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Aug 9, 2023 • 57min

Breaking the Habit of Perfection: Navigating Midlife with Tamsen Fadal

What if the key to a healthier, more satisfying midlife isn't about adhering to perfection, but rather learning to create, navigate and break habits? This serves as the foundation of today's conversation with Tamsen Fadal. Tamsen is, among many things, a TV journalist, author, women’s health advocate, and good friend of the AGEIST team. First, we jump into the process of identifying behavioral patterns and turning a critical eye on ourselves without judgment. We discuss how to replace less healthy habits and celebrate our successes, no matter the size. Tamsen and I touch on the role of social media and the damaging effects that unrealistic expectations can often have on our self-perception.To conclude, we address the critical phase of menopause and the need for self-advocacy during this time. We share thoughts on finding the right medical support and establishing sustainable, healthier habits for a more fulfilling life. Thank you to our sponsors: Timeline Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 20% off on all products at Research Wellness — improve your cellular health. Listeners receive 20% off all products with code AGEIST20 at Key Moments“If I find myself doing something I’m not proud of, I tell myself: that's not who I am. I'm doing this thing, but it's not who I am.”“With modern social media we've never been so overexposed to everybody else's life and everyone else's everything, so I think that puts a lot more pressure on us, right?”“There’s an interesting interplay between habit and accomplishment in the long term and the short term. I often overestimate what can happen in the short term and I really underestimate what can happen in the long term. It is always fantastic to look back a few months or even years and see how far things have come.”Connect with TamsenWebsitePodcastInstagramFacebook YoutubeSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Aug 3, 2023 • 1h 12min

New Insights on Medical Science and Longevity: Dr. Michael Roizen

Today we host Dr. Mike Roizen, emeritus chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic and bestselling author. His new app, the Longevity Playbook, is changing the game by democratizing health knowledge.It is always great to talk to Dr. Mike and learn about  the latest and greatest news from the frontiers of the medical science world. I got to hear about everything from the complexities of stem cell treatment, to protein restriction, to changing testosterone levels,  to the latest data on genetic control switches and the potential of gene editing to cure heart failure. We also took time to address some of the controversies in health and wellness, like the proper way to take aspirin to avoid bleeding, and the recent FDA approval of colchicine. Curious about the role of curcumin in reducing dementia risk? Or the function of nitric oxide in our blood vessels? We've got you covered. For more on Dr. Mike Roizen, check out the links below:Today's SponsorsInsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at Connect with Dr. RoizenThe Longevity PlaybookThe RealAge TestCleveland Clinic ProfileTwitterLinkedInInstagramFacebookSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Jul 26, 2023 • 1h 4min

Fear vs Capability - Kristin Weitzel

DescriptionOvercoming fears and expanding capabilities helps us to change our internal stories. Physical challenges are not so much about the momentary discomfort, but about how to expand what we believe we are capable of in life. Kristin, Weitzel, the founder of Wellpower, helps people uncover their inner potential by stepping outside of their comfort zones. We cover the power of new experiences, neuroplasticity, and the wonder of cold exposure. Next, we break down the science behind these practices, discussing how they can improve health, extend our lifespan, and increase our performance. We also look into a few differences between men and women when it comes to fasting, cold plunges, and overall mindset towards aging and health.SponsorsInsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% of your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at Ned’s Mellö Magnesium — essential supplement to improve sleep, reduce stress, increase energy, and more. Use code “AGEIST” for 15% off at with Kristin WeitzelWebsiteInstagramFacebook YoutubeLinkedInTikTokContactVisit for a full transcription Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Jul 19, 2023 • 1h 15min

60 is My Power Decade: Julia Linn on Aging and Wellness

Is it ever too late to meet your personal health goals? It took positivity and determination for athlete and women’s empowerment coach Julia Linn, otherwise known as @dolphinine to overcome diabetes, a double organ transplant, and cardiac bypass surgery. In fact, since she embarked on her fitness journey at age 62, she has found great power and joy in taking full authorship over her health. This week, we peel back the layers of wellness, and dive deep into mindset. My conversation with Julia explores her experiences with the toxic cultures of diet exercise sectors, the peril of fast fixes, and the value of steady, measured progress, and self-care. We hear personal stories on how menopause led her to experiment with varied foods and eventually find the balance that works best for her body. This further demonstrates the importance of self-responsibility in health and nutrition choices. Join us as we navigate personal growth, health journeys, and fitness–drawing inspiration from others to lead healthier, happier, and longer lives! And for those wondering, the answer is "no it is never too late to meet your health goals!"Be sure to check out Julia’s new book: My Power Decade: A Story of Mindset, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Reclaiming Health After Age SixtyKey Moments"So I'm 63. I'm on a stage in a bikini, and I actually won, and it just sort of started this whole experience for me of knowing what my body could do. And, more importantly, let women know who are 50 plus, struggling with menopause, struggling with self-esteem, struggling with their body issues., to see me: a double organ transplant, triple cardiac bypass, no thyroid, to see me like strong and muscular at 66, 65. They suddenly think: she gives me hope, she can do it. I can do it To me, that is the biggest gift I can give out of all my experiences to let other women know this is possible. Don't limit yourself. ""Low calorie, high cardio is not sustainable, and I feel like that industry has said okay, here's another quick fix. How about a shot? How about you take a shot and it makes you so sick that you don't want to eat food and you lose weight? How about that? First of all, it doesn't deal with mindset issues, which are vital.""Be patient, go slow, listen to your body. Everybody's different. If you want to do keto, do keto. If you want to do macros, do macros. If you want to do portion control, do that. Everybody's different, but it has to be a common sense approach. Day in and day out, positive, repetitive action that shows you honor your body, you love your body. It can't come out of 'I hate my body, I'm disgusted.'"SponsorsInsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at Connect with Julia LinnWebsiteInstagramFacebook Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Jul 11, 2023 • 31min

