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Oct 29, 2023 • 5min

Groups Move “In Time” to Music

Groups Move “In Time” to Music Narrator: How do soldiers march? They march together. **Sergeant Major: **“Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! …” *(cont.)* Narrator: They’re moving “in time”. Together, they step with their left foot.* *Together, they step with their right foot. Then their left, then their right, then … ah! You get the idea! 他們同時做一樣的動作,一起同時踏出左腳,然後右腳。 When people walk with friends, sometimes they walk in time. “Left! Right! Left! Right!” No one tells them to move in time! They don’t think about it! It’s natural. 當人們跟朋友走在一起,有時候會很自然地踏出相同步伐。 When you dance, you move in time to the music. That’s natural too. You don’t think about it … you dance, baby! 跳舞的時候,你也會自然地跟著音樂的旋律跳。 Scientists in Switzerland had some questions. How does music make people in big groups move? Does music make these people move together, in time? 瑞士科學家想知道,為甚麼音樂會讓一群人動作同步呢? They did a study. But they didn’t want to study people dancing! They wanted to look for smaller natural movements. So they used classical music. 他們做了研究,為了捕捉到更小的動作,他們使用古典音樂。 They found some amazing things! Groups moved together, in time, without thinking about it!Their hearts beat in time!They breathed in time! 他們發現音樂會讓一群人下意識同步動作,連心跳跟呼吸頻率也一樣! Music moves us! We move together, in time! We do this naturally! How cool is that?! Vocabulary 人在走路或是舞蹈時,很自然地會跟同行的人或是音樂同樣節奏。 1. group 團體 Are you going to the party tomorrow? 你去不去明天的派對? No, it’s my line dancing group’s night. 不了,明天是我的排舞團體之夜。 2. dance 跳舞 When did you join that group? 你幾時參加那個團體的? A month ago. 一個月前。 I need to exercise more, and I like dancing.我需要運動,又喜歡跳舞。 3. music 音樂 But what’s line dancing? 但是排舞是什麼? Well, people dance to music facing the same direction. 大家跟著音樂跳,面對同一個方向。 4. want 想要 I want to learn it, too.我也要學。 Come with me tomorrow. 明天跟我一起來。 It’s a lot of fun.很好玩的。 Do you love dancing? 一起來讀單字。 group團體 dance跳舞 music音樂 want想要 Quiz 1. What is moving “in time”? a. Moving fast b. Moving clocks c. Moving together 2. Where was this study done? a. Switzerland b. Scotland c. Sweden 3. What did this study look for? a. Dance movements b. Walking in time c. Small natural movements Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 26, 2023 • 5min

These Scientists Saved the World

Katalin Kariko is a scientist. Some people say she saved the world. Maybe she saved your life! Katalin Kariko是一位科學家。有人說她拯救了世界,也許她還救了你一命。 Vaccines help stop people from getting sick. Dr. Kariko had an idea to make better vaccines. She worked on her idea for many years. 疫苗可以防止人類生病。 Kariko博士想出辦法,讓疫苗更加有效。 Then Dr. Kariko worked with Dr. Drew Weissman. They worked in different ways. He said, "from A to B you zigzag, zigzag, zigzag, zigzag! I [go]… straight." Kariko 博士跟Drew Weissman博士合作。他說Kariko會來來回回的思考,而他是直線前進。 Here, "zigzag" means she studied many kinds of new ideas and information. And she had questions: What's this? How does this work? What's that? What does that do? Can it help my idea? Can we try this? Kariko研究很多新的想法跟資訊,也提出一大堆問題。 Maybe zigzagging helped! Dr. Kariko and Dr. Weissman found how to make better vaccines using her ideas. 或許這種Z型的思考方式,讓他們找出更好的疫苗。 COVID-19 came. The world needed vaccines! Their work helped scientists make two vaccines fast! It can make other vaccines too. 新冠肺炎的到來,讓全世界都需要疫苗,而這兩人的研究加快了疫苗的生產。 Every year, some people get a Nobel Prize. They did great things for the world. This year, Dr. Kariko and Dr. Weissman got the Nobel Prize for Medicine! They made her idea work and saved the world! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這兩位博士發明了新型的肺炎疫苗,榮獲今年的諾貝爾醫學獎。 1. sick 生病的 When I was a child, I really wanted to be a scientist.我小時候很想當科學家。 Yeah? Because you liked the sound of it? 因為科學家這個詞很好聽? Because scientists can help sick people. 因為他們可以幫助生病的人。 2. can 能夠 And they understand space and stars. 他們還能懂太空和星星。 They can do so many things. 他們可以做好多事。 3. then 然後 But then you decided to study literature. 但是之後你決定讀文學。 Yeah, I found literature much more interesting.對,我覺得文學有趣多了。 4. life 生命、人生 It deals with life.它跟人生有關。 Science deals with life, too. 科學也跟人生有關。 來一起讀今天的單字。 sick生病的 can能夠 then然後 life生命、人生 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What did Dr. Kariko do for many years? a. Saved the world b. Worked on her idea c. Kept getting sick 2. What did Dr. Kariko do when she zigzagged? a. Studied many things b. Went straight c. Took medicine 3. When COVID-19 came, what did the world need fast? a. A Nobel Prize b. Vaccines c. Questions Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 25, 2023 • 5min

