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Get Yourself Optimized

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May 12, 2016 • 55min

38. Reclaim Your Health and Boost Your Brainpower with Dave Asprey

  Dave Asprey is the author of The New York Times bestseller, The Bulletproof Diet. He's the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, which has transformed breakfast for millions of people around the world. He has the number one-ranked health and fitness podcast, Bulletproof Radio, and his website is The Bulletproof Executive. You can find Dave on Twitter @bulletproofexec.   EPISODE With all of the diets available to us, it's difficult to know what we should be eating-but the results of The Bulletproof Diet speak for themselves. Dave Asprey is a bio-hacker who created the diet that not only helped him lose and keep off hundreds of pounds, but also optimize brain performance and clarity, energy, and rid your body of environmental toxins.   We Discuss: The science behind yo-yo dieting, and how to stop it. What foods create energy and optimal health, and what foods should be avoided. How to test your hormones and genetics to know what foods could cause you inflammation. How to overcome infertility-without medical assistance.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED The Bulletproof Diet Bulletproof Coffee The Bulletproof Executive Bulletproof Radio Bulletproof Diet Roadmap Moldy: The Documentary Glutathione Force 23andMe Test Genetic Genie Brain Octane Oil The Silicon Valley Health Institute 40 Years of Zen The Better Baby Book Unfair Advantage   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Have your Bulletproof Coffee first thing in the morning-which is your coffee with a few tablespoons of healthy fats-to stop mid-day hunger. 2) To allow your body to fully express its capabilities and potential, stay away from stressful environments with bad light, air, foods, and relationships, and replace any negative programming in your head with more positive thoughts. 3) Try Unfair Advantage, it will increase the efficiency of your mitochondria so you can make more energy for about six hours, and also has anti-aging benefits when taken regularly.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
May 5, 2016 • 1h 2min

37. Generating Passive Income Through Real Estate Investing with Mike Wolf

  Mike Wolf is an expert on real estate investing, and has been investing for over 25 years. He teaches others how to do the same through his program Texas Tax Deeds Tour.   EPISODE Owning real estate is the ultimate form of passive income, creating a lifestyle of wealth and freedom. Starting your own real estate empire is simple with the right focus, knowledge, and teams in place, and Mike Wolf walks us through the steps of turning your first house into a huge portfolio of cash-generating investments.   We Discuss: How to choose the best cities to invest in. When you should sell a property that you own and move to another city. Living a lifestyle of travel, giving back, and freedom. How to start, find investors, and find the best priced properties.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Texas Tax Deeds Tour Entrepreneurs Making a Difference Live Your List Email Mike   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Start by searching areas close to you. Look at the job market, average rent prices, and the safety of neighborhoods to choose the location of your first purchase. 2) Focus on what you love and what is going to fulfill your mission on Earth, not just serving yourself. Give back to others will make the world a better place. 3) For questions about investing or joining Mike's programs, email Mike at   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Apr 28, 2016 • 55min

36. Establishing Positive Habits to Transform Your Health, Fitness, and Soul with Michael Morelli

 Michael Morelli is the founder of Morellifit, a health and wellness organization that has created a line of nutritional supplements and fitness programs, including HIIT MAX, which is all about high intensity interval training. After hitting rock bottom and going through a personal transformation, he sought out to learn from the best in the industry, completing 5 fitness certifications in under 6 months. Combining that knowledge with real world training, Michael has helped to change thousands of lives through proper fitness and nutrition.   EPISODE Going through a personal transformation is never easy, but Michael Morelli makes it simple by taking the guesswork out of becoming healthier. After going through his own success story, he turned the negative experience of divorce and bankruptcy into earning six figures in one month while helping others to combat obesity. We Discuss: Why 15-20 minutes of HIIT burns more fat than an hour or more of walking, or even jogging. Eating foods in their natural state, and the diets that actually work. Going on a spiritual journey to heal your soul and change your mindset. How to become more aware, so that you can control and change bad habits.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Morellifit instagram Morellifit on YouTube Primal Body Hiit MAX Custom Nutrition Headspace app Grind Coffee Shaahin Cheyene on The Optimized Geek Twitter Voice Memos App Evernote TechCrunch Blinkist The Untethered Soul The Power of Now Byron Katie on The Optimized Geek Michael on instagram Michael on Twitter Michael on Snapchat   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) The first step is to make small, positive changes. Just get moving in any way you can, whether that is a 15 minute HIIT workout, or going for a walk around your neighborhood. 2) Work on changing habits that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Be aware of what you do in stressful situations, and try to create positive habits around those feelings. 3) You don’t have to choose a one-size-fits-all diet to become healthier. Choose foods that are in their natural state, such as organic vegetables, fruits, and lean meats-or, use Custom Nutrition for a personalized plan.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Apr 21, 2016 • 1h

