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The Adversity Advantage with Doug Bopst

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Feb 15, 2021 • 48min

Holocaust Survivor Dr. Edith Eger on Finding Faith, Forgiveness, Hope and Freedom

Holocaust Survivor Dr. Edith Eger on Finding Faith, Forgiveness, Hope and Freedom!!!   Viktor Frankl states “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”    Unfortunate events, trials and hardships will always come. But what defines us isn’t the situation itself, it’s our response. Control what you can, focus your energy on the positive and have faith that things will get better. While this approach won’t guarantee you success, the alternative certainly will push you further away from it.   My guest today is a survivor of one of the most horrific, challenging and dark times the world has ever seen: the Holocaust. As a teenager, she and her family were sent to Auschwitz, one of the most horrendous concentration camps of that time.   I can’t even begin to imagine how traumatic, difficult and frightening it was for her. Many of you are wondering if her situation could possibly get any worse. It did. Her parents were killed in the gas chamber the day they arrived.    Some of her mother’s last words to her were this:     “We don’t know where we’re are going. We don't know what's going to happen. Just remember, no one can take away what you’ve put in your mind.”   She took those words to heart and they became the core for her survival. Today, she is not only surviving, but she is thriving.   Dr. Edith Eger who is 93 years old, joins me on the show today. She is a highly sought after psychologist, author and keynote speaker. Edie, as her friends affectionately call her, obtained her doctorate in psychology and learned to use her imprisonment at Auschwitz as a powerful analogy for the prisons we create in our own minds. Her mission is now to inspire others to discard their limitations and find renewal and freedom within themselves. After becoming a New York Times Bestselling Author with her memoir, "The Choice," Dr. Eger wrote a hands-on guide to overcoming trauma called "The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life." It was released last fall.    We talk about how to maintain faith despite any horrible situation, finding forgiveness, redefining who you are as a person despite your past and maintaining your sanity as well as controlling your emotions during times of distress. We also discuss why you can’t heal what you don’t feel and why she needed to return to Auschwitz to heal from her traumatic experience and more!   Topics discussed:   How Dr. Edith’s faith in God evolved through the years and even during those hard times.   Advice for someone who's in the moments of feeling spiritually lost, and they just don't know what to believe in   How to be able to redefine who you were as a person, despite your past   How going back to Auschwitz helped Dr. Edith to move through that dark time in her life.   Mom of Dr. Edith’s last words and how it helped her navigate through all the horrible experiences and turned them into something positive   Dr. Edith’s advice for the people as a society to come together and display a sense of unity   Things that Dr. Edith regrets    Dr. Edith’s opinion about the word “rejection”   Dr. Edith talks about forgiveness   The difference between belief and faith Words of wisdom from Dr. Edith Eger:   It's very important to differentiate between reacting or responding.   “The darker things appear to be, the closer I felt the wonderful God that taught me how to turn hatred into pity.” - Dr. Edith Eger   Whatever happened to you, you cannot change the past, but you can change your attitude.   You cannot heal what you don't fear.   “I think young, but not young and foolish. It's very important to be young and be childlike, but not childish.” - Dr. Edith Eger   God gave us temptations so we can practice the freedom of choice.   Anger is not the primary emotion. Underneath the anger is a lot of fear. And love and fear does not co-exist.   Self-love is self-care. It's not narcissistic. Connect with Dr. Edith Eger:   Website:    Instagram:   Facebook: Twitter:   Amazon:   Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website:   Listen to Joseph Bernstein's music:       Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 11, 2021 • 1h 4min