Snails Change Vegetable Farmer’s Life

Snails are small animals with a shell. They crawl very slowly. Snails leave silver lines on the ground. They eat fruit, vegetables, and many other things. Gardeners and farmers don't like snails. 蝸牛是個很小的動物,牠們吃水果、蔬菜等等,所以園丁跟農夫都不喜歡蝸牛。 But many people around the world like snails. They like to eat them.*** ***Some people pay a lot of money to eat snails! Where are these snails from? Sometimes they're from gardens. Many are from snail farms! 但是還是有人喜歡蝸牛,也喜歡吃牠們。那這些蝸牛來自哪裡呢? 這些蝸牛有時候是來自花園,很多是來自養殖場。 Mr. Chang was a vegetable farmer in Taitung. He grew vegetables for many years.It was hard work. And maybe snails made his work harder. 張先生曾經是台東的菜農,種菜很辛苦,菜田裡的蝸牛讓他更辛苦。 He was getting older. He wanted an easier job. Now Mr. Chang is a snail farmer. He has more than 80,000 snails! The snails need a lot of care. Small changes can kill them! But for Mr. Chang, snail farming is easier than vegetable farming. 現在張先生改養蝸牛。蝸牛需要呵護照顧,一點點的改變都會造成牠們的死亡。但是對張先生來說,養蝸牛比種菜簡單多了。 Mr. Chang also sells snails in cans. He sells sausages made of pork and snails too. He sells them in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. 張先生也賣蝸牛罐頭跟蝸牛香腸。除了國內,他還賣到香港跟澳門。 Snails changed this vegetable farmer's life. Hmmm….I'm hungry for snails now! Are you too? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 不種水稻而去養蝸牛,賺的錢還更多。 1. garden 花園 What a beautiful garden! 好漂亮的花園! It reminds me of my days as a gardener. 讓我想起以前我當園丁的日子。 2. grow 種植 What did you grow? 妳種什麼呢? I grew a lot of tulips.我種很多鬱金香。 Just flowers? No fruit or vegetables? 只有花嗎? 沒有青菜水果? No, tulips were trouble enough.沒有,鬱金香就夠麻煩了。 3. vegetable 蔬菜 Yeah, vegetables can be harder. 也對,蔬菜可能更難。 There would be snails and insects.會有蝸牛和昆蟲。 4. older 比較老的 I may grow cherry trees when I get older. 我年紀比較大時也許會種櫻桃樹。Cherries are delicious.櫻桃很好吃。 Let’s review these words. garden花園 grow種植 vegetable蔬菜 older比較老的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where does Mr. Chang live? a. Taitung b. Hualien c. Yilan 2. Why did Mr. Chang start farming snails? a. They need a lot of care. b. He loves to eat them. c. They’re easier than vegetables. 3. Where does Mr. Chang sell his snails? a. France b. Macau c. Italy Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 24, 2023 • 5min

