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Get Yourself Optimized

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Jul 21, 2016 • 54min

48. Create Balance and Manifest Your Ideal Life with Danelle Magtibay

Danelle Magtibay is a spiritual coach who has studied transformation, breakthrough, success strategies, Universal Laws, and Oneness for the past 25 years. She became a life coach and personal trainer in 1999, and is now one of the top personal coaching experts in her field. She specializes in maximizing human potential, and works with top performance leaders, authors, world leaders, and managers. You can find Danelle on Twitter @danellemagtibay.   EPISODE Life transformations happen when we take control and choose our path for the future. You can decide what you want from life, and manifest that reality. Our emotions, fears, and even our ego can get in the way of happiness, and Danelle Magtibay shares how to change these factors into a force that is bringing you happiness. Rewrite your story and decide the outcome of your life.   We Discuss: How our unconscious brain affects our belief system. How the stories that we tell ourselves become our reality. What the META-METHOD is, and how it can help you to live a higher quality of life. How to end suffering, for good.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED META-METHOD Oneness University The Tools Provocative Hypnosis Mayo Clinic SMART Program Byron Katie on The Optimized Geek   GET OPTIMIZED! Check in with the your emotions before taking action-if you are in a negative situation, you can choose to respond from a positive space The mind is 90% unconscious-if your subconscious says, “I'm not good enough,” you will repel love and success. Learn how to train your mind to stop negative self-talk. Go to, and use the contact form to email Danelle. There. You can ask her questions, or just access the free information available on her website.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jul 14, 2016 • 1h

47. Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life with Aslan Mirkalami

Aslan Mirkalami is a high-performance coach, entrepreneur, and the founder of He’s a certified trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnosis, neuro-hypnotic patterning, human design engineering, and timeline therapy.   EPISODE Everything that happens in your life, from your career, to your love life, can be controlled. Our lives are directly affected by our belief system, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, can change your unconscious mind and bring success into your life.  Manifest your dream reality with Aslan’s expert NLP techniques.   We Discuss: What NLP is , and how Aslan used it to change his family members’ lives . How your belief systems are holding you back. Changing your mindset and finding success. The connection of your body and the “other brain”.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Rugman Provocative Hypnosis Oneness University Email Aslan   GET OPTIMIZED! If you want to manifest, go down to your Dantian brain, and project from that space-your vision will go through your heart, and become your reality. Lose your identity and belief system to connect to your heart and right/left brain to your Dantian brain. When you do that, you enter a very creative world.    Work with Aslan, or contact him with any questions that you have, by emailing him at      THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan   STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jul 7, 2016 • 1h 12min

46. Cultivating Your Concentration with Deep Work with Cal Newport

  Cal Newport is the author of Deep Work and So Good They Can't Ignore You. Deep Work is all about how to work deeply, get in the flow, in the zone, and accomplish more in a day than you would normally accomplish in a week. Cal is an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University.   EPISODE With so many distractions around us-from social media, to email, and even co-workers-it can be difficult to focus on productivity and concentrate on our work. Cal Newport shares the steps to moving forward in your business and career without being interrupted, so you can accomplish more, while committing to your most important work.   We Discuss: What Deep Work is, and why it will help your business. Disengaging from distractions such as social media. The tools that will help you to stay productive. Finding help with admin tasks, so you can focus on more important work.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love Pomodoro Technique Social eCommerce Freedom Slack Mike Vardy on The Optimized Geek Google Calendar Carolyn Ketchum on The Optimized Geek Cal Newport   GET OPTIMIZED! Take free days. Having “you” time is important, so schedule days that     are completely off the grid and spend time with your family or focus     on your hobbies. Dedicate different devices to particular types of work. For instance, if your iPad is dedicated to entertainment only, don’t have it with you while you're working. Set up certain locations that you associate with deep work and focus. It could be a different office, a particular chair, or a completely different building.       THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jun 30, 2016 • 43min

45. Flip Your House and Follow Your Dreams with Margaret Wright

  Margaret Wright is a powerhouse in business and real estate and an expert at flipping houses. Her training program, FlipChick Coaching, teaches women how to successfully flip houses, and her book, Own It: A Girl's Guide to Building Wealth in Real Estate, will come out in the next year or so. You can find Margaret on Twitter @TheFlipChick.   EPISODE Have you ever thought you were destined for more than your current job or career? On this episode of The Optimized Geek, Margaret shares how she went from the IT field with no free time, to flipping houses and living life on her terms. Even if you think that you don’t have the skills or resources to make serious money in real estate, Margaret can change your mind. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who dreams of getting into the flipping game.   We Discuss: The insecurities that don’t have to hold you back anymore. How to dress a house to increase interest. Choosing contractors and vendors. Your role as the owner.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED FlipChick Coaching Home Depot Angie’s List REI Blackbook   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Is your career getting in the way of your dreams?  If so, it may be time to consider a change-visualize your ideal life so that you are able to create it. 2) Don’t rule out house flipping just because you aren’t crafty or handy.  In fact, being too involved in the reno/decor can slow the process. 3) Similarly, don't hire one contractor to do everything.  You want an expert plumber, an expert electrician, etc., not a "jack of all trades.”   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jun 23, 2016 • 60min

