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The Penis Project

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Nov 10, 2021 • 52min

59. Debunking Penis Size and Function with “Melissa and Dr Jo”

  The Penis Project podcast this week focuses on the question: what is normal for a male penis?  In recent months, both Jo and Melissa have had numerous patients attend their clinics, who have been very distressed by the size and appearance of their penis. In some instances, these men have had years of psychological distress over the false belief that their penis has been much smaller than average. In some cases, this has also prevented men from having relationships and even fathering children. The dire impact of this has been heartbreaking to observe so... breaking down stigmas and stereotypes is the aim of this episode.    Melissa and Dr Jo will have a frank discussion around all the common myths and misconceptions around what is normal in the male genitalia. This includes discussions around accurate measurement of penis length, function and size according to real data and scientific evidence. Conditions such as Erectile dysfunction, micro-penis, Koro , fatal retraction and buried penis are introduced as well as the impact of pornography on self-esteem.    The goal of today's episode (and of The Penis Project podcast ever since) is to reassure guys that every penis is unique and that size doesn’t necessarily matter!!!    BOOKS: Male Pelvic Fitness by Dr. Andrew Siegel The Penis Book Dr Aaron Spitz Google Search - Penis Size: Click on the button below to tune in for this important conversation - debunking the myth of the “perfect” penis.    ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Nov 2, 2021 • 1h 2min

58. Dr “Ryan Stafford”- Pioneer in Men’s Health Research of Pelvic floor Muscle Function

Dr Ryan Stafford (PhD) , Adjunct Research Fellow at University of Western Australia, University of Queensland Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewa, Canada Dr Ryan Stafford is passionate research scientist, with a background in Exercise Physiology and collaborates with global leading researchers in men’s health. Specifically, Ryan pioneered real-time ultrasound (RTUS) imaging in the assessment of male pelvic floor function in men undergoing surgery for prostate cancer, and hence changed the way the physiotherapists teach patients how to perform PFM training correctly to minimise urinary incontinence.   Today, Ryan continues to lead research at the University of Queensland (UQ) and has recently joined forces with Dr Jo (Milios) at The University of Western Australia (UWA) investigating male patients undergoing radiation therapies for prostate cancer and also at male pelvic pain patients. A new focus is on erectile dysfunction and this includes males with any form of PFM dysfunction with doppler studies of penile blood flow being examined. Also sometimes these muscles can be tight, known as ‘hypertonicity’’ and other times they can be weak, known as ‘hypotonicity’’. So for some men strength training is not the best program , but relaxation or PFM ‘down-training’’ is the key.   Please join Dr Jo as she brings up the great, the humble Dr Ryan Stafford. From Canada to you!   Ps. In recent COVID times, research grants are tougher to succeed, with less $$$ available in the total health purse, so currently Dr JO & Ryan are doing this research in a voluntary fashion. Although he wouldn’t ask for it, philanthropic donations to Ryan can always be made by contacting him directly at PROST!     Grants Targeted pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: A randomised controlled trial with embedded physiological studies (2018–2021) NHMRC Project Grant (ongoing ) Efficacy of a state-of-the-art pelvic floor muscle training program on urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: A randomised clinical trial with embedded physiological studies (2016–2020) Physiotherapy Research Fellowships (completed)   Some helpful resource about Dr. Ryan Stafford:   ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Oct 28, 2021 • 40min

57. Let’s talk Radio-oncology with “Dr Eve Tiong”; Radiation Therapy in Prostate Cancer

  Dr Eve Tiong believes in going above and beyond for her patients. Through both personal experience and her work in oncology, she is passionate about delivering exceptional holistic care to patients throughout treatment and beyond.   Dr Eve Tiong is an experienced radiation oncologist at Icon Cancer Centre Midland and Icon Cancer Centre Rockingham. She completed her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) at the University of New South Wales before establishing her radiation oncology career in Singapore at the National Cancer Centre and National University Hospital in 2009. Returning to Australia, Dr Tiong continued her specialist radiation oncology training at Sydney’s Liverpool Hospital and The Canberra Hospital. She was awarded fellowship to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (FRANZCR) in 2015. Dr Tiong undertook her radiation oncology fellowship (genitourinary and gastrointestinal malignancies, lymphoma and sarcoma) at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, Canada. She has published on review articles for sarcoma and prostate cancer, and on e-health strategies for breast cancer survivors. Dr Tiong maintains an active interest in cancer education and regularly provides community and GP information sessions about lung cancer (in Chinese), prostate cancer and breast cancer. She is experienced in utilising advanced techniques such as stereotactic radiation therapy, MRI-simulation and image guided radiotherapy. Dr Tiong developed the stereotactic body radiation therapy technique to treat prostate and lung cancers at Icon Rockingham and Icon Midland. Dr Tiong is also proficient in English and can converse in Mandarin and Malay. She looks forward to working with patients in their language. Her clinical experience covers a broad range of solid tumour malignancies, with special clinical interest in prostate cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma and palliative care.   We are very excited to hear what she has to say and hope you enjoy it. ----- ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Oct 20, 2021 • 42min