Submarine Finds New Golden … Thing

We live on Earth. Some people call it the “Blue Planet”. From far away, the earth looks blue. That’s because the earth has so much water. 地球有很多水,遠看地球是藍色的,因此有人把地球叫做藍色星球。 Most of the earth’s water is in the oceans. Oceans are very big! Many things live in them. There are animals and plants we don't know about. 大部分地球上的水都在海洋,廣闊的海洋有很多我們還不知道的生物。 Some scientists get into submarines. The submarines take the scientists down to the ocean floor. The scientists explore, looking for new animals and plants to study. 科學家坐潛水艇到海底,探索新的動植物。 Scientists in a submarine were exploring the ocean near Alaska. They found something very strange … 他們在阿拉斯加的海域到處探索,發現一個奇怪的東西。 It's smooth, gold, and shiny. And it has a hole. Maybe something came out of it. Is it an egg? But it's soft, like people's skin! And it's very big … 這個金黃色的生物又滑又亮,還有一個洞,也許有東西跑出來了,是個蛋嗎? 但是它很軟,像人類的皮膚一樣。 Scientists don’t know what it is! Is it a new kind of egg? Then what kind of animal was inside? How big is it? Is it dangerous? And where is it now …?! Watch out! 科學家不知道是什麼東西。是新物種的卵嗎? 那又是什麼樣的新物種呢? 牠多大? 很危險嗎? 牠現在在哪裡? There’s a lot we don’t know about the Earth’s animals and plants. We need to keep exploring! Who knows what we’ll find … Vocabulary 這個新發現的海底物種讓科學家十分困惑。 1. blue 藍色的 Where can I go diving in Taiwan? 台灣哪裡可以潛水? Green Island is my favorite spot. 綠島是我最喜歡的地方。 The water is blue and clean, with lots of sea animals.海水又藍又乾淨,還有很多海洋動物。 2. find 找到 Can I find sea turtles there? 在那裏可以找到海龜嗎? I’ve found lots of fish, but no turtles.我有找到很多魚,不過沒有海龜。 3. far away 很遠 Is Green Island far away? 綠島很遠嗎? It’s not far away from Taitung. 它離台東不遠。 A ferry ride takes about 40 minutes. 搭渡輪大約四十分鐘。 4. look for 尋找 I’m going to look for turtles and sharks.我要去找海龜和鯊魚。 Good luck on that! 祝你好運囉! 這些英文字簡單好用。 blue藍色的 find找到 far away很遠 look for尋找 Quiz 1. What do some people call the “Blue Planet”? a. The ocean b. Earth c. Alaska 2. What were the scientists doing in the submarine? a. Exploring b. Flying c. Climbing 3. What color was the strange thing in the ocean? a. Blue b. Green c. Gold Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 23, 2023 • 5min

Town's Art Project to Finish in 3183

A small town has a big art project called the Time Pyramid. 一座小鎮有個很盛大的藝術計畫,它叫做時間金字塔。 Pyramids take a long time to make. In Egypt, the Great Pyramid took 20 years. In Germany, the Time Pyramid is taking about 1,200 years!? 建金字塔要花很長的時間,埃及吉薩大金字塔花了20年,德國的時間金字塔居然要花1200年才能完成。 But this pyramid will be about 7 meters tall. That's small! Why is it taking so much time? 這個金字塔只有7公尺高,那為什麼需要這麼長的時間呢? It's because the pyramid marks the town's 1,200th birthday. And the artist wanted people to think about time long from now - 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years! So one block goes on this pyramid every 10 years. 這麼做是為了慶祝小鎮建立1200周年。藝術家希望人們可以思考遙遠的未來。每十年才會放一塊混擬土。 The project started 30 years ago. This year, the pyramid has 4 blocks. It needs 116 more blocks! 這個計畫從30年前開始,今年時間金字塔擺放了4塊混擬土,離完工還需要116塊。 Some people like this long art project. Some think it's crazy. But every 10 years, people go to see one new block go on the Time Pyramid. Maybe they think about time too. 有一些人喜歡這個長遠的藝術計畫,也有一些人覺得很瘋狂,但是每十年還是有人去見證擺放新的混擬土塊。 In 1,200 years, how will the world change? How will people change? How will the Time Pyramid change? Nobody knows. What do you think? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這個金字塔,還要一千多年才能完成。 1. artist 藝術家 Why are you still up? 你怎麼還醒著? I'm working on this art project.我正在做這個藝術作品。 I didn't know you're an artist.我都不知道你是藝術家。 2. make 做 I'm not. That's the problem.我不是,這就是問題所在。 What do you plan to make? 你打算做什麼? A time machine. 時光機器。 3. time 時間 For people to travel back in time? 是讓人回到過去的時間? No, for them to travel to the year 3000. 不對,是讓他們去西元三千年。 4. crazy 瘋狂的 That sounds….crazy. 這聽起來有點…瘋狂。 That's what art is all about! 藝術就是這樣啊! Use your imagination! 用一點妳的想像力! I am, and your machine looks like a puppy. 我是在用,妳的機器看起來像小狗狗。 Do you like making art? artist藝術家 make做 time時間 crazy瘋狂的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where is the art project's pyramid? a. Egypt b. Germany c. Mexico 2. How many years ago did the project start? a. 4 b. 30 c. 116 3. What did the artist want people to think about? a. Time b. Blocks c. Pyramids Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 22, 2023 • 5min

