older, especially when she hit adolescence, self-consciousness crept in. She started questioning herself. Stopped looking inward. And in high school, as is the case with many teens, the need for approval from others became prominent in Rebecca’s life. She was more worried about what people thought of her. Everything was outside in and she found herself trying to appease the world, giving up who she was for others. She found herself in a pitched cacophony. Rebecca’s big “Aha” occurred early on in college when her therapist asked a pointed question that shifted her whole perspective on herself, life, and the world. From that point onward she approached life and decisions as to what she wanted from the inside out with greater clarity.   Show Notes: Listen in to hear about her philosophy on fitness and whole-body health. What’s involved in the achievement of wholeness and beauty. How to love the body you have while simultaneously seeking the body you desire and much more such as: 1.  Her perspective on Truth, Courage, Beauty 2.  Optimal health is not about what you look like, but rather how you feel 3.  Achievement of beauty - learn to love yourself and tend to your soul 4.  Beauty is dynamic – slightly imperfect 5.  Our life stories inform our path and purpose 6.  Confidence leads to beauty and strength 7.  The impact of adolescence 8.  Importance of awareness regarding our "Self Talk" 9. What to do when you have reached all your physical goals and still feel empty 10. Important questions to ask yourself:       - Do I really want this?       - How do you know what other people think of you?" 11. AHA Moments that cause us to pivot 12. We’re all part of a great human body 13. "You were born perfect" 14. Be the tortoise and just show up every day Favorite Book: Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives by Tim Harford   Website and Contact Info: https://www.thefittestme.net/ Strength for Life Podcast: https://www.thefittestme.net/sfl-podcast   More Info: Rebecca lives a life infused by the love of…and in loving…her husband and four children ages 15, 12, 8, and 5. Her happiest moments are spent on picnics with her family, in watching her children grow and mature, and when a client discovers they’re stronger than they’d ever imagined they’d be. A lifelong seeker of truth, beauty, and courage . . . Rebecca believes that the best things in life include all three. In her current endeavor to launch her personal training studio in Suwanee, GA, she helps clients who are looking for that personal touch in achieving their fitness goals. She understands that for lasting change to take place in someone’s fitness goals, we also need to tend to how we see and feel about ourselves. Her ultimate goal for her clients is for them to see transformations at not only the physical level but the mental and emotional as well. Rebecca is the founder and CEO of The Fittest Me – a personal training and nutrition studio and digital site focused on whole-body health. She also has a podcast called Strength for Life.   Music by Jonn Serrie Intro and Outro music composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie. Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Jun 10, 2019 • 47min

Ep. 9 - Sacred Space Is All Around Us

Sacred space. It’s a personal expression of our need as human beings for spiritual nurturing. A place to tap into the deeper recesses of our soul. Sacred Space is a place that has special meaning for us and it’s up to each of us to decide what we want from the space and what we practice for personal nourishment within the space. Whether for meditation, quiet time, journaling, ritual, yoga, etc. There are many ways to enjoy the space to include considerations for who and for how many, how you want to be with it, and what it might contain – altar, incense, candles, crystals, divine symbols, and other special objects. In this episode, Ann and Carol expand the discussion on a recent blog post "How to Create Sacred Space In Your Home Or Anywhere" written by Ann. They share their own experiences and insights on creating sacred space within the home and enjoying the serenity of spaces outside the home, and how the sacred space should be a personal expression of the intention we set for it. SHOW NOTES Episode highlights include: Early experiences with Sacred Space - Grandmother Tree, Mountains, etc. Power spots in the natural world Observation inspires awareness of the sacred Bringing qualities of nature into your home Purpose of creating Sacred Space at home Build energy in the sacred spot  Mini alters throughout your space Creating a "Story House" Use your intuition In your garden Animals tune in to energy - use them to help you find your space Make your own transporter room You can find Sacred Space anywhere you go Clear the space - Shake up the energy Rituals enhance Sacred Space Techniques for meditation Focusing on the "still points" Tips for meditation Create your own sacred space: Set the intention, choose a spot, get creative Find the sacred in every moment Music by Jonn Serrie Intro and Outro + Special bonus for tuning into today’s episode at the end. Listen in to hear a meditative piece of music called “Breath of the Valley” composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie. Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
May 27, 2019 • 42min

