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Oct 2, 2023 • 5min

Friends Clean Up Rivers

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Wow, this park is nice. What's that?! And that?! Oh no, it's trash … Yuck. Hey, did you hear what five friends in Indonesia did? They saw lots of trash. So they cleaned it up! They cleaned up a river, but we can clean up this park! 你聽說過印尼一群朋友他們的事蹟嗎? 他們看到河裡有很多垃圾,就把河川清理乾淨。 The trash in this park is not very bad. But the trash in the river was a big problem. It was dirty. It smelled bad. There were plastic bags, water bottles, and old clothes. The trash stopped the river! 河川裡的垃圾很多,而且又髒又臭,還有塑膠袋、寶特瓶還有舊衣服阻塞了整條河! The friends wanted to help the river. So they made a group. The group cleaned up the river. They took away many bags of trash. Then they cleaned up more rivers! They cleaned up beaches! 這群朋友組成的小組清理出很多袋的垃圾,他們也繼續清理別的河流跟海灘。 The group made many videos of their work. They shared their videos online. 他們把整個過程拍成影片,上傳到網路上。 Millions of people saw the videos! Now many people help the group. They clean up rivers and beaches all over Indonesia! 很多人看到他們的影片,也加入他們一起清理印尼的河川跟海攤。 Five friends cleaned up one river. Now they clean up many rivers and beaches with their new friends. Oh, look! Our park is clean. What's next? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這群朋友不但清理家附近的河川,也擴大到其他地方。 1. trash 垃圾 What smells so awful? 什麼東西這麼難聞? Sorry, I forgot to take out the trash. 真抱歉,我忘了倒垃圾。 2. bag 袋子 You have 5 bags of trash? 你有五袋垃圾? That's a lot for one person! 一個人有這麼多垃圾! I know. I can't wait to get rid of them. 我知道,我也等不及要把它們扔掉了。 3. friend 朋友 Some of my friends came here on the weekend.一些朋友周末來這裡。 They brought lots of food. 他們帶了一堆吃的。 4. share 分享 We shared 6 pizzas, 3 bottles of coke and lots of fruit.我們分享六個披薩,三瓶可樂還有好多水果。 Hmmm, why was I not invited? 怎麼沒有邀請我? 你今天學到哪些單字? trash垃圾 bag袋子 friend朋友 share分享 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where do the friends clean up rivers? a. Indonesia b. India c. Japan 2. Where did the friends share their videos? a. At school b. In a river c. Online 3. How many people saw the videos? a. Hundreds b. Millions c. Billions Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 1, 2023 • 5min

