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Sep 19, 2023 • 5min

A Robot Sweats to Help People

A Robot Sweats to Help People Oh, it’s hot! Hot weather makes us sweat. Sweat comes out on our faces, under our arms, and on our backs. Sweat helps us to cool down. But in very hot weather, we need more help to cool down. 天氣熱的時候,我們會流汗來讓身體降溫。 But many people don’t have air conditioners. Many don’t have electric fans. They can’t cool down. When they’re too hot, they can get very sick. 可是很多人沒有冷氣,也沒有電風扇。他們的身體無法降溫,就會容易生病。 How do people feel heat in very hot weather? Scientists are studying this. But it’s dangerous for people to be too hot. So the scientists made a robot. It breathes! It sweats! 人們天氣熱的時候會感到多熱呢? 科學家也在做研究,他們做了一個機器人,它會呼吸,還會流汗。 When the weather is hot and dry, hot and wet, or hot and windy, how does the robot feel heat? The scientists can change the robot’s settings. Young, older, sick, or healthy - how does it feel heat? 這個機器人還可以切換不同設定,來感受天氣多熱,是不是很乾燥、有沒有風。 What can we learn from this robot's sweat? We can learn what to do in very hot weather. We can make clothes that keep us cooler.* *Our cities can learn how to keep people safe. 這個機器人能讓我們知道天氣很熱的時候應該要怎麼做。 One sweaty robot can help us live safely in a hotter world! Cool! ************************************************************************************************ Vocabulary 能夠感覺到天氣變化的機器人,可以教我們怎麼克服炎熱。 1. sweat 流汗 Wow, you’re sweating all over! 哇,你滿身大汗! I am. I walk too fast. 確實,我走太快了。 It’s so hot out there! 外面好熱! 2. heat 熱度 Let me turn on the fan for you. 我來替你開電扇。 Thank you! Exactly what I need. 謝謝,正是我需要的。 This heat is killing me! 這種熱氣真要命! 3. change 改變 It’s about to change. 天氣就要變了。 Change? A typhoon is coming? 變了? 有颱風要來嗎? Yeah, the CWB says it will hit Taiwan soon.對,氣象局說很快就會侵襲台灣。 4. dangerous 危險的 But I’m traveling to Taipingshan tomorrow. 但是我明天要上太平山。 Driving on the mountain road will be dangerous. 在山路上開車會危險。 Can you remember these words? sweat流汗 heat熱氣 change改變 dangerous危險的 ************************************************************************************************ Quiz 1. What kind of weather makes us sweat? a. Cold weather. b. Hot weather. c. Wet weather. 2. What can help people cool down? a. Heat. b. Danger. c. An electric fan. 3. What can the robot do? a. Eat. b. Sweat. c. Sleep. Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 18, 2023 • 5min

Taiwan Can Sing!

