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Google Cloud Platform Podcast

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Feb 10, 2021 • 42min

Google Cloud Game Servers with Mark Mandel

Former GCP Podcast host Mark Mandel is our guest this week. He’s talking Google Cloud Game Servers, Agones, and more with Mark Mirchandani and guest host Stephanie Wong. Mark explains how dedicated game servers work and why gaming has embraced the idea of dedicated servers. Online multiplayer gaming with its need for fast, consistent state sharing among players benefits from dedicated servers and offers cheating mitigation and reduced latency, as well as development flexibility. He tells us a little about the history of the open source project, Agones, and how it has helped Kubernetes run memory-state games efficiently on these dedicated servers. Google Cloud Game Servers work with layers of products to create a seamless multiplayer environment. Mark details this process and how Kubernetes, GKE, and Agones work together with these servers to accomplish this goal at scale. This situation is ideal for developers looking for the customizability and flexibility of a self-controlled system rather than a fully managed lift and shift model. Mark talks about the features of GCGS, including the versioning configuration system that allows you to create multiple configurations, and roll outs that give you control over distribution. We also learn a little about game building best practices and how Mark and his team advise and educate other game developers. Mark Mandel Mark Mandel is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Hailing from Australia, Mark built his career developing backend web applications which included several widely adopted open source projects, and running an international conference in Melbourne for several years. Since then he has focused on becoming a polyglot developer, building systems in Go, JRuby and Clojure on a variety of infrastructures. In his spare time he plays with his dog, trains martial arts, and reads too much fantasy literature. Cool things of the week Google Cloud Docs Samples docs Limiting public IPs on Google Cloud blog Interview Google Cloud Game Servers site Agones site Agones Prerequisite Knowledge docs Kubernetes site GKE site Online Game Technology, Drawn Badly videos GCP Podcast Episode 142: Agones with Mark Mandel and Cyril Tovena podcast GCP Podcast Episode 202: Supersolid with Kami May podcast Multiplay site Accelbyte site Improbable site Find the right Google Cloud partner site Game Developers Conference site Agones on Slack site Agones on Twitter site Mark Mandel on Twitch site Mark Mandel on YouTube site What’s something cool you’re working on? Stephanie is working on Season of Scale season 5 and a data center animated series that will launch in a few weeks! Sound Effects Attribution “TrumpetBrassFanfare.wav” by ohforheavensake of “8-bit Video Game Sounds.wav” by ProjectsU012 of “music elevator.wav” by Jay_You of
Feb 3, 2021 • 39min

Botcopy with Dustin Dye and Alex Seegers

Dustin Dye and Alex Seegers of Botcopy are on the show today, chatting with hosts Mark Mirchandani and Priyanka Vergadia. Botcopy uses advanced AI technology along with excellent copy writing to create better chat bots. The software works directly on a company website and doesn’t require a login, allowing chats to stay anonymous. Our guests explain that their chat bots are treated like virtual employees, built and trained to function and speak appropriately for their specific job. Copy writing is an important part of this, as the conversational AI should continue to support the brand being represented and conversations should flow naturally. The bot personalities are developed through written copy and interactions with customers in instances like customer service, lead generation, and even some internal employee management needs. Later, we talk about how Dialogflow and Botcopy work together, including how Botcopy adds important user context to the conversation to facilitate more accurate bot responses. We hear more about Dialogflow CX and how the modular builder makes designing and controlling bot conversations easier. CX has also made managing multiple bots on a single account easier and team collaboration more efficient. The visual builder available in CX offers a better chatbot design experience, especially when multiple teams are working on the same bot. We hear examples of great use-cases for Botcopy, like restaurant menus, clinical trials, and more. Alex and Dustin give developers valuable advice about working with clients to build their bots. Test early and often to build a robust bot capable of handling many situations. It’s important to have an analytics system in place to identify possible improvement areas as well. Dustin Dye Dustin Dye is co-founder and CEO of Botcopy. After developing branded character and dialogue content for the #1 business bots on Messenger and Slack, Dustin launched Botcopy in 2017. Before co-founding Botcopy, Dustin had co-founded Expert Dojo, one of Silicon Beach’s largest startup incubator, serving, mentoring, and securing funding for some of the most exciting businesses coming out of LA. Dustin is a frequent keynote speaker at leading Chatbot conferences in the US and abroad. Alexander Seegers Alexander Seegers is a co-founder and COO of Botcopy and heads up the product team. He holds a Business degree from Northeastern and UX certification from General Assembly. Alex has consulted tech leaders at Fortune 500 companies worldwide, spearheading their forays into conversational AI for multiple use cases at the enterprise level. In addition to big-picture leadership and vision, Alex is adept at numerous coding languages and complex systems architecture. Cool things of the week Introducing WebSockets, HTTP/2 and gRPC bidirectional streams for Cloud Run blog Take the first step toward SRE with Cloud Operations Sandbox blog Interview Botcopy site Botcopy Blog blog Contact Botcopy email Dialogflow site Miro site What’s something cool you’re working on? Priyanka is working on Dialogflow CX episodes for the Deconstructing Chatbots series.
Jan 27, 2021 • 45min

