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Jan 30, 2020 • 1h 4min

Episode 42: Augustus Sol Invictus

This episode, Daniel tells us about Austin Gillespie, AKA Augustus Sol Invictus. Content Warnings.
Jan 21, 2020 • 1h 19min

Episode 41: The Base and the Boogaloo

Recorded on the eve of the Richmond rally, this episode sees Daniel joined once again by David Neiwert (@DavidNeiwert; author of Alt America) to talk about a group currently in the news, The Base, and expand a bit on the so-called 'Boogaloo' we've talked about in previous episodes. Content Warnings. Notes / Links: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/1/19/1912573/-Beyond-Monday-s-gun-laden-march-in-Richmond-militias-plans-for-a-civil-war-look-to-go-national?_=2020-01-19T13:54:23.630-08:00 https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski/status/1218543762374348800 https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a3mexp/neo-nazis-are-organizing-secretive-paramilitary-training-across-america https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2019/8/15/1879107/-A-Neo-Nazi-militia-training-in-the-NE-Washington-woods-fits-into-the-region-s-dark-history https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/17/us/virginia-gun-rally-explainer.html https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/9/28/1888326/-The-Hokoana-trial-Inside-the-Antifa-shooting-incident-the-media-don-t-want-to-talk-about https://medium.com/@justinward/race-war-preppers-a16c4ab5e5c6  
Jan 7, 2020 • 1h 29min

Episode 40: Fight Club

We start 2020 with what was meant to be our 2019 Christmas Special, a very roundabout chat about the disturbingly-relevant-to-today 1999 film Fight Club.  Not a typical episode, if you're new around here... but we do this sort of thing from time to time. Content Warnings. Notes/Links: Dan Olsen's video on Fight Club and Toxic Masculinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td88z08a_4c  
Dec 30, 2019 • 2h 47min

Episode 39: Matt Shea and White Supremacy in the Pacific North West (with Jason Wilson)

