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Preacher Boys Podcast

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May 1, 2024 • 18min

303: Why I SHUT DOWN the Preacher Boys Facebook Group for Two Weeks

In today's episode, I discuss why I shut down the Preacher Boys Facebook group for two weeks and what I hope changes.✖️✖️✖️Support the Show:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group: episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 28, 2024 • 25min

302: Getting Educated About Abuse | Ashley Easter

Ashley Easter is a passionate advocate committed to guiding individuals toward liberation and empowerment. With an unwavering dedication to helping others break free from abuse and oppression, Ashley channels her energy into creating a space where individuals can unlock their full potential.Driven by a profound belief in the possibility of a life beyond trauma, Ashley's mission is to provide resources and support for those navigating the journey from victimhood to empowerment. Whether you're a seasoned advocate for social justice or someone emerging from a toxic environment seeking guidance, Ashley welcomes you to her corner of the universe.Drawing from personal experience and witnessing countless transformations, Ashley firmly believes in the power of healing and self-empowerment. She embodies the conviction that a fulfilling life after abuse is not only attainable but a birthright for all.For those ready to shed the shackles of limiting beliefs and reclaim their autonomy, Ashley offers a roadmap to liberation. Through her guidance, individuals are encouraged to challenge societal norms, embrace their worthiness, and embark on a journey toward freedom, happiness, and love.With a deep-seated belief in each individual's inherent value and potential, Ashley encourages her audience to recognize their divine purpose in healing themselves and inspiring others. She champions the idea that despite past conditioning, everyone possesses unique gifts to share with the world and infinite growth opportunities.As you embark on this transformative journey with Ashley, prepare to arm yourself with the tools, strategies, and techniques needed to elevate every aspect of your life. The path to liberation awaits, and Ashley Easter is here to guide you every step of the way.✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:**As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a small commission on purchases made through links in this episode description**This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 24, 2024 • 16min

301: Did You Know a "Christian Flag" Exists?

Magic Mind made this episode possible!Get 20% off your first order of Magic Mind by visiting and using the discount code PREACHERBOYS20✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:**I may receive a small commission on purchases made through links in this episode description**This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 21, 2024 • 33min

300th Episode of the Preacher Boys Podcast!

Today is the 300th episode of the Preacher Boys Podcast, and a lot has happened since episode one…The podcast journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. From taking a seat with Chris Hansen to joining forces with Paris Hilton in protest to my appearance on TV in Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals, the show has opened doors I never could have anticipated.On today’s episode, I want to take a few minutes to break down some of my favorite memories from the last couple of years – from favorite guests to favorite books – and my big goals moving forward.✖️✖️✖️Links Referenced:Chris Hansen Interview: Du Mez Interview: Hassan Interview: 'Jesus and John Wayne' – 'Unspeakable' – 'Corruptible' – Easter's Leah Remini Interview: Reaction to the Olivia Plath Teen Vogue Interview: Olivia Plath's Teen Vogue Interview on the Leaving Eden Podcast:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:**As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a small commission on purchases made through links in this episode description**This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 17, 2024 • 12min

299: When Law and Order: SVU Did a Duggar Episode

Over its impressive 26-season run, Law and Order: SVU has consistently mirrored real-life events in its gripping fictional storylines. From the Chris Brown domestic abuse case to the Casey Anthony investigation and the Michael Jackson allegations, the show has always stayed on top of the headlines.It should come as no surprise that, in 2015, SVU aired an episode that echoed the current headlines around one of the most popular reality TV families, The Duggars.✖️✖️✖️This episode was made possible by Magic Mind! – Get 20% off your first order of Magic Mind by visiting and using the discount code PREACHERBOYS20✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 14, 2024 • 1h 12min

298: Adverse Religious Experiences Explained | Dr. Laura Anderson

Dr. Laura Anderson is a psychotherapist, trauma resolution coach and consultant, writer and educator specializing in complex and developmental trauma, dynamics of power and control and religious trauma based out of Nashville, TN. ✖️✖️✖️Resources Mentioned:– When Religion Hurts You: – Sexual Healing: – The Wisdom of the Body:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 10, 2024 • 58min