Oh, hello, everyone! Do you like to sing? Do you sing in a group at school? That group is a choir. Taiwan has many great choirs! 你喜歡唱歌嗎?你知道台灣有很多很棒的合唱團嗎? The Bao Lai Junior High School Choir is from Kaohsiung. The choir has many indigenous Bunun children. It has students from Jianshan and Laonong Elementary Schools and the Nibun Chorus. There are one hundred twenty students in the choir! 高雄的寶來國中合唱團有120個團員,有尼布恩合唱團的團員,還有建山國小跟荖濃國小的小朋友,他們很多都來自布農族。 This year, the singers sang one song again and again. They danced that one song again and again. They sang and danced on Saturdays and Sundays. They sang and danced on holidays and hot days. 週末和假日他們都沒有休息,一直練習。 They sang Pasibutbut. It's a very important Bunun song. It's beautiful. But it's not easy. It's a long song with eight parts. Why did the choir want this song? 布農族的八部合音很優美但不好唱。 They wanted the world to see a beautiful part of Taiwan! 他們想讓世界看到台灣美麗的一面。 The choir got on a plane. They went to the World Choir Games. Choirs from forty-six countries came. The Bao Lai Choir sang and danced Pasibutbut there. 他們坐上飛機參加世界合唱大會,準備表演八部合音。 The world saw Taiwan. And the choir won a gold medal! 他們獲得金牌! Great job, Bao Lai Choir! **************************************************************************************************** Vocabulary 寶來國中合唱團把悅耳的原住民歌聲,帶到世界各地。 1. again and again. 一遍又一遍 Why are you singing the song again and again? 為什麼你一再地唱那首歌? Oh, was I too loud? 歐,我太大聲嗎? 2. song 歌曲 No, I just wondered why you love the song so much. 不會,我只是想知道為什麼你那麼愛那首歌。 Because I'll be joining a singing contest on Sunday. 因為我星期日要參加歌唱比賽。 3. sing 唱歌 So you'll sing in front of people? 所以你在大家面前唱? Yes, a LOT of people! 對,很多人。 Wow, I can't do that. I'll be so nervous. 哇,我沒辦法,我會很緊張。 4. win 贏得 I believe you will win. 我相信你會贏。 You sing beautifully! 你唱得真美! Thank you! I hope so. 謝謝,我也希望。 我們來讀單字。 again再一次 song歌曲 sing唱歌 win贏得 **************************************************************************************************** Quiz 1. Where is the Bao Lai Junior High School Choir from? a. Keelung b. Taichung c. Kaohsiung 2. What did the choir do on Saturdays? a. saw Taiwan b. sang Pasibutbut c. went to the World Choir Games 3. How many countries' choirs were at the World Choir Games? a. 8 b. 46 c. 120 Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 17, 2023 • 5min

Barbershops Stop Boredom with Books

Barbershops Stop Boredom with Books Barbers cut people's hair. They work in barbershops. Many people like barbershops. They talk with the barber. They see their friends. They relax and have fun. Oh, and they get a haircut! 很多人喜歡理髮店,可以跟師傅聊天,見見朋友,當然也是為了剪頭髮。 One day, a teacher went to his barbershop. One of his students came in. But his student didn't have fun. He had nothing to do. He was very bored. He wanted to go! 有一天,一位老師去剪頭髮。他的學生也在那裡。但是這個學生覺得很無聊,想要離開。 The teacher knew his student. He needed a good book to stop his boredom. Then the teacher had a great idea! 老師知道他的學生需要看書才不會無聊。他想到一個好點子! The teacher gave his barbershop many good kids' books. The books were free - and fun! He wanted kids to read at the barbershop. He wanted kids to like reading. And great news! His idea worked very well! 他捐了很多童書給理髮店,希望小朋友可以在理髮店看書,也從此喜歡看書。 Now he helps over two hundred barbershops! He gives them fun kids' books. The barbers talk with kids about reading too. They ask "Do you like to read?" and "How is that book?" Kids like reading and talking about books there! 這個老師捐書給兩百多家理髮店。理髮師也會問小朋友們喜不喜歡看書。 That's thousands of kids' reading books, getting a haircut, and having fun! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 到理髮店剪頭髮,順便看故事書,很棒的主意! 1. haircut 剪頭髮 Hey, you got a new haircut! 嘿,你剪了新髮型! Looks great on you! 很好看呢! Really? I did it yesterday. 真的喔? 我昨天剪的。 I'm still not sure if I like it. 我還不確定喜不喜歡。 2. bored 厭煩 So you were just bored with your old look? 所以你就是厭煩了老樣子? Yeah, I got all sweaty with my long hair. 對啊,長頭髮讓我流好多汗。 3. free 免費的 But the best thing is my haircut was free! 最棒的是,我剪頭髮是免費的。 How is that possible? 怎麼可能? A free haircut in Taipei? 在台北免費剪頭髮? 4. great 很棒的 It's true! 真的啊。Isn't it great? 不是很棒嗎? I won a gift voucher in a lucky draw.我在幸運抽獎時抽中了禮券。 還記得今天學到哪些單字嗎? haircut剪頭髮 bored厭煩 free免費的 great很棒的 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. Who works in a barbershop? a. Teachers b. Students c. Barbers 2. What did the student need to stop his boredom? a. Nothing b. A haircut c. A good book 3. How many barbershops is the teacher helping? a. Under 200 b. Around 200 c. Over 200 Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 14, 2023 • 5min