To round off our first year, Daniel is joined by special guest Jason Wilson to talk about the fascinating figure Representative Matt Shea.  Hopefully this edition will please those listeners who've been asking for longer episodes! Content Warning. Notes and links (thanks to Jason for this compilation): Kenneth S Stern (1997) A force upon the plain : the American militia movement and the politics of hate. https://www.worldcat.org/title/force-upon-the-plain-the-american-militia-movement-and-the-politics-of-hate/oclc/1002393469&referer=brief_results Kathleen Belew (2019) Bring the war home the white power movement and paramilitary America https://www.worldcat.org/title/bring-the-war-home-the-white-power-movement-and-paramilitary-america/oclc/1129866369&referer=brief_results (great overview and analysis of lots of things we discussed) Linda Gordon (2018) The second coming of the KKK : the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American political tradition https://www.worldcat.org/title/second-coming-of-the-kkk-the-ku-klux-klan-of-the-1920s-and-the-american-political-tradition/oclc/1076323469&referer=brief_results (really good material on the 1920s Klan in Oregon)  Jane Kramer (2003) Lone patriot : the short career of an American militiaman. https://www.worldcat.org/title/lone-patriot-the-short-career-of-an-american-militiaman/oclc/52724431?referer=br&ht=edition David A Neiwert (1999) In God's country : the patriot movement and the Pacific Northwest https://www.worldcat.org/title/in-gods-country-the-patriot-movement-and-the-pacific-northwest/oclc/493949695&referer=brief_results (Exhaustively detailed contemporaneous work on the militia movement in PNW) David Neiwert (2009) The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right https://www.worldcat.org/title/the-eliminationists-how-hate-talk-radicalized-the-american-right/oclc/7390575626&referer=brief_results (This speaks to the right generally but is important for our context) David Neiwert (2018) Alt-America : the rise of the radical right in the age of Trump https://www.worldcat.org/title/alt-america-the-rise-of-the-radical-right-in-the-age-of-trump/oclc/1017576651?referer=br&ht=edition (Best view of the current moment from long time PNW reporter) David Helvarg (2004) The war against the greens : the "Wise-Use" movement, the New Right, and the browning of America https://www.worldcat.org/title/war-against-the-greens-the-wise-use-movement-the-new-right-and-the-browning-of-america/oclc/53993117&referer=brief_results (Specific account of the development of anti-environmental politics in the west) Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds (2011) Drawing the global colour line : white men's countries and the international challenge of racial equality https://www.worldcat.org/title/drawing-the-global-colour-line-white-mens-countries-and-the-international-challenge-of-racial-equality/oclc/1052849084&referer=brief_results (Just brilliant in historicizing the development of white supremacy - in thought and policy - across settler colonial societies around the turn of the twentieth century. Pankaj Mishra draws on it here https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/opinion/race-politics-whiteness.html)  Chip Berlet and Matthew Lyons (2000) Right-wing populism in America : too close for comfort https://www.worldcat.org/title/right-wing-populism-in-america-too-close-for-comfort/oclc/247742295?referer=br&ht=edition (Chip and Matthew have done lots of fantastic work but this is essential) James Corcoran (1991) Bitter harvest Gordon Kahl and the Posse Comitatus : murder in the heartland https://www.worldcat.org/title/bitter-harvest-gordon-kahl-and-the-posse-comitatus-murder-in-the-heartland/oclc/1087601191&referer=brief_results Mark Fenster (2008) Conspiracy theories: secrecy and power in American culture. https://www.worldcat.org/title/conspiracy-theories-secrecy-and-power-in-american-culture/oclc/1087739570?referer=br&ht=edition (Chapter 2 has a good discussion of the 1995 congressional hearings on the militia movement)  James Coates (1995) Armed and dangerous : the rise of the survivalist right https://www.worldcat.org/title/conspiracy-theories-secrecy-and-power-in-american-culture/oclc/1087739570?referer=br&ht=edition (Pretty good contemporaneous account of the different strands underpinning the militia movement and the 1990s far right) Elinor Langer (2004) A hundred little Hitlers : the death of a black man, the trial of a white racist, and the rise of the neo-Nazi movement in America https://www.worldcat.org/title/hundred-little-hitlers-the-death-of-a-black-man-the-trial-of-a-white-racist-and-the-rise-of-the-neo-nazi-movement-in-america/oclc/1037466174&referer=brief_results (Important account of white supremacist movements in PNW in 1980s and 1990s)  Leonard Zeskind (2009) Blood and politics : the history of the white nationalist movement from the margins to the mainstream https://www.worldcat.org/title/blood-and-politics-the-history-of-the-white-nationalist-movement-from-the-margins-to-the-mainstream/oclc/965823835?referer=br&ht=edition Leah Sottile (with Ryan Haas on the podcasts) Bundyville https://longreads.com/bundyville/ (Definitive journalistic take on Matt Shea’s place in the contemporary patriot movement in PNW) Daniel Levitas (2001) The Terrorist Next Door The Militia Movement and the Radical Right. https://www.worldcat.org/title/terrorist-next-door-the-militia-movement-and-the-radical-right/oclc/229019637?referer=br&ht=edition James A. Aho (1995) The politics of righteousness : Idaho Christian patriotism https://www.worldcat.org/title/politics-of-righteousness-idaho-christian-patriotism/oclc/931074407?referer=br&ht=edition (Incredible, now-underread contemporaneous sociological work on the 1990s far right in Idaho, including Richard Butler/Aryan Nations) Daniel HoSang and Joseph Lowndes (2019) Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity https://www.worldcat.org/title/producers-parasites-patriots-race-and-the-new-right-wing-politics-of-precarity/oclc/1090989510&referer=brief_results (Very good current scholarship, great analysis of patriot movement and some direct analysis of Joey Gibson/Patriot Prayer)  Michael Barkun (2004) Religion and the racist right : the origins of the Christian identity movement https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=wikipedia&q=isbn%3A080782328 Other stuff: Me on Ruby Ridge: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/26/ruby-ridge-1992-modern-american-militia-charlottesville Me on the local context of Malheur: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/14/oregon-militia-occupation-revolt-motivation-politics-public-land-ranching-environment And here is the link to an upload of John Trochmann’s Blue Book https://docdro.id/BZnxAiI  
Dec 25, 2019 • 1h 18min

