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I Don't Speak German

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May 20, 2020 • 1h 28min

52: Genocide and The Right Stuff

Special episode this week, as Daniel explodes the bullshit of the 'Right Stuff' / 'Daily Shoah' chuds.  Contains clips from Nazi podcasts. Let us know how you like this new format. Content Warning Show Notes: Brenton Lengel Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrentonLengel Nationalism Vs Antifascism Debate: https://t.co/Bo3sZfoEKl?amp=1 Lewontin's Fallacy at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Genetic_Diversity:_Lewontin%27s_Fallacy Matthew Q. Gebert identified by the SPLC. https://www.splcenter.org/gebert Angry White Men covers the Daily Shoah episode from which the "Unironic Exterminationism" clip comes. https://angrywhitemen.org/2017/04/01/daily-shoah-promotes-suidlanders-event-and-interviews-self-proclaimed-ex-mercenary-who-wants-to-exterminate-blacks/ Magnus Hirschfield at Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld Timeline.com, "How the Nazis Derailed the Medical Advances Around Sexual Reassignment Surgery." (Enoch reads this text in the episode.) https://timeline.com/how-the-nazis-derailed-the-medical-advances-around-sexual-reassignment-surgery-eb8d4f21c463 TDS446: The Adolf in the Room Full Video at Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/imERn7oJEKb0/ Dario Gabbai Tells His Story. https://www.neveragain.com/genocide/dario-gabbai/ Excerpts from Goebbel's diary entries, March 1942 at Nizkor: http://nizkor.com/hweb/people/g/goebbels-joseph/goebbels-1948-excerpts-02.html#1942-mar-7 Holocaust Controversies, "Goebbels on Liquidation." http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2010/04/goebbels-on-liquidation.html Holocaust Controversies, Index of Published Evidence of Gas Chambers at Auschwitz. http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2012/10/index-of-published-evidence-on.html IDSG episodes 9, 16 and 17  
May 12, 2020 • 1h 16min

51: Conspiracy

This time, Daniel and Jack consider the 2001 film Conspiracy, a dramatisation of the infamous Wannsee Conference, a wartime meeting of Third Reich officials on the subject of the 'final solution to the Jewish question'. Content Warnings. Notes/Links: Wannsee Conference Wikipedia Entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wannsee_Conference Speaking the unspeakable: the portrayal of the Wannsee Conference in the film Conspiracy by Alex J. Kay: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17504902.2019.1637492 Die Wannseekonferenz (1984): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URSNN5mnI2g English translation of the Protocol: http://holocaust.umd.umich.edu/news/uploads/WanseeProtocols.pdf The Villa, The Lake, The Meeting by Mark Roseman: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Villa-Lake-Meeting-Wannsee-Solution/dp/0141003952 Hitler, vol. 2: Nemesis by Ian Kershaw: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitler-1936-1945-Nemesis-Allen-History/dp/0140272399/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1VX5FLJJ3LS7I&dchild=1&keywords=kershaw+hitler+nemesis&qid=1589291029&s=books&sprefix=kershaw+hitler+ne%2Cstripbooks%2C159&sr=1-1 Hitler's American Model by James Q. Whitman: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitlers-American-Model-United-States/dp/0691183066/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=hitler%27s+american+model&qid=1589250377&s=books&sr=1-1    
May 5, 2020 • 1h 32min

