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The Penis Project

Latest episodes

Nov 1, 2022 • 55min

109. How Prostate Cancer Made Geoff More Open and Empathetic

  Today, we talk with Geoffrey, a real Geoffrey. #IYKYK  Often, we hear the negative side of having prostate cancer but today, we will focus on the good.   Thanks to Geoff and his journey.  Geoff was 65 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It all started when in the freeway, he had the uncontrollable urge to go to the loo. After this episode and a few tests, he received his diagnosis.   At first, he didn't understand the results being shown to him. His words were, 'what I'm seeing was unintelligible'.  But eventually, he was able to cope and was accepting of his coming surgery. In fact, he was feeling well-prepared.  His secrets? Acceptance. Proper Preparation. Journaling. Setting realistic expectations.   He kept a diary - it was a sort of discipline, a methodology to keep himself on track.   He did his research. And with this, he was able to set realistic expectations.   Now at 67 years old, he feels grateful for the experience. It seemed as though having prostate cancer made him a more open, empathetic person.   This episode will touch upon a lot of topics - Geoff's prostate cancer recovery, the importance of pelvic floor preparation, of why some  men seem to be more comfortable talking with women about their health, pilates, yoga, and the Stockdale Paradox.  Geoff will explain the Stockdale Paradox, how this helped him with his preparation and mindset, and how important it is to have the absolute conviction that things are going to be okay.   It's going to be another episode full of lessons... and we hope you get to learn a lot, too!   ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Oct 25, 2022 • 54min

108. 56-year Old Pyro Talks About Fear - Before, During, After Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

  For today's episode, we talk with Pyro Pepper, a 56-year-old man who was just recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.  Pyro's journey started when he went to have his wrists checked. Being 56, his doctor suggested that he also go through routine blood tests to check everything. He said yes.   Thereafter, a phone call informed him that his PSA level was elevated, and a biopsy confirmed a prostate cancer diagnosis, on Christmas eve.   After confirmation, Pyro's mental health went spiraling (albeit not showing). Everything changed. He described it as if he was walking with a BIG bag of cement over his shoulders - every day and everywhere he went.   What he was feeling was fear.   Soon after he learned of his diagnosis, he was introduced to an amazing stranger (later to become a friend) who was vital in his healing journey. This person had been through this journey and helped him understand what he was going through and his feelings, most importantly he made him feel that he was not alone in his experience. Ultimately, he also showed Pyro hope and the way forward.  With this person's help, Pyro understood what he needed to do to let go of that fear. What was that? Listen to the episode to know about it. ;)   As if the world was watching, Pyro, after surgery and well on the way to recovery, he met a man who was in the same situation as he was a few months previous - a man diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, the same age, and almost the same age of kids.   This time, it was Pyro who gave back the kindness he received. Since then, he has become an advocate and has been sharing information with anyone who is interested, and he encourages you to do the same.  Our episode today shows the importance of PEER SUPPORT, information, and how big of an impact empathy can bring into someone's life.   So, if you know someone who would greatly benefit from our podcasts or the information we provide, please, share our podcast with them.  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Oct 18, 2022 • 1h 22min