Episode 38: Charles Murray and The Bell Curve

Merry Christmas!  This Christmas Day, Daniel and Jack chat about Charles Murray, co-author of the infamous pseudo-scientific racist hoax The Bell Curve. Content Warning. TRANSCRIPT: https://idtg.net/38 Full Transript List: https://idtg.net/ Notes/Links: Shaun, "The Bell Curve." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo ForeverJameses, "Reading the Right - Volume One: The Bell Curve": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgZFGgJlAsk The Bell Curve PDF: https://lesacreduprintemps19.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/the-bell-curve.pdf P 37-38 "The Creation of a Cognitive Elite Within The College System." John Ogbu p. 307 Ogbu and Simons, "Voluntary and Involuntary Minorities: A Cultural-Ecological Theory of School Performance With Some Implications for Eductation." https://faculty.washington.edu/rsoder/EDUC305/OgbuSimonsvoluntaryinvoluntary.pdf "From his comparative research Ogbu has concluded that (1) no minority group does better in school because it is genetically superior than others; (2) no minority culture is better at educating its children; and (3) no minority language is better suited for learning in school (Simons et al. n.d.). He has argued that from a comparative perspective, one cannot attribute the differences in minority school performance to cultural, linguistic, or genetic differences. This is not to deny genetic differences or to deny that cultural and language differences may have an adverse or positive effect on minority school performance; but culture and language do not entirely determine the differences among minorities. Consider that some minority groups, like the Buraku outcast in Japan, do poorly in school in their country of origin but do quite well in the United States, or that Koreans do well in school in China and in the United States but do poorly in Japan. Comparative research suggests that we might discover at least a part of the explanation by closely looking at the histories and sociocultural adaptations of these minorities (Simons et al. n.d.). More specifically, to understand why minority groups differ among themselves in school performance we have to know two things: the first is their own responses to their history of incorporation into U.S. society and their subsequent treatment or mistreatment by white Americans. The second is how their responses to that history and treatment affect their perceptions of and responses to schooling." Erik Siegel, Scientific American "The Real Problem With Charles Murray and 'The Bell Curve.' https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/the-real-problem-with-charles-murray-and-the-bell-curve/ "“The Bell Curve” endorses prejudice by virtue of what it does not say. Nowhere does the book address why it investigates racial differences in IQ. By never spelling out a reason for reporting on these differences in the first place, the authors transmit an unspoken yet unequivocal conclusion: Race is a helpful indicator as to whether a person is likely to hold certain capabilities. Even if we assume the presented data trends are sound, the book leaves the reader on his or her own to deduce how to best put these insights to use. The net effect is to tacitly condone the prejudgment of individuals based on race." "Daring Research or 'Social Science Pornography'?" ""Why can a publisher sell it?" he asked in the proposal for "Losing Ground." "Because a huge number of well-meaning whites fear that they are closet racists, and this book tells them they are not. It's going to make them feel better about things they already think but do not know how to say." Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich may have more power than Murray, and Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan may have more direct influence. But no other conservative has his ability to make a radical thought seem so reasonable. Where others rant, Murray seduces with mountains of data and assurances of his own fine intentions. He will never be the country's most famous conservative, but he may well be the most dangerous." "The White Man, Unburdened." Quinn Slobodian and Stuart Schrader. https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-white-man-unburdened-slobodian-schrader "Despite the reputation he cultivates as a teller of uncomfortable truths based on rigorous empirical social-scientific research, Murray misrepresents what the United States was trying to achieve in Thailand, and what his role there was. In Murray’s monograph, the word “insurgency” appeared twice and “war” never. He made no reference to opium, perhaps the commodity most worth fighting over in northeast Thailand. He did not mention martial law. And he certainly did not analyze how ethnic persecution shaped village life. Murray’s later writings have effaced these particulars even further. Most important, Murray diminishes the U.S. war in Vietnam as the decisive context that shaped much of Thailand’s political and economic fortunes. The nearby American war transformed Thailand’s urban economy, while heightening worries both within the Thai regime and in the diplomatic community at large that Thailand might become another falling domino. Rural community development was designed to thwart Communist organizing and subversion. Additionally, from the 1950s through the 1970s, there were challenges to the Thai national government’s legitimacy—which meant, in turn, a protracted initiative to suppress any dissent that