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The Simple Man Podcast

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Nov 18, 2023 • 1h 37min


This episode brings you Adam Von Rothfelder, ex MMA fighter and Owner of STRONG COFFEE COMPANY! Enjoy, Like & Subscribe! STAY SIMPLIFIED! website: instagramws: Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. Nicky Rods Instructionals: Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals: Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Damien Andersons Instructionals: Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro (Welcome Adam Von Rothfelder) 3:08 Sponcers 4:40 What is STRONG COFFEE COMPANY? 14:40 How Did STRONG COFFEE Get Started? 17:25 STRONG COFFEE in Whole Foods 38:12 How STRONG COFFEE Gets Its Name Out There? 49:10 Where Did The Idea of STRONG COFFEE COMPANY Coming From? 59:00 STRONG COFFEE COMPANYs Marketing Strategy 1:27:20 Carne Jerky Advice 1:35:10 Outro
Nov 8, 2023 • 54min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP.48 w/ Jeff of Colorado Craft Beef.

Learn about the world of beef with Colorado Craft Beef and GET SIMPLIFIED! Like & Subscribe. Website: Instagram: Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. Nicky Rods Instructionals: Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals: Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Damien Andersons Instructionals: Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro (How Did The Podcast Start?) 3:00 Promos! (MASF/Violent Hippie, Carne Jerky, Merch) 4:15 Simple Men Gambling 7:00 Welcome Jeff of Colorado Craft Beef 10:40 Grass Fed vs Grain Fed Beef, Whats The Deal? 15:50 Cow Breeds 17:20 Breeding Cows Timing 18:35 Havesting Statistics 20:55 Biggest Beef Importers 24:20 How Did Colorado Craft Beef Get Its Name Out There? 28:00 Cow Wrestling 30:18 Set Up For Your Career 32:15 Kobe Beef vs Wagyu Beef 34:50 The Cow Market, How Does It Work? 40:00 Steak & Role 41:55 Cowboy Shit! 42:40 The World of Bull Riding 47: 26 How Is Veal Made? 48:48 Does Diet Effect The Milk of Cows? 50:20 Favorite Steak? From Ribeye to Human 53:00 Outro
4 snips
Oct 30, 2023 • 1h 11min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP.47 Simple Man Halloween Special!

Nicky Rod and Ethan Crelinsten, grappling champions, join Damien Anderson in a Halloween special. They discuss Halloween costumes, ADCC trials experiences, funny incidents, wrestling matches, maintaining motivation, traffic issues, and scaring people for amusement.
Oct 25, 2023 • 1h 19min


his episode brings us the newest black belt B Team member, Kieran Kichuk. Hope you enjoy and dont forget to Like and subscribe! GET SIMPLIFIED! Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. Nicky Rods Instructionals: Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals: Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Damien Andersons Instructionals: Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro ( Welcome Kieran Kichuk) 4:00 Gi Is Pointless? 8:35 MASF & Violent Hippie/ Merch 9:30 Gi Is Pointless? pt.2 10:40 Illegal Jiu Jitsu 14:48 Why Did Kieran Come To B Team? 19:00 Are B Team Students Progressing? 24:40 Gi Is Pointless? pt.3 27:28 Kierans Up Bringing 30:10 Nicky Rods Banff Trip: Nicky Rod vs Bear 37:40 Carne Jerky Break 39:28 Does Weed Make You To "Simple"? 41:10 Kierans Training Schedule 42:46 Why Did Kieran Come To B Team? pt.2 45:02 Polaris Grand Prix 47:30 Kierans False Reap 48:28 RING UFO Footage Reward 49:36 ADCC East Coast Trials (Pre) 51:45 ONE 52:37 NickyRod, How To Beat a Rhino & Lion? 55:25 NickyRods Eye & Ear 57:35 Kierans At PANs 1:00:38 ADCC East Coast Trials pt.2 (Pre) 1:10:10 Being Strong In Jiu Jitsu 1:14:10 Stretch! 1:16:10 Pre Match Rituals 1:18:45 Outro
Oct 25, 2023 • 1h 8min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP.45 Toughest Matches, Weight Cutting Regiments, Weed, Bad for Sleep & MORE!

