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The Game Changing Attorney Podcast with Michael Mogill

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Jun 30, 2020 • 44min

14. Mark Lanier — Achieving Billion-Dollar Verdicts

"The punitive damages are like a volume control on a stereo. The higher you dial it, the louder it will be." - Mark Lanier Why exactly does sharp storytelling make the most dangerous adversary in trial? How does it feel to win a $4.69 billion dollar verdict? What does it really mean to 'know thyself' inside and outside the courtroom? How did Mark Lanier end up playing himself in a feature film alongside Chris Evans? How Mark Lanier Achieved Over $20 Billion Dollars In VerdictsOften, successful lawyers will have a single career-defining case, but Mark Lanier has a legacy of landmark cases and 8-, 9- and even 10-figure verdicts. So what sets apart this trial law titan? One of the answers can be found in his storytelling prowess.From his childhood spent all over the US, to the daily cliffhangers he told his children on the way to school, to the way the scenes he sets for jurors — Mark sees life in terms of parables, and he shares his masterful vision with us.How To Be A Chameleon In the Courtroom While Staying AuthenticMark says jurors seek authenticity, and they can smell a fake attorney a mile away. He honed his skills watching other attorneys and became a shape-shifter in the courtroom — but something didn't ring true. Mark explains how the journey to 'knowing thyself' can transform your practice and trial results, and he shares how he self-educated, integrated, and actuated his ambitions.Sizing Up The Competition: Why Everyone Wants To Take Down The KingWhen you're on top, along with great success comes a giant target on your back — everybody wants to take down the king. Many attorneys see winning in court against the great Mark Lanier as the pinnacle of achievement.Mark explains why when it comes to facing the opposition, he doesn't get nervous — he gets excited. Plus, he tells us just what he thinks about those lawyers who view him as the ultimate threat.Key takeaways: Want to pick and choose your cases? Do the work. Mark's an advocate for practice makes perfect — so much so that he wants the young attorneys under his wing to get as much court time as possible. Mark shares his winning formula that pairs talent, hard work, and a drive for justice with his innovative strategy for pre-trial discovery and depositions. Watch, learn, emulate, integrate. Mark says that he's honed his courtroom prowess by watching and learning from the best, and he doesn't just mean lawyers. Whether it's a storyline on a TV show or a documentary timeline, to be a contender you need to channel inspiration from even the unlikeliest of places. Set your ethical compass.Mark believes that lawyers have a wealth of opportunity to fight for good, just, causes. He shares how treating others with love and compassion translates in the courtroom environment — and the satisfaction and success that comes with doing right by clients.Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn The Lanier Law Firm Mark Lanier LinkedIn Mark Lanier YouTube
Jun 23, 2020 • 50min

13. Mike Morse — Building The Fireproof Law Firm

"One Friday morning, three o'clock in the morning, I got a call that my office was on fire..." - Mike Morse How can you fireproof your firm to withstand any type of heat? Why is Mike Morse's mom more famous than he is? How did Mike become the Cherry Garcia of legal marketing? In what way is waiting tables like trying a case? Getting Fired Was The Best Thing That Happened To Mike MorseMike Morse is the founder of Michigan's largest personal injury firm, but he's hit his fair share of hurdles on his journey to the top. Mike categorizes catastrophic events as fires — make or break moments that can spell the end of a career...or be the catalyst for change.He tells us about two twin tragedies in life — a literal fire and a metaphorical one — and how losing 60% of his cases let him dominate the market.Why True Visionaries Should Delegate Away All The Bulls***In 2007, Mike found a mentor in Gino Wickman (featured on Episode 10) who showed him his strength as a visionary-type entrepreneur. Playing to his strengths, he got himself the perfect integrator partner who makes his big ideas a reality.We hear firsthand about this incredible dynamic, and learn how every attorney can find the inner fire that drives them to succeed — and figure out the complementary style to balance them out for optimal business growth.The Jumbotron Is Going To Change Your LifeThe silver bullet in Mike Morse's chamber is the mega-metering monolith he likes to call the Jumbotron. This seemingly simple tool introduced by his partner John crunches numbers so Mike can crush key performance indicators. And the best news is, he's going to tell you exactly how you can get one yourself.Key takeaways: Put your people first. Mike based many of his calculated risks on his responsibility to his people. Foster an environment of openness and accountability in your firm and you'll build the trust and loyalty you seek — all while bulletproofing your decision-making process. When it comes to marketing, wear your heart on your sleeve. Mike's not saying that everyone should feature their mom in their TV spots, but the only way to cut through the noise is to project an image that is true to you and that dares to be different. You can fireproof your firm too. Mike sees his new book “Fireproof” as his way of giving back. He's not afraid of sharing his secrets and educating the competition. In fact, he wishes someone had taught him these lessons when he was a young attorney. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Mike Morse Law Firm Website Mike Morse LinkedIn Fireproof: A Five-Step Model to Take Your Law Firm from Unpredictable to Wildly Profitable
Jun 16, 2020 • 44min