struck Thai leaders as carrying a remote echo of left-wing subversion. Meanwhile, a host of factions within the government were themselves skirmishing, with coups and counter-coups. CIA involvement was one way for Washington to play favorites. Reading Murray’s Thai writings, you’d never know that his employer, AIR, was linked to security agencies or that the actual counterpart Thai development agency was a paramilitary force created by the CIA, the Border Patrol Police, which played a key role in a massacre of students and the installation of dictatorial right-wing rule in October 1976. Obscuring this context has important consequences for Murray’s analysis of the failures of U.S. nation-building in Thailand, which would go on to serve as the conceptual seedbed for his critique of the American welfare state. The research he conducted in the late 1960s assessed villagers’ attitudes toward the government and the assistance it provided. He found that many villagers claimed to have little positive interaction, or any at all, with representatives from the national government. They preferred to deal with local officials. Local officials, Murray argued, were more sensitive to their needs than outside administrators." Making Sense Episode 73, "Forbidden Knowledge" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Rmbfi6YrE Sam Harris/Ezra Klein debate: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/9/17210248/sam-harris-ezra-klein-charles-murray-transcript-podcast Eric Turkheimer blog: https://www.geneticshumanagency.org/gha/category/eric-turkheimer-gloomy-prospect-blog/ Turkheimer, "The Origin of Race Differences in Intelligence is Not a Scientific Question." https://www.geneticshumanagency.org/gha/origin-of-race-differences-in-intelligence-is-not-a-scientific-question/ "I should be clear that I am not making a “both sides do it” argument. It is the hereditarians who are trying to reach a strong and potentially destructive conclusion, and the burden is absolutely on them to demonstrate that they have a well-grounded empirical and quantitative theory to work with. So, if you are out there and think that group differences t are at least partially genetic, please explain exactly what you mean, in empirical terms. Do you mean that some portion of the IQ gap will never go away, no matter what we do environmentally? Do you mean we will discover genes with hard-wired biological consequences for IQ, and their frequencies will differ across groups? Are polygenic risk scores going to do it somehow? But don’t let me mischaracterize your position: explain it yourself. My concern is that anti-hereditarians play into race scientist’s hands when we agree to engage with them as though there existed a legitimate research paradigm proceeding toward a rational conclusion. At least in the social sciences, legitimate empirical research paradigms rarely come to all or none conclusions, so it becomes natural for people to conclude, with Murray and Harris, that the whole long argument is bound to settle eventually on the idea that group differences are a little environmental, a little genetic. But in fact, that is not where we are headed. I predict that in a relatively short period of time, contemporary race science will seem just as transparently unscientific and empirically untrue as the race science of the early 20th Century now appears from our modern perspective. Declaring something to be a science doesn’t make it so. The hereditarians want all the good things that come from being thought of as scientists. They want academic respect, they want protection from charges of racism, they want clear separation from the very recent history of “race science” that led directly to the Holocaust and Jim Crow. They have to earn it, by doing the hard work of developing the quantitative and empirical theories that transform intuitions about stereotypes into real science." Pioneer Fund at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Fund Science Versus Propaganda on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC6Y2M1v03NONm9o5NhkgGA "How Nazis Infiltrated Academia (and why they're obsessed with penis size)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hojHGXi1qew PZ Myers "The Problems With Evolutionary Psychology." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osEiblC7Itw "Is the Bell Curve Accurate, True, Statistically Sound, Racist? IQ & Class in America (1994)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01b7UCm1p5c (Gould comes on at approximately 9:45) "Curveball," The New Yorker, November 28 1994, by Stephen Jay Gould. https://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/course/topics/curveball.html JFK's Very Revealing Harvard Application Essay: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2013/11/jfks-very-revealing-harvard-application-essay/281699/ "The reasons that I have for wishing to go to Harvard are several. I feel that Harvard can give me a better background and a better liberal education than any other university. I have always wanted to go there, as I have felt that it is not just another college, but is a university with something definite to offer. Then too, I would like to go to the same college as my father. To be a "Harvard man" is an enviable distinction, and one that I sincerely hope I shall attain." Jack's response to Rothbard's ‘Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Human Nature’: http://www.eruditorumpress.com/blog/rothbards-conflationary-universe/
Dec 11, 2019 • 1h 24min