Intel with Rebecca Weekly

Welcome back to a new year of Google Cloud Platform Podcasts! Mark Mirchandani and Emma Iwao host the first show of 2021 with special guest Rebecca Weekly of Intel. She joins us to talk about the partnership between Google Cloud and Intel. Describing the company’s goals of gathering, storing, managing, and analyzing data in all its forms to unlock the power of technology and information, Rebecca points out how well these align with Google’s own goals and why the partnership is such a natural fit. Rebecca explains the four pillars of the Google-Intel partnership, including the focus on infrastructure and app modernization to elevate the user experience. Through their work with Google, Intel has been able to optimize the move from on prem to cloud for those clients who choose to make the shift, using their thorough client knowledge and Google Cloud expertise to facilitate a smooth transition. Rebecca walks us through the process of crafting this client experience, from choosing products and tools to identifying and solving any bottlenecks and optimizing the configuration using benchmarks. Later, we talk about the value of open source software in both the hardware and software worlds and why Intel believes so strongly in open source projects. Rebecca offers examples of clients successfully using Intel hardware and Google Cloud software, including Climacell and Kinsta. We get the inside scoop on future projects at Intel, like the next generation of scalable Xeon processors, and Rebecca talks about the future of data analyzation and computing. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Rebecca Weekly Rebecca leads the team that influences nearly every aspect of our cloud platform solutions across strategic planning, hardware and software enabling, marketing and sales. Together they shape the development, production, and business strategy of Intel’s cloud platforms to ensure differentiation and platforms that enable TAM expansion with enthusiasm, collaboration, and urgency. She drives strategic collaborations with key partners including top cloud service providers, OxMs, ISVs & OSVs to ensure platform requirements meet our customer needs. In her “spare” time, she’s the lead singer of a funk & soul band, Sinister Dexter, was professionally trained in dance (tap, modern, and jazz), and is an experienced choreographer. She has two amazing little boys and loves to run (after them, and on her own). Rebecca graduated from MIT with a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Cool things of the week 97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know Book Introducing Google Cloud Workflows video Interview Intel site Google Cloud withe Intel site TensorFlow site Anthos site Intel Select Solutions site PerfKit Benchmarker site Google Cloud Functions site Climacell site Blue Skies Ahead: ClimaCell Delivers Innovative Weather Prediction Solutions doc Kinsta site Benchmarking GCP’s Compute-Optimized VMs (C2) blog Arcules site Descartes Labs site DAOS site Optane site What’s something cool you’re working on? Emma was a guest on GCP Podcast Episode 167: World Pi Day with Emma Haruka Iwao. Emma is working on the Ruby 3.0 support and release and deprecation policy. Ruby is now available on Google Cloud Functions! Sound Effects Attribution “Partyhorn” by Milton of “ToiletFlush” by EminYildirim of
Nov 2, 2020 • 36min

