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Feb 5, 2020 • 21min

What Do Tina Fey, The Ohio State University and B2B Marketing Have in Common?

This week's episode is entitled "What Do Tina Fey, The Ohio State University and B2B Marketing Have in Common?" and our guest is Marilyn Cox, Vice President of Marketing at Clubessential Holdings, LLC Sometimes I think of this term content marketing and it sort of demeans what the form and what the opportunity is. Is there a value in thinking of it as just content? How do you create content that engages, that persuades, that teaches, that makes people better? By doing that well, you're earning ongoing attention, you're earning the right to continue the conversation that might turn into a sales conversation, but is it wrong or is it counterproductive to call it content marketing or should we just create good content?  We talk about this and a lot more! Marilyn is into WWE.  I ask about her interest overall, but also what makes these athletes such good storytellers? I also ask her, given her diverse career, the different places she worked in marketing, what she'd say if she was sitting in front of a group of soon to graduate college students, what's some advice shed give them they might not hear from others that she thinks is important for their careers moving forward? I think one of the biggest is ...  I think I would agree when a lot of people say that you have to recognize that you don't have all the answers and you can't stop learning. For me, that's huge. If I were talking to people that were getting ready to graduate and were going into marketing and they were earlier in their careers, I think the one piece of advice I would give them to build on that concept is start to learn outside of marketing. Not to discourage people from reading good marketing content and best practice content, I absolutely do, but I think there is a lot to be gained from reading more on financials. I will say probably aside from, of course, aligning with a sales team, the organization that I align with the most at a company is always the financial team. The CFO is somebody that I make my best friend very, very early on. Listen in NOW or read the entire conversation on the Heinz Marketing blog starting Mon. 2/10 at 6am PST.     Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.     ______________________________________________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel.  I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing.  If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Jan 30, 2020 • 24min

How ABM is Evolving: New Best Practices and Pitfalls

In this week's episode, "How ABM is Evolving: New Best Practices and Pitfalls" I talk with Nani Shaffer, Senior Director, Demand Generation & Operations at Demandbase Demandbase is synonymous with account based marketing. They have done a ton over the years to really develop the definition of account based marketing to really set some benchmarks and drive a lot of great thought leadership around it. The concept of ABM has been around now for at least three, four plus years. Demandbase has been involved in this category now for a long time as well. In this episode, I ask Nani: How she has seen ABM evolve? What is ABM here at the beginning of 2020? Can a company's marketing be applied to any target? Do you think for companies that continue to go down this maturity curve  this won't be a separate effort, that this will just evolve into the sort of table stakes of how companies market to their targets? What sales role is in driving effective ABM programs and what does it take to get a sales organization aligned with the marketing efforts to create a truly integrated ABM approach? What are some key lessons you've learned about what it takes to take this great idea and actually land it? (how does it work on Tuesday?) How do you make this not just a campaign but a culture change? What are some things you've learned that are key to making that work? And lots more! Listen in now or read the entire conversation on the Heinz Marketing blog starting Mon. 2/3 6am PST.   Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.     ______________________________________________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel.  I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing.  If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Jan 29, 2020 • 5min

How TUNE Marketing Aligns With Sales for Lead Mgmt and Conversion 5 Minute Podcast

  Jonah-kai, was the Senior Director of Marketing at TUNE, when this interview was taken.  Hew is a proven leader with 15 years of experience creating content, building marketing programs and leading highly-functional teams.  He is now head of marketing Algorithmia His experience encompasses Product Marketing, Online Marketing, Marketing Strategy, and Content Strategy for B2B focused companies. Follow Jonah-kai on Twitter This is a five-minute extract from the longer program:  Marketing Operations 2.0: How One Company is Managing the Next Generation of Martech Stacks Join us as Jonah-kai, answers some GREAT questions: Here are just a few: How do we get better at driving campaigns that focus on target accounts? How do we get better at working regionally in accounts to focus on that? How do we get better at measuring those things so that everything we do drives around a strategy that drives performance? Where are you putting focus in building systems that can directly track marketing's effectiveness and impact on the sales pipeline? What cadence do you use to make adjustments? How often are you looking at those results? How often are you making changes to your execution? Read the transcript of this episode on the Heinz Marketing Blog  ___________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.    
Jan 20, 2020 • 21min

How to Win (and Keep Winning) Bigger Deals

This week's episode is entitled "How to Win (and Keep Winning) Bigger Deals" and our guest is Lisa Magnuson, Founder of Top Line Sales and the author of The TOP Sales Leader Playbook: How to Win 5X Deals. ----more---- I ask Lisa in 2020, what should sales professionals be thinking about and prioritizing as they stare at the quarter in the year ahead of them? She shared one of the things that they absolutely are thinking about is that pipeline, but most importantly inside that pipeline, they're thinking about what are their biggest opportunities. Because the smart sellers know that if they identify a couple of really big accounts... I call them 5X accounts, worth about five times their average deal... if they identify a couple of those and really work them, diligently work them, they will get those in 2020 and it will be a game changer for their year. This and a lot more.  Listen in NOW or read the entire conversation on the Heinz Marketing blog starting Monday, 1/27/19 at 6am PST.   Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.     ______________________________________________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel.  I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing.  If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Jan 20, 2020 • 25min

How Your Board and Investors Think About Marketing 

This week's episode is entitled "How Your Board and Investors Think About Marketing" and our guest is Robert Pease Managing Director at the Cascade Seed Fund. ----more---- I ask Robert, as a board member, as an investor, how do you not just think about marketing, but when the company comes back and describes their marketing plan, describes how marketing is doing and how they're reporting on it, what do you as an investor want to see? What are you looking for? You'll love his message around audience message and offer.  I also ask him, thinking about the life he's lived, the career he's had, the mistakes he's made....What's a piece of advice, or a lesson, or an experience you would share with others that hopefully they can learn from as well?  Listen in or read the full transcript on the Heinz Marketing Blog starting 1/20/20.   Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.     ______________________________________________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel.  I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing.  If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.  
Dec 30, 2019 • 5min