Episode 37: Robert Whitaker and 'White Genocide'

In this episode, Daniel tells Jack about a lesser known but crucial figure in the rise of the 'White Genocide' conspiracy theory on today's far-right, Robert Whitaker. Content Warnings for episode and links below. Robert Whitaker's Mantra: http://www.robertwwhitaker.com/mantra/ "ASIA FOR THE ASIANS, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY! Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them. Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites. What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries? How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem? And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this? But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white." "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white" on RationalWiki: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Anti-racist_is_a_code_word_for_anti-white White Genocide at Rationalwiki: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/White_genocide Metapedia (far-right Wikipedia) article on Bob Whitaker: https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Bob_Whitaker?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=399089c0fdf5c55502f94a7b14618f8544f283e5-1575239608-0-ASsg9jPD6QX683L5pDGMYrWmbBo63JGKjDVO7qNc8fpZDk_JxqI0zgi85ND5_gtNqFlKA0aV1kZt93fvGK0eh38oZ1tkUIhoudZyDuBAi52HO8LQX3sCim0k5Dhs9PPp1B3AlIjZT5cN1PEbJW28Exr_UUO7bPlTZDnOiQvAMKYc8Pdcsi1gyX2TDoUA9zHgtFQonJUJ_F_adpxmh5nawDzTneSVy1oaYkaSFQCuEgJ7pLpWlrq9VU_zOTeDEgnPjzkKO2w9yZh7AWa94VtK2LQa994wugvE5TPxcP81-UsF Robert W. Whitaker at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B001KJ0KV4?_encoding=UTF8&node=618073011&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-pages-popularity-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader "Why Johnny Can't Think: America's Professor-Priesthood" (free PDF) https://id.b-ok2.org/book/2957237/010a34 ""Why Johnny Can't Think" shows that leftism means, "Professors should rule the world." It demonstrates why each totally inbred generation of professors chooses a new generation of professors that is even more inbred and leftist and what actually happens when college graduates and professors actually try ruling the world through socialism, through criminal "rehabilitation," and through the New Education. Whatever they call it, socialism or environmentalism or multiculturalism, each leftist program just means that professors should rule the world. And every time they try, it is a disaster. But college graduates keep pushing new leftists policies. That what they learned in school. That's what we pay professors to teach them in school. Joe Sobran says in the foreword: "A former professor himself, Bob Whitaker believes that formal education has become dangerous, and often fatal, to common sense. This is nothing new, but Americans believe so deeply in formal education that they routinely sacrifice their children's youth to it, often paying staggering amounts of money to shield them from the real world... "...the "social" sciences are another matter. These "social" sciences are often directly contradicted by the hard sciences. They are built on ideas and theories that are not only unproven, but demonstrably and obviously false. Yet they are aggressively promoted by the academy, followed by the media and the government, and anyone who openly denies them can forget about a career in these institutions. Even real scientists are forced to bow to the idols of "social" science... "As Whitaker reminds us, formal education is far and away the biggest industry in the United States. Americans pay trillions of dollars, in both taxes and private tuition, to have their children indoctrinated in a false and destructive ideology, which serves as the basis for a series of disastrous public policies. In Whitaker's words, "Nothing liberals do ever WORKS." " Bob Whitaker, Author of the Racist 'Mantra' on White Genocide, Has Died. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2017/06/07/bob-whitaker-author-racist-mantra-white-genocide-has-died http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2012/08/20/repeat-hatred-is-for-traitors/ "Following the White Rabbit" https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2013/following-white-rabbit White Rabbit Radio Website: https://whiterabbitradio.net/ White Rabbit Radio on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkXYznmArMELRxH_36uM1lQ White Rabbit Radio Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZhdTwH0ssCEa/ Johnny Monoxide at the SPLC: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/johnny-monoxide-aka-john-ramondetta * Shaun video on The Bell Curve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo Shaun video on Lauren Southern and 'the Great Replacement' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUbxVfSqtt8 Three Arrows video on Kalergi Plan paranoia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o3pkoZyYRA Current Affairs video on 'White Genocide' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCsljzWa7yA Hitler and the Search for the Holy Grail (Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0Wobk1HCf0 * Daniel's recent guest appearance on Parallax Views podcast https://parallaxviews.podbean.com/e/harper/    
Nov 22, 2019 • 1h 12min