Jay Ferruggia - How to Develop Unbreakable Social Skills

The Blueprint for How to Develop Unbreakable Social Skills!!!   My guest today is Jay Ferruggia, a fitness and coaching OG. He’s been helping people become a stronger version of themselves since 1994. His clients include CEO’s and professional athletes in the MLB, NFL AND WWE. Jay is also the host of the popular podcast, Renegade Radio with Jay Ferruggia.   You may have seen his work in Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Fast Company, Huffington Post, LiveStrong, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Shape, Entrepreneur, Details, or on ESPN or CBS.   Surveying his social media profiles imparts an impressive physical specimen. But, what’s most impressive is how grounded he is mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He is a master connector, networker and makes new friends and contacts with ease. This guy is full of wisdom. Just check out his instagram to see for yourself.   This success did not come easy for Jay. Growing up he was the “skinny kid” who was socially awkward, shy and insecure. He also struggled with mental health and even addiction. But, today he stands strong and shares his story and the blueprint to improving your social skills, building meaningful relationships, exercising your emotional muscles and of course we chat fitness.     Topics discussed:   How did Jay go from working in the brick and mortar facility to pivoting online?   Why it is important to take a deeper look inside yourself and actually work on the emotional mental muscles too   The importance of social skills and giving compliments   The importance of having aspirational affirmations   How did building relationships impact Jay’s success professionally and personally?   Jay’s advice for someone who's interested in hiring a coach or getting into one of the networking groups and what to look for   Few staples that Jay thinks everybody should include in their own health journey for 2021   Why it is important to prioritize sleep Takeaways:   The reality is when you focus on other people and you give them the gift of your attention and connection (gift of a smile or a compliment) that's an amazing gift to give them and then you will feel great.   You’ve got to take care of your people. You’ve got to check in on your people. You’ve got to be a value to people.   You could do anything, as long as you're confident and put yourself out there.   Prioritize sleep and every single thing will get better.   Connect with people and build strong relationships. That is really one of the most important pillars and foundations of good health. Connect with Jay Ferruggia:   Website:   Instagram:   Youtube: Podcast: Renegade Radio with Jay Ferruggia     Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 8, 2021 • 1h 5min

Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman - The One Molecule That Could Jeopardize The Human Race

The One Molecule That Could Jeopardize The Human Race!!!!   Have you wondered why people become addicted to drugs, sex, success, porn, and social media? It all boils down to one molecule: Dopamine or as my guest, today calls it “the molecule of more.” Dopamine is a double-edged sword because it certainly has many positive benefits like creativity, taking action, falling in love, excitement and ambition. But dopamine, if not managed correctly, can lead you to the depths of divorce, despair, destruction, and even death.    My guest today is Daniel Z. Lieberman, M.D. He is professor and vice chair for clinical affairs in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at George Washington University. Dr. Lieberman is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a recipient of the Caron Foundation Research Award, and he has published over 50 scientific reports on behavioral science. He has provided insight on psychiatric issues for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the US Department of Commerce, and the Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy, and has discussed mental health in interviews on CNN, C-SPAN, and PBS.  We are going to talk about dopamine, which is the main subject of Daniel’s book called, "The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity―and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race."   In this episode, we discuss what dopamine, is and how it’s responsible for things like addiction, cravings, love, sex, pleasure and social media use. He shares why people who end up super successful end up suffering with their mental health and even turn to suicide.  We get into how to handle desire and achievement in a healthy way as well what drugs and social media actually do to the brain. So fasten your seatbelt, get out your pen and paper so you can learn to have a healthy relationship with dopamine and let’s get this conversation going with Dr. Daniel Z Lieberman.     Topics discussed:   How do drugs and substances impact the mind What is dopamine? Peri-personal space in the brain Extra-personal space in the brain Daniel’s thoughts about people who turned to things like drugs, alcohol, suicide, just to deal with their problems after they achieve something so meaningful. How to handle things such as ambition and achievement properly, and not to focus on wanting more Why do opioids cause people to really get addicted? Dopaminergic pleasure Control dopamine circuit Desire dopamine circuit Genetic predisposition What are the few things that have been successful in helping people rewire their pleasure and desire circuits? What can people do to help others who are suffering from addiction? The different kinds of love The different phases of the human sexual cycle Daniel’s take on social media What effect does social media have on the brain? How to have a healthy relationship with dopamine The observing ego Delusions and psychosis Takeaways:   The single most important thing in this world was the human mind.   In order to get something you don't have, the first step is you've gotta want it so that you're willing to put in the work.   Dopamine is interested in what we don't have, and as soon as what you want becomes what you have, dopamine shuts off.   The kind of people who can most afford a beach house are least able to enjoy it.   The main purpose of the brain is to keep us alive, keep us functioning, keep us reproducing, basically keep us obeying dopamine.   Craving is when you feel that there is nothing that can make you feel good, and nothing can make you feel satisfied unless you use that substance.   What happens with addiction is that we have an imbalance between the desire and the control circuits.   The real key to helping people overcome addiction is going to be in the kinds of new relationships they're able to form.   Love is a dopaminergic phenomenon. It's not so different from getting very, very high on drugs.   Healthy behavior is a habit. You can't jump to the finish line in one leap. You’ve got to start out with doing small things consistently, and that will strengthen your brain and enable you to do big things under extraordinary circumstances.   Always be honest with yourself. Connect with Daniel:   Website:  LinkedIn:   The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity―and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race     Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 4, 2021 • 53min