These Forests Are Very Small

These Forests Are Very Small Forests are great. They have many trees. The air is clean. You can hear birds. And forests are very big, right? 森林有很多樹,空氣也很新鮮,還能聽到鳥叫聲,而且森林都很大對吧? Well, many forests are big. But some are small. How small? Some are the size of a basketball court! They're very small! 很多森林都很大一片。但也有迷你的小森林。有多小呢? 居然只有一個籃球場這麼大。 The idea of very small forests is from Japan. Japan has thousands of these forests! People in many countries like this idea. Now there are many of these forests in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America – hey, that's almost everywhere! 迷你森林的概念來自日本。其他國家的人也喜歡這個想法,現在世界各地都有迷你森林。 These forests are great for cities. They make places cooler in the summer. They make the air cleaner. That’s important in cities. Some of the forests are also nice to walk in. 這種森林很重要,它可以讓都市在夏天的時候涼快一點,也能讓空氣更新鮮。 The forests are very small, but they're full of life. All of them have many local trees and plants. Geckos, frogs, and other small animals live in the forests. There are butterflies and other insects too! 雖然迷你森林面積很小,卻充滿生機。不但有原生的樹木花草,也有動物跟昆蟲棲息。 These very small forests help cities, people, animals, and insects. Does Taiwan have any of these forests? I want one near my home. Do you? Vocabulary 迷你森林對於動物植物和人類,都很有貢獻。 1. hear 聽到 Did you hear that? 你聽到了嗎? Yeah, some kind of bird? 有啊,是某種鳥類嗎? No, they’re squirrels. 不是,是松鼠。 I see them in this park all the time. 我經常在這公園裡看到牠們。 2. tree 樹木 So they like this park? 所以牠們喜歡這個公園? Very much. 很喜歡。 There, can you see one in that tree? 在那裡,你看到有一隻在樹上嗎? Yeah, so cute! 有啊,好可愛! 3. city 城市 Squirrels are very common in Taipei City, right? 松鼠在台北市很常見吧? They are. In parks big and small. 沒錯,大小公園裡都有。 4. bird 鳥類 But I like birds better. 不過我比較喜歡鳥類。 Like sparrows? 比如說麻雀? Sparrows and Japanese white-eyes. 麻雀和綠繡眼。 一起來讀單字。 hear聽到 tree樹木 city城市 bird鳥類 Quiz 1. Where is the idea for very small forests from? a. Europe b. Japan c. Africa 2. Where are these forests? a. Many countries b. Two or three countries c. Only one country 3. How do these forests help cities? a. They’re warm in the winter. b. They use basketball courts. c. They make the air cleaner. Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 29, 2023 • 5min

A Zoo’s Bears: Bears or People?

There are different kinds of bears. There are brown bears, polar bears, panda bears, and more. 熊有很多不同的種類。有棕熊、北極熊、熊貓等等。 Brown bears are brown. Polar bears are white. Panda bears are black and white. Different bears look different. But all bears share some things. 不同的熊,外觀上有不同的顏色。但是所有的熊還是有共通點。 Bears have short, thick hair called fur. They are furry! Bears have long noses and small, round ears. They have short tails. Bears have four paws. Most bears have short, wide legs. 熊身上有厚厚的短毛,也有長長的鼻子,圓圓的小耳朵跟短短的尾巴。熊有四個熊掌,牠們的腿多半又粗又短。 People have long, thin legs. We have two feet. We can stand up. Bears can stand up too. But they can only stand for a very short time. In China, there’s a zoo. This zoo has a kind of bear. They're sun bears. They stand. Okay, sometimes bears do that. But their legs look long and thin! Are they bears? Or… are they people? 中國一座動物園裡面有馬來熊。牠們的腿看起來長又細,也會站起來。牠們是熊,還是人類? What? Yes, some people think these bears are people. That's strange… Do they think they see furry people? No, they think they see people dressed as bears! 沒有錯,有一些人覺得這些熊是人類扮演的。 The zoo says sun bears look different from other bears. They aren't people. They're bears! They are! They are! Vocabulary 熊和人類應該不像吧,但是馬來熊卻不一樣。 1. look 看起來 Nancy, come here. 南西,你來一下。 What’s that strange-looking cat on the roof? 屋頂上看起來很奇怪的貓是什麼? That doesn’t look like a cat to me. 我看不像貓。 2. fur 毛 It looks more like a bear to me. 我看像一頭熊。 You’re kidding, right? 你開玩笑吧? No, look at its fur. 不,你看牠的毛。 3. stand up 站起來 A bear in Taipei city? Come on! Nancy. 一頭熊跑來台北? 別鬧了! Oh my God, now it’s standing up! 老天爺,牠站起來了! Should we call the police? 我們應該打電話給警察吧? 4. dress 穿衣服 Wait, it’s a man! 等一下,那是個人! A man dressed like a bear! 那人穿衣服像熊。 Let me call the police. 我來叫警察。 今天的單字有哪些? look看起來 fur毛 stand up站起來 dress穿衣服 Quiz 1. Which bears are white? a. Brown bears b. Polar bears c. Sun bears 2. What do all bears have? a. Big ears b. Long tails c. Short legs 3. What do some people think the zoo’s bears are? a. Furry people b. Baby polar bears c. People dressed as bears Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 28, 2023 • 5min