Episode 36: The Groyper War

Another news roundup episode, in which Daniel tells Jack all about Nick Fuentes' 'Groyper War'.  Plus we cover the recently released recording of Richard Spencer ranting that he should rule the world. Content warning. Links to follow.
Nov 12, 2019 • 1h 20min

Episode 35: Kevin Macdonald, 'The Culture of Critique'

This episode, Daniel (finally) tells Jack all about antisemitic academic Kevin Macdonald and his antisemitic book of antisemitism masquerading as science, 'The Culture of Critique', the influence of which ranges throughout today's far-right. Content Warning. TRANSCRIPT: https://idtg.net/35 FULL TRANSCRIPT LIST: https://idtg.net/ * Show Notes: (NB: Our mention of Elizabeth King's Twitter-ban is out of date.  She's back, apparently.  Hooray!)  Kevin Maconald at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_MacDonald_(evolutionary_psychologist) Kevin MacDonald at the SPLC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_MacDonald_(evolutionary_psychologist) Kevin MacDonald Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOOEdit "The Culture of Critique" PDF at the Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/CultureofC The Occidental Observer: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/ TOQ Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVL-NtVxGUTAuba3QpIqiZg Judith Shulevitz, "Evolutionary Psychology's Anti-Semite." https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2000/01/evolutionary-psychology-s-anti-semite.html "MacDonald’s central thesis is that Judaism is best understood not as a religion but as a blueprint for an experiment in eugenics–a “group evolutionary strategy,” he calls it–designed to maximize a single trait: intelligence. For thousands of years, he says, Jews have separated themselves from their neighbors, choosing to confine themselves to a closed society with strict rules against marrying outside the group. They have lived by policies of extreme group loyalty and obedience to rabbinical authority, which served to maintain their racial purity; and they practiced low-birth-rate, high-investment parenting, which is the royal road to a high group I.Q. They conferred social status (which brings along with it the most desirable women) on men according to their brilliance–indeed, says MacDonald, study of the Talmud was nothing more than a casuistic exercise meant to weed out the dim. Eventually, their highly developed genes for mental and verbal acuity, as well as their social aggression (also carefully bred-in), gave the Jews powerful tools that enable them to dominate neighboring ethnic groups in the endless war of all against all for food and resources." [...] "Are MacDonald’s peers aware of what he’s writing in the name of a field long accused of fostering–unfairly, many of them would say; by Jews, MacDonald would say–sexist and racist stereotypes? Do other evolutionary psychologists have an opinion on MacDonald? Culturebox called several well-known members of HBES, specifying in her voice messages that she was writing an article about MacDonald. Few returned her phone calls, but those who did said they’d never read his Jewish trilogy. Two leading scholars said they had read papers of his on other subjects and found them “muddled”; one academic said she had been forced to reject a paper by MacDonald on child development for an anthology she was editing. When Culturebox described the contents of MacDonald’s books to them, they expressed extreme shock and said he contradicted the basic principles of contemporary evolutionary psychology. “The notion that Jews are a genetically distinct group doesn’t make it on the basis of modern population genetics,” said John Tooby, the president of HBES and a professor of anthropology at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Also, he said, “group-selection theory”–the idea that natural selection can occur at the level of a group (such as a bunch of Jews) as opposed to individuals–was debunked in the 1960s, and though some scholars are working to bring group-selection theory back, it remains a minority view."   