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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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Nov 30, 2020 • 1h 52min

81. What’s it really like to live with the Hadza? With Eric Edmeades

Born in South Africa, Eric Edmeades has been fascinated by human history and the origins of our species since childhood when he learned that his great-grandfather, T.F. Dreyer, had discovered the Florisbad skull; a 259,000 year old sapien skull.   Eric has undertaken a 25-year Indiana Jones-like series of adventures to explore our origins; adventures that have included exploring caves, archeological sites, and conducting many visits, over a ten year period, with the Hadza people of East Africa, some of the last truly hunter-gatherer people left on earth.   Eric is also the founder of WILDFIT®️, a health transformation company that combines nutritional anthropology and food psychology to help people create effective and lasting lifestyle transformation. WILDFIT has served over 35,000 people in more than 130 countries and has 300 certified coaches around the world. WILDFIT, published by Mindvalley, has been selected (audience choice) as the Highest Rated Program on the platform for two years in a row.   Time Stamps:    0:10:37    Podcast Begins 0:12:21    How Eric encountered the Hadza 0:20:45    The legend of the honeyguide 0:24:28    Creating poison, tribal responsibilities, and where to find the Hadza 0:27:34    The Hadza Campsites 0:34:33    What do the Hadza eat?   0:39:02    Eric recounts his bushpig hunt 0:46:46    The politics of the Hadza 0:53:01    What happens when the Hadza eat western "foods" 0:55:15    How the Hadza build alpha-diversity 1:03:37    What animals do the Hadza hunt? 1:16:54    Do the Hadza eat nuts and seeds? 1:20:13    Eric's view on plant foods 1:28:44    Achieving food freedom by eating whole foods 1:37:29    How the Hadza rank their foods 1:38:48    Life-changing fireside conversations 1:42:49    The utter folly of veganism 1:50:45    Where to Find Eric Edmeades Heart & Soil:    Chilipad/ Ooler:   White Oak Pastures: code CarnivoreMD for 10% off first order   Belcampo: code CarnivoreMD for 20% off   Sacred Hunting:  
Nov 27, 2020 • 30min

Controversial Thoughts: The COVID vaccine will not save you from the true pandemic!

Will an mRNA vaccine save us from COVID? Doubt it, and it certainly won’t save us from the massive amount of metabolic dysfunction that is driving severe COVID outcomes. In this Controversial Thoughts episode I describe recent research with both vaccines (Moderna/Pfizer), what looks good, things we still don’t know, and major potential problems possible in the future. How do you fix metabolic dysfunction? Listen until the end of the video in which I describe a striking interventional study with a carnivore-ish diet! #theremembering
Nov 23, 2020 • 1h 58min

80. Is it Saturated Fat or Polyunsaturated Fat (PUFA) that’s making you Fat and Unwell? Part 2 with Peter from Hyperlipid

This stuff is technical but critically important to understanding the possible underlying mechanisms by which excess PUFA may be hurting you. If this is confusing you may want to start with the first episode Peter and I did, all of which are at    Petro Dobromylskyj is a veterinarian, trained at the RVC, London University. He was fortunate enough to intercalate a BSc degree in physiology into his veterinary degree. He was even more fortunate to study under Patrick Wall at UCH, who set me on course to become a veterinary anaesthetist, mostly working on acute pain control. That led to the Certificate then Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia and enough publications to allow him to enter the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia as a de facto founding member. Anaesthesia teaches you a lot. Basic science is combined with the occasional need to act rapidly. Wrong decisions can reward you with catastrophe in seconds. Thinking is mandatory. He stumbled onto nutrition completely by accident. Once you have been taught to think, it's hard to stop. Time Stamps:   0:14:04    Podcast Begins 0:14:46    Last Episode Recap 0:17:20    Why PUFAs drive obesity 0:22:43    Inappropriate insulin sensitivity 0:31:14    Why we have mitochondria 0:41:26    Being right on Q: shaping eukaryotic evolution 0:44:14    Mitochondrial satiety signaling 0:50:38    The glycerol phosphate shuttle 1:08:54    Reverse electron transport generating ROS 1:13:58    The Krebs cycle explained 1:22:59    Iatrogenic Hyperinsulinemia, Not Hyperglycemia, Drives Insulin Resistance in Type 1 Diabetes as Revealed by Comparison With GCK-MODY (MODY2) 1:23:58    Are carbs the root-cause of metabolic dysfunction? 1:30:31    Metformin suppresses gluconeogenesis by inhibiting mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase 1:38:47    Metformin (01) Insulin 1:44:29    Optimizing satiety with saturated fat and glucose 1:49:50    Where to Find Peter 1:50:34    The fates of Pyruvate 1:52:02    Diets could
Nov 21, 2020 • 10min