12. Mike Papantonio — Building a Legacy By Redefining the Status Quo

"Any of those 400 people that were in that room will remember the screaming match between me and the folks up on that stage." - Mike Papantonio What did Mike say to shock a room full of mass tort attorneys? Why should young lawyers pick up the phone and call their heroes? How did Mike Papantonio and John Morgan end up being roommates? Why does Netflix love Mike's cases? Mike Papantonio: From The Courtroom To Netflix DocumentariesMike Papantonio is a big name in mass torts not just in his native Florida, but across the US, scoring many multimillion-dollar verdicts throughout his career. Mike's been broadcasting hot legal topics to the masses on his radio show “Ring of Fire” for over 15 years, his show on “America's Lawyer” is viewed internationally, and Netflix has even created documentaries about his cases.So what makes this attorney's stories so magnetic? We dive deep to discover the man behind the media...Why America's Lawyer Wants You To Feel UncomfortablePretty early on, Mike knew he wanted to make a new reality in the mass tort world. He was done with class actions, he wanted mass tort lawyers to try cases and elevate the results for their clients. The snag? Just about the entire industry thought he was crazy.Mike explains why he actively puts people outside their comfort zone on the regular, how he seeks out like-minded peers, and why he's still driving reform year in, year out.Want To Work With The Best? Pick Up The PhoneEarlier in his career, Mike used to stay up every night calling big-shot attorneys that he wanted to work with, get to know, or just kick ideas around with, and he wants you to do the same. Mary might be a jerk, and maybe Harry's too busy, but someone's going to answer. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain from picking up that phone and going down your list.Key takeaways: Embrace rejection. Light a fire with failure. If you want to be a game changer, you need the ability to adapt. Mike explains how his door-to-door sales job showed him how to flip failure. Plus, he tells us about the fears that keep him sharp, savvy, and head and shoulders above the competition. Niche down or diversify, but stick to your brand. Some lawyers hone in. Others, like Mike, start niche and expand out. He doesn't care what you do, so long as you do you. Mike tells us why brand is king, whether it's TV, radio, billboards, or social media marketing — and gives his top tips on how to work it out. The real secret to courtroom success? Tell great stories. From his books to the Netflix documentaries, Mike's storytelling engages readers, viewers, clients, and juries. He explains how you can do the same by applying strategic narrative in your practice. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Levin Papantonio Website Mike Papantonio Twitter Mike Panantonio Website Mike Papantonio Linked In
Jun 9, 2020 • 58min

11. Legal Legends LIVE

We all know them: titans in their fields, dominators of their markets, household names in their communities.What are their secrets? How did they build their empires? How did they rise to the top — and stay there? And how can YOU do the same for your law firm?Simple. JUST ASK THEM.In this special LIVE episode, we put your questions to our guests, including predictions of the lasting impact of COVID-19 on the legal industry, the dos and don'ts of hiring millennials, top legal marketing mistakes, and what it takes to grow your law firm into a market-dominating powerhouse.Key Takeaways: When John Morgan calls, you should answer the phone Alexander Shunnarah can see straight through those too-good-to-be-true proposals If there's chaos and disruption, Anthony Johnson will turn it into gold rush Mark O'Mara doesn't trust his gut when it comes to hiring Joe Fried wants to become the most credible person in the courtroom, no matter how much it hurts And the one thing they all agree on:"The best cases go to the best marketers, that's just a f*** fact, right?" - Anthony Johnson**Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn John Morgan Website Alexander Shunnarah Website Anthony Johnson Website Mark O'Mara Website Joe Fried Website
Jun 2, 2020 • 33min