107. Penis Skin Conditions with Dermatologist Dr Ahmed

  For our episode today, we speak to Dr. Ahmed Kazmi.   Dr. Ahmed is a UK-trained GP and dermatologist. He currently calls Australia his home. He also occasionally moonlights as a comedian so you may have seen him at the Fringe Festival or on youtube.  Today's episode is jam-packed with useful information about the various skin conditions that can occur in the nether regions.  Dr Ahmed will discuss the most common issues he usually sees in his clinic related to penis problems and some not-so-common ones. He explains diagnosis, treatment, and most importantly how to prevent the most common issues.  He also shares great tips on how to properly care for your penis skin and why you should also be teaching these to your kids and grandkids.   Finally, he delves into what is the right cleansing product to use for what types of issues, topical treatments, how weight & lifestyle affect skin issues and how viruses work, and how it applies to your skin. If you have ever been to a dermatologist with a penile skin condition, you may wonder why they checked everywhere on your body and asked lots of seemingly unrelated questions, well, listen here and you will know why.   If you are wondering when the right time is to seek professional help then look no further as Dr Ahmed shares guidelines on when you should see a doctor, the importance of consent and sharing information with your partner, and why it's best to have yourself checked early on.  Helpful resources for patients:   Clinical Practice Guidelines : The penis and foreskin (   A to Z of Skin - ACD (   British Association of Dermatologists - Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) (  Dr Ahmed’s IG:  If you would like to book an appointment with Dr Ahmed  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process    
Oct 11, 2022 • 45min

106. Snake Charming with Geordie

  Join us for a very unique episode today because we will be talking about Hypnotherapy.   You might have an idea what this is? or maybe not. There is a lot more to this than what we see on television.   Our guest, Clinical Hypnotherapist Geordie, will explain all.   Warning, this episode might hypnotise you from the get-go. ;) Geordie has a very melodic calm voice…  Geordie will not only bust tons of myths surrounding Hypnotherapy, but he will also explain what happens when one is hypnotized and what the health benefits are. Melissa and guest podcaster Kate Ternahan (Pain specialist NP, Restorative Sexual Health Clinic) will get to the nitty-gritty of what is involved, what hypnosis can treat and how many sessions are usually required and much more.   He will also explain why or how Hypnotherapy is a forward-looking therapy rather than looking backwards. To understand this, he will provide a concrete example and even relate it to pelvic pain and the effects of prostate cancer. Be sure to pay extra attention when he talks about this, since he will discuss the importance of the subconscious and of reconnecting with yourself.   Also discussed are anxiety, sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, abandonment, and fear of losing loved ones, so make sure you tune in! This episode with Geordie is going to be a soft, smooth, and hypnotic ride.   Enjoy listening!   Visit Geordie's website here:  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Oct 4, 2022 • 36min

105. Meet the inventor of Steady Freddy - Dr David Reiner; The spray for Premature Ejaculation

  Episode 105 is all about a revolutionary product made for those penises who want to last longer!   Well, that sounds epic so if you want to know more, listen here.   For this episode, we talk with Dr David Reiner, the brain behind the premature ejaculation spray or what most call, the ‘Delay Spray’.  So how does the spray work? Dr. David will spill all the proteins… err beans!   Some questions were raised by us giggly ladies throughout the discussion. Questions like - will the vagina be numb? Will it cause infection or affect fertility? Or will it even affect sperm quality?  Again, Dr. David has all the answers. He will explain in detail how the spray works, share some relatable analogies, why it is safe, and how rigorous the research and testing were to comply with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) requirements (like the FDA in Australia).   Yes, Steady Freddy is TGA-approved!   We know you’re excited to listen and learn more about this revolutionary pleasure spray, so hit the play button below.   Spray away!    Links:   Delay Spray link >> USE CODE RSHEALTH15 to enjoy an exclusive discount for podcast listeners only.  Naomi Episode -   ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Sep 27, 2022 • 48min