Adam Sud - Why Exercise and Nutrition is a Must For Recovery From Addiction

"Addicts are not criminals, they are humans in pain. People who are depressed are not sick, they are humans in pain. People who are suicidal aren't crazy, they aren't humans in pain" - Adam Sud   In 2012, Adam Sud’s life was completely out of control. Once weighing nearly 350lbs and struggling with multiple addictions, serious chronic diseases, and mental health disorders. His life nearly came to an end when he attempted suicide by drug overdose.   He checked into rehab and with the help of his parents and a plant-based diet, he began a journey that led to a remarkable recovery. Reversing all of his chronic diseases and getting off all of his medications, including his psych meds within 1 year and losing 180lbs.   Adam is the founder of the non-profit, Plant-Based for Positive Change that is dedicated to advancing the research of diet and mental health/addiction, and is running the very first research study to investigate the effects of a plant-based diet intervention on early addiction recovery outcomes. He is an international speaker for the plant-based movement and addiction recovery movement.   Adam has worked in recovery centers using plant-based nutrition as a tool for strengthening recovery and relapse prevention. He firmly believes that the simplest change on your fork can make the most profound change of your life and that self-love is the root of all recovery.    Topics discussed:   What it’s like to be addicted to drugs   Adam’s suicidal story and how he survived it   Adam’s recovery journey   How being of service helped Adam fuel his recovery and keep him on fire for not being that person he used to be   Adam talks about their current research study called The INFINITE Study   The importance of gut microbiome   The importance of self-love and taking care of our body   Simple ways to help someone who is in pain   Takeaways:   Anybody who's focused solely on the short term will is misled every single time.   Recovery is a process of becoming whole.   Recovery is always more valuable than sobriety (there is a difference).   There is an amazing transformation that occurs when you make the decisions that you want, based on how you're going to connect to what matters most to you in life.   Negative consequences don't motivate a single person on the planet.   Being of service is a human trait that's necessary for a meaningful life.   I'm not telling people they have to be vegan. But what we're showing is that there is a direct relationship between eating more plants, and your mental health outcomes.   Connect with Adam:   Website:    Instagram: GoFundMe:     Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 1, 2021 • 1h 7min

The Holistic Psychologist (Dr. Nicole LePera) - A Masterclass on How to Heal Your Past and Do the Inner Work