50: Michelle Malkin

Jack returns to the podcast to chat with Daniel about Michelle Malkin, reactionary star since the War on Terror era, who recently started snuggling up to Nick Fuentes and the Groypers.  Plus a bit of chat about the old coronavirus and the recent protests, including the armed 'storming' of the capital statehouse in Michigan. Content warnings, as always. Notes/Links: Michigan Protests, "Operation Gridlock." MLive, "Protesters angry with Gov. Whitmer’s stay-at-home order gridlock Michigan capitol." https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/04/protesters-angry-with-gov-whitmers-stay-at-home-order-gridlock-michigan-capitol.html "But people are still allowed to protest, and thousands took the opportunity to do so in Lansing Wednesday as part of an “Operation Gridlock" protest. Organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and supported by the Michigan Freedom Fund and other conservative groups, the idea was to create a traffic jam in front of the Michigan Capitol to create gridlock. “This is a statement to show people’s frustration,” said Meshawn Maddock, a member of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, ahead of the protest." Mother Jones, "A DeVos-Linked Group Promoted the Right-Wing “Operation Gridlock” Tantrum in Michigan" https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus-updates/2020/04/a-devos-linked-group-promoted-the-right-wing-operation-gridlock-tantrum-in-michigan/ "The whole charade was facilitated by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, a conservative political group that doubles as a front for Michigan Trump Republicans, and promoted by the Michigan Freedom Fund, a conservative group with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, a Michigan billionaire philanthropist power broker before she joined the Trump administration. The Detroit Free Press reported that the fund was listed as one of the protest’s hosts on Facebook. The organization also promoted the event on Facebook. MLive, "Protesters brave the rain to send message to Michigan leaders as coronavirus state of emergency debate rages" https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/04/protesters-brave-the-rain-to-send-message-to-michigan-leaders-as-coronavirus-state-of-emergency-debate-rages.html "Members of the Michigan Liberty Militia patrolled the grounds, armed with guns after being hired as “security detail” by the organizers. One of the members of the militia, Phil Robinson of Barry County, said the group brought nine people to serve on the detail. “We are strictly here running security, making sure everybody has a right to peacefully assemble,” Robinson said. “That is our only mission here today we are not here as protesters or rally goers were strictly here, exercising our Second Amendment right and to make sure that everybody has a right to peacefully assemble.”" Antifash Gordon thread on the Michigan Liberty Militia: https://twitter.com/AntiFashGordon/status/1255976396913930240?s=20sdsdfdfsdff Michelle Malkin and "America First" Goldsea, "Michelle Malkin: The Radical Right's Asian Pitbull." http://www.goldsea.com/Personalities/Malkin/malkin.html Booknotes Transcript, December 8, 2002. "Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores." https://web.archive.org/web/20071013191746/http://booknotes.org/Transcript/?ProgramID=1705 "MALKIN: Why did I write my book? Well, September 11 was obviously a galvanizing event for me, seeing the lapses in our immigration system that allowed the September 11 hijackers to come in, exploit our weak enforcement, work underground and live her comfortably. And that is a theme that I`ve been talking a lot about over my career in journalism, for more than a decade. I started out in Los Angeles, and it`s hard to ignore the negative consequences of lax immigration enforcement when you`re in the middle of it in Los Angeles. So over the years, you know, I`ve written a number of stories about so many aspects of the immigration system from top to bottom -- the front door, the back door, the side door. And then there`s a personal aspect of it, too. I often talk about how I myself am the child of legal immigrants who came here from the Philippines. And one of the themes that I`ve always talked about is something that they`ve reminded me of almost every day since I was old enough to understand it, which is that entry into this country and residence in this country, and ultimately, citizenship in this country is an absolute privilege, and it ought not to be treated as some sort of natural right or entitlement. But over the years, our immigration system has -- has abandoned that principle. And that`s how we find ourselves with so many problems that we`re dealing today." Malkin's website on "In Defense of Internment." "In Defense of Internment provides a radical departure from the predominant literature of civil liberties absolutism. It offers a defense of the most reviled wartime policies in American history: the evacuation, relocation, and internment of people of Japanese descent during World War II (three separate actions which are commonly lumped under the umbrella term “internment”). My book is also a defense of racial, ethnic, religious, and nationality profiling (widely differing measures that are commonly lumped under the umbrella term “racial profiling”) now being taken or contemplated during today’s War on Terror. I was compelled to write this book after watching ethnic activists, historians, and politicians repeatedly play the World War II internment card after the September 11 attacks. The Bush Administration’s critics have equated every reasonable measure to interrogate, track, detain, and deport potential terrorists with the “racist” and “unjustified” World War II internment policies of President Roosevelt. To make amends for this “shameful blot” on our history, both Japanese-American and Arab/Muslim-American activists argue against any and all uses of race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion in shaping current homeland security policies. Misguided guilt about the past continues to hamper our ability to prevent future terrorist attacks." Michelle Malkin AFPAC Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4nr02705MA Transcript of Malkin's AFPAC Speech at VDARE: https://vdare.com/articles/michelle-malkin-at-afpac-the-charge-of-the-america-first-brigade "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (but no e-girls—Right? Have I proved my bonafides?), I rise tonight in defiant opposition to Conservatism Inc. and in unwavering support of America First. Of course, in the interest of full disclosure and transparency, I must reveal to you that the number of donor class CEOs and philanthropists that are backing me is precisely zero. There is no Sheldon Groyperson pulling the strings. There are no Kek Brothers lurking in the background, waiting to whisk me away in a private jet. The grand total of subsidies that I have received from America First is zero dollars and zero cents. Because there is no America First Inc." ... "The numbers, the exit polls, the stubbornly unmalleable voting preferences of the majority of amnestied and naturalized citizens, plus Birthright Citizenship beneficiaries in every major ethnic block all lead to one irrefutable reality. Mass migration isn’t just turning California and Virginia and Texas blue. It’s turning all of America blue and every American should be seeing red about it. This nation under God will be majority minority by 2045. And when I launched my book tour for Open Borders Incorporated in September, the immediate response from the Soros monkeys was that I was anti-Semitic for trafficking in the Great Replacement Theory that was also believed by the Tree of Life Synagogue shooter. Already right out of the gate, before I even knew who Nick Fuentes was, before I knew who Groypers were, I was being tarred as an anti-Semite. It’s become a useless, meaningless term and everybody knows it. And that’s why they’re so desperate to tar all of us as that. It’s anti-Semitic to mention George Soros’s billions. It’s anti-Semitic to criticize the Anti-Defamation League. It’s anti-Semitic to question whatever the precise number is of people who perished in World War II. It is anti-Semitic for me, being married to a 100% Ashkenazi Jew, to question dual loyalties of people who are working here as agents of a foreign country. Oh, and it is an unacceptably anti-Semitic to point out the rank hypocrisy of people who are fiercely protective of an ethno-state and an immigration enforcement system that works–who turn around and call those of us who believe, whatever our backgrounds are, who only have one homeland that they’ve ever known, to call us—what is it now?–“white majoritarianism” I believe is the term.That’s me. Thank you. Here is what we all know, those of us who understand demographic reality. There is no turning back. We know that. 1965, the Hart-Celler Act, the Refugee Act of 1980, the 1986 Reagan Amnesty, which again is being recycled and pushed right now in the halls of Congress and the White House, the 1990 Immigration Act that’s created H-1B, and the Diversity Visa Lottery, plus more than a dozen other mini-amnesties, extensions and waivers. There is no turning back." "In Defense of Internment provides a radical departure from the predominant literature of civil liberties absolutism. It offers a defense of the most reviled wartime policies in American history: the evacuation, relocation, and internment of people of Japanese descent during World War II (three separate actions which are commonly lumped under the umbrella term “internment”). My book is also a defense of racial, ethnic, religious, and nationality profiling (widely differing measures that are commonly lumped under the umbrella term “racial profiling”) now being taken or contemplated during today’s War on Terror. Red Ice, Michelle Malkin, "In Defense of America's European Roots." https://redice.tv/red-ice-tv/in-defense-of-americas-european-roots Michelle Malkin: "The Defeatocrat's Cheer." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt_YcQlYxyY David Neiwert archive at the Daily Kos. Essential to understand recent Boogaloo boy behavior. https://m.dailykos.com/blogs/David-Neiwert And here's the video Jack mentions in the show: Rad Shiba, Covid-19 and the Left https://youtu.be/l2Gy1lox_QM  
Apr 30, 2020 • 1h 29min