56. Meet‘’Pirate’’ – Bowel Cancer at 49 and all things P’s and ostomies!

  Today, we will have a talk with Pirate.   Pirate was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer at the age of 49, a year after he first felt symptoms. If you're asking what bowel cancer has to do with your penis, then this is the perfect episode for you.   Pirate will share us his story, how he overcame being brushed over, his third 'leg', and how he is living his life at 62!   Awesome golden nuggets for today's episode so don't miss this one. ;)   Just click the PLAY button below. ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Oct 12, 2021 • 39min

55. “Patrick Lumbroso Trilogy”: Part 2 Sex after Prostate Cancer: A man with a plan is unstoppable

SEX after Prostate Cancer is CHALLENGING!   In this episode, we reacquaint you with Men’s Health Psychologist Patrick Lumbroso (RIP) who we first introduced in Episode 4, in our first ‘’pop up’’ edition. and then again in Episode 50. Today’s post-humous chat focuses on how men feel when it comes to all things penile rehabilitation and when things don’t work when trying to get it up! From injections to foreplay and penile implant surgery- Patrick holds NOTHING back!! Patrick was a man on a mission to educate the world and his phrase Á MAN WITH A PLAN IS UNSTOPPABLE” also applies to himself. Please remember that the information provided needs contexct – it was recorded in April 2017 and so some things have changed including outcomes for post-surgical erectile dysfunction. (Listen to Urologist Dr David Dangerfield, Episode 46 for restoring sexual function with Nerve Grafting)!    Patrick, who founded ‘’ManFocus Clinic’’ in Sydney Australia was passionate about providing quality rehabilitation and counseling service for men and their partners, especially those undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. Knowing the potential side effects of surgery – including erectile and urinary dysfunction - could greatly impact a man’s self-esteem, Patrick was earnest in his goals to address the big gaps seen in male mental health. Patrick’s primary focus was in education and support for men experiencing any form of sexual dysfunction, and although he did not complete his PHD due to his premature passing, his work is founding and explores new frontiers in men’s health.    In 2017 Dr Jo interviewed Patrick over 3 hours and episode 55 is the secind of 3 episodes bringing Patrick’s experience and desire to assist others to be better prepared and more proactive in their recovery. Knowing his death from a brain tumour was imminent, Patrick did not hold back. Brace yourself for this raw account…..    Patrick’s wife Donna and children, Joel and Rebecca have agreed to share this body of work, that remains as relevant today as when it was recorded. We thank them for their generosity.    Furthermore,  Links to  Patrick Lumbroso’s body of work:    Linked-In: Patrick Lumbroso- Sexual Rehabilitation Therapist Paper – see email attachment  You Tube:  ''Sex After Prostate Cancer ‘with Patrick Lumbroso (14 videos Patrick felt were essential knowledge for men with Prostate Cancer) E-Book - Sex, Life & Intimacy after Prostate Cancer    Links relevant to International Prostate Cancer Awareness Month info include: 3  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:
Oct 5, 2021 • 49min

54. “Paul the Poet”: Clarity in the chaos of Cancer!

  For today's episode, we talk with Paul.   We will start the episode from a poem written by Paul... and then the elaboration of how this poem came to be.   From losing his father, to knowing he has cancer, Paul was not able to have time to really process everything happening around him - until he needed anxiety meds. And eventually, started to think of taking his own life.   And then... healing began.   To join us and Paul through this process, just click the PLAY button below. ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Sep 28, 2021 • 36min

53. ‘’Rod Popcorn’’ When you’re a grower, not a shower (and penile injections)!!

