“I wasn’t scared to try.” - Nicole Porter Nicole Porter is a business owner, entrepreneur, leader, speaker, mother, and wife. She builds teams, builds businesses, and connects with others for a living as a part of Bonvera. She and her husband also run multiple other businesses in the education, technology, and realty sectors. (And they were guests on Episode #9 inside their store, MacDaddy’s). Formerly a dental hygienist, she left that industry to start her own businesses and dictate her own freedoms. Today, with 14 years in the industry, she joins us to talk about how to build a home-based business in a socially distanced world. In this episode, Bob and Nicole recount her journey from full-time employee to full-time business owner. They discuss trends in the industry of household purchasers, the part-time gig economy, building communities online, and connecting with others. Notes and Quotes: -Over 80% of participants in the home-based business are females. In most American households, the CFO is generally the female. She is making the majority of the purchasing decisions. -What’s unique about this industry is that you can earn a couple hundred dollars a month or you can earn a career level income. You don’t have to do a 40 hour work week either. I think that’s what is so attractive to women in this industry. -With social media, I want to add value to people’s lives by what I post on my social media platforms. I want people to see my life, get to know me, and be genuine. When you do that, people want to be a part of it. -People are going to follow you, they aren’t going to follow a product. -We’ve seen a huge need for high communication with people right now. We are no longer in the hustle and bustle, but our world is still so noisy. Your voice needs to be a little bit louder and a little more positive than the noise out there in the world. -People need to be lifted up right now, and they need to be encouraged and inspired. -We need vision casters more than ever. We need leadership more than ever. -Everyone is on social media right now, and if we know they’re on there, where do we want them to be? We want them to be getting positive information with a clear vision to see past all of this. -If you’re going to be a successful leader, you need to check your attitude and your expectancy.-If you want to be a successful leader, be hungry to grow and learn.-What made the biggest difference for me? I just wasn’t scared to try.-Success is where opportunity and preparedness meet. -Before all of this, we used to say, “I just want to be at home.” Now, look at us, we have the most time at home we’ve ever had. Think of the time we have.Links in this episode include: Kirk & Nicole Porter’s bioKirk & Nicole Porter’s Taking the Leap Episode #9The 5 Voices by Jeremie KubicekTo learn more about Bob’s two books, find them on Amazon here: The Leap and Love Your Work.