George Michael, "Professor Kevin MacDonald's Critique of Judaism: Legitimate Scholarship or the Intelleetualization of Anti-Semitism?" "Kevin MacDonald was bom in 1944 and raised in a traditional Catholic family in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Growing up, he attended Catholic schools and obtained a BA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin in 1966. While in college, he became involved in the campus anti-war movement. Interestingly, several of his roommates were Jewish, which, as MacDonald later recounted, opened his eyes to Jewish involvement in radical causes. One incident in particular that left an impression on him was when Jewish student radicals recruited him to give a speech in order to present a supposedly non-Jewish veneer to their politics. During this phase in nis life, MacDonald entertained dreams of becoming a jazz pianist, i Several years later, however, he abandoned both his musical career and radical politics to enter graduate school at the age of 30."   From the introduction to CoC: "CofC describes how Jewish intellectuals initiated and advanced a number of important intellectual and political movements during the 20th century. I argue that these movements are attempts to alter Western societies in a manner that would neutralize or end anti-Semitism and enhance the prospects for Jewish group continuity either in an overt or in a semi-cryptic manner. Several of these Jewish movements (e.g., the shift in immigration policy favoring non-European peoples) have attempted to weaken the power of their perceived competitors— the European peoples who early in the 20th century had assumed a dominant position not only in their traditional homelands in Europe, but also in the United States, Canada, and Australia. At a theoretical level, these movements are viewed as the outcome of conflicts of interest between Jews and non-Jews in the construction of culture and in various public policy issues. Ultimately, these movements are viewed as the expression of a group evolutionary strategy by Jews in their competition for social, political and cultural dominance with non-Jews. "Here I attempt to answer some typical criticisms that have been leveled against CofC. (See also my website: www.csulb.edu/~kmacd). I also discuss issues raised by several books that have appeared since the publication of CofC. There have been complaints that I am viewing Judaism in a monolithic manner. This is definitely not the case." Kevin MacDonald's statement to the court in the Irving/Lipstadt case: https://web.archive.org/web/20010415064434/http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/statement_court.htm "The main point of my testimony is that the attacks made on David Irving by Deborah Lipstadt and Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League should be viewed in the long-term context of Jewish-gentile interactions. As indicated by the summaries of my books, my training as an evolutionist as well as the evidence compiled by historians leads me to conceptualize Judaism as self-interested groups whose interests often conflict with segments of the gentile community. Anti-Jewish attitudes and behavior have been a pervasive feature of the Jewish experience since the beginnings of the Diaspora well over 2000 years ago. While anti-Semitic attitudes and behavior have undoubtedly often been colored by myths and fantasies about Jews, there is a great deal of anti-Jewish writing that reflects the reality of between-group competition exactly as expected by an evolutionist. Particularly important have been the themes of separatism—the fact that Jewish groups have typically existed as recognizably distinct groups and have been unwilling to assimilate either culturally or via marriage to the wider society, the theme of economic, political, and cultural domination, and the theme of disloyalty."
Oct 23, 2019 • 1h 6min