I bet many of you reading this are feeling stuck in some way. Whether it’s in your business, in your personal life or your relationships I am sure you’ve been wanting to finally break free from your past and heal. I am going to share a little secret with you. Even though your life isn’t “chaotic” it doesn’t mean that unhealthy behaviors aren’t holding you back from living your best life.   Struggling to make change, self-sabotage, people-pleasing, addictions, constant feelings of anxiety/fear/stress, toxic relationships, feeling unfulfilled…. These are all signs that you are stuck and living in the past.   I got you thinking now, didn’t I?   I have been tracking down this person to get this interview for quite some time and after hearing who it is you will understand why. Her approach to healing is extraordinarily popular because of the way that it empowers people to have control over their thoughts, emotions, and actions.  Remember, healing and doing the work is a daily practice.  It certainly isn’t easy and takes time. There are many tools that can help you on your journey and she and I will discuss them all.   But please, remember that the goal isn’t to implement these all at once.   It’s simply to start small and begin to build new healthy habits one by one that will allow you to become your best self. Doing this will help you finally escape from the prison of your past so that you can be free to become the person you aspire.   Many of you will recognize today's guest from her highly popular social media platform. Some of you have may have participated in her selfhealers circle or have reposted or have seen some of her viral content.    I am very excited that Dr. Nicole LePera or as many of you know her The Holistic Psychologist is joining me on the show today. She is here to provide a masterclass on all things healing, including doing the inner work and holistic psychology.     As a clinical psychologist in private practice, she often found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy.  Wanting more for her patients— and for self— she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical, and spiritual health that equips people with the tools necessary to heal themselves.    Her book “How to do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal From Your Past, and Create Your Self" is set to be released on March 9th but is available now for presale.  Her book should undoubtedly be on your must read list for the spring.    We discuss why fitness can be a catalyst for change, why therapy alone won’t heal you, how to stop feeling stressed and anxious when you have nothing to be stressed about, how to know if you have experienced trauma and how to develop self awareness and belief in yourself so that you can feel worthy and stop repeating old patterns, heal and thrive.   Topics discussed:   Nicoles backstory   Nicole's long battle with anxiety   Nicole's physical health issues such as digestion issues, sleep issues, brain fog    The mind body soul connection   The importance of fitness and taking care of yourself   The pivotal role fitness played in Nicole's healing journey   The meaning of holistic psychology   What is homeostasis/How does homeostasis relate to our previous patterns and conditioning/How can homeostasis show up with some of our struggles today?   Some tips to help people discover if they've gone through something that has impacted them in a way that shows up in a negative way today   Some ways that people can take a couple of steps to become more self-aware   Ways for people to cultivate belief in themselves so that they can get back on the right foot in their life   The reticular activating system   The importance of going back to childhood specifically when they're experiencing discomfort or unhealthy patterns of behaviors   The next step where someone can move forward when they already have established self awareness   Nicole’s advice for people who are starting to set boundaries and what are some simple ways to do it   What is ego?   How can somebody do some proactive work to check their ego and be more self-aware   How to set healthy boundaries   The importance of working on yourself first. Takeaways:   Holistic means mind, body, soul, and exploring the very real underlying drivers of how we act, think, and live our day to day life.   Anytime we're struggling to create change, even if we know better or we can see a different future based on a different choice, usually it is an indicator that something deeper is preventing us from doing that. It's a good place to dive in and to look at what comes up.   We have to learn moment to moment how to be present in our body so that over time, we can continue to meet its ever changing needs.   Beliefs are so important and so impactful in how we experience and how we perceive our day to day happenings.   Anything new is going to challenge that homeostatic impulse, that desire to be back in that familiar.    Pick one thing and set a small daily promise each and every day, to keep that one promise. Break it down until it's almost so small.   As humans, we're actually wired to be in relationships with other people.   Boundaries are separation. They allow us to create safety so that we can more authentically honor our physical, spiritual and emotional needs, which then set us up to authentically show up for our relationships.   Ego is the story about ourselves. Connect with Nicole:   Website:    Instagram:   Facebook:   YouTube:   Preorder Nicole's book:   More on BiOptimizers/Magnesium Breakthrough:   Go to and use the code DOUG10 to save 10 percent when you try Magnesium Breakthrough.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 30, 2021 • 31min