10. Gino Wickman — Entrepreneurship. Is it in your DNA?

"I think being an entrepreneur is a psychological disorder with all the love and respect. I mean, we are crazy." - Gino Wickman How can you know if you're a born entrepreneur — or if you’re not cut out for it? What are the REAL reasons so many new businesses fail? Why is strengthening your weaknesses a waste of time? Are successful people genetically engineered to dodge curveballs? Gino Wickman Wants To Jumpstart Your BusinessEntrepreneur, author, and mentor Gino Wickman knows exactly what it takes to succeed in business. He learned the hard way how to turn a failing business around into a profitable one, exploit his strengths, and put yourself head and shoulders above the competition.Now, Gino's sharing his secrets to teach others what he wishes he'd been taught during his formative years. It’s not going to be easy — but if you want your entrepreneurial leap sized up by the guy who's been in the trenches for decades, then jump in.Entrepreneurship Might Not Be For YouEntrepreneurs are the new rock stars, but most people aren't cut out to be the headline act. Gino has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe, and he’s identified six key traits that you MUST have in order to succeed.Struggling wantrepreneurs will want to tune in as Gino drops truth bombs that might just save you 10 years of wasted time, money, and effort.Why Some Attorneys Don't Need PartnersWhat kind of a business owner are you? According to Gino, the way you run your law firm is completely reliant on how you're hardwired as an individual. He identifies three types of partner people: the lone rangers, the true equal partners, and those who partner but seek greater control.We discuss how to recognize your partnering type — and how to save yourself the hassle and money that comes with going into business with the wrong kind of people.Key takeaways: Delegate and elevate. Any time an attorney is doing $25/hour work, they're taking a pay cut. To expand your business, elevate your personal offering, and make an impact on the world you need to expand, Gino tells you how to hire well and decline tasks that are below your pay grade. You don't have to be an entrepreneur to be a game changer. Gino says true visionary entrepreneurs are hard to find, but integrators are the rarest creatures of all. If you're highly organized and can funnel innovative concepts into tangible action, then you can walk into just about any company on the planet. Get your 10-year goal in check. Heavily focusing on the day-to-day struggles counterintuitively keeps entrepreneurs from getting more done. Gino makes the case for clarity, projection, and measurable goals that will enhance your capability to act and react to any temporary obstacles that may arise. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Gino Wickman LinkedIn Entrepreneurial Leap Website - Free Chapter Entrepreneurial Leap Book on Amazon
May 26, 2020 • 52min

9. Joe Fried — How to Hyperspecialize & Dominate Your Niche

"At about three o'clock in the morning, I decided that I was going to be a truck accident lawyer." - Joe Fried Why would an attorney turn down a surefire career to gamble on an unexplored niche? How does giving away your expertise to your competitors make you a better lawyer? Why is fear the best motivator, and how can you use it to your advantage? How do you lead a firm with a hyperspecialized practice area when there's no playbook? The Peerless Personal Injury Trucking AttorneyJoe Fried's been obsessed with justice for as long as he can remember. Fresh out of high school, he became a Fulton County police officer — and once he got bit by the bug, he knew he needed to go all-in.Along the way, Joe discovered a narrow legal niche he cared deeply about...and could impact to a greater degree.With his passion for personal injury in the trucking niche and his ambition to be the best, Joe has opened up a whole new legal landscape and become a driving force behind lasting change in the trucking industry.Turning Down Million Dollar Product Cases To Niche DownIt takes great personal insight and grit to take a career-changing risk, but Joe Fried did just that. Instead of staying to take on more million-dollar product cases, he niched down into personal injury trucking law.We talk about the major payoffs of calculated risk, how attorneys can identify the niche that is truly their calling, and why Joe believes “jack of all trades” lawyers are setting themselves up for failure.Why Joe Gives His Industry Secrets AwayJoe wrote the playbook for trucking cases, but he doesn't keep his secrets close to his chest. He's more than willing to train up the next generation of attorneys — his future competitors. This is about changing the industry, developing best practices, and really testing his abilities as a lawyer and as a mentor. Joe explains why he's happy to give back from a personal, professional, and even spiritual angle.Key takeaways: Fear drives ambition. Joe felt scared during his drastic career change, but he turned his fear into fuel. He leveled up his career and used that fear as inspiration to launch an incredible fleet of initiatives to further set himself apart in his chosen niche. Niche down to your passion. Joe has made his life about trucking law — it's no marketing ploy. He cares deeply about the industry, communicating daily with safety directors, building coalitions, and trying to change the culture around the issues. He doesn't have to do all of that, but it's made him the most respected guy in the room. Money is just a metric for success. Joe's work is a testament to the idea that the more you give, the more you get. This is about the human side of the law, something that others may be out of touch with. Joe is vulnerable, earnest, and passionate about making a difference in other people's lives, case by case. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Joe Fried LinkedIn Fried Goldberg LLC Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys
May 19, 2020 • 49min