2020 Year End Wrap Up

This week, four of the podcast’s greatest hosts come together to celebrate all of the fun and informative episodes we’ve been privileged to do this year! Join Mark Mirchandani, Jon Foust, Priyanka Vergadia, and Brian Dorsey as we talk about our favorite guests and shows, some cool things that happened this year, and what we’re looking forward to in 2021! Cool things of the week A Giant List of Google Cloud Resources blog Google Cloud 4 Words site Our favorite episodes Jon’s Favorites GCP Podcast Episode 212: Data Management with Amy Krishnamohan podcast GCP Podcast Episode 237: NVIDIA with Bryan Catanzaro podcast Priyanka’s Favorite GCP Podcast Episode 240: reCAPTCHA Enterprise with Kelly Anderson + Spring ML Potholes with Eric Clark podcast Mark’s Favorites GCP Podcast Episode 242: NASA and FDL with James Parr and Madhulika Guhathakurta podcast GCP Podcast Episode 217: Cost Optimization with Justin Lerma and Pathik Sharma podcast GCP Podcast Episode 228: Fastly with Tyler McMullen podcast Brian’s Favorites GCP Podcast Episode 223: Voice Coding with Emily Shea and Ryan Hileman podcast GCP Podcast Episode 233: Bare Metal Solution with James Harding and Gurmeet Goindi podcast GCP Podcast Episode 212: Data Management with Amy Krishnamohan podcast Sound Effects Attribution “Bad Beep” by RicherLandTV of “Small Group Laugh 6” by Tim.Kahn of “It’s Always Night in Space” by JamesSilvera of “Easy Cheesy” by LoboLoco of
Oct 28, 2020 • 40min

NASA and FDL with James Parr and Madhulika Guhathakurta

Guest host Sara Ford joins our old favorite Mark Mirchandani this week for a special interview with NASA and FDL. Our guests, James Parr and Madhulika Guhathakurta, give us a super cool, in-depth look at how NASA and FDL do what they do. Lika explains the important scientific studies she has worked on during her years at NASA and how she came to understand and appreciate Machine Learning. James introduces us to the Frontier Development Lab, a project collaborated on by private and public companies to leverage AI and Machine Learning in the research of science, exploration, and many other disciplines. From saving Earth from asteroids to conducting research on our sun, James describes the process of solving these solar system sized problems, starting with creating a solid team. Machine Learning is a team sport, he says, and like making a Hollywood film, it takes many people from different backgrounds to find these solutions. The cloud has been integral in facilitating this meeting of the minds and the analyzing of data at FDL. Later, we talk about the process of astronomical research before the current technological age and how techniques have advanced into the 21st century. James tells us the origin story of FDL and how they were tasked with applying Machine Learning to complex problems like planetary defense and space weather. Lika describes space weather and details how it impacts our planet. We talk about the role of data engineers in the team sport of astro-research and how data is collected and analyzed. Lika emphasizes the benefits of building a working system and how the processes can be applied to many other disciplines. James and Lika wrap up the show with a look at what cool things they expect in the future. James Parr James is Director of the Frontier Development Lab, in partnership with NASA ARC and the SETI Institute. FDL has successfully demonstrated that structured interdisciplinary problem solving, sprint methodologies, radical collaboration methods and partnering with leaders in commercial AI, such as Google Cloud, are powerful amplifiers in applying AI to the science and technology goals of space agencies. Madhulika(Lika) Guhathakurta, PhD For the past two decades, Lika has led the development of Heliophysics as an integrated scientific discipline from which fundamental discoveries about our universe provide direct societal benefits. As the Lead for the Living With a Star (LWS) program for 16 years (2001-2016), she made possible the flagship missions (e.g. the Solar Dynamics Observatory, Van Allen Probes, Solar Orbiter Collaboration and Parker Solar Probe) including STEREO that would revolutionize our understanding of how the Sun shapes space weather in the solar system. To accelerate innovation and scientific discovery she created funding mechanisms to shepherd traditional domain scientists out of their comfort zones to create LWS system science known as Targeted Research & Technology program and Focused Science Teams that foster competitive, yet collaborative environments that promote the crosspollination of ideas and technology. To nurture the next generation of leaders in Heliophysics, she created the Jack Eddy Fellowship Program which has become an important channel for the professional growth of promising researchers and has been successful at promoting the careers of many women scientists reaching 50% parity with men. Since 2017, she was the driving force at NASA Headquarters and at NASA Ames behind the growth of Frontier Development Laboratory, both in terms of the breadth of problem areas tackled as well as in the number of agency and industry partners (e.g. Google, Nvidia, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Planet). The types of innovative solutions include virtual telescopes, data fusion, edge computing, and autonomy and this approach will have an enduring imprint on the way science and exploration is carried out by future generations. Cool things of the week Prepare for Google Cloud certification with one free month of new Professional Certificates on Coursera blog GCP Podcast Episode 239: Cloud Learning Services with Nandhini Rangan and Magda Jary podcast NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Collects Significant Amount of Asteroid site Interview NASA site Frontier Development Lab (FDL) site Oort Information site Sound Effects Attribution “Bad Beep” by RicherLandTV of “Small Group Laugh 6” by Tim.Kahn of
Oct 21, 2020 • 41min