Massages Help Elephants Move

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ In the UK, there's an elephant called Anne. She worked in a circus. She did circus tricks there. 英國有一頭大象叫做Anne,牠之前在馬戲團表演特技。 The tricks are not good for elephants. They make the elephants' bodies hurt. 但是這種表演會傷害大象的身體。 Now Anne lives in a safari park. People drive their cars in safari parks. They look at the animals there. Anne doesn't do circus tricks in this park. Her knees and hips hurt from the circus. Anne現在住在野生動物園裡面,不用再表演特技了。牠的膝蓋跟臀部都會痛。 A doctor wants Anne to feel better. So every month, he comes to see her. He gives Anne a massage! 有個醫生希望Anne可以好起來,所以他每個月來動物園幫牠按摩。 This doctor is very good at massages. But elephants are very big and strong! Massaging an elephant is hard work! 這個醫生很會按摩,但大象又大又強壯,幫大象按摩很不容易。 The massages help Anne. But many other elephants need massages. So now the doctor is a teacher too. He teaches massage - elephant massage! He goes all over the world to teach. 按摩讓Anne好起來,但是還有很多大象也需要幫助。所以這名醫生到世界各地教大家怎麼幫大象按摩。 His students massage their elephants. After one week, the elephants stand taller. They walk better! The massages help the elephants move! 他的學生也幫他們的大象按摩。按摩讓大象站得更直,也走得更穩! The doctor began helping one elephant. Now his massage helps elephants all over the world! What a smart and kind doctor! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 這位充滿愛心的醫生,替大象按摩好減輕牠們的痛苦。 1. hurt 痛 Gosh, my knees hurt so much! 老天爺,我的膝蓋痛死了! From all that running, right? 你跑了很久,對吧? I only ran 10 kilometers. 我只跑了十公里。 It shouldn't be that bad. 不該那麼糟糕的。 2. walk 走路 I guess it's because I also walked three hours.我猜是因為我也走了三個鐘頭。 Walking after running? 跑完之後再走? That's not smart.不聰明喲! 3. feel 感覺 I didn't feel tired at the time. 當時我不覺得累。 But now my knees are killing me! 但是現在我的膝蓋真要命! 4. better 比較好 Maybe you'd feel better lying down. 也許你躺下來會覺得好一點。 Maybe I'd feel better skipping school. 也許我翹課會比較好。 今天的單字你記住了嗎? hurt痛 walk走路 feel感覺 better比較好 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. Where does Anne live now? a. A circus b. A safari park c. All over the world 2. Where does Anne hurt? a. Her nose and ears b. Her knees and hips c. Her tail and feet 3. What is the doctor very good at? a. Massages b. Driving c. Tricks Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 13, 2023 • 5min