8. Mark O'Mara — Defending George Zimmerman & Navigating the Media

"I wouldn't change an hour of it. It was an absolute two-year adrenaline rush." - Mark O'Mara How does it feel to be the most famous defense attorney in America? How did Mark balance the challenging Zimmerman defense with the intense media scrutiny of the highest-profile case in the country? What's the problem with today's juvenile justice system? Which personal traits allow Mark to keep calm in the courtroom? What are the dangers of trial by media? How can attorneys continue to beat their professional goals and keep pushing the limits? Representing Zimmerman In The Case That Gripped AmericaMark O'Mara became a household name in 2012 when he signed on as the defense attorney for the infamous George Zimmerman. This career-defining case captured the attention of millions and changed his career forever.In this episode, Mark dives deep into the pressures of being a lawyer thrust into the public eye — and how that challenge drove him to succeed.The Lawyer At The Eye Of The StormAttorneys are used to being under scrutiny from their clients and peers in the legal community, but the Zimmerman case took it to a whole new level.Mark was at the center of a tense — and sometimes dangerous — situation that generated a level of societal resonance that nobody could have predicted. The media and the American public were attentive to the narrative, and O’Mara’s peers questioned why he'd even take the case.Mark explains how he dealt with the media in a way that was sensitive both to the criminal justice system and to the societal pressures — a gold standard approach that is relevant for attorneys countrywide who manage high-profile cases.Mindset & Drive: The Calm Of The CourtroomWhile other trial lawyers feel the heat in the courtroom, Mark thrives in a high-stress environment. This is his lifetime vocation — so when he’s firing on all cylinders, when every neuron is focused on that winning argument, that’s Mark’s sweet spot.The drive, mindset, and motivation Mark embodies extend far further than any one trial. He has a career-spanning track record of successfully taking on challenging cases in order to test his capabilities and to be the best defense lawyer he can possibly be.Key takeaways: If you want to be the best criminal defense lawyer you can be, remember the reason you exist: to protect the values of the constitution. Mark is a passionate believer that defense attorneys are liberty's last champion. According to Mark, defense lawyers that aren't leveraging ALL of their skills, intellect, and expertise to take on challenging cases should start looking for a new career path. In career-defining “make or break” moments, you get to see what kind of attorney someone really is. With his ethics and practices under scrutiny, Mark showed the world that he is driven by challenge, that he runs a tight ship in his organization, and that he is energized by the people around him. Behind every successful leader in the legal industry, there’s a host of supportive and dedicated associates, family members, and partners — and Mark is proud to sing their praises. Through his work with several non-profits, Mark is committed to addressing some of the entrenched issues in the American justice system. He details how the juvenile system as it stands creates a breeding ground for future criminals — and the transformational interventions he wants to see implemented. For Mark it's a win for all parties: we spend less money putting juveniles in prison and more money on creating the better society we'd all like to be a part of. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Mark O'Mara LinkedIn Mark O'Mara Twitter O'Mara Law Group Website O'Mara Law Group LinkedIn
May 12, 2020 • 38min