HPC with Senanu Aggor and Ilias Katsardis + Deloitte Cyber Analytics with Eric Dull

Mark and Brian are together this week, hosting our guests Senanu Aggor and Ilias Katsardis as we discuss High Performance Computing with Google. HPC uses powerful computers to solve problems that would otherwise be too large or take too long for standard machines. Innovation and advances in cloud technology have made this resource more accessible, more scalable, and more affordable. Senanu lists some great use cases for HPC, including vehicle manufacturing and the medical field and describes how these markets benefit from the extra power HPC offers. Ilias talks tech and helps us understand the evolution of the Google HPC offering and the architecture most often used with HPC. He explains the benefits of HPC on the cloud over the old way, emphasizing the flexibility of choosing machines based on your code rather than forcing your code onto small machines. Storage of data is flexible, scalable, and secure as well. Diminishing VM to VM latency has been an important advancement in HPC, and Ilias describes how Google has decreased latency. Google Cloud customers are using the HPC offering for all kinds of large computing jobs, and Senanu details some of these real world instances. From Covid vaccine research to disaster evacuation planning, HPC on the cloud is changing the way we process data. Later, Ilias tells our listeners how to get started with their HPC project. Senanu Aggor Senanu Aggor is the Product Marketing Manager for Google Cloud’s High Performance Computing (HPC) solution. Ilias Katsardis Ilias Katsardis is the HPC Solution Lead for the Customer Engineering team (EMEA) at Google. In this role, Ilias brings over 14 years of experience in the cloud computing and high-performance computing industries to promote Google Cloud’s state-of-the-art infrastructure for complex HPC workloads. Previously, he worked as an applications analyst at Cray Inc., where he was a dedicated analyst to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and, prior to that, was an HPC application specialist at ClusterVision. Ilias also founded two startups Airwire Networks in 2006 and Performance Hive in 2017. Cool things of the week What’s happening in BigQuery: Time unit partitioning, Table ACLs and more blog BigQuery explained: Blog series blog BigQuery Spotlight videos Cloud Functions vs. Cloud Run video Interview High Performance Computing site GCP Podcast Episode 237: NVIDIA with Bryan Catanzaro podcasdt GCP Podcast Episode 167: World Pi Day with Emma Haruka Iwao podcast Compute Engine site Compute Engine Machine Types site Cloud Storage site Cloud Firestore site Google Cloud with Intel site Cloud GPUs site Best practices for running tightly coupled HPC applications on Compute Engine site Super Computing Event site Stackchat at home This week, Max Saltonstall is talking cyber analytics with Eric Dull from Deloitte.
Oct 14, 2020 • 49min

