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Aug 16, 2018 • 51min

DoorDash Engineering with Raghav Ramesh

DoorDash is a last mile logistics company that connects customers with their favorite national and local businesses. When a customer orders from a restaurant, DoorDash needs to identify the ideal driver for picking up the order from the restaurant and dropping it off with the customer. This process of matching an order to a driver takes in many different factors. Let’s say I order spaghetti from an Italian restaurant. How long does the spaghetti take to prepare? How much traffic is there in different areas of the city? Who are the different drivers who could potentially pick the spaghetti up? Are there other orders near the Italian restaurant, that we could co-schedule the spaghetti delivery with? In order to perform this matching of drivers and orders, DoorDash builds machine learning models that take into account historical data. In today’s episode, Raghav Ramesh explains how DoorDash’s data platform works, and how that data is used to build machine learning models. We also explore the machine learning model release process—which involves backtesting, shadowing, and gradual rollout. The post DoorDash Engineering with Raghav Ramesh appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Aug 8, 2018 • 57min

Self-Driving Engineering with George Hotz

In the smartphone market there are two dominant operating systems: one closed source (iPhone) and one open source (Android). The market for self-driving cars could play out the same way, with a company like Tesla becoming the closed source iPhone of cars, and a company like developing the open source Android of self-driving cars. George Hotz is the CEO of Comma makes hardware devices that allow users with “normal” cars to be augmented with advanced cruise control and lane assist features. This means you can take your own car–for example, a Toyota Prius–and outfit your car to have something similar to the Tesla Autopilot. Comma’s hardware devices cost under $1000 to order online. George joins the show to explain how the Comma hardware and software stack works in detail–from the low level interface with a car’s CAN bus to the high level machine learning infrastructure. Users who purchase the hardware drive around with a camera facing the front of their windshield. This video is used to orient the state of the car in space. The video from that camera also gets saved and uploaded to Comma’s servers. Comma can use this video together with labeled events from the user’s driving experience to crowdsource their model for self-driving. For example, if a user is driving down a long stretch of highway, and they turn on the driving assistance, the car will start driving itself and the video capture will begin. If the car begins to swerve into another lane, the user will take over for the car and the Comma system will disengage. This “disengagement” event gets labeled as such, and when that data makes it back to Comma’s servers, Comma can use the data to update their models. George is very good at explaining complex engineering topics, and is also quite entertaining and open to discussing the technology as well as other competitors in the autonomous car space. I have not been able to get many other people on the show to talk about autonomous cars, so this was quite refreshing! I hope to do more in the future. The post Self-Driving Engineering with George Hotz appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jul 19, 2018 • 47min

Botchain with Rob May

“Bots” are becoming increasingly relevant to our everyday interactions with technology. A bot sometimes mediates the interactions of two people. Examples of bots include automated reply systems, intelligent chat bots, classification systems, and prediction machines. These systems are often powered by machine learning systems that are black boxes to the user. Today’s guest Rob May argues that these systems should be auditable and accountable, and that using a blockchain-based identity system for bots is a viable solution to the machine learning auditability problem. Rob is the CEO of Talla, a knowledge base provider for business teams. The Botchain project was spun out of Talla as a solution to the problem of bot identity. In this episode, we talk about Botchain and the application of blockchain to bot identity, the current state of ICOs, and the viability of utility token ecosystems. Botchain has its own cryptotoken called “Botcoin.” The post Botchain with Rob May appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jul 13, 2018 • 54min

Machine Learning Deployments with Diego Oppenheimer

Machine learning models allow our applications to perform highly accurate inferences. A model can be used to classify a picture as a cat, or to predict what movie I might want to watch. But before a machine learning model can be used to make these inferences, the model must be trained and deployed. In the training process, a machine learning model consumes a data set and learns from it. The training process can consume significant resources. After the training process is over, you have a trained model that you need to get into production. This is known as the “deployment” step. Deployment can be a hard problem. You are taking a program from a training environment to a production environment. A lot can change between these two environments. In production, your model is running on a different machine–which can lead to compatibility issues. If your model serves a high volume of requests, it might need to scale up. In production, you also need caching, and monitoring, and logging. Large companies like Netflix, Uber, and Facebook have built their own internal systems to control the pipeline of getting a model from training into production. Companies who are newer to machine learning can struggle with this deployment process, and these companies usually don’t have the resources to build their own machine learning platform like Netflix. Diego Oppenheiner is the CEO of Algorithmia, a company that has built a system for automating machine learning deployments. This is the second cool product that Algorithmia has built, the first being the algorithm marketplace that we covered in an episode a few years ago. In today’s show, Diego describes the challenges of deploying a machine learning model into production, and how that product was a natural complement to the algorithms marketplace. Full disclosure: Algorithmia is a sponsor of Software Engineering Daily. The post Machine Learning Deployments with Diego Oppenheimer appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jul 5, 2018 • 57min