35. Survivalism Tools to Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse with Aaron Frankel

  Aaron Frankel is the host of the In The Rabbit Hole, a weekly, humor-filled survivalist podcast that makes survival sane and approachable. He's the former professional sidekick and marketing director to eight-time bestselling author, Neil Strauss.   EPISODE What would you do in a disaster situation, or if you realized that your streets were lined with zombies? Most of us wouldn't be prepared, but with Aaron's tips, we have a chance of survival. Even the impossible does happen and there are ways that we can be prepared for anything.   We Discuss: The essential tools and weapons that you need to have. The best practices for self-defense, and knowing how to use them. The immersive experiences that will get you prepared for anything. Resources that can help in a disaster, or even when you're just going for a hike.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED In The Rabbit Hole podcast The Game by Neil Strauss Emergency by Neil Strauss Spot satellite phone MSR SweetWater CERT from FEMA CAP - Civil Air Patrol Spy Escape and Evasion iTriage App The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker 98.6 Degrees by Cody Lundin On Combat by Lieutenant Dave Grossman On Killing by Lieutenant Dave Grossman What to Do When the Shit Hits the Fan by Dave Black The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse by Lauren Wilson The Idiot's Guide to Foraging by Mark Vorderbruggen 100 Deadly Skills by Clint Emerson The Human Path onPoint Tactical Custom AK Rifles & AK 47 Course Ultimate Spy Week   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Always be safe! You should only use tools and weapons that you have been trained in. If you invest in a weapon, invest in the training to properly use it as well. 2) When building your bug-out bag, focus on the absolute basics-72 hours worth of clothing, a hygiene kit, medications, and a personal information pack is a good start. 3) Find a responsible friend or family member that you can rely on to check in with you. When you go into the wilderness, always give them your plans and time you expect to be back by.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan   STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Apr 14, 2016 • 1h 1min

34. Tools for Designing a Productive and Prosperous Lifestyle with Stever Robbins

Stever Robbins is an executive coach, a podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. His podcast, The Get-It-Done Guy podcast, has over 27,000,000 downloads and has been number one on the iTunes bestseller list. He also is an author of two books, It Takes a Lot More Than Attitude… to Lead a Stellar Organization and Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More.   EPISODE When you truly believe that you can be successful-in your career, relationships, and all areas of your life-that belief can manifest itself into reality. . Stever Robbins has been an entrepreneur since he was 14 years old, and shares his insight on everything from changing your mindset, setting a career plan, productivity, and using your creativity to do things that have never been done.   We Discuss: Coming up with creative, new ideas to grow your business. Time management skills and becoming more productive. How to earn your worth and create a career plan. Changing your beliefs through Neuro-Linguistic Programming.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Get-It-Done Guy's Podcast It Takes a Lot More Than Attitude… to Lead a Stellar Organization Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More Work Less and Do More: The Musical Bill Donius on The Optimized Geek Chloe Spencer on Marketing Speak Livescribe Pen Stever Robbins Career Plan Email Stever Stever Robbins   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Are you creating a lot of excuses around a subject? Do you have negative feelings towards something? You may want to use NLP techniques to change your beliefs around those topics. 2) Create a life map: When a new obligation comes in, ask yourself “Where in this map does it go?” If you can't find a place that it goes in the map, say no to it. 3) Get Stever's PDF worksheet with the career planning exercise at   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Apr 7, 2016 • 49min