reCAPTCHA Enterprise with Kelly Anderson + Spring ML Potholes with Eric Clark

This week, your hosts Mark Mirchandani and Priyanka Vergadia are joined by Google Product Marketing Lead for Online Fraud Protection, Kelly Anderson, to talk about reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Kelly’s main focus at Google, reCAPTCHA, is a service that helps online companies determine if a user is a human or an automated system. With an advanced risk analysis engine, Google’s reCAPTCHA system has been defending sites from fraud for more than a decade. We talk about the evolution of reCAPTCHA and learn about the specific attributes of each version. Later, we focus on reCAPTCHA Enterprise which caters this security software to enterprise companies. Like version three, Enterprise boasts detailed risk analysis and actions. Companies can also expect reason codes for high risk scores and the ability to use the risk analysis engine customized to their company. They are able to find bots impersonating users and neutralize them easily. reCAPTCHA Enterprise is easy to use, whether you’re a Google Cloud customer or not. With the handy API, any company can take advantage of this security feature. Kelly leads us through the steps of deploying the API and details instances where this software plays a vital role in the protection of your website across multiple devices. Kelly takes us through the reCAPTCHA Enterprise dashboard and talks about the future as we conclude the show. reCAPTCHA hopes to move beyond behavioral protection to continue to stay ahead of malicious actors online. As Kelly explains, Machine Learning will become more and more important as fraud detection continues to grow and change. Kelly Anderson Kelly Anderson currently leads product marketing for Google Cloud’s online fraud protection business. She devotes most of her time to working on reCAPTCHA Enterprise and Web Risk and is passionate about helping businesses and their customers stay protected from fraud and abuse. Prior to Google, she worked in product marketing for Microsoft in Azure, where she marketed a variety of security products and business continuity products. For more information about Kelly Anderson and her leather jacket, you can follow her on Twitter. Cool things of the week Introducing HTTP/gRPC server streaming for Cloud Run blog Introducing Google Workspace blog Interview reCAPTCHA Enterprise site reCAPTCHA enterprise product demo video Top 10 use cases for reCAPTCHA Enterprise to defend against OWASP Web-Automated Attacks site Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise: Frictionless, Flexible, and Effective Web App Security site Stackchat at home This week, Max Saltonstall is fixing potholes in Memphis with Eric Clark of SpringML. What’s something cool you’re working on? Priyanka has been working on Google Cloud Whiteboard episodes Operations and CDN. She’s been working on new comic strips for zero trust and new GCPSketchnotes as well!
Oct 7, 2020 • 39min