104. Exercise is Medicine with Rob Newton

As you've seen in the title, today's episode will be all about exercise! We have invited Professor Robert Newton to give us all the information about why exercise is medicine and how it can help with fighting cancer. Kendall (NP from Restorative Sexual Health Clinic) will be joining me as my co-presenter for this episode. So... if you've been putting off adding exercise as part of your treatment plan, Dr Newton's detailed explanation will encourage you to take that leap. As will be explained in the podcast, exercise can play a big role in your recovery, especially with providing an environment that is anti-cancer. Dr Robert has emphasised the importance of using highly targeted exercises to address various issues. To help you understand this better, he has provided a great example that we hope will make this clearer. Further into the discussion, Dr Rob shares valuable tips about: types of exercise that is most beneficial inflammation-how exercise fights this statistics from his own research on how powerful the effect of exercise is to improve recovery (50-60% increase on survival) t-cells, myocoids, and other cells that get activated when we exercise the correlation of survival and muscle mass (not fat mass) ideal number of repetitions for exercise how to reach out to an exercise specialist and a lot more   These all might sound a bit scientific but Dr Rob will elaborate on these things to make it easy for everyone to understand. In summary, exercise has the power to supercharge your immune system. How? Dr Robert will explain all. But how about sexual function? Well, you must listen to the podcast to know his answer to that! Enjoy listening and we hope you get to learn a lot about the importance of exercise to your life. As always, we encourage you to share this episode to the people you feel who needs it too.   Website:   -------- BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Robert Newton, PhD, DSc, AEP, CSCS*D, FACSM, FESSA, FNSCA Professor Robert Newton is Professor of Exercise Medicine in the Exercise Medicine Research Institute that he established (2004) at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia.  Current major research directions include: exercise medicine as neoadjuvant, adjuvant and rehabilitative cancer therapy to reduce side-effects and enhance effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy; the influence of targeted exercise medicine on tumour biology and exercise medicine for reducing decline in quality of life, strength, body composition and functional ability in cancer patients.   Professor Newton is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, and Fellow of Exercise and Sports Science Australia. In 2018 he received the career achievement award from the Cancer Council WA and was a finalist for Western Australian of the Year and finalist for the Premier’s Science Award. In 2019, Professor Newton was named the Western Australian Premier’s Scientist of the Year. In 2021, The University of Queensland awarded Professor Newton a Higher Doctorate (DSc) for his research into exercise oncology. Professor Newton was a finalist in the Research Australia Health and Medical Research Awards for 2021 and received a Highly Commended Frontiers Award.   Professor Newton has published over 1000 scientific papers including 502 refereed scientific journal articles, 450 conference abstracts and papers, three books, 17 book chapters and has a current Scopus h-Index of 88 with his work being cited over 26,500 times. Topic of greatest publication output is exercise and cancer for a field-weighted citation impact of 3.00 and prominence percentile of 99.31. As of 2022 Professor Newton had attracted over $42 Million in competitive research funding. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Sep 20, 2022 • 51min

103. Palmer’s Open Prostatectomy Journey and More; Bladder control, pumps, PDE 5s, and becoming hulk

  Today, we speak with Palmer who, in the middle of the episode, transformed into Bruce Banner (the green hulk). You'll get to know how this happened when you click the play button below.   Anyway, Palmer err Bruce will talk about his prostate cancer journey which happened to be quite recent, just the 23rd of May this year!  We wanted to share Palmer's story with all of you this 3rd week of the Prostate Cancer (PC) awareness month to let you know that it's not always gloom and doom when one gets a PC diagnosis.  Palmer will navigate us through the process he took to help him decide what treatment option to choose (amongst three choices), who helped him do this, and his overall experience after surgery. So, for anyone who just got diagnosed with PC and is somewhat confused about what the next big steps are, Palmer's story can be a great guide for you.   One very interesting question that came up during this episode, that is question… Do you poo and wee at the same time? Send us your answers and we might make an episode about this too and see if there's some meaning behind it.    Further in the episode, we discussed the importance of pelvic floor exercises, orgasms that aren't messy, penile rehabilitation using a Vacurect pump ie., making your penis look like the Hulk, PDE 5s, and so much more.  Have a great time listening to our week's info-packed episode. And if you have the time, make sure to take down some notes and leave a review so we can help more people just like you.     Also posted in: ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Sep 13, 2022 • 45min

