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Dec 27, 2018 • 52min

Self-Driving Deep Learning with Lex Fridman Holiday Repeat

Originally posted on 28 July 2017. Self-driving cars are here. Fully autonomous systems like Waymo are being piloted in less complex circumstances. Human-in-the-loop systems like Tesla Autopilot navigate drivers when it is safe to do so, and lets the human take control in ambiguous circumstances. Computers are great at memorization, but not yet great at reasoning. We cannot enumerate to a computer every single circumstance that a car might find itself in. The computer needs to perceive its surroundings, plan how to take action, execute control over the situation, and respond to changing circumstances inside and outside of the car. Lex Fridman has worked on autonomous vehicles with companies like Google and Tesla. He recently taught a class on deep learning for semi-autonomous vehicles at MIT, which is freely available online. There was so much ground to cover in this conversation. Most of the conversation was higher level. How do you even approach the problem? What is the hardware and software architecture of a car? I enjoyed talking to Lex, and if you want to hear more from him check out his podcast Take It Uneasy, which is about jiu jitsu, judo, wrestling, and learning. The post Self-Driving Deep Learning with Lex Fridman Holiday Repeat appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Nov 21, 2018 • 45min

Poker Artificial Intelligence with Noam Brown Holiday Repeat

Originally posted on May 12, 2015. Humans have now been defeated by computers at heads up no-limit holdem poker. Some people thought this wouldn’t be possible. Sure, we can teach a computer to beat a human at Go or Chess. Those games have a smaller decision space. There is no hidden information. There is no bluffing. Poker must be different! It is too human to be automated. The game space of poker is different than that of Go. It has 10^160 different situations–which is more than the number of atoms in the universe. And the game space keeps getting bigger as the stack sizes of the two competitors gets bigger. But it is still possible for a computer to beat a human at calculating game theory optimal decisions–if you approach the problem correctly. Libratus was developed by CMU professor Tuomas Sandholm, along with my guest today Noam Brown. The Libratus team taught their AI the rules of poker, they gave it a reward function (to win as much money as possible), and they told it to optimize that reward function. Then they had Libratus train itself with simulations. After enough training, Libratus was ready to crush human competitors, which it did in hilarious, entertaining fashion. There is a video from Engadget on YouTube about the AI competing against professional humans. In this episode, Noam Brown explains how they built Libratus, what it means for poker players, and what the implications are for humanity–if we can automate poker, what can’t we automate? Stay tuned at the end of this episode for the Indeed Prime tip on hiring developers. The post Poker Artificial Intelligence with Noam Brown Holiday Repeat appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Nov 16, 2018 • 1h 5min

Reflow: Distributed Incremental Processing with Marius Eriksen

The volume of data in the world is always increasing. The costs of storing that data is always decreasing. And the means for processing that data is always evolving. Sensors, cameras, and other small computers gather large quantities of data from the physical world around us. User analytics tools gather information about how we are interacting with the Internet. Logging servers collect terabytes of records about how our systems are performing. From the popularity of MapReduce, to the rise of open source distributed processing frameworks like Spark and Flink, to the wide variety of cloud services like BigQuery: there is an endless set of choices for how to analyze gigantic sets of data. Machine learning training and inference is another dimension of the modern data engineering stack. Whereas tools like Spark and BigQuery are great for performing ad-hoc queries, systems like TensorFlow are optimized for the model training and deployment process. Stitching together these tools allows a developer to compose workflows for how data pipelines progress through a data engineering system. One popular tool for this is Apache Airflow, which was created in 2014 and is widely used at companies like Airbnb. Over the next few years, we will see a proliferation of new tools in the world of data engineering–and for good reason. There is a wealth of opportunity for companies to leverage their data to make better decisions, and potentially to clean and offer their internal data as APIs and pre-trained machine learning models. Today, there is a vast number of enterprises who are modernizing their software development process with Kubernetes, cloud providers, and continuous delivery. Eventually, these enterprises will improve their complex software architecture, and will move from a defensive position to an offensive one. These enterprises will shift their modernization efforts from “DevOps” to “DataOps”, and thousands of software vendors will be ready to sell them new software for modernizing their data platform. There is not a consensus for the best way to build and run a “data platform”. Nearly every company we have talked to on the show has a different definition and a different architecture for their “data platform”: Doordash, Dremio, Prisma, Uber, MapR, Snowflake, Confluent, Databricks… We don’t expect to have a concise answer for how to run a data platform any time soon–but on the bright side, data infrastructure seems to be improving. Companies are increasingly able to ask questions about their data and get quick answers, in contrast to the data breadlines that were so prevalent five years ago. Today we cover yet another approach to large scale data processing. Reflow is a system for incremental data processing in the cloud. Reflow includes a functional, domain specific language for writing workflow programs, a runtime for evaluating those programs incrementally, and a scheduler for dynamically provisioning resources for those workflows. Reflow was created for large bioinformatics workloads, but should be broadly applicable to scientific and engineering computing workloads. Reflow  evaluates programs incrementally. Whenever the input data or the program changes, only the outputs that depend on the changes are recomputed. This minimizes the amount of recomputation that needs to be performed across a computational graph. Marius Eriksen is the creator of Reflow and an engineer at GRAIL. He joins the show to discuss the motivation for a new data processing system–which involves explaining why workloads in bioinformatics are different than in some other domains. The post Reflow: Distributed Incremental Processing with Marius Eriksen appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Nov 7, 2018 • 51min