49: Jason Köhne (with Crash Barry)

Crash Barry returns to chat with Daniel about white nationalist pipsqueak Jason Köhne AKA No White Guilt. Content Warnings, as ever. Notes/Links: Crash's Twitter: @Crash_Barry Crash's Devils and Dirtbags podcast: https://devilsanddirtbags.podbean.com Jason Kohne/No White Guilt archive at Angry White Men: https://angrywhitemen.org/?s=Jason+kohne * No White Guilt: https://nowhiteguilt.org NWG YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCkY8CvV8WQFe87CZGmvuYHA NWG Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zIN90ydeSNA7/  
Apr 14, 2020 • 1h 4min

48: Islamophobia and the Intellectual Dark Web (with Eiynah Mohammed-Smith)

Daniel is joined by special guest Eiynah Mohammed-Smith of the Polite Conversations podcast for a fun, casual (and, of course, incredibly polite) chat about Islamophobia, Sam Harris, New Atheism, the IDW, fascism, and assorted phenomena. Content Warning Links / Notes: Eiynah's Twitter: https://twitter.com/NiceMangos Polite Conversations podcast: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations Polite Conversations Patreon: https://t.co/PaeNNFMEfP?amp=1  
Apr 3, 2020 • 1h 1min

47: Silicon Valley Nazis (with Corey Pein)

This time, Daniel is joined by special guest Corey Pein, author of Live Work Work Work Die, to talk about Silicon Valley Nazis. Content Warning as ever. Notes / Links: Live Work Work Work Die at Powell's: https://www.powells.com/book/live-work-work-work-die-9781627794855 Corey Pein Twitter: https://twitter.com/coreypein Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press: https://www.netflix.com/title/80168227 News From Nowhere Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere The Portal with James O'Keefe: https://player.fm/series/the-portal/ep-26-james-okeefe-what-is-and-isnt-journalism-in-the-21st-century The End Newsletter: https://t.co/jHnbFuSMVs?amp=1 Neoreaction a Basilisk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neoreaction-Basilisk-Essays-Around-Alt-Right/dp/1981596518  
Mar 18, 2020 • 1h 40min

46: Tom Kawcynzski (with Crash Barry)

Daniel is joined by Crash Barry, Editor-at-Large of The Mainer, to talk about Tom Kawczynski (and a little bit about Jared Howe). Content Warnings. Show Notes and Links to follow. Stay safe everyone. 
Mar 3, 2020 • 1h 15min