Cloud Learning Services with Nandhini Rangan and Magda Jary

Jon Foust joins Mark this week as we talk with Nandhini Rangan and Magda Jary about Cloud Learning Services. The Cloud Learning Services team is passionate about helping technical practitioners elevate their careers and transform businesses by building and validating in-demand Google Cloud skills. Nandhini explains that a lack of technical practitioners with skills in the cloud is one of the biggest barriers to entry for companies considering the shift. But with the right knowledge, companies that take full advantage of cloud environments are proven to be more efficient, reach more of their goals, and overall, be more successful. Cloud Learning Services offerings empower technical practitioners and companies to learn new skills, put these skills into practice, and achieve their objectives. Magda tells us that these training courses focus around job roles in the cloud. The cloud has necessitated a shift in the idea of development learning, she tells us, explaining that nowadays, the focus is on job roles, like Data Scientist, and the technological requirements of that job rather than learning one coding language. We talk later about the specific offerings Cloud Learning Services provides. With a focus on hands-on learning, technical practitioners are put into the real Google Cloud environment with Qwiklabs, while videos and lectures accompany the material. Job-specific skill badges and certifications are earned as courses are completed, allowing technical practitioners and employers to better understand what proficiency in each job role looks like. Our guests tell us more about Qwiklabs and how its sandbox environment facilitates better learning without the added cost and commitment of services that they may not be ready to use. When the time for real-world development comes, this hands-on approach means no disconnect between learning and applying. We talk more about the Challenge Labs used to test learning and the skill badges earned on completion. To wrap up, we discuss the future of Cloud Learning Services and how the team stays on top of new technologies and job roles to keep learning materials updated and fun. The team is working on new material for badging and certifying business professionals as well. Resources to check out to learn more about Google Cloud training and certifications: Follow a learning path designed to help you prepare for the certification most suited to your role: Nandhini Rangan Nandhini Rangan works at Google Cloud Learning and is very passionate about the topic of upskilling, reskilling, and especially for cloud roles that are needed in organizations today, but also defining the roles and jobs of the future. She is based in Canada and works out of Toronto. She started her career as a Software Engineer, went on and got her MBA and then spent many years in operations and strategy including a stint as a management consultant. Learning was always top of mind for her and she decided to make the jump to join a learning organization full time in 2018 with Google Cloud. She launched the Google Cloud Technical Residency program, worked in the Higher Education learning space bringing programs to faculty and students globally, and currently works as a learning portfolio manager helping bring cloud training content closer to its audiences. Magda Jary Magda Jary is responsible for all aspects of Google Cloud Certification and Digital Badges go-to market and her mission is to grow Cloud skill sets. She joined Google in 2008 after graduating with two Masters degrees: Media and Communications at Warsaw School of Economics and International Management at Rotterdam School of Management. Currently based in San Francisco, she has been leading global learning and engagement programs for Google Cloud customers and partners. Magda is a frequent guest speaker at events dedicated to skills development, diversity, and women in tech. She is a certified yoga teacher and has completed a mindfulness teacher certification. She teaches the Search Inside Yourself training at Google, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence course for leaders. Cool things of the week Announcing Google Cloud Public Sector Summit, a free global digital event: Dec. 8-9 blog 5 tips for more interactive meetings with Q&A and Polls, rolling out to Google Meet blog Add a more accurate sense of place to your applications using these five YouTube tutorials blog GCP Podcast Episode 181: Google Maps Platform with Angela Yu podcast Interview Google Cloud Training site Google Cloud Skill Badges site Qwiklabs site Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud site Professional Machine Learning Engineer Certification site Coursera site Codelabs site TSIA Star Awards site Question of the week I’ve been interested in the Cloud Architect Certification and after listening to the interview, I’ve be inspired to look into taking it. What training material is available for preparing for the exam? Check out the Google Cloud certification, Professional Cloud Architect certification, and the Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Examination Qwiklab. What’s something cool you’re working on? Jon finished Game Summit last week and is back to creating Open Match content, specifically on submitting request from games and writing a match function in a language you may be familiar with!
Sep 30, 2020 • 39min