President Gives Awards to Teachers in India

Hey, guess what?! Today is Teachers’ Day! 你知道嗎?今天是教師節! I know … You love this day! Because you love your teacher sooooo much, right? 我知道今天是教師節,大家都很愛你們的老師,對不對? Let’s give teachers everywhere a great big clap! 請為世界各地的老師用力鼓掌。 Wow! That was loud! You must love your teacher very much! In Taiwan, Teachers’ Day is on September 28th. Other countries have Teachers’ Days too. But they're on different days. 台灣的教師節在9月28號。其他的國家也有教師節,但是慶祝的日期不同。 In India, Teachers’ Day is on September 5th. This year, India's president gave awards to 75 teachers. These teachers worked hard for their students. They did amazing things! 印度的教師節在9月5號。今年印度總統頒獎給75位老師,讚賞他們的努力。 One teacher made an online drama. It helps kids learn. They have fun watching it at home! 其中一位老師在線上演戲,幫助小朋友學習,讓他們在家也看得開心。 Another teacher loves his job. He comes to school every day. He hasn’t missed a day of school… for eleven years! 有一位老師很愛他的工作,他每天都到學校,11年都沒有缺席。 One teacher loves his school so much, he cleans it every day! He cleans the toilets too! He even uses his own money to help the school! 另外一位老師也非常愛護他的學校。他每天打掃學校以及廁所,還捐錢幫助學校。 The 75 teachers in India help their students in many ways. Maybe your teacher does too. What can you give your teacher an award for? Vocabulary 老師們辛苦了! 1. award 獎項 I can’t believe it! 真不敢相信! They gave me an award! 他們給了我一個獎 ! Congratulations! What is the award for? 恭喜你,是什麼獎呢? 2. job 工作 For being a wonderful teacher! 因為我是很棒的老師。 Oh wow. But you don’t even like your job! 哇,可是你甚至不喜歡你的工作。 3. every day 每天 I’m beginning to like it now. 我現在開始喜歡了。 It’s a good job, you know. 這是個好工作。 Sure, you get to help children every day. 當然了,每天都可以幫助小朋友。 4. learn 學習 And I’m learning something new every day. 我每天也在學習新東西。 Like how to have fun when working. 比如說怎麼在工作時玩樂。 Let’s learn something new every day! 一起來讀單字。 award獎項 job工作 every day每天 learn學習 Quiz 1. When is Teachers’ Day in Taiwan? a. September 28th b. September 5th c. Every day 2. Who gave teachers in India their awards this year? a. The President b. The Prime Minister c. The kids 3. How many teachers in India were given awards this year? a. 28 b. 5 c. 75 Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 26, 2023 • 5min