  For today’s episode, we talk to Rod. To know why we call him Rod Popcorn, just hit the play button below. 😉  Rod will share with us his story about ‘staph’ and why he had to stay in the hospital for more than 4 weeks – which happened after his surgery. He will also provide an insight on how he is doing with penile injections, his continence, the importance of pelvic floor exercises, and a lot more interesting stories from a man who is a grower and not a shower!   We also hope that Rod’s story will help you understand the importance of not pushing yourself too much, after surgery.   Enjoy listening!   ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Sep 21, 2021 • 42min

52. Meet ‘’Brendan’’, his stories of FOFO and Soakademia in Prostate Cancer

  For today’s episode, we talk to Brendan – who has just recently undergone surgery a few weeks ago, 3.5 weeks to be exact.   Brandon talks about his journey from when he figured out his PSA levels, to going through Covid and worry, to coping with the loss of someone close who succumbed to prostate cancer, and to finally making a choice towards facing the inevitable C.   He also explains what FOFO is and this cool term ‘soak-ademia’ that we believe some or even most of you might have experienced.   Have a listen to this raw and fresh story that will surely resonate with those who have gone the same predicament... and to those who are about to face the big C, Brandon’s story will help you figure out the first steps.   Enjoy! And if you have a story you would like to share or a topic you want us to discuss, please feel free to fill out this from >>  ---------- If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Sep 15, 2021 • 36min

51. Our first anniversary! Look back with “’Melissa & Dr Jo”

  Woot, woot! Our 51st episode is also our anniversary episode. We've been together for 50 episodes, 51 weeks, and 365 days. Thank you for joining and growing with us!  This week we have had a trip down memory lane in more ways than one, the first 2 mins has terrible sound…. If you have been listening since the beginning you will remember the days when the sound was terrible and you had to keep changing the volume to hear! So my apologies, not sure what happened but the podcast Gremlin has attacked. Rest assured it is for 2 min only then the sound gets better. That’s what happens when a nurse is responsible for the tech!!   For this episode, we look back on how we improved(mostly) from our first day of recording mishaps, tech challenges to becoming pro (we hope we are now!) podcasters to be able to provide you with world class information. We will discuss what episodes moved us and inspired us to go further. And a little bit of the stories peppered in   PLUS a little gift from us for you to enjoy. ;)     Have a listen now through the button below and again, our sincerest thanks to all of you who have been with us, and will be with us still, through the journey of sharing information and advocating for ALL THINGS PENIS and more.   If you feel The Penis Project is valuable to you then, please review and subscribe as this will ensure more people get to hear what we have to say. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Sep 7, 2021 • 50min

50. “Patrick Lumbroso Trilogy“: Part 1 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

  September is the international month of Prostate Cancer Awareness and in this episode, we reacquaint you with Men’s Health Psychologist Patrick Lumbroso (RIP) who we first introduced in Episode 4, in our first ‘’pop up’’ edition. Patrick, who founded ‘’ManFocus Clinic’’ in Sydney Australia was passionate about providing a quality rehabilitation and counselling service for men and their partners, especially those undergoing treatment for Prostate Cancer. Knowing the potential side effects of surgery – including erectile and urinary dysfunction - could greatly impact on a man’s self-esteem, Patrick was earnest in his goals to address the big gaps seen in male mental health. Patrick’s primary focus was in education and support for men experiencing any form of sexual dysfunction, and although he did not complete his PHD due to his premature passing, his work is founding and explores new frontiers in men’s health. In 2017, Dr Jo interviewed Patrick over 3 hours and episode 50 is the first of 3 episodes bringing Patrick’s experience and desire to assist others to be better prepared and more proactive in their recovery. Knowing his death from a brain tumour was imminent, Patrick did not hold back. Brace yourself for this raw account….. Patrick’s wife Donna and children, Joel and Rebecca, have agreed to share this body of work, that remains as relevant today as when it was recorded. We thank them for their generosity. Furthermore, here are the links to Patrick Lumbroso's works:  Patrick Lumbroso's Linkedin Sex After Prostate Cancer'with Patrick Lumbroso -  There are 14 videos Patrick felt were essential knowledge for men with Prostate Cancer Free E-Book - Sex, Life & Intimacy after Prostate Cancer ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process

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