Rethinking Fitness: The Overlooked Significance of Stability and Balance

Rethinking Fitness: The Overlooked Significance of Stability and BalanceStaying useful for as long as we can, brain training our central nervous system to improve our balance, demystifying PT, the difference between stability and balance, and more. In today's show, I'm here to share my personal experiences surrounding stability and balance - two aspects that are often overlooked. This episode is all about the journey; from me hopping on one foot to enhance balance, to exploring physical therapy and sports for more robust body stability, to learning how this fosters longer, better, and healthier lives for all of us. It's about harnessing the power of movement and control.As we age, the risk of injuries from falls increases alarmingly, making stability and balance crucial for our overall health. This episode sheds light on these important elements of fitness and emphasizes how their role goes beyond the traditional gym routine.Thank you to our sponsors: InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Labs – Science Research Wellness — improve your cellular health. Listeners receive 20% off all products with code AGEIST20 at LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at Quotes“If we feel confident in our bodies, if we feel certain that we are stable, doing whatever we're doing, we're going to be able to be more useful.”“Doing things like playing tennis, playing pickleball, all of these things require an element of stability, and one of the things to keep in mind is that a lot of our physical faculties are going to decay pretty much no matter what we do. So we need to keep them at the peak level for as long as we can.”“Then we have balance, and balance is a critical part of stability, but it's not the same thing as stability.”Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Connect with David StewartWebsiteInstagramFacebook LinkedInEmailVisit for a full transcription Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Jul 6, 2023 • 58min

The Sleep Doctor’s Guide to a Restful Life: Dr. Michael Breus

Dr. Michael Breus, the internationally renowned “Sleep Doctor” joins us to discuss achieving optimal sleep, the side effects of poor sleep habits, and how little changes can often be the first dominoes that lead to life-changing improvement. Thank you to our sponsors: Timeline Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at Ned Mellö Magnesium — essential supplement to improve sleep, reduce stress, increase energy, and more. Use code “AGEIST” for 15% off at — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at wondered why your sleep quality fluctuates or why you're wide awake when others are deep in their dreams? Not all questions about sleep are as simple as: "night owl or early bird?" In this empowering episode, we sat down with Dr. Michael Breus, the Sleep Doctor himself, to shed light on the complex world of sleep. We explored how our sleep is affected by continuous sunlight, the role of glucose monitors, and much more. Diving deeper. Dr. Breus explains how our core body temperature and melatonin intertwine and offers valuable advice on how to optimize your environment for better sleep. We explored the fascinating realm of sleep chronotypes, debunking the misconceptions and revealing what it means to be a bear, wolf, or dolphin sleeper. We also discussed how to stay cool at night without becoming dependent on AC. Finally, we turned our attention to the serious topic of sleep apnea and unraveled its prevalence, risk factors and treatment options including CPAP, Inspire, and Excite. We wrapped up the conversation discussing how physical activity, from pickleball to swimming, can improve your overall health, sleep, and longevity. Join us to better understand and improve your sleep.Key Moments“Memory Foam sleeps hot.”“You don’t have to run a marathon, but you do have to get off of the couch.”“With patients who had mild symptoms of age-related memory loss, once we got their apnea fixed, what we thought was dementia and Alzheimer's literally disappeared because they were breathing and getting into these deeper stages of sleep.”Connect with Dr. Breus:WebsiteSleep QuizInstagramFacebook LinkedInSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Jun 29, 2023 • 58min

The Journey to Brain Health, An Athlete’s Guide to Post-Career Wellness: Jeff Byers

What is the importance of recovery for overall health? Why do we have to be extra diligent and consistent with our health as we age? What are sub-concussive events? What are the benefits of creatine for brain health? What do we need to know about taking omega-3s? Thank you to our sponsors:InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at Jeff Byers, co-founder and CEO of Momentous and former NFL lineman, discusses his NFL career, his approach to physical and cognitive recovery, brain health, creatine and omega-3 supplementation, and more. “Everything you do has a purpose and a reason and if it doesn’t relate back to what you are really trying to accomplish, it’s noise and therefore you exit out of it.” “As an athlete, you’re willing to sacrifice a lot to be great and you make decisions that are not good for you in the long term to be great at something.” “Being an offensive lineman is not good for cognitive health… but for that period of time, it’s what I chose to do.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Connect with Jeff:LinkedInSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Jun 22, 2023 • 1h 11min