This Shop Turns Into a Turtle Tunnel

Many turtles live in a pond. There’s a busy street next to the pond. Every summer, female turtles cross the street. 池塘裡住著很多烏龜,旁邊有一條繁忙的馬路。每年夏天,母龜都會穿越這條馬路。 There’s a shop across the street. Some turtles walk into the shop. What?! Why? 街道對面有一間店,這些烏龜會爬進店裡。 They want to go to a wet, grassy marsh. It's great for turtle nests. It's behind the shop. 因為那間店的後方有一片沼澤,適合烏龜棲息。 The shop workers are kind. They open the front door and back door all day. The shop turns into a turtle tunnel! The turtles in the shop can walk to the marsh. 店員會把前後門打開,讓這些烏龜能夠直接走到沼澤。 Every fall, baby turtles come from the marsh. Some walk into the shop. They're the size of NT$10 coins. The workers walk very carefully! They pick up the turtles. 每年秋天,烏龜寶寶會從沼澤裡爬出來。牠們只有十元硬幣大,店員都會注意不要踩到。 The turtles want to go to the pond. But the busy street is bad for baby turtles. Drivers cannot see them. So the workers take them across the street. They put the baby turtles down by the pond. 烏龜寶寶想要穿越馬路,但是這非常危險,所以店員會直接送牠們到池塘旁邊。 Pond to marsh, marsh to pond: that's what the turtles want. The kind workers help the turtles safely go where they want. Great job, workers! Go, turtles! ************************************************************************************************ Vocabulary 烏龜過馬路,人類來幫忙。 1. pond 池塘 Isn’t this a perfect spot for a summer picnic? 這可不是夏日野餐的完美地點? The pond, the grass, and it’s all so quiet. 有池塘,草地,而且這麼安靜。 2. carefully 小心的 Yeah, but what about mosquitoes and the heat? 是沒錯,但是蚊子跟熱氣呢? It couldn’t be that bad. 不會那麼糟的。 I’ll plan carefully. 我會有縝密計畫。 3. next to 在旁邊 We can come here in the late afternoon. 我們可以下午晚一點來。 I’ll bring bug spray. 我會帶防蚊噴液。 And we can sit next to this big tree.我們可以坐在這棵大樹旁邊。 4. want 想要 Yeah. 對啊! Oh, I’m so excited! 我好興奮。 I want to invite everyone in my family to the picnic! 我要邀請所有家人來野餐! 這些單字很好用,你記住了嗎? pond池塘 carefully小心的 next to在旁邊 want想要 **************************************************************************************************** Quiz 1. Where do the female turtles want to go? a. the pond b. the shop c. the marsh 2. Where do the baby turtles want to go? a. the pond b. the shop c. the marsh 3. Why is the street bad for baby turtles? a. Drivers pick them up. b. Drivers cannot see them. c. Drivers can see them. Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 12, 2023 • 5min

Cactuses Can't Stand the Heat

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Scientists say climate change is making this year hot. This July was the planet's hottest month in 120,000 years! 科學家說氣候改變讓今年變得很熱,今年七月是地球12萬年來最熱的月份! Cactuses like hot weather. They don't need much water. They live in deserts. Deserts are hot and dry. 仙人掌喜歡熱的天氣,也不需要很多水分,它們長在沙漠裡。 Phoenix is a city in a desert. This July, Phoenix was the hottest city in the USA. Phoenix was very hot in August and it's hot now in September too. 今年七月鳳凰城是美國最熱的城市,八月和九月的天氣也非常炎熱。 Phoenix has many saguaro cactuses. Some are 12 meters tall! They have branches called arms. These cactuses can live for 200 years! 鳳凰城有很多巨人柱,這種仙人掌可以長到12公尺高,它們還可以活兩百年! But in Phoenix, saguaro cactuses are getting sick! They're turning yellow. Their arms are falling off! Some cactuses are falling down! 但是鳳凰城的巨人柱生病了! 它們開始變黃,也開始倒塌。 People worry about their sick saguaro cactuses. What do these cactuses need? They need water! The cactuses can't stand the heat! 連仙人掌都熱得受不了! 它們需要水! Heavy rain comes to Phoenix every year. People hope the rain can save the cactuses. But can it? 鳳凰城每一年都會下大雨,人們希望這些雨可以拯救仙人掌。 It's too hot for cactuses! Now we need to do more than hope. We need to fight climate change together. We need to save the planet! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 天氣太熱,連沙漠植物仙人掌都快活不下去了。 1. fall 掉落 I'm going to try riding a unicycle tomorrow. 我明天要試著騎獨輪車。 What? You'll fall off and hurt yourself.什麼啊,你會掉下來受傷。 2. arm 手臂 No, I won't. I'm good at riding a bike. 才不會,我很會騎腳踏車的。 A unicycle is different. 獨輪車不一樣。 You need to stretch out your arms. 你的手臂要伸出去。 3. hottest 最熱的 Wouldn't that be fun? 那不是很好玩? You just like to do crazy things. 你就是喜歡瘋狂的事。Remember when you ate chili in the hottest weather? 你記得你在天氣最熱的時候吃辣椒吧? 4. water 水 Yeah, my tongue felt like it was burning! 記得,我的舌頭好像燒起來了。 I had to drink tons of water. 不得不喝大量的水。 我們來讀今天的單字。 fall掉落 arm手臂 hottest最熱的 water水 ________________________________________ Quiz When was the planet's hottest month in 120,000 years? a. This July b. This August c. This September What is Phoenix? a. A kind of cactus b. A city in a desert c. Heavy rain What do the sick cactuses need? a. Arms b. Water c. Climate change Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 11, 2023 • 5min