Episode 45: Nazis for Bloomberg

A lovely news-roundup episode for you, including some stuff at the end that justifies the title. Content Warnings. Links/Notes: Rachel Sheffield and Robert Rector, "The War on Poverty After 50 Years." The source of Episode 44's "22 trillion dollars" claim. https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/the-war-poverty-after-50-years Christopher Cantwell Trial Docket: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/16743597/united-states-v-cantwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc Christopher Cantwell Order of Detention Pending Trial: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nhd.53269/gov.uscourts.nhd.53269.20.0.pdf "In this case, the government argued that the defendant’s release posed a risk of flight and danger to the community. After weighing the evidence - taking into consideration the pretrial services report, the parties’ proffers, pleadings, and the testimony of Brett Fernald, FBI Task Force Officer - and balancing the factors laid out in 18 U.S.C. § 3142(g), the court finds that the government met its burden of proof on dangerousness, but failed to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant is a flight risk. The government established by clear and convincing evidence that there are no conditions that will reasonably assure the safety of any other person and the community. The defendant is charged with crimes that involve threats of violence. The evidence against the defendant, which includes a copy of the threatening communication and defendant’s admission that he sent the message, is strong." Hilary Sargent Twitter: http://twitter.com/lilsarg Hilary Sargent, "United States v. Christopher Cantwell." https://twitter.com/lilsarg/status/1231973006618046464?s=20 Nick Martin, The Informant, "The Atomwaffen Evidence." https://www.informant.news/p/the-atomwaffen-evidence Nick Martin, The Informant, "Key Atomwaffen Member to be Sentenced." https://www.informant.news/p/key-atomwaffen-member-to-be-sentenced Angry White Men. "Far-Right Extremists React to the Coronavirus With Conspiracies and Racist Mockery." https://angrywhitemen.org/2020/02/14/far-right-extremists-react-to-the-coronavirus-with-conspiracies-and-racist-mockery/ Angry White Men, "YouTube Finally Bans Racist Podcaster Nick Fuentes." https://angrywhitemen.org/2020/02/15/youtube-finally-bans-racist-podcaster-nick-fuentes/ AFPAC videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jrgnj15/videos Twenty-seven second clip of Michelle Malkin spewing Nazi talking points at AFPC: https://twitter.com/JewishWorker/status/1234216230136971265?s=20 Wikipedia page for "In Defense of Internment," by Michelle Malkin, 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Defense_of_Internment Michael Bloomberg on Stop-and-Frisk in 2015. https://twitter.com/parscale/status/1227236086176518144 "You are arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities. Yes, that's true. Why? Because we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods. Yes, that's true. Why do we do it? Because that's where all the crime is. And the way you get the guns out of the kids' hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them." Bloomberg Press Conference 2013 declaring intention to appeal ruling that Stop and Frisk was unconstitutional in NY State. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw8BMrF7r8Y NPI/Radix, "Based Bloomberg?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6Vqams8FVI  
Feb 14, 2020 • 1h 29min

Episode 44: Michael J. Thompson AKA 'Paul Kersey'