Mr. Fritz Flies to Teach Birds

Can you teach birds where to fly? One man in Europe does that. But why does he do that? 你能教鳥類往哪裡飛嗎? 歐洲有個人就這麼做,為什麼呢? Mr. Fritz worries about one kind of bird. There are not many of them. They live in Europe in the spring and summer. But the winter is cold there. So the birds fly to warm countries in the fall. Fritz先生很擔心一種數量不多的鳥類。這種鳥在春天跟夏天住在歐洲,秋天會飛往溫暖的國家避冬。 But Europe is getting hotter. The birds stay one month longer. Then they fly to warm countries. They fly over tall mountains. 但歐洲現在越來越熱。那些鳥會多待一個月才會越過高山,飛往溫暖的國家。 But winter is coming. There’s snow on the mountains. The birds can’t find much food in the snow. 但冬天就快到了。高山上都是雪,牠們沒辦法找到足夠的食物。 The birds need to fly to warm countries. But they need to eat too! So Mr. Fritz teaches them where to fly. How does he do that? He flies a very small plane. The birds fly after him. But why do they do that? 牠們需要到溫暖的國家,但也需要食物! 所以Fritz先生開著一台小飛機,讓這些鳥跟著他。 Well, these birds know Mr. Fritz. They think he’s their dad! The new way is long. But it doesn’t go over mountains. The birds can find food! 這些鳥把Fritz先生當作鳥爸爸。雖然新的飛行路線很長,但不需要飛過高山。牠們就可以找到食物了! Mr. Fritz flies to teach birds where to fly! Good job! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary Fritz先生當鳥爸爸,帶領稀有鳥類飛越不同的路線。 1. winter 冬天 Winter is the best season for traveling! 冬天是旅行最好的季節。 That’s true if you’re going to warm countries. 真的,假如你是去溫暖國家的話。 Like Thailand. 比如說泰國。 2. snow 雪 Why? I like to see snow up on the mountains. 為什麼? 我喜歡在山上賞雪。 It’s fun to dress in warm clothes in cold weather. 在冷天氣穿厚衣服很好玩。 3. Europe 歐洲 So you’re thinking about Europe? 所以你在考慮歐洲? Maybe. I’ve always wanted to see Iceland. 也許吧,我一直想去看看冰島。 4. cold 寒冷的 Iceland is too cold! 冰島太冷了! It would be a good place to be in summertime. 它夏天時會是個好地方。 Do you like winter? Let’s read the words. winter冬天 snow雪 Europe歐洲 cold寒冷的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What does Mr. Fritz teach the birds? a. How to fly b. Where to fly c. When to fly 2. Which is true about Mr. Fritz? a. He doesn’t like birds. b. He lives in the U.S.A. c. He flies a small plane. 3. What is true about the new way? a. It is long. b. It goes over mountains. c. It has no food for birds to find. Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 25, 2023 • 5min

Octopuses Use Hot Water For Eggs

Hi everyone. Do you know what an octopus is? It's an animal. It has a big head and eight long arms. It lives in the ocean. Scientists say octopuses are smart. 你知道章魚嗎? 這是一種住在海裡的動物,科學家說牠們很聰明。 A scientist wanted to study other animals. She went to the ocean near California. But she got a big surprise. There were thousands of octopuses there. It was the biggest octopus group in the world! Many were keeping their eggs safe. 有一位科學家在加州附近的海域,發現世界最大群的章魚! 這些章魚正在保護牠們的卵。 Another scientist saw the octopuses later. He had a question. Why were so many octopuses there? Scientists studied the octopuses. They studied the eggs. They studied the water. They found the answer! 科學家疑惑那裡為什麼有那麼多章魚? 他們研究章魚、章魚卵和海水,他們找到了答案! Hot springs are there! They're small openings in the earth. Warm water comes out. So… are the octopuses looking for food? Are they relaxing? Nope! They're using the warm water to help their eggs! 那裡有溫泉從海底冒出來,章魚利用這些溫泉的水幫助牠們孵化卵。 Oceans are cold … *brrrrr*! Octopus eggs take five to ten years to open in cold water. But they take about two years to open in warm water! Wow! That's fast! 章魚卵在寒冷的海水中需要五到十年才會孵化。但是在溫暖的海水裡,只需要兩年! These octopuses use hot springs for their eggs. See? Octopuses are very smart! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 聰明的章魚,懂得利用海底溫泉來孵蛋。 1. octopus 章魚 Who will win the next World Cup? 下次世界盃足球賽誰會贏? I have no idea. 這我不知道。 You can ask an octopus. 你可以問問章魚。 They usually have the right answer. 牠們通常有正確答案。 2. surprise 驚奇 An octopus is for eating, not for answering questions. 章魚是拿來吃的,不會回答問題。 You're right. But they are full of surprises. 你說的對,但是牠們會讓人很驚訝。 3. arm 手臂 They can use tools, you know. 牠們會用工具呢。 I know they can use their arms to open a jar. 我知道牠們會用觸手打開罐子。 4. use 使用 They also use coconut shells as their home. 牠們還會用椰子殼當作自己家。 I prefer cooking them with soy sauce. 我比較喜歡用醬油來煮章魚。 你喜歡吃章魚嗎? octopus章魚 surprise驚奇 arm手臂 use使用 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What did the first scientist see in the ocean? a. Big animals b. A big octopus group c. Big octopus eggs 2. What are the octopuses doing at the hot springs? a. Looking for food b. Relaxing in hot water c. Helping their eggs 3. What takes about two years to open? a. Openings in the earth b. Octopuses at hot springs c. Octopus eggs in warm water Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 24, 2023 • 5min