Controversial Thoughts - BONUS

If you missed yesterday's controversial thoughts podcast/video, you might also want to check that one out. I had a few ideas I wanted to discuss on COVID after I finished recording and knew I had to do another. The concept of "long COVID" is increasingly discussed today, but I'm not convinced this is anything new. First, it was "healthy" people (sadly) suffering from COVID who were obese or likely had metabolic dysfunction, and I think it's the same issue now. The majority of those with underlying metabolic dysfunction DON'T know they have it, which is why discussions of this are so important.   If you're new here and don't know what I mean by metabolic dysfunction, this might be thought of as insulin resistance, though that terminology is imprecise. Listen to the podcast next Tuesday (Fundamental Health) for part 2 with Peter from Hyperlipid to hear more discussion of this, or listen to the many podcasts I've done discussing it previously.   Take away: Long COVID is an underlying, undiagnosed metabolic illness IMO. Be metabolically healthy.#thremembering  
Nov 20, 2020 • 26min

Controversial Thoughts: Why isn't the media talking about metabolic health? And Welcome to Hogwarts.

If you are curious about connections between metabolic dysfunction and the strength of your immune system but don't have time to listen to this video you disappoint me! 🤣 JK! But you should listen to this one and share it with someone in your life who is obese (and likely pre-diabetic) who doesn't think they are at risk of a bad COVID outcome, or maybe they are terrified but don't know what they can do about it other than cowering in their homes and continue eating junk. Nothing changes without a spark. Maybe you showing these ideas to someone will be the spark that saves their life. Or not, which is why I'll keep doing what I'm doing even amidst worsening censorship. Can't hold the truth down forever. #theremembering
Nov 16, 2020 • 2h 1min

79. Crucial COVID update with Ivor Cummins. Is the hysteria warranted?

This podcast will likely be censored on YouTube, but the video will be available at if this happens. We are only presenting facts in this podcast, but we’ll see what sort of nonsense the “fact checkers” come up with.  This is the second podcast I have done with Ivor on COVID. We’ve also done a podcast on LDL and cholesterol. All of these can be found under the “learn” tab at    Bio: Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. His career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity.  Time Stamps   0:09:08   Podcast Begins 0:11:08   Ivor's predictions came true 0:12:32   The Mainstream covid messaging is missing the mark 0:14:58   Why lockdowns are ineffective 0:18:17   Do masks work? 0:19:51   The Who are science deniers 0:20:54   Do Lockdowns work? 0:25:28   This is a Case-demic, not a pandemic  0:26:08   Why PCR tests are bogus 0:37:07   The WHO redefines the word "pandemic" and positions themselves for profit 0:39:47   What about Sweden? 0:45:28   Herd immunity is the ONLY way forward 0:50:34   Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions 0:51:15   A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes 1:04:07   Some thoughts on vaccines 1:13:49   We'll never conquer nature 1:15:42   The invisible blood of the "pandemic" nonsense 1:25:42   Is metabolic health a risk factor for covid-19 1:27:12   Is metabolic health a risk factor for covid-19DEAN 1:32:24   Metabolic Syndrome and COVID-19 Mortality Among Adult Black Patients in New Orleans 1:32:56   COVID-19: underlying metabolic health in the spotlight 1:45:12   The mainstream
Nov 13, 2020 • 17min

Controversial Thoughts: Which Plants are Most/Least Toxic?