Ep. 8 - Pausing The Linear Flow of Time

Ann and Carol expand the discussion on “Make Every Moment Count” - a previous blog post authored by Ann. They talk about what it means to “Be in The Moment”. They share insights from each other’s experience on why it’s important to practice more mindfulness in our daily lives, and what are the obvious and not so obvious reasons to do so. Other takeaways include what makes being in the moment so difficult these days and when you do it, it’s like a form of meditation which research has shown has demonstrably positive effects on our overall well-being. They share tips, tools, and techniques on how to practice present moment awareness and how doing so expands time and can actually pause the linear flow. SHOW NOTES Listen to find out more about: Expanding time Slowing down Experiencing the gifts life's little things bring The power of our mind How to take a photograph - the power of observation Mindfulness for creativity Mindfulness for stress relief The physiology of control and mindfulness The multiple functions of our cells How meditation is helpful for pain control Being more conscious Finding your reset button The Oasis of being in the present Role of letting go and acceptance Serving others by being present Gratitude Mindful moments - reminders Silence is golden Creating a balance SOME OF THE AUTHORS AND BOOKS Present Moment Awareness: A Better Way to Stay in Control by Deepak Chopra, M.D.Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing by Andrew WeilDigital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal NewportLazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
May 12, 2019 • 47min

Ep. 7 - Love Is Stronger Than Death - An Interview With Carol Neustadt

Being a gifted intuitive and clairvoyant is something that Carol Neustadt came into this world as. As a young child, she thought everyone had the ability to hear the voice within. And that everyone had an inner cheerleader or self-helper of a sort. One day, she realized, that was not the case after accidentally being hit in the head by a rock and having to go to the emergency room. Carol had never talked about her ability as an intuitive and clairvoyant until that accident. What’s most striking is that she knew in advance that she was going to have some sort of accident. She often had advance warnings. When she shared this in the hospital, she realized she was different and that not everyone had that ability. That scared her so much that she shut it down for a while. The gift, however, was always there and just dormant for just a short time. Over the year’s her use of intuition and clairvoyance evolved becoming beneficial in her work and life. She began doing volunteer work at a Hospice in Atlanta, GA using her abilities to help patients near death. Over time, her work grew in demand by doctors and staff, and she decided to go all in and get her certification as an End-of-Life Specialist and Death Doula. In this episode, Carol shares her passion along with with amazing stories of work with patients, many straddling consciousness between the worlds and how she helps them lovingly move on. Listen in to hear more about: “All is Well” and what it means to her Helping others is a joy “Doesn't everyone experience this?” What a doula is How to ‘Be the Observer’ It's “Not Your Story” Unconditional love washes away the fear Meditation is key  Many forms of meditation Joys of intuition More accurate than the weatherman Feel the pull toward something and follow it Exercise your intuition by playing games The powerful world of dreaming The role of visualization and feeling Changing the way, we think about death and dying   Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Apr 30, 2019 • 46min