33. Question Your Thoughts and Beliefs to End Suffering with Byron Katie

  Byron Katie is a speaker, author, and world-renowned expert on ending suffering and bringing joy to people's lives. She teaches a method of self-inquiry known as The Work. She is the author of multiple bestselling books including: Loving What Is, I Need Your Love—Is That True?, and A Thousand Names for Joy, Question Your Thinking, Change the World, Who Would You Be Without Your Story?, and for children: Tiger, Tiger, Is It True?. You can find her on Twitter @ByronKatie.   EPISODE Is it possible that any pain and suffering you feel is just a projection of your mind, and can be ended, for good? Byron Katie's method, The Work, has helped countless people around the nation to live happier, more peaceful lives, and she believes that everyone can apply her method to create change.   We Discuss: What is The Work, and how has it helped to end pain and suffering. Learning to forgive and finding peace. Why you should always question your thoughts and beliefs. How to become open to change, and in turn, help those around you.     LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life I Need Your Love - Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are Question Your Thinking, Change The World Who would you be without your story? Tiger-Tiger, Is It True?: Four Questions to Make You Smile Again The Work The Institute for The Work The Tools By Phil Stutz and Barry Michels Byron Katie   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Create a quiet, peaceful space where you can meditate on the four questions and their turnarounds. Write down your feelings and conclusions. 2) Start forgiving people in your life who are causing you pain, even if they are not alive. Forgiveness, letting go, and moving forward has to start within you. 3) Download the free worksheet on, it walks you through the steps of taking care of the entire situation of what you’re thinking and believing to help end suffering.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Mar 31, 2016 • 1h 3min

32. Turn Your Life Insurance Policy into a Nest Egg With Infinite Banking with Ray Poteet

 Ray Poteet is the founder of Alpha and Omega Financial Services, which has recently been rebranded to Living Wealth, and uses the system of Infinite Banking. Using his concepts and financial products, he has provided countless homes, college educations, and retirement plans for families, bettering the lives and financial situations of people around the country.   EPISODE Becoming your own banking system isn't just for the ultra-wealthy. Ray Poteet, founder of Living Wealth, has been helping people to stop paying high interest rates to traditional banks, and start earning that income back themselves through whole life insurance policies. Not only can you earn back your interest and principle, your money will also grow at a much higher interest rate than a savings account, locked in and guaranteed. We Discuss: How Infinite Banking creates your own, personal banking system. Using your account for loans, and why you should want to pay high interest rates. The amount of time it takes to double your income, and how you can change that. Who can use and benefit from the Infinite Banking system.     LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Living Wealth The Tree of Wealth: How to Build a Legacy Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash Phil Town on The Optimized Geek Lifestyle Banking Course   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) The first step in investing in any way is to determine what you can afford. Create a budget and decide what you can set aside for your account every month. 2) Create a contract with terms and conditions for any loans that you may give out to family or friends, it's important for them to understand that it will financially benefit them to pay it back. 3) Check out Ray's course called Lifestyle Banking. It’s nine courses that breaks down Infinite Banking and allows you to contact Ray for a free hour webinar, at no cost to you.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Mar 24, 2016 • 1h 9min