Bird Spikes Help Birds Make More Birds

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Bird Spikes Help Birds Make More Birds Birds are beautiful in the sky! They have beautiful colors! They make beautiful songs! 天上的鳥很漂亮! 牠們的叫聲也很優美! Many birds live in cities. And every year, they make a nest. But some people don't like birds. Why? 很多鳥類都會在城市築巢,但有一些人不喜歡牠們。為甚麼呢? Well, birds are loud in the morning and at night. And they make places dirty. People keep birds away with bird spikes. A spike is long and thin. The spike end is sharp. OUCH! 人們用長而細的防鳥刺趕走鳥類,哎喔! 那些刺很尖銳。 People put bird spikes on top of walls and buildings. Birds can't sit on spikes. They can't make nests on them. 人們在牆壁和屋頂上放防鳥刺,鳥類就不會在上面築巢。 Crows and magpies are strong birds. Some of these birds take spikes! They like shiny things. Metal spikes are shiny. 烏鴉和喜鵲是強壯的鳥類。牠們有一些會叼走防鳥刺,牠們喜歡發亮的金屬。 But, that's not why they take them. Crows and magpies are smart. Scientists say the birds use the spikes. They put the sharp ends outside their nests. These bird spikes stop other birds and animals. 但是這不是烏鴉和喜鵲叼走的原因。牠們很聰明,會用防鳥刺築巢,阻止其他鳥類和動物靠近。 Taiwan has crows and magpies. They're strong and smart. Maybe you'll see a nest with spikes one day! **************************************************************************************************** Vocabulary 這些喜鵲自己不怕尖刺,有夠神奇! 1. in the morning 在早上 I really need a vacation! 我真的需要度假! I'd like to hear birds in the morning, and frogs at night. 我想要早上聽到鳥鳴,晚上聽到青蛙叫。 2. on top of 在上面。 Where can you find a place like that? 你哪裡可以找到那種地方? A homestay in Taitung, perhaps. 也許台東的一家民宿吧? I stayed one before. Next to the caf?, on top of the hill. 我以前住過一家。在小山丘上面,一家咖啡館旁邊。 3. smart 聰明的 You can just sit in a cafe here and listen to birds and frogs on your cell phone. 你可以就坐在這裡的咖啡館,聽手機上的鳥叫青蛙叫。 That's a smart idea, you know. 真是聰明主意呢。 今天的單字和片語都很好用喔。 In the morning在早上 on top of在上面。 smart聰明的 **************************************************************************************************** Quiz 1. Why don't some people like birds? a. They're loud. b. They're strong. c. They're smart. 2. Why do some people use bird spikes? a. They're shiny. b. They keep birds away. c. They keep nests safe. 3. What birds use bird spikes? a. Ducks and magpies b. Crows and geese c. Crows and magpies Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 10, 2023 • 5min