A classic, back-to-basics, oldskool episode in which Daniel tells Jack all about a very nasty (and racist trivia-obsessed) specimen, Michael J. Thompson, who chooses to (sometimes) go by the online alias 'Paul Kersey', which is the name of Charles Bronson's character in Death Wish... y'know, the movie in which a middle-class architect becomes a serial killer, and murders loads of poor petty-criminals, and he's the hero. Content Warnings within Content Warnings for this one. Links/Notes: "Hiding in Plain Sight, the White Nationalist Who Toiled Inside a Right Wing Media Powerhouse." https://angrywhitemen.org/2020/02/03/hiding-in-plain-sight-the-white-nationalist-who-toiled-inside-a-right-wing-media-powerhouse/ "Hiding in Plain Sight, the White Nationalist Who Toiled Inside a Right Wing Media Powerhouse." (Right Wing Watch) https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/hiding-in-plain-sight-the-white-nationalist-who-toiled-inside-a-right-wing-media-powerhouse/ Jason Wilson, The Guardian, "Paul Kersey/Michael J. Thompson White Nationalist Report." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/03/paul-kersey-michael-j-thompson-white-nationalist-report "A new report has revealed that a prominent white nationalist author, activist and podcaster known as “Paul Kersey” has in fact worked for more than a decade at mainstream conservative institutions and media outlets under his real name. According to an investigation by the not-for-profit media outlet Right Wing Watch (RWW), the man who has worked under the Kersey pseudonym is in fact Michael J Thompson. The Guardian has uncovered additional material that supports reporting by RWW, and further indicates Thompson’s role in moulding rightwing activists from a position near the heart of America’s most influential conservative institutions. The RWW investigation, published on Monday, reveals the work of “Paul Kersey”, whom it calls a “barely underground member of the white nationalist movement” and a fixture on the roster of racist media outlets and campaign groups. But it also shows that Thompson worked under his own name at institutions like the Leadership Institute, its media arm Campus Reform, and WND, formerly World Net Daily, a once-popular conspiracy-minded conservative outlet, as late as November 2018. It also shows how his WND position allowed him to move in professional circles that included white nationalists, writers from Breitbart and the Daily Caller and prominent Donald Trump supporters including Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec." Campus Reform Homepage: https://www.campusreform.org/ Current "Stuff Black People Don't Like" at Unz Review. https://www.unz.com/sbpdl/ Stuff Black People Don't Like, January 18, 2010 from the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20100118112313/http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/ "From a biological standpoint, Haitians who practice voodoo and the art of zombiism, have an ally in Wade Davis as he has done extensive research in Haitian voodoo and penned numerous volumes on the subject. In Passage of Darkness: the Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie and Serpent and the Rainbow, Davis discusses the uses of certain chemical compounds to create hallucinogens and neurotoxins capable of inducing the effects of death only to allow the “zombie” to awake later. The botanical secrets and the chemical compound formulas that create zombies are known only by the Haitian Voodoo priests, but the mysterious origins behind zombies haven’t dissuaded others from inventing their own. George Romero of “The Night of the Living Dead” fame is credited with inventing the modern-zombie in the United States, but he owes much to the 1930s film “White Zombie”, which was appropriately set in Haiti. We have discussed the historical nature of zombies, as the idea originated in Haiti and there, witch-doctors practiced (and still do) a form of Black magic that “can” reanimate corpses. In the United States however, zombies take on a much different connotation, for we view them as the true undead brought back to life, consuming as much live human flesh in the process, thereby spreading the zombie virus further. Zombies - in America - are a plague that must be eradicated." Romero, who has made a fine living directing zombie films, cast a Black person as the main protagonist in his first zombie film “Night of the Living Dead” and has since positively shown Black people in that films many sequels, most notably in the late 1970s “Dawn of the Dead.” It is obvious to all Black people, that Romero knows the true history of zombies, and thus, must do everything in his power to remove the mystical Black magic origins of voodoo/zombies from his films and showcase Black people operating in a highly functional manner. There is an unwritten rule in Hollywood that Romero deemed necessary when discussing zombies, for no mentioning of Haiti and Black people’s predilection and fascination with the undead can occur in film or video gam" Stuff Black People Don't Like, May 1, 2009 from the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20110628224216/http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/2009_05_01_archive.html #170: Losing Gold Teeth: "Black people are fascinated by gold, more so than the Spanish Conquistadors of old. Black people love gold so much, that they have it fashioned to put onto their teeth, known throughout the Black community as "grillz". A subculture has grown around this fascinating practice and has become a lucrative business for entrepreneur's hoping to affix their wares on the Black persons bicuspids. One practitioner of the art of "grillzing" writes, "Gold teeth are a product that has been increasingly growing over the past eight years, especially since the attention given to them from celebrities such as Nelly and Flavor Flav. Since that time, they've taken on several different names, such as gold fronts, gold caps, gold slugs, grills and grillz." The problem for "grillz" advocates remains maintaining the integrity of said gold piece in their mouths, while using the restroom. Recently at a Major League Baseball (MLB) game between the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets, a woman lost one of her "grillz" in the latrine. While relieving herself, somehow her "grillz" become dislodged and ended up resting in the bowels of the commode." Google Search Results for "Michael Thompson" at www.campusreform.org. https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awww.campusreform.org+michael%20thompson Michael Thompson, "Jokes Now Considered "Bias-Motivated Incidents" at Northern Colorado" https://web.archive.org/web/20150117082235/https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=1796 "The University of Northern Colorado (UNCO) has decided it’s time to prohibit "Bias Motivated Incidents." When you hear about a “bias motivated incident,” maybe you’re thinking about a cross burning, or something of that nature. But at UNCO the “bias motivated incident” could simply be an "inappropriate joke" that is motivated by some form of bias. The UNCO policy also says that “Any discriminatory act is a violation of the Housing & Residence Life Student Code of Conduct.” Well, what do they mean by “any discriminatory act”? According to the UNCO handbook this includes, but is not limited to, “racism, ageism, sexism, and/or homophobia.” And (get ready for this!) included in the definition is “intentionally, recklessly or negligently causing physical, emotional, or mental harm to any person." Paul Kersey, "Nobody Kill Anybody" Fails: During First Ceasefire Weekend in 70% Black Baltimore, 15 Shot, Four Dead. https://www.unz.com/sbpdl/nobody-kill-anybody-fails-during-first-ceasefire-weekend-in-70-black-baltimore-15-shot-four-dead/ "A surplus of blackness and a paucity of whiteness. Or, more appropriately, a city dominated by the black hegemony. Welcome to Baltimore in 2020, a 70 percent black city completely dominated by black elected/appointed officials in all aspects of the bureaucracy. Confederate memorials are all removed, streets and buildings once named in honor of dead white males have been erased, racially re-named to honor the new demographic dominating Baltimore life. If you’ve read The City that Bleeds: Race, History, and the Death of Baltimore (and if you haven’t, get it here now!), you know the truth about Baltimore our elite have spent more than half a century trying to explain away as the fault of pernicious white people and their insidious redlining, systemic racism, and racial criminal justice system." The Political Cesspool, "Paul Kersey, Author of "Stuff Black People Don't Like" Will Join Us Live This Satur March 5." https://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/paul-kersey-author-of-stuff-black-people-dont-like-will-join-us-live-this-saturday-march-5/ Michael Thompson Author Page at WND, https://www.wnd.com/author/mthompson/ WND Staff, "Black-on-black murders epidemic in this city" https://www.wnd.com/2013/08/milwaukees-racism-most-murders-black-on-black/ @MJTWND at the Internet Archive, July 14, 2016. https://web.archive.org/web/20160714043056/https://twitter.com/MJTWND Angry White Men, "Daily Shoah" Hosts: Nazi Scientists and White People Should be Recognized For Space Exploration Work. https://angrywhitemen.org/2017/02/28/daily-shoah-co-hosts-nazi-scientists-and-white-people-should-be-recognized-for-space-exploration-work/ "Hidden Figures" at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Figures Eric Niiler, History.com, "Why Civil Rights Activists Protested the Moon Landing." https://www.history.com/news/apollo-11-moon-landing-launch-protests Katherine Johnson, The Human Computer Project. https://www.thehumancomputerproject.com/women/katherine-johnson "Along with engineer Ted Skopinski she coauthored the 1960 report Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position, the equations describing the trajectories for placing the manned Mercury capsule into low-Earth orbit and returning it safely to the planet's surface, making her the Flight Research Division's first credited female author." Skopinski and Johnson, "Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position" https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980227091.pdf  
Feb 7, 2020 • 1h 30min