ASML with Arnaud Hubaux

ML in machinery is our main topic this week as Mark Mirchandani and Brian Dorsey talk with Arnaud Hubaux, development lead for ASML. Our good friend, fellow Googler, and ML specialist Dale Markowitz joins the conversation as well! With a potent combination of physics and Machine Learning, ASML develops machines that build the chips powering our essential devices. These highly refined machines optimize production for each specific customer, detect defects, and make corrections quickly and accurately by harnessing the power of Machine Learning. The machines also effectively train themselves to ensure the intense accuracy required is sustained over time. Arnaud describes the process these machines go through in order to accomplish these goals, including how they build and train their ML models with the help of physics. Arnaud tells us how the machine’s closed ML system works from zero to train the particular job it will do. By taking a minimum spec chip that has already been created, the machine learns the process for creating that chip and continues to improve that process. These machines are not only able to detect problems but can figure out why these issues are occurring, decreasing production downtime. Recently, ASML moved to Google Cloud. We talk about the products they use, why they chose Google Cloud, and their journey to the cloud. Arnaud Hubaux Arnaud Hubaux is development lead for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning products at ASML. He works with the world’s biggest chip manufacturers on AI-driven solutions to solve problems like optimizing production yield. As a trailblazer, Arnaud and his team implemented the first ASML AI application development pipeline on Google Cloud. With a PhD on applied constraint solving, Arnaud has deep experience as an architect of software platforms and product lifecycle management. Cool things of the week Cloud migration: What you need to know (and where to find it) blog All together now: Fleet-wide monitoring for your Compute Engine VMs blog SRE Classroom: exercises for non-abstract large systems design blog gVisor: Protecting GKE and serverless users in the real world blog Interview ASML site ASML in One Minute video Zoom in on the chip in your smartphone video KubeFlow site BigQuery site AI Platform Notebooks site Cloud Build site Introduction to Kubeflow video Intro to Kubeflow Pipelines video How to Build a Kubeflow Pipeline video Tip of the week We have a super cool tip on combining AI and WTH with meetings and webcams! Check out the Level Up - AI Director and Level Up - Real-Time Video Translation with AR Subtitles videos! What’s something cool you’re working on? Mark is working on some upcoming Kubernetes content. Brian is working on an upcoming series of GCE videos with Carter Morgan.
Sep 23, 2020 • 43min

NVIDIA with Bryan Catanzaro

Mark Mirchandani and Jon Foust are together again this week, speaking with NVIDIA VP of Applied Deep Learning Research Bryan Catanzaro. Bryan and his team focus on using deep learning to enhance NVIDIA’s offerings. Since Bryan was last a guest on the show, NVIDIA has been doing some amazing things. We talk about the A100 Tensor Core GPU and the massive effort it took to create, the new RTX graphics cards great for gaming, and the differences between them. Bryan explains how the new A100 chips compare to the previous versions, saying the new chips are larger, but with almost three times the power, making them ideal for things like precise calculations. And, as Bryan says, with better computation and more insight, we can make discoveries that benefit humanity. While the new RTX graphic cards are cheaper than previous versions, they are faster and more powerful, making gaming and video streaming much more enjoyable. Background noises and objects can even be removed with the help of deep learning. Jon and Bryan talk about The Black Box at NVIDIA and what demos Jon hopes to see on his next visit. With this as the catalyst, Bryan talks more about how the NVIDIA architecture and the deep learning they employ have created efficient 8k graphics rendering for truly powerful gaming experiences. Outside of gaming, DLSS could have farther reaching benefits as the model learns new purposes, and Bryan talks us through some fun examples. With the acquisitions of Mellanox and ARM, Bryan explains that NVIDIA has been able to streamline networking and really take advantage of powerful performance at all stages. The future of AI and HPC is about the data center, Bryan explains, and NVIDIA is hoping to push the boundaries on latency reduction and more. Bryan Catanzaro Bryan Catanzaro is VP of Applied Deep Learning Research at NVIDIA, where he leads a team finding new ways to use deep learning for graphics, speech, audio, and system design. His research led to the creation of the CUDNN library. Cool things of the week Introducing interactive code samples in Google Cloud documentation blog GCP Podcast Episode 228: Fastly with Tyler McMullen podcast Fastly Offers First Partner Edge Cloud-Based Content Delivery Solution on Google Cloud Marketplace press release and marketplace Interview NVIDIA site NVIDIA A100 site NVIDIA RTX 30 Series site Mellanox site ARM site Cuda site GCP Podcast Episode 119: NVIDIA and Deep Learning Research with Bryan Catanzaro podcast GCP Podcast Episode 168: NVIDIA T4 with Ian Buck and Kari Briski podcast Digital GTC site Tip of the week Zack Akil is here this week with a tip about ML on the edge with Teachable Machine and AutoML. What’s something cool you’re working on? Jon has been working on Open Match which went 1.0 recently! He’s been working on samples for matchfunctions, sending requests from game clients, and putting all that content out for the world to play with!

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