44. Stand Out in a Crowded Market with Sally Hogshead

  Sally Hogshead is a branding expert and author of two New York Times bestselling books, Fascinate and How the World Sees You. Sally founded her own ad agency at 27 years old and has worked with clients like Nike, Godiva, Aflac, and Mini Cooper. Her program, How To Fascinate, makes her years of branding expertise available to individuals and small business owners. You can find Sally on Twitter as @SallyHogshead.   EPISODE Your audience is being distracted by an overwhelming amount of noise. You don't just need to draw their attention from your direct competition; you want them to listen to you when the whole internet is calling them. Sally Hogshead has created a complete system to help individuals and small brands stand out from the crowd.   We Discuss: How knowing your “wellspring” and “quicksand” can help you make the most of your time and gifts, and how to apply these principles when hiring new team members. The seven types of communication and why you need to know which one is right for your brand Understanding your primary and secondary advantages and applying that knowledge as you schedule your day. The importance of developing a brand "anthem".   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Fascinate How the World Sees You Fascination Advantage System Fascination Advantage assessment Fascination Profile Additional Fascination programs and products Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler StrengthsFinder Fascination Business System   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Take Sally Hogshead’s Fascination Advantage assessment, free for our listeners with the code “GEEK”. 2) Identify your wellspring, which is work that energizes you-and quicksand, the work that exhausts you. 3) Stop wasting your time with quicksand work! Delegate, discipline, or delete.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jun 16, 2016 • 1h 2min

43. Combat Chronic Pain with Natural Rejuvenation with Tony Molina

  Tony Molina is the co-owner and founder of the Rewire Project, the first practical rejuvenation center in the US. A master teacher of the human mind and body, his wealth of experience includes degrees in high altitude physiology, cognitive neuroscience, biomechanics and exercise science.   EPISODE Many people desperately search for therapies that can relieve chronic pain, improve the function of their body, or improve their athletic performance. The answer may not always be with expensive doctors, surgeries, or long-term prescriptions, but with safer, more natural therapy. Tony Molina works to help people redefine their health, and take back their life.   We Discuss: The benefit of Intermittent Hypoxic Training. How Muscle Activation Therapy can help heal pain and muscle tightness. The success stories of Tony’s clients. The benefits of adding exercise to your daily routine   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED The Rewire Project Power Plate bioDensity John Jaquish on The Optimized Geek   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Try full-body cryotherapy to improve your  circulatory system, your energy levels, nervous system,  and the lymphatic system-you may even lose some weight and inches! 2) Get moving! Exercise is important to our health, range of motion, and helping to decrease pain. Talk to a professional if you need specific moves to help ease problems with pain. 3) Go to to learn more about The Rewire Project and Tony’s work.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan   STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jun 9, 2016 • 1h 8min

42. Transform Your Life Through Intrinsic Happiness and Removal of Toxins with Elissa Fisher Harris

  Elissa Fisher Harris is a certified corporate wellness coach, individual wellness coach and a brand educator in the wellness and natural products industry. She also served as interim CMO and VP of Communications for CellHealth Institute, an advanced stem-cell therapy technology company. She sits on the advisory board of Caligenix, a genetic-based health and wellness lifestyle company in Southern California.   EPISODE To achieve optimal health, you have to find the right physical, mental, and emotional balance-even your mindset on success affects your well-being. Elissa Fisher Harris shares her insight on how we can make use of lesser known therapeutic approaches to become our best selves.   We Discuss: What Impostor Syndrome is , who it affects, and how to overcome it. How environmental toxins affect your health, and how to get tested for toxins. The future of stem-cell therapy. Achieving the ideal work-life balance.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED METal CellHealth Institute 23andMe Caligenix Gallup Poll The Happiness Advantage Puppet Labs The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women by Dr. Valerie Young Immunolabs The Blood Type Lifestyle Dr. D’Adamo Cold Turkey App Focus Booster App Way of Life App Sleep Cycle App Stress Tracker App Healthy Life Guru Email Elissa   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) If you can't pull yourself away from work or social media, use the Cold Turkey App-you can program all of your devices to lock you out of specific apps at specific times. 2) Start training your brain to be happy. For the next 21 days, write down three things that make you happy, and three things that you are grateful for. 3) Read labels on everything that you use, from shampoo to cleaning supplies. Only use natural products, and keep chemicals out of your home.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
Jun 2, 2016 • 1h 7min