297: Olivia Plath's Teen Vogue Interview | An Ex-Fundamentalist Reacts

Olivia Plath -- who entered public awareness through the TLC reality series Welcome to Plathville – recently sat down for an interview with Vogue Magazine. The article, Olivia Plath on Christian Fundamentalism, Welcome to Plathville, and Deconstructing, spoke to me personally as a former fundamentalist.I wanted to share a video reacting to the article and give some of my biggest takeaways.✖️✖️✖️Resources Mentioned:– Olivia's article in Teen Vogue:– Try MAGIC MIND by visiting and use the code PREACHERBOYS20 for a discount at checkout!– Jessica Willis Fisher Interview:– Tia Levings Interview:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 7, 2024 • 56min

296: Scott M. Coley | Exposing the Propaganda of the Religious Right

Scott Coley exposes the inner workings of the religious right’s propaganda—and how Christians can resist it.Good evangelical Christians are Republican. It seems like it’s always been this way.  That means the propaganda is working.  Scott Coley trains a critical eye on the fusion of evangelicalism and right-wing politics in Ministers of Propaganda. This timely volume unravels rhetoric and biblical prooftexting that support Christo-authoritarianism: an ideology that presses Christian theology into the service of authoritarian politics. Coley’s historically informed argument unsettles evangelical orthodoxy on issues like creation science or female leadership—convictions not as unchanging as powerful religious leaders would have us believe. Coley explains that we buy into propaganda because of motivated reasoning, and when we are motivated by perceived self-interest, the Christian message is easily corrupted. But if we recover Jesus’s commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves, right-wing propaganda will lose its power. Any reader troubled by American evangelicals’ embrace of racism, misogyny, and other unchristian views will find answers and hope in these pages.✖️✖️✖️Resources Mentioned:– Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks:– Ministers of Propaganda: Truth, Power, and the Ideology of the Religious Right:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 3, 2024 • 26min

295: 13-Year-Old Victim "Would Be Lucky" | Asa Akira Defends Statutory Rape in Resurfaced Clip

I came across a video on Instagram recently of famous pornstar Asa Akira, who eventually became Pornhub’s Ambassador and host of the Pornhub Podcast in 2018.This clip was from a 2012 episode of her original podcast, DVDASA, which she co-hosted with actor and artist David Choe, who you might recognize from the hit Netflix series Beef.It’s admittedly an older clip, but it’s new to me – and I want to talk about it because the viewpoints expressed in the video have been regurgitated many times before and many times since, and they’re just as harmful now as they’ve ever been.✖️✖️✖️Resources Mentioned:– Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks:– Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 31, 2024 • 58min

294: Dr. Steven Hassan | "It’s Your Mind, Only You Should Control It"

Today on the show, Eric Skwarczynski is joined by Dr. Steven Hassan.Dr. Hassan is a licensed mental health professional, a recognized expert on cults and undue influence, and possesses professional experience both in the US and abroad.His work encompasses various areas, including consultation, coaching, public speaking, media appearances, activism, writing, research, teaching, intervention, and recovery services, as well as expert consulting and testimony to aid individuals and families dealing with issues related to undue influence.Dr. Hassan’s expertise extends to the realm of undue influence in a wide array of contexts, including destructive one-on-one relationships, family dynamics, parental alienation, small cult-like groups, religious cults, therapy and self-improvement groups, professional abuse, institutional abuse, corporate settings, multi-level marketing, political groups, human trafficking, hate and violent extremism, and other challenging situations. He actively advocates for the recognition of terrorist groups as destructive cults and addresses their importance.Over the course of his 40-year career, Dr. Hassan has assisted numerous individuals and families in their recovery from undue influence. He is highly sought after as one of the foremost authorities on the subject of undue influence by both controlling groups and individuals. Steve possesses a unique perspective, having experienced life as a former cult member who was successfully deprogrammed in 1976, and as a clinical professional who has dedicated his life to aiding others in similar situations.✖️✖️✖️Resources Mentioned:– Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks:– Combating Cult Mind Control:– Å History of God:– Propaganda:– Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism:– Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How it Changes Us:– The Cult of Trump:– American Kompromat:– Think Again:— Freedom of Mind:– Recovery After Mormonism Workshop:– Influence Continuum Podcast:– Substack:✖️✖️✖️If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, visit✖️✖️✖️CONNECT WITH THE SHOW:preacherboyspodcast.com connect with a community that shares the Preacher Boys Podcast's mission to expose abuse in the IFB, join the OFFICIAL Preacher Boys Facebook Group:✖️✖️✖️**DISCLAIMER: I may receive affiliate commissions through some links shared in these show notes.This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.Our Sponsors:* Use promo code preacherboys at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual plan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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