A Short Walk Can Keep You Healthy

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ What do you usually do after you eat? Sit down and read a book? Or maybe you take a short nap. Well guess what? Doctors say taking a short walk after eating helps your body control your blood sugar. 醫生說,吃飽後走走路可以降低血糖。 When most people think about sugar, they think about candy or ice cream or cake. -Sweet things have lots of sugar in them, right? Well, actually, many foods have sugar in them. There is sugar in milk, in tomatoes, in carrots, and even in onions! 不只是糖果蛋糕,牛奶、番茄、紅蘿蔔,還有洋蔥裡面也有糖! Sugar from food gives us energy. We need sugar. But, too much sugar can be bad for our blood. 我們需要糖分,但太多糖對身體不好。 Too much sugar in your blood can give you diabetes. "Diabetes" 就是糖尿病,太多糖很容易造成糖尿病。 Doctors say people should take a short walk after eating, because it will help control their blood sugar. Doctors say you only need a short walk, it could be only 2 minutes! Just 2 minutes of walking around after you eat can help you stay healthy. 醫生說,只要吃飽後走兩分鐘就可以控制血糖,保持健康! I think I'm going to try it! I'm going to take a 2-minute walk after I finish my lunch today! ________________________________ Vocabulary 醫生說吃飽了不要坐著,要走一走。 1. control 控制。 I'd love to walk around after lunch. 我很樂意吃過午飯後走走。 But sometimes I can't control work. 但有時候我沒辦法控制工作。 I can't control my life. 我還沒辦法控制人生呢。 2. minute 分鐘。 Besides, it only takes 2 minutes. 而且只需要兩分鐘。 Right, I can at least stand up for 2 minutes. 對,至少我可以站起來兩分鐘。 3. blood 血液。 What did your doctor say? 妳的醫生怎麼說? He will take my blood first. 他會先抽血。 And run some tests. 然後做一些檢驗。 4. healthy 健康的。 Don't worry. You're strong and healthy. 別擔心,你很健康強壯。 I'm only worried if I can still climb Jade Mountain. 我只擔心是否還能去爬玉山。 So let's get up and walk! 來讀讀單字。 control控制 minute分鐘 blood血液 healthy健康的 ________________________________ Quiz 1. What is a good idea after eating? A: Jumping on the bed B: Swimming in Sun Moon Lake C: Talking a short walk 2. What does sugar do for our body? A: It gives us energy B: It makes us cry C: It makes us hungry. 3. How long do you need to walk after eating? A: Maybe just 2-minutes! B: Maybe 4 or 5 hours C: About 90 minutes Answers 1. C 2. A 3. A -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 7, 2023 • 5min