Jon Gordon - How to Become More Positive Right Now

How to Become More Positive Right Now!!!   There are many of you right now that are hurting. You are going through some tough times and Things like uncertainty, fear and negativity have taken over. I get it, and I have been there before, have felt that way before. But, what I found is that when I stay down for a period of time and focus on what’s going wrong in my life, it not only makes things worse. The negativity prevents us from accomplishing the very things that we want: happiness, hope and harmony.   With that said, there are a few things you can do right now to shift your mindset and turn your fears into faith, pessimism into optimism, negativity into positivity. There are many of you whose response to a tough situation is the trigger to sustained hardship. What brings you down and keeps you there isn’t the situation in and of itself but your response to the situation and your attitude in the recovery phase. Remember it’s okay to feel down, stressed and negative about whatever happened, what isn’t okay is staying there. Overcoming hard times and accepting things out of your comfort zone begins with believing in yourself. Coupling a strong belief system with a positive mindset is a MUST for turning any setback into a comeback. While it doesn’t always guarantee you success, it gives you a stronger chance. As it’s incredibly difficult when you’re in the thick of it, I called in just the person to give you the tools necessary to become more positive in any situation. His name is Jon Gordon.    Jon Gordon is a husband, father, and author. His best-selling books and talks have inspired readers and audiences around the world. He is the author of The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, Training Camp, The Power of Positive Leadership, The Power of a Positive Team, The Coffee Bean, The Garden, Relationship Grit, Coffee Bean for Kids and many others. When he’s not running through airports or speaking to businesses, hospitals or schools, you can find him spending time with his family and taking long walks which are when he gets most of his ideas. Jon believes in keeping his bio short because his past accomplishments are meaningless. What matters most is that he says something today that will inspire you to take action tomorrow.   This episode is short, sweet and to the point and by the end you will have the exact steps needed to turn any negative situation into a positive one and do what’s needed to shift your mindset.   Connect with Jon:    Instagram:   Twitter:    Facebook:   Amazon:   Podcast:   Website:    Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website:   Private Facebook Group:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 28, 2021 • 1h 13min

Former Navy SEAL Commander Rich Diviney on How to Face Your Fears, Build Resilience and Achieve Optimal Performance

