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The Penis Project

Latest episodes

Aug 24, 2022 • 53min

99. Understanding Pelvic Pain and Pain in General - And Why It’s ALWAYS Real

  Today, we will talk with Judith Thompson (physiotherapist) and Kate Ternahan (Pain specialist NP) about men, women, and pelvic pain.   Our guests will help us understand how complex the concept of pain is, why you should not be embarrassed about it, and why it should not be disregarded.   Why? Because as Judith says, pain is always real.   We consider pain as very subjective as some folks might brush it off while others take it seriously. But how does pain work and why is it that sometimes it becomes somewhat an illusion, like a phantom? Our guests explain this and the ways of dealing with pain.  So...   If or someone you know has experienced pelvic pain or anywhere else…. Or if you have been complaining about some pain that your family or healthcare professional says is not a problem despite you insisting that it is real… Or if you don't understand why you have pain in the past or now...   Or you just want to understand the 'science' of pain and what Judith and their team do to address it...  This episode is perfect for you.  In the end, we hope this will guide you in your next steps forward. We also encourage you to fill out the survey attached to assist with the research into pain so they can help others in the future.   Please fill out the survey if you are:   Men or women (we really need men as there are only 17 men registered so far and lots of women)!! Over the age of 18 Have had persistent pelvic pain for 6 months or longer Not pregnant or have given birth in the last 6 months Have not had surgery on any of the pelvic organs, bones, or muscles in the last 6 months  Please be quick because the survey closes mid-September, and the more data collected, the better. Thank you!    SURVEY LINK:   --------- And if you find this episode helpful, please share it with your folks or networks. One way for us to aid those suffering in silence is to share information that could help them. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Aug 16, 2022 • 33min

98. When A Healthcare Team Works Together - Not the usual case of Prostatectomy

For this episode, we talk with Pedro.   Pedro was 52 years old when he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2021. Apart from taking his PSA tests since his late 40s (due to his family history), this early detection is also thanks to his great GP who encouraged him to see a specialist when his PSA results started to fluctuate.   Pedro, however, had a unique predicament.   He had a history of extensive bowel surgery which was important to consider when choosing the next course of action (surgery). Will robotic prostatectomy work? How about the Cyberknife or even the Nanoknife?   After tons of research, interviews, and complete dedication of his healthcare team, Pedro was confident enough to opt for an open prostatectomy - an operation that is not often considered now for patients with Prostate Cancer. This was considered the best approach with his history.  His operation took 3 to 4 hours, and he was out of the hospital after 4-5 days.   What were the worries of Pedro during the operation? What made him confident about this choice? Did he have infections post-surgery? How are his continence and sexual function today?   All of these questions and more will be answered by Pedro.  A few key takeaways that Pedro would like to share with everyone listening are to NOT be afraid to go to your medical team with a list of questions. And another is (which we also always reiterate) to GET TO IT early, take your tests - since early detection      opens more available solutions for you.    Our big takeaway is not one treatment is best for everyone, your case is unique and needs to be considered as such.   To listen to Pedro and his journey of open prostatectomy and after, click the button below.     Resources:  Episode on stomas -  Buy your Vacurect Pump -     And if you find this episode helpful, please share it with your folks or networks. One way for us to aid those suffering in silence is to share information that could help them. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Aug 9, 2022 • 42min

97. Rob talks about Lymphedema - A possible side effect from surgery

“You can’t live your life being ill.” ~ Rob   For this episode, we talk with Rob all the way from the UK. Rob reached out to us asking for an episode on lymphedema so here it is.  Rob did not have any symptoms of Prostate Cancer. Yet still, he chose to have himself tested. Most people with prostate cancer do not have any symptoms so it is very important to get tested.  At 57 and after the New Year of 2019, Rob got conclusive and underwent a Radical Prostatectomy.   Following his surgery his continence was ok but erectile function was nil. To help with this, he used penis pills, but this didn’t work for him. Then he opted to use the pump. It was ok until things got weird.   Rob noticed that his groin wasn’t feeling right. It felt spongy.   He didn’t know what it was. And because of the pandemic, his only recourse then was consultations through phone calls. It didn’t help… eventually he experienced severe pain in his groin that radiated to his shoulders. It only took 30 seconds of video conference for the doctor to tell him to go to the emergency department immediately.   What he experienced was septic arthritis, which made him stay in the hospital for 12 days… and be on permanent antibiotics.   How do all these things relate to his diagnosis, surgery, and Lymphedema? Rob will explain to you in detail!   According to Rob, the possibility of lymphedema after surgery was not discussed during his pre-op phase. So, he is here with us today to share his experience, the steps he took to find answers, and how he is overcoming it - hoping to help even just one person.   We thank Rob for reaching out to us and we know this episode will help other men recognize the signs and get help.   Hit the button below to start listening.     And if you find this episode helpful, please share it with your folks or networks. One way for us to aid those suffering in silence is to share information that could help them. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Aug 2, 2022 • 44min