Nicky Rod and Ethan Crelinsten, two elite grapplers, discuss their toughest matches, mental preparation, weight cutting regimens, the impact of weed on sleep and recovery, and the importance of pushing oneself in training. They also touch on recovering from injuries, the emotional impact of winning and losing, and the benefits and drawbacks of powerlifting for jiu-jitsu.
Oct 11, 2023 • 1h 25min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP. 44 JayRod Has A Crazy Fight At WNO!

GET SIMPLIFIED! Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. Nicky Rods Instructionals: Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals: Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Damien Andersons Instructionals: Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro 1:30 Merch & MASF/Voilent Hippie 2:35 JayRods Back From WNO 20 9:03 NickyRod Is Not Fat! 10:25 Damiens Next MMA Fight 13:08 JayRods WNO, Did The Weight cut hold him back? 17:15 Weight Lifting Safely 19:20 JayRods WNO Weight Cut Story 28:15 ADCC Trials 2023 31:30 DDS: The First Split Up 40:45 B-Team: B Stands For BEST 44:04 Carne Jerky 44:19 Rampage Jackson Coming To B-Team? 46:15 Carne Jerkey 47:47 Nicky Ryan vs The World 50:13 Eathan Beat Giancarlo (Basically) 51:56 Nicky Ryan vs The World pt.2 52:53 WNO 20 & ADCC Trails 2023 59:55 CTE Is Gay! 1:01:27 Best Way To Get Rid of a Body? 1:06:40 Jawzrsizer 1:09:05 Banff 1:10:15 JayRod Is Going To Hawaii! 1:14:08 Weather, Who Cares 1:15:40 Ethans Killer Whales Story 1:19:10 Self Aware Dog 1:24:30 Outro
Oct 5, 2023 • 1h 11min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP.43 Nicky Ryan & The Simple Men Watch Kody Steele'sFury FC Fight!

Nicky Ryan joins the podcast once again! GET SIMPLIFIED! Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. Nicky Rods Instructionals: Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals: Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Damien Andersons Instructionals: Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro (Welcome Back Nicky Ryan) 3:00 Glasses Give Cancer? 4:42 What Did The Simple Men Do Today? 8:02 Nicky Rods Ear? 16:25 Nicky Rods 1v3 Event 25:50 Nicky Rod & Ethan Strike 27:25 Ethan Gives Poor Advice? 29:32 Kody Steeles FC Fight Watch Along 43:53 Enigma Jiu Jitsu Event (Who is Drew?) 50:15 Does B Team Ever Want To Move? 53:45 Expensive Car, Are They Pointless? 57:24 MASF & Violent Hippie 57:48 A Mechanic On Stand By! 1:00:15 Pre Check Outs 1:03:17 Nicky Ryan Experience In Japan & Weird F*ck Dolls 1:08:42 Ethan Lives In An Apartment! 1:10:55 Outro
Sep 29, 2023 • 1h 24min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST Ep.42 The Simple Men Are Back In Town!