Former Navy SEAL Commander Rich Diviney on How to Face Your Fears, Build Resilience and Achieve Optimal Performance!!!   In this episode, a retired Navy SEAL commander is going to help you understand that getting through and managing fear, anxiety and stress in a healthy way is 100% possible and a must when it comes to living your best life. Overcoming challenges and doing hard things in your life will help you grow stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. It is also one of the best ways to develop true self-confidence.   This is a must listen for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of how face your fears practically and effectively, build resiliency and recover from setbacks quickly and efficiently. This is also for anyone who is looking to develop the attributes needed for optimal performance.   In a world that is full of uncertainty, this episode will show you why you need to accept the unknown that life brings and control what you can. After doing so, you can effectively get through life’s difficulties by using attributes such as perseverance, resiliency, and courage. The cool thing is the more you exercise these so called attributes, the easier it is to use them. In doing this, it will lead you down a path filled with strength, fortitude, hope and ultimately achieving optimal performance. Much of this is discussed in my guest, Rich Diviney’s new book, The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance.   Rich was intimately involved in the world-renowned SEAL selection process, which whittles exceptional candidates down to a small group of the most elite optimal performers. But Diviney was often surprised by which recruits washed out and which succeeded. Someone could have all the right skills and still fail, while recruits he might have initially dismissed would prove to be top performers. The answer was in better understanding ATTRIBUTES. In his new book, The Attributes, Diviney shows how to discover and develop our innate attributes for performing optimally and having long-term success.   He is a retired Navy SEAL commander. In a career spanning more than twenty years, he completed more than thirteen overseas deployments—eleven of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. As the officer in charge of training for a specialized command, Diviney spearheaded the creation of a directorate that fused physical, mental, and emotional disciplines. He led his small team to create the first-ever “Mind Gym” that helped special operators train their brains to perform faster, longer, and better in all environments—especially high-stress ones.   Since his retirement in early 2017, Diviney has worked as a speaker, facilitator, and consultant with the Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute and Simon Sinek Inc. He’s taught leadership and optimal performance to more than five thousand business, athletic, and military leaders from organizations such as American Airlines, Meijer Inc., the San Francisco 49ers, Pegasystems, Zoom, and Deloitte.   We talk about Rich’s tips for managing anxiety and how to become more resilient. We discuss courage and why it’s so important for getting through hard times. Rich also provides advice on how to recharge in a way so that you can recover quickly and efficiently and so much more!   Some of the topics discussed include:   Rich's backstory   What the whole notion of courage means and how it can really help people get through hard times.   Rich’s tips on how to manage anxiety   The 3-foot world   Rich talking about "The Attributes"   The difference between perseverance and resilience   Tenacity and persistence   How to build a resiliency muscle   The importance of setting achieving goals and what it does to a person’s mind   The difference between peak and optimal performance   Why having optimal performance is a must for success   Managing uncertainty, anxiety, and fear   The difference between self-discipline, and discipline   Rich’s advice for people to recharge in a way that they're able to recover quickly and efficiently   The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems   The active visualization   The two of the attributes that Rich is still continuing to work on himself right now Takeaways:   Fear is really the combination of uncertainty and anxiety.   Focus on what you can control.   Skills are not inherent to our nature. We learn them.   Perseverance is more about the act of moving through a stress challenge, and resilience is more about the act of rebounding afterward.   Moving through stress challenges and uncertainty makes you stronger.   As human beings, our brains are question-answering machines.   The quality of our lives is directly proportional to the quality of questions we consistently ask ourselves.   In life, you can't necessarily plan peaks.   The sympathetic system is what fires off when you are in action. Connect with Rich:   The Attributes:   Instagram: LinkedIn:   Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website:   Private Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 25, 2021 • 50min

Jennifer Cohen - How to Turn Your Biggest Rejections Into Achievement

How to Turn Your Biggest Rejections Into Achievement!!!   One of the things that scares us the most is rejection. We hold back from going after what we want in life because we are fearful of this one word: "no."   But, the fascinating thing is that when we don’t ask, the answer will always be no and more importantly you are telling yourself that you aren’t worthy of going after whatever it is.   Remember, not taking action is also failing.    My guest today will show us how being confident and being resilient could help you achieve the success you are aiming for.   She will enlighten and inspire us with her story and tell us how rejection and failure helped her cultivate a mindset of not being afraid to ask for what she wanted.  So today on the podcast I have the queen of turning rejections into achievement. Her name is Jennifer Cohen.  She a best-selling author, brand strategist, international speaker, and educator with a specific focus on building healthy habits to drive positive behavioral change.   She was recently named “100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness” by Greatist.   She is the host of the podcast "Habits & Hustle" where she interviews entrepreneurs thought leaders and overall extraordinary people.  They share their insight and open up about the normally hidden aspects that have made a difference in their success.   But what I believe is most incredible about her is that she unapologetically goes after what she wants in life.  There is A LOT to learn from that approach.   Her TED talk on this subject has been viewed over a million times. She began developing these skills at a young age where she convinced Keanu Reeves to appear in an audition tape for a VJ job. She got Keanu, but didn’t get the job.   We chat about the story behind that as well as all things rejection. This includes how to use rejection and failure to your advantage and why so many people are afraid of that “r” word. She shares her secret recipe for how to get and ask for anything you want in life and we also discuss how confidence affects your mindset and so much more!     Jen’s Backstory:   Fitness wasn't really Jen’s automatic go to. She always liked fitness because the principles that it taught her early on in life, but she never thought fitness would be the business. She had her first job with the Toronto Raptors, went back to school and got a business degree and then she went to the music business. She was in more marketing, and then when she was getting burnt out with those, she moved to LA from Canada.    In LA, she was on a working visa and was working for mortal Records, which is part of Sony at the time. She had no option and was unsure about how to get money so she could have transitioned it into the fitness business.   Jen always liked negotiating, strategy, and deal-making. These are the principles that she was naturally more gravitated to, and she naturally likes to do.   She just kept on changing which business and industry she was actually doing, so she was doing sports and music and then just pivoted into the fitness business. Topics discussed:   Jen’s rejection story   How to successfully overcome rejection and failure   Reasons why so many people are afraid of being rejected   Knowing what you really want and where you’re good at   The importance of asking   The advantage of having confidence and how it affects your mindset   Steps to be able to ask for what you want and how to do it   The importance of self-awareness   Putting personal efforts on something and its benefits   Being resilient and its importance   Why do you need to schedule the amount of time that you’re on social media   Takeaways:   You never know when people say yes.   It doesn't really matter whatever industry you’re in. What's important is knowing what you're good at, and knowing what you're not good at, and making what works for you be your thing.   If you're somebody who actually asks, your odds are better at getting it because no one else is asking.   You are the CEO of your life.   You are the master of your reality.   Be as specific as possible, so start small and be specific.   “I think that confidence, like anything else, is a muscle that you have to practice and harness.” Jen Cohen Connect with Jen:   Habits and Hustle:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Twitter:   Ted Talk:     Connect with Doug   Instagram:   Facebook:   Website:   Private Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 21, 2021 • 1h 9min