Taichung Man Gets Lots of Money Back

Taichung Man Gets Lots of Money Back  Where are my keys? Did I lose them again?* *Do you lose things? Sometimes people lose important things. That feels bad! 你有弄丟過東西嗎?有時候人們搞丟重要的東西。那種感覺很糟糕! How does it feel when you find the thing you lost? Ask Mr. Li. He was on a scooter. Mr. Li was bringing money to someone in Taichung. But when he got there, the money was gone! (SFX: Mr. Li: “Oh no! My money!”) It was somewhere on the road! 那麼…當你找回遺失的東西的時候,感覺怎麼樣?問李先生就知道了。李先生帶著錢去台中,但他發現錢掉在路上。 How much money did Mr. Li lose? He lost 180,000 NT$! That’s a lot of money! 李先生損失了多少錢呢? 答案是18萬台幣! Mr. Li looked for the money. But he could not find it. So he went to the police. He said he lost a bag of money. Then the police said something amazing! 李先生找不到錢,只好去報警,但是警察說的話讓他大吃一驚! Two people found the bag! And they did not keep the money! They gave it to the police! The police made sure the money was Mr. Li’s. Then they gave it back to him. *(SFX: Mr. Li: “Thank you! Thank you!”) *Mr. Li said “thank you” to the two people and the police. 有兩個人發現了這一袋錢,不但沒有自己留著,還交給了警方。李先生向他們兩個人以及警察道謝。 He felt thankful to get it back! Mr. Li was lucky! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 搞丟了18萬,最後卻失而復得,這不是太高興了? again 再一次。 Oh no, I lost my money again! 糟糕,我又搞丟錢了! Didn’t you say it won’t happen again? 你不是說不會再這樣? how much 多少。 I know. But I keep losing more. 我知道,但是我繼續搞丟。 How much did you lose this time? 你這次損失了多少? Five hundred, I think.我想是五百塊。 lose 遺失。 That’s not a lot. 不算多。 Maybe not for you, but it’s a lot for me. 對你也許不多,對我很多。 But how did you lose it? 但是你怎麼丟的? What happened? 出了什麼事? look for 尋找。 I don’t know. But now I must look for it. 我也不知道,但是現在我得去找了。 Make sure you check every pocket. 你要確定每個口袋都看看。 今天你學到哪些單字? again再一次 how much多少 lose遺失 look for尋找 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz Where did Mr. Li lose the money? A: At the park B: On the road C: At the police station 2. How much money did Mr. Li lose? A: 180,000 NT B: 18,000 NT C: 800,000 NT 3. How did Mr. Li feel when he got the money back? A: Angry B: Scared C: Thankful Answers B A C -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 22, 2023 • 5min

