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2X eCommerce Podcast

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Jul 24, 2017 • 18min

SE2 EP25: eCommerce Domain Names Consider a .STORE

Hello! This is KUNLE CAMPBELL OF THE 2X ECOMMERCE PODCAST SHOW …THE Podcast dedicated to STRATEGIC GROWTH FOR ONLINE RETAILERS You, my listeners, either ask me questions on Twitter using the hashtag #2XeCommerce OR  I teach you about specific MARKETING tactics geared to helping your sell more in your online store…   So Today’s show I talk about: strategically choosing domain names to help grow your brand. domain name dos and don'ts Building the core of your brand using the .STORE using domain name selection for SEO ★ Support this podcast ★
Jul 17, 2017 • 17min

SE2 EP24: Why SEO is Reactive Marketing and what to do about it

On this episode, I focus on driving your SEO visibility through brand name search and not generic keyword search volume. Search volume is finite… Brand name search volume is relatively less finite… Get technical SEO sorted keyword research should align with both your current and potential product offering   Beyond tech SEO, focus on brand building…it makes every other      ★ Support this podcast ★
Jul 10, 2017 • 20min

SE2 EP23: YOUR WHY is not what you SAY...acting out your WHY is what matters

WHY - we believe in thinking differently (PURPOSE - CAUSE - BELIEF) What - we do  How - we are difference USP /  Differentiation    APPLE: Inspired leaders and organisations think act communicate from the inside-out   we make great computers beautifully designed action     Everything we do we BELIEVE in challenging the status co we BELIVE in doing things differently   The way we challenge the STATUS co is by our products   Beautifully designed, Easy to use, and User friendly   We just happen to make GREAT computers WANT TO BUY ONE?       Go back in history…   Julius Cesar  Alexander the Great Napoleon  Elon Musk     Inside - Out   GOLDEN CIRCLE   "People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”  ~ Simon Sinek   Inward view   Sticking to your own lane.   Yet a scalable WHY       LIMBIC - feelings NEO CORTEX - rationality      your why permeates through all your communications if is not just about saying…it is in every single detail about your brand that your customers, investors, suppliers and the general public interact with   MADE.com minimal designer furniture at an affordable price We think the high street and expensive designer brands give consumers a raw deal. That's because everyone along the way takes a cut, from agents to landlords. And you - our discerning customer - pay for that cut. So we're making a stand: taking on the high street to offer you original furniture design at affordable prices. Here's how we do it differently:   GREAT DESIGN, AFFORDABLE PRICES  DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS No physical stores. No middlemen. We're just a passionate team bringing a new way to buy furniture: cutting out the fuss so you can get beautifully made pieces at a price to suit you.  OUR PRICING Without the middleman we connect you directly with designers, giving you designer furniture at affordable prices.  UNCOMPROMISED QUALITY We work with fresh design talent to create our unique furniture collection. And then we find the best craftsmen to build it - often the same people who make products for top high street brands.     images colours  price copy choice of influencers  choice of store location     BONOBOS.com well made clothes the perfect pair of trousers How It All Started We started Bonobos because we couldn't find pants that fit. They were either way too tight or too boxy. We fixed it. Now we've expanded our playbook to shirts and suits.         Warby Parker “rebellious spirit and a lofty objective” to offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses   Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple: glasses are too expensive. We were students when one of us lost his glasses on a backpacking trip. The cost of replacing them was so high that he spent the first semester of grad school without them, squinting and complaining. (We don’t recommend this.) The rest of us had similar experiences, and we were amazed at how hard it was to find a pair of great frames that didn’t leave our wallets bare. Where were the options?   ★ Support this podcast ★
Jul 3, 2017 • 16min

SE2 EP22: SHOPIFY PAY & the Instant Payments Space.

Hello! This is Kunle Campbell of the 2X eCommerce Podcast Show...THE Podcast dedicated to Strategic Growth for Online Retailers. You, my listeners, either ask me questions on Twitter using the hashtag #2XeCommerce OR I teach you about specific MARKETING tactics geared to helping your sell more in your online store… ----------- Reducing friction and shopping cart abandonment is key on every eCommerce manager’s and store owners mind. how can I replicate an Apple Pay experience or better still a contactless card experience at checkout whilst at the same time minimising fraud?   INSTANT PAY SOLUTIONS most major players are rolling out solutions… PAYPAL EXPRESS - in most cases takes 2 clicks AMAZON PAYMENTS- takes 2 clicks APPLE PAY - 2 steps STRIPE - in most cases 2 steps ANDROID PAY - 2 steps The payment platform no one is really talking about that could be a key game changer is SHOPIFY PAY   Why?   Introduced in April at their developer conference   IT WORKS ACROSS any STORE using Shopify and reduces checkout field entry from 16 to just 2 fields.   SECURE AND SIMPLE shoppers need to ‘OPT IN’ to SHOPIFY PAY at Checkout they receive a 6-digit verification code   SHOPIFY now know both their mobile device # and email address This is a 2-factor authentication at play here!   SHOPIFY STORE OWNERS CAN OPT OUT OF SHOPIFY PAY   SHOPIFY CLAIMS that Shopify speeds up the checkout process by 40 percent, and conversions occur around 18 percent more among returning customers thanks to the added ease of making a purchase.   ....your turn! ★ Support this podcast ★
Jun 26, 2017 • 19min

SE2 EP21: What is your BIG Idea?