Episode 34: The Grift Question

This week, we look at a bit more Nazi infighting, and talk a little bit about some reactions we've had... Content Warning. TRANSCRIPT: https://idtg.net/34 FULL TRANSCRIPT LIST: https://idtg.net/ * Show Notes: "This Podcaster Dug Into the World of Neo-Nazis. Now They've Put a Target on His Back." https://www.thedailybeast.com/i-dont-speak-german-podcaster-daniel-herman-exposed-neo-nazis-now-he-has-a-target-on-his-back "In early September, Harper and his co-host released a pair of episodes that focused on the adherents of an obscure neo-Nazi author named James Mason. A book Mason wrote has become a bible of sorts for terroristic neo-Nazi groups like Atomwaffen Division, and it has helped spawn a new wave of so-called accelerationists—people who believe societal collapse is the quickest way to create an all-white ethnostate. Many of those adherents flocked to Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, in recent months after getting booted from other social media platforms. And they’ve created their own enclave there, which they refer to as “Terrorgram.” It was there, in the Terrorgram community, that the threats against Harper took shape. On Sept. 11, an anonymous post appeared on one of the Terrorgram channels, telling people to send Harper “fan mail” at his address in Michigan. The following day, the same channel published a video from someone who drove by the address and filmed the house. “Howdy, antifascist activist Daniel Harper,” the text of the post read. “Nice place you've got there.” The posts set off a wave of chatter on Telegram. In the midst of it was a user who went by the handle “Anti-Kosmik 2182,” who chimed in with his thoughts about what to do about Harper. “Ditch the car somewhere a few blocks away, take back alleys, trails in the woods, etc., and then come up on the house wearing a mask,” he wrote. “I’m not saying do anything illegal, but I am saying it would be a real shame if all he has went up in literal flames.” In court records, the FBI later said that “Anti-Kosmik 2182” was Smith, an infantry soldier stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. The bureau also revealed that it had an undercover agent on Telegram who was interacting with Smith around the same time." Nick Martin Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickmartin Spike Williams Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpikeWilliams The McSpencer Group: "The Grift Question, LeBron and China, Democratic Debate and 'Centrism'". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu0dS15N6tg  
Oct 16, 2019 • 1h 9min

Episode 33: Nazi infighting (News Roundup)

Daniel updates Jack on the current round of infighting amongst the fascists. Content Warning TRANSCRIPT: https://idtg.net/33 FULL TRANSCRIPT LIST: https://idtg.net/ Show Notes: Southern Dingo, "I Don't Speak Bitch," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHdv8JsbhQM ABC News: "FBI arrests Army soldier who allegedly discussed plans to bomb major American news network" https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-arrests-army-soldier-allegedly-discussed-plans-bomb/story?id=65802902 Jarrett Smith indictment: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6431405-Jarrett-William-Smith-indictment-September-2019.html Christopher Cantwell, "Reponse to Motion 20190925." https://christophercantwell.com/2019/09/25/response-to-motion-20190925/ "The Accelerationists believe that all is lost for White America, and that the only hope we have for salvation is to bring the existing system crashing down by helping the Democrat Party and engaging in shocking acts of terrorism and mass murder. Their thinking on this is roughly that once the system is collapsed, the citizenry will welcome the iron fisted rule of Nazis who will restore order by force. Though they make a compelling case, I differ from their view on this. I support the President of the United States, they do not. I support the Republican Party, they do not. I want to save America from collapse, they do not. We are part of rival factions, and associating me with them is nothing short of a fraud upon this court. We disagree so much, that this faction to which I refer has endlessly harassed me, made death threats, defaced my website, made false reports to law enforcement, and launched Distributed Denial Of Service attacks against my website and radio servers. This has gone on for almost a year, ever since the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, of which they concluded I was not nearly supportive enough. In response to the crimes they committed against me, I contacted my local police department, who suggested we involve the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and we did just that. All of this is documented in extensive discussions I have had with law enforcement about these crimes perpetrated against me by the faction Plaintiffs falsely try to associate me with." Christopher Cantwell, "Siege Posting." https://christophercantwell.com/2019/09/27/radical-agenda-s05e073-siege-posting/ Christopher Cantwell, "Radical Agenda S05E074 -- Occidental Dissent." https://christophercantwell.com/2019/09/30/radical-agenda-s05e074-occidental-dissent/ Jim Object tag at The Daily Stormer: https://dailystormer.name/tag/jim-object/ Larry Ridgeway goes on a rant against TRS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLMCzZSilLA (More TRS drama) The Krypto Report -- Episode 87, Jayoh in the Woodpile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J5x1GuGzPc  

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