7. Cy Wakeman — Ditching the Drama & Creating a Culture of Excellence in Your Law Firm

"People complain as if their standards are high and lead as if their standards are low, and you can't have both." - Cy Wakeman How much time are you wasting on drama and emotional waste in the workplace? Why are employee engagement surveys a waste of time? How do you know if a team member is a good candidate for change? And when should you cut your losses and move on?  How Cy Wakeman Promotes The Ego-Free OfficeCy Wakeman is a workplace drama expert, leadership & team culture consultant, a New York Times best-selling author, and a sought-after speaker with 25 years of expertise. She spends her time training world-class leaders how to craft the ideal, profitable, and ego-free organization by hacking the hiring process, deriving true employee engagement, and putting energy, time, and money in all the right places.Why Drama Is Eating Up Our Working HoursAccording to Cy's extensive research, the average team member spends 2 hours and 26 minutes a day in drama. That's 816 hours a year of lost productivity — per person in your organization!Cy says drama is really emotional waste (i.e. energy that's being taken away from results or happiness and dumped into drama behaviors). We see this at work in terms of scorekeeping, venting, blaming, resisting changes, holding the organization hostage, and giving terroristic demands. The good news is, these behaviors are demonstrable and measurable — and Cy is all too happy to give us her academic insight on how to wrangle those metrics in your law firmThe High Accountability - Low Accountability ConundrumA law firm’s C-suite, leaders, and upper managers only have a limited number of hours in the day — even fewer if you're dealing with workplace drama. Most teams consist of a blend of high, mid, and low accountable employees, so it can be tough to devote the appropriate amount of time to all team members in each category.Cy argues that a fair leader will spend time with all employees on the spectrum — but when it comes to low accountables, the focus should be firmly on performance management, not coaching, cajoling, or bargaining.Key takeaways: Game changing leaders should limit the liberties that rockstar team members take. Cy explains why no single employee — however talented they may be — should have the power to hold a business hostage. There are more factors at play than just specialized knowledge and achievements. What is that individual's true costs, aside from their salary and benefits? What's their hassle factor? Their drama quotient? Cy tells us how to measure the real price of talent — and what we should do if it's too high! Employee engagement is paramount in the competitive contemporary jobs market, but Cy says organizations need a wake-up call when it comes to engaging their workforce. Ping-pong tables, waterslides, and over-the-top employee benefits equate to buying love — and that's not sustainable. Instead, Cy explains how to elevate your employee satisfaction by creating a respectful environment that is high in accountability. Has your law firm got mediocre results? That's just fine, says Cy, but you need to quit lying about it. If average results are your reality and you're not planning on overhauling your company, then you'll need to make peace with it. She says that leaders complain like their standards are high, but behave as if their standards are low — and that it's impossible to have both. If you want to get out of a rut, you might be in need of a healthy dose of reality-based leadership in your firm.  Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Cy Wakeman Website Cy Wakeman LinkedIn Cy Wakeman Twitter Cy Wakeman: "No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Workplace Drama, End Entitlement, and Drive Big Results"  
May 5, 2020 • 49min