Ep. 6 - You Hold The Pen To Your Life - An Interview with Brenda Underwood

Rejection was a big cloud over Brenda’s life for a long time. It was like a pillar from the time she was born. As the youngest of 5 children, for years she allowed rejection to shape the way she saw people and things, how she interacted with others, and even the attitudes she held onto. And for a time, all this culminated into leading a promiscuous and risky life. She eventually realized that she had to get to a place where she wasn’t seeing herself through the eyes of her critics. She realized that weaknesses do not define us. Everybody has pluses and minuses. She eventually turned her life around by first letting go, and then trusting a higher power, her faith, and herself. Brenda believes that “When people are able to discover their purpose and walk in their destiny, their happy factor increases.” She’s a testament to that. It took years to discover her purpose, but when she did she was able to live life authentically and rise up to her best self every day. She’s on a mission to help others do the same. Show Notes In this episode, you won’t want to miss Brenda's story. Listen in to what she’s learned on the journey to live her purpose. Key takeaways include: Intentionality vs. "Life Happens" The need to let go to have a winning life Create yourself vs. find yourself Who defines you? What defines you? Paying attention to a higher power or Kisses from Heaven We are all multi-faceted diamonds Plan your work and work your plan Use your tapestry of talents Have a Dream Party Who is your reference group? You hold the pen to your life and you get to define you Books She Recommends: If You Want to Walk on Water You’ve Got to Get out of the Boat by John Ortberg Influencers In Her Life: Maya Angelou Colin Powell Warren Buffett Life Coaches: Tony Robbins and Lisa Nichols Contact Info: Website: https://www.breakthroughforlife.com/ YouTube Channel: Breakthrough With Brenda More Info: After 25 years of corporate level management for companies like Unisource Worldwide, Mitchell Williams Law Firm, and Toshiba America, Brenda founded Breakthrough for Life, a life coaching business committed to reaching out to help others break through to their next level of living. As the founder of Breakthrough for Life, Brenda Underwood is a Certified Growth Coach trained by Jennie Turton via Lifeforming Leadership Coaching and Professional Coach trained by Lifeforming Leadership Coaching.  She has spent the last decade mentoring and coaching people from every walk of life, helping them to win at life. Educated in both accounting and biblical studies, Brenda has a worldview that touches hearts and balances budgets, literally!  Through her corporate career and ministry service, she has a unique understanding of the dynamics of both corporate and personal breakthroughs. She understands, that the most successful businesses require successful people. The reality is the two are intertwined and happy people make happy employees.  When people are able to discover their purpose and walk in their destiny their happy factor increases. Brenda has the capabilities necessary to coach individuals into personal breakthroughs that lead to successful lives. She has an astonishing knack for helping individuals reach to the heart of the barriers they face every day. By tearing down the roadblocks and breaking through the blind spots her clients are able to win at life. Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Apr 15, 2019 • 34min

Ep. 5 - Always ask "What If?" and Then Go For It - An Interview with Terry Moorer

Known worldwide as the“Hottest Disabled Speaker in America”, our featured guest for this episode is Terry Moorer. As a person with Cerebral Palsy, Terry has known first-hand what it takes to Rise Up to his best and greater self. He has 30+ years of experience working in the entertainment industry. He’s worked with NBA Entertainment, Queen Latifah, Walt Disney, MTV, Atlantic Records, and many others. In this interview, Terry takes us from his early years as an adolescent on up to adulthood and to where he is today. He shares how he broke into the music industry through sheer hard work during a time that was unheard of for people with disabilities. What’s interesting is that Terry didn’t realize he had a disability until he entered middle school. During that time, he experienced some tough times; not feeling accepted, rebelling and getting into trouble. But that didn’t last. That’s not the kind of person he was. Finally, over time his peers started to accept him. And since then he’s put one step in front of the other, always asking “What If”? In this interview with Terry, he shares insights on how to make the most of your life despite disabilities, struggles, or setbacks. Listen in to hear more on: Elevated moments in life Being on Hallowed ground - the White House experience Thoughts on control Disability is not an excuse Opening doors into a career The role of courage and persistence Building relationships everywhere you go Keys to success: Write everything down, have a schedule, follow-up with people and ideas The "advantage" of disability Gratitude throughout the day Always learning Ask yourself "What if..." as a motivator The biggest secret Don't take anything personally   Contact Info: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tmoorer https://expertfile.com/experts/terry.moorer   Website: www.thepalsyblog.com www.sendpaperlove.info   More info on Terry: As a person with Cerebral Palsy, Terence has been blessed to have over 30 years in the entertainment industry (sports/music). Terry received a community citation for his participation in the gold selling song entitled "Self Destruction." The project produced by the National Urban League raised awareness of black on black crime. The project Included rap music top stars, Heavy D., Public Enemy, MC Lyte, and Doug E. Fresh. In addition, his duties have included assisting location manager for MTV and coordinating talent celebrity basketball games hosted by TNT sports commentator Kenny Smith. He has also penned stories for several top entertainment and regional magazines including Right On, Billboard Magazine and Atlanta Business Journal. In the past, he has interviewed Gospel sensation Kirk Franklin, Actor Will Smith, Bull's Bill Cartwright, and Hawk's Tyrone Corbin, The Braxton’s (Toni Braxton siblings) and Singer Aaliyah to name a few. He has worked with the New York Knicks, NBA Entertainment (1992 NBA All-Star), jazz sensation Bob Baldwin, Denver Nuggets, Queen Latifah, Quincy Jones, Denver Nuggets, Special Olympics and Walt Disney World. For eight years he held the title as a personal publicist for MC Lyte, one of rap music’s most prominent female artist. In 1996 he increased membership and created awareness for the National Black Golfers Association, as Director of National Publicity. As an entertainment publicist, he has had the opportunity to travel worldwide and meet various people including Magic Johnson, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Dekembe Mutombo, Cyndi Lauper, Wesley Snipes, Jessie Jackson, Whitney Houston, Karl Malone, Janet Jackson, Sean Combs and Tupac Shakur. A new site www.learnthemusicbusiness.com is coming soon. He is the author of two books: How to Launch Your Music Career in 21 Days and Fearless Dreams (URL coming soon).   Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Apr 1, 2019 • 43min