96. New York David’s Struggles with Lack of Information on his Prostate Cancer Journey

“There isn’t a whole lot of discussion about penile rehabilitation.” ~ David    Today, we talk with David, a listener from New York, he contacted us to share his story.   David was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and has undergone robotic radical prostatectomy. All the numbers after the surgery were good, even his continence.   What was difficult for David was what he was experiencing mentally in relation to his sexual function. Pre-surgery, sexual function effects were brought up. He even shared his intention of having sexual function as top priority over continence. However, that was shrugged off.   Now, David is honest about his struggles to understand what is happening, especially with his penile function.  In his words, “the psychological effect of not being able to perform is weighing on his head”.  He has tried multiple ways to address this issue - from undergoing acupuncture, to taking medicines and to using injections. David refuses to give up.   One great thing that David shares is how his orgasms have changed! Orgasms for him now are much longer and stronger - it’s almost incredible, and enjoyable.   Also, if you would like to read his blog, check it here >>   This episode with David is raw and we appreciate his honesty. We wish him the best in his journey and thank him for expressing what we believe many men feel.   Have a listen through the button below.   ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jul 26, 2022 • 42min

95. Ho Hahaha Ho Hahaha - Laughter is Indeed A Medicine; Meet Bianca Spears, The Laughter Coach

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. And today, our guest might just explain why that can be true.   Meet Bianca Spears, THE laughter coach. Bianca works to help people relieve stress, and tension, and rest their minds through using laughter. She says laughter is a path to neuro pathways.   In today’s episode, you will learn about the power of laughing, the science behind why it is great medicine, and experience the exercise yourself.   The main takeaway is this: When you’re having fun and laughing, you become more open to new things (Melissa provides a perfect example!).   If you’re feeling a bit down today, know that by simply smiling and laughing, you activate the positive chemicals in your body - your DOSE which stands for:  Dopamine which helps with motivation  Oxytocin, the bonding chemical, laugh chemical, is activated when hugging, kissing, etc  Serotonin which helps stabilize mood  Endorphins which are called the ‘happy hormones’ but are not technically a hormone  But how does laughter help with your sexual function? Bianca will explain. Part of the discussion will also include what happens to your pelvic floor when laughing.   Be ready because this episode may just convince you that you need to add laughing in your daily routine.   If after listening to the episode, you would like to attend a laughter exercise, fill out this form>> or send an email to  If we get enough interest we will run an online session.  ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jul 19, 2022 • 43min

94. Steve and his drive to change lives for patients with stomas; Meet Steve Sterling of U-Can

“It’s ok to say I want back what was me before. It’s ok to say I want the quality of life back.” ~ Steve    Today, we talk with Steve. Steve is an experienced physiotherapist who lived with a temporary ileostomy for 7 months post resection, after surgery due to Bowel Cancer.   He decided to choose quality of life over quantity when he opted to stop his 2nd chemotherapy midway, focusing on improved choices of lifestyle - fitness, food, good relationships, etc.   However, this experience was also an eye opener for Steve. From bouts of erectile dysfunction, Peyronies, and to the challenges of having a stoma on his abdomen.   All this led to his discovery and invention - an invention geared towards lessening the challenges of patients with a stoma.   Listen here to this inspiring story from Steve.  And remember, from Steve’s message, U-can!   For the link to U-Can’s website, please don’t forget to check the show notes.   --- ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jul 12, 2022 • 51min

93. Why Sharing Stories Around a Bonfire Works for Blokes; Meet Brad from #6Bs

  We live everyday, we only die once.” ~ Brad Millsteed     Did you know that the research says that blokes (when conversing with other blokes) prefer to talk side by side rather than face to face?   Well, our guest for today Brad from the #6Bs agrees.  Perhaps, you’ve already heard about #6Bs. But if not, this is your chance.   #6Bs is a group of normal blokes trying to encourage men to connect with each other.  Which brings us to what the B’s mean - you can probably guess the first two, Blokes and Bonfires. What about the other 4? It’s Barbeque, Beers, Bonding, and… Bull****.   How did #6Bs start? With a bonfire, of course! And, through another bird’s help, Twitter.   Listen to Brad as he shares how the #6Bs was formed, what it aims to achieve, why it’s important to also focus on yourself, how reaching out to others is crucial, and why they don’t add marshmallows to their bonfires.   Brad also gives us a very insightful thought about using medicines for mental health, which Melissa totally agrees with.   To put it in perspective, if you put all the good fertilizer in your crop, why not put it in your brain if it helps with it?  It’s another great episode to listen to. Enjoy! We hope, whether blokes or babes, you are encouraged to reach out or be more aware of the friends we have around.   If you or know someone going through the black dog, please feel free to reach out to us or to Brad and his team, to Mark from Man Walk. You can also reach out to Owen from the Regional Men’s Health Initiative.  To see what the #6Bs is all about, visit their website below:   ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jul 8, 2022 • 31min