41. Improve Your Memorability to Leave an Impression with Carmen Simon

 Carmen Simon is an expert in brain science, and the author of Impossible to Ignore. As a cognitive scientist, Carmen has helped some of the world's most visible brands craft memorable messages by focusing on how the brain works. She is the co-founder of Rexi Media, a presentation design and training company. You can find Carmen on Twitter @AreYouMemorable.   EPISODE Becoming more memorable can influence many aspects of your life, from improving relationships, to growing your sales and brand recognition, or getting a promotion. Carmen Simon shares how you can use variables that impact how you are viewed by others, while also improving your own memory.   We Discuss: How to become more memorable to move forward faster in your business or personal life. Improving your memory through visualization. Using memorability in business presentations to retain information. Becoming unpredictable to capture attention.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Impossible to Ignore Rexi Media PowerPoint Bob Newhart - Stop it Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything SlideShare Carmen on Twitter   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Ask yourself: “To what extent am I predictable?” When our audience can anticipate what happens next, you’re not forcing the brain to stay with you and learn. 2) Use visual cues to improve your memory. Create images in your head around anything that you want to retain, and when you think about that subject, you'll remember the image first. 3) Evoke emotion in your audience, when they become emotionally engaged they have a better chance of remembering the information.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
May 26, 2016 • 1h 12min

40. Manifest Your Dream Relationship to Reinvent Your Life with Renee Piane

  Renee Piane is a pioneer in the dating industry, having been in the professional dating and coaching business for the past 23 years. She is the author of Love Mechanics and Get Real about Love: The Secrets to Opening Your Heart and Finding True Love, and her podcast is Love Mechanics. You can find Renee on Twitter @reneepiane.   EPISODE We often dwell upon achieving  our dream life-bettering our career, earning more income, and having an amazing relationship with our soulmate. What if you could achieve all of that by using a tool as simple as a vision board that would inspire you to take action? You could find true love through picturing your dream life, or relight the spark in your current relationship and remember why you fell in love.   We Discuss: How vision boards and journals can help you realize what you want, and go after it. Why you should keep your attitude positive, and let go of judgements. Keeping your partner happy-even as an ultra-busy professional. Where to find love, and how to open yourself up to finding the perfect partner.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Love Mechanics Podcast Love Mechanics: Power Tools to Build Successful Relationships with Women Get Real about Love: The Secrets to Opening Your Heart & Finding True Love Stephan’s Huffington Post Article The Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz Posterino: Mac Photo Collage App Day One App Free Secrets into the Minds of Women Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt on The Optimized Geek Get Back in the Game Stellar Life Podcast 90 Minute Assessment with Renee Renee Piane   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Try something different to surround yourself with new people. Go to the local coffee shop in your neighborhood, or try a new class or hobby. 2) Keep your mindset positive. When you're negative, it shows in your actions and words. To find love, you have to be open and believe that your true love is out there. 3) If you're serious about finding true love, schedule a 90 minute assessment with Renee. She can design a step-by-step plan to find the partner of your dreams.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook
May 19, 2016 • 31min

39. Finding the Ideal Work-Life Balance Through Outsourcing with Tim Ferriss

  Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and public speaker. He's a guest lecturer in high-tech entrepreneurship at Princeton University, and is the author of the New York Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek. You can find Tim on Twitter @tferriss.   EPISODE While most entrepreneurs and busy professionals are glued to their email and phone, Tim Ferriss mastered the art of delegating. The majority of your to-do list can be outsourced, and with a little direction, a virtual assistant can free up your time, allowing you to work less while earning more.   We Discuss: Where you can find virtual assistants, and why a group is better than one. How to determine what you should delegate, and what you should work on yourself. How to decide on a fair pay rate. Hiring the right candidates and avoiding costly mistakes.   LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED The 4-Hour Workweek GetFriday Elance   GET OPTIMIZED! 1) Search for virtual assistant groups or websites that have several team members, so if someone gets sick, fired, or quits your project will not be left unfinished. 2) After finding a few trustworthy candidates to outsource to, assign them all 20-30 minute tasks to test their communication and turnaround time. 3) Check out Tim's book The 4-Hour Workweek to get more inside tips on how to effectively delegate and find more time for your personal life.   THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -Stephan STAY CONNECTED Reboot and Improve Your Life - Free Guide | Twitter | Facebook

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