Computer Architecture with Dave Patterson

An instruction set defines a low level programming language for moving information throughout a computer. In the early 1970’s, the prevalent instruction set language used a large vocabulary of different instructions. One justification for a large instruction set was that it would give a programmer more freedom to express the logic of their programs. Many of these instructions were rarely used. Think of your favorite programming language (or your favorite human language). What percentage of words in the vocabulary do you need to communicate effectively? We sometimes call these language features “syntactic sugar”. They add expressivity to a language, but may not improve functionality or efficiency. These extra language features can have a cost. Dave Patterson and John Hennessy created the RISC architecture: Reduced Instruction Set Compiler architecture. RISC proposed reducing the size of the instruction set so that the important instructions could be optimized for. Programs would become more efficient, easier to analyze, and easier to debug. Dave Patterson’s first paper on RISC was rejected. He continued to research the architecture and advocate for it. Eventually RISC became widely accepted, and Dave won a Turing Award together with John Hennessy. Dave joins the show to talk about his work on RISC and his continued work in computer science research to the present. He is involved in the Berkeley RISELab and works at Google on the Tensor Processing Unit. Machine learning is an ocean of new scientific breakthroughs and applications that will change our lives. It was inspiring to hear Dave talk about the changing nature of computing, from cloud computing to security to hardware design. The post Computer Architecture with Dave Patterson appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Oct 31, 2018 • 50min

Diffbot: Knowledge Graph API with Mike Tung

Google Search allows humans to find and access information across the web. A human enters an unstructured query into the search box, the search engine provides several links as a result, and the human clicks on one of those links. That link brings up a web page, which is a set of unstructured data. Humans can read and understand news articles, videos, and Wikipedia pages. Google Search solves the problem of organizing and distributing all of the unstructured data across the web, for humans to consume. Diffbot is a company with a goal of solving a related, but distinctly different problem: how to derive structure from the unstructured web, understand relationships within that structure, and allow machines to utilize those relationships through APIs. Mike Tung is the founder of Diffbot. He joins the show to talk about the last decade that he has spent building artificial intelligence applications, from his research at Stanford to a mature, widely used product in Diffbot. I have built a few applications with Diffbot, and I encourage anyone who is a tinkerer or prototype builder to play around with it. It’s an API for accessing web pages as structured data. Diffbot crawls the entire web, parsing websites, using NLP and NLU to comprehend those pages, and using probabilistic estimations to draw relationships between entities. It’s an ambitious product, and Mike has been working on it for a long time. I enjoyed our conversation. Show Notes Knowledge Graph Search Widget Knowledge Graph, AI Web Data Extraction and Crawling | Diffbot Knowledge Graph | Diffbot Automatic APIs: automatically extract content from web pages Web Crawler API: Crawlbot Diffblog | Structured Data Blog Introducing the Diffbot Knowledge Graph | Diffblog Diffbot launches AI-powered knowledge graph of 1 trillion facts about people, places, and things | VentureBeat Web crawler – Wikipedia Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques for Extracting Information | Search Technologies We recently launched a new podcast: Fintech Daily! Fintech Daily is about payments, cryptocurrencies, trading, and the intersection between finance and technology. You can find it on or Apple and Google podcasts. We are looking for other hosts who want to participate. If you are interested in becoming a host, send us an email: The post Diffbot: Knowledge Graph API with Mike Tung appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Oct 30, 2018 • 54min