Last week’s Controversial Thoughts was on The Carnivore Diet for Beginners. This week, I wanted to discuss the spectrum of plant toxicity a bit more. Thinking about this from the perspective of plants makes it a whole lot easier. Plants don’t want their seeds (nuts, grains, seeds, legumes), leaves, stems, or roots eaten. Avoid these foods while focusing on the least toxic parts of plants (fruit- sweet and non-sweet) while making meat and organs the centerpiece of your diet and you will thrive. #theremembering
Nov 9, 2020 • 1h 36min

78. Is a Carnivore Diet The Real Paleo Diet? Part 2, a friendly debate with Nora Gedgaudas.

Part 1 of “Is a Carnivore Diet the Real Paleo Diet” is my friendly debate with Loren Cordain et al., which can be found here. Nora Gedgaudas is a widely recognized expert on the “Paleo diet”. She is the author of the international best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and A Longer Life. She maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Board-Certified nutritional consultant and a Board-Certified clinical Neurofeedback Specialist. Her latest book Primal Fat Burner was released in January 2017 by Simon & Schuster (Atria).   Time Stamps:   0:09:58   Podcast Begins 0:10:58   How Nora became a godmother of paleo 0:19:51   Why Primal? 0:24:49   Nora's time with the wolves 0:29:42   Humans are fat-eaters  0:32:28   Humans are designed to eat meat  0:38:34   Animal fat: the most precious nutrient 0:47:40   The protein sweet spot 0:52:22   Why you want cyclic mTOR activation 1:01:32   Prioritizing your digestive health 1:09:36   Dietary diversity does not equate to alpha diversity 1:14:49   Fiber is not required for a healthy gut 1:17:00   High fat or high protein? 1:27:52   Where to Find Nora Gedgaudas 1:29:38   Nora's Radical primitive skills Heart & Soil:    Cinder:,   Chilipad/ Ooler:   White Oak Pastures: code CarnivoreMD for 10% off first order Belcampo: code CarnivoreMD for 20% off
Nov 6, 2020 • 13min

Controversial Thoughts: The Carnivore Diet for Beginners

Most of my podcasts are pretty detailed and technical. I wanted to do a high level discussion of how to think about a Carnivore Diet and how to get started with this. There’s lots more info about this at on the about us page. The basics, eat well raised animal foods from nose to tail including organs and connective tissue. You can include less toxic plant foods if you’d like to depending on your goals. Welcome to #TheRemembering   Check out if you need more nose to tail nutrition in your life. The JRE show notes are there as well.  
Nov 2, 2020 • 2h 2min

77. How Seed Oils Destroy Your Mitochondria and Lead To Chronic Disease, with Tucker Goodrich

Tucker Goodrich is a technology executive in the financial industry who designs, runs, and debugs complex systems in high-risk environments. Areas of expertise include risk management, systems management, and cyber-security.    After experiencing some personal health crises and realizing that the ‘solutions’ offered by medical professionals weren’t working or addressing causation he started applying the same approach in research and evaluation of data to his own health issues to determine root causes.    His interests have focused on dietary and environmental drivers of chronic disease, including carbohydrate, wheat, and various classes of fats. Specifically, he's attempting to understand and popularize understanding of the mechanisms driving the diet-derived explosion in so-called chronic diseases (or diseases of civilization). He is active on twitter (@tuckergoodrich, has a blog called Yelling Stop, is an Expert Advisor for the nutrition start-up Nutrita, and has been a guest on numerous podcasts. Time Stamps: Podcast Youtube 0:09:38   0:03:21   Podcast Begins 0:11:12   0:04:55   What is Linoleic Acid? 0:16:44   0:10:27   How Linoleic acid caused disease 0:21:06   0:14:49   Understanding cardiolipin and the electron transport chain 0:23:28   0:17:11   Linoleic acid drives mitochondrial dysfunction, causes chronic illness 0:26:41   0:20:24   Maintenance of Cardiolipin and Crista Structure Requires Cooperative Functions of Mitochondrial Dynamics and Phospholipid Transport 0:32:56   0:26:39   Linoleic acid is uniquely damaging 0:35:30   0:29:13   Myths surrounding linoleic acid 0:38:19   0:32:02   The supremacy of animal fats 0:41:05   0:34:48   Brief episode of STZ-induced hyperglycemia produces cardiac abnormalities in rats fed a diet rich in n-6 PUFA 0:42:25   0:36:08   How seed oil consumption leads to necrosis and CVD 0:49:38   0:43:21   Mainstream understanding of PUFAs is built on faulty epidemiology 0:56:21   0:50:04   Circulating levels of linoleic acid and HDL-cholesterol are major determinants of 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts in patients with heart failure

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