Machine Learning Stroke Identification with David Golan

When a patient comes into the hospital with stroke symptoms, the hospital will give that patient a CAT scan, a 3-dimensional imaging of the patient’s brain. The CAT scan needs to be examined by a radiologist, and the radiologist will decide whether to refer the patient to an interventionist–a surgeon who can perform an operation to lower the risk of long-term damage to the patient’s brain function. After getting the CAT scan, the patient might wait for hours before a radiologist has a chance to look at the scan. In that period of time, the patient’s brain function might be rapidly degrading. To speed up this workflow, a company called built a machine learning model that can recognize whether a patient is at high risk of stroke consequences or not. Many people have predicted that radiologists will be automated away by machine learning in the coming years. This episode presents a much more realistic perspective: first of all, we don’t have nearly enough radiologists, so if we can create automated radiologists that would be a very good thing; second of all, even in this workflow with a cutting-edge machine learning radiologist, you still need the human radiologist in the loop. David Golan is the CTO at, and in today’s show he explains why he is working on a system for automated stroke identification, and the engineering challenges in building that system. Transcript Transcript provided by We Edit Podcasts. Software Engineering Daily listeners can go to to get 20% off the first two months of audio editing and transcription services. Thanks to We Edit Podcasts for partnering with SE Daily. Please click here to view this show’s transcript. The post Machine Learning Stroke Identification with David Golan appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jun 15, 2018 • 51min

Digital Evolution with Joel Lehman, Dusan Misevic, and Jeff Clune

Evolutionary algorithms can generate surprising, effective solutions to our problems. Evolutionary algorithms are often let loose within a simulated environment. The algorithm is given a function to optimize for, and the engineers expect that algorithm to evolve a solution that optimizes for the objective function given the constraints of the simulated environment. But sometimes these results are not exactly what we are looking for. For example, imagine an evolutionary algorithm that tries to evolve a creature that does a flip within a simulated physics engine that mirrors the real world. You could imagine all sorts of evolutionary traits. Maybe the creature will evolve to have legs that are like springs, and let the creature jump high enough to do a flip. Maybe the creature will develop normal legs with strong muscles that propel the creature high enough to flip. But you wouldn’t expect the creature to evolve to be extremely tall–so tall that the creature can merely lean over fast enough so that the top of its body flips upside down. In one experiment, this is exactly what happened. In another, similar experiment, the evolving creature discovered a bug in the physics engine of the simulated environment. This creature was able to exploit the problem with this physics engine to be able to move in ways that would not be possible in our real-world physical universe. Evolutionary algorithms sometimes evolve solutions in ways that we don’t expect. Researchers usually throw those results away, because they don’t contribute to the result that the researchers are looking for. The consequence is that lots of interesting anecdotes get lost. Joel Lehman, Dusan Misevic, and Jeff Clune are the lead authors of the paper “The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution.” The paper was a collection of anecdotes about strange results within the world of digital evolution. They join the show to describe what digital evolution is and some of the strange results that they surveyed in their paper. Joel and Jeff are engineers at Uber’s artificial intelligence division–so this topic has applicable importance to them. Machine learning is all about evolution within simulated environments, and developing safe algorithms for AI requires an understanding of what can go wrong in a poorly defined evolutionary system. The post Digital Evolution with Joel Lehman, Dusan Misevic, and Jeff Clune appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jun 7, 2018 • 56min

Future of Computing with John Hennessy

Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit double about every two years. Moore’s Law is less like a “law” and more like an observation or a prediction. Moore’s Law is ending. We can no longer fit an increasing amount of transistors in the same amount of space with a highly predictable rate. Dennard scaling is also coming to an end. Dennard scaling is the observation that as transistors get smaller, the power density stays constant. These changes in hardware trends have downstream effects for software engineers. Most importantly–power consumption becomes much more important. As a software engineer, how does power consumption affect you? It means that inefficient software will either run more slowly or cost more money relative to our expectations in the past. Whereas software engineers writing code 15 years ago could comfortably project that their code would get significantly cheaper to run over time due to hardware advances, the story is more complicated today. Why is Moore’s Law ending? And what kinds of predictable advances in technology can we still expect? John Hennessy is the chairman of Alphabet. In 2017, he won a Turing award (along with David Patterson) for his work on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Compiler) architecture. From 2000 to 2016, he was the president of Stanford University. John joins the show to explore the future of computing. While we may not have the predictable benefits of Moore’s Law and Dennard scaling, we now have machine learning. It is hard to plot the advances of machine learning on any one chart (as we explored in a recent episode with OpenAI). But we can say empirically that machine learning is working quite well in production. If machine learning offers us such strong advances in computing, how can we change our hardware design process to make machine learning more efficient? As machine learning training workloads eat up more resources in a data center, engineers are developing domain specific chips which are optimized for those machine learning workloads. The Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) from Google is one such example. John mentioned that chips could become even more specialized within the domain of machine learning. You could imagine a chip that is specifically designed for an LSTM machine learning model. There are other domains where we could see specialized chips–drones, self-driving cars, wearable computers. In this episode, John describes his perspective on the future of computing and offers some framework for how engineers can adapt to that future. Show Notes   The post Future of Computing with John Hennessy appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Jun 4, 2018 • 58min