Improving Circulation, Hormonal Function, and Metabolic Responses: Steven Munatones

Why must we focus on maintaining muscle mass into later years? What is blood flow restriction training? What is vascular tissue? How does vascular tissue interact with muscle building? How does Kaatsu improve circulation and vascularity? How can older individuals benefit from products like Kaatsu? Thank you to our sponsors:InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at Steven Munatones is the co-founder and CEO of Kaatsu. Steven has started several companies and with his company, Kaatsu, he is currently enabling people from wounded warriors and paraplegics to Olympic and professional athletes to rehabilitate more quickly, effectively and conveniently, and to enable older, sedentary individuals improve their blood circulation and muscle tone.  “We use these bands as a catalyst to create an engorgement of blood in the limbs and that is the kickstarter to a variety of hormonal and metabolic responses in the body.”“Our oldest user is 104 years old, we have another user who is 95. They just want to continue a quality of life, they want to be able to open up a jar, they want to be able to wash their hair easily, and they want to sweep around their house. Just to handle these things they need to maintain their muscle mass.” “With older people, it’s also a very critical thing that we are standing, sitting, standing, sitting, standing, sitting to teach them that when you might trip, the last thing we want is for them to fall and break a bone. If they can catch themselves, maybe they don’t break their bone. Maybe they catch themselves and they’re able to not have to go to the ER.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Connect with Steven:LinkedInKaatsu — Use code “SuperAge5” for a 5% discount off Kaatsu.Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Jun 15, 2023 • 60min

Omega-3s for Your Brain and the Planet: Isaac Berzin, PhD

We need omega-3s, but what is the bioavailability difference between algae-based omega-3s and fish oil? What are EPA and DHA? What is the connection between omega-3s and mood? How is algae more sustainable than fish oil?Thank you to our sponsors:InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products Mellö Magnesium — essential supplement to improve sleep, reduce stress, increase energy, and more. Use code “AGEIST” for 15% off at Berzin is a scientist and entrepreneur in the field of sustainable microalgae. He currently serves as the founder and CTO of Vaxa — developing sustainable algae-based feed and food ingredients. The company's production facility is located in Iceland, integrated with one of the world's largest geothermal power production facilities.Isaac joins us to discuss everything we need to know about algae, the issues with fish oil, sustainability, and what is next for his company, Vaxa. “If you look at the composition of fish oil today, it’s not a clean source.” “You can consume ⅓ of algae omega-3s, compared to fish oil, and still get the same benefit.” “The human body reacts to your diet; it’s not going to produce the same model enzymes if you have this kind of meal or that kind of meal.” “I don’t believe that if you’re doing the right thing, you have to suffer.” “Do you know any plant that has 70% protein? Even meat I don’t think has 70% protein. So, algae is a super, superfood.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Connect with Isaac:VaxaLinkedInOrlo Nutrition Omega-3sOmega-3 Index Test KitSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Jun 8, 2023 • 1h 10min

A Preventative Approach to Aging: Dr. Jennifer Wagner

Dr. Jennifer Wagner is trained as a pediatric anesthesiologist and spent most of her career at Stanford. Then, 2 years ago, she made the decision to shift and leave clinical practice and move to the mountains with her family, and became the Chief Medical Officer at Liminal Collective. Thank you to our sponsors:LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at Research Wellness — improve your cellular health. Listeners receive 20% off all products with code AGEIST20 at Dr. Wagner discusses how she is taking a 40-year preventative approach to her aging, the poor quality of life of a doctor, why she stepped back from that lifestyle, Liminal Collective, how she is teaching women to optimize their lives through her new project “Prosper,” performance, and more. “I used to drive home from Stanford and sit in my garage and cry before I went in to take care of my two kids under 4. I was so stressed from work and then walk in and have to be a mom in a split second after working a 12-hour day.”“The pandemic really took a toll on women, having to balance careers and kids at home, so there was a huge exit of women out of the workplace that still hasn’t recovered.”  “Is everything optimal? Is waiting until I have a significant risk factor, is that really the right time to start prevention? To me, I said no.”“I am super fortunate my parents are still alive but I’ve watched them age and I would prefer to age differently. They’re doing okay but they’re not the way I want to be at 78. That really sparked looking into how I can optimize myself now so that every ten years my risk factors stay zero.” “Keeping people out of the hospital, keeping people healthy, and keeping people off medication is not financially lucrative for a lot of industries which is unfortunate but it’s the bottom line.” “We get so busy. You can spend your entire day from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed trying to live a longer life but there also can just be moments of joy, slowing down, looking up. We get in such a hurry all the time but smiling, saying hello to someone on a trail, and appreciating what’s around us has significant health benefits.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Connect with Dr. Jennifer Wagner:LinkedInLiminal Collectivejen@weprosper.coSay hi to the AGEIST team!

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