92. Melissa at the Urology GP Masterclass

  So for this bonus episode, we're going to do something a little bit different. On Saturday the 11th of June, I went along to the Perth Urology Clinics Masterclass. It's a great day that they have once a year and they had about 250 delegates. Mostly general practitioners(Drs) but also some nurses, nurse practitioners, and allied health professionals.   It was an excellent day and they had a lot of really amazing speakers. Attendees were from rural and metropolitan areas. Feedback from the day was excellent and I thought it would be good for The Penis Project audience to hear what they learnt. So I recorded the top three tips from some of the speakers and I spoke to a number of attendees to find out what their three takeaways were from the day. I was honored to be the last speaker of the day. My topic was what patients want their GP to talk to them about and ways to bring up the conversation because it's often something that's difficult for health practitioners and also the patient to raise. I did a survey with a lot of you recently to find out what it was you wanted your GPs to talk to you about and whether or not you wanted them to ask you about your sexual function and it was a resounding yes! So I presented that survey information at the conference. Hopefully, now, some of them will be encouraged to bring up the subject.  I hope you all enjoy hearing what everyone who attended the Perth Urology Day learned and what's going to change in their practice from now on.    ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jun 30, 2022 • 35min

91. How To Please A Woman with Renee Webster

This week, we have a very special treat for you all and a suggestion for a date night. Any of you who follow me on Instagram may have seen a post a couple of weekends ago that I went to see “How To Please A Woman” at the movies with some girlfriends. I laughed so loud my oldest girlfriend was embarrassed sitting next to me.  I loved it so much that I took my husband to see it a couple of days later and I enjoyed it even more the second time. Resident Roger's (my husband) takeaway was “when I ride an exercise bike now, my mind wanders!”  Why did I love it so much? Well, it touched me. It was laugh out loud funny, thoughtful, and the writer and director Renee Webster really “gets” how people in middle age often feel. It also touched me personally as in my late 30s this is how I felt, invisible. It is also filmed in my hometown Fremantle Western Australia.   A couple of months ago I interviewed Dr Tamara Hunter on The Penis Project about menopause, and it is one of our most popular episodes. Many of my male patients have since commented how they learnt so much and they have now a better understanding of women’s business as they age. So, when I saw "How To Please A Woman," I thought, The Penis Project audience will love this and should all see it. So, I contacted Renee online and she very generously agreed to be interviewed.  I see all genders in my practice and the themes of this story captured exactly how many of them feel.   This movie made me laugh, cry and most of all be grateful for my female friendships. I think it is a must-see for all people over the age of 40.  It hasn’t forgotten the men either, there are some touching scenes where the male characters show vulnerability, that men do think about much more than sex, and how difficult it is talking about sex even for couples who have been together a really long time.   If you haven’t been to see it yet get in quick! 8 JULY SKY ORIGINALS ACROSS UK IN CINEMAS ACROSS US FROM 22 JULY, AVAILABLE TO BUY OR RENT FROM 29 JULY IN BOTH USA  AND CANADA IN CINEMAS IN NZ AND AUSTRALIA NOW.  AVAILABLE TO BUY OR RENT ON ALL PLATFORMS FROM 22 JULY   ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jun 24, 2022 • 40min

90. Bionic Brian’s Prostate Cancer Journey

For today’s episode, we talk with Bionic Brian. The things you will be hearing from Brian will be quite varied but also very familiar. His story is like a full recipe. Why? Because he has utilised multiple solutions (ingredients) to come up with the greatest result - expelling all cancer from his body.   Brian was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 69. He had his non-nerve sparing operation that same year. Then, radiotherapy the year after. After a year, he had his sling. And finally, after another year, he had a penile implant.   The result of all of these? A happier Brian and cancer expelled.   But of course, in between all of these are the challenges (Peyronies and incontinence) as well as happier moments (restoring that ‘visual effect’ down there). Plus, the smaller details that might not seem significant but actually are.   Why finding the right GP for you is important   Why talking to a specialist is essential  How injections do not always cause Peyronies  Why pumps are important to help exercise the penis   The importance of being psychologically prepared prior getting an implant   Hormone therapy Low intensity focal shockwave therapy  It’s another episode full of new tit bits! And if you want to know the answer to this question; can you perform more than once in 24 hours with your implant? - make sure to hit the play button below!     ----- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process

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