Hello! This is Kunle Campbell of the 2X eCommerce Podcast Show...THE Podcast dedicated to Strategic Growth for Online Retailers. You, my listeners, either ask me questions on Twitter using the hashtag #2XeCommerce OR I teach you about specific MARKETING tactics geared to helping your sell more in your online store… ----------- This episode is focused on single product eCommerce businesses… that want to own a specific category. Let me give some examples of single product direct to consumer businesses that own specific categories: BELLROY.COM - back in 2010 they were first to the market in the flat wallet space…they have since expanded, iPad cases, key holders, and passport holders MEUNDIES.COM - they are a digital-first brand selling underwear. ‘feel good undies’ that is what they all about GYMSHARK.COM - they are fitness apparel direct to consumer brand founded by a millennial for millennials. Their BIG IDEA was trendy innovative, effective performance wear HONEST.COM - are an eco-friendly catalog product business for baby and household products THEIR BIG IDEA - to give all children a better, safer start. HERSCHELSUPPLY CO - are a minimalist fashion accessory product business that started out selling bags, THEIR BIG IDEA - timeless products with a fine regard for detail   ....your turn! ★ Support this podcast ★
Jun 12, 2017 • 16min

SE2 EP20: Instagram Fashion Ecommerce

Hello! This is Kunle Campbell of the 2X eCommerce Podcast Show...THE Podcast dedicated to Strategic Growth for Online Retailers. You, my listeners, either ask me questions on Twitter using the hashtag #2XeCommerce OR I teach you about specific MARKETING tactics geared to helping your sell more in your online store… ----------- This episode is based on the Bloomberg article 'Instagram Killed the Retail Store'. Kunle talks about why Instagram is the go-to resource for fashion decisions amongst millennials and Gen-Zers.    ★ Support this podcast ★
Apr 13, 2017 • 48min

EP14: TrueFacet a 'Controlled eCommerce Marketplace' that Handles & Vets Physical Products

TrueFacet is a New York-based online marketplace for authentic pre-owned designer watches and jewellery from the most luxury of brands like Cartier, Bulgari, Patek Philippe, and Van Cleef and Arpels. Tirath Kamdar, CEO and Co-Founder of TrueFacet discusses how himself and his team are building a 'controlled' eCommerce marketplace for luxury physical products. Tirath has over a decade of experience in the jewellery industry in retail and manufacturing, as well as comes from a family of jewellers. Tirath went through TechStars Seattle, and just completed a $7 million dollar round of funding from Maveron and Joe Montana's Liquid2Ventures. On this episode, we talk about: How TrueFacet has had to blend elements of physical product online retail into a marketplace model i.e. they handle and vet products sold through their marketplace for authenticity How vetting the authenticity of every single item sold through TrueFacet delivers customer satisfaction and marketplace trust Marketplace chicken or egg situation: what did Triath's growth marketing team chase first? Buyers or Sellers? How Tirath organise sellers first before attracting buyers to TrueFacet How TrueFacet found initial traction without any paid advertising. How his team made use of Google Analytics to run a manual demographics study. How they approached their customers and made sure that they are building trust between the buyers and sellers and the marketplace as a whole. How to be strict and provide security while still giving your customers an incredible experience. How to build trust and security with buyers and sellers.   Guest’s Top Tips: Tirath, recommends the following three steps to building a business. Solidify and make sure you have the most optimal user experience. Get some real partners - the ones around the table that really matter. Get some capital. It is also important to build trust and provide security to your customers, that delivers the best experience possible. He believes in deep data analysis, paired up with a personal approach customer service. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR FULL SHOWNOTES WEBSITE / BLOG: 2xecommerce.com/podcast/ Subscribe to our iTunes Channel: itunes.apple.com/podcast/physical…ess/id1181834388 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/kunletcampbell TWITTER: twitter.com/2xeCommerce ★ Support this podcast ★
Apr 10, 2017 • 19min