The OG Simple Men are finally back together! Dont forget to like, share and subscribe! STAY SIMPLIFIED!!!! Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. This episode brings BJJ Black Belt & B Team own Robert Degle, learn about his life and where he got his start! Enjoy, Like & Sub! Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 Intro ( New Simple Man Merch) 1:58 The Boys Are Back! 3:20 Is Therapy Real? 5:35 NickyRods New House 8:00 Travel Stories Pt: 1 18:05 MASF & Violent Hippie 18:50 Travel Stories Pt: 2 28:30 The B Team Bulls Experience 33:50 Carne Jerky Sponsors Damien? 35:36 Logan Paul vs Dylan Dennis 37:35 Visualizing Before A Match 46:15 Whats "Too Old" For JIu Jitsu? 48:30 Peaky Blinders 49:30 Ethan Is Egyptian 51:00 JayRod On His 20Ib Weight Cut & His Next Match 56:04 Jozef Chen Winning ADCC Trails 57:40 JayRods Next Match WNO 1:01:30 Damiens Pro Debut 1:04:00 Simple Man Billboard? 1:06:40 ADCC Trails 1:08:20 NickyRods Ear 1:10:15 6 Min Rounds vs 10 Min Rounds 1:12:35 Quintet Style & AIGA 1:15:47 Drugs on Flights? 1:21:20 Outro
Sep 19, 2023 • 1h 7min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP.41 The Rod Bros Back From Japan, NickyRod Gets a New House & New Matches!

Nicky Rod & Jay Rod talk about thier trip to Japan, Nicky Rods New House, Upcoming Matches AND MORE! Hope yall enjoy, Like & Subscribe! STAY SIMPLIFIED!!!! Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler. This episode brings BJJ Black Belt & B Team own Robert Degle, learn about his life and where he got his start! Enjoy, Like & Sub! Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit. Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu. Make sure to visit our sponsors, MASF Supplements/ Violent Hippie use promo code "SIMPLEMAN" at check out to receive a 15% discount "BE KIND OR ELSE!" Wepsites: Instagram: . Merch Store: Facebook: . TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 INTRO (A New Home) 3:00 MASF & Violent Hippie 3:45 Tales From Japan Pt.1 12:25 Quintet 14:55 New Home Feeling 19:00 Tales From Japan Pt.2 27:35 Crazy Sex Shops In Japan 30:30 NickyRods Backyard "Nature At Its Finest" 35:30 Simple Man Merch 35:48 Upcoming Matches & Quintet 43:30 Staying Focus For Comp, How To Flip The Switch 48:10 Nicky Rod Pulls Guard 50:10 Tales From Japan Pt.3 55:40 Upcoming Matches 58:20 Ford Ranger For Sale! 1:00:20 New Podcast Studio? 1:01:05 Tales From Japan Pt.4 1:03:10 Crazy Fan In Japan 1:06:20 OUTRO
Sep 17, 2023 • 1h 3min

THE SIMPLE MAN PODCAST EP. 40 NickyRod looking for a boxing match, Japan, Cowboy shit AND MORE!

TikTok: . Carne Jerky: JitzBitz: . 0:00 intro 1:25 JayRods Upcoming Blue Collar Tournament pt.1 4:20 Rod Brothers On Motocross 6:35 Violent Hippie & MASF 7:20 Rob Degles Funny Clip 8:25 Who Should We Have On The Podcast? 8:54 JayRods Upcoming Blue Collar Tournament pt.2 11:00 Nicholas Meregali vs Kaynan Duarte 12:09 The Suga Show! 15:35 Ethan The Interrupter & Damien The Hated 17:05 NickyRod Bought A House 18:40 Bidets 20:10 JayRods Upcoming Blue Collar Tournament pt.3 23:35 B Team Goes To Japan! 26:30 JayRod Doesnt Know How To Have Fun 27:15 Upcoming ADCC Trials 28:45 Damiens MMA Career 30:40 NickyRod Wants a Boxing Match 31:40 Dillon Danis vs Logan Paul Beef 36:30 Is Credit Pointless? 39:35 Cowboy Shit! 46:50 NickyRod Has Good Credit 48:10 Back Stage With Wiz Khalifa 51:30 Whats Greening Out? 52:25 Carne Jerky Is Live! 53:40 Wheels & Caulibuds 57:00 Cauliflower Ears, Stamp Of Approval? 59:40 Fun Times on the Lake 1:02:00 Is Mark Zuckerberg On Gear? 1:03:10 Outro

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