Powerlifter with Down Syndrome Has 5 Gold Medals

Powerlifter with Down Syndrome Has 5 Gold Medals Dan is a powerlifter. Powerlifting is a sport. Powerlifters lift very heavy weights. In competitions, the lifter of the heaviest weight wins. 舉重是一項運動,比賽中能夠舉起最重的就是贏家。 Dan is a very good powerlifter. He wins competitions all over the world. This summer, Dan won a gold medal in France. But becoming a powerlifter was not easy for him. Dan has Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome 是唐氏症。Dan是一個厲害的舉重選手,贏得很多場比賽。但這對他來說很不容易,因為Dan有唐氏症。 Because of Down Syndrome, Dan can't hear in one ear. And because of Down Syndrome, when Dan was very young, he had a heart problem. He even had heart surgery … two times! 因為唐氏症的關係,Dan有一邊的耳朵聽不見,他小時候還有心臟問題。 For a short time, Dan did not walk well. He used a wheelchair. But then he started to lift weights. He wanted to be healthy and strong. 有一段時間,Dan需要坐輪椅。但是他希望能夠變得健康強壯,所以開始練習舉重。 Dan lifted weights every day. He worked very hard. He became healthy and very strong! The weights were heavier and heavier: seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred kilograms and more! Dan was a powerlifter! Then he tried a powerlifting competition. Dan每天努力練習,舉重的功力一直增加,他也嘗試參加比賽。 Now, Dan is one of the best powerlifters in the world! He has 5 gold medals. Maybe he can win more! Good luck, Dan! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 有先天性疾病的Dan,在舉重這項運動表現卓越。 1. lift 舉起 Hey, have you been lifting weights? 嘿,你都在練舉重嗎? You've got a six-pack! 你有六塊肌耶! Really? I'm so happy to hear that! 真的嗎,太高興了! It's hard work. 很辛苦呢。 2. because 因為。 So you go to the gym every day? 所以你每天上健身房? Yeah, but not because I want a six-pack.對,不過不是為了要六塊肌。 My doctor told me to work out. 我的醫生叫我做運動。 3. heart 心臟。 He says I have heart problems and need to get stronger. 他說我有心臟問題,需要變強壯一點。 What kind of heart problems? 哪一種心臟問題? 4. surgery 手術。 The kind that might need surgery. 可能需要動手術的那種。 Gee, that's tough. 這可麻煩了。 Do you do weightlifting? lift舉起 because因為 heart心臟 surgery手術 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What is powerlifting? a. A wheelchair b. A weight c. A sport 2. How many gold medals does Dan have? a. 1 b. 5 c. 8 3. Why can't Dan hear in one ear? a. He has Down Syndrome. b. The weights are heavy. c. He is a powerlifter. Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 21, 2023 • 5min

Kaohsiung Students Build a Car That Runs on Sunlight

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ In Australia, there's a race. It's very tough. 澳洲有一場艱難的比賽。 The drivers drive 3,000 kilometers. They cross a hot desert. Not all cars can do it. Only the toughest cars try. 賽車手要開3000公里跨越炎熱的沙漠,只有最堅固的汽車才有辦法。 A Taiwanese team is racing this year. They're National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology students! 台灣有一支團隊會參加今年的比賽。他們是國立高雄科技大學的學生。 These students want to help change the world. They built a special car. It's called Apollo IX. ("nine") 這些學生想要改變世界。他們打造一台特別的車子,叫做阿波羅九號。 It's an electric car. That's nothing special, right? Most cars run on gas, but some cars run on electricity. Well, this car has solar panels. It runs on sunlight! 這是一台電動車,並不特別,對不對? 但它可是一台用太陽能發動的車子。 Apollo IX's hood and roof have solar panels. In sunny weather, they take in sunlight. The solar panels turn sunlight into electricity. The electricity fills the car's battery. 這台車的車頂跟前面的引擎蓋有太陽能板。晴天的時候,它可以吸收陽光轉化成電力。 The race is a big test for Apollo IX. It can go 518 kilometers with a full battery. But it needs sunlight. 這個比賽是阿波羅九號的大挑戰。它充飽電可以跑518公里,但是它需要陽光。 The car needs to go 3,000 kilometers! In bad weather, can Apollo IX win the race? 如果天氣不好,阿波羅九號能贏得比賽嗎? These students are doing important work. Cars that run on sunlight can change the world. Let's hope they win! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 台灣學生製造的賽車,是否經得起澳洲沙漠的考驗? 1. desert 沙漠 Why would anyone want to drive a car across the desert? 為什麼有人會想開車橫越沙漠? Why not? 為什麼不呢? Didn't you want to challenge yourself when you were younger? 難道你年少時沒想過挑戰自己? 2. sunlight 陽光 I did try to stay in bed for 24 hours.我有嘗試躺在床上24小時。 Away from the sunlight.並且遠離陽光。 Wow. That's…uh, that's really something. 那真不簡單。 3. change 改變 It didn't change the world, I know.我知道那沒有改變世界。 But it helped me win a race. 不過有幫我贏得比賽。 4. race 比賽 The race of who can sleep longer? 看誰睡得比較久的比賽? Yes! How did you know? 對啊,你怎麼知道的? Let's read today's vocabulary. desert沙漠 sunlight陽光 change改變 race比賽 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. How many kilometers in this race? a. 9 b. 518 c. 3,000 2. What did the students name their car? a. Sunny IX b. Solar IX c. Apollo IX 3. What does the car run on? a. Gas b. Sunlight c. Australia Answers: 1. c 2. c d. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Sep 20, 2023 • 5min