6. Anthony Johnson — The Elon Musk of the Legal Industry

"I like the idea of lawyers not even touching the technology because — let's be honest — they're the ones that f*** it up." -Anthony Johnson How does a data-driven attorney approach marketing, hiring, and “the human element” of running a law firm? Why should firms share their data with their rivals? Can you be both a great business owner and a great lawyer? Attorney, Entrepreneur, Digital Strategist, FuturistMost people don't understand what Anthony Johnson does — and those who do believe he's either crazy, brilliant, or a combination of the two.A computer science undergrad with a background in software and SaaS, AJ made his way into the legal world in an unlikely way. Fresh out of law school and working out of his closet, his understanding of digital marketing drove his firm to become the leading firm in Arkansas on Google Places. The catch? He hadn't yet tried a case.Years later, AJ has become a true pioneer in the legal world thanks to his unique mindset and innovative approach to business.Data in the Legal LandscapeAJ is data-driven, pure and simple. His office is filled with monitors displaying metrics, analytics, and modeling dashboards, and he spends a huge amount of time thinking about how we use data today — and what the future will look like.We discuss the key considerations that law firms need to contend with around data management and privacy, and talk about why law firm leaders should start reading up on cryptocurrency now.Measuring the IntangibleSavvy marketing is part and parcel of AJ's strategic approach, although it's ironically one of the most difficult business factors to measure in terms of clear, tangible return on investment. AJ and Michael discuss why the biggest law firm advertising spenders reap big results — and how small firms can hack the digital marketplace to start making gains.Key Takeaways: When it comes to competition, your mindset matters. AJ looks to other firms as rivals, not competitors, creating an environment where law firms can grow and explore new territories together. This bold approach means keeping your personal leadership skills sharp and growing as a firm — while simultaneously raising the bar for all attorneys. Company culture can be cultivated, but AJ firmly believes that people are either on your team...or they're out of it. AJ won't keep a staff member longer than necessary because if they're not happy being there, you're fundamentally holding them back from finding the next position that could be perfect for them. That said, AJ's team is one of the most engaged around, and he lets us in on what he does to create that all-important employee experience, empower people as part of the process, and foster a sense of purpose and belonging. AJ has myriad predictions about the future of the legal industry and tech, but the one he's most convinced of is a progressive decoupling of attorneys from paralegal and adjacent roles. He believes that, with automation on the rise, attorneys will be valued for their thought leadership and expertise, with less about "cracking the whip on paralegals and running a sweatshop." Links & Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn Anthony Johnson LinkedIn Anthony Johnson Twitter Linville Johnson Website Attorney Group Website
Apr 28, 2020 • 51min

5. Chris Voss — FBI Negotiation Tactics for Business and Life

"The secret to gaining the upper hand and a negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control.” -Chris Voss How can FBI hostage negotiation techniques level-up your leadership? Why are emotional intelligence and tactical empathy the sharpest tools? What is the 'Oprah rule' and why should you live your life by it? Hostage Negotiations: From The FBI To The BoardroomChris Voss, former Lead International Kidnapping Negotiator for the FBI, and current CEO and The Black Swan Group, has had an action-packed career. He started out as a beat cop in New York City and moved laterally into hostage negotiations, thanks to his insatiable attitude to learning, and his insightful understanding of the human condition.How Law Firm Leaders Can Level-Up Their Negotiation SkillsOver the years, Chris has worked with and trained some of the world's leading negotiators, entrepreneurs and business leaders. So what do all these people have in common? One greatly underestimated skill ties all these people together: emotional intelligence.Do you have it, or do you need to work on it? Chris explains why it's so vital, and how it can lead to the ultimate collaboration, whether you're negotiating fees, or handling a case.The Link Between Tactical Empathy In Business And NeuroscienceIn the words of Chris Voss: "Tactical empathy. It's low maintenance and it works". But what exactly is this so-called Jedi mind trick? Chris explains how negotiation strategies are linked to cognitive empathy, and how his theory of tactical empathy is evidenced in our scientific understanding of how our brains function.Key takeaways: The greatest hack for any budding law firm negotiator is a mindset of discovery. Chris' natural curiosity has worked in his favor in hostage negotiations, and throughout his career. Although Chris has honed his skills over the years, this mindset can be taught and cultivated. Like any skill worth having, it takes dedication, but Chris lets us in on a few daily practices that can start you on the road to masterful negotiation. One trick to gaining the upper hand in negotiations is to give your counterpart the illusion of control. Chris explains how to plant seeds of doubt in order to make your adversary think twice. This isn't about mind-manipulation or leading someone astray, it's about creating a favorable situation so that you can avoid being taken advantage of - highly applicable to the legal landscape, from the boardroom to the courtroom. Chris Voss lives his life by the Oprah rule - pull out when you need to, but always leave the door open. The last impression is the lasting impression, and by exiting professionally and politely you always leave space for further collaboration if desired. So what if someone doesn't let you leave politely? Chris breaks down this predatory move and explains what your next course of action should be. Links And Resources The Game Changing Attorney Podcast Michael Mogill Facebook Michael Mogill Twitter Michael Mogill Instagram Michael Mogill LinkedIn Crisp Video Website Crisp Video Facebook Crisp Video Group Twitter Crisp Video Instagram Crisp Video LinkedIn “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb Black Swan Group Website Chris Voss LinkedIn "Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It" by Chris Voss

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