Dave Asprey - Why Fasting Improves Your Health

Why Fasting Improves Your Health!!!!   When you hear the word fasting, what comes to mind?    Am I going to starve?   Is it good for my mental health?   I can’t go 20 hours without eating.    I hear you and I have thought all of those very same things.    My guest today is here to calm your fears on all things fasting and help explain how each and every one of you can fast in a way that suits your lifestyle.   My guest today is Dave Asprey, the “Father of Biohacking.” He is the Founder and Chairman of Bulletproof, a three-time New York Times bestselling science author and host of the award-winning podcast Bulletproof Radio.   His newest book, Fast This Way is available now and provides incredible and valuable information on all things fasting and will inspire you to give fasting a second chance or try it out for the first time.   Today, he delivers a masterclass on all things fasting and it's many benefits. We discuss how each of you can fast in a way that suits your lifestyle and how to get started. In addition, he shares how you can also fast from hate and negative thoughts. We also chat about biohacking and more!   Dave’s Backstory:   Dave weighed up to 300 pounds in his early 20s. He was famous for being the first one to sell anything over the internet, which is now called the E-commerce. He made $6 million when he was 26. Dave was a co-founder of a part of the company that held Google's first servers, and grew the company to be worth $36 billion on the NASDAQ.   In spite of all the fame and money that he made, he wasn’t happy with his life and he always asks himself about why he keeps on making decisions that are against his own interests. He already tried everything to lose weight. He worked out an hour and a half a day, six days a week for 18 months straight on a low fat, low calorie diet, but still, he can’t lose weight. That’s when he realized he needed to hack it.    Dave started hanging out with people three times his age who were reversing their age and learning their techniques to fix his own biology. Dave was frustrated because he was running that non-profit anti-aging group, and they're only four minutes from Google's headquarters, but they had only one guy from Google to ever attend -- and that was his uncle.    Someone told him that if he did not eat six times a day, he’s going to be in starvation mode. His main problem with that idea was that he’s afraid of acting like a jerk just because he was hungry. So in 2008, he decided to hire a Shaman and he was dropped off in a cave. He wants no food and no people anywhere around so he’s just the only one who’s gonna have to deal with that. For Dave, that was a very amazing experience, because that’s the first time he’s ever done real quality journalism and storytelling.   Topics discussed:   Dave's newest book "Fast This Way"   What is biohacking?   The benefits of intermittent fasting   The importance of investing in energy   How to get started on fasting in a way that's going to be sustainable   The three fasting hacks (black coffee, bulletproof coffee, and probiotic fiber)   The mental health benefits of fasting   The four F words explained (fear, food, “F”, and friend)   The importance of empathy, compassion, and equanimity   Benefits of fasting from negative thoughts   Benefits of fasting from hate and how to do it successfully   Dave’s tips on how people can incorporate fasting when they're following some sense of morning routine Takeaways:   Coffee doubles ketone production.   Ketones suppress the hunger hormone called ghrelin and they raise the satiety hormone called CCK.   Fasting means your insulin didn't go up, and it means that your liver didn't have to turn on protein-digesting enzymes.   If you want to improve your biology, you have to have enough energy to run your body and break down cells and build healthy new cells.   The thing about fear is you don't think about fear.   Fasting means training the body to feel safe by going without something. It makes you more powerful in your cells, in your nerves, in your brain, in your heart, in your body, and in your spirit.   The only thing that you do have control over is your spiritual state.   Fasting from hate is the hardest thing to do.   What you eat drives hunger and cravings, depending on what it is.   The very best time to work out is at the end of a fast. Connect with Dave:   Facebook:   Twitter:   Instagram:   LinkedIn:   YouTube: Get Dave's newest book Fast This Way here:   Connect with Doug Instagram: Facebook: Website:   Private Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 18, 2021 • 1h 7min