The School With Two Students

The School With Two Students How big is your school? Some schools are small. They are far from cities. They have two or three hundred students. 你的學校有多大呢? 有一些離城市遠的學校,有大概兩、三百位的學生。 And some schools are very small. They are on a mountain, in a forest, or on an island. They have twenty or thirty students. 還有一些在山上、森林或離島更小的學校,有二、三十位學生。 But there are smaller schools! Do you know about the school with two students? That’s right! It has two students. 但你知道還有更小的學校嗎? 只有兩位學生。 Where is it? It’s on Hujing Island in Penghu. Few families live on this small island. 這間學校在澎湖虎井嶼,住在島上的家庭沒剩多少。 The two students are in sixth grade. They will finish elementary school next year. What happens when there are no students? The school closes. 學校的兩位學生都是六年級生,明年就要畢業,到時學校就得關閉。 The principal is sad about this. He knows the five teachers work hard. He wants to get new students. 校長很難過,他知道學校的五位老師認真教學,他希望能有更多的新學生。 So the school will give free breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the school year to new students. It will also give them five plane tickets! 所以學校每年將會提供新生免費早餐、中餐、晚餐,也會提供五張返台機票。 Now there are no new students. But how about you? Do you want to go to school on a small island? Yes? How about the elementary school on Hujing Island? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 小小學校為了吸引學生,不但贈送三餐,還有機票。 1. breakfast 早餐 This school offers students breakfast, lunch and dinner. 這個學校提供早餐,中飯和晚飯。 Every day? 每天嗎? Every day. 每天。 That’s so generous! 真慷慨! 2. finish 完成 I know. Think about how much time it can save you. 我知道,想想看這可以節省你多少時間。 But my youngest kid is about to finish school! 但是我最小的孩子就快畢業了。 3. how 如何 How could he grow so fast? 他怎麼長那麼快? I thought he’s still 10 years old. 我以為他還是十歲。 Yeah, kids grow much faster than you think.是啊,小孩遠比你想的長得快。 4. happen 發生 So what will happen next? 所以接下來會怎樣? I’ll be free. 我就自由了。 你今天學到哪些單字? breakfast早餐 finish完成 how如何 happen發生 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where is Hujing Island? a. Matsu b. Kinmen c. Penghu 2. How many students go to the elementary school on Hujing Island now? a. 2 b. 12 c. 20 3. What does the principal want? a. More teachers b. New students c. Plane tickets Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 19, 2023 • 5min

Scientists Want to Build Moon Homes

Scientists Want to Build Moon Homes Do you want to live on the moon? It’s very different from here. 你想要住在月球嗎? 這跟在地球生活很不一樣喔。 Here, the air is safe to breathe. On the moon, there is lots of dust. Breathing moondust is very dangerous. It’s very sharp! It can kill you! 地球的空氣很安全,但月球上有很多的灰塵。吸入這些灰塵很危險,可能會要了你的命。 Do you still want to live on the moon? Well, maybe you can! Some scientists in the USA think we can live there by 2040. That’s 17 years from now! 這樣你還想住在月球上嗎? 美國科學家覺得17年後,也就是2040年我們就可以在月球生活。 These scientists say we can make moon homes from moondust. Moondust and water make moon cement! The moon cement goes into 3-D printers. Then these printers print moon homes! 科學家說我們可以用月亮的灰塵做月球住宅。月球的灰塵加水可以混和成月球水泥,再用3D列印機打造月球住宅。 This is very smart. We don’t need to take heavy cement to the moon. That saves a lot of money. One kilogram of anything costs 32 million Taiwan dollars to take to the moon! 這樣我們就不需要把笨重的水泥送到月球,還可以省下很多錢。 Scientists say we can live on Mars next. It’s a long way there. But we can go to the moon first and then go to Mars! In 17 years, we can live in moon homes made of moondust! Let’s get ready to go! Vocabulary 建造月球房屋可以就地取材,不必遠從地球運過去。 1. live 居住 Would you like to live in a moon house? 你想住進月球屋裡面嗎? You want to send me there? 你想把我送去? I can’t send you anywhere even if I want to. 就算我想也沒辦法把你送去任何地方。 2. dangerous 危險的 True. But living on the moon? 那是真的。不過住在月球上嗎? No, too dangerous. 不去,太危險了。 3. Mars 火星 I could be hit by meteors any time.我可能隨時會被流星打到。 But from there you can travel to Mars! 但是你從那兒可以去火星旅行。 4. breathe 呼吸 Nothing on Mars attracts me. 火星沒有吸引我的東西。 I can’t even breathe there. 我在那兒甚至不能呼吸。 你想住在月球嗎? live居住 dangerous危險的 Mars火星 breathe呼吸 __________________________________________________________ Quiz 1. What on the moon is sharp? a. Moondust b. Moon cement c. Moon homes 2. When do scientists think we can live on the moon? a. 2020 b. 2030 c. 2040 3. After the moon, where do scientists say we can live? a. The air b. Mars c. The USA Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 18, 2023 • 5min