Ep. 4 - "What Gets In The Way Becomes The Way" - An Interview With Thought Leader Jess Villegas

In this episode, Jess shares his perspective on "what gets in the way becomes the way". He illustrates how mental models, habits, and assumptions can limit our view of the possibilities in our life. He shares some of his most impressionable life experiences (as a parent, a leader, an entrepreneur, and a CEO) and how these experiences have shaped his thinking and way of being in the world. Jess’ keeps in mind two things that reflect his personal philosophy. 1) A quote by Marcus Aurelius, "The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” , and 2) His personal mantra - Release, Receive and Deliver. When we learn to release and detach from assumptions we hold about ourselves and life, we can allow ourselves to receive what serves the greater good. It is then we can choose and own what we deliver and bring our best self to the world. Listen in to hear Jess’ story and the pearls of wisdom he shares to include: Leading for the rest of us His anchoring principles or What would Marcus Aurelius Say?  Effect of "Story" through the years - What we tell ourselves and others Key roles of adapting and/or adopting a culture Success Key - treat every moment as a "Sacred Event" Paying attention to life's triggers for change Overcoming malaise or getting past obstacles Tools for intentional living for Jess: Meditation Yoga A mantra of Release, Receive and Deliver Remembering that everything is temporal Book recommendations from Jess: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey Healing the Heart of Democracy - Parker J. Palmer The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz A Mindful Nation - Tim Ryan Seeing Systems by Barry Oshry  Ervin Lazlo books on Systems Thinking Jess’ Blog post mentioned on the show:  Jess’ Blog post – How Clearly Can You See Your Moonshot? Contact Info: Linked in - Jess Villegas Website - www.LeadingConceptsGroup.com More Info: Jess Villegas is the Principal of Leading Concepts Group a, business consulting firm assisting small and medium-sized businesses in the areas of strategy, leadership, and management development.  He is also the CEO of Clowe & Cowan, a water infrastructure and technology company based in the southwest.  Jess leverages personal, leadership, financial and operational skills and philosophies to drive individual and organizational success. He’s the architect of a unique organizational leadership application called “Leading For The Rest of Us”, which is designed to elevate the influence of individuals who seek to be impactful in their organizations, but who do not necessarily have a formal title.   Jess' business philosophy is to raise awareness of mental processes and habits that limit organizational growth, facilitate more constructive patterns of thinking, and champion the concepts that how we are being in a business fundamentally impact how we are acting in a business. Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music
Mar 24, 2019 • 35min

Ep. 3 - Living In A State Of Awareness, Observation, And Discipline - An Interview With Larry Sims