Hello! This is Kunle Campbell of the 2X eCommerce Podcast Show...THE Podcast dedicated to Strategic Growth for Online Retailers. You, my listeners, either ask me questions on Twitter using the hashtag #2XeCommerce OR I teach you about specific MARKETING tactics geared to helping your sell more in your online store… ----------- Steps to solve a problem or get into something new 1. Read at 2-4 books on the subject 2. Build a virtual mastermind or round table of trusted experts (they don’t need to all meet at the same time) 3. Zero in on a few that you will work closely with 4. Expand to consultants, agencies or advisors to carry out specific actions 5. Seek insights from academic and rigorously researched sources. 6. Other sources of info: Q&A sites, YouTube, limited number of credible courses 7. I personally search through the iTunes podcast app for interviews and conversations   KEY POINTS: Start off with research paper below….end with ‘trusted advice’ (episode #8 on PPBP, energy & sports drinks business failure, Tyler Benedict) Start off with research paper below….end with ‘trusted advice’ (episode #8 on PPBP, energy & sports drinks business failure, Tyler Benedict)What to do when you have a problem / want to get into something new: What to do when you have a problem / want to get into something new: - don’t Google - don’t check social media - go to AMAZON and buy 3 books on the subject Before speaking with Advisors and Consultants: Importance getting no-strings-attached advice from someone that has done what you are looking to achieve Being part of a mastermind can help you connect with people that have done it before Consultants and Advisors: The extremes - the nasty coach vs. the YES man You are essentially looking for the truth You need to CUT OUT THE NOISE: Why most coaches selling courses on Facebook and YouTube are probably not right for you I personally search iTunes: iTunes search is still the most versatile app for searching podcast episode I have downloaded the Mixergy and EOFire apps to search through their archives Q & A sites like Quora and Reddit could offer pointers sites work but also know how to sniff out self-promotions and plugs The source of your information is critical - in business try to cite data academic sources and stats rigorously researched sources For marketing information, I believe networking is important for knowledge ★ Support this podcast ★
Apr 6, 2017 • 51min

How this Marketer 10X'd Product Sales with the Classic 4P's of Marketing Framework [Physical Product Business Podcast: EP13]

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL: if you enjoyed the interview. We are also on YouTube, here is where you can SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZrWNt4L8CQqdulAOv2n6g --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On this episode, we are joined by Trevor Longino; he was the Head of Marketing & PR at a video games online retail store, GOG.com. He grew GOG.com's revenues from mid-six figures annually to mid-seven figures monthly over the course of the four years he was there. GOG.com grew from #6 in its industry to #2 over his tenure. Their success was made possible by a few different tactics, which Trevor attributes to the classic 4 "P"s of marketing: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. All of which he applied. Over our conversation, we touch on branding, perception and the impact of manipulating pricing and product (an area many marketers do not seem to tweak or adjust). In this episode you will learn about: - How the Trevor revved up GOG.com's revenue from 6-figures a year to 6 figures a month in 4 years. - How to identify audiences likely to be interested in your products. - How to build a firm foundation for your promotions by determining why you are in business in the first place. - How to double or 10x your business with the 4 Ps of marketing. Guest Bio Trevor is U.S based marketer with 20 years of experience and has, focused mostly on strategic, digital and event marketing; He has been a consultant at Disney's Yellow Shoes Interactive, Universal Studios, Stratosphere Casino, Cox Communications, CD Projekt, and many more companies. He has taken five different startups from newly launched to #1 in their market.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR FULL SHOWNOTES WEBSITE / BLOG: https://2xecommerce.com/podcast/ Subscribe to our iTunes Channel: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/physical-product-business/id1181834388 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kunletcampbell TWITTER: https://twitter.com/2xeCommerce CONNECT SOME MORE.... Subscribe to our MEDIUM: https://physicalproductbusiness.com/ ★ Support this podcast ★
Mar 30, 2017 • 53min

How Selling to Retailer Chains Scales the Growth of Your Physical Product Brand [Physical Product Business Podcast: EP12]

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL: if you enjoyed the interview. We are also on YouTube, here is where you can SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZrWNt4L8CQqdulAOv2n6g --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yohan Jacob is the President and Founder of Retailbound, Inc., a full-service retail consulting agency based in Chicago. He has been consulting in retail for close to a decade now since 2008, Retailbound offers retail coaching, retail consulting, and managed marketing assistance to manufacturers who want to sell their products to retailers Yohan & his team have taught and consulted with over 3500+ entrepreneurs on how to sell their products to retailers. Unlike most retail consultants, Mr Jacob has been on BOTH SIDES of the retail buyer’s desk, both as a manufacturer and as a large retail buyer. Check out the Retailbound, Inc. site here: retailbound.com/ On this episode, you'll learn more about: - What you need to know before talking to a buyer. - What you have to prepare and what they might ask you. - What retail buyers are looking for in products that they may accept a deal with. - What the best path is regarding Indiegogo - Amazon - Retailers - How to really test your product before getting it out there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR FULL SHOWNOTES WEBSITE / BLOG: 2xecommerce.com/podcast/ Subscribe to our iTunes Channel: itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/physi…d1181834388?mt=2 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/kunletcampbell TWITTER: twitter.com/2xeCommerce CONNECT SOME MORE.... Subscribe to our MEDIUM: physicalproductbusiness.com/ ★ Support this podcast ★

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