Drift: Sales Bot Engineering with David Cancel

David Cancel has started five companies, most recently Drift. Drift is a conversational marketing and sales platform. David has a depth of engineering skills and a breadth of business experience that make him an amazing source of knowledge. In today’s episode, David discusses topics ranging from the technical details of making a machine learning-driven sales platform to the battle scars from his early career, when he spent a lot of time building products that people did not want. He has found success by focusing on building software that the market has shown a desire for. Chatbots were a popular, trendy subject a few years ago. The success of chatbots manifested in them fading into the background, and becoming a subtle, increasing part of our everyday interactions. Not every online interaction can be replaced by a chatbot, but many online interactions can be made more efficient by using chatbots. Chatbots can serve well-defined information, like product features, or the hours of operation of a business. When a chatbot gets a question that it cannot answer, the bot can route the conversation to a human. When a customer lands on a web page of a company using Drift, they see a chat box appear in the corner of the screen. The customer is able to communicate through that chat box with a bot that represents the company. The customer can learn about the product, schedule a call with a salesperson, and get other useful utilities from the Drift sales bot. The Drift chatbot messaging system is handled by Elixir/Erlang. Erlang is widely known as the messaging language that was used to scale WhatsApp while maintaining high availability. On the backend, Java services take the interactions from the Driftbot and pull it into a CRM, which allows sales and marketing people to manage information about the customers that are interacting with the chatbot. David gives lots more detail around the engineering stack, the deployment model, and his thoughts on the business and modern engineering. We recently launched a new podcast: Fintech Daily! Fintech Daily is about payments, cryptocurrencies, trading, and the intersection between finance and technology. You can find it on or Apple and Google podcasts. We are looking for other hosts who want to participate. If you are interested in becoming a host, send us an email: The post Drift: Sales Bot Engineering with David Cancel appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Oct 11, 2018 • 1h 1min

Generative Models with Doug Eck

Google Brain is an engineering team focused on deep learning research and applications. One growing area of interest within Google Brain is that of generative models. A generative model uses neural networks and a large data set to create new data similar to the ones that the network has seen before. One approach to making use of generative models is GANs: generative adversarial networks. GANs can use a generative model (which creates new examples) together with a discriminator model (which can classify examples). As an example, let’s take the task of generating new pictures of cats. We want an artificial cat picture generator. First, we train a discriminator by feeding it billions of example pictures of cats. We now have a model that can tell what a cat is. Next, we make a model that generates completely random images. We feed those randomly generated images to the discriminator. The discriminator outputs a “loss” for these random images. Loss is a metric we can use to represent how far off a given image is from being something that the discriminator would recognize as a cat. Finally, you can feed this “loss” back into the generative model, so that the generative model will adjust its weights in a way that will reduce loss. Over time, the generator gets better and better at reducing loss, until the discriminator starts believing that some of these semi-random images are actually cats. Generative model systems have produced useful applications, such as object detection, image editing, and text-to-image generation. Today’s guest Doug Eck works on the Magenta team at Google Brain. Magenta uses applications of deep learning to produce tools and experiments around music, art, and creativity. In a previous show, Doug described his vision for humans and computers to work together on creative tasks such as music. Today, we dive into some of the core machine learning building blocks that make machine creativity possible. The post Generative Models with Doug Eck appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Sep 11, 2018 • 51min