In this episode, as he was growing up in the south, Larry had lots of questions around many things in life. Many of the answers he received from others were inadequate in his mind which led to a lot of confusion. The harder he tried to understand, the more questions he had and the answers were never satisfactory. Life was a bit awkward as he was growing up. Having started school a year early, he was smaller than his peers, and a target for bullying. Eventually, he was able to internalize his own sense of self-worth in his musical abilities. He found his calling as a Band and Orchestra Director. It wasn’t until he hit his early 50’s, that he was able to make sense of a lot of things. He learned that it’s never too late to raise your awareness and consciousness. Show Notes:  Listen in to hear Larry’s story, what he learned and how he applies it in his life today. There are many nuggets of wisdom to include: 1.  What you feed grows 2.  How to dispel anger and resentment 3.  Making time to reflect 4.  Egocentricity and transcendence - the Zen of it all 5.  The dynamics of growth through relationships 6.  The power of neutral observation - the downside of going from observation to analysis 7.  Acceptance and patience 8.  Spirit "Body-building" tips - moving from learning to practicing via discipline 9.  Finding what works for you10. Don't ask “Why” - Ask "What is the opportunity for growth?" (Advice from Dr. Steven Hairfield) 11. Resist the urge to control others - a Lilliputian tale   Books he recommends: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza When Everything Changes, Change Everything by Neale Donald Walsch Power vs. Force - Dr. David Hawkins Gulliver's Travels – by Jonathan Swift   People who’ve influenced his life: Wayne Dyer Marianne Williamson Dr. Steven Hairfield   More Info: Larry was born in Jackson, MS as a post-war baby boomer and into a Christian household via Southern Baptist orthodoxy. Bullied through the early years, he finally found refuge when discovering his musical abilities. After receiving undergrad and graduate degrees in Music Education, taught for 30 years as high school band and orchestra director. Retired from teaching and worked in retail for a decade before fully retiring. If you wish to contact Larry, feel free to reach out to Hearts Rise Up at Hello@HeartsRiseUp.com for details. Music by Jonn Serrie Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/ Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music  
Mar 17, 2019 • 26min

Ep. 2 - Sailing the Sonic Ocean - An Interview With Christopher Drummond

In this episode, Christopher shares how life can be a long and uphill road. Stress in his life was very common. He grew up in an area where public education was on the level of private schools and 90% of peers went to college. It was expected.  For Christopher, it was "butt-kicking" from the very beginning, and he wouldn’t change it for anything. He’s no stranger to Rising up to his ‘best self’. It’s taken hours upon hours of hard work and commitment. That’s been his life journey. He shows us all how following our true path involves looking deeply at what we want, not concerning ourselves with what others think, and just doing the work.   Show Notes In this interview, we share Christopher's journey to include: Navigating life's long and bumpy road The power of early childhood influencers Setting benchmarks Overcoming disbelief Perfection can be an illusion "Health is wealth" The value and power of silence Contact Info Website: https://www.sonic-ocean.com/ More Info Christopher Drummond is a recording and audio mix engineer, music producer, composer, sound designer, violinist, and Grammy Award voting member.  He has composed and produced original musical scores for radio, television, and film including collaborations with Fulvio Valsangiacomo (Eddie-winning/Oscar-nominated editing team for Gladiator) and Ralph Farris (Grammy-nominated arranger of The Lion King NYC, Roger Daltrey, and Depeche Mode).  His engineering and production style are influenced by a decade-long mentorship with renowned Grammy-nominated, Emmy-winning classical engineer, Edward Kelly, an electronic music pioneer, and IMAX scoring veteran, Michael Stearns and space-music visionary, Jonn Serrie. Christopher operates in Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA and is the Technical Director for Robert Aubry Davis’s Millennium of Music, a weekly radio program celebrating the mainstreams of European music for the thousand years preceding the birth of J. S. Bach. Millennium of Music airs on Sirius XM Radio Symphony Hall, XM Public Radio and over 250 National Public Radio affiliates. Christopher has produced feature programming for XM Satellite Radio, National Public Radio and Public Radio International featuring Paul McCartney, Sting, Billy Joel, Jon Anderson, The National Symphony Orchestra, Kiri TeKanawa, Bryn Terfel, Anonymous 4, the Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz and many others.

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