Scientists Zap Clouds with Electricity

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Summers in Taiwan can be very hot! When the sun comes out, everyone feels warm. And sometimes, it's too dry. Isn't there any way to make it rain?! 台灣的夏天很熱,有時候也很乾!有沒有甚麼方法可以讓天空下雨呢? In the past, we could not change the weather. But scientists have had an idea. They have found a way to make it rain, using electricity. 現在,科學家發現一種用電讓天空下雨的方法。 We know where rain comes from. It falls from clouds in the sky. 我們知道雨水是從天上的雲落下來。 Clouds are made of water. When the water gets too heavy, the clouds start to rain. 雲是水構成的,當這些水太重,就會開始下雨。 Sometimes there is not enough rain. That is not good. When the rain is too little, people have no water to drink, and plants become too dry. So how can we make it rain more? 如果雨水太少,我們就會沒有水喝,植物也會乾枯。 Recently, scientists did a test. They used a little robot to zap a cloud with electricity. (SFX: electric zap) The electricity made the drops of water stick together. 科學家做了一個實驗,他們電擊一朵雲,讓雲層中的水滴黏在一起。 When the drops of water come together, they get heavier. Then they fall to earth. So when the cloud is zapped with electricity, it turns into rain. 水結成大水滴之後會變得更重,然後變成雨,落到地面。 What a useful idea. Scientists think it can help people. When the weather is too hot or dry, people can use this technology to make rain. (SFX: heavy rain) All it takes is a cloud and a little electricity. _________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary 給雲層通上電,就有可能製造出雨水。 1. cloud 雲。 How's the weather? 天氣怎麼樣? A gray sky with lots of thick clouds. 灰色天空,有很多厚厚的雲。 Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. 糟糕,聽起來很不好。 No. I think it's going to rain very soon. 是不好,我想很快就會下雨。 2. rain 下雨。 It rained all day yesterday. 昨天就下了一整天的雨。 But it's better than a hot and dry day. 但是總比又熱又乾好。 I prefer a dry day. 我比較喜歡乾燥的天氣。 3. electricity 電力。 What's happening? 怎麼回事? The light won't come on. 電燈不亮。 Because there's no electricity. 因為停電了。 4. in the past 從前。 What should we do? 我們怎麼辦? In the past we would light candles. 以前我們會點蠟燭。 No, I don't want to stay here. 不了,我不要待在這裡。 一起來讀讀單字吧。 cloud雲 rain下雨 electricity電力 in the past從前 ________________________________ Quiz 1. Where does rain come from? A: The sun B: The moon C: The clouds 2. How can we make clouds rain? A: Burn them with fire B: Tell them "more rain please" C: Zap them with electricity 3. When do clouds become rain? A: When they get too heavy B: When they get too light C: When they get too sad Answers 1. C 2. C 3. A -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 6, 2023 • 5min

Sports Make You Tough

Sports Make You Tough Hi, students! Do you play sports like basketball? ….Or maybe you like to play baseball***, ***tennis, or bowling. 你喜歡打籃球、棒球、網球,或保齡球嗎? If you do like to play sports, I have good news for you! Playing sports makes people tougher. It also makes them try harder. And it makes them braver. 運動可以讓人更堅強、更勇敢! How do I know that? Well, some scientists at an American university told us. First, they asked people about themselves. They asked them some questions to see if they are hard workers. They also asked them if they are brave and if they easily give up. 美國科學家問了一些人覺得自己有多用功、有多勇敢、多不容易放棄。 Then, the scientists looked at the answers to see which people were tough. After that, they asked them if they play sports. They found that people who play sports are tougher than those who don’t play sports. 他們發現有在運動的人比沒有運動的人還更堅強。 Some people think sports aren’t important. But, now you know they are! Sure, sports help you to be healthy. But they also help you to be tougher and braver. And they make you more hard-working. If you play sports, you won’t give up easily. All of that is important in life. 運動不只讓你更健康,也讓你更勇敢、認真,這些在生活中都很重要。 So, I think sports could help you be more successful in life, too! ________________________________________________________ Vocabulary 運動,特別是比賽型的運動,好處多多! 1. work hard 努力工作。 It’s late.很晚了。 I know, but I have to get this done. 我知道,但是我一定要把這個做完。 You work too hard. 你太用力工作了。 2. give up 放棄。 No, I just don’t want to give up. 不是,我只是不想放棄。 But you’ve got to know when to stop. 但是你得知道什麼時候要叫停 3. Brave 勇敢的,braver 更勇敢。 Playing basketball makes me braver.打籃球讓我更勇敢。 How so? 為什麼呢? I can push and shove other people. 我可以推擠別人。 That’s not being brave! 那不是勇敢。 4. ask 詢問。 Where are we now? 我們現在在哪裡? I have no idea.我不知道。 Let’s ask that woman.我們來問問那位女士。 So what kind of sports do you like? 來讀讀單字。Brave勇敢的 braver更勇敢 work hard努力工作 give up放棄 ask詢問 Quiz 1. What is this story about? A: The hardest sport to play B: How sports make people tough C: Why people like to play sports 2. Where did the scientists work? A: A German restaurant B: An American university C: A Nigerian café 3. What does give up mean? A: To quit B: To be generous C: To work harder Answers  1. B 2. B 3. A -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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