Real Estate Machine Learning with Or Hiltch

Stock traders have access to high volumes of information to help them make decisions on whether to buy an asset. A trader who is considering buying a share of Google stock can find charts, reports, and statistical tools to help with their decision. There are a variety of machine learning products to help a technical investor create models of how a stock price might change in the future. Real estate investors do not have access to the same data and tooling. Most people who invest in apartment buildings are using a combination of experience, news, and basic reports. Real estate data is very different from stock data. Real estate assets are not fungible–each one is arguably unique from all others, whereas one share of Google stock is the same as another share. But there are commonalities between real estate assets. Just like collaborative filtering can be applied to find a new movie that is similar to the ones you have watched on Netflix, comparable analysis can be used to find an apartment building that is very similar to another apartment building which recently appreciated in asset value. is a company that is building tools and machine learning models for real estate investors. Or Hiltch is the CTO at and he joins the show to explain how to apply machine learning to real estate investing. He also describes the mostly serverless architecture of the company. This is one of the first companies we have talked to that is so heavily on managed services and functions-as-a-service.   Show Notes Skyline AI – Technology Skyline AI – Investment Platform Skyline AI raises $3M from Sequoia Capital to help real estate investors make better decisions | TechCrunch Skyline AI raises $18M Series A for its machine learning-based real estate investment tech | TechCrunch Israeli real estate tech startup Skyline AI raises $18 mln | Reuters Or Hiltch: Serverless ETLs at Skyline AI // Serverless Days TLV – YouTube Machine Learning in Real Estate – Trends and Applications Presented What are some machine learning applications in the real estate space? – Quora The Potential of Machine Learning Real Estate Valuation Models (5 mins) | Cornell Real Estate Review The post Real Estate Machine Learning with Or Hiltch appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Aug 31, 2018 • 58min

RideOS: Fleet Management with Rohan Paranjpe

Self-driving transportation will be widely deployed at some point in the future. How far off is that future? There are widely varying estimations: maybe you will summon a self-driving Uber in a New York within 5 years, or maybe it will take 20 years to work out all of the challenges in legal and engineering. Between now and the self-driving future, there will be a long span of time where cars are semi-autonomous. Maybe your car is allowed to drive itself in certain areas of the city. Maybe your car can theoretically drive itself in 99% of conditions, but the law requires you to be behind the wheel until the algorithms get just a little bit better. While we wait for self-driving to be widely deployed to consumers, a lot could change in the market. We know about Uber, Lyft, Waymo, Tesla and Cruise. But what about the classic car companies like Ford, Mercedes Benz, and Volkswagen? These companies are great at making cars, and they have hired teams of engineers working on self-driving. But self-driving functionality is not the only piece of software you need to compete as a transportation company. You also need to build a marketplace for your autonomous vehicles, because in the future, far fewer people will want to own a car. Customers will want to use transportation as a service. RideOS is a company that is building fleet management and navigation software. If you run a company that is building autonomous cars, you need to solve the problem of making an autonomous, safe robot that can drive you around. Building an autonomous car is hard, but to go to market as a next-generation transportation company, you also need fleet management software, so you can deploy your cars in an Uber-like transportation system. And you need navigation software so that your cars know how to drive around. RideOS lets a car company like Ford focus on building cars by providing a set of SDKs and cloud services for managing and navigating fleets of cars. Rohan Paranjpe joins today’s show to talk about the world of self-driving cars. Rohan worked at Tesla and Uber before joining RideOS, so he has a well-informed perspective on a few directions the self-driving car market might go in. The post RideOS: Fleet Management with Rohan Paranjpe appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.
Aug 23, 2018 • 51min

Stitch Fix Engineering with Cathy Polinsky

Stitch Fix is a company that recommends packages of clothing based on a set of preferences that the user defines and updates over time. Stitch Fix’s software platform includes the website, data engineering infrastructure, and warehouse software. Stitch Fix has over 5000 employees, including a large team of engineers. Cathy Polinsky is the CTO of Stitch Fix. In today’s show Cathy describes how the infrastructure has changed as the company has grown–including the process of moving the platform from Heroku to AWS, and the experience of scaling and refactoring a large monolithic database. Cathy also talked about the management structure, the hiring process, and engineering compensation at Stitch Fix. The post Stitch Fix Engineering with Cathy Polinsky appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

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