Man Takes Little Boat for Big Ride

It’s fun to go to a lake. You can swim or ride in a boat. Some people use kayaks. A kayak is a very small boat. Only one person can use it. 去湖邊玩可以游泳、坐船。有一些人會划獨木舟,kayak這種獨木舟,只能容納一個人。 Do kayaks go far? No, they usually don’t. Most people use them for a few hours. 獨木舟可以划得很遠嗎? 不會,大多數人只會划幾個小時。 But one young man likes to go to new places. Zane and his kayak went very, very, VERY far. He used his kayak for many, many, MANY hours. What?!? Zane had a big idea. He wanted to ride his kayak around a lake. He went to one of the biggest lakes in the world, Lake Superior! Zane有個很棒的想法,他想要划著獨木舟繞湖一圈,他去了蘇必略湖,是世界最大湖之一。 Zane used a paddle to move the kayak. It was hard work. His kayak moved slowly around the lake. 他用槳來划獨木舟,慢慢地繞湖一圈。 He saw many beautiful things. He saw islands, trees, and many birds and fish. 一路上他看到很多漂亮的風景,島嶼、樹木、還有許多鳥跟魚。 Zane came back two months later. How far did his kayak go? It went 1,900 kilometers! How many hours did he use his kayak? Hmmm … 63 days is… about 1,500 hours! Zane兩個月後回來了,Zane坐獨木舟划了多遠呢? 一共划了一千九百公里!一千五百個小時! Zane was happy. He went a long way in a little kayak! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary Zane喜歡划船,他花了兩個月的時間划獨木舟。 1.month 月。 What’s our plan for tomorrow? 我們明天的計劃是什麼? For your first free day in one month? 你一個月來的第一天自由日嗎? 2.kayak 獨木舟。 Let’s go kayaking on Sun Moon Lake. 我們去日月潭划獨木舟吧。What a wonderful idea! 真棒的主意! That lake is beautiful! 那個湖很美呢! 3.hour 小時。 So we’ll kayak for about 3 hours in the morning, and then….所以我們上午划獨木舟三個鐘頭,然後…. Wait, 3 HOURS? 等一下,三個鐘頭嗎? 4.long 長的。 Why? Is that too long for you? 為什麼? 太長了嗎? Yeah, I was thinking half an hour. 對啊,我想的是半個鐘頭。You can’t go anywhere in half an hour. 半個鐘頭你哪裡都去不了。 我們一起讀今天的單字。month月 kayak獨木舟 hour小時 long長的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What is a kayak? A: A boat B: A car C: A lake 2. How far did Zane’s kayak go? A: 1,000 kilometers B: 1,500 kilometers C: 1,900 kilometers 3. How many days did Zane use his kayak? A: 16 days B: 63 days C: 630 days Answers A C B -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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