Episode 43: Cantwell News Special (with Emily Gorcenski)

This week we at Chez IDSG are honoured to be joined by special guest Emily Gorcenski, who joins Daniel to talk about the one-man motherlode of nasty and stupid that is Christopher 'Crying Nazi' Cantwell.  Buckle up, my darlings. (Sorry about the late arrival of this episode, but editing it involved some special challenges.  It was worth it though.) Content Warning. Links / Notes: Cantwell's SPLC page. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/christopher-cantwell Our very own double Cantwell episode, Part 1 and Part 2 Emily Gorcenski on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski http://www.first-vigil.com/ https://howhatesleeps.com/ Local report on Cantwell's arrest. https://www.sentinelsource.com/news/local/cantwell-arrested-in-keene-on-federal-charges-accused-of-threat/article_66a05e5e-8d1c-5b8d-ad21-9c4d0ec18c7b.html Cantwell arrest indictment. https://twitter.com/SeamusHughes/status/1220354012505133058?s=20 Lieutenant of the Alt-right. https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000005394012/eli-mosley-alt-right.html Cantwell's motion in Sines v Kessler. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/6168921/637/sines-v-kessler/ Plaintiff's response to Cantwell's nonsense. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/6168921/641/sines-v-kessler/ Daniel and Emily on Jared Holt's Sh1tpost podcast: https://shtpost.substack.com/p/the-arrest-of-chris-cantwell-12720    

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