OpenAI: Compute and Safety with Dario Amodei

Applications of artificial intelligence are permeating our everyday lives. We notice it in small ways–improvements to speech recognition; better quality products being recommended to us; cheaper goods and services that have dropped in price because of more intelligent production. But what can we quantitatively say about the rate at which artificial intelligence is improving? How fast are models advancing? Do the different fields in artificial intelligence all advance together, or are they improving separately from each other? In other words, if the accuracy of a speech recognition model doubles, does that mean that the accuracy of image recognition will double also? It’s hard to know the answer to these questions. Machine learning models trained today can consume 300,000 times the amount of compute that could be consumed in 2012. This does not necessarily mean that models are 300,000 times better–these training algorithms could just be less efficient than yesterday’s models, and therefore are consuming more compute. We can observe from empirical data that models tend to get better with more data. Models also tend to get better with more compute. How much better do they get? That varies from application to application, from speech recognition to language translation. But models do seem to improve with more compute and more data. Dario Amodei works at OpenAI, where he leads the AI safety team. In a post called “AI and Compute,” Dario observed that the consumption of machine learning training runs is increasing exponentially–doubling every 3.5 months. In this episode, Dario discusses the implications of increased consumption of compute in the training process. Dario’s focus is AI safety. AI safety encompasses both the prevention of accidents and the prevention of deliberate malicious AI application. Today, humans are dying in autonomous car crashes–this is an accident. The reward functions of social networks are being exploited by botnets and fake, salacious news–this is malicious. The dangers of AI are already affecting our lives on the axes of accidents and malice. There will be more accidents, and more malicious applications–the question is what to do about it. What general strategies can be devised to improve AI safety? After Dario and I talk about the increased consumption of compute by training algorithms, we explore the implications of this increase for safety researchers. The post OpenAI: Compute and Safety with Dario Amodei appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
May 21, 2018 • 57min

Voice with Rita Singh

A sample of the human voice is a rich piece of unstructured data. Voice recordings can be turned into visualizations called spectrograms. Machine learning models can be trained to identify features of these spectrograms. Using this kind of analytic strategy, breakthroughs in voice analysis are happening at an amazing pace. Rita Singh researches voice at Carnegie Mellon University. Her work studies the high volume of latent data that is available in the human voice. As she explains, just a small fragment of a human voice can be used to identify who a speaker is. Your voice is as distinctive as your fingerprint. Your voice can also reveal medical conditions. Features of the human voice can be strongly correlated with psychiatric symptom severity, and potentially heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. The human voice can even suggest a person’s physique–your height, weight, and facial features. In this episode, Rita explains the machine learning techniques that she uses to uncover the hidden richness of the human voice. The post Voice with Rita Singh appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
May 19, 2018 • 1h 10min

Machine Learning with Data Skeptic and Second Spectrum at Telesign

Data Skeptic is a podcast about machine learning, data science, and how software affects our lives. The first guest on today’s episode is Kyle Polich, the host of Data Skeptic. Kyle is one of the best explainers of machine learning concepts I have met, and for this episode, he presented some material that is perfect for this audience: machine learning for software engineers. Second Spectrum is a company that analyzes data from professional sports, turning that data into visualizations, reports, and futuristic sports viewing experiences. We had a previous show about Second Spectrum where we went into the company in detail–it was an excellent show, so I wanted to have Kevin Squire, an engineer from Spectrum, come on the show to talk about how the company builds machine learning tools to analyze sports data. If you have not seen any of the visualizations from Second Spectrum, stop what you are doing and watch a video on it! This year we have had three Software Engineering Daily Meetups: in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. At each of these Meetups, listeners from the SE Daily community got to meet each other and talk about software–what they are building and what they are excited about. I was happy to be in attendance at each of these, and I am posting the talks given by our presenters. The audio quality is not perfect on these, but there are also no ads. Thanks to Telesign for graciously providing a space and some delicious food for our Meetup. Telesign has beautiful offices in Los Angeles, and they make SMS, voice, and data solutions. If you are looking for secure and reliable communications APIs, check them out. We’d love to have you as part of our community. We will have more Meetups eventually, and you can be notified of these by signing up for our newsletter. Come to and get involved with the discussion of episodes and software projects. You can also check out our open source projects–the mobile apps, and our website. The post Machine Learning with Data Skeptic and Second Spectrum at Telesign appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

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