31. Reframing Your Unconscious Mind to Transform Your Beliefs with Ken Dubner

  Ken Dubner is an expert at hypnotherapy, hypnotism, and NLP or neuro linguistic programming. He is a speaker, a certified Master hypnotist, and an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master practitioner. He is the CEO and founder of Mind Training Solutions, and was a comic for A&E. You can find Ken on Twitter @kendubner.   EPISODE Hypnosis can alter your unconscious mind and promote healing. In this episode, Ken Dubner explains how hypnosis isn't at all what you’ve seen in childhood cartoons-it's life-changing and can open you up to new possibilities. We all have deep-rooted fears, some that even affect our daily lives. What if you could stop those fears that hold you back, creating a positive, happier future? You can, and Ken opens up to give us the healing techniques that have helped thousands of people.   We Discuss: The real hypnosis–what it is, and how it works. Using the creative part of your brain to promote change. The techniques that you can use at home to shift your mindset. Real-life stories of how hypnosis has helped Ken and his clients.     LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Mind Training Solutions Provocative Hypnosis   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Be open! Hypnosis and change can't happen unless you are open and willing to accept it. Step number one is allowing yourself to accept changes to your beliefs. 2) Repetition is a great way to connect with your unconscious mind. Start using daily affirmations and guided meditation to relax and create a healing space. 3) See a hypnotherapist for phobias, they can help you to get past your fears by reframing the experience in your mind.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Mar 17, 2016 • 47min

30. Shape Your Future with Hypnosis and Handwriting Analysis with Bart Baggett

  Bart Baggett is a forensic handwriting expert, professional speaker, and author. He’s appeared on over 1,500 radio and TV shows, plus over 14 feature films. He's the founder of Handwriting University, Neuro Audio Therapy, and author of The Magic Question.   EPISODE You may not initially think of handwriting analysis or hypnosis when considering self-development techniques, but here’s why you should. Hypnosis creates an open mind that is more open to finding and accepting new opportunities that can change your life. Your handwriting shows your values and personality traits, giving you the knowledge that you need to problem-solve areas of your life that may not be going as planned. Learn how to use these two methods to create your dream life.   We Discuss: Why hypnosis is nothing like what you’ve seen in movies. How to use handwriting analysis to find the perfect employees.     The perfect music for hypnosis, and why it creates a relaxing state.     How to access Bart’s free gift that can help you to change your life.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Handwriting University The Magic Question Book TEDx The Neuropathway to Happiness Unstoppable You Bart's One Hour Class, Free Gift! Handwriting Wizard Handwriting Analysis Neuro Audio Therapy   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Rephrase your goals to create more possibility of getting what you want-if you want to gain 15 pounds of muscle, you could say “How much fun is it going to be to build muscle?” 2) Create a 30-60 minute recording of yourself using hypnosis techniques and affirmations, set to baroque music. 3) Get Bart's free gift at It's a one hour class that is useful to go through if you're struggling with money, love, or your values-it makes it easy to create change. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Mar 10, 2016 • 1h 9min

29. Building An Empire as a Real Estate Investor with Susan Lassiter-Lyons

  Susan Lassiter-Lyons is a long-time real estate investor and internet marketer. She’s the founder of The Investor Insights. She is the Amazon #1 best-selling author of Getting the Money: The Simple System for Getting Private Money for Your Real Estate Deals. She started her real estate investing career in 1994 and has closed over 600 real estate deals.   EPISODE Investing in real estate may not be a get-rich-quick business, but the long-term income is worth is, and anyone can do it. Susan Lassiter-Lyons shares her journey as a million-dollar real estate investor, and gives us the ins and outs of how to get started, how to find deals, and how to fund them. Whether you are ready to jump into a full-time active investor career, or make extra income without dealing with the logistics, the opportunities are ready to be discovered. We Discuss:    How to start your real estate career-by yourself, or with investors.    Why using other people's money is a good starting point.    Creating a personal business, where clients get exactly what they want.    Automating your business, and sending the right offers.   For complete shownotes and more, please head over to   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED The Investor Insights Getting the Money: The Simple System for Getting Private Money for Your Real Estate Deals 
Getting the Deals Realty Mogul Fundrise Bulk REO Secrets Getting the Money Digital Marketer InfusionSoft OptimizePress LeadPages Zapier   GET OPTIMIZED! 1. Check out crowdfunding options if you want to start investing in real estate, without having to be an active investor. 2. Get personal with your clients, pick up the phone and call them to get their insight on your programs and what they want to see more of. 3. Use Susan's training program, 
Getting the Deals, to learn where and how you can access real estate leads.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

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