Lisa Feldman Barrett - Neuroscientist Shares Common Myths About Your Emotions and How Your Brain Actually Works

Neuroscientist Shares Common Myths About Your Emotions and How Your Brain Actually Works!!!   There's a whole science about how the human brain works and what really controls our feelings and emotional responses to situations and most of what we have been told about how this works in the past is wrong.   My guest on this fantastic episode, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ph.D., is here to dismantle common myths about emotions and the brain. She stands among the top 1% most cited scientists globally for her revolutionary research in psychology and neuroscience. Dr. Barrett is a University Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University and she is also Chief Science Officer for the Center for Law, Brain & Behavior at Harvard University.   She was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship in neuroscience in 2019, has published over 240 peer reviewed articles and has a TED talk on emotions that has been viewed over 6 million times.   She is the best-selling author of "How Emotions are Made" and her latest book "7 1/2 Lessons about the Brain" is just as powerful.   Some of the topics we cover today include:   The old notion of the dynamics of emotions versus the new The real function of the human brain. How past experiences and behaviors affect the ability of our brains to guess responses to our external forces. Dr. Barrett thoughts on 'Stress' The power of words from a neurological point of view. Dr. Barrett explains Depression Adaptable patterns for a more optimistic approach to the future. Similarities between our "body budget" and "bank account"   Takeaways There's no good evidence that emotions can be read or interpreted through facial expressions or body language. We have the kind of brain that doesn't have a good sense of what is happening in our bodies. Our brain has to guess. All it receives are the sensations coming from our bodies, but it doesn't know what's causing them. So when you have an ache in your chest, your brain tries to figure out what caused that ache.  Our body makes the same guesses. Those guesses are usually knit together to create our experience. That's really how our brain is making emotions. You don't have circuits for anger, sadness, and fear embedded in some ancient part of your brain. That's just a myth. Your brains don't evolve to be any more rational than they are. Its function is to regulate your body's systems, and that's pretty much all it'll be doing all your life.  Practice gratitude, compassion, and train your brain to be flexible so that you can view life from multiple perspectives. We are a social species, which means we influence each others' nervous systems in really profound ways. We regulate each other's nervous systems in many ways that other animals do too. But we have an additional way, and that's with words. Depression is like a bankrupt body budget. It means you have stopped learning, and you stick with what's in your head. You're fatigued and pay no more attention to what's out in the world. Two easy ways to shift your predictions for a more optimistic approach towards life: Change the state of your body. (Get up and move around) and practice gratitude. It works! Connect with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ph.D.   Twitter:   Website:   TedTalk:   Books: How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain   Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain :   Connect with Doug Instagram: Facebook: Website: Private Facebook Group:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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