102. Prostate Enlargement vs Prostate Cancer Explained; with Dr Andrew Tan

  For the 2nd week of Prostate Cancer month, we have invited Dr Andrew Tan from Perth Urology Clinic to be our guest.     Dr. Andrew will discuss the difference between Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) (enlargement) and Prostate Cancer. This is something many people get confused about. Something that we hear often is a man saying they were shocked to find out they had prostate cancer because they had no symptoms and likewise men present concern that they may have Prostate Cancer because the urination pattern has changed.     To help me with this interrogation (as Dr Andrew calls it ;)) Nurse Practitioner Kendall from Restorative Sexual Health Clinic will join me. Kendall has many years experience working as a urology nurse so is equipped to ask the tricky questions.     Topics of discussion will include:   What are the differences between BPH and Prostate Cancer   Treatments and medications  Primary functions of Prostate Glands   How lifestyle changes affect diagnosis  Diets and environment Retrograde Ejaculation  And a lot more   We even talked about Bananas and the Prostate! If you're one of those who keeps Googling 'bananas and prostate', this week's episode might give you a better answer.   Dr. Andrew also reiterates the importance of getting checked as early as possible, why having no symptoms is not reassuring, and that any food that's good for the heart is also good for your prostate.   Have a great time listening to our week's info-packed episode. And if you have the time, make sure to jot down some notes and leave a review so we can help more people just like you.   ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Sep 6, 2022 • 40min

101. VivaLaVulva with Kath Mazzella

  For today's episode, we speak with world-renowned women’s advocate - Kath Mazzella.   Kath will give us a sneak peek into the topic of a gynaecological health issue that is rarely spoken about.    At 42, Kath was a busy working mother and she left her health to her doctors. However, one day she noticed a lump on her vulva that hadn’t been there before, and on her mother’s advice, she sought out medical help.   This unusual lump led to her being diagnosed with vulval cancer.   Following this diagnosis, she discovered that support surrounding women's gynae health topics was scarce. Now 27 years after, she still finds it the same - support is scarce and discussions around it are still not that popular and it is her mission to change this.   So, we hope that with today's episode and through this podcast, we get to give this topic the attention it needs.   Kath walks us through her experience, her journey and life mission to find answers, and her advocacy - VivaLaVulva!   If you would like to help spread awareness, we'd be so happy if you would wear your red knickers (like Superman does!) on the outside of your pants on the 10th of September, that's this Saturday! Then when someone asks you why tell them…..   We'll be waiting for your pictures in the email. 😉  Send them to or reply back to this email.   To reach out to Kath, please send her a message at   Red knickers, here we go! ----- Red Knickers Day Where: Vietname War Memorial Pavilion Kings Park (near Zamia cafe) When: 10 September, 2022 Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM What: BYO Picnic and drinks Register: Contact: ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Aug 30, 2022 • 35min

100. Happy 100th Episode The Penis Project

  It's our 100th episode!   Wow, we never thought that we'd hit 100. This is all thanks to you, our dear listeners, and the people who have supported us along the way. From our clients and experts accepting our invitation to volunteers reaching out to us to share their stories and experiences, it is all because of your desire to make people more informed about men's health that The Penis Project is still a going concern! BIG, BIG  THANK YOU!  When we started this podcast, our goal was to break down barriers and have open conversations about taboo topics in men's health... and we're quite happy to say that we believe we have achieved that.   For this episode, we have a very special guest Vikki Nikki from the UK. We will talk about inspiration, self-belief, long covid, and why it's important to go with what makes your heart sing. We will also share with you some amazing statistics like which countries listen and the top 10 most listened to episodes, and our personal favorites!   Oh, it's also quite heart-fluttering to be called Gurus (by Nikki Vikki - physio from the UK). Well, it has been an orgasmic ride with you all and we are excited about the next 100 episodes.   Don’t forget to send us any topics you would like us to cover and we will endeavor to do so. Also please share our podcast with your mates and leave a comment and rating wherever you listen as this gets us noticed by more people and enables us to help even more men and their partners. Send us your list of topics here >>   To celebrate, please enjoy a 10% discount when you shop at and use the code PENIS100.  Discount can only be used until 5th September.   ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process

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