How to Win at Bat to Win the Game – Dave Lorenzo 5 minute Podcast

In this 5-minute extract from Dave Lorenzo’s interview with Matt Heinz we learn the kernel of truth that drives a new business relationship that turns into a sale or becomes a bust.  This is part of the discussion with  Dave Lorenzo about his book, "The 60 Second Sale" ----more---- To hear the full interview, go here:  Can a First Impression Make or Break Your Sale? Q&A with Dave Lorenzo "The 60 Second Sale is about creating a condition under which, if your best client, the person who trusted you most in the business world, had a need and you called them up, it would only take you 60 seconds to close that deal. So, if you are adding value to somebody who already trusted you, you could close a deal in 60 seconds if you met those exact conditions. The book is about creating those conditions every single time. It's about taking what everybody would think of as a one-call close environment and making the relationship the one-call close." "Another way to look at it is to take the individual moments of truth that occur throughout the day with our clients and with the evangelists who are out there recommending our services, and winning each of those individual moments of truth. So, you create an environment that is one of trust, and you make sure you're always focused on the wants and needs of your clients, and you can close a deal in 60 seconds." Listen in to hear Dave's thoughts on how to build the relationship, to create those conditions and needs. He talks about the things required to create differentiation, separation in what can be competitive markets. Check out the full transcription and recording on the Heinz Marketing blog. Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.      
Dec 23, 2019 • 27min

How to Start 2020 the WRONG Way

This week's episode is entitled "How to Start 2020 the WRONG Way" and I banter with our MC and friend, Paul Roberts.  Football does come up (as usual), but we also talk about 2020.   Don't go into the holiday period and into January 2nd without a plan, without knowing what your objectives are, without knowing what you are going to be focused on.  What are you trying to achieve? What 12 months from today, does success look like? And what are the key things that are going to get you there? Know what that plan is, at least going into the storm. Knowing the storm is probably going to try to tear it to pieces, but having that plan up front, if you don't have some semblance of that, it's going to be very hard to start the year off on the right track.   Listen in below for this and more.  The full transcription will be on our blog starting Monday, 12/30/19.   Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.    
Dec 18, 2019 • 23min

To Lead Sales You Must Know How to Leverage Marketing – Jerry Brooner

In this interview with Jerry Brooner, chief revenue officer for Scout RFP, host Matt Heinz discusses Brooner’s journey from investment banker to Chief Revenue Officer and his passion for learning multiple skill sets within a company. We talk about sales and marketing working together, everything from objectives to function to culture. Why it is important for executives to have worked across multiple disciplines Why all great leaders have (many) different skill sets Why sales managers should have been a marketing manager in their career How to balance growing your career There is talk about the complexity and the historical pain inherent in the RFP and sourcing opportunities The full transcript is on the Heinz Marketing Blog.    ___________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.      
Dec 11, 2019 • 24min

What Do CRM and Spirituality Have in Common?  A Wide-Reaching Conversation with Jon Ferrara

This week's episode is entitled "What Do CRM and Spirituality Have in Common?  A Wide-Reaching Conversation with Jon Ferrara".   I asked Jon Ferrara, CEO at Nimble, what are some of the key highlights you would say are the bigger waves that have really had a big impact over the last 10 plus years, that are impacting successful sellers today? ----more---- His reply: I think the more digital we get, the more human we need to be. And especially in this day and age of being over-connected and over-communicated where I don't even want to tell you the number of unread emails that I have in my inbox, more and more salespeople are turning to technology to try to bombard their customers in getting them to have a conversation. I think that the more human you are, the more you'll stand out and that ultimately people buy from people they like, know and trust, and so you have to build relationships to drive results. We also got talking about CRM's.  Our host and MC, Paul Roberts, said this of Jon:  I have never heard such a succinct, interesting historical take on CRM and I never heard anybody say, what I've always thought that really, for most people, it's just customer reporting. They just want you to report who you called. It's not about building relationships and I think that's the key difference here.   Listen in to hear the connection to spirituality and about how to adequately think about technology as a system as well as the story and the relationships behind it. We also talk a little about the old world social sell and much more. Jon graciously offered a gift!  if you try Nimble use the code Jon40, When you sign up it'll save you 40% off the first three months. Listen in and/or read the full transcript on the Heinz Marketing blog starting Mon. 12/16/19 at 6am PST.  Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel.  I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing.  If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Dec 7, 2019 • 26min

Three Things AI Must Do and It Doesn’t Include Replacing Salespeople

Anil Kaul, CEO at AbsolutData joined host Matt Heinz for an in-depth talk about artificial intelligence.  The three things he expects from AI are : Sensing the meaning behind data Understand text The ability to recommend complex decisions.  ----more---- ".... we went from using data quite literally and quite directly to now using information to make conjectures and to create new experiences for customers. I think maybe five years ago, the big buzzword in B2B was maybe "social selling," "social media." A couple of years later "account-based marketing" and then we start talking about AI and I think there has been a lot of interest in artificial intelligence, a lot of discussions. I think inevitably that initial frothing turns into, "Well what exactly is it and how do we use it?" And AbsoluteData really have been at the forefront of this. Listen as Anil talks about what AI means to him and about some of the practical applications that can help more marketers or more business leaders wrap their heads around how to leverage it.  Read the full transcription on the Heinz Marketing blog. ___________________________________________ Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.      

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