Bears Have Breakfast in Van

Bears Have Breakfast in Van Do you know that bears like sweet food? Bears like fruit and honey. What other sweet foods do bears like? They like donuts! 你知道熊喜歡吃甜食嗎?牠們喜歡吃水果跟蜂蜜,還有甜甜圈! One morning, a mother bear and a baby bear were looking for food. They saw a van. The van was by a store. The van doors were open. No one was in the van. That’s because the driver was taking donuts to the store. 有一天早上,一隻熊媽媽帶著小熊覓食。牠們看到一台裝著甜甜圈的貨車,不僅車門沒關也沒有人在車上,那是因為司機正在把甜甜圈拿進店裡。 There were more donuts in the van. The hungry bears smelled the sweet donuts. What happened next? That’s right – the bears went into the van. They saw the donuts! The bears opened the donut boxes. They started to eat. 熊媽媽跟小熊爬進了貨車,打開盒子,開始吃甜甜圈。 Some people tried to make the bears go away. These people hit the van. But the bears didn’t go. They ate more donuts! How many did they eat? 有一些人敲打貨車,試著趕走牠們,但是牠們沒有離開繼續吃甜甜圈。牠們吃了多少呢? In 20 minutes, they ate about 100 small donuts and 36 big donuts! They had a big, sweet breakfast. 短短的20分鐘,牠們吃了100個小甜甜圈跟36個大甜甜圈,牠們吃了一頓大大的甜早餐。 The mother bear and the baby bear ate many donuts in the van. Will they go back for more sweet donuts? What do you think? Vocabulary 飢餓的媽媽熊和寶寶,吃掉了一百多個甜甜圈。 1. breakfast 早餐 Oh, I’m so hungry now! 我現在好餓! I need something sweet for breakfast. 我需要吃點甜食當早餐。 2. store 商店 I know just the place. 我知道恰好的地方。 This food store has delicious donuts.這家食品店有好吃的甜甜圈。 Donuts! That’s exactly what I want! 甜甜圈! 正是我想要的。 3. box 盒子 It also has boxes of cupcakes.它也有盒裝的杯子蛋糕。 No, cupcakes are too sweet.不,杯子蛋糕太甜了。 I prefer donuts. 我比較喜歡甜甜圈。 4. go 去 There are honey, or chocolate, or strawberry donuts… 有蜂蜜,巧克力或是草莓甜甜圈… Stop! What are we waiting for? 停,我們在等什麼? Let’s go! 走吧! Do you have breakfast every day? breakfast早餐 store商店 box盒子 go去 Quiz 1. What did the bears eat in the van? a. Berries b. Donuts c. Honey 2. How many minutes did the bears eat? a. 20 b. 40 c. 60 3. How did some people try to make the bears go away? a. They went into the van. b. They ate donuts. c. They hit the van. Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 17, 2023 • 5min

A Lazy Game from a Silly Saying

A Lazy Game from a Silly Saying Do you hear people say “all Taiwanese like stinky tofu”? Saying this is silly, right?! 你聽過別人說: 「所有台灣人都喜歡吃臭豆腐」嗎? 這聽起來很傻,對吧? It’s silly because it’s wrong. Do all Taiwanese like stinky tofu? Of course not! Everyone, in every country, is different. And everyone likes different things. 因為這是錯誤的說法,不管哪個國家,每一個人都不一樣,喜歡的東西也不同。 Montenegro is a country in Europe. Some people say “all Montenegrins are lazy”. This is wrong too. And it’s very silly. 蒙特內哥羅是個歐洲的國家,有人說: 「蒙特內哥羅人都很懶惰。」 這樣也是不對喔! Most Montenegrins know this is silly. They think it’s so silly that it’s funny! So they made a lazy game from this silly saying! 這個國家大部分的人知道這聽起來很傻,但他們也覺得好笑,就舉辦了懶惰比賽。 What’s the aim of this lazy game? It’s to stay in bed the longest. The last player in bed wins lots of money! 誰躺在床上越久,就可以贏得獎金。 One year, a player worked hard to win. She stayed in bed for 117 hours! 有一年,有一位參賽者躺在床上117個小時! The rules are easy. Players can’t sit or stand! They have to lie down the whole time. Players can go to the bathroom one time every 8 hours! 規則很簡單,參賽者不可以坐或站! 他們需要躺著一整天,每八小時可以上一次廁所。 Now people around the world are talking about this game! Sometimes it’s best to take something silly and make something great! Vocabulary 懶惰比賽的規則也許很簡單,但是不容易遵守。 1. stay 停留 Are you up yet? 你起床了嗎? It’s a beautiful day outside! 今天外面天氣很棒呢! Nope, I’m going to stay in bed the whole day. 沒有,我準備待在床上一整天。 2. lazy 懶惰的 Seriously? You don’t want to be lazy on such a day! 真的嗎? 這麼好的一天你不會想要偷懶。 But I really don’t feel like working today. 但是我今天真的不想工作。 3. hard 辛苦地 You know, you need to work hard to win in life. 你需要努力工作才能在人生贏得勝利。 What if I don’t want to win? 要是我不想要勝利呢? 4. funny 好笑的 That’s a funny thing to say. 這話好笑了。 Everybody wants to win. 每個人都想贏。 No, not everybody. 不,不是每個人。 Would you like to be lazy all the time? stay停留 lazy懶惰的 hard辛苦地 funny好笑的 Quiz 1. Where is Montenegro? a. Africa b. South America c. Europe 2. How many hours did a winner stay in bed one year? a. 170 b. 117 c. 70 3. What can players do once every 8 hours? a. Sit b. Stand c. Go to the bathroom Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Oct 16, 2023 • 5min

Dolphins Saved Near Tainan

Dolphins Saved Near Tainan Look! There’s a dolphin! Look at it jump! Dolphins are beautiful, aren’t they? And they love to swim and play all day in the ocean! 你看,那裏有海豚! 牠們很漂亮對吧! 牠們喜歡在海裡游一整天。 But dolphins need help when they leave the ocean. How can people help? 但海豚離開海洋就需要幫助,我們可以怎麼幫忙呢? Near Tainan, strong waves pushed two dolphins onto a beach. The dolphins were scared. They didn’t know what was happening. People saw the dolphins and did something very smart. They called the coast guard and firefighters for help! 在台南有兩隻海豚被強浪推上岸,人們看到趕緊打電話給海巡人員跟消防隊。 The coast guard and firefighters know how to save dolphins. First, they made the dolphins calm. How? They stayed next to the dolphins. 海巡人員和消防隊員在海豚身邊安撫牠們。 Next, they kept the dolphins safe on the beach. They stopped water from going into the dolphins’ blowholes. This let the dolphins breathe. They put wet towels on the dolphins.* *The towels kept the dolphins safe from the wind and the sun. 他們讓海豚安全地待在沙灘,防止牠們的噴氣孔進水,還把濕毛巾放在牠們身上以免風吹日曬。 Finally, they took the dolphins to a safer place. So how can people help dolphins on a beach?Calling 118 for the coast guard is the best way! That's how the people near Tainan saved the dolphins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 台灣外海有很多可愛的海豚,我們要保護牠們。 1. ocean 海洋 I’m taking 3 days off next month.我下個月放三天的假。 Let’s go sailing in the ocean. 我們去大海玩帆船吧。 That sounds exciting! 聽起來真讓人興奮! 2. beach 海灘 In Keelung or Hualien? 基隆還是花蓮? Hualien. We can also go swimming at the beach. 花蓮,我們也可以去海灘游泳。And go whale watching. 還有去賞鯨。 3. sun 太陽 I’m already feeling the sun on my face. 我已經可以感覺到陽光在我的臉上了。 And the wind and the blue skies…還有微風和藍天… 4. leave 離開 When should we leave? 我們什麼時候出發? How about November 19th? 十一月十九號如何? Sounds good. 聽起來很不錯。 I’ll need to buy new swimsuits. 我需要買新的泳裝。 Do you like swimming in the ocean? ocean海洋 beach海灘 sun太陽 leave離開 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where were the dolphins? a. Taipei b. Tainan c. Taitung 2. How many dolphins were there? a. Two b. Three c. Four 3. What did the coast guard and firefighters put on the dolphins? a